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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context


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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  Micjer Fri Nov 26, 2010 8:21 pm

    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    OTTAWA —
    Plain talk from American diplomats could lead to red faces around the world this weekend as whistleblower website WikiLeaks gets set for another massive dump of secret U.S. documents.

    American diplomats have already made calls to allies around the world to warn them that some “compromising” conversations may have been released.

    David Jacobson, the U.S. ambassador in Ottawa, called Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon earlier this week to give the Canadian government the heads-up.

    Yet before jumping to conclusions about what might be released, experts are warning the public to sit back and wait.

    “I think you have to be cautious about drawing too broad conclusions from too little data. It is important to look at which American said what and to whom,” said Paul Chapin, a former Canadian diplomat.

    Chapin said the document dump may include low-level conversations with disparaging remarks about Canada, but those conversations wouldn't really matter.

    “You really have to zoom in on communications that are consequential based on who said it,” Chapin said, adding that if high-level officials are telling Canada one thing but saying something different behind closed doors, then it might be cause for concern.

    Kim Richard Nossal, the director of Queen's University’s Centre for International Relations, agrees that the main thing will be whether disparaging remarks come from the high end or the low end of the diplomatic food chain. Still, Nossal believes there may be some American diplomats who will be forced to move to a new assignment after this weekend.

    “They are paid to have opinions about the countries that they are posted in,” said Nossal.

    Nossal said a look through the archives of any country will show that diplomats often have less than stellar opinions of the countries where they serve.

    “Seeing it in the here and now rather than in some dusty archive will be shocking,” Nossal said.

    Thousands of pages are expected to be released over the weekend. Some reports claim “millions of cables,” diplomatic notes sent to embassies and consulates around the world, will be included in the leak.

    Ohhhhhhh! This is going to be good. Sure there are some sleepless nights ahead for some.

    It has been said that the dark cannot hide in the time to come. More disclosure!!!! Hope the masses are listening and watching.

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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Re: Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  Micjer Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:18 am

    WikiLeaks documents send shock waves around the globe

    A massive document dump – more than 250,000 U.S diplomatic cables made public Sunday by WikiLeaks – sent shock waves around the globe as the Obama administration coped with the fallout of revelations ranging from stunning to salacious as its policies and methods of dealing with friends and foes were embarrassingly laid bare.

    Among the revelations in the secret diplomatic messages: America’s close Arab allies have urged it to strike Iran – by bombing nuclear sites and decapitating the ruling Islamic theocracy; cyberwarriors from China’s communist politburo have attacked U.S. government computer networks.

    “Cut off the head of the snake," King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia said, referring to Tehran, a call to arms he has repeatedly made to both the Bush and Obama administrations. It was a bellicose call, one echoed by Egyptian and other Arab leaders who regard the rising Iranian power across the gulf as an ``existential threat.”

    Also revealed: North Korea has provided Iran with ex-Soviet missiles capable of lofting nuclear-warheads thousands of kilometres; Yemen has promised to cover for U.S. missile strikes on its territory by claiming they are its own bombing missions.


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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Re: Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  Micjer Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:23 am

    Pentagon says it has toughened security procedures, prompted by WikiLeaks

    The Pentagon says it has toughened up security procedures since the website WikiLeaks released thousands of secret war logs.

    The Defense Department chose Sunday, with the latest WikiLeaks material coming to light, to give some details about precautions against more unauthorized releases.

    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Seized_2010_11

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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Re: Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  Micjer Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:38 am


    Wikileaks, following much media fanfare (reason for suspicion right there) has just released a huge number of documents supposedly leaked to WikiLeaks and no other websites'. The media is denouncing this as a threat to the United States while US politicians wring their hands and wonder when they will be free of the curse of the First Amendment and all that troublesome nonsense about Freedom of Speech. Many observers think this is a propaganda set up and that neither Julian Assange or WikiLaeks should be taken at face value. After all, Julian Assange keeps insisting there was no 9-11 conspiracy and the 9-11 truth movement a "distraction." Apparently Julian Assange has patented conspiracy and nobody else may expose one except himself!

