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    Post  Carol Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:43 pm

    North Pole Moved up to 20 DEGREES! Magnetosphere ANOMALY - Compasses go haywire - March 30, 2011

    The British Geological Survey (Natural Environment Research Counsel) states that the "South Atlantic Anomaly" (SAA) is indeed growing.
    A magnetic reversal in progress?

    The South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) is known to be growing in extent and spreading westwards from South Africa, as the Earth’s internal magnetic field rapidly weakens in this region. This may be early evidence of a forthcoming reversal in the direction of the Earth’s internal magnetic field.
    We do not know in detail precisely what occurs during such reversals, including the changes observed in the magnetic field and the time a reversal takes to complete. However these factors are important in knowing where the radiation risk may be increased and how the atmosphere might respond.

    Earth’s magnetic field has had many highs, lows and reversals in its past. The last reversal was around 800,000 years ago. So the Earth is known to be able to re-generate its field and has done so during human pre-history. Understanding the development of the SAA may therefore be significant in understanding the reversal process and its impact on life and the natural environment.

    This is an explanation of the SAA from Wikipedia:

    The South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) refers to the area where the Earth's inner Van Allen radiation belt comes closest to the Earth's surface. This leads to an increased flux of energetic particles in this region and exposes orbiting satellites to higher than usual levels of radiation. The effect is caused by the non-concentricity of the Earth and its magnetic dipole, and the SAA is the near-Earth region where the Earth's magnetic field is weakest.

    What is the South Atlantic Anomaly?

    Last edited by Carol on Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:47 pm; edited 3 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:48 pm

    Magnetic Pole Shift Forces Runway Closure At Florida Airport
    Posted on: Friday, 7 January 2011, 08:55 CST

    The shifting of the planet's northern magnetic pole forced Tampa International Airport to readjust their runways on Thursday, according to a report by Jeremy A. Kaplan of

    Kaplan reports that the shifting of the Earth's magnetic fields, spurred by the drifting of the north pole towards Russia, has prompted officials at the Florida airport to shut down their primary runway until January 13. The temporary closure will give them time to change their taxiway signs to account for the magnetic changes, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials told Fox News.

    "The poles are generated by movements within the Earth's inner and outer cores, though the exact process isn't exactly understood. They're also constantly in flux, moving a few degrees every year, but the changes are almost never of such a magnitude that runways require adjusting," Kaplan reported, citing FAA spokesman Paul Takemoto as a source.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : The Great Northwest


    Post  giovonni Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:27 pm

    i'm inclined (and sense) to believe the Earth is about to change up on us (a bit), possibly stop rotating?? just briefly perhaps ~ to widen its girth. The Atlantic Ocean region (i feel) will have the initial reactionary effect. Keep your vibration up and it will be a smooth ride ~ Just hang on real tight!
    please don't ask where this comes from scratch

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    Post  mudra Tue Jan 11, 2011 6:29 pm

    I am sensing the same a breath that is changing is changing momentum.

    One Love

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    Post  Carol Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:21 am

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:48 am

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:19 pm

    Maps for Hazardous Areas in the United States

    - Past, Present, AND Future -
    Includes, earthquake prone areas, volcanic hazards,
    nuclear fallout areas, earthchange maps, and more.

    Sources of these MaPS

    Some maps and images are from government publications or websites, some were found in the newsgroup alt.binary.astro and other websites.

    Lori Toye
    John Running Deer Eleazer
    Gordon Michael Scallion

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:50 pm

    MAGNETIC POLE SHIFT DATA Earth%20magnetic%20dipole
    Magnetic reversal may now be in progress - BGS

    17 Jan 11 - According to the British Geological Survey (BGS), we could now be headed into a magnetic reversal, thus validating the premise of both Not by Fire but by Ice and Magnetic reversals and Evolutionary Leaps.The South Atlantic Anomaly is growing and spreading westwards from South Africa as the Earth’s internal magnetic field rapidly weakens in this region, says this article on the BGS website. "This may be early evidence of a forthcoming reversal in the direction of the Earth’s internal magnetic field."

    "We do not know in detail precisely what occurs during such reversals, including the changes observed in the magnetic field and the time a reversal takes to complete," the BGS adds.

    Since so little is known, and in order to determine where radiation risks may be increased and how the atmosphere might respond, the BGS is opening a South Atlantic Anomaly and South Georgia Magnetic Observatory.

    By establishing the new observatory, BGS will re-start continuous magnetic observations in South Georgia, last carried out in 1982.

    What is the South Atlantic Anomaly?

    "The Earth’s magnetic field, generated deep within the planet, is a shield against particle radiation from space," the BGS article continues. "In the South Atlantic this shield is much weaker than elsewhere across the globe and radiation from space therefore penetrates deeper into the atmosphere. This region is known as the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) and the radiation in the SAA is a known hazard to satellites, spacecraft and high-altitude aircraft."

