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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015


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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Empty Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015

    Post  Carol Sun Mar 15, 2015 10:34 am
    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015
    Published on Jan 7, 2015
    Unser Forum: Nibiru final update PDF Vorstellung Planet X Polsprung pole shift
    Cited: Magnitude 3.8 CHICAGO REGION, ILLINOIS February 10, 2010 Magnitude 5.9 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA February 04, 2010 Magnitude 6.2 BOUGAINVILLE REGION, PAPUA ... New signs of polar Shift. America the New North Pole!!
    Nibiru Planet X 2015 Report - Expert Predicts 2016 - Flyby The estimated 2016 flyby or passing of Planet X / Nibiru, a reported Brown Dwarf star twin to our sun, is that of the “Destroyer”,...

    Information: RADIATION Network: LISS: QUAKES LIST FULL: http:/...

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Empty Re: Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015

    Post  bobhardee Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:45 am

    Marshall does not have the best track record as far as pegging when X is supposed to be arriving. It's hard to totally disregard him but with so many times that he has said the sky is falling that it is hard to believe that chicken little has finally gotten it right. And if he does, Oh my gosh. There will be no reason to celebrate.
    Bob H.

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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Empty Re: Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:01 am

    bobhardee wrote:
    ..."it is hard to believe that chicken little has finally gotten it right"..... Bob H.

    First I agree with you, bobhardee, in those prediction methods like the one by Marshall.
    I'm beginning to feel that we only need to be awake, fully present in our bodies and use our
    discernment abilities accompanied by humour and trust.

    Now, that line in your post...... is that what chicken little is about? Finally getting it right?
    I don't know the origin of this creature, as a Dutchee, bobhardee. I found the animated
    picture on the old Avalon Forum and use it in my signature here. I found the way it dances
    and hops, exactly matching my style and leaping in bounds, somewhat like I imagine gnomes
    dance in their secret places, little chicken appears to be happy as a lark and ageless Cheerful

    Now I'm going to find out more about that little chicken, hmmm

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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Empty Re: Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015

    Post  bobhardee Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:52 pm

    This person believes we will start to see the double sun around December of this year. Tacodog

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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Empty Re: Nibiru Planet X - Pole Shift New Update 2015

    Post  Jenetta Mon Mar 23, 2015 2:15 am

    Well that was interesting (the latest) Bob or as the easterners would say "ineresting"...guess we"ll all have to live it up for the next year unless Earth and it's inhabitants manages to escape through a dimensional shift wormhole.


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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Empty Re: Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015

    Post  bobhardee Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:20 am

    Sign me up. I'll take a dimensional shift wormhole any day.......

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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Empty Re: Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015

    Post  bobhardee Fri Apr 10, 2015 7:36 am

    This IS NOT a pole shift update. It IS a scientist talking about the pole shift that happened 12,500 years ago which caused the great flood.
    I think that it is relevant because he is saying that a complete crust shift happened and not just the magnetic movement of the poles.

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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Empty Re: Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015

    Post  Carol Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:36 am

    I thought death was a dimensional shift wormhole sans physical form.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Empty Re: Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015

    Post  bobhardee Fri Apr 10, 2015 1:20 pm


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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Empty Re: Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015

    Post  B.B.Baghor Fri Apr 10, 2015 7:49 pm

    bobhardee wrote:This IS NOT a pole shift update.  It IS a scientist talking about the pole shift that happened 12,500 years ago which caused the great flood.
    I think that it is relevant because he is saying that a complete crust shift happened and not just the magnetic movement of the poles.

    I can believe, bobhardee, how physically devastating it will be, when in such a shake up of the planetary crust. Who knows, really?
    If 12.500 years ago, the poles shifted, so did Atlantis sink according to Plato. If those two occurred simultaneously, I've understood this event
    was caused by a wrong way of experimenting with life force energy, through the practice of knowledge about the MerKaBa. The object, created
    for this experiment, seems to be present in the ocean floor where the Bermuda triangle exists. Many of you know of anomalies occuring in the electromagnetic field of airplanes and ships near to it. The disappearance of these planes and ships, seems to be caused by a dimensional shift
    and invisibility of presence to our human eyes, due to it. In which dimension they've joined Jerry Lee Lewis' party I don't know  Bleh