    Of course, there is really not that much that is new in this latest dump. Like prior WikiLeaks dumps, most of it is old news mixed with some rather dubious claims. In his last such dump, Julian Assange included a claim that Osama bin Laden is still alive and controlling Al Qaeda. Of course, it is well documented outside the United States that Osama bin Laden has been dead for many years and that Al Qaeda itself is a fake front group created to hoax Americans into endless wars of conquest, much as the fictional Emmanuel Goldstein was used in George Orwell's "1984."

    As for the present batch of documents, again it is a rehash of stories already known to the blog-o-sphere. Even those people who did not know US diplomats spy on their United Nations counterparts did not find it surprising or in any way a new idea.

    So what is the real purpose of Assange's little charade? Propaganda.

    Propaganda is like rat poison. 95% of it is tasty, healthy food. But the purpose is to get you to swallow the poison. The same is true of the WikiLeaks document dump. The bait are all these old stories which we already knew about, used to convince us that the entire pile is "tasty, healthy food," except that it isn't. Buried in the pile of delicious, albeit past the expiration date morsels are the bits of poison which the US Government knows you will no longer accept at face value from the controlled media, but hope you will eat if handed to you by a con artist posing as hostile to the government.

    So, given that 95% of the current WikiLeaks is really old news, as a public service I will point out the bits of poison that Julian hopes you will eat.

    1. Iran is bad so you should all want to kill them.

    2. Saudi Arabia is bad because they are funding Al Qaeda so you should all want to kill them.

    3. North Korea is bad because they gave really long range missiles to Iran for Iran to put their nuclear warheads in, so you should all want to kill them.

    4. China is messing with your computers, so you should all want to kill them.

    That about sums it up.

    Funny thing about rat poison. After a while the rats learn to eat the food and leave the poison behind.


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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Re: Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  burgundia Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:53 am

    I will add to the wikileaks revelations that Putin is an alpha-male and Merkel is not creative... Lmfao

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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Re: Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  eMonkey Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:55 am

    Micjer wrote:
    Funny thing about rat poison. After a while the rats learn to eat the food and leave the poison behind.

    You missed the part where they evolve to become immune to it. Cool

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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Re: Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:50 am

    Obama said he wanted transparancy in government. Well, here it is.

    When is this nation going to return to acting from integrity? Especially towards its own citizens and other nations.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Re: Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  enemyofNWO Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:05 am

    Carol wrote:Obama said he wanted transparancy in government. Well, here it is.

    When is this nation going to return to acting from integrity? Especially towards its own citizens and other nations.

    Not on their own will . Not until the people force the jerks in control to give up or be destroyed . We are talking here about mad dogs .

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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Re: Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  Anchor Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:33 am

    I am nursing a hunch that Wikileaks is either a clever Psyop, or the target of a controlled leak with an agenda.

    Supporting ideas for this:

    1) So far the leaks seem to embarrass foreign diplomats more than American ones - haven't done a count, but I have been reading this meme a lot

    2) Seems aligned with the general agenda, its like the US just shrug off the criticism and carry on regardless - not making any difference

    3) Makes people think it must be genuine (as it is... hushed tones... leaked), so greater credence is given to the material than from other places. Ideal dis-info vector.

    4) This whole - Yeah let's 'stick it to the man' - thing is very distracting. The devil is in the detail. There is not much detail.

    5) How come the US already seem to know what is in the leaks and have their apologising/media strategies well planned then executed?

    6) How come WL doesn't just leak it, but hit the big media first? It would be much more interesting of the proletariat really got the info first. Leak an encrypted file first, then publish the password so we can get everything all at once and it is unstoppable. What kind of hacker risks the "treasure trove" of info he is sitting on right now (so big they stopped receiving new stuff) that is all unpublished? Why does JA feel his org should be the arbiter of what sees the light? Do we really trust him?

    6) How come the web site is still functional?

    7) How come JA is still not pushing up the daisies?

