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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps


    Posts : 33249
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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  Carol Tue Dec 07, 2010 12:04 pm

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Nhneearthchangemaplg
    Edgar Cayce
    Just out of general curiousity I've been looking at various earthchanges maps for years. We don't know if or when a pole shift will happen, yet with the increase of volcanic activity and earthquakes others may find some of these links of interest.

    Edgar Cayce's Pole-Shift Readings

    Edgar Cayce is America's best documented psychic. Before he died in 1945, he gave over 14,000 "readings," dealing with clairvoyant analyses of physical ailments and cures for people, with the former lives of individuals (reincarnation was assumed to be true for all), and a variety of spiritual and other subjects. A small number of readings describe a pole shift, and historically-unprecedented Earth changes to occur before the end of next year.
    Almost no research has been done on the sources of information coming through Cayce for specific readings of interest. Gina Cerminara (trained in general semantics and now deceased) made a survey of Cayce's sources, as explained in the readings themselves. She concluded that he had six sources: (1) the subconscious mind of Cayce himself; (2) the subconscious minds of other individuals in the Earth plane, (3) the subconscious minds of disincarnate entities in the spirit plane, (4) the soul minds of higher masters, (5) the akashic records, and (6) the Universal cosmic consciousness.

    Many familiar with Cayce's readings assume there will be no pole shift because, they say, none of Cayce's historically-unprecedented Earth change predictions have been fulfilled. Before providing information that contradicts this position, let's review the three readings that together say - or imply - that a shifting of the poles will occur sometime before the close of 2001.

    Q What great change or the beginning of what change, if any, is to take place in the Earth in the year 2000 to 2001 A.D.?

    A When there is a shifting of the poles. Or a new cycle begins. 826-8 (8/11/36)
    For, these [records] were to be kept as had been given by the priests in Atlantis or Poseidia ... when the records of the race, of the developments, of the laws pertaining to One were put in their chambers and to be opened only when there was the returning of those into materiality, or to Earth's experience, when the change was imminent in the Earth; which change, we see, begins in '58 and ends with the changes wrought in the upheavals and the shifting of the poles, as begins then the reign in '98 (as time is counted in the present) of those influences that have been....kept by those sojourners in this land of the Semitic peoples. 378-16 (10/29/33)

    As to the changes physical again:....There will be the upheavals in the Arctic and in the Antarctic that will make for the eruption of volcanoes in the torrid areas, and there will be a shifting then of the poles -- so that where there has been those of a frigid or the semitropical will become the more tropical, and moss and fern will grow. And these will begin in those periods in '58 to '98.... 3976-15 (1/19/1934)

    These readings predict a sequence of geophysical events, beginning in 1958 to 1998, that culminate in upheavals in Earth's polar areas, increased volcanic eruptions in the torrid areas, and then, a shifting of the poles in 2000-2001. As indicated, one knows next to nothing about Cayce's sources for these readings, but here is a short list of events that fit with Cayce's 1958-1998 predictions.

    Geological Events of 1958-1998

    May 1960: A giant, M9.5, earthquake hit southern Chile. This was the strongest quake in the entire world in the last century. Catastrophic changes (upheavals) occurred to the land surface and sea floor, and tsunamis killed people as far away as Hawaii.

    March 1964: The Good Friday earthquake and tsunami of March 27 devastated Anchorage and the surrounding region. At M9.2, this giant quake was the largest in North America in the last century, and the Earth's crust beneath Prince William Sound and vicinity was upheaved, twisted and broken.
    1970-1971: These years bracket unusually frequent eruptions of the volcanoes Krafla and Hekla on Iceland (65šN), and Beerenberg on Jan Mayen Island (71šN) in the Arctic region. They can be considered to be precursor eruptions for "upheavals in the Arctic."

    June 1994: The great (M8.2) Bolivian quake of June 9 occurred at an enormous depth of nearly 400 miles. It was felt throughout much of the western hemisphere, and even made the Earth ring like a bell, exciting modes of vibration never before seen. Also, in reading 3976-15, it is said that, "South America will be shaken from the uppermost portion to the end." Such shaking occurred during the Bolivian earthquake, which presages the future for South America as the Earth changes accompanying pole shift intensify.

    1993-1996: Extremely strong seismic activity occurred in northern Honshu and Hokkaido, Japan, during this interval. Five M7.2-M7.5, and one M8.1 earthquake were accompanied by more M6 or larger quakes than at any time since 1926. Also, the land surface over a wide area on the Pacific side of northern Honshu was found to have been sinking over the 30-year period from 1966 to 1995.

    July 1996: Hawaii's Kilauea and Loihi volcanoes are two of the world's most active torrid-area volcanoes. Kilauea has erupted continuously since January 1983. Submerged Loihi -- just offshore of Kilauea -- has erupted almost continuously since 1982. Seismic and eruptive activity peaked in July 1996. These volcanoes reflect the predicted worldwide increase in eruptions of torrid-area volcanoes, both on land and beneath the sea.

    March 1998: The great Balleny Sea earthquake off Antarctica, was the largest ever detected within an oceanic crustal plate. It's location and strength were completely unexpected by the world's seismologists. At M8.2, it was also the largest quake to occur worldwide in the last five years. Located near the south magnetic pole, the quake may be considered to be one of the "upheavals in the Arctic and the Antarctic" to occur just prior to pole shift.
    October 1998 - October 1999: An unusual cluster of 17 light earthquakes (M4.5-4.9) and 23 moderate quakes (M5.0-5.5) occurred in the high Arctic, centered approximately at 85.7N and 81.4E. This cluster may be a precursor of crustal uplift, or mass movements in the mantle, beneath the Arctic Ocean. The quakes occurred north of Severnaya Zemlya, near the top of the world.

    Upheavals Since 1998

    Listed now are upheavals that have occurred since the end of the 40-year, 1958-1998 interval. They seem to fit the "upheavals" mentioned in 378-16 above.

    Northwest Turkey was shaken by an M7.4 earthquake on August 17, 1999. The magnitude of the tremor tied that of the 1912 Turkey temblor for the strongest quake of the last century in that country. Horizontal offsets along various segments of the North Anatolian fault approached 16 ft. and vertical upthrusts of up to seven ft. were noted. Perhaps 20,000 people were killed, and considerable earthquake damage occurred in Istanbul. Then, on November 12, 1999, an M7.1 quake occurred 70 miles east of the August shock, on the same fault, producing additional crustal changes.

    On September 21, 1888, the largest earthquake of the last century in Taiwan struck near Chi-Chi. Extensive surface ruptures occurred over 53 miles of the Chelungpu fault. The maximum horizontal displacement of 32 ft. is among the largest fault displacement ever measured in modern earthquakes. The Tachia River was cut by a 25 ft. vertical upheaval that created a new waterfall.

    Possible Pole-Shift Mechanism

    Pole shift is generally believed to be due to the gradual redistribution of mass in outer Earth's mantle and the crust. Our planet is most stable when its most massive parts are farthest from its spin axis; that is, on the equator. If mass redistribution were to occur somewhere on an otherwise uniform Earth, the planet would reorient itself so that the mass concentration would move to the equator. Over the past century, the north pole moved about 33 feet toward eastern Canada. Most geophysicists believe the movement is due to true polar wander (TPW), or a shift of the Earth's entire mantle and crust relative to Earth's core.