    Let me repeat that because it's so important. "The Earth's magnetic field is a shield against particle radiation from space." Our magnetic field, in other words, shields us from the radioactive particles generated by cosmic rays.

    The problem, which the BGS doesn't go into here, is that magnetic field strength declines dramatically during a magnetic reversal. This reduces our shielding and allows more and more radioactivity onto our planet.

    That's when the mutations begin. And that's what "Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps" is all about.
    "The radiation input into the atmosphere depends on the Sun’s magnetic and radiation activity and the geometry (or ‘shape’) of the Earth’s magnetic field. So, understanding the space environment, particularly during magnetic storms, is important. Equally important is understanding any changes over time in the magnetic field observed across the surface of the Earth – see also Long-term monitoring of the Earth’s magnetic field."

    The BGS goes on to say that Earth’s magnetic field has had many highs, lows and reversals in its past, with the last reversal taking place around 800,000 years ago. I take issue with this date because there have been many magnetic reversals since that time.

    There's the Gothenburg magnetic reversal of 11,500 years ago, when the mammoths went extinct.

    There's the Mono Lake magnetic reversal of 23,000 years ago, when the earth descended into catastrophic glaciation.

    There's the Lake Mungo magnetic reversal of 33,500 years ago, when the Neanderthals went extinct.

    And there are several others, such as the Laschamp, the Blake, Biwa I, Biwa II, Biwa III ... the list goes on. (See Magnetic Reversal Chart.)

    There's even the Big Lost magnetic reversal of 640,000 years ago, when - just by coincidence? - the Yellowstone supervolcano erupted.

    In fact, my research shows that our planet undergoes a magnetic reversal about every 11,500 years and, agreeing with the BGS on this point, I think the next reversal is now due.

    The problem is that a magnetic reversal could be disastrous.

    As I warn in "Not by Fire but by Ice": "Polarity reversals, equinoctial precession, and ice ages, all march to the same drummer. As do extinctions, new species appearance, volcanism, and rising land. Toss in the specter of massive floods, 30-story tsunami (tsunami is both singular and plural), and radioactivity falling on your head, and you've got the picture."

    "The Earth is known to be able to re-generate its field and has done so during human pre-history," the BGS article continues. "Understanding the development of the SAA may therefore be significant in understanding the reversal process and its impact on life and the natural environment."

    Where is South Georgia?

    South Georgia is a British overseas territory in the southern Atlantic Ocean, says Wikipedia. It is a remote and inhospitable collection of islands, consisting of South Georgia and a chain of smaller islands, the South Sandwich Islands. The South Sandwich Islands lie about 520 km (320 mi) to the south-east of South Georgia.

    South Georgia Island

    South Georgia is "stunningly beautiful and rugged," says the official South Georgia website. "This island wildlife sanctuary, once visited, is not easily forgotten. Its snow covered peaks, blue glacier ice and emerald green bays are breathtaking sights."

    MENSA Bulletin reviews
    Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps

    18 Aug 09 - MENSA Bulletin, the magazine of American MENSA, reviewed Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps in this month's issue.

    "According to Felix," the review begins, "you can forget Darwin's theory of slow, stately, orderly evolution. Rather, he believes that geomagnetic reversals over the course of history have triggered gigantic leaps, which occur according to a predictable, natural cycle...and the next cycle is due soon."

    "At last, here's a probable explanation of those '"missing links," the review continues. "There aren't any."

    "New species do not evolve slowly, but arise abruptly; new plants and animals seemingly appear from nowhere, with no intermediate life forms to explain their presence; and geologic records show that this happens immediately after extinctions and in conjunction with geomagnetic reversals time and again. Lowered magnetic field strength allows mutation-causing radiation to strike our planet."

    "Now here's the clincher: Earth's magnetic field strength has declined by two-thirds over the past 2,000 years, and the rate of decline is increasing."