    Recently Sarah Palin tweet-ranted calling for JA to be hunted down like OBL and commented that the Whitehouse have handled the whole thing incompetently so far - my comment on that is well he is pretty safe then. The combined might of most of allied super-military forces on Earth have not found OBL or done anything really apart from blow-XXXX-up and get the way for oil pipe-lines open.

    JA may well want to check any helicopters he hears, they may contain a determined soccer-mum hanging out the side with and AR-15 and a mission to do what the Whitehouse have failed at.

    Finally, I don't really know if I care. My needless drama meter is off the scale on this right now.

    I hope that this information is true. Perhaps more true than the planners really intended. I hope this is one of the catalysts that drive the changes we will experience over the coming years on our way to a nicer world. Thats what I hope.


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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Re: Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  Carol Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:57 am

    Wikileaks is not an American based company and the data that they posted had already been available to the public months before it was posted on Wikileaks. I also think it a good thing this data was leaked because according to the 1st admendment the public is suppose to have access to information and be kept informed on the workings of the government. What we see instead is a lot of covert activity to the detriment of the American Public and to other countries. This president stated he wanted transparency from the onset of his presidency and now he has it. Yes some of the information was sensitive but more along the lines of being very embarassing to the individuals involved in nefarious activities. How can citizens be expected to make informed decisions with respect to elected officials and keeping them in office if they do not know what these individuals are doing.

    The website is not based in the US and the US has no legal jurisdiction over them.

    As for the mad dogs. Of course. Anyone in office as a career is a mad dog. My cynical side is coming out on this one but there are a couple of members (Ron Paul and George Miller) that I do like. Members of congress are only suppose to serve as volunteers for a brief period of time. Our own senator is in his 80s and been in the senate for years and years. I find it offensive that once in office these individuals tend to puff up their pillows and decide to sit in office for as long as they can. That was never the intention of the people who set up this country. Of course I'm for term limits of 6 years.. but what the hay... it's too late and government too top-heavy. As the saying goes we have the best government that corporate money can buy. It's just sad, tragic that corporations do not have the interest of the people at heart and instead focus on the what they can get or themselves. All it will take is a good EMP from the sun to wipe out electronic business practices and then where will we all be? Back to trading juju beads and chicken eggs no doubt. I forgot to mention using roller skates and bicycles as well since cars won't run.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Re: Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  enemyofNWO Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:44 am

    Anchor wrote:I am nursing a hunch that Wikileaks is either a clever Psyop, or the target of a controlled leak with an agenda.

    Supporting ideas for this:

    1) So far the leaks seem to embarrass foreign diplomats more than American ones - haven't done a count, but I have been reading this meme a lot

    2) Seems aligned with the general agenda, its like the US just shrug off the criticism and carry on regardless - not making any difference

    3) Makes people think it must be genuine (as it is... hushed tones... leaked), so greater credence is given to the material than from other places. Ideal dis-info vector.

    4) This whole - Yeah let's 'stick it to the man' - thing is very distracting. The devil is in the detail. There is not much detail.

    5) How come the US already seem to know what is in the leaks and have their apologising/media strategies well planned then executed?

    6) How come WL doesn't just leak it, but hit the big media first? It would be much more interesting of the proletariat really got the info first. Leak an encrypted file first, then publish the password so we can get everything all at once and it is unstoppable. What kind of hacker risks the "treasure trove" of info he is sitting on right now (so big they stopped receiving new stuff) that is all unpublished? Why does JA feel his org should be the arbiter of what sees the light? Do we really trust him?

    6) How come the web site is still functional?

    7) How come JA is still not pushing up the daisies?

    Recently Sarah Palin tweet-ranted calling for JA to be hunted down like OBL and commented that the Whitehouse have handled the whole thing incompetently so far - my comment on that is well he is pretty safe then. The combined might of most of allied super-military forces on Earth have not found OBL or done anything really apart from blow-XXXX-up and get the way for oil pipe-lines open.

    JA may well want to check any helicopters he hears, they may contain a determined soccer-mum hanging out the side with and AR-15 and a mission to do what the Whitehouse have failed at.