    Think of Earth’s spin axis being fixed relative to the stars and the crust and mantle slowly moving like the skin and flesh of a peach over its pit. If we observe the point (pole) where the spin-axis meets Earth’s surface, the pole will appear to shift if the crust and mantle move horizontally beneath it. This is pole shift of the TPW type. The other type of pole shift, not considered here, involves the movement of the Earth's spin axis relative to fixed stars.

    V. Courtillot and J. Besse wrote a provocative paper on TPW in 1987. They proposed that the emission of hot thermal currents of material in the boundary layer between Earth’s core and mantle leads to increases in mantle convection, to mass anomalies near Earth’s surface, and, ultimately, to true polar wander. I’ll assume here that the scientists’ “hot thermal currents” are equivalent to the “upheavals in the interior of the Earth” mentioned in the following reading.

    Q What will be the type and extent of the upheaval in ’36?
    A The wars, the upheavals in the interior of the Earth, and the shifting of same by the differentiation in the axis as respecting the positions from the Polaris center. 5748-6 (7/1/32)

    These "upheavals in the interior of the Earth" were in turn seen as due to
    ......the catastrophies of outside forces to the Earth in '36, which will come from the shifting of the equilibrium of the Earth itself in space, with those of the consequential effects upon the various portions of the country -- or world--affected by same.

    3976-10 (2/8/32)
    Because there seems to be no credible evidence that Earth's rotational axis was significantly differentiated as respecting positions measured relative to Polaris in 1936, we will assume that "the shifting of same" refers to a shifting of the axis of Earth's inner core. Since 1996, seismologists have known that Earth's inner core of solid iron is spinning freely within an outer core of molten iron, making the inner core virtually a planet within a planet. Also, the axis of the rotating core is tilted a few degrees with respect to Earth's north-south axis of rotation. A sudden shift in the axis of the inner core in 1936 -- if that's what happened -- might well have engendered an explosion of hot thermal currents at the core-mantle boundary, producing new mantle plumes and accelerating the upward movements of existing plumes. Furthermore, such rising plumes could redistribute enough mass to cause pole shift around the present time, some 64 years after the inner-Earth upheavals and shift in the core's axis in 1936. In light of reading 5748-6 above, the new research on the Earth's core, and the work of Courtillot and Besse, we might expect that the type of pole shift predicted to occur before the end of 2001 will involve movement of Earth's entire mantle relative to the core; that is, the shift will occur by true poler wander (TPW).

    Geophysicists think that TPW is driven, ultimately, by cycles of heat flowing from Earth’s core to the mantle, and then to the surface via rising plumes of hot mantle material. A layer referred to by seismologists as the D'' layer marks the boundary between the core and the mantle. The heat-conducting capabilities of this layer have recently come under scrutiny by O. Anderson at UCLA. His analysis of recent theoretical and laboratory data for D'' led him to conclude the following:

    . . . I assume that the number of plumes associated with hotspots [such as the Hawaii, Yellowstone, and Iceland hotspots] is substantially lower than the total number of active plumes. Some numerical models imply that immature plumes may be 50 to 75% as abundant as hot-spot plumes . . . Furthermore, convective heat may be delivered in cycles to Earth’s surface, at intervals producing immense eruptions far above today’s level . . . This episodic production of convective heat means that today there must be more [thermal] power in the plumes [already in the mantle] than measured by the [existing] hotspots.

    B. Malamud and D. Turcotte (Earth and Planetary Sci. Ltrs., 1999, p. 174) estimate that Earth's mantle contains around 5,200 plumes. If convective heat is delivered in cycles to Earth’s surface, "at intervals producing immense eruptions,” we may have the physical basis for reading 3653-1. It says that the next destruction of most life on Earth will be “not by water . . . but rather by the elements, fire.”

    Speculative Pole-Shift Model

    Here follows a speculative picture of what might be taking place between now and the end of 2001, assuming that a TPW-type pole shift will indeed be taking place. It’s a picture based upon a combination of the Cayce readings and the scientific information given above.

    Since at least 1936, rising, pole-directed plumes of dense mantle material have begun to produce increasing mass anomalies in the Arctic and Antarctic regions near the Earth's axis of rotation. Plume heads impacting the base of the crust in the polar regions are beginning to cause earthquakes and upheavals there, making plume presence known. The majority of these rising masses of poleward-directed mantle material will soon cause the Earth to rotate slightly faster, just as figure skaters develop high-speed spins by bringing their arms inward and then up over their heads. An increase in Earth’s spin rate of only one second per day can increase the Earth’s equatorial bulge by about 20 inches.

    Our planet’s equatorial bulge is due to the centrifugal force of its spinning body, a force that is strongest at the equator. The force is so strong that the figure of the Earth is like a slightly squashed sphere, its diameter at the equator being roughly 27 miles longer than a diameter joining the poles. The liquid ocean responds instantly to changes in planetary centrifugal forces. If Earth’s spin rate speeds up by a few seconds per day, hot magmatic liquids in the volcanoes of the equatorial zone will also respond, only slightly less quickly than ocean waters, to the increased centrifugal force there. This will cause volcanic eruptions in the “torrid areas” bordering the equator. Such a situation should be occurring about now. If so, it will last only a short time.

    This is so because the masses of mantle moving up in the polar regions will affect more than just Earth’s spin rate. Such redistributed masses will affect the ongoing wobble of the axis of rotation, and the ongoing TPW, which over the last century saw the north pole drifting south along the 79.2šW longitude. Upheavals of mantle material in the Arctic and Antarctic regions will change the character of the wobble and cause the present, slow TPW to develop a new direction of motion, and to increase in speed. We will then be able to say that pole shift is indeed underway.

    Geophysicists are leaning now toward top-to-bottom mixing of the Earth's entire mantle. This means that mantle plumes rising near to the surface in the polar regions will cause new concentrations of mass in the polar areas and movements of the lithospheric plates there. And compensatory mantle return flows will affect the lithosphere in other areas. But what do we know about 1) any accelerating upward crustal movements ("upheavals") in the Arctic and Antarctic and 2) any increasing frequency of volcanic eruptions in the torrid areas?

    Polar Upheavals And Torrid-Area Volcanism

    Reading 3976-15 above says that the upper portion of Europe will be changed as in the twinkling of an eye. This statement relates well to the part of the reading that says there will be upheavals in the Arctic. There is an "upper portion of Europe" that lies above the Arctic Circle. It consists of northernmost Norway, Sweden, Finland, and (European) Russia. But here, the rates of ongoing post-glacial uplift seem slow enough to require that if upper Europe is to change suddenly, only a sudden shift of the poles could cause it. The change would be caused, apparently, by movement toward or away from Earth's equatorial bulge. This is so because any axis movement , whether by TPW or shift in Earth's overall true rotational axis, will result in changes both in latitude and elevation of any point on the surface.

    As for acceleration in upward crustal movements in Antarctica, I referred on page 39 to the fact that T. James and E. Ivins mentioned in their 1995 paper on present-day Antarctic ice mass changes and crustal motion that

    If Antarctic deglaciation history portrayed in the ICE-3G crustal rebound model is realistic...., then a vast geographical region in West Antarctica is uplifting at a rate in excess of 20 mm/yr, and the predicted changes in polar motion are quite substantial. [Edited composite of quotes from the paper].
    Updates to the latest crustal-rebound model (ICE-4G) have been made since 1995. They show predicted uplift rates that are somewhat smaller than those first given for crustal upheavals due to the slowly melting Antarctic ice sheet. But according to James, "the newly computed uplift rates are still quite substantial" (personal communication).