    I think we shouldn't loose sight on the (historical?) fact that not only a complete planetary crust shift, or an electromagnetic pole shift, occurs,
    but a probable shift in dimensions as well. Our sense of reality will change dramatically, when that happens. Our senses will begin to open up
    to a new level of awareness, as far as I've understood this. I don't want to present this as THE ONLY realistic point of view, the reporting of a
    former pole shift by Drunvalo, makes sense in understanding such a phenomenon on a very clear down to Earth way. So that you can have a
    sense of "believe it or not". The idea of a dimensional shift is in itself "far out" unknown to us, removed from us, for a very long time. That
    process seems to be similar to passing through a wormhole, in our inner world. We won't experience it as those in Star Trek did, with much
    dramatic visual effects, in technicolor.

    As above, so below, also counts when our attention and intention focusses on the reality we choose. Be it fear or trust. For in fear we remain
    in the lower astral realms of the 4th dimension and when the shift has happened, when the party is over, we can imagine anything in our
    fantasy and it will manifest instantly. If in fear in the dark, I make myself need a gun, isn't it? So, there's the gun, there's the object to shoot at.
    War continues. And so it is. If in trust, in the love of our heart, we remain, for a while, in those same astral realms. A stepping stone bridge to
    higher vibrations. We can imagine too, according those vibrational levels and be at peace. And raise higher, beyond a threshold. And so it is.

    That threshold is present in the step from key C to D on the piano. First from C to C, same keys, different tones and than go to D. That threshold
    is present in our chakra system also, between the solar plexus and the personal heartchakra. Not with position counting, but energetically in synchronicity with the C going to D. It's leaving the interpretation of our reality based on instinctual impulse and fixed images and enter innocense, being in wonder. Pure freedom of creativity.

    In this way, similar to a natural unfolding of the day by a preceding dawn, I imagine a floating apart of worlds that are real, each to the eyes of
    its inhabitants. This is the way I truly believe the shift is happening already. Now. The seductive lure of physical manifestation fools us easily by dramatic events, false flag or true flag, with horrors of truth surfacing, I don't mean a fooling as if we should shut down our feelings, but a fooling in creating our conclusions, based on that physical manifestation. Drama reflecting the need of drama in ourselves. In all creations God's love is present, only our love fails to join him-and-her, in that. I don't say this with total ease, for it's quite a bold statement. Food for thought and ponder.

    I really believe that life itself, won't allow creatures of evil intent to destroy planet Earth, for she's a being without fear. I'm sure of that.
    She will do what needs to be done in order to save herself. Those who respect her will have a safe haven on her body, those who hate her body,
    will find a safe haven elsewhere. Worlds floating apart...... each one an expression of how life can be experienced in infinite flavors and colors.
    God is a multi-personality  Blink

    Here's Jerry Lee Lewis, sitting on the radiator in my hall at home. My babyvulture company, during UK travels, present on the counter of hostels,
    and also in many people's picture files.
    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Jerry_10

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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Empty Re: Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015

    Post  bobhardee Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:59 pm

    Love the picture of the bird.
    I think that if there had been world wide earthquakes and volcanic activity 12,500 years ago, then that would have been part of the flood story that was told around the world. It would have gone something like this: When the gods saw that man was not acting in accordance to his/her laws, s/he sent earthquakes to shake some sense into him. And when that didn't work s/he decided to flush him down the toilet.

    Seriously, it does seem that the earthquakes which would have happened from that kind of movement would have been part of the flood story.
    Bob H.

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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Empty Re: Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015

    Post  bobhardee Tue Apr 14, 2015 7:24 am

    In case you did not see the five minute news I am re-posting this here.

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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Empty Re: Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015

    Post  bobhardee Sun Apr 19, 2015 8:24 am

    4/19/2015 Here is a no nonsense report.

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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Empty Re: Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015

    Post  Seashore Sun Apr 19, 2015 8:54 am

    bobhardee wrote:4/19/2015 Here is a no nonsense report.

    Published on Apr 1, 2015

    Ex Navy Seal John Moore talks on the Latest Nibiru Planet X Updates for April 2015. Planet X Govt. insider John Moore, has conducted interviews and studies with countless military and government individuals on Planet X, AKA Nibiru, they confirm that Planet X, our solar systems 10th planet does exist and will cause tremendous devastation when it next passes by earth. John lists numerous high ranking government officials who have confirmed Planet X exists, and that many coastal government agencies are building replacement headquarters much further inland to avoid having their existing coastal headquarters damaged by the impending coastal flooding.