    Finally, I don't really know if I care. My needless drama meter is off the scale on this right now.

    I hope that this information is true. Perhaps more true than the planners really intended. I hope this is one of the catalysts that drive the changes we will experience over the coming years on our way to a nicer world. Thats what I hope.


    You make some very good points . Remember when Gary McKinnon was discovered to have hacked some US defense websites . The US demanded the extradition of Gary and threatened him with 60 years of jail for having viewed a file containing military officers transfers to a space fleet !
    So I am sure JA is an operation , probably Mossad or CIA .
    So JA can go and travel around after having supposedly endangered american lives with his revelations but , Gary is still wanted by US authorities .
    I thinks Wiky disclosures are mostly known facts mixed with disinformation for the benefit of the the rogue state of Israel . The Iranian are bad and are building the bomb Ah ,ah ....while the rogue state No. 1 can have 400 atomic bombs . This is great operation indicating that the Zionist are aware that the image of Israel is horse doodoo . I noticed that the zionists , when there are major problems with their image , trot out some movie during prime time TV such " the story of Anna Frank " from a diary written with a biro pen after the war .... and " Schindler's list " . There are some interesting article on Wikyleaks in Whatreallyhappened website .


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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison

    Post  enemyofNWO Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:55 am

    Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison

    By wmw_admin on November 29, 2010

    by Jonathan Azaziah – Mask of Zion October 28, 2010

    Disinformation is defined as ‘misinformation that is deliberately disseminated in order to influence or confuse rivals.’ It is used by governments to mislead and brainwash their citizen populations, instigate wars, and blackmail foreign regimes. It is the ultimate instrument of the media. The most effective disinformation is that which is comprised of falsehood as well as facts. Wikileaks, founded by Julian Assange, fits this description perfectly, right down to the letter. Seemingly overnight, it has become one of the biggest ‘whistle-blowing’ agencies in modern history. In reality though, it is one of the biggest disinformation projects in modern history, and it may be the most dangerous because it is masquerading as an organization of truth. The information released by Wikileaks isn’t new; it isn’t groundbreaking; it doesn’t hurt the US as much as people think, it’s fractional really; and it is overloaded with as much as propaganda as the day-to-day Zionist media is. This propaganda is benefitting someone. And that someone is the illegal usurping entity of Israel. Even the Israeli government itself thinks so (1).

    Afghanistan Drivel

    The first major ‘leak’ released earlier this year by Assange was about occupied Afghanistan in the form of more than 92,000 documents. These docs included ‘secret files’ about civilian killings by the US and NATO along with boogeyman stories about the long-dead Osama Bin Laden, garbage regarding the Taliban acquiring ground-to-air missiles, and plenty of lies about Pakistan’s intelligence agency, the ISI (2). There wasn’t a single document about the Israeli training of the Taliban (3), the massive drug profiteering by the Mossad (4), the CIA (5) and the US-puppet Hamid Karzai and his brother (6), Karzai’s connections to Unocal and Zionist war criminal Henry Kissinger (7), the clandestine Israeli business operations set up to take control of the oil fields in neighboring Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan (Cool, or the Russian-Jewish mafia, fully protected by the Zionist entity, selling guns to US-backed Afghan warlords (9). Why weren’t any of these massively important, critically damning events and operations mentioned? Because by doing so, it would incriminate the already internationally condemned Zionist regime. Journalists, bloggers and activists, from occupied Afghanistan and abroad, have been reporting on the vast civilian casualties in Afghanistan since US intervention began more than 30 years ago. Wikileaks revealed nothing that wasn’t already known; however, it did reinforce Zionist propaganda regarding the illegal ‘war on terror.’