    Note that volcanic eruptions can reflect the onset of crustal upheavals. In April 1997, French scientists visited the Beerenberg volcano on Jan Mayen Island, above the Arctic Circle. It is the northernmost active volcano in the world. Eruptions on Beerenberg occurred in 1732, 1818, 1970, and 1985, the latest two being within the readings' 1958-1998 time period for gradually increasing Earth changes. The French group found only weak emissions of gas and steam on their visit. But in a September, 1997, paper in EOS (v. 78, no. 35), entitled "Center of the Iceland Hotspot Experiences Volcanic Unrest," we are reminded that the volcanoes of Iceland, located near the Arctic Circle, can "produce catastrophic events of global importance....[and]....there is every reason to worry when they become restless." Simply put, a plume of deep mantle material may be close to erupting extensively in Iceland. Perhaps the first impulse occurred with the recent eruption of Iceland's Mt. Hekla (2/2/2000), which previously erupted in 1991.

    In the south polar region, Mt. Erebus, on Ross Island, is the most active volcano in Antarctica and the world's southernmost active volcano. A lava lake has been active within the crater for at least several decades. No special activity is occurring at Mount Erebus at the present time. But in 1992, scientists detected currently active volcanoes beneath the Antarctic ice in both in Marie Byrd Land and the Transantarctic Mountains areas.
    Finally, evidence seems to be accumulating for accelerating volcanic eruptions in the torrid areas, lying roughly between the equator and the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn (latitudes 23.5oN and 23.5oS, respectively). Kilauea continues its eruption that began in 1983. Merapi, on Java, is the most active volcano in Indonesia, and its current eruption began in 1994. The Rabaul caldera in New Guinea also erupted strongly in 1994. Normally submerged Metis volcano in the Tonga Islands erupted in June, 1995, building a cinder cone island. Barren Island, in the Andaman Islands, erupted in December 1994, and Fogo volcano in Cape Verde erupted in 1995. More recently, we have the eruption of Fuego (7/26/00) and Pacaya (3/2/00) volcanoes in Guatemala, Colima in Mexico (11/4/00), Telica in Nicaragua (8/111/99), Mt. Cameroon in Cameroon (6/99), the explosion of Nicaragua's San Cristobal volcano (2/28/00), and eruptions of Popocatepetl near Mexico City (4/18/00), Mayon (2/28/00) and Taal (9/30/99) in the Philippines, Soufriere Hills in Montserrat (3/20/00), Nyamuragira, Congo (1/31/2000), Guagua Pichincha and Tungrahua in Ecuador (4/18/00), and various Indonesian volcanoes.

    Latest Scientific Pole-Shift Research

    Geophysicists meeting in San Francisco in late 1997 gave several talks on "pole shift" in a session on true polar wander (TPW). The sudden blossoming of research -- especially via numerical modeling techniques in the hands of knowledgeable geoscientists -- is encouraging to those who wish to understand Cayce's psychic visions of a pole shift in 2000-2001 A.D. Here's a composite of interesting findings from the December session, as they were reported by R. Showstack in EOS (1997,. v.78, no. 47).

    A recent 10o shift that may be due to TPW over the last 30 million years could still be in progress. Present-day TPW is occurring at a rate of about 11 cm per year. The Earth's dynamism and constant rearrangements of its internal mass indicate a strong potential for rapid shifts due to TPW. Rapid TPW could allow a continent "to swing from pole to equator in as little as 5 to 10 million years, and new data are beginning to support....the theory."
    Interesting indeed, but the Cayce readings suggest an Earth even more dynamic than the scientists do, one that could experience several pole shifts over, say, a 300,000-year interval. We'll now cover the latest thinking about a potential new pole shift, beginning with the views of a popular author who just happens to have picked 2000 A.D. as the year in which a pole shift will lead to a "worldwide disaster in our lifetime!" The author makes no mention of the coincidence of this date with the year 2000-2001, pole-shift vision in Cayce reading 826-8.

    continued at:

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Earthchanges03_20

    Earth Changes in the Ring of Fire - May 2008
    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Volcanochile508a

    There is a lot of information found both in propheciesand in recent writings and articles talking about Earth Changes, usually defined as catastrophic geological events such as earthquakes, volcanoes, polar shifts, flooding, and global warming. Many point to the shifting times and the moving into the Golden Age and to 2012 being a turning point in the history of mankind. The research and sometimes channeled material presented, probably with the best of intentions, often still carries elements of our own subconscious fears but is it only fear based material or is there something to this predictions of Earth Changes?

    The Hutton Commentaries - Earth Change and Pole Shift Monitors

    The Survival Center:

    more links here:;_ylt=A0oGdX4Ibf5MPlYBGSVXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGFvAzEEZnIDbW96MgRob3N0cHZpZANXbldNNWtvR2RUQXNxZU5BU2liS1NnREFTT3BCdVV6LmJRZ0FCM01SBG5fZ3BzAzAEbl92cHMDMARvcmlnaW4Dc3JwBHF1ZXJ5A2VhcnRoIGNoYW5nZXMgYW5kIGhhd2FpaQRzYW8DMQR2dGVzdGlkA1NNRTAyMA--?p=earth+changes+and+hawaii&fr2=sb-top&fr=moz2

    Last edited by Carol on Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:07 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33249
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  Carol Tue Dec 07, 2010 12:18 pm

    Current Polar Motion Animation

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps CurrentCWobb
    Note: This graphic ends with the state of polar motion 6 months ago.
    The up-to-date version is available exclusively to
    subscribers of the Hutton Commentaries.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33249
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  Carol Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:00 am

    Earth Magnetic Field Reversal

    Possible energy ramifications of diminishing magnetic field. How long will it linger at zero before reversing?

    by Mary-Sue Haliburton
    Pure Energy Systems News

    Seeing the powerful earthquakes such as the December 26th, 2004 event that triggered the tsunami disaster, people are looking for possible causes for the apparent instability of earth's crust. "End-times" alarmists and backyard researchers believe that the predicted imminent reversal of the earth's magnetic field may be a significant clue to these eschatological-scale events.

    Scientists have been observing changes in the direction of earth's magnetic field which took place recently as well as in the distant past. NASA’s website features a map showing the gradual northward migration of the north magnetic pole in the past century and a half. Since more than double the time interval has elapsed since the last reversal, compared to the time lapse between the previous two pole reversals, some believe we may be overdue for the next north-south flip. (1,2) However, though the interval between reversals of the Earth’s magnetic field can be as short as 5,000 years, it can also be as long as 50 million years. There does not seem to be any logic or rule governing the planet’s behavior.

    It is not only the direction but also the strength of this magnetic field that is a concern. In the time of dinosaurs, at an estimated 2.5 gauss, it was eighty percent stronger than it is now. This may have been one of the reasons such gigantic life forms thrived. It is now accepted that a catastrophic event ended the reign of giant reptiles. However, they did not re-evolve to equivalent dimensions. And the disappearance of mammalian “mega-fauna” in more recent times is still considered to be a mystery. The mastodons and mammoths would have towered over modern elephants. Why are there so few large terrestrial animals today?