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:52 pm

    MAGNETIC POLE SHIFT DATA Verweis-vergroessern-magnetfeld,property=Download
    Unsere Erde ist umgeben von einem magnetischen Schutzschild, hervorgerufen von einem starken Magnetfeld – es wird durch die Bewegungen von flüssigem, eisenhaltigem Material im heißen Erdinneren erzeugt. Die magnetischen Kraftlinien (weiße Linien), die dabei entstehen, treten am magnetischen Südpol aus und tauchen am magnetischen Nordpol wieder in die Erde ein. Aktuell liegt dieser Punkt im Norden Kanadas, rund 800 Kilometer vom geografischen Nordpol entfernt – dieser wird durch die Achse festgelegt, um die sich die Erde dreht. Forscher sind sich sicher: Eines Tages wird sich das Magnetfeld umkehren. Kompassnadeln, die bisher durch die Magnetkraft nach Norden ausschlagen, würden dann Richtung Süden zeigen

    Our earth is surrounded by a magnetic shield, caused by a strong magnetic field - is generated by the movement of liquid, iron-containing material in the hot interior of the Earth. The magnetic force lines (white lines), may be caused to occur from the magnetic south pole and dip at the magnetic north pole back into the earth. Currently, this point lies in northern Canada, about 800 kilometers away from the geographic North Pole - this is defined by the axis around which revolves the earth. Researchers are certain: One day, will reverse the magnetic field. Compass needles which turn out to date by the magnetic force to the North would then point to the south
    Pole shifts, each corresponding to 10 km
    Is the magnetic chaos imminent?
    01/19/2011 - 23:43

    Threatens our planet a huge mess? Triggered by the impending collapse of our magnetic field?

    In Potsdam met now renowned scientists discuss disaster preparedness.

    One issue: the displacement of the Earth's magnetic field - with drastic consequences for all humanity!

    Dr. Matthias Förster of the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, told Bild: "In fact, moving the magnetic poles of the earth. Thus, the magnetic north pole moves currently at a speed of ten kilometers per year towards Siberia. "

    Reason: The iron-containing particles in the liquid core of the earth, the magnetic field produce, have their direction changed their circulation.

    But even worse predominates: The strength of the magnetic field decreases as threatening. Particularly in South Africa and in the area of the South Atlantic is weaker.

    Geophysicist Dr. Alexander Rudloff ( GFZ Potsdam ): "It is expected that the magnetic field is weaker at first, then breaks down and eventually re-built completely, then would the North Pole to the South Pole and vice versa. We speak of a complete polarity reversal. "

    In the Earth, it has already given more often.

    But: the effects of polarity reversal in our highly technological world could be dramatic.

    Dr. Rudloff: "The magnetic field is our shield against the bombardment with energetic particles the sun hurls at us. If it breaks down and hit the unprotected solar particles to Earth, could the communication systems (eg mobile phone network) and Aerospace are extremely disturbed. "

    Experts warn that a massive global power failure would be possible and a chaos in the satellite reception (TV, radio). However, migratory birds and large herds of animals in Africa would be lost, because they are based on magnetic field. There is even speculation about a further heating of the Earth's atmosphere.

    If the magnetic chaos possibly imminent? In recent weeks thousands of birds around the world from the sky like dead. Perhaps they had lost their orientation. In Florida, the Tampa airport was already closed because the terms of the trajectories (based on the magnetic pole) had to be replaced because of the shift.

    First signs - or just coincidence? Dr. Rudloff, "We can not currently predict when it comes to the polarity reversal. This is still completely unclear. "

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  LightSurfer Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:09 pm

    Thanks Carol, very interesting maps and websites. I tried searching a bit for maps of eastern Quebec. Would be interesting to see some info about the St-Lawrence river valley as well as the Hudson Bay area.


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    Post  mudra Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:03 pm

    Good to see you around Lightsurfer cheers

    Love for you

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    Post  Carol Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:09 pm

    Solar Radiation Leaking through a Failing Magnetosphere Likely Cause of Plant Blights and Animal Mass Deaths

    Here's a condensation of OP's claims

    Before you ask, no, I don't have a link to a scientist or a newspaper that is reporting this, nor am I likely to ever be able to produce such a link. I don't think we will ever be told what is happening, because to be frank, if people knew the truth a state of lawlessness would most likely be the result.

    In a nutshell, what is happening is a change in polarity of the magnetic field of the Earth, brought about by crossing from one side of the galactic plane to the other. Eventually the north pole of the magnetic field will end up in Antarctica , and the south pole in the arctic regions. The problem does not lie so much in the polarity changing, but in what happens to the magnetic field as the Earth nears and actually penetrates the galactic plane.

    This is the reason for the chem trailing phenomenon, it has all but been admitted that it's purpose is Tellers plan to block solar radiation.

    What we are observing in the data is a rapid weakening of the field strength and an instability never before observed. The north pole is now moving over 40 miles per year. At this rate the north pole would become the south pole in less than three centuries, but what will actually happen is it will occur much more rapidly, because the closer we get to the galactic plane the quicker the changes will occur.

    This is what is going to happen in 2012. The magnetic field will be almost non existent as far as a coherent shield against solar particle radiation, and most if not all of the surface vegetation will die, as will animals unable to hide and find food in the aftermath. this includes the majority of humanity. IMHO all of the weirdness we have been exposed to in recent years is an attempt to distract us from what is happening around us, the real danger, the elephant in all of our living rooms.