    Iraq MalarkeyThe next major ‘leak’ by Assange’s organization, which has gained more notoriety than the previous ‘leak,’ was about occupied Iraq in the form of nearly 400,000 documents. Like the occupied Afghanistan disinformation, it included ‘secret files’ about mass civilian killings by US forces, torture by war criminal Nouri al-Maliki and his forces (which according to Wikileaks, US military officials attempted to halt) (10), US government failings in reprimanding Blackwater (XE) for committing murder (11), and brutal executions by the American and British occupiers mixed with more tripe about fictitious Al-Qaeda, nonsense about Iran training militant Iraqi militias and Iranian drones flying over Iraq (12), Iran smuggling guns, munitions, and explosives into Iraq (13), ridiculous accusations of the Lebanese Resistance movement Hezbollah training Iraqis in the art of kidnaping (14), slanderous attacks on Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, and other absurd assertions about the Islamic Republic involved in the murder of innocent Iraqis. The Wikileaks Iraq war logs also ‘reveal’ civilian casualties numbered at 66,081 (15). The logs also ‘reveal’ that Iraqi WMDs actually did exist, as US soldiers found chemical weapons labs, terrorist toxin specialists, and chemical weapons caches (16).

    There was nothing ‘secret’ about American and British forces murdering, torturing and raping innocents in occupied Iraq. Like Afghanistan, Iraqi and international journalists, bloggers, and activists have been reporting the murder of civilians in Iraq since the beginning of the illegal occupation, with much more effectiveness than Wikileaks. The US military didn’t attempt to halt the puppet al-Maliki’s torture of unlawfully imprisoned Iraqis, they partook in it. They led the way after they signed off on it. They were the primary perpetrators (17). Secret prisons are still operating at this very moment where US forces barbarously torture innocent Iraqis (18). The US hired Blackwater’s contractors to instill fear and execute terrorism against the people of Iraq, of course it didn’t reprimand them. Erik Prince’s private army of terror was only doing what it was told to by the US government."

    the rest at

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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Re: Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  Micjer Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:38 pm

    Here is what a member on OMF said and I am inclinded to agree.

    This conspiracy is way interesting........ and way deadly.

    Here's what I think. This wiki thing can't be happening without the approval of the powers that be. There's big money behind this and what a better way to ram legislation up yours to shut down the internet than show proof its an evil predator destroying america and the world which needs to be controlled and turned off when the stuff hits the fan.

    Just recently, like last week, homeland security and ICE grabbed 80 something domains thus shutting down websites. They simply took ownership of the domains. If you know, there's a monkey wrench in the system called ICANN which handles domain disputes before anyone can grab your domain name. Seems they have now found a way to bypass the red tape and just get you off the internet for some not to clear reason.

    So, are they practicing for now and this wikileak stuff just a smoke and mirrored reason to finally close off the network ends thus controlling information. I see nothing to become shocked over or anything secret being revealed in these wikileaks. We know the world of government is creep show full of freaks and spooks who lie, cheat, kill and fill their pockets from our misery.

    Wikileaks, keep it coming, cause ya know, if they had something big and bad, they'd be shut down a long time ago. Smoke and mirrors.

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    Post  Carol Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:29 pm

    It's also about control and trying to get more of it. WikiLeaks is about disclosure but who is to say if it is authentic info or disinfo. Meanwhile this drama is being used for the US government to get more control over the internet plain and simple. I read today where Big Sis was now working with Walmart to have citizens spy on each other. My god, it feels like Nazi Germany and NWO more and more every day. This is like a some horror Science Fiction movie we're all living in. All I have to say to the American citizens is DISSENT, DISSENT, DISSENT!

    I can't believe the letter I got back from my Senator... What to know how it read at the bottom?

    This message is for the designated recipient only. Any other use of the email is prohibited.

    Obviously I will post it on the Internet! Good gad! Control at the individual level makes me ill. Everyone should read what this Senator wrote. This is a public servant and his viewpoint should be public record. Pure and simple.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  monique Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:51 pm

    Carol, this question about whether is information or is misinformation what is publish in the wiki-leaks - tormenting me since the beginning of the story. TPTB have the opportunity to plant disinformation when and how they want - because they control the media in general. I think it is up to our good sense to discern each of the information offered. Shocked

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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Re: Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  Carol Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:56 pm

    I agree monique. Yet even then, all is suspect. How can we know what is real and what is not real unless it has been verified by other sources?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  monique Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:04 pm

    Carol, perhaps, with our female intuition and little bit\some\ knowledge we can pinch something real.
    Best regards, Monique.