    The smaller average size of modern animals may be due to the gradual decline of Earth's "steady state" (as opposed to “pulsed”) magnetism. Thousands of years ago the Chinese, with their astute discovery of bio-electrical energy flows known as “meridians”, learned that magnetism promotes vigor in biological life. They used magnetic rocks in medical treatment. In the past century there has been a further decline of earth's magnetic field by another five percent down to only 0.5 gauss. This has led Dr. Dean Bonlie to identify a "magnetic deficiency syndrome" resulting from the biological stress caused by the weakening of this "energy base" for life. (3)

    The weakening of earth’s magnetism is one of the factors believed to be predictive of a pole reversal. That magnetic field reversals have occurred in the past is confirmed in the geological record. What is unclear is how precisely the transition occurs, and what happens to life forms extant at the time of this pole flip.

    Does the magnetic field drop to zero gauss? Dire predictions follow upon the heels of this theory. Electronic devices would all be at risk: there may be damage to, or complete loss of, all near-earth-orbiting satellites and possibly the space station itself. Effects on life forms could range from migrating birds losing their sense of direction to immune system decline and even widespread die-off from radiation-induced cancers.

    Losing its protective magnetic envelope, the atmosphere would expand and become thinner, possibly leading to altitude sickness near sea level. No longer filtered out, deadly cosmic rays would kill most if, not all, living creatures on the surface. Only those living in deep caves would be safe. This scenario has prompted some to build underground bunkers in hopes of surviving.

    Countering this frightening vision, NASA predicts that, rather than declining to zero gauss, the magnetic field would become disordered. Thus we might for short time have more than one north and south pole on the planet. This official scientific stance says that the magnetosphere which shields us from cosmic radiation would not entirely disappear either. Thus, while communications would be erratic and perhaps at times completely inactivated, humans would find ways to survive. However, there are dissenters in the ranks, pointing to the vast South Atlantic magnetic anomaly and radiation damage to satellites over that region attributed to weakening of the protective magnetosphere. (4)

    The disorderly-flip theory is supported by evidence from geology that in past reversals the decline was not total. Lava flows that solidified at Steen's Mountain during a lengthy reversal process show that the magnetic poles wandered across the equator three times. Though strength of the field was reduced to about 20% of maximum, there is no record that it fell to zero gauss during that transitional period. (5)

    The theory that activity in the turbulent molten outer iron core of the planet generates its magnetic field currently dominates scientific thinking. Stormy activity deep in the earth's outer core, believed to be filled with roiling convection flows of molten iron, is understood to generate the planet’s magnetic field. Such violent seething could affect the mantle as well, possibly disturbing the earth's crust and causing the quakes.

    continued at link...

    other articles listed at link...'s_Magnetic_Pole_Shift

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33249
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  Carol Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:10 pm ... eticfield/

    ...which link's to this...

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps GeoFlip_youdecide2 ... eclination

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Gnp2005graph

    Some trivia from Wiki, on Little Ice Age and Maunder Minimum.

    It is generally agreed that there were three minima, beginning about 1650, about 1770, and 1850, each separated by intervals of slight warming.

    The Maunder Minimum (also known as the prolonged sunspot minimum) is the name used for the period roughly spanning 1645 to 1715 when sunspots became exceedingly rare, as noted by solar observers of the time.


    Scientists find hole in Earth's magnetic field
    Scientists have long known that the Earth's magnetic field, which guards against severe space weather, is similar to a drafty old house that sometimes lets in violent eruptions of charged particles from the sun. Such a breach can cause brilliant auroras or disrupt satellite and ground communications.

    Observations from Themis show the Earth's magnetic field occasionally develops two cracks, allowing solar wind — a stream of charged particles spewing from the sun at 1 million mph (1.6 million kph) — to penetrate the Earth's upper atmosphere.

    Last summer, Themis calculated a layer of solar particles to be at least 4,000 miles (6,400 kilometers) thick in the outermost part of the Earth's magnetosphere, the largest tear of the protective shield found so far.

    "It was growing rather fast," Themis scientist Marit Oieroset of the University of California, Berkeley told an American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco.

    read more at link

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33249
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  Carol Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:21 pm

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Magnetic-north-pole-moving_11471_600x450
    North Magnetic Pole Moving Due to Core Flux
    Earth's north magnetic pole is racing toward Russia at almost 40 miles (64 kilometers) a year due to magnetic changes in the planet's core, new research says.

    The core is too deep for scientists to directly detect its magnetic field. But researchers can infer the field's movements by tracking how Earth's magnetic field has been changing at the surface and in space.

    Now, newly analyzed data suggest that there's a region of rapidly changing magnetism on the core's surface, possibly being created by a mysterious "plume" of magnetism arising from deeper in the core. read more at link.

    And it's this region that could be pulling the magnetic pole away from its long-time location in northern Canada, said Arnaud Chulliat, a geophysicist at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris in France.

    Finding North

    Magnetic north, which is the place where compass needles actually point, is near but not exactly in the same place as the geographic North Pole. Right now, magnetic north is close to Canada's Ellesmere Island.

    Navigators have used magnetic north for centuries to orient themselves when they're far from recognizable landmarks.

    Although global positioning systems have largely replaced such traditional techniques, many people still find compasses useful for getting around underwater and underground where GPS satellites can't communicate.

    The magnetic north pole had moved little from the time scientists first located it in 1831. Then in 1904, the pole began shifting northeastward at a steady pace of about 9 miles (15 kilometers) a year.

    In 1989 it sped up again, and in 2007 scientists confirmed that the pole is now galloping toward Siberia at 34 to 37 miles (55 to 60 kilometers) a year.

    A rapidly shifting magnetic pole means that magnetic-field maps need to be updated more often to allow compass users to make the crucial adjustment from magnetic north to true North.

    Wandering Pole

    Geologists think Earth has a magnetic field because the core is made up of a solid iron center surrounded by rapidly spinning liquid metal. This creates a "dynamo" that drives our magnetic field.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33249
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  Carol Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:30 pm

    Why Does Earth's Magnetic Field Flip?
    John Roach
    for National Geographic News
    September 27, 2004

    Earth's magnetic field has flipped many times over the last billion years, according to the geologic record. But only in the past decade have scientists developed and evolved a computer model to demonstrate how these reversals occur.

    "We can see reversals in the rocks, but they don't tell us how it happens," said Gary Glatzmaier, an earth scientist and magnetic field expert at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

    Based on a set of physics equations that describe what scientists believe are the forces that create and maintain the magnetic field, Glatzmaier and colleague Paul Roberts at the University of California, Los Angeles, created a computer model to simulate the conditions in the Earth's interior.

    The computer-generated magnetic field even reverses itself, allowing scientists to examine the process.

    Computer Model

    Scientists believe Earth's magnetic field is generated deep inside our planet. There, the heat of the Earth's solid inner core churns a liquid outer core composed of iron and nickel. The churning acts like convection, which generates electric currents and, as a result, a magnetic field.

    This magnetic field shields most of the habited parts of our planet from charged particles that emanate from space, mainly from the sun. The field deflects the speeding particles toward Earth's Poles.

    Our planet's magnetic field reverses about once every 200,000 years on average. However, the time between reversals is highly variable. The last time Earth's magnetic field flipped was 780,000 years ago, according to the geologic record of Earth's polarity.

