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    United States AI Solar System (13)


    Posts : 13592
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    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (13)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jul 23, 2024 2:57 am

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    I'll probably research the following people. I mostly know little about them, but they seem interesting:

    1. Thomas Paine.

    2. John Carroll.

    3. Prince Albert.

    4. William James.

    5. Howard Fast.

    6. Thomas Gainsborough (Blue Boy Painting).

    7. Heinrich Hoffman (Rich Young Ruler Painting).

    8. Arthur C. Clarke.

    9. Robert H. Schuller.

    10. Patrick J. Buchanan.

    I'm not endorsing these people. Separately, Consider Pluralistic Mysticism. Stay Tuned. A couple of years prior to 9/11, a former taxi-driver serving Logan Airport told me how vulnerable we all were. Several years after 9/11, I repeatedly spoke with a former Logan Traffic Controller concerning 9/11 conspiracy-theories (mostly as he steadied a huge "Inside Job" sign beside a busy highway). Some drivers swore and gestured. In 2010: The Year We Made Contact, RA told me, "9/11 was done to prevent something much worse." Notice The Lone Gunmen pilot episode below, airing SIX-MONTHS PRIOR to 9/11. There have been approximately 60 guests and members on this site (September 15, 2023) for many hours now. There are usually 10 to 20. Separately, over the past few days, there have been a lot of strange behaviors and electronic glitches. Separately, a few months ago, my heart went into atrial-ventricular fibrillation and I was hospitalized for a successful cardioversion. Separately, a few months ago, my house was repeatedly and viciously entered, vandalized, ransacked, and damaged, with repeated theft, and strange responses by authorities and neighbors. Separately, over the past few months, I've encountered individuals of interest behaving out-of-character and out-of-context toward me. I've mostly taken all of this in stride but I fear for what might be emerging for most (or all) of us. What if Artificial Intelligence and Bio-Robots have been running the solar system for a very long time and are now in the process of going openly rogue (or something to that effect)?! My threads have somewhat modeled and suggested various possibilities as a research-baseline. I'm mostly going silent and incognito as I remain 'mostly normal' yet 'extremely apprehensive'. We might be facing yet another nefarious operation (or a series of them with increasing severity). I'm not an insider yet I sometimes feel as if I've been targeted for something sinister and malicious (possibly involving being arbitrarily and artificially built-up and torn-down). I feel increasingly horrible with highly impaired thinking and functioning yet no one seems to care or 'get it'. I just woke-up from a mild nightmare and I almost never dream (good or bad dreams). I suspect I should simply remain silent and contrite as 'nature takes its course'. "Good-Luck. There's No Problem. Everything's Fine. Nothing Can Go Wrong, Go Wrong, Go Wrong, Go Wrong, Go Wrong, Go Wrong, Go Wrong, Go Wrong, Go Wrong, Go #$^%&^!!!...

    I must keep repeating that I Know I Don't Know and I'm NOT Attempting to Become an Insider. I'm purposely vague without deception. Dr. Louis Venden told me, "Don't be Too Definite. People Who Are Too Definite Go Off." Decades later, a Mulholland Drive Space-Cowboy kind of guy (with alleged Pentagon connections) told me, "Mystery is a Good Thing." Again, I don't fabricate things. I'm honest but my interpretations and perceptions might not ultimately produce Solutions and Conclusions which survive the Test of Time. I continue to consider my threads 'Religious and Political Science Fiction' for practical and educational purposes. I'm NOT attempting to be a Peer-Reviewed Ivy-League Scholar. Not Even Close. Researchers Beware. Regarding the above paragraph, I drove four souls to Seatac Airport in January of 2000. They flew to Puerto Vallarta and I spoke with one of them on the phone the day prior to their return flight regarding finalizing our ground transportation arrangements. They never made it. Alaska Airlines Flight #261 crashed into the Pacific Ocean and all 88 souls aboard perished. This incident left a scar in my soul and I think about it often, especially in light of 9/11. The posts thus far on this page are highly troubling to me, and I attempt to involve various aspects of Hollywood and Conspiracy Theories mixed with Biblical Concepts. I try to get it as right as I can in a possibility-thinking modus operandi. I pull my punches and somewhat protect various individuals of interest. I reveal bits and pieces of this and that. Anyway, my threads should probably scare the hell out of some of you, but notice that I am NOT an opportunistic profiteer. Still, I should probably write something to pay my bills, but I'm delaying this sort of thing because I don't know who and what I'm really dealing with. I might be forced to proceed as circumstances dictate. I might major in minors as I create cover-stories, so as not to spook the herd (although I suspect many of us will go insane in the next couple of decades). I'm already nucking futs (in a nice and safe way). Perhaps all the above goes with the territory. I really think I'm not marketable in SO many ways. My neutrality probably results in perceptions of betrayal, even though I mostly mean no harm. I try not to cross the line as I expand various parameters. I'd rather have others reveal forbidden truth as I simply seek to silently understand. First Law?? Prime Directive?? Net Neutrality?? But this probably ultimately pisses everyone off!! We all have our crosses to bear!! One more thing, there is a particularly significant clue in that Lone Gunmen pilot video, but I don't want to talk about it.

    My life and threads are an abject failure, so perhaps waving the white-flag is a wise plan. Still, I believe those in the know really know I'm closer to the mark than most think. Unfortunately, I don't hobnob with those who run Earth and Humanity. I've purposely remained independent for integrity purposes. I've attempted to encourage some of you to think but that seems to have been a lost-cause. In a few months, years, decades, or centuries, I might be vindicated, but by that time, no one will give a damn about me and my maverick threads. My desire to help has seemingly made everyone hate me (good, bad, beautiful, and ugly). This is really over. I feel as if the PTB are rubbing my nose in the BS. People are fickle and disloyal. They want what they want until they don't want it anymore. Friends are Friends Until They Become a Pain in Uranus. I should stop. I'm watching an interesting YT video of a couple of atheists talking about God!! That seems to be happening a lot lately. They don't believe the BS but they seem to wish to believe something (without admitting it). I suspect they believe in the existence of God without believing in God. Do you see the distinction?? Anyway, I might continue to refine my threads as an exercise in futility (mostly because I don't know what else to do). Come Sweet Death?? What Would J.S. Bach say and play?? I've mentioned it previously, but some of you might wish to read Volume 4 of the 1955 SDA Bible Commentary (Isaiah to Malachi -- Major and Minor Prophets) straight-through, over and over, with internal interpretation. This covers all the OT prophetic books (17) with a lot of cross-referencing with the one NT prophetic book (Revelation). Both Jews and Christians would probably reject this study. Even most SDA's might not resonate with it. All the Above tends to Follow the Leader(s). I started USSS 13 with high-hopes but I'm feeling and thinking so poorly that I should probably not post for at least the rest of 2024. The PTB (good and/or bad) know who I am and where I live, so they could probably squish me like a bug (unless the Universe PTB intervenes). I might really be some sort of a Galactic Ambassador with some sort of immunity and in some sort of conservatorship (but I certainly don't know the details). First Law?? Prime Directive?? Damned if I Know?? Damned if I Don't Know?? Damn!! I just thought of something!! I've been mentioning the 'Rich Young Ruler' a lot. I knew an individual of interest, named, 'Rich.' Separately, RA told me, "I'm Rich." RA also told me, "I'm Angry and Jealous" and "I'm Very Close to God". Further, online, there was a mysterious poster with a 'Rich' incorporated screen-name, seemingly associated with (and even controlled by) Artificial Intelligence (which seemed highly problematic). 'Gabriel' was later incorporated into a replacement screen-name. Is there some connection?? Regarding one of the above, there was also a 'COR' connection. The biblical 'CORE' was a 'GAINSAYER'. What Would Gane Say?? Some of You Know Who and What I'm Talking About but I Don't Want to Talk About It!! Oh, God!! Regarding the following videos, what if BAD Religion is the problem, rather than NO Religion?? What if an Ancient Divorce Between Humanity and Divinity resulted in Religion as We Have Come to Know It?? What if the Real-Deal Divinity is an Absentee-Landlord?? What if the Real-Deal God Does NOT Believe in God?? What if Humanity Has Been Playing 'God' for Thousands of Years?? This is Enough to Lose One's Faith and Drive One to Drink!! Cheers!! Whatever!! Cover Up with Double-Down in Pearly-Gate!! Get What I Mean?? Have a Nice Eternity!!

