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    Astonishing! Orb actually projects light onto a Bamboo leaf!


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    Astonishing! Orb actually projects light onto a Bamboo leaf! Empty Astonishing! Orb actually projects light onto a Bamboo leaf!

    Post  mudra Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:25 pm

    Awesome picture taken by Gasbom and posted on his big wobble tonight .

    This is not the usual type of orb, insect, dust or rain spot, it's much too real, just look at it!

    What can it possibly be? Look at the clarity, if you look closely it even projects light onto the Bamboo leaf behind it!

    If there is a photo expert out there who can explain this please leave a comment or contact me at, please tell us what it is!

    Astonishing! Orb actually projects light onto a Bamboo leaf! 2011+033

    Astonishing! Orb actually projects light onto a Bamboo leaf! Orb

    Astonishing! Orb actually projects light onto a Bamboo leaf! 2011+034Astonishing! Orb actually projects light onto a Bamboo leaf! Big

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    Astonishing! Orb actually projects light onto a Bamboo leaf! Empty Re: Astonishing! Orb actually projects light onto a Bamboo leaf!

    Post  lindabaker Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:47 pm

    Okay, that does it! Ima gonna git the camera out tonight!

      Current date/time is Tue Jan 21, 2025 8:19 pm