    This thread will attempt to provide empirical evidence that these deaths and blights are the direct result of a progressively worst failure of the Earths magnetic field.

    I will start out with the following story, because it does indeed provide direct empirical evidence that the Sun was the cause of the blight in this case. Note the statement about how wheat that was shaded by hard objects such as fences and hills was not damaged:

    [link to]

    More evidence will follow, and i will gradually build a case that proves conclusively and without doubt that we are indeed heading for an extinction level event on this planet that is not some distance in the future, but happening right now.

    Q This is plausible

    A I would say so if I wasn't sure.

    One of the clues is that all of the birds that are involved are black in color and died at night. These birds are changing their behavior to avoid sunlight because their coloration is designed to optimize absorption of solar radiation. It doesn't help that they are not evolved to be active on moonless or dark nights, and in the process of doing so they are colliding with each other and stationary objects while in flight..

    Q Magnitosphere collapse would NOT be breed spacific.
    This falls into the realm of phosgene gas BS

    A It's not. All species are being effected, including humans. I will get to that as this thread develops, there is alot of information to present,. Some are just more vulnerable and exposed than others. What is happening to the plant life will become undeniable soon, already there are widespread unexplained blights and spotting of vegetation. this spotting is cause by high energy particles penetrating the leaves of the vegetation, which are specifically designed to absorb sunlight.. I believe much of the genetic engineering of crops was an attempt to make them radiation resistant.

    Q OP, do you know when precisely we are to cross the solar plane?

    A It is the galactic plane, and yes , i do. On December 21, 2012 the Earth, the Sun and the galactic center will all align in three dimensions for the first time in human history as the solar system traverses the galactic plane on the winter solstice. All of this by the way is compelling evidence of an intelligent design or arrangement to the universe. BTW, there are those who will point out that the Sun The earth and the Galactic center line up every year on the solstice, and that IS true, but only in two dimensions, as seen looking down from above the galactic plane, but not on it. On the solstice in 2012, the alignment will be three dimensional.

    Q Something is wrong with the science we have been handed. If the magnetosphere is the result of the earth spinning around her magnetic core, then why is the magnetosphere failing when the earth is still spinning?

    A The whole model is wrong. The magnetosphere is a living thing, powered by the sun, and it is not failing, it is purposefully changing, right on que.

    We have been completely lied to.

    The magnetosphere of the Earth is known to be energized by the electron flow from the Sun. During times of reduced solar wind speed and flux, a corresponding decrease in the overall strength of the magnetosphere is always observed as a result, this is cause and effect proof.

    Q I still contend that there are multiple applications for ct's, but definitely this is one of them.

    A I am sure there are many things being sprayed into the atmosphere, but the daily observations we have been making called chem trails are indeed for the purpose I explained. It is always possible that one atmospheric aerosol program could have multiple purposes though.

    Q Do you have any scientific literature that confirms what you say ?

    A What would you like to see, specifically. Like for instance evidence the magnetosphere is weakening or the poles positions changing rapidly? A None of this information is secret, there are numerous scientific publications , university programs and even Federal agencies that all back my findings.

    OP: From the link: "In Umatilla County, ( the patterns are oriented across the fields, with "shadow effects" suggesting protection in areas behind slopes or fence rows, Wysocki said. But the patterns of the die-off aren't typical of anything anyone has seen before, Searle said. "

    This says in so many words that the Sun caused the blight if you have the wisdom to understand. It is compelling, solid empirical evidence that the Sun is the cause.

    Q Are you really a professional astrophysicist? Can you tell us that?

    A I can't tell you who I am without going through a shitstorm of controversy but I can tell you this much, when I speak, the most well known names in the discipline take notice and I have been instrumental in re writing what has up until this time been more or less a psuedo science concerning everything from sub atomic physics , the propagation and nature of electromagnetic energy and the mechanism that powers the Sun.

    What would you like to see, specifically. Like for instance evidence the magnetosphere is weakening or the poles positions changing rapidly? Non of this information is secret, there are numerous scientific publications , university programs and even Federal agencies that all back my findings

    Q No, I'd like to see some published papers describing the physiological mechanisms. Maybe something that can indicate pfu measurements at ground level.

    A That information is not publicly available. This is one of the most telling aspects of this so called mystery. The equipment to measure particle radiation at the planets surface is not that expensive, though. An old AM radio can give you a general idea, the more 'pops' you hear, the stronger the solar particle radiation that is striking the antenna. You will notice that at night you hear vary few, the paticle flux is greatly reduced.