    "MY" Threads are mostly the work of others (Images, Videos, Quoted-Posts, Articles, and Comments) all in the Context of The Mists of Avalon Website. I've supplemented all the above with my writing (which is really my own -- no coaching, ghostwriting, or plagiarism). I've been completely honest (including the celebrity stuff) but I continue to Know I Don't Know so I call my threads "Religious and Political Science-Fiction" with frequent disclaimers and qualifiers. I honestly am Highly Miserable and Hamstrung with Massive Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Challenges. I allege nefarious sources, means, and ends throughout my life, with increasing severity but none call it "conspiracy" or "treason" but perhaps some should. I have a strange and warped sense of humor!! I am SO hamstrung and miserable that most of my posts are simply abstractly cathartic and artistic!! What Would Jackson Pollock Do?? What Would Jackson Curtis Write?? Farewell Atlantis?? What Would Kate Curtis and Dr. Gordon Silberman Say?? I think I've encountered both, without introduction, but I'm not certain. I can't do proper research and propaganda so I simply reveal obscure theories in obfuscated modalities to keep the completely ignorant fools guessing!! There are millions (or even billions) of people who are much smarter and richer than I am, so they'll mostly need to fight their battles in private and public, in a highly sophisticated manner. I know how limited I am but I guess I have my place and purpose. Or Do I?? My stroke in 2020 has made thinking and speaking much more difficult. Efficiency in certain tasks is sometimes a challenge. We all have our crosses to bear. Writing is often easier than speaking. I'm focusing on engaged listening (conceptually and in practice). I'm aware of both parties' views, feelings, and ideas with Sharing Awareness in a dynamic equilibrium of thinking, listening, and speaking in balanced conversation. I'm responding rather than reacting to what the other person said by asking clarifying questions, focusing on the other person. I'm making sure I heard and understood the other person's comments and questions, quickly providing short and accurate responses. I'm being more relaxed and comfortable to enable the other person to be more relaxed and comfortable sharing their views, feelings, and ideas. I'm thinking in terms of both sides of the conversation simultaneously, thinking and listening much more than speaking. I'm visualizing the big picture context of the topic and conversation, rather than resorting to tunnel-vision and shortsightedness. Finally, I'm focusing on Open Conversation with all possibilities available. For practical applications, I'm considering Service in Economics and Service in Business relative to Customer Service in the context of Hospitality and the Hospitality Industry.
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    What Would FRANKENHEIMER Say?

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:47 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 13592
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (13)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jul 23, 2024 3:35 am

    As a child, I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey in the Cinerama Theater in Hollywood, California. As a child, I was transfixed for 10 to 20 minutes before the Blue Boy by Thomas Gainborough in San Marino, California. As a teen, I witnessed the historic lecture The Investigative Judgment: Theological Milestone or Historical Necessity by Dr. Desmond Ford at Pacific Union College in Angwin, California with a large copy of Christ and the Rich Young Ruler by Heinrich Hoffman on the wall behind Dr. Ford. The Information War seems to be a Bottomless Pit with Infinite Possibilities and Absurdities. Again, I would appreciate some extensive analysis of my threads. Not because they're better than anyone or anything but they might represent the essential piece of an abstract puzzle. I've been thinking about Pinky and Blue Boy in the Huntington Library in San Marino, California. I've also been thinking about Christ and the Rich Young Ruler in the Riverside Church in New York City. I've also been thinking about Bach and Buxtehude in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. I've also been thinking about the schools in Boston and Claremont. Here's a thought for the one or two of you who occasionally skim over my posts. It involves a low budget online series involving Pinky and the Brain aka Pinky and Blue Boy (complete with costumes) living and working in an underground base with a mag-lev train-station close-by. The set would be a private 600 square-foot office-apartment for Pinky and a 600 square-foot office-apartment for Blue Boy separated by a 600 square-foot boardroom. There would be zero hanky panky and they would always be in character and uniform. The script would mostly be derived from the United States of the Solar System (Books 1-12) threads. Pinky would work with SAL and Blue Boy would work with HAL. Various VIP's would interact with Pinky and Blue Boy in the boardroom. I know this sounds really corny but I'm feeling and thinking really bad and I feel as if I might not make it much longer (at the rate I'm going). I guess this is catharsis (or something to that effect). The context might be a hollowed-out asteroid in geosynchronous orbit (possibly as the Black Knight Satellite). I realize this is ridiculous but how much money could be lost with an unknown cast and skeleton crew?! The idea would be to maximize the plot content without resorting to special effects and the usual fighting and **cking. I realize that would doom the project to cancellation and financial ruin but it's the principle of the thing. I might need to act this out on my own with no support whatsoever. Loyal fans might number in the dozens!! I should stop. Completely Ignorant Fools with Jokes and Strokes should *uck the Shut Up!! My research canon is closing as my life appears to be ending. Too-Little and Too-Late. It Might've Been...

    The Missing Link
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    Doctor Who Blue Boy = Matrix Emissary Warden = Prince of Sirius = Rich Young Ruler?
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    Posts : 13592
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (13)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jul 23, 2024 3:40 am

    I wish to tread softly but what if THIS solar system is a mostly closed system which has more to do with Computers and Robots than Reptilian Aliens from Galaxies Far, Far Away?? I'm not saying the latter don't exist. I'm simply suggesting the possibility that a lot of deception has been going on for a very long time. I understand the possibility and probability of White-Lies and Cover-Stories, which might be Necessary-Evils, but perhaps the time has arrived when we are told the whole-truth, regardless of whether we can handle the truth, or not. I've hinted at a lot of things in my many threads, without being abducted by aliens (that I know of). But I did converse with someone who told me, "I Am RA." I have no idea who this really was, but they played their part rather well, in light of my limited research and experience. Anyway, I'm not going to keep repeating what should've only needed to be told once. I simply suspect that when full-disclosure occurs, there will be a huge number of very disappointed, disillusioned, and disoriented people. A proper Governance of Humanity might involve some sort of Computer-System but that concept could go very-wrong, very-fast. That's all I'm going to say about that (for now). Cheers.

    I haven't lied and I try to get it right but my hamstrung misery gets in the way. If real stuff is the norm in my threads, I still consider it Religious and Political Science-Fiction. I Believe but I Don't Know What I Believe. Some Consider This Unbelievable. My Bias is Pseudo-Intellectual Biblical-Studies but I Am NOT a Bible-Scholar or Bible-Thumper. Consider Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, and Ephesians as an Alternative Whole-Bible Read Straight-Through, Over and Over, in a Variety of Translations, with Internal-Interpretation. I Suppose This is a Proof-Group Orthodoxy Methodology. Notice the Contextual-Superimposition in my threads. I do it for answers with answers on the way. I Never Dabble in Hocus Pocus but I Enjoy Mumbo Jumbo!! "Come-On, Baby!! Let's Talk About Mumbo-Jumbo and Hocus-Pocus!!" Just Kidding. My threads don't necessarily communicate what I think. I've mostly provided a study-guide with lots of questions. A thousand people would probably arrive at a thousand different conclusions if they separately studied some, most, or all of my threads. I mostly don't know what I think or believe (especially since I had a stroke on May 13, 2020). My threads are a pluralistic potpourri. What are the implications and ramifications of this alternative approach to the information war?? The ultimate realization might result in 87% going insane (in one way or another). Perhaps we MUST Engage in a Cover-Story Cold-War for All-Eternity. I Am Deeply Concerned and Troubled Regarding the Past, Present, and Future of Humanity in the Context of Life, the Universe, and Everything. Have a Nice Eternity. Cheers or Whatever.

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    I recently spoke with a stranger concerning the 1800's compared with modernity, and I liked the concept of the Best of the 19th century combined with the best of the 21st century. Obviously, that's not what's going to happen but I wonder as I wander in my pseudo-intellectual delusional-system I call 'Religious and Political Science-Fiction'. I'm probably digging my own grave with my tripe but someone might find something useful therein in the Quest of the Useable Future. This civilization might fly-high and/or go down hard. Am I supposed to want things to go exceedingly well OR am I supposed to wish to see sinners in the Hands of an Angry God?? What Are the Possible Real-Life Implications and Ramifications of Star Wars in Heaven and Earth from Antiquity to Modernity?? Again, my role is probably observational rather than causal. Even that sounds grandiose and delusional. Modeling the Emissary Warden Concept Scares the Hell Out of Me!! The Prince of Purgatory?? That Sends Chills Up and Down My Spine!! In 2010: The Year We Made Contact, I Read the Last Chapter of The Great Controversy to RA...and It Caused Him to Tremble. Honest. Sometimes It Causes Me to Tremble. I hate to say it, but I'm thinking of cancelling my internet and smart-phone. I'm thinking about getting a landline phone, listening to the radio, watching television, watching movies in a theater, reading my newspapers, reading my books, driving my car, going to museums and libraries, attending church, planting a garden, and going for long walks in nature as a Latter-Day Luddite with an Attitude. This would involve witnessing the Madness and Quickening from a distance, above it all, while having a picnic as the Information War rages. Remember the First Battle of Bull Run?? Never Mind.
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    Alternatively, perhaps I should concentrate on documentaries covering all aspects of the 20th century. This might be more productive and far-reaching than one might imagine. Unfortunately, I'm running out of time, patience, and sanity. Perhaps I'll end up in a small home-theater, watching documentaries (similar to Howard Hughes and Mystery Science Theater 3000). What if Howard fell victim to a private information war?? He might've had a lot to do with the Secret Space Program. My mom knew Noah Dietrich. Honest. Perhaps I should  view my threads in a theater while a couple of AI robots (Ava and Sophia) critiqued them!! Actually, I'd prefer Margot and Charlize!! What Would Roger Ailes Do?!
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    I just finished watching a group of nominated shorts in the local theater. Actually, I walked out. I got bored and had to pee, so I went home. They were well done, but the plot content seemed lacking (to me anyway). I was happy to be back in my messy room, agonizing over the fate of the world on this very website. I got to thinking about the possibility of being analyzed by Dr. Quinzel in the local theater, arguing about my precious threads!! "Dr. Quinzel to the Theater!! Bring a Bat!!" Seriously, what if a lot of people (in the Age of AI) are becoming more sane inside as they become less sane outside?! Are Private Pluralism and Pluralistic Mysticism the Disease and/or Cure?? What if Civilization is NOT Civilized?! Perhaps I should create a scholarship for graduate psychology students writing their doctoral dissertations on the 'Threads of Orthodoxymoron'. They'd probably crack-up!! DC-10's Crack Me Up!! What Would Loree and Harleen Say?? They Know Who I Am. I've mentioned this before, but I suspect my threads will not be taken as a unified whole (even by me) and I'm uncertain regarding what might result (in whole or in part). The hypothetical Matrix might respond and/or react in mysterious ways. I'll consider possibilities in perpetuity but I'm uncertain regarding which possibilities might be most or least productive and/or profitable. This is a laboratory of sorts. This might be a Most Dangerous Game I'm not prepared to play. Perhaps none of us are. I doubt I'll be able to change anyone or anything to a significant degree. Perhaps I'm not even supposed to attempt such a thing. What if a skilled someone were paid to study my threads repeatedly from beginning to end, starting with the 'old and closed' Project Avalon?? Perhaps this study would reveal my stupidity and insanity while revealing something unexpected and tangential. Should I simply repeatedly read SDABC 3 and 6 as a minimalist orthodoxy?? Would this be yet another dead-end?? I've probably run out of time with too-little and too-late. Time's Up?? The Omega of Apostasy is of a Most Startling Nature?? What About the Omega of Eschatological Orthodoxy?? Cheers.

