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    Cosmic Frequency News 24 September 2024 – Tropical Cancer


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    Cosmic Frequency News 24 September 2024 – Tropical Cancer Empty Cosmic Frequency News 24 September 2024 – Tropical Cancer

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 24, 2024 8:28 pm

    Cosmic Frequency News 24 September 2024 – Tropical Cancer

    Our Moon has moved into the sign of Tropical Cancer today, Tuesday, September 24th, 2024, as of 10:50 AM (EDT) and will remain there until Thursday, September 26th, at 6:47 PM (EDT).

    It will have a short VOID between 6:12 PM and 6:47 PM (EDT) on Thursday before moving into the sign of Leo.

    The luminary we call our Moon stays in a sign the shortest amount of time — only about two-and-half-days.

    Our Sun luminary stays in a sign for a month, and planets stay in a sign anywhere from several weeks to several months to many years.

    Our Moon always has a VOID period before changing signs which may last for just a few minutes, for several hours, or for an entire day.

    While in Cancer, it will oppose Pluto which is retrograde at its critical 29th degree in Capricorn before moving on into Aquarius in mid-November for the next twenty years.

    Our Moon is also square to both the North and the South Nodes. These geometrical angles will cause most people to very emotional and think about the past in terms of people and groups.

    They may wonder how certain people are doing whom they have not heard from in a long while or wonder if they have made correct career decisions or even wonder about their spiritual direction. People will want — consciously or subconsciously — to be “Mothered”, to be comforted and soothed.

    Some people’s emotions will cause them to lash out in anger or to hold anger inside and act distant from others.

    The symbol of Cancer is the crab which tends to walk sideways and to often hide inside of its shell.

    During a Cancer Moon–especially when it is opposite bulldozing, powerfully transforming Pluto at its 29th degree — is a time for the need of profound nurturing.

    With all that is transpiring in our world that is cause for many to be angry, depressed, or fearful, turning to our HIGHER SELF — the DIVINE MOTHER — the INFINITE PRESENCE is vital.

    Many tips have been given in previous articles to calm the nervous system. However, due to the Cancer Moon which can be very tension-filled at this particular time, here are a few special suggestions for handling the next few days as well as the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Vernal Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere which have already occurred and are adding to the emotional energies at this time. These suggestions are for both men and women.

    1.) Each morning while our Moon is in Cancer, briefly step outside and pour a few drops of spring water on the ground and say: “DIVINE MOTHER, PLEASE COMFORT AND GUIDE ME”.

    2.) After your bath or shower, place any one of the following oils on your arms, torso, legs, and the bottoms of your feet: LAVENDER, ROSE, JASMINE, ORANGE BLOSSOM, or YLANG YLANG. Then moisturize your body with a lotion or cream.

    3.) Wear soothing colors such as those in the blue family (turquoise, sky blue, water blue, etc.), purple family (lavender, lilac, orchid, etc.), or pink family (rose pink, baby pink, fuchsia) or the balancing colors in the green family.

    4.) Wear or carry the calming, soothing, healing, protective, emotionally uplifting gemstones of either AMBER, AMETHYST, AMAZONITE, ANGELITE, BLUE LACE AGATE, LARIMAR, TURQUOISE, MOONSTONE (especially the peach color of this gem), PINK MANGANO CALCITE, PINK OPAL, PINK TOURMALINE, or KUNZITE.

    5.) Chant the following mantra during the day whenever you desire: “AUM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI” (“Oh, Divine, Peace Peace Peace”). You can perform the chant with or without a prayer mala.

    6.) Carry an object with you that represents PEACE, CALMNESS, WELLNESS, and PROTECTION to you. Perhaps it is something that represents your spiritual path such as an ANKH or the AUM symbol or the Islamic CRESCENT AND STAR or a small “murti” (“representation”) of an aspect of the DIVINE such as TARA or DURGA or LAKSHMI or SHIVA or KRISHNA or YESHUA or the MEDICINE BUDDHA, etc. When you feel it necessary, glance at your object and take three deep breaths.

    7.) Obtain a Tuning Fork or a Tibetan Singing Bowl that is attuned to 528 Hertz which is the healing and DNA-resetting tone. It is very calming and relaxing. Play it all around your body either while at work when you feel it necessary or when you return home from work or your outside errands and activities. Some people carry the Tuning Fork with them and ring it if they are in heavy slow-moving traffic to avoid becoming irritable.

    The above tips are excellent at any time. However, with the Cancer Moon, there may be a special need for them as we are still in the “Eclipse and Equinox Portal”. Remember, the New Moon and Full Moon eclipses and the Lunar and Solar equinoxes have a vibrational extension of approximately six months. So, doing what is suggested above will provide nurturance for the entire next several months. Thus, you will be able to think straight and tune into your intuition correctly. You will be centered in LIGHT.

    Reminder: The Solar Eclipse is October 2nd, 2024 in the sign of Tropical Libra (the need to balance various aspects of our lives) and in Sidereal Virgo (the need to review health regimens as well as work and community responsibilities).

    Although there are numerous other sunspot groups on our Sun, “AR3836” could be the one which begins the intense geomagnetic storms that are headed our way that are expected by today, tomorrow, or by the 27th according to NASA.

    The CME that this solar flare event unleashes could spark geomagnetic storms above “G1”. They could reach “G3” or “G4”.

    The planetary magnetosphere that was fluctuating as of yesterday with dense electron and proton particle plasma pressing into it is now even more pressured with the plasma and is surrounded with it. Solar winds are traveling at approximately 406.2 km/s.

    They too could elevate and give a further push outward of the CME. During eclipses and equinoxes, cosmic events are much stronger than ordinary, and because we are in “Solar Cycle 25” which has thus far been stronger than many Physicists around the world thought it would be, there are more solar flares, powerful CMEs, and other cosmic events that are quite dramatic.

    Of course, the “Global Schumann Resonance” will be charged-up if the predicted incoming CME is strong enough. Yesterday it registered a numerical “65” in power.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Wed Oct 02, 2024 5:31 am