    Q Again folks... check out "I THINK I SOLVED THE MYSTERY OF MASS ANIMAL DEATHS" here on GLP. Explains it all

    A Son, I don't think I've solved anything., I knew this was coming and predicted it over ten years ago

    Q I would like to see some scientific proof concerning this Galactic Plane crossing thing. I've only seen it discussed vaguely on new-age and conspiracy sites like this one. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 553712

    A The proof is in the data. As we get closer to the galactic plane the magnetic field becomes weaker and more inconsistent

    Q tell us more - we're waiting for more revelations, and some PROOF - I mean, if you're gonna whistleblow mankind's DOOM you'd might as well come out from behind your NDA and give it to us straight so we can at least enjoy the remaining 20 months of excessive Xxxxxxxx.

    A The fact is, you can lead a horse to water but you can't force him to drink. Here is a revelation for you, During the last solar maximum there were mass human deaths as result of solar radaition storms occurring during periods of a compromised magnetosphere. One of these was the 'heat wave' deaths in France and another in India. Both of these events co relate with a compromised and unstable magnetosphere occurring at the same time as a solar radiation storm. All of this information is publicly available, there are archives of the data and the press stories relating the deaths

    Q The LAST time Earth's magnetic poles flipped, the process took 50,000 years start to finish and its not going to happen alot faster this time. During the process it makes sense that there will be long periods of time when the magnetic field is not protecting Earth from dangerous radiation. It won't destroy all life on Earth, but terrestrial life probably won't make it.

    A I think you will find that the weakening of the magnetic field leading up to a polarity reversal has been ongoing for 25,000 years.

    Q Break it down. What does this mean? Timeline? Alternatives? Plan being implemented? Chance of survival?

    A Timeline, it's happening right now and will rapidly worsen. There is no alternative to that which we have no control over. The elite are preparing underground bunkers to survive. On the surface the chances are every plant will die, and animals will follow quickly as the food chain is broken. As far as individual humans surviving, I think that is possible with proper and prudent preparation, but the planet will take thousands of years to return to normal.

    Q FISH
    Radiation cannot go through deep water. Unless all the dying fish are shallow water fish, I have to call bullshit.

    A Good point, damned good point and i looked into it. In Arkansas the fish that died were freshwater drum. These fish are dark purplish gray colored and are evolved to warm themselves on the surface in the winter. They are known to position themselves in very shallow water right under the surface to maximize this warming effect. This behavior is most likely what killed them. Fish are very sensitive to radiation, more sensitive than birds or mammals because they are water dwelling creatures not adapted to it because water blocks radiation. The fish that are dying are coming to the surface to warm themselves. The crabs that died were shallow water species that are exposed by low tide in pools of water.

    I have not heard of any deep water or bottom dwelling species that have died, but if so i would suggest some phenomenon such as low oxygen content in the water forced them to the surface

    Q knowing what you appear to know and being who you appear to be,how are you spending your time these days? Knowing that our time is running out. This knowledge must be a huge weight on your shoulders.

    A I've known for quite some time that this was happening and have prepared myself both mentally and physically for what i believe is inevitable. The hardest thing to accept was the realization that i would never be heard until it was actually manifesting itself in undeniable ways.

    It is not as simple as avoiding radiation because radical changes in the atmosphere and the environment will in all likelihood make survival on the surface a horrible experience at best, impossible in all likelihood.

    Last edited by Carol on Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:20 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    MAGNETIC POLE SHIFT DATA Empty Sea Level Rise Map

    Post  immortalisdolor Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:05 am

    This North American map is of a simulated sea level rise only by 60 meters. Thought it was interesting compared to the supposed future maps of America. It is different, and based on the above sea level measurements on land, for example, I am at around 260 feet above sea level where I am at.

    MAGNETIC POLE SHIFT DATA 38988d1238596855-claiming-sea-level-rising-total-fraud-wis-map3

    This link show further simulations with even more sea level rise.,r:2,s:0


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    Post  Carol Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:37 pm

    Good find immortalia.

    Q. but, if that's incorrect and not applicable, what about sites like this ?

    It,s not incorrect, but neutrons are a small slice of the total solar emissions. Neutrons are monitored because they are unaffected by the magnetosphere. This information is useless as an indicator of the failure of the magnetosphere.

    Q. What does this^^ monitor ?

    you have my curiousity.

    A. I must admit that you appear to have found resources that just recently have been made available that do appear to present real time data of solar radiation in the form of electrons reaching the surface. I not only applaud your efforts, but your accomplishment. What search parameters did you use, and what search engine, if you don't mind my asking? I will spend the next ten hours reviewing the archives and trying to find a correlation between the readings and the animal deaths. Based on what I already know, I am thoroughly convinced a connection can be made.

    Another key evidence of these EM changes are the extreme temperature variation that we're experiencing, like for example the extreme temperature difference right now between the West Coast and East Coast of the USA.

