Published on Jan 7, 2015
Unser Forum: Nibiru final update PDF Vorstellung Planet X Polsprung pole shift
Cited: Magnitude 3.8 CHICAGO REGION, ILLINOIS February 10, 2010 Magnitude 5.9 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA February 04, 2010 Magnitude 6.2 BOUGAINVILLE REGION, PAPUA ... New signs of polar Shift. America the New North Pole!!
Nibiru Planet X 2015 Report - Expert Predicts 2016 - Flyby The estimated 2016 flyby or passing of Planet X / Nibiru, a reported Brown Dwarf star twin to our sun, is that of the “Destroyer”,...
Information: RADIATION Network: LISS: QUAKES LIST FULL: http:/...
Unser Forum: Nibiru final update PDF Vorstellung Planet X Polsprung pole shift
Cited: Magnitude 3.8 CHICAGO REGION, ILLINOIS February 10, 2010 Magnitude 5.9 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA February 04, 2010 Magnitude 6.2 BOUGAINVILLE REGION, PAPUA ... New signs of polar Shift. America the New North Pole!!
Nibiru Planet X 2015 Report - Expert Predicts 2016 - Flyby The estimated 2016 flyby or passing of Planet X / Nibiru, a reported Brown Dwarf star twin to our sun, is that of the “Destroyer”,...
Information: RADIATION Network: LISS: QUAKES LIST FULL: http:/...