    The information is captured when molten lava erupts onto Earth's crust and hardens, much in the way that iron filings on a piece of cardboard align themselves to the field of a magnet held beneath it.

    Most scientists believe our planet's magnetic field is sustained by what's known as the geodynamo. The term describes the theoretical phenomenon believed to generate and maintain Earth's magnetic field. However, there is no way to peer 4,000 miles (6,400 kilometers) into Earth's center to observe the process in action.

    That inability spurred Glatzmaier and Roberts to develop their computer model in 1995. Since then, they have continued to refine and evolve the model using ever more sophisticated and faster computers.



    * Migrating Birds Reset Compasses at Sunset, Study Says
    * Earth's Magnetic Field is Fading
    * "Magnetic Map" Found to Guide Animal Migration
    * Rat Radar: Rodent Uses Natural "GPS"
    * Do Birds Use Magnetic Field to Plan Migration Routes?
    * Lobsters Navigate by Magnetism, Study Says

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33249
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  Carol Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:20 pm

    “If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.”
    -Nikola Tesla

    Schumann Resonances,

    Geomagnetic Reversals, and

    Human Brain States:

    The weakening of the Earth's magnetic field over the past 2,000 years that has been observed may indicate the onset of another magnetic field reversal.
    The last reversal of Earth's magnetic field was about 788,000 years ago.

    The fundamental frequency of the Schumann resonance is roughly the fundamental frequency of a spherical shell whose inside boundary is the surface of the Earth
    and whose outside boundary is the ionosphere, acting as a spherical shell electromagnetic waveguide cavity.

    The fundamental frequency ought to be roughly the time it takes electromagnetic radiation to go all the way around the spherical shell.

    Since the speed of light is about 300,000 km/sec and one cycle is the circumference of the Earth, which is about 40,000 km/cycle

    the fundamental frequency should be on the order
    300,000 km/sec
    _____________________ = 7.5 cycle/sec
    40,0000 km/cycle

    The natural frequencies of the Human Brain are:
    Beta waves (14 to 30 Hz),
    Alpha waves (8 to 13 Hz),
    Theta waves (4 to 7 Hz), and
    Delta waves (1 to 3 Hz).

    Alpha frequencies
    have been associated with meditation and relaxation.
    Theta frequencies
    have been associated with a dreamy, creative states.

    A delta wave is a high amplitude brain wave with a frequency of oscillation between 0–4 hertz. Delta waves, like other brain waves, are recorded with an electroencephalogram[1] (EEG) and are usually associated with the deepest stages of sleep (3 and 4 NREM), also known as slow-wave sleep (SWS), and aid in characterizing the depth of sleep.

    links posted here:

    Basically our brain frequency is linked to the natural harmonic frequency of the Earth, known as the Schumann Resonance. The SR has been decreasing steadily since measurements began in the 1850s, which also correlates with the quickening movement of the poles.

    Moreover, the resonance frequency of the human brain and all organic matter is also 8Hz.

    In other words, 8Hz is the frequency that penetrates and unites the Earth and the human brain.

    8Hz (8 cycles per second) is an Alpha wave frequency. This frequency exists in the relaxed-awake consciousness, i.e. in meditation or immediately before falling asleep or waking up; consciousness converging simultaneously with subconsciousness. The frequency range of 8-12Hz is also where lucid dreaming exists. Being exposed to these low-frequency oscillations might enhance one’s state of awareness since it can synchronize thought-wave patterns, through a process known as entrainment.

    During one of his early experiments, genius scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla discovered that a very low frequency around 8Hz radiated after powerful electromagnetic events such as lightning. Scientists in the 1950′s later concurred that the resonance frequency of the Earth is about 8Hz, or more exactly 7.83Hz – see the Schumann Resonances. Moreover, the resonance frequency of the human brain and all organic matter is also 8Hz.

    In other words, 8Hz is the frequency that penetrates and unites the Earth and the human brain.

    8Hz (8 cycles per second) is an Alpha wave frequency. This frequency exists in the relaxed-awake consciousness, i.e. in meditation or immediately before falling asleep or waking up; consciousness converging simultaneously with subconsciousness. The frequency range of 8-12Hz is also where lucid dreaming exists. Being exposed to these low-frequency oscillations might enhance one’s state of awareness since it can synchronize thought-wave patterns, through a process known as entrainment, as was the case with Tesla, who often sat quietly and alone in his laboratory among his inventions that were pulsating these infrasonic low frequencies. It has also been documented that early astronauts when in orbit outside Earth’s atmosphere suffered from migraines and disorientation having been deprived of Earth’s resonant 8Hz which governs circadian rhythm. The frequency of their brain suddenly had no sense of fundamental ground. Scientists later installed low-frequency oscillators on board spacecrafts to synthesize Earth’s alpha waves at 8Hz. No longer were astronauts disoriented.

    “The pulse of space beats to the rhythm it is charged with, and this we call atmosphere.”
    -Hazrat Inayat Khan

    This topic gives birth to a plethora of new musical and sonic ideas. 8Hz is inaudible but it is felt. 8 pulses per second can give much inspiration for musical rhythm. Despite the tempo of music, 8 beats per second may be superimposed in countless ways rhythmically and/or harmonically. There are an infinite number of ways to use the principles of electromagnetism and Tesla’s technology conceptually to unlock principles of interconnectivity and attraction/repulsion forces. It is my goal to look for ways to put use to these findings musically. To start with, the harmonic series as generated by 8Hz seems like a good beginning. For instance, an octave above 8Hz is 16Hz, and if we were to extend the range of the piano, a 16Hz pitch would be a perfect B natural in conventional equal temperament.

    Here is one theory put forth by AC:

    Why has the south pole has been moving away from the south (technically, its the actual north pole) and why has the north pole wobbled so much and is now bending down?

    I believe we are headed for the event horizon of our galaxy. We are headed for the Mayan dark rift.

    This is why we have magnetic pole reversals. The sun changes its poles on a regular basis due to its internal matrix. The earth has a slower system, a lethargic system, to where only great magnetic changes can affect it.

    The event horizon of a black hole or of a galaxy that comes from its central black hole is magnetically charged.

    It is north polarized in this section, and as we approach it, the south pole, (the true magnetic north pole), is naturally repulsed by it, so it has been steadily moving upwards and away from the event horizon, or 2012 mayan rift.

    The north pole, (or magnetic south pole), is naturally attracted to this force since opposite poles attract. But because of its current placement, it has to fight the magnetic forces of the current south pole. Thus, like magnets pushed together with same poles, it wobbles, until, finally, it can be pulled on by a force stronger than the repulsion of the nearest smaller force. In other words, the north pole is now no longer wobbling. It is headed in the direction of the greatest attractive force, the galactic event horizon, which is south of us, and the greatest lump of it, is pulling at us from an angle.

    When we get closer to the event horizon or dark rift, the north pole will be pulled down while the south pole will be pushed up and away. It is then that the planet's core will feel an enormous tug, and major earthquakes will hit the planet. This magnetic event is being played out before our very eyes, and may be completed in the following months, up to three years, but it seems to have speeded up and may happen before 2012.

    Links to follow-up on:

    2002 - Scientists may have detected the beginning of the field's next such reversal.