    "Twenty-four pilot whales have died on a remote beach in the far north of New Zealand, the Department of Conservation was quoted as saying on Friday by press reports. Fourteen of the whales were already dead when the group was found scattered over 150 metres of rocks, mud and mangrove early Friday in Parengarenga Harbour, 15 kilometres south of North Cape. They appeared to have become stranded the previous day." and and,die-new-zealand-beach.html#

    "Little penguins are dying in their hundreds, leading conservationists to fear they are starving as a result of the La Nina weather system. Other seabirds are washing up dead on beaches, raising concerns that species could become extinct if climate change causes extreme weather events to become more frequent. "

    The field strength of the magnetic field of the galaxy is impossible to measure or calculate accurately from inside the heliosphere, but it is not necessary to know the strength to know a reversal will occur. To make such a definitive quantification, much that we do not know would have to be known,
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1241338

    The energy required to exert enough torque on the Earth's field to flip the magnetic poles over can and has been measured/estimated.

    You can then use generally accepted magnetic field equations to estimate back the strength of the dipole magnet required at the specified distance to exert such a force from galatic center.

    If you do these equations, you will see that the galactic center would have to be a magnet of many trillions of Teslas that would seriously disrupt everything in the galaxy.

    You are talking about the magnetic equivalent of a Super Ultra Massive Black Hole.

    Here's some info on the most highly magnetic bodies we have discovered.

    link to

    So I seriously doubt Galatic Center and the Earth's orientation to it has anything at all to do with the pole shift, which appears to be near on the horizon, regardless of mechanism.
    Quoting: Least Servant

    I am talking about galactic re-synchronization is indeed key to what is going on since space is just a wavelength ..and the entire solar system and the Sun itself is "influenced" by the galaxy.

    What REALLY killed the birds... And the fish.
    Suggest Pin Quote [+]

    What really killed the birds.

    It's your basic localised supercharged low pressure bubbles, due to the magnetic fluctuations causing high energy particles to stream into minor holes in the lower magnetosphere.

    The supercharged particles are heated from the energy and a lot become ionised and spread out to cause a relatively small sphere of low pressure and little oxygen, most the oxygen will be ionised and useless anyway.

    Can only be sustained via a constant input of energy and so most are short-lived.

    Nothing sinister, the low pressure knocks them out cold from lack of oxygen, some wake up as they leave the low pressure bubble, but they have already suffered severe internal damage from the lack of oxygen and the sudden low pressure that they cannot continue to fly.
    From article:

    - Blue stain believed to be sign of poisoning or hypoxia - lack of oxygen that is precursor to altitude sickness

    - Cold weather and overbreeding blamed for deaths of two 2million fish in Chesapeake Bay

    - Disease behind deaths of 100,000 fish in Arkansas River

    - At least nine incidents of mass animal deaths across the globe

    - Hundreds of confused birds plummeted to their deaths in multiple locations in the U.S.

    - Rapid movement of Magnetic North Pole towards Russia may have caused bird deaths

    ''Severe hypoxia induces a blue discolouration of the skin, called cyanosis. Because hemoglobin is a darker red when it is not bound to oxygen (deoxyhemoglobin), as opposed to the rich red colour that it has when bound to oxygen (oxyhemoglobin), when seen through the skin it has an increased tendency to reflect blue light back to the eye''
    What really killed the fish.

    The same thing killed the fish as did the birds, instead of creating a low pressure zone and ionising the air, most of the supercharge that the water recieved went directly into the fish.

    Because it was the easiest place for it to go to.

    Path of least resistance and everything. The water that the fish had in them was mostly contained and the charge broke apart the molecules flash producing hydrogen and oxygen, which in effect drowned the fish, while giving them a slight electrocution.

    The charge that didn't enter the fish would of been dissapated into heat.

    Then as the source of the 'electricity' dissappeared (the crack closed) the hydrogen and oxygen combined back into water and the excess energy dissapated as heat.


    Quote: OTOC
    Many things can cause that effect, from a gamma ray burst, to a magnetic flux tube connection event to the sun combined with a weak point on the magnetosphere, to your background noise of solar particles just finding a crack.

    To other cosmic rays getting in, To lightning striking through there and many many more. Take your pick.

    May of not of even been the magnetic fluctuations, but is more likely given the amount of bird deaths.

    If it's a "basic" occurrence as you say, then why does it not happen with regularity?
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 987419

    It is and has done.

    Just a bit more magnetically unstable of late so more are reported.

    I'm middle aged and can't think of anything similar in my lifetime.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 987419

    Yes given they have been more common recently, but there has been the odd sporadic event of this happening throughout history. I'm saying it could be gamma rays from anywhere that can do this. Along with any of the number of other reasons I gave. and more. I believe that the magnetic field is becoming more unstable, to what extent, I do not know.