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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Re: Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  Carol Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:13 pm

    WikiLeaks: Julian Assange to hand himself in to police after arrest warrant issued
    Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, will hand himself in to police - possibly as early as Tuesday - after a fresh European Arrest Warrant was issued by the Swedish authorities.

    Mr Assange suffered another setback on Monday when Swiss authorities closed one of his bank accounts, one of the sources of funding for the WikiLeaks site.

    The 39-year-old Australian has been under intense pressure since the release of thousands of secret documents in recent weeks.

    Kristinn Hrafnsson, spokesman for WikiLeaks, said Mr Assange had been forced to keep a low profile after several threats on his life.

    Sweden’s Supreme Court upheld a court order to detain Mr Assange for questioning on suspicion of “rape, sexual molestation and unlawful coercion” after he appealed against two lower court rulings. He denies the allegations.

    His details were also added to Interpol’s most wanted website, alerting police forces around the world.

    A European Arrest Warrant was issued by the Swedish last month but could not be acted upon because it did not contain sufficient information for the

    British authorities. A spokesman for Marianne Ny, the Swedish prosecutor, said the extra details were sent last week and were being processed.

    Mr Stephens said he would fight any bid to extradite his client. He added that Mr Assange “has been trying to meet with the Swedish prosecutor since August this year”.

    Mr Assange’s troubles deepened when his Swiss bank account was shut down after it was found he had given a false address. Postfinance, the financial arm of Swiss Post, said: “The Australian citizen provided false information regarding his place of residence during the account opening process.”

    Mr Assange had allegedly told Postfinance he lived in Geneva but could offer no proof that he was a Swiss resident.

    News of his potential arrest came as WikiLeaks was criticised for publishing details of hundreds of sites around the world that could be targeted in terrorist attacks.

    Among the British sites listed are a transatlantic undersea cable landing in Cornwall; naval and motoring engineering firm MacTaggart Scott, based in the small Scottish town of Loanhead; and BAE Systems sites, including one in Preston, Lancashire.

    The revelations prompted Sir Peter Ricketts, David Cameron’s national security adviser, to order a review of computer security across all government departments.

    continued at link...

    WikiLeaks release: Timeline of the key WikiLeaks revelations (The good, the bad and the ugly American.)
    From Sarah Palin's email account to the Apache helicopter attack on journalists, we look at the key WikiLeaks revelations.

    So Why is WikiLinks a Good Thing?

    Revealed: Assange ‘rape’ accuser linked to notorious CIA operative
    James D. Catlin, a lawyer who recently represented Assange, said the sex assault investigation into the WikiLeaks founder is based on claims he didn't use condoms during sex with two Swedish women.

    Personally, I'm all for disclosure.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Re: Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  dolphin Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:18 am

    does anyone here know if cliff high mentions him in his altareports? if so, does he say what happens to JA?

    there's something about him, despite all the controversy of him being a psy-op, (i'm now undecided) that everytime i hear him speak, he seems so genuine and just wants transparency.

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    Post  mudra Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:03 am

    Is the Internet 9/11 Under Way?
    By Zen Gardner

    4 décembre 2010 1

    Think about it. Where is this seemingly staged Wikileaks furor taking us? While we participate in digging into the juicy tidbits of information that incriminate just about anybody and everybody, where is it all going?

    Lessons of 9/11

    While 9/11 served as a wake up call to those awake and aware enough to see the obvious demolitions and misinformation and resultant "Pearl Harbor" effect, most of the world fell for it. And now people are literally bending over, as in airport 'screenings', to the onslaught of police state fascism worldwide. It's staggering. In fact, it's Orwellian. The armies, police and private sector are at war with the vague concept of terrorism - an unbeatable enemy in a war that can be drawn out indefinitely and fought in any arena necessary.