    2003 - Earth's fading field could mean a magnetic flip soon

    2005 - Movement of North Magnetic Pole is accelerating

    2008 - Earth's Core, Magnetic Field Changing Fast, Study Says

    2009 - North Magnetic Pole Moving Due to Core Flux

    2009 - The earth's climate is significantly affected by the planet's magnetic field

    Jan 2011 - Catastrophic weather events taking place across the globe

    Jan 2011 - Shift of Earth's magnetic north pole affects Tampa airport

    Jan 2011 - British Geological Survey *Possible Pole Shift Occuring* South Atlantic Anomaly is Growing!!

    Jan 2011 - That location in the sky has slowly drifted westward because of something called "precession" -- the earth continually wobbles (a scientific term for a slight motion) every 26,000 years.

    Jan 2011 - The Sun Rises 2 Days Early in Greenland

    2010/2011 - People in the High Arctic say their 24-hour darkness isn't as dark as it used to be

    2006 - Weather Makes Earth Wobble <---- this story is what yahoo linked it's source as for horoscope story

    2009 - A strong, highly-tilted interstellar magnetic field near the Solar System

    2009 - Cosmic Rays Hit Space Age High

    2009 - Russian scientists warn that the West’s “obsession” with manmade Global Warming is a deliberately designed propaganda effort to shield their peoples from the fact that Earth is or nearing a “total pole reversal” due to an as yet unexplained, but extremely powerful, gravitational force emanating from the outer reaches of our Solar System. Russians order Flight Changes, after Massive Magnetic Shift downs Airliners...

    Russian scientists state, unequivocally, that due to the Suns current unprecedented Deep Solar Minimum, our Earth is in danger of being, literally, “ripped apart”, at the worst, or nearing a “total pole reversal” due to an as yet unexplained, but extremely powerful, gravitational force emanating from the outer reaches of our Solar System that some researchers state is the mysterious Planet X, and which many believe to be a large brown dwarf and known to the ancient peoples of Earth as Nibiru, and called by the name of Wormwood in the Christian Bible.

    Go back to 1993...

    SCIENTISTS LOCATE NEW RADIATION BELT AROUND EARTH composed of particles known as anomalous cosmic rays, the result of the sun's interaction with tenuous gas that exists between the stars in the Milky Way galaxy.. In 1992, between the months of August and November, they found that the amount of cosmic rays in this new 'raditation belt', DOUBLED. The location of a radiation belt of cosmic rays -- particles from beyond the solar system -- has been pinpointed several hundred miles above the Earth, according to scientists from the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.

    Now look at it!

    Current literature suggests that a slow weakening of the geomagnetic field is one of several causes for the changes in the borders of the SAA since its discovery. As the geomagnetic field continues to weaken, the inner Van Allen belt gets closer to the Earth, with a commensurate enlargement of the SAA at given altitudes.[citation needed] Some scientists, including Dr. Pieter Kotze, head of the geomagnetism group at the Hermanus Magnetic Observatory in the southern Cape, believe that the anomaly is a side effect of geomagnetic reversal.[5]

    and again..

    Jan 2011 - British Geological Survey *Possible Pole Shift Occuring* South Atlantic Anomaly is Growing!!

    2010 - The sun is emitting a mystery particle effecting the decay rate of radioactive material on Earth
    The strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements

    2010 - The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer is a sort of "mini-CERN" in space. In Search of Antimatter.. All of these exotic phenomena can make their presence known by the ultra-high energy cosmic rays they emit--the type of particles AMS excels in detecting.

    Jan 2011 - Never-before-seen phenomenon observed with NASA telescope : thunderstorms hurl antimatter into space

    The earth's magnetic field impacts climate: Danish study

    DR. ALEXEY N. DMITRIEV predicted all of this in 1997

    "Current PlanetoPhysical alterations of the Earth are becoming irreversible. Strong evidence exists that these transformations are being caused by highly charged material and energetic non-uniformity's in anisotropic interstellar space which have broken into the interplanetary area of our Solar System. This "donation" of energy is producing hybrid processes and excited energy states in all planets, as well as the Sun. Effects here on Earth are to be found in the acceleration of the magnetic pole shift, in the vertical and horizontal ozone content distribution, and in the increased frequency and magnitude of significant catastrophic climatic events. There is growing probability that we are moving into a rapid temperature instability period similar to the one that took place 10,000 years ago. The adaptive responses of the biosphere, and humanity, to these new conditions may lead to a total global revision of the range of species and life on Earth. It is only through a deep understanding of the fundamental changes taking place in the natural environment surrounding us that politicians, and citizens a like, will be able to achieve balance with the renewing flow of PlanetoPhysical states and processes."

    Brooks Agnew 2012 Brooks Agnew's website

    Phoenix Science Foundation

    Coast to Coast AM official website

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33249
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  Carol Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:40 pm

    Historical main field change and declination

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Magnetic_lines_2010
    The Earth is like a giant magnet, surrounded by a magnetic field. This magnetic field, which is a vector with both direction and intensity, is generated by a dynamo process in the fluid outer core of the Earth. Due to the chaotic movement of the core fluid, the Earth's magnetic field gradually changes over the years. Figure 1 ( and the corresponding animation [50 MB] ) shows the horizontal direction of the magnetic field lines at the surface of the Earth. The magnetic North and South poles are shown as blue and red stars, respectively (note the change in location of the magnetic poles and the change in the speed of movement). Where the lines are blue, the magnetic field dips into the Earth, where they are red it emerges from the Earth. The transition from red to blue, where the field lines are horizontal, is called the magnetic equator. For more information on the magnetic field elements, see the NGDC/WDC answers to

    Earth's magnetic pole shift unleashing poisonous space clouds linked to mysterious bird deaths

    (NaturalNews) Following the unexplained deaths of several thousand birds over the last two weeks, events are now emerging that may offer a physics-based explanation for the mysterious deaths. It all begins on a runway in Tampa, where airport officials recently closed that runway in order to change the numeric designators painted there. Why are those numeric designators being changed? Because the Earth's magnetic poles are shifting and the numbers previously painted on the runway no longer match up with the magnetic measurements of sensitive airplane instruments (

    As explains:

    The primary runway at the airport is designated 18R/36L, which means the runway is aligned along 180 degrees from north (that is, due south) when approached from the north and 360 degrees from north when approached from the south. Now the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has requested the designation be changed to 19R/1L to account for the movement of the magnetic north pole.

    This brings us to our first physics fact of this article:

    Physics Fact #1: The Earth's magnetic poles are shifting. (And not just a little bit, but enough to affect airport runways on the scale of human observation.)

    The role of Earth's magnetic field

    The Earth's magnetic field is extremely important for protecting the planet from so-called "solar wind" and other electromagnetic influences from space. The magnetosphere, which is driven by the Earth's magnetic field, serves as a kind of electromagnetic barrier to prevent dangerous rays from reaching the surface of the planet.

    You can see a picture of that here:

    Physics Fact #2: The Earth's magnetic field has flipped hundreds of times in the past.

    The Earth's magnetic field "flips" (or reverses polarity) every few thousand years. This is called a geomagnetic reversal ( In between these flips, the magnetic field can become quite weak and chaotic, causing "turbulence" in the field, which can effectively cause weaker gaps in the magnetosphere.

    These magnetic gaps or weaknesses can allow outside influences that normally would not penetrate the magnetosphere to reach deep into that magnetosphere, theoretically all the way down to where birds fly at very low altitude.