    1. So solar particles streaming in and ionizing lower atmospheric regions, in essence creating low altitude plasma ?

    2. Wouldn't we have seen plasma disharges in the sky at night ?

    3. And wouldn't they have to be incredibly, and I do mean incredibly strong, to get to the lower altitude those particular bird species fly at ?

    4. How does that happen when the ionosphere has multiple layers of plasma with different frequencies ?
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1218156

    1. Well yes, but a very small amount, the surrounding area of these few plasma particles is the low pressure zone where air in effect has expanded outward so much.

    2. It's possible with larger events of this kind, but with only a small amount of plasma it's likely that it cannot be seen at all, it's not like the auroras.

    3. Not if drawn in by the magnetic field no, but if not drawn in by the magnetic field then yes it would have to be incredibly strong.. but that depends on your idea of 'strong' Note that solar particles can readily be well over a million degrees kelvin and very highly charged magnetically while moving at easily 350 kilometers per second.

    4. The ionsphere is weak right now, magnetic breaches can draw particles straight past the ionsphere if it is especially weak in any spot, and since the solar particles carry a magnetic charge they will in essence clear a path through the ionsphere leaving a tiny hole for particles to go straight through.

    Weather radar shows something unusual around time birds fell

    As would be expected with this event

    so these bubbles would show up on radar?
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1081433

    Depending on their size.


    Could these pockets have a temperature difference?
    I'm asking this because yesterday on my way to work I noticed a plane flying above me, leaving a contrail.

    At one part the trail just stopped, then you could see where it started again, at first I thought it looked like the plane actually stopped and started the contrail, but then I noticed the plane and it was leaving just a very small contrail which was immediately disappearing.

    It actually looked like the plane had flown through a pocket of different temperature air and where if flew through the pocket the contrail would immediately disappear, when it was out, the trail stayed.
    Quoting: Yee Haw

    Well yes, but not as much as you would think, the expansion of the bubble leaves the actual temperature of everything but the tiny plasma core only a tiny bit above background, 1-2 degrees at most.

    1. So basically, you are saying that the density of the air they happened to be flying in was rapidly changed ?

    2. I like your theory, although, sensibly, I cannot attribute all the deaths of birds and fish to this.

    3. There is no doubt in my mind that the Sun has a part to play in this, but I think it's in conjunction with man's activities.

    4. If we have breaches in the 4 layers that comprise our ionospere in the day, and 2 at night, all with different plasma densities, than we must be losing a lot of broadcast signals as well ?
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1218156

    1. They flew into the bubble, or the bubble grew into them, Sudden drop in pressure and density with little to no useable oxygen. And it was more of a sudden change than a rapid one.

    2. That's a given, no reason especially on the fish that this would cause all of the die outs.

    3. As above, yes I suppose some of die-outs would be man-made, like toxic waste barrels rusting out in deep sea etc.

    4. Think of these breaches as no bigger than pinholes, just enough to get the particles through. They wouldn't interupt any broadcast signals.

    @ OTOC
    "Nothing sinister, the low pressure knocks them out cold from lack of oxygen, some wake up as they leave the low pressure bubble, but they have already suffered severe internal damage from the lack of oxygen and the sudden low pressure that they cannot continue to fly."

    At what altitudes does this deplete oxygen? 50 feet? 100 feet? 10,000 feet? Most birds are low level fliers....if this were thecase, why aren't gulls and other high flying birds being affected?

    They're not huge swaths of open ionsphere miles across.

    Far enough from the ground as to stop the energy being absorbed/dissapated into the earth. So I would say... at least 600 feet or more depending on the surroundings.

    Although to say exactly where I would expect the majority of these bubbles to appear.. I just don't know. Of course the further up you go the less likely they would seem to present themselves as the air gets thinner.

    There will be a 'sweet spot' at some altitude, of which i do not know.

    continued at

    so a CME zapped 'em?
    Quoting: S'gan-Levi

    Well not quite.

    Many things can cause that effect, from a gamma ray burst, to a magnetic flux tube connection event to the sun combined with a weak point on the magnetosphere, to your background noise of solar particles just finding a crack.

    To other cosmic rays getting in, To lightning striking through there and many many more. Take your pick.

    May of not of even been the magnetic fluctuations, but is more likely given the amount of bird deaths.

    This is interesting as it ties in with research I did earlier this year concerning hydrocarbon flux and all the accidents in the oil and gas industry. It's long been known in the realm of geoscience that the properties in hydrocarbons like oil and gas can change in response to geomagnetic, and other, forces.