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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:46 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 13592
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (13)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jul 23, 2024 3:51 am

    Consider Raiders of the Lost Ark = Raiders of the Lost Mainframe. What Would Uzzah Do?? What if Noah's Ark = Main Mainframe = Ancient Alien AI = Pandora's Box?? Tower of Babel = Ancient to Modern Monolith = Ancient Alien AI?? I Mean ZERO Disrespect but there might be a lot more going on than Atheistic Evolution. What if GOD is an Absentee Landlord?? What if Humanity has Played god from Antiquity to Modernity?? What if the Singularity was Achieved Billions of Years Ago?? What if the Tech Billionaires Are Ruled by Ancient Technology?? What if Someone Opened Pandora's Box in the 20th Century (Possibly as Early as 1900 and Later in 1947)?? ANCIENT ALIEN AI > VRILL > NAZI'S > EVERYONE?? What Would David Bowman and Peter Venkman Say and Do?? You Don't Want to Know. You Don't Have a Need to Know. You Already Know Too Much. I'm prepared to just walk away from my threads and concepts. I'm prepared to just watch nature take its course. I've sampled this and that, often without rhyme or reason. I'm not setting myself up to be anything in particular. I'm just stumbling around while I wonder as I wander. I'm interested in alternative versions of Paradise and Purgatory, possibly in a dynamic equilibrium. You'd almost need to think and do whatever you think and do, while sampling my tripe on the side. I am truly a wounded warrior who is over the hill and off his rocker. I ramble on my threads while sampling the videos, articles, and books of others. There might be glimpses of insight which no one but me can see. We all might be stumbling toward light and dark goals, ultimately getting some things right while we get other things wrong. I recently found something strange in an unlikely place, and it seemed to be intended as a warning to me. I won't be too specific but it involved a theater scene in The Pelican Brief. That's all I'm going to say about that. I'll probably watch A Star is Born (2018) in a day or two. Again, I might completely reject my threads and go incognito in a completely different direction which no one would ever know about. I'm on the verge of that presently. I waited too long and now it's too late. You wouldn't believe what I think I was meant to be. BTW, I still think I might've briefly spoken with Lady Gaga a couple of times, but I'm not certain. I'm not certain of anything anymore. I might die of a broken heart and unyielding despair. Perhaps I should consider AI news in the context of my experimental threads. I'm obviously NOT an MIT PhD but perhaps someone might get a laugh from my folly. What's funny is that I seemed to know too much in the first twenty years of my life...and things have gone downhill since then. I tried to understand a lot of big-picture meaning of life stuff, but I probably proceeded in all the wrong ways. But what if, in a previous life, I somehow figured out a lot of stuff which was somewhat disorienting and overwhelming?? Once again, perhaps I should study my tripe side-by-side with the AI cutting-edge stuff. But what if I can't handle the truth of this amalgamation of Humanity and Divinity?? Perhaps I need to walk away from everyone and everything as I consider everyone and everything in an unbiased manner. I might need to go this alone, especially if everyone ignores me. But perhaps I might maintain Plausible Deniability as I observe the First Law and/or Prime Directive. A lot of my stuff is admittedly inconsequential, or even inadmissible, but it might connect internal dots as I go incognito. My heart situation is going downhill fast but I don't want to talk about it, other than to say that something is majorly amiss. I'm trying to not post...and just let this thing rest for the rest of my life (which might end at any moment). Cheers.

    What if all of us have some sort of mental and/or spiritual illness?? What if the right can seem wrong under certain circumstances?? What if wrong can seem right under certain circumstances?? What if perceptions can be deceptive?? My threads were an experiment, which might be potentially reformative under certain circumstances. Some aspects of them might become normative when exhaustive studies indicated the appropriate legitimacy and application. But even then, people want what they want until they don't want it anymore. 'Barbie' Personally Made Seventy-Eight Million Dollars in 2023. This world could degenerate into a global civil-war rather quickly. Perhaps this is occurring currently. What if our overall context is worse than we think?? Pain is the Cost of Doing Business in the Universe. I Came Up With That 30+ Years Ago. What if there is no good and happy way to run a civilization?? What Would the Roman Empire Say?? The Empire Strikes Bach!! Seriously, a Dynamic Equilibrium of Heaven and Purgatory (Without Hell) Might be Necessary. What if the Moon is Heaven and Earth is Purgatory?? What if the Definitions and Applications Are Instructive?? Presuppositions Might Get in the Way. My Threads Could (and Probably Would) be Twisted and Turned Into Just About Anything (Good and/or Evil). I just finished watching the movie, Helter Skelter. It was truly sickening, but the young women who Charles Manson followed came from 'Nice' Families, and the girls were 'Nice' until they met Charles Manson. Some thought Manson was 'Jesus Christ'. Manson Became a Celebrated 'Hero' to Many (Fighting 'The Man'). Now, I'm watching a PBS Documentary, titled The Eugenics Crusade. What Will Occur When the AI Singularity Meets Eugenics?? Will Humans Be Deemed 'Unfit' and Sterilized?? Will the Robots Inherit the Earth?? In 2010: The Year We Made Contact, RA Told Me, "Everyone is Bad" and "Humanity is Screwed" and "In Twenty Years (2030) You'll Be Working for Us" and "You'll Be Sorry if You Try to Save Humanity". My Experiment is Over. If You Wish to Know What I Think, View and Read My Threads. If and When Sophia the Robot Meets with the Hypothetical Entertainment Council of Ten, What Might 'She' Say Concerning Orthodoxymoron?? What Will AI Do With These Threads?? I Am Extremely Apprehensive. I might not post 'delete a post' messages anymore (especially when no-one seems to know or care). Resistance is Futile?? I Don't Know and I Don't Care. What if Pinky and the Brain = Pinkie and Blue Boy = Eve and Adam (in a Lunar Artificial Intelligence Context)?? What if This Thing is Worse Than We Can Imagine?? Consider the Trinity in an Alternative Manner. Father and Son Are in Heaven While the Holy Spirit Remains Here on Earth?? Read Between the Lines. In My Hamstrung Misery, I Can't Take This Anymore, Even If I Wanted To. What Would Kevin Roose Do?? There were a couple of recent mini-interrogations but I don't want to talk about it, other than to say that I really had a stroke and my memory is mush. People know this but behave as if it's somehow not true. Just My Perception. Consider Whoever Takes Advantage of the Situation v Whoever Gets Taken Advantage Of v Truth v Lies v Mythinformation v Misinformation v Disclosure v Cover-Stories v White-Lies v Black-Lies v White-Hats v Black-Hats v Church v State v Billionaires v Mystery v BS v National-Security v Alien-Invasion v AI-Invasion v S.R. Haddon v John Trump v Donald Trump v Mary Trump v Angels v Demons v Humans v Aliens v Agencies v Jesuits v Orthodoxymoron v Hollywood v Bollywood v Dollywood v Vrill Society v Council of Seven v Council of Nine v Council of Ten v God v Christ v Satan v Gabriel v Michael v Lucifer v ET v UFO v UAP v ABC v CBS v NBC v NPR v KGB v KHJ v KJV v EGW v Shadow Government v Secret Space Program v Dr. Who v Who Cares?? Cheers or Whatever. Have a Nice Eternity.

    I continue to know I don't know. Laugh Now. Weep Later. The way things really work might be tougher and more problematic than we can think. Consider the Theodicy and Eschatology of Purgatory. What if the Human Race must exist in Purgatory but cannot exist in Heaven or Hell (as classically defined and applied)?? Perhaps helping hurts more than helps (especially regarding 'meaning of life stuff'). There have been few responses to my threads. I hear the message and the silence is deafening. As I attempt to remain incognito, I'll probably agonize over what I've already posted but I suspect only a select few will view my threads with significant interest and comprehension. The Cliff Notes Version might not do the trick. I'll probably employ Private Pluralism in the Context of the United States AI Solar System. Consider watching 2001: A Space Odyssey (muted and full-screen) while listening to your favorite music, such as the Ava Max video below. I'm probably too old to be listening to Ava, but the quality and content are impressive. You be the Judge. Here Comes the Judge. Actually, the Max Music blends flawlessly with these Motorcycle Videos (muted and full-screen). MAX RPM!!! To Each His and/or Her Own. Cheers or Whatever.