    Last week, a report from the Russia's Ministry for Extraordinary Situations (MCHS) ( warned that the weakening Earth magnetosphere was allowing "poisonous space clouds" to enter deep into Earth's atmosphere where it is coming into contact with birds.

    These "space clouds" are called Noctilucent clouds (, which exist at very high altitudes (roughly 50 miles) and accumulate space dust from micrometeors and other sources.

    What's really interesting here is that these noctilucent clouds exhibit very high radar reflectivity ( This means these clouds create a very large radar signature on weather tracking systems.

    Physics fact #3: Noctilucent clouds have very high radar reflectivity.

    Weather radar tracks phenomenon during bird kill

    Now here's where this story gets really interesting: On New Year's Even when birds began falling out of the sky in Arkansas, the National Weather Service in North Little Rock documented an unusual phenomenon on their radar monitors.

    "There are some indications that we're picking up a non-precipitation target," said Science and Operations Officer Chris Buonanno at the NWS ( He went on to explain that the radar signature definitely was not indicative of a cloud or rainstorm. It was something altogether different.

    At or around the same time this radar image appeared, birds began falling out of the sky.

    Over the last several weeks, hundreds of thousands of birds and fish have been found dead across the globe. Here's a compilation of the deaths so far:

    This same data is also reflected in an image compiled by Matt from who gave us permission to post this image:

    A theory of what might be happening

    The working theory in all this, at least for the birds, is that deadly space clouds are reaching into the lower atmosphere and killing these birds in flight, after which the birds fall to the ground. The reports of the birds experiencing "blunt trauma" are likely from the birds hitting the ground.

    What, exactly, would be found in these deadly space clouds that might be killing the birds? One possibility is that these clouds might be moving along with gaps in the magnetosphere that would invite deadly radiation to "fry" the birds in flight, as one possibility (although this explanation seems unlikely, see below). I'm not aware whether tissues tests have been done on these birds to determine whether they died of intense radiation poisoning. It would also seem that if radiation reached so low into our atmosphere, it would have killed many plants and trees in the area, and there's no evidence of that occurring, at least not that I'm aware of.

    Another possibility is that the deadly space clouds could have frozen the birds in flight with blasts of extremely cold air. But such an event also would have seemingly impacted the trees and plants at ground level, and there's no evidence of that occurring either.

    The most likely explanation is that the birds were killed in-flight by changes in the composition of the air they were breathing. And as it turns out, Noctilucent clouds are largely made of a poisonous gas known as Hydrogen Cyanide. For all you chemists reading this, as the website explains:

    Hydrogen Cyanide is also formed in interstellar clouds through one of two major pathways: via a neutral-neutral reaction (CH2 + N -> HCN + H) and via dissociative recombination (HCNH+ + e- -> HCN + H). The dissociative recombination pathway is dominant by 30%; however, the HCNH+ must be in its linear form. Dissociative recombination with its structural isomer, H2NC+ produces hydrogen isocyanide (HNC), exclusively. (

    Could humans be next?

    The really concerning part about all this is the sudden realization that if these poisoning clouds of Hydrogen Cyanide could reach into our lower atmosphere, they could also theoretically reach ground level. That's where humans live, of course, and if such a poisonous cloud reached down into a major city such as New York, it would cause the mass instantaneous death of potentially millions of people.

    Nobody is prepared to survive a sudden cloud of Hydrogen Cyanide -- not even the preppers. I own stored food and some emergency gear, but even I probably wouldn't survive a sudden Hydrogen Cyanide gas attack from outer space. Notably, Hydrogen Cyanide has been used as both a rodent killer and as a chemical precursor in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals (gee, why doesn't that surprise me?) (

    As Wikipedia explains, Hydrogen cyanide is extremely deadly:

    A hydrogen cyanide concentration of 300 mg/m3 in air will kill a human within about 10 minutes. It is estimated that hydrogen cyanide at a concentration of 3500 ppm (about 3200 mg/m3) will kill a human in about 1 minute. The toxicity is caused by the cyanide ion, which halts cellular respiration by inhibiting an enzyme in mitochondria called cytochrome c oxidase.

    Interestingly, a key chemical use of Hydrogen cyanide was developed by none other than IG Farben, the Nazi war era criminal pharmaceutical giant that was later broken up to become today's pharmaceutical giants, including Bayer.

    Hydrogen cyanide is widely recognized as a chemical weapon and is even used on the tips of whaling harpoons to murder whales.

    Physics fact #4: Hydrogen cyanide kills birds and humans very quickly.

    Is this the result of a weapons test or attack?

    That it is used as a chemical weapon might make some people wonder whether all this is fallout from some kind of weather control weapons experiment. It's not a crazy idea: Scientists in Abu Dhabi have experienced tremendous success bringing rain to that city through the use of weather control systems engineered in Europe (I'll be posting a full story on this shortly).

    In the United States, meanwhile, the HAARP experimental program projects high-energy beams directly into the ionosphere. See the video at:

    Although we have no direct evidence of this, it is conceivable that HAARP technology could be altering the magnetosphere in ways that are contributing to the invasion of our lower atmosphere with these Noctilucent clouds compose of Hydrogen cyanide. This is just a wild guess at this point, however. We don't have any evidence that this is really happening.

    But if it were, that would be a very clever weapon, indeed: Aim your weapons at the atmosphere above an enemy city, fire it up and wait for Hydrogen cyanide gas to kill off everybody in a minute or two. Then you turn off your beam weapon and play it all off as some sort of "freak natural disaster" or unexplained atmospheric mystery.

    There is speculation, of course, that these bird deaths occurring in North America right now are really a test of precisely the weapon system I've described above. But this is just speculation, of course. We don't have any hard evidence that such a system is being used, nor even that it is possible.

    The official HAARP website ( describes itself as a "facility for the study of ionospheric physics and radio science." It then displays a diagram showing HAARP waves bouncing off the ionosphere, beaming through "irregularities" and finally reaching a satellite in high orbit. These satellites are typically placed in geosynchronous orbits at roughly 26,000 miles above the Earth -- far higher than the 50 miles or so at which the Noctilucent clouds are located.

    The HAARP home page, by the way, also contains a "security message" with the following warning:

    This is a U.S. Government Computer System. This computer system operates as a world wide web server to provide information to the public concerning unclassified programs only. ...Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information; to defeat or circumvent security features; or to utilize this system for other than its intended purposes are prohibited and may result in prosecution under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 or other applicable statutes and regulations.

    When Governor Jesse Ventura tried to ask questions about HAARP, he was met with extreme resistance and stonewalling by government officials. Watch the video yourself to see what happened:

    Does this mean HAARP is a weapon being used to cause poisonous space clouds to enter the lower atmosphere and kill the birds? Not at all. That would be a leap at this point until we know more. But we do know that HAARP isn't talking about what it does, and that it is more than just a "radio science experiment."

    We also know that weird things are happening to our planet's magnetic poles and weather systems. We know that birds are literally falling out of the sky dead. These facts are not to be taken lightly. They might be caused by "natural" events, or conceivably they could be influenced by man-made events.

    In either case, something that could very easily threaten life on our planet may be afoot, and there's no logical reason to conclude it will be limited to birds and fish.

    I've seen reports of some doctors chiming in on all this and blowing it off as "normal" deaths of birds and fish. Conventional doctors, of course, are the world's most experienced experts at missing the big picture, and they seem to haphazardly discount the most important fact about all this: Sure, birds and fish die every day. But not en masse.