    Geomagnetic storms will cause induced currents, which in turn play out in different ways on different materials. In the case of something like pipeline transfers of oil and gas, it can induce a magnohydrodynamic effect in fluids. GSC's are known to be a problem for the gas and oil industry, when cathodic protection can not counter induced currents.

    Wonder why all the industrial accidents lately ?

    Just a few of the papers I stumbled accross:


    The dc electrical coupling of flow vortices and flow channels in the magnetosphere to the resistive ionosphere

    The fish, birds and animal deaths were caused by a "natural occurrence". This is to say it was caused by a geo-magnetic flux from the Sun, and its possible chain-reaction with the Earth's core.

    A recent occurrence could be the explanation to this unusual and sudden chain of events. On December 31st 2010, a vast coronal hole opened up in the Sun's atmosphere. When this occurs, the solar magnetic field opens up and allows solar wind (charged particles) to escape. The initial hit from this pulse could hit Earth within 8 minutes to 24 hours. The following stream of charged particles flowing from this coronal hole reached Earth late January 2nd 2011.

    This scenario fits perfectly with the string of occurrences beginning on January 1st with the death of some 5,000 birds in Arkansas. Migrant birds follow "magnetic lay-lines" which directs them during seasonal change. Marine mammals such as whales and dolphins also are directed by magnetics.

    All of this may be related to the magnetic poles moving.
    Movement of North Magnetic Pole is accelerating
    After some 400 years of relative stability, Earth's North Magnetic Pole has moved nearly 1,100 kilometers out into the Arctic Ocean during the last century and at its present rate could move from northern Canada to Siberia within the next half-century. If that happens, Alaska may be in danger of losing one of its most stunning natural phenomena – the Northern Lights.

    Geomagnetism - Long Term Movement of the North Magnetic Pole In-depth
    Data from Resolute Bay Observatory, the nearest to the North Magnetic Pole, show that the annual change in H has increased from roughly -10 nT/yr to almost 70 nT/yr during the past half century (top panel of diagram). The increase has not been uniform, but as a series of steps that have occurred in approximately 1970, 1979 and 1990

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:49 pm

    dutchsinse — Mar 30, 2011 —

    visit mike over at patrioticspace:<wbr>trioticspace visit magikman191 over at his page:<wbr>gikman191 and visit CarneyArt over at his page:<wbr>rneyart and finally download the graphic yourself from 3/30/2011 here:<wbr>simulation/realtime/movie.html

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 126
    Join date : 2010-05-18


    Post  dolphin Tue Apr 05, 2011 1:59 am

    carol, what do you think of nancy lieder's info on zetatalk and the Pole Shift of 90 degrees before 2012. to me, her research and information seems spot on. i'm really getting freaked out about this and realize nyc is a "deathzone" if this were to happen and not be prepared.

    i'm convinced her information is correct, but would really like your opinion.

    thanks carol!

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:50 am

    Hi dolphin. I've been following Nancy's website for years and keep an open mind with regard to the data presented. Yes, the sun is going to get hotter and this may occur before the pole shift where it won't matter. Yes, parts of the east coast will be under water in 2013 in on timeline Andrew Basiago visted as a youth. No, I don't know what will cause this. It could be anything from the La Palama Volcano ( ) to an astroid in the Atlantic. Also, the Atlantic ridge is stressed so it could be a shift in tectonic plates.

    I had often read it was an astroid that would happen in the Atlantic ocean reigion but again don't know what will be the cause of the east coast sinking.

    I read one recent Russian report of how the earth is moving closer to the moon and sun. Basically the earth's orbit is wobbly and with the suns activity I expect a lot more wind, snow and rain. Who knows what that will do? Maybe trigger this.

    Scientists Warn Of Massive Tidal Wave From Canary Island Volcano

    By Steve Connor
    Science Editor
    The Independent - London

    A wave higher than Nelson's Column and travelling faster than a jet aircraft will devastate the eastern seaboard of America and inundate much of southern Britain, say scientists who have analysed the effects of a future volcanic eruption in the Canary Islands.

    A massive slab of rock twice the volume of the Isle of Man would break away from the island of La Palma and smash into the Atlantic Ocean to cause a tsunami - a monster wave - bigger than any recorded, the scientists warned yesterday.

    Most of the wave's energy, equivalent to the combined output of America's power stations for six months, would travel westwards to the American coast but enough would be flicked north towards the English Channel to cause catastrophic coastal damage.

    A computer model has been designed to show the way the tsunami will build after the volcano, called Cumbre Vieja, erupts on La Palma, at the western end of the Spanish island chain. It describes the almost unimaginable scale of an event that the scientists say could happen at any time within the foreseeable future.


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Fri Jul 26, 2024 10:48 pm