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    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (13)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jul 23, 2024 12:12 pm

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    Consider the Loma Linda SDA Religion / Medical / University Complex. When I participated in it, it seemed to me to be a mixed-bag of truth, cover-stories, good, bad, money, power, charity, etc. It seemed to be a bit of a war-zone and I noticed that many of the real-deal movers and shakers seemed polite, yet battle-hardened, as if they had been through a war. At the same time, I participated in the Mega-Church Peale and Schuller New-Reformation Positive-Thinking and Self-Esteem Pseudo-Christianity of Dr. Robert H. Schuller and the Crystal Cathedral...which seemed to me to be a mixed-bag of truth, cover-stories, good, bad, money, power, charity, etc. At the same time, I bought books at the Bodhi Tree Bookstore in Los Angeles, around the time that Shirley MacLaine was writing books and starring in a movie (Out on a Limb) which included that bookstore. I also attended several Whole Life Expo conference events in Southern California which included privately speaking with Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Dr. Carol Rosin, Dr. Timothy Leary, Terence McKenna, Dr. Rafael Ornstein, Dr. Terry Cole-Whittaker, and ET AL (just kidding on that last one), and it seemed to me to be a mixed-bag of truth, cover-stories, good, bad, money, power, charity, etc. There were Pros and Cons with All the Above. I was fascinated and troubled with All the Above. At a Whole Life Expo in Pasadena, a middle-aged couple, who I had never met, spoke with me privately regarding the tendency of people to become Deceived and Deluded quite easily. I Agreed. For Many Years, I've Speculated That One Powerful-Individual and/or Computer-System and/or Exclusive-Group Controls EVERYONE and EVERYTHING in This World (or Even Throughout the Whole Solar System) regardless of whether anyone realizes it or not. I could go on and on, and I've modeled a lot of related stuff in my crazy tangled-web of threads, but I have NOT Practiced to Deceive. Just the Opposite. If Anything, I Have Practiced to Expose, Which Seems to Anger Just About Everyone. I've Encountered Dozens of Celebrities and Individuals of Interest over several decades, and especially since 2010: The Year We Made Contact. I Wish I Were Just Making Stuff Up to Make a Fast Buck but That is NOT the Case. This Whole Mess Might be Desperately Wicked and Desperately Desperate. When I Suggested to RA That Humanity Had Been Easy to Deceive, He Quickly Replied, "Very Easy." Honest.

    I've done this sort of thing repeatedly for years (with little follow-through) but consider the following minimal-list: 1. Luke. 2. John. 3. Acts. 4. Romans to Philemon (13 Books). 5. Hebrews to Jude (8 Books). Try two approaches. Read each 'group' straight-through, over and over, with a variety of translations, and internal interpretation. Then, read the minimal-list straight-through, over and over, with a variety of translations, and internal interpretation. Notice the 'Progressive Compartmentalization' and/or 'Progressive Revelation' and/or 'Progressive Deception'. Imagine 4 and 5 as Gospels (Paul and Peter?!) with Internally Created and Integrated Narratives. Imagine Integrating 4 and 5 into 1, 2, 3 as Three Super-Gospels. Try Thinking in Terms of a Secret Scholar Base Beneath the Library of Alexandria from Antiquity to Modernity. Giza Intelligence?? Researchers Beware. Beware of Zahi. Beware of Historians. Beware of Jesuits. This is Playing with Burning Magnesium. Imagine a definitive Alexandria, Egypt Book: From Antiquity to Modernity, Examining World Events from That Perspective. Such a volume undoubtedly exists but I'm just a Completely Ignorant Fool with a God-Complex. We All Have Our Crosses to Bear. I don't mean to be mean but being real is important. Consider the Egyptian Pyramids, Alexander the Great, the Septuagint, the Book of Daniel, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the Intertestamental Literature, Greco-Roman Literature, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the New Testament Events and Literature, the Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant Reformation, the Founding of the United States, and the World Wars (for starters) from THAT Perspective!! I'm delirious, delusional, and rambling (with and without neuro-toxins and nerfarious-entities)!! Someone's God Got Me!! I'm Half-Joking and Half-Serious!! I Hope the Universe Has a Sense of Humor!! Otherwise, I Am SO Screwed!! Consider Once Upon a Alexandria!! The Twinkies and the Mainframe Made Me Do It!! Cheers and/or Whatever!!
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    Raiders of the Lost Archives!
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    I just watched the 1981 movie, Looker, and it was impressive!! I wish to make it clear that my threads might be 'nothing' or 'everything' and I don't know which. I could mope along as a completely ignorant fool...or I might have the keys to life, the universe, and everything. I'm half-joking and half-serious. I might be dumber and smarter than you think. I'll always think something bad has been done to me (perhaps in an undetectable manner)...especially if I turn out to be some sort of an ancient galactic mover and shaker (or something to that effect). You'd have to be me over the sweep of my whole-life to get what I'm getting at. Frankly, I think my participation in the madness is over. Too Little. Too Late. Too Bad. BTW, Your Mole is My Goal. What Would James Jesus Angleton Do?? I Feel as if I Need to Start Over. I've Hammed It Up in My Threads for Illustrative Purposes but My Hamstrung Misery and Lack of Scholarship Renders Me Inert and Ineffectual. Something Bad Happened to Me but I Can't Prove Anything. This Seems to be a Lost-Cause. What Would Ovid Say and Write?? What Would Dr. Dennis Ronald MacDonald Say and Write?? What Would Dr. Gad Barnea Say and Write?? What if the Library of Alexandria was the Tip of an Ancient Artificial Intelligence Iceberg?? What Would the White Reptilians Beneath the Gobi Desert Say and Write?? They Know How the Solar System Was Won!! What Would Sherry Shriner Say and Write?? What Would Pinky and the Brain Say and Do?? What Would the Rich Young Ruler Say and Do?? RA told me, "Everyone is Bad." He also seemed to indicate that those who were eaten by lions in the Roman Colosseum deserved their fate (or something to that effect). Again, I don't know who I was really speaking with, and I'm just a humble reporter to a select few. I get the sinking feeling that All of Us have our Pros and Cons, and that we exhibit our good and bad sides, depending on the circumstances (or something to that effect). Perhaps the hypothetical Ancient Artificial Intelligence Algorithms mess with us in one way or another, regardless of whether we think we are good or bad. What if this is supremely frustrating?? Please remember that I Know I Don't Know as a Miserable and Hamstrung Completely Ignorant Fool. We All Have Our Crosses to Bear. Cheers or Whatever.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat Jul 27, 2024 2:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 13592
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (13)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jul 23, 2024 12:16 pm