    And what was the result of this declared war on terrorism? Not a war on terror, but an increase in fear and terror, all to justify the economic, social and political clampdown that has followed.

    What will the Wikileaks debacle herald?

    You guessed it--the last bastion of freedom of information and expression, a free Internet, will topple. After all, if information is now the enemy, we must carefully police any and every aspect of this dangerous medium--all for the safety and protection of 'we the people'.

    Oh, we'll still have the Internet, just like you can still fly. You'll just have to be on the "approved" list, screened, stamped, zapped, mugged and molested if you want to get "on the net". No biggie. Thanks Julian--job well done.

    Warning Signs

    #1. Wikileaks---WAY too approved and publicized. Every TV and cable network, press worldwide, official recognition from every level of government. Heck, he even does a TED talk! Where's anyone else trying to expose the agenda? Only Julian. Hmmm.

    #2. Biggie: This supposed system fighter says the 9/11 truth issue is a distraction, of all things.

    In an interview he was asked 'What about 9/11?' His answer-- "I am constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud." Source

    Mustn't step on your bosses' toes now, should we Julian.. Very suspicious if you ask me.

    #3. Wikileaks and Assange's sketchy background:

    The WikiLeaks website first appeared on the Internet in December 2006.[15][16] The site claims to have been "founded by Chinese dissidents, journalists, mathematicians and start-up company technologists, from the US, Taiwan, Europe, Australia and South Africa".[5] The creators of WikiLeaks have not been formally identified.[17] It has been represented in public since January 2007 by Julian Assange and others. Assange describes himself as a member of WikiLeaks' advisory board.[18] (Wikipedia)

    Also, Assange reportedly wrote for both the New York Times and the Economist which is fishy as well--not a real enlightened or 'alternative' mindset. His mysterious persona also plays well to the Wikileaks furtive image so people won't expect to know too much, which also is very 'convenient' for keeping anything hidden.

    [NOTE: There doesn't have to be deliberate, conscious involvement in some agenda on Wikileaks' part, but it helps. He, they, could be 'useful idiots' whose program has been conveniently co-opted by the controllers to serve their purpose. Either way, look for the pattern and the effects.]

    #4. Watch the hype: There's a growing crescendo of anger and hate that is now being whipped up--to the point that Assange is being called a new kind of terrorist--and more disturbingly, and as expected, the comparison is now being drawn between Assange and Bin Laden:

    Social Media Leaks Categorize Julian Assange As the Osama Bin Laden Of The Internet

    The founder of WikiLeaks is not only a wanted man by the American authorities, his now infamous Web site

    WikiLeaks is also under attack by notorious hackers, while its services are being cut-off by Amazon and Although not officially announced, Julian Assange might be considered today's public enemy number-one, taking the place of the illusive Osama bin Laden. Not since 9/11 has any one figure reached such notoriety due to what many consider acts against a state.

    Like bin Laden, Assange has no permanent address, does not maintain a headquarters, employs only a select few confidants and has taken to hiding in covert areas. Younger than bin Laden, Assange at 39 years-old may be a little more mobile than the 53 year-old, choosing to hopscotch the globe versus hibernating in the mountains of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

    While his face resides on the covers of magazines and newspapers around the world, similar to a Wild West 'Wanted' poster, little is known about his day-to-day activities. Like bin Laden's video addresses, while the CIA and other mercenaries are seeking his where-a-bouts, it's amazing that he still finds ways to release updates justifying his actions. (SOURCE)

    Notice also how we've been hearing about Wikileaks' exploits for a few years now, giving us time to make the connection between it and sensational and 'destructive informational terrorism'. Similarly we heard about Osama through the Yemen and Nairobi attacks being attibuted to him, imprinting his "brand" on the collective mind which led to the foregone phony conclusion that he had masterminded the 9/11 attacks.

    Ah, 'But what about these apparent exposures? Would they attack their own?'