    People should also consider the statement of Montauk Project survivor Stewart Swerdlow, that:

    Nibiru was approaching in 2003 and was destroyed by a particle beam accelerator weapons in April 2003

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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Empty Re: Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015

    Post  bobhardee Sun Apr 19, 2015 2:18 pm

    The problem with reports like John Moore's is that we just don't know if it is what he says that it is. It certainly sounds like someone who has done their homework and we are headed into a hurricane of trouble. When I read the 10th Planet by Z. Stichen a bunch of years ago, I started becoming a believer. I got a friend to read the book as well and that person said, "no way is there planet that is going to do a fly by every 3600 years". However, I wasn't fully convinced that this person didn't secretly think otherwise and was just putting on a straight face. I ran the idea by some well educated people who knew astronomy and they thought I had totally gone off the deep end. So I dropped the subject but began an internet research that continues until today. There have been others who have named this or that date for the fly by and all have been wrong. It would be easy to say it all B.S. but then there are so many other nagging questions and circumstances that point that it really is coming. I hope and pray that I am wrong but am trying to position my family into the best survival zone.....if there is one.
    Bob H.

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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Empty Re: Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015

    Post  Seashore Sun Apr 19, 2015 3:47 pm

    bobhardee wrote:Seashore
    The problem with reports like John Moore's is that we just don't know if it is what he says that it is.  It certainly sounds like someone who has done their homework and we are headed into a hurricane of trouble.  When I read the 10th Planet by Z. Stichen a bunch of years ago, I started becoming a believer. I got a friend to read the book as well and that person said, "no way is there planet that is going to do a fly by every 3600 years".   However, I wasn't fully convinced that this person didn't secretly think otherwise and was just putting on a straight face. I ran the  idea by some well educated people who knew astronomy and they thought I had totally gone off the deep end.  So I dropped the subject but began an internet research that continues until today.  There have been others who have named this or that  date for the fly by and all have been wrong.  It would be easy to say it all B.S. but  then there are so many other nagging questions and circumstances that point that it really is coming.   I hope and pray that I am wrong but am trying to position my family into the best survival zone.....if there is one.
    Bob H.

    I should also mention that if my memory is serving me, Swerdlow has additionally said that Nibiru was actually an artificial, hollowed-out body constructed by the Annunaki from a natural body such as a comet or asteroid.  

    I just did a search to try to verify my memory and it brought up a thread that Carol started back in 2012:  I see the destruction of the planet is mentioned but nothing about it being constructed by the Annunaki.

    Anyway, it could be that it is true that Nibiru was destroyed, but there is some other celestial body headed our way that the elite are preparing themselves for.

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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Empty Re: Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015

    Post  bobhardee Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:16 am


    What I don't understand, and am asking your opinion or anyone else who wishes to say, is what the relationship is between Planet X and the cover up of the UFO phenomena. Maybe there is none and its two different things that are listed in the "out there" category but maybe not. Maybe there is a relationship and would like to see what the community thinks about this.
    Bob H.

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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Empty Re: Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015

    Post  Seashore Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:44 am

    bobhardee wrote:4/20/2015

    What I don't understand, and am asking your opinion or anyone else who wishes to say, is what the relationship is between Planet X and the cover up of the UFO phenomena.  Maybe there is none and its two different things that are listed in the "out there" category but maybe not.  Maybe there is a relationship and would like to see what the community thinks about this.
    Bob H.

    Well, my understanding is that Planet X was reported by the mainstream media in the 1980s, I believe, but then disappeared from the news.  If it's true that it's (or was) the Annunaki's planet, then there would be a cover-up to hide the existence of ETs, which is the real reason UFOs are covered up - fear of species who are more advanced than we are.

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    Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015 Empty Re: Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015

    Post  bobhardee Mon Apr 20, 2015 1:06 pm

    The UFO coverup started with Truman and got out of control under Eisenhower. I am not sure what year that Zack wrote the 10th planet but I don't think that it went that far back into the 50's. Could it have been that the ET's warned government leadership of planet X's coming?
    That may help to explain why there is such a strong reason for no one with out a significant "need to know", not being allowed in the UFO loop.
    Bob H.

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