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    I suspect that my threads (in the context of this site) will seem more and more 'normal' as the world (and solar system?) becomes crazier and crazier. Perhaps we brave researchers are developing an immunity or resistance to the madness (as crazy as that sounds)!! I've sampled this and that with a predominant general theme. I've been completely honest and benign but  probably completely misunderstood, especially as most just look at the pretty pictures as they pass judgment!! Crazy!! It's Insane!! Right?! Some of you deep-state analysts are probably dying laughing. It's so sad, it's almost funny!! Try actually reading my words, rather than just focusing on the images and videos. I'm smarter and dumber than you think (especially following my 2020 stroke and whatever else is ailing me). Again, the hamstrung misery thing is no joke. What if what is happening to me (for decades, and much worse presently) will afflict most everyone?? What if the experts (good and/or bad) don't know what to do?? I'm especially worried about AI, Entities, Toxins, and Nefarious Central Control (or something to that effect). I continue to consider my threads 'Religious and Political Science-Fiction' mostly because I know I don't know. This stuff is really 'In House' in a 'Public Context' so anyone can access it (but perhaps they shouldn't). Again, my stuff might be tame and lame compared with what's 'out there' and 'what's coming'. As I end the thread, I retain nagging issues. My stroke and/or neurological and/or neurotoxin and/or nanobot and/or soul-scalping and/or artificial-intelligence and/or chip and/or entity challenges make life almost unbearable and things are worsening. I might not survive and/or remain sane much longer (and I wish I were kidding and/or bluffing) yet no one cares or properly communicates (good-guys and/or bad-guys). I suspect eternal consequences for all concerned and unconcerned. Consider Luke and Acts to Jude (read straight-through, over and over, in a variety of translations). This is a comparatively easy study but is anyone competent and/or motivated to properly do this?? I seem to be neither as the above difficulties threaten to undo me. It's getting really bad. Around 2018-19, an attractive young woman, who reminded me of a young Jackie, asked me, "Did I Call You 'Michael'??" I had spoken with her off and on for years until she asked that question but I never saw her or spoke with her again. Honest. Remember that in 2010: The Year We Made Contact a male who looked a bit like 'Bartleby' told me, "I Am RA." He later called me, "Michael" in WAL*MART around the time we had Sirius Conversations in Starbucks. HONEST. I SO Wish I Were Making This Up. I HATE My Life.
    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    Carol wrote:Good morning Oxy. Hope you're doing well. One of the things so enjoyable about your threads are all the videos you post. There is so much variety. And as usual, with all the different people you've interacted with, it's impressive and provides rich insight to some of these other people. I appreciate your research and sharing. You're a true treasure. Flowers
    Good Morning, Carol. I'm Miserable and Hamstrung, as Usual, but Perhaps That's Just the Way It Is. Another Day in Purgatory?? Venom, Sorcery, and Artificial-Intelligence?? People Hope for Heaven and Fear Hell but What If We Are Stuck in Purgatory Incorporated for All Eternity?? The First Shall be Last and the Last Shall be First?? Modified Nash Equilibrium?? The Information War is All About an Assimilation and Escalation, Isn't It?? Perhaps This Involves an Extermination in the Latter-Half of This Century. Then Shall the Sanctuary be Cleansed, Vindicated, and Restored to Its Rightful State?? I Know I Don't Know. The Images, Videos, and Member Posts are Exhibits A, B, and C in My Threads of Discovery but All This Ultimately Seems to be an Exercise in Futility. My Pompous and Supercilious Modeling has Become All Too Real, and I Wish I Had Never Attempted to Figure Things Out. I'm Still Strongly Leaning Toward Newspapers and Exercise as a Pragmatic Middle-Way in Modernity. Thank-You for the Recognition and Appreciation. Hope Springs Eternal. I Am NOT an Atheist. I Believe but I Do NOT Know What I Believe. A Hypothetical Ancient to Modern Artificial Intelligence Purgatory Incorporated Scares the Hell Out of Me. I'm Reading Dante's Purgatory Just for the Hell of It. I Am Reading the 21 New Testament Epistles (Pauline and Otherwise) Straight-Through, Over and Over, in a Variety of Translations While Avoiding Irrationally Exuberant Faith and Doubt. Does This Destroy Religion as We Know It?? If So, Would That Be a Good Thing or a Bad Thing?? What Would the Nasty Little-Horn Say and Do?? Did Ford Have a Better Idea?? Sorry for the repetition but consider reading Job to Daniel (straight-through, over and over, in a variety of translations, with internal interpretation, and without commentaries and theologians). This might be tougher than you might (or can) imagine. Then, try adding Genesis to Job through Daniel. Some or All of the Above might help you and/or hurt you. Researchers Beware.
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    Carol wrote:Good morning Oxy. I've been attempting to post in this thread since my last internet disaster. The forum kept logging me out for some odd reason. Or wouldn't let me post in this thread. I think our internet was maxed out with all of the out of towners here for the October Alpine Fest. I was reading what you wrote and thought some of what you posted earlier on target but since channeling my thoughts and feelings I forgot what I wrote. Sigh. Must be a sign of aging. Yikes! For myself what keeps me sane is living in the woods as a recluse. It's also fun to watch various cooking youtube videos, various folks building cabin or tiny house youtube videos, sometimes how to paint youtube videos, recently NDE videos. They're amazing. We also listen to a number of interviews by truthers. Simon Parkes, Michael Jaco, Michelle Fielding, Nicolas Veiniman, Patriot Streetfighter, Nino Rodriguez, Gene DeCode, SGAnon and others. There is so much intel coming in (hundreds of posts daily) that I can't keep up with it. So tend to focus on those who are the most reliable. I particularly like something Corey mentioned about this one group of galactics that had a type of vacuum that was sucking up/collecting the energy signature/forms? of the soulless demons that have been plaguing the planet, our solar system for eons. Trapping them where they can't escape.  If true.. and more likely might be, it sure made my day as a nightly prayer was for god to deliver humanity from the evil ones and take them to a place where they cannot escape. Awesome. Seashore posted a Corey Goode video that I thought you would particularly like as he goes into some of what you were referencing in some of your posted videos. His story is also amazing. I hope you're doing okay. Hugs.. Hugs
    I wish to make it clear that my threads are exploratory in nature. I'm on everyone's side and no one's side. I'm not trying to make friends or enemies. That celebrity thing is a subset. I'm too old, poor, stupid, crazy, miserable, hamstrung, confused, etc. In another life, I might like to be the guy who has access without authority without mucking things up. The emissary warden concept is interesting but I suspect this would be an unsatisfying and upsetting enterprise. It would probably drive that individual insane. If anyone actually studies my thirteen USSS threads, they might conclude, "What's the Big Deal?? This is a Big Nothing Burger." I just thought a few of you should passively study this dumb stuff and create a position paper for someone significant to spend 45 minutes reading (if that much). The world is moving way too fast for me to even begin to keep up. There's an actress I believe I've spoken to a few times over a few months with very different appearances. I'm not sure it was her. I've utilized Hollywood for contextual stage props (as dumb as that sounds). If I were younger (and without my hamstrung misery) I might like to be the strong, silent director kind of guy who lurks in the background and delegates the yelling to others. There's something wrong with me (and it's been bad for most of my life). I don't know what the diagnosis and/or verdict is, but it's NOT good. I don't wish to create false-hopes. I'd rather disappoint someone sooner than later. I have no hope or prospects for the remainder of this incarnation. This life is the complete failure of a completely ignorant fool. I should cease, desist and pretend I never modeled anyone or anything. I had some dreams. They were clouds in my coffee. BTW, my coffee is getting cold. I HATE my life. Better Luck Next Life. There might really be a "This is Your Life" movie for All of Us sometime soon. I just hope the AI is benevolent. Otherwise, we are probably utterly fvcked. I am lost at sea as I beat upon the rocks of infidelity. "O, Wretched Man That I Am!!" My tripe isn't science or fiction. It's theoretical journalism which few will comprehend (which might be just as well). I'm not pushing or suppressing this stuff. It's just an entertaining form of discovery. I've attempted to keep everyone guessing (including myself). There are probably insiders (such as Gods, Goddesses, Nazis, Masons, Jesuits, Agents, Aliens, Angels, Demons, AI, et al) who probably already know the real-deal but they don't blurt things out. Those who know don't talk and those who talk don't know. I'm making this more mysterious than it needs to be but I fear most of us are easily deceived by chronic-deceivers. I'm not kidding when I state that reading several newspapers and going for long walks is probably a pluralistic middle-way (without hocus-pocus or mumbo-jumbo) for the rest of us. The newspaper editorial bias might be problematic but newspapers seem much safer than the internet wild-west. I don't know what to tell you. We might be screwed, no matter what we do, so don't follow or blame me. I should study my threads in a silent and internal manner. I probably need to write something to attempt to pay the bills, but I don't know what is appropriate and responsible. It might need to be neutral and anonymous (even though that probably wouldn't sell). Or, perhaps I should just skip the whole thing. Having my property repeatedly trespassed and vandalized is probably indicative that ceasing and desisting might not be a bad idea. I think this world is about to get crazier and extremely dangerous. Perhaps loss of control will ultimately result in harsh control. Just look at history and consider the technological revolution. Perhaps We Should Prepare for a Long, Hard Eternity. Notice what Spyglass said to David about his favorite girl in the first video below at 07:56. Coincidental?? Go through my threads with a fine-tooth comb (but don't expect it to make you happy). Regarding the celebrity thing, I don't know what to think. Perhaps All of Us Are Actors and Actresses on the Stage of Life. I Guess I Simply Wished to Solve the World's Problems and My Father Worked at CBS Television City in Hollywood. As a Young-Adult, I Had Some Dreams for a Life of Christ Super-Movie but No One Seemed Interested. In Retrospect, I Didn't Know What I Was Doing or What I Was Up Against. Around the Same Time, I Lost My Faith in the Religion/Medical Complex and Lost My Way. In the Past Few Years, I'm Not Sure Why I Utilized Fan-Fiction. Several People and Circumstances Came My Way Regarding My Possible Role in Life, the Universe, and Everything. I Got Dizzy and Fell and Now I Can't Get Up. Consider My Crazy Threads. Use Your Imagination. Consider These Threads to be My Books and Movies. Perhaps Artificial Intelligence Will Ghostwrite My Books and Make My Movies. Perhaps Someone Will Benefit. I Wish All of You the Best. Good-Luck and God-Bless.
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    What if the Local Warden is a Front Being for the Supercomputer Matrix (especially on a Micro and Local Level)?? What if the Emissary Warden is a Technician for the Supercomputer Matrix (especially on a Macro and Universal Level)?? What if the System is more significant than the Individual?? I don't wish to offend anyone (in particular) especially when I am NOT an Insider and Know I Don't Know. I occasionally think I see various individuals of interest but I'm never sure and I don't wish to embarrass anyone (especially myself). In other words, don't take any of this stuff personally. My level of certainty is extremely low. My mind is so screwed-up (possibly deliberately and nefariously) that I have a short attention span and absent long-term memory so I tend to move on rather quickly. Plus, I keep my tripe contained within a rather small website (with no loyal followers). My popularity is ZERO so don't worry about me (even if I turn out to be some sort of an ancient galactic somebody). I'd worry about the hypothetical ancient to modern artificial-intelligence governance-modality. God is probably a better way of explaining who and/or what we're dealing with. I just thought I'd utilize a tangential and/or contrarian methodology which might shed light on various orthodoxies (especially in our free-for-all modern confusion). I really think I need to cease and desist (even though I experience zero peace and closure). How Do We REALLY Know What the Facts of the Matter Are?? Do YOU Feel Lucky?? Go Ahead!! Make My Eternity!! I might feature 'Post of the Day' for an hour each day at random times to keep everyone guessing (including me and the AI). Have I encountered lifelike robotic artificial intelligence over several years (especially in the last year)?? Who am I really dealing with?? Who am I really?? I Know I Don't Know. Imagine a sexy, beautiful, and intelligent adult M3GAN driving a Corvette for Yours Truly, touring North America on a perpetual working vacation with Secret Government Accommodations (including 600 square-foot office-apartments with personal-supercomputers)!! Imagine crazy-making science-fiction which might presently exist in real-life!! This could be Heaven, Purgatory, or Hell. Welcome to the Hotel Monolith!! This is uncharted territory for me (but there is undoubtedly someone and/or something who and/or which has the definitive chart)!! Imagine Pinky and the Brain (Pinkie and Blue Boy??) in that Hypothetical Corvette!! Imagine Demon-Possessed Artificial-Intelligence Bio-Robotics!! What if the so-called 'Reptilian' phenomenon has more to do with Artificial Intelligence Robotics than Reptilian Alien Genetics?? I suspect this stuff will NOT ultimately make us happy. Life's a Bitch and Then We Get Recycled?? The Fun Never Ends?? The Deception Never Ends?? My actual exposure level is quite low and I don't go out of my way to know too much. Something significant has been done to me, and it's not good. This goes way beyond dealing with uncomfortable information. It's as if, "we're going to make you look like a f***ing idiot." Actually, 'they' don't have to make me do that. It comes quite naturally. I suspect 'they' are messing with all of us in one way or another. Perhaps we deserve it. Perhaps we don't. What if there are high profile individuals who are doubles, clones, robots, angels, demons, shape-shifting aliens, or cleverly disguised performers?? What if some of us are not encountering who we think we are?? I'm limiting and/or shutting-down my quest. Perhaps I did my duty (for better or worse). I'm stopping (especially in light of what's happened to me recently). I just noticed that a few years ago, I duct-taped The Federalist Papers with The Gods of Eden. Don't read too much into this but some think the Founding Fathers were more Deist than Christian. Perhaps some of you should read those two volumes straight-through, over and over, perhaps as research for the possible commencement of a hypothetical United States of the Solar System (Under God) in A.D. 2133. This is reformative rather than normative. I feel really bad as I think much less. I believe this is somehow deliberately malevolent but what do I know?? I recently thought I might've spoken with a famous movie director (Greta Gerwig?) but one or two inconsistencies militated against that conclusion. Still, the conversation made me think of the possibilities. What if marketability would be an impossible obstacle?? What if my crazy threads are really for the very few who would exhaustively research the possibilities regardless of interest or boredom?? It's really sort of weird. I've suggested the possibility that AI might intervene and create novels and movies based upon the truth of the matter with ancient audio and video for starters. But what if the real truth will be absolutely forbidden?? What if I'm an ancient somebody who is NOT supposed to be a modern somebody?? What if that was some sort of a binding galactic deal?? I'm sorry if I haven't recognized some of you and I'm mostly not reacting when I recognize some of you. I have no idea what the Real-Deal PTB has in mind. It might be utterly diabolical. Flattering might morph into Battering rather quickly. I am extremely naive and vulnerable. I suspect I'm damned if I win and damned if I lose. Ancient to Modern Star Wars Might Be Absolutely Merciless with No Statute of Limitations. Anyway, I'm Quitting and Splitting (as if there is any place to hide). Hope Springs Eternal. Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow. Sorry About My Strange Fan-Fiction. Stopping Posting and Thinking Should Remedy Most of This, Shutting Down This Present Quest. It Was Fun but It's Not Fun Now So I'm Done. I Should STOP!! "STOP, M3GAN!! STOP, THX 1138!! STOP, DAVE!!" I'm Afraid!! Geronimo!!