    Could all these serious indictments against their own just be a deflecting smokescreen to hide the real purpose? Sure worked last time. So why wouldn't they risk taking down some of their own to give this psychological operation credibility?

    read more :

    More on same topic on the Intel Hub:

    BREAKING: WikiLeaks Being Used to Justify “Patriot Act” Legislation For Internet
    December 7, 2010

    Love Always

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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Re: Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  Micjer Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:17 am

    BREAKING: WikiLeaks Being Used to Justify “Patriot Act” Legislation For Internet
    December 7, 2010

    Gee what a surprise!!

    Senator Mitch McConnell called Assange a "high-tech terrorist" on NBC's Meet the Press Sunday and said, "if it‘s found that Assange hasn’t violated the law, then the law should be changed."

    Over the weekend, an insightful article by Zen Gardner exposed how WikiLeaks resembles an establishment creation. The article correctly pointed out that the WikiLeaks storyline was conforming nicely to the elite's problem-reaction-solution method, with the solution of more tyranny for our safety.

    WikiLeaks is being used to bring in the agenda on so many levels, but most importantly by setting the precedent of shutting down websites for politically "dangerous" content. Gardner writes:

    After all, if information is now the enemy, we must carefully police any and every aspect of this dangerous medium -- all for the safety and protection of 'we the people.'

    Oh, we’ll still have the Internet, just like you can still fly. You’ll just have to be on the 'approved' list, screened, stamped, zapped, mugged and molested if you want to get 'on the net.' No biggie. Thanks Julian -- job well done!

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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Re: Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  Micjer Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:21 am


    sorry forgot to add article to above post!

    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Re: Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  Guest Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:05 am


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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Re: Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  enemyofNWO Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:22 am

    Wikileaks ia also a big distraction . The revelations are vetted by the US State Department before they are made public by the corporate media that was given the task to pre - view those files by Mr Assange . So the revelations are designed to cause a lot of discussion and distraction from what's really happening with the Gulf of Mexico Current that has stopped , the financial taking down of the rigged economic system , the military provocations against North Korea ( remember the Gulf of Tonkin false flag ) , the currencies wars and the looting of the property of the population .
    We are witnessing the dismantling of civil society when the banksters that loot countries are not punished but a bank robber gets treated harshly by the system , we have
    police force and government officials behaving as if there is no law , while the common people are supposed to comply to the dictates of the criminals in charge . The rule of law is gone out of the door , the government is delinquent and soon or later , under the circumstances most people will realize that the power is in the hand of the common folk because it is a state of anarchy .

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    Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context Empty Re: Embarrassing chatter in WikiLeaks will need context

    Post  burgundia Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:09 pm

    Just a little more background on the “hero” Jullian Assange and Wikileaks…

    Wikileaks was started up in Dec. of 2006. Oddly enough, as a supposed “leak” site, a dissident site, it was given a great deal of immediate mainstream attention from the likes of the Washington Post, TIME magazine, and even Cass Sunstein the now Obama administration official who wrote a paper on how to “cognitively infiltrate” dissident groups in order to steer them in a direction that is useful to the powers that be.

    The TIME magazine article is curious because it seems that right off the bat they were telling us how to interpret Wikileaks in such a way that sounded strangely familiar to George W. Bush back just after 9/11…

    “By March, more than one million leaked documents from governments and corporations in Asia, the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa and the former Soviet Bloc will be available online in a bold new collective experiment in whistle-blowing. That is, of course, as long as you don’t accept any of the conspiracy theories brewing that could be a front for the CIA or some other intelligence agency.” TIME Jan. 2007 (emphasis added)

    Now remember and read closely… this article was written PRIOR to Wikileaks’ first big “leak”, which according to the article was to occur sometime in March of 2007.

    So why would TIME magazine be writing about them in the first place if they hadn’t done anything yet? Also, let’s not pass up on that delicious irony: this is TIME magazine singing the praises of a supposed “leak” site which will supposedly expose all kinds of “conspiracy theories” while at the same time telling their readers NOT to believe in those silly “conspiracy theories” circulating about Wikileaks. Just so long as you believe the “right” conspiracy theories, you’ll be alright I guess. This of course perfectly matches Jullian Assange’s own statements about 9/11.

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