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    Cosmic Frequency News 26 September 2024 “Out-Of-Sorts”? ????#DrSchavi ????


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    Cosmic Frequency News 26 September 2024   “Out-Of-Sorts”? ????#DrSchavi ???? Empty Cosmic Frequency News 26 September 2024 “Out-Of-Sorts”? ????#DrSchavi ????

    Post  Carol Thu Sep 26, 2024 5:13 pm

    Cosmic Frequency News 26 September 2024 🌟
    “Out-Of-Sorts”? 🔥 #DrSchavi 🌱

    Still Wondering Why You Feel “Out-Of-Sorts”?

    For several weeks and months, cosmic energetics have been heightened — more than in previous years.

    September of this year of 2024 has been intense, and it is preparing us for October.

    Thus far, let us consider what has/and is occurring:

    1.) Strong solar flares at “M-Class” and “X-Class” levels.

    2.) Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) from the solar flares filled with electron and proton plasma directly targeting Earth and causing high geomagnetic (radiation) storms.

    3.) Protons arriving through the depleted planetary magnetosphere daily adding to what is already surging from our Sun and pummeling Earth.

    4.) Lunar Eclipse on September 17th (or 18th according to various world time zones).

    5.) Autumn and Vernal Equinoxes on September 22nd bringing in further electromagnetic charges and squaring the North and South Nodes.

    6.) Solar Eclipse coming on October 2nd.

    7.) Mercury “cazimi” (This is when a planet is in direct alignment with our Sun, and according to what the planet characterizes, there can be very challenging effects. Mercury governs communication of all types, and thus, clear-headedness and focused attention can be difficult for many as our Sun symbolically “lights up” what needs careful thought).

    8. Pluto at its critical 29th degree until mid-November affecting corporate structures (lots of changes and protests), businesses (closures or re-framing), military and police actions (both nationally and internationally), educational institutions having problems (protests, for example, regarding the current warfare and economic aid to certain countries), political chaos regarding coming elections in the USA that will have a global effect.

    9.) “Hurricane Helene” thrashing through parts of the USA and outer islands.

    10.) The constant barrage of dangerous chemical drugs being almost forced upon humanity with now a “vaccine” for flu that can be administered at home, and some schools are supposedly requiring that students show proof of having taken the “vaccine”.

    The above list could be extended with information on other planets and their degrees and angles and how Earth and humanity is affected.

    However, what has already been given is enough to illustrate why human physicality, emotions, and mental states are challenged with various types of discomfort such as shoulder, neck, and back pain; heart palpitations, dizziness, intestinal issues, nausea, extreme exhaustion., lack of appetite, inability to obtain a full night’s sleep, strange dreams when sleep is achieved, anxiety, and more.

    Some people are insisting on going for conventional medical help when the help they seek is not truly helping them, but instead, is giving them uncomfortable side effects. However, somehow they are “programmed” to “keep going to the doctor” like a person in a horror movie who is hypnotized by a mad scientist or a monster.

    Some inquire about natural therapies, but then go directly back to a conventional doctor anyway, and sometimes they unwisely ask the doctor what he or she thinks about natural therapies. Most doctors (unless they have become natural in their treatments of their patients) scoff at Nature.

    Why? Because there is lots of money to be made with “Big Pharma”.

    Doctors receive monetary dividends from the laboratories that produce certain drugs if the doctors agree to prescribe them to their patients.

    They also receive other perks such as trips.

    How do I know this? Because I have personal friends who are doctors, family members who are doctors, and some of the students I taught in college became doctors.

    They have shared what really goes on in the conventional medical field.

    In the USA, doctors have to submit paperwork to the “American Medical Association” (AMA) detailing the medications and other therapies that they have prescribed to their patients yearly in order to keep their medical license.

    The AMA does not recognize natural substances.

    Doctors also have a “Physician’s Desk Reference” (PDR) which details the side effects of drugs and then what to prescribe to patients when the side effects start to occur.

    The AMA does not recognize natural substances.

    Doctors also have a “Physician’s Desk Reference” (PDR) which details the side effects of drugs and then what to prescribe to patients when the side effects start to occur.

    As an old proverb says: “What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”.

    With all of the cosmic events that have occurred and those which have yet to occur, taking prescription chemical drugs adds to the discomforts that many people are having many of which are because of the positively-charging protons that literally alter in harmful ways the organs, glands, muscles, and tissues of the physical vessel as these protons soar into the magnetosphere around the Earth.

    However, some of the discomforts, as has been discussed many times before, are the changes that are meant to occur in this space/time continuum as carbon density is released and crystalline particles become more prevalent throughout the physical system and as cells are discharged of debris from ancestral and personal traumas which have caused a disassociation from connection to the HIGHER SELF and instead a reliance upon misguided human will to orchestrate and control life.

    The good news is that those who are indeed using free will unwisely or even unrighteously to manipulate humanity must pay a karmic price. This is DIVINE LAW.

    As the months move on, there will be more evidence of all of the disharmonies that have been poured upon planet Earth and upon humanity.

    There will be no more denials of participating in situations that have brought harm in so many ways (not just medically) to our planet.

    All that is happening in the cosmos of which our Earth is a resident, are signs, but few can actually “read” them.

    As Yeshua Ha Messiah warned: “At the end of the age, there will be signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars”.

    The ending phase — the Twilight — of “Kali Yuga” (“Age of Chaos”) is here, and this has been mentioned in previous discourses.

    There are times when humanity needs constant reminders.

    If they did not, then undesirable conditions would have changed by now because collective consciousness would have elevated.

    Elevation will eventually happen, however. It has to because the cosmic events are making sure of this. There will, therefore, be a New Age.

    It is on the horizon. Time is moving swiftly.

    Again, to quote Yeshua Ha Messiah: “Unless this time be shortened, no flesh will survive”.

    Also, for comfort, and to thus reiterate the words of Sri Bhagavan Krishna: “Those who preserve the dharma are protected by the dharma”.

    Further, as was received from the DIVINE by the Prophet Muhammad: “Whoever takes one step towards me, I come to them running!”

    As Tehuti (also called “Thoth”) said long before any of the persons mentioned above came into physical form: “As above, so below; as below, so above”. In other words, Tehuti was referring to the power of human consciousness — both individually and collectively — which has powerful manifestation ability.

    This weekend is the final one before next Wednesday’s “Solar Eclipse”.

    So, pray, meditate, and also do some of the nurturing activities that have been suggested in earlier articles.

    We are just days away from the month of October which will have further cosmic intensity.

    Remember, Lunar Eclipses, Solar Eclipses, and Equinoxes have an approximate six-month vibrational play-out.

    Be prepared. Today and tomorrow are being monitored for electromagnetic storms in the upper “G” levels: possibly “G2” and above. Some Physicists feel that we could see “G3” or even “G4” levels.

    There will, however, definitely be at least a “G1” storm based upon studies of sunspots and their potential to release “M-Class” solar flares.

    There was an “M.1-Class” solar flare last evening.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Wed Oct 02, 2024 5:31 am