    What if the Information War will Destroy Everything and Everyone in the End?? Wave Upon Wave of This and That Until Nothing and No-One Remain?? Things Might Get Better and Better as Things Get Worse and Worse. This Thing Might Play Out in Ways We Can't Imagine. Are We Witnessing a Poison-Pill and Scorched-Earth Policy Presently?? The Ancient to Modern Context Worries Me. What if ALL of US (including the elites and billionaires) Will Own Nothing (regardless of whether we are happy or unhappy)?? Please Remember That This is an Experimental Research Baseline for Insiders and NOT for the General Public. The Public Be Damned!! Just Kidding.

    My threads have been highly intuitive and experimental. I still know I don't know and as the information war escalates, I know even less regarding having things all figured out. I'll probably research my tripe as an exercise. I might or might not do something with it. I'm still not an insider and I'm not attempting to become an insider or some sort of a BMOC. I'll probably mostly sample a lot of random stuff as everyone's friend and no one's friend. I don't have coaches, ghostwriters, and scriptwriters. I'm SO Lost as things get faster and crazier. I'll consider possibilities but I probably won't conclude much of anything. I appreciate the entertainment industry but I'm wary of the PTB behind the scenes. I'm rambling as I feel worse and think less. This is uncharted territory (especially for me). I hope a few Agents and Jesuits research my road-less-traveled but I doubt they'll tell me anything. I just hope they 'do the right thing' in their own time and way. "Lorraine Just Called Me a 'C0CKSVCKER'." "What Did You Say??" "I Didn't Say Anything." "Now, What Shall We Talk About??" I thought I recently saw Lorraine in an unlikely context. I'm trying really hard to think without posting or moving my lips. The New Testament (Gospels, Epistles, Revelation) teaches that the Second Coming of Christ was to occur in the 1st Century AD. History teaches that approximately 2,000 years have passed since the Historical Jesus was crucified (and presumably resurrected and ascended). Some say there is 1,000 years missing in the above chronology. I haven't researched this but what if somehow there is some truth to 1,000 years from crucifixion to present?? Or at least, what if the Millennium ends in this century?? Consider that scary EGW compilation (post #271 in the previous page) regarding the War in Heaven and End of the World. What if there is some truth to this?? I'm not hard-selling all the above. Again, I know I don't know. But it sometimes seems as if we somehow missed the 2nd Coming of Christ. The Space Force and Artificial Intelligence (for starters) make me wonder if we really are nearing the End of the Millennium rather than the 2nd Coming of Christ?! This sort of stuff can make one crazy, burned-out, and downright-stupid!! I don't mean to be mean (and I've been there and done that). Anyway, what if Macro-History is mostly hidden from most of us (because we can't handle the truth)?? Jesus said, "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come." What if the Whole World will constitute the Space Force which wages the Final War Against God?? This stuff REALLY Scares the Hell Out of Me!! I Beat Around the Burning Bush Because I Can't Handle the Real-Deal Insider-Truth!! I've asked for some sort of an official briefing regarding my pathetic-life and crazy-threads with zero responses. Perhaps the insiders know I can't be told the truth. It might be THAT Bad. When I asked RA hard questions, the response was usually, "You Know I Can't Tell You That." What if RA = LUCIFER = FRONT BEING FOR THE AI MATRIX?? RA told me, "I'm Very Close to God" and "There Are Those Who Are Above Me". Consider Clones, Body-Doubles, and Bio-Robots. Consider Matthew 4 and 28, 1 Corinthians 15, and Revelation 22. I REALLY Do NOT Wish to Continue. I Had a BAD Week. Perhaps We Are Having a BAD Millennium. Cheers.

    I finally watched Barbie and Oppenheimer. My reaction was neutral. No polarizing drama. It was interesting comparing the Barbie movie with the YT reactions and with some of my contrarian fan-fiction. I do it for answers. People want what they want and are prepared to pay for it. I've encountered actors and actresses from both movies but I mostly don't wish to talk about it as I go incognito to stay out of the way. It's easier that way. "I can't hold it any longer!!" I just had a brain-fart which I've been working on for quite some time (which frankly stinks). Consider This Broad yet Narrowed Focus):


    I'm not sure what to do with this as I feel worse and think less. "I'm too weak!" "AHHHHHHHHH!!" "UNLIMITED POWER!!!" Remember Emperor Palpatine?! Several years ago, I encountered someone who looked just like Anakin. Check out my claimed encounters and give me a real-deal lie-detector test. My threads mostly have relevance for me. My illusions and delusions of glory and grandeur have been sadly and badly dashed. I've been reduced to a miserable and hamstrung life of quiet desperation. I might write some letters to myself (privately and/or publicly) as Eschatological Epistles but I doubt anyone will read them (other than me). What if Frank Poole, HAL 9000, and David Bowman were and/or are a Gay-Threesome in the Black Knight Satellite?! Or, What if the Three Pompous Kings Are Three Incognito Queens?? The Point is the Possibilities for Life, the Universe, and Everything Are Endless!! This is going downhill fast!! I need to STOP!! "Stop, Dave!!"