    They don't usually fall out of the sky by the thousands, in other words. These are obviously not normal events where birds are dying of normal causes. That much is obvious to everyone... except the doctors, it seems.

    In conclusion, I can't explain these mysterious deaths with any high degree of confidence at this point. But I do know that thousands of birds don't fall out of the sky for no reason. There is an underlying cause that seems extremely important for us to observe, document and understand. There are many possible explanations that merit attention: Some of them might be attributable to natural phenomena, but others may be far more insidious.

    It is important for the future of life on Earth that we solve this mystery sooner rather than later. Because if we don't understand this, we may sooner or later become victims of it.

    Learn more:

    Learn more:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33249
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  Carol Sun Jan 16, 2011 9:47 pm


    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Cambiostierramapas01
    Aron Abrahamsen Map of Earth Changes

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Cambiostierramapas02
    Delores Cannon's Nostradamus Map.

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Cambiostierramapas03
    Ashton Pitre's Map.

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Cambiostierramapas04
    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Cambiostierramapas05
    Gordon Michael Scallion

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Cambiostierramapas06
    George Shaffer

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Cambiostierramapas07
    Dr. Chet Snow's After Earth Changes Map

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Cambiostierramapas08
    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Cambiostierramapas09
    Len & Lori Toyes Map.

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Nhneearthchangemaplg
    Edgar Cayce

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Iammap
    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps 6maps
    Lori Toye

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33249
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  Carol Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:02 pm


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 261
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : Phoenix, AZ

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  CetaceousOne Sun Nov 10, 2013 5:54 pm

    Nice composition of maps and information, Carol.

    I wonder if we are still on any of these timelines? Shocked 

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    Location : Hawaii

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  Carol Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:11 pm

    I'm just as much in the dark as anyone else these days. No clue as to what timeline we're on these days. This coming week is of great interest because of the planed power gird outage in FEMA section 3. Then there is the space debris from Comet Ison's tail.. don't really expect too much from that other then more solar activity.There is a possibility of a false flag event this week. If true that's unsettling.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 5520
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Location : Poland

    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Pole Shift News

    Post  burgundia Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:29 pm


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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:52 pm


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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Thu Jan 02, 2014 7:02 pm


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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Thu Jan 02, 2014 7:04 pm

    This video was not playing through the 3 minute mark.

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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:46 pm

    02 13 2014 This Coast to Coast radio show was aired on Jan 1, 2014. Think about the weather we have had since then as you listen to a very interesting presentation.

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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Thu Feb 13, 2014 7:58 pm

    Most interesting graphics of how the poles are currently shifting. All of this supports the Coast to Coast program listed above. This was posted on Jan 24, 2014

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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:41 am

    02 14 2014 Please watch the two presentations above before viewing this. Those are a must watch.

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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:35 pm

    Gravity, Magnetic and Core Anomalies of Earth Video. 02 16 2014 This was posted 6 months prior to this date.

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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:51 pm


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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Transition fieldguide for going through a dimensional - and/or pole-shift.

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Feb 17, 2014 1:31 pm

    Recently I returned in the Mists here, after a lapse of 2 years in my membership. I try to fine tune with this thread as best as I can. For sure, I appreciate the you tubbies with global and statistics data, her in this thread, bobhardea. I've known them since my involvement in study of earth changes and the Flower of Life workshop in 1996. To me, the suggestions all over the globe, on how and when a pole-shift will happen, are as fluctuating and fluid as the way our geo-magnetic field is in motion atm.

    Therefore, I'm very much in favor of hearing your experiences, that you may have, right now, regarding signs of geomagnetic motion and pole-shifts. Please feel free to respond or not, but how do you experience signs of that transition and the motion of the geomagnetic field right now? What does your intuition, your nervous system and body wisdom tell you about those experiences?

    I'm inviting you to share your experiences. Since the arrival on the other side of 2012 Dec. 21st, with the Sun very active now, I myself find new and unfamiliar sensations, emotional triggers and my tapes are often in overdrive. For those of you raising eyebrows, tapes are the programs running in our reptilian brain, at the lower back of our head on the level of our mouth in front. That part is serving our primary reactions in survival mode. Familiarity is equal to safety for the ego.

    The former description is of an ungrounded state and in a way I feel like going through erasure and  detox. I find myself repeating thoughts and emotions, if I'm not aware. Physical activity helps me to find a balance, to literally stay on my feet or walk them. As a contrast, I can feel very well grounded in simplicity, lightheartedness and down to Earthness, on solid days  Big Grin 3

    Although we may be in transition, moving back and forth between 3rd and 4th, I welcome your experiences here in a 3D "down to earth" manner. To me, they may be useful when we find ourselves going in transition. Also as supportive information, I include a document that I created this afternoon.

    In the attachment you will find 12 pages, extracted from Drunvalo Melchizedeks book "The ancient secret of the Flower of Life Vol. 2" By the way, both Volumes 1 and 2 are free downloadable at after signing in that is.

    From page 430 onward you will find Drunvalo's explanation of the phenomena and nature of pole-shifts and dimensions. He shares his experiences from memory, although he doesn't imply an actual pole-shift at all. He presents the info as a field-guide, a kind of galactic textbook, you see? Apart from the subject of a pole-shift, the content of that part may be valuable in clarifying and explaining the nature of dimensions and the geomagnetic motion in our solar system. Hence, our bodies have no choice in being part of that system. We're incapable of fleeing from it  Lawless

    This is a link to a site, with subjects and healing suggestions, to help you in keeping up appearances... eh keeping a balance   Big Grin 3

    I'm looking forward to your experiences, welcome and thank you for responding!
    Blessings and smiles for you, be well

    B.B.Baghor  sunny
    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps AttachmentExtract from the book FOL Vol.2 poleshift.docx
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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:33 pm

    I have had a healthy respect for Graham Hancock for many years.  In the film above he is saying that the reason we don't see more evidence of previous civilizations is due to a pole shift.  I think that is a valid argument. I think that it can be proven by the mining anomalies where they have found stuff that shouldn't be there. Other historical anomalies such as the gobacee temple (sorry about the spelling but the temple in Turkey that is 12,000+ years old) that sits on very large site 10 plus acres that once built was covered up....buried in the sand. Of all the predictors, the one that I started with is still my favorite and that is Edgar Cayce. He was not trying to sell a book or promote himself with his prediction of a pole shift.  He was in a hypnotic trance doing a reading on someone.  

    What do I think or feel?  I believe that even a small pole shift could bring dramatic changes to the earth. I think that it will as in the Bible happen in a twinkling of an eye or something like that....and that you should be close to the mountains when it happens. If, this would be the event which would cause the leaders of the earth or ask for help from off world races,  then I say bring it on. I do hope they would come in peace and bring advances in medicine, energy, intergalactic travel, and inner peace. I feel that he human race even though probably seen as very primitive, could bring a new voice to the galactic council.

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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:10 pm

    "So what about these Earthly lessons? The truth is that the Source of all life is in the eyes of every person created, So even here on Earth, great intelligence and wisdom and love are present in every moment inside each person. Once this is seen, then it becomes clear that your thoughts, feelings and actions are the key. You know exactly what to do. In simple words, it's perfecting your character. The shining diamonds in your character become the survival tools of ascension"

    Good readings. Thanks:)

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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:19 am

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