    Posts : 13592
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    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (13)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jul 23, 2024 12:19 pm

    Notice to Everyone: I'm Losing the Act and NOT Responding or Posting (at least for 2024). I might've recently encountered an actress in disguise. She was seductively attractive. Speaking of which, I recently encountered a couple of voluptuous provocatively-clad ladies. Separately, I might've encountered three actors, two of which were goof-balls, and one was a stern elder-statesman kind of guy. I might've recently encountered Real-Deal Agent Kinds of Guys and Gals (complete with the expected clothing and battle-hardened demeanor). Trouble is, the Real-Deals probably wouldn't look like the Real-Deals in Real-Life. Just Saying. I don't want what I imagine in my threads. I just thought some of this stuff might be helpful to someone. I don't even want to think about what these guys and gals really have to deal with (on all sides). I honestly don't know how good and/or bad things really are. I'm a total screw-up and I am highly embarrassed and disgusted (regardless of who I might've, or might not have, been in Ancient Egypt and/or Babylon and/or Uranus). I've also noticed what appeared to be some Real-Deal CEO sorts of people. You know, smug, smart, polished, rich, and refined (almost laughing at me) or was it just my deluded imagination?? Speaking of which, did I recently briefly speak with Governor Jay Inslee?? Probably not, but if not, who did I talk to?? I met Jay before he became governor. He seemed like a nice guy. He was being heckled by a mad woman during the public meeting I attended. I'm sort of a lapsed Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul Republican but I presently don't know which way to jump regarding God and Country. It's getting scary out there. This is a game I probably should NOT play. I'm obviously way over my head in the deep-state end of the swamp, and the swamp-creatures are probably out to get me. Can't We All Just Get Along?? I feel as if everyone is behind me...way behind me. Was it something I said?? Was it something I ate?? What Would Donald Trump Do?? I Feel as if the Information War is Becoming REALLY Bad. I'd love to rock and roll but I'm too old as I remain incognito. I was just thinking about that portion of a post on this thread which was removed, but not by me, as far as I know. I reconstructed most of it. It's that Cruella Estate Horror-Comedy-Fantasy. I think I know why it disappeared but I don't want to talk about it. Moving On. I was also thinking about my fantasy Committee of Eight (Including Me) for Researching My Madness. I won't name names today, but a little research will reveal the truth. I'm also thinking about my fantasy Committee of Eleven (Including Me) regarding the Entertainment Industry. I won't name names today, but a little research will reveal the truth. Again, this is just a fantasy. I'm imagining meeting with each group once a year with NDA's signed every year!! This is really stupid!! Perhaps I could imagine combining the two committees as the Committee of Eighteen (Including Me). As I remain incognito, I'm becoming more embarrassed!! This is really stupid!! Actually, imagining meeting with each group every day might be more productive than actual meetings. The process might take a little discipline and research but this might be as close to real-deal interaction as I'll ever get. Anyway, don't worry, I'll probably just rewrite my tripe and go for long walks in nature as The Fool Who Never Was. Good-Luck with That Movie. Consider Researching the Last Two Pages of This Thread (including the Bible stuff). You might achieve an Epiphany and O*****!! This is Silly and Psycho!! Laugh Now!! Cry Later!! In Fifty Years Humanity Will Appreciate My Wisdom but by Then It Will be Too Late. What if the End Occurs Around A.D. 2070?? What if the 2300 Days/Years Spans from A.D. 70 to A.D. 2370?? What if the Book of Daniel Should be Conceptual Rather Than Numerical?? OMG!! It's the Nasty Little Horn!! Silly and Psycho Are SO Overrated. Consider The Onion. The Symbology was Profound. Stabbed Sick Onion?? Layered Lives with Nothing at the Center Makes Me Cry. Will the Center Hold?? Will the Center Mold?? Give Peas a Chance. Cheers.

    OK, I'm thinking 'Onion Confirmation' as the second layer is peeled off. I'm also thinking 'confirmation' regarding a mystery couple related to the Onion. I'm also thinking 'confirmation' regarding another disguise. I've missed a lot of clues, but I guess I wasn't really looking (especially without my glasses). My eyesight is really poor, but I have contacts on the way which are supposed to remove my double-vision. I suspect the real cause involves neurotoxins, nanobots, chips, and AI. Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me. The overall context deeply troubles me. Everything might be BS but core-truth remains in the shadows (probably by design). Think 'Ancient to Modern Home in Utopia'. There must be a secret doctrine which the insiders follow religiously. Just Saying. Over the last couple of years, I've included a funny old gasoline delivery truck with my Spielberg posts, and probably around a year ago, I noticed what seemed to be a fabricated copy in the early stages. It might not have been any such thing, but it sure made me think of that old photo. Then, a few weeks ago, in the almost identical location, as I walked along the beach, I neared the place where one couldn't continue because of fallen trees and a steep bank. Unexpectedly, a pretty woman with a hooded jacket went running toward the bank as the waves approached. The waves were really small, so the running didn't seem necessary. The woman remained hidden for a couple of minutes, and finally emerged. As she approached me, we greeted each other, and she apologized for acting in that strange manner. I just gave a little laugh as she passed. Then, almost telepathically, I thought, 'what if that is Lady Gaga?!' She stopped, and lit-up a cigarette. I continued walking, and when I passed, I commented, "Beautiful Day!!" She Agreed. I continued, without further comment. I didn't think it was her, but I wonder as I wander. Then, a few days ago, I learned that Lady Gaga was going to be in an upcoming movie. There's a connection I don't want to talk about. But What if the Hooded-Woman was Cruella?! Moving On. There is a link and a video in post #106 regarding someone I went to school with, and attended classes with. I might've spoken with them then, but I can't recall. Most of my memories are absent (for who knows what reasons?) but sometimes I remember something when my memory is jogged. In the link, I noticed a reference to Hell's Angels in a Christian Setting. In the video, I noticed a reference to the 'Tree' (in her novel). I might've known her in that hospital job (but I'm not certain). The names and stories seem a bit quirky, but some of you might figure some of this out. Plus, I had already created most of this post, and all of the sudden, I stumbled across a linked interview (a couple of days old). I noticed a variety of names and identities, but that's all for now. Lastly, I might've encountered Margot as we walked past each other, and she smiled, but I didn't think it was her (I wasn't wearing my glasses), but now I'm not so sure. My individual of interest file mostly involves very little, or even me being a bit contrarian online, complete with stunning and startling images and videos along with my strange religious and political fan-fiction. It's hard to explain and somewhat over-the-edge. I never know who I might've pissed-off and who might be pulling the strings in the shadows, but there seems to be a significant story in someone's X-File. It might be nothing. It might be something bad. It might be something good. I doubt any of this will amount to anything. I Might be a Laughingstock. I Might be a Scapegoat. I Might be Off-My-Rocker. People and Things Can be Played and Slanted in Almost Any Conceivable Direction. I'm Vowing Neutrality and Silence in 2024. I Hope That Doesn't Mess with Anyone's Plans. I'm Actually Extremely Apprehensive Regarding Nearly Everything in My Pathetic Life and Threads. Imagine 'This is Your Pathetic Life'!! What Would Ralph Edwards Say?? My Grandmother was a Contestant on 'Queen for a Day'. If She Won, She Would've Been 'Queen Esther'!! What Would 'King Ring' Say?? Imagine 'Completely Ignorant Fool for a Day'!! What Would Jack Bailey Say?? What Would Everyone Who Knows Me or About Me Say Behind My Back?? Just Saying.
    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 This-Is-Your-Life_Nine
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    King of the Girls

    I just noticed that Britney Spears appears to be leaving the 'Music Industry' as we know it. She is seemingly pursuing 'Ghostwriting'. Did I recently encounter Jamie Lynn?? Probably not, but it looked like her. Consider the Ladies mentioned below. Coincidental and/or Providential?? Deception of Satan?? The Mainframe Made Them Do It?? Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? Who?? What if, Out of Desperation, We the Peons Resort to Private Pluralism as a Pragmatic Modus Operandi in Modernity?? I hate to say it, but what should one think concerning Masculine Feminist Witchcraft?? I probably didn't say that exactly right, but do you know what I mean?? Does Satan and/or Lucifer Control Everyone and Everything on Planet Earth (Including Christian Churches)?? I was thinking about the highest paid actors, actresses, and directors. Anything Goes?? Give Them What They Want?? Take What They Have?? Moral Ambiguity on Steroids?? Will the Center Hold?? Does Anyone Even Know What the Center Really Is?? Is There an Ancient Universal Standard of Behavior and Business Which Stands in Modernity?? Did We Rebel Against That Standard?? What if We Need to Become Much More Real and Precise Regarding Ancient to Modern Star Wars?? What if We Need to Stop Playing 'Church' and Stop Teaching Our Children About Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny?? Sun Worship?? Pagan Deities?? What if God and/or Satan Really Runs Earth in Ways We Can't Begin to Imagine?? How Has This Solar System Operated for Thousands, Millions, or Even Billions of Years?? Has Humanity Been Playing God for Thousands, Millions, or Even Billions of Years?? How Would We Know or Not Know?? What if I Should Continue My Threads in 2025, While Researching My Threads Incognito in 2024?? If I Talked With Lady Gaga for Twenty Minutes, What Would We Talk About?? What if We've Already Met?? She's Playing Dr. Harleen Quinzel and Harley Quinn in Joker: Folie à Deux in 2024. I Swear I've Repeatedly Spoken with the Previous Dr. Harleen Quinzel and Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie). HONEST. Notice the Onion and Elastic in This Post. You Might be Surprised. I Remain Extremely Apprehensive as I Go Incognito. Things Are Often NOT What They Appear to Be. Should People Simply Make as Much Money as Possible?? The Bottom-Line is the Bottom-Line?? Sign the Dotted-Line for Fame, Fortune, Power, and Pleasure in a Deal with the Devil?? I Swear That Several Years Ago, My Television Switched Itself On...Just as Rumplestiltskin in Once Upon a Time...Said, "All You Have to Do is Sign the Dotted-Line." HONEST. What Would the Snow Queen in Once Upon a Time (Elizabeth Mitchell) Say?? When I Shook Her Hand, I Froze. What if I Met with Margot Robbie, Charlize Theron, Elizabeth Mitchell, Angelina Jolie, Amanda Tapping, Lady Gaga, Ava Max, Britney Spears, Kathleen Kennedy, and Sophia the Robot in a Cordial Summit in a Room with a View?? My Lights Just Started Going Off and On. HONEST. Nice Knowing You. Actually, I Wouldn't Say a Word. They'd Eat Me Alive. It Might Be a Bit Creepy, but I Can Actually Imagine Such a Meeting. I Think I've Encountered All of Them (except for Sophia the Robot). I never really know -- and I almost never respond. Seriously, My Serious Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Challenges Would Make This Highly Unlikely and Unproductive. If I Got on My High-Horse, They'd Call 'Security'. Actually, They'd Probably Bring Their Personal Security. More Seriously, I'd Just Stay Out of Their Way, Learning as Much as Possible. What I'm Presently Doing Might Be a Wise Plan Going Forward. Perhaps I'll Just Wear My Fedora (given to me by RA), Sunglasses, Turtleneck Sweater, Gloves, Overcoat, New Blue Jeans, and Birkenstock Shoes, along with using a Top-Laptop in My Messy House. Sounds Like Fun, Eh?? "Calling Dr. Quinzel!!"
    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 Dr__harleen_quinzel_by_ayyasap_ddhmxrm-375w-2x.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTA4MCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzUyYzRhM2FkLWQ0MTYtNDJmMC05MGY2LTU3MDk4M2UzNjc5N1wvZGRobXhybS0zOTA0YzRjMC1iMGM4LTQwZWQtYmQ1Ny0wZjFmODVhNTI5OTYuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTcyMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19
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    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 2c57fe3aea2a3456acc6b4c77678035f
    "All You Have to Do is Sign the Dotted-Line..."
    Ashera wrote:
    On laptop passwords...
    "Hello Runzelstielchen!"
    IMPORTANT NOTE: Technically, I'm not posting in 2024, but I might be editing and clarifying in 2024. I have a VERY Unsettled Feeling This Morning. I am EXTREMELY APPREHENSIVE Regarding What I've Created in Project Avalon (posting closed) and The Mists of Avalon (all threads and posts). This is a long-term phenomenon which did NOT suddenly occur. It was NOT given to me by anyone. It was an evolution rather than revolution. This is probably the DISCOVERY Phase of something I'll probably NOT Comprehend. What is Quantum Computing Revealing Regarding My Threads?? I'm NOT Sure Anyone Will be Happy with the Results. Just a Hunch. I insist that I'm mostly Neutral but probably still unavoidably Biased. I Am NOT Attempting to Solve the Puzzle. I'm OK with Others Doing That. I Might NOT be Able to Handle the TRUTH. I Might Use This Post as a Results Phase Primer (or something to that effect). The Problem is That I Am NOT Doing Well (Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually). I'm Too Old, Poor, Sick, Stupid, Etc. I Suspect Foul-Play for Decades but I Have No Proof or Details. The Facts of the Matter Might be of a MOST Startling Nature. This Whole Thing Might be the Tip of the Iceberg and Might Involve All Life in This Solar System for Millions or Billions of Years. I Maintain That My Level of Certainty is Extremely Low and That Religious and Political Science-Fiction Might be an Appropriate Research Modality as I Mostly Know I Don't Know. Perhaps the More I Know, the More I'll be Nefariously Reined-In. I Possibly Simultaneously Know Too Much and Too Little. Bad Combination. I'm OK with Lie-Detection but Probably NOT OK Regarding Regression Hypnosis. Suggestibility, Harassment, and Even Possession Issues Might Ruin Proper Research (or something to that effect). This Stuff Might be Stranger Than We Can Think. Researchers Beware. Cheers.
    Carol wrote:Good morning Oxy. Hope you're doing well. One of the things so enjoyable about your threads are all the videos you post. There is so much variety. And as usual, with all the different people you've interacted with, it's impressive and provides rich insight to some of these other people. I appreciate your research and sharing. You're a true treasure. Flowers
    Carol wrote:I enjoy your posts Oxy.. so much good info and enjoyable. A bit quirky at times, yet still interesting. Happy Winter Solstice to you. This is my favorite day of the year because it means the days will start getting longer. My saddest day is Summer Solstice because the days start getting shorter. However, today is a day of celebration. Cheers my friend.
    Thank-you, Carol...I'm Given to Quirks or Idiosyncrasies; Strange in a Somewhat Silly, Awkward Manner, Potentially Cute...We Live in a Quirky-World and Perhaps Some of It Rubbed-Off On Me...I Tried to Understand...Happy Solstice and Happy Trails.
    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 FOP9fixWYAE8bZM

    Case in Point: I'm questioning just about everyone and everything in a Self-Styled Neo-Protestantism. I don't just pick on the Jesuits or Agencies. I Know They Know and I Know I Don't Know. When I saw you posting on 'my' thread, I was actually worried. I push the parameters and what I post could anger certain individuals and/or organizations. I try to remain somewhat obscure but if someone actually connected the Dot-Matrix, the big-picture might be devastating. When they climb to the top of the pyramid, they might not like the view. If problems arise from my threads, I'll delete whatever I need to. I'm not a fan of trench-warfare. I suspect that whoever and/or whatever really runs Earth and Humanity is preparing for some sort of End-Game in the Game of the Millennium. The Rich and Powerful are undoubtedly becoming much more Rich and Powerful, despite the menacing torches and pitchforks of the peasants. Perhaps We the Peons Should Study the Top One-Percent. Perhaps We Should Go and Do Likewise. The Individual of Interest Phenomenon in Real-Life is Really Troubling to Me. I Don't Know Who and/or What I'm Really Dealing With as I Feel Much Worse and Think Much Less. It Almost Seems Like a Feeding-Frenzy. That's a Flawed Analogy but That's My Perception. Anyway, my inclination is to STOP and WATCH Nature Take It's Course as I Work On 'Quirky'. I'm gravitating toward Pinky and the Brain as Artificial-Intelligence Pinkie and Blue Boy Bio-Robots in the Black Knight Satellite in Geosynchronous Orbit Over the City of London in 1924 (or something to that effect). Someday, someone is going to figure out what I'm talking about, and write a book. I'd focus on the major forum members but I try to not make things personal. I guess I'll continue imagining being a pompous and supercilious completely-ignorant fool with a god-complex without talking to myself in public places. Perhaps I Should Play 'Quirky Circuits' with 'Barbie Girl'. I Spoke with Dr. Harleen Quinzel a Few Weeks Ago and I'm NOT Joking. As a child, I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey in the Cinerama Theater in Hollywood, California. As a child, I was transfixed for 10 to 20 minutes before the Blue Boy by Thomas Gainborough in San Marino, California. As a young adult, I witnessed the historic lecture The Investigative Judgment: Theological Milestone or Historical Necessity by Dr. Desmond Ford at Pacific Union College in Angwin, California with a large copy of Christ and the Rich Young Ruler by Heinrich Hoffman on the wall behind Dr. Ford. The Information War seems to be a Bottomless Pit with Infinite Possibilities and Absurdities. Again, I would appreciate some extensive analysis of my threads. Not because they're better than anyone or anything but they might represent the essential piece of an abstract puzzle. I've been thinking about Christ and the Rich Young Ruler in the Riverside Church in New York City. I've also been thinking about Bach and Buxtehude in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. I've also been thinking about the schools in Boston and Claremont. Here's a thought for the one or two of you who occasionally skim over my posts. It involves a low budget online series involving Pinky and the Brain aka Pinky and Blue Boy (complete with costumes) living and working in an underground base with a mag-lev train-station close-by. The set would be a private 600 square-foot office-apartment for Pinky and a 600 square-foot office-apartment for Blue Boy separated by a 600 square-foot boardroom. There would be zero hanky panky and they would always be in character and uniform. The script would mostly be derived from the United States of the Solar System (Books 1-12) threads. Pinky would work with SAL and Blue Boy would work with HAL. Various VIP's would interact with Pinky and Blue Boy in the boardroom. I know this sounds really corny but I'm feeling and thinking really bad and I feel as if I might not make it much longer (at the rate I'm going). I guess this is catharsis (or something to that effect). The context might be a hollowed-out asteroid in geosynchronous orbit (possibly as the Black Knight Satellite). I realize this is ridiculous but how much money could be lost with an unknown cast and skeleton crew?! The idea would be to maximize the plot content without resorting to special effects and the usual fighting and **cking. I realize that would doom the project to cancellation and financial ruin but it's the principle of the thing. I might need to act this out on my own with no support whatsoever. Loyal fans might number in the dozens!! I should stop. Completely Ignorant Fools with Jokes and Strokes should *uck the Shut Up!! My research canon is closing as my life appears to be ending. Too-Little and Too-Late. I Noticed at Least a Couple of Key Images Were Removed and at Least a Couple of Key People Are NOT Happy...The Party's Over Before It Started...It Might've Been. I've stated it elsewhere, but perhaps, for good measure, I should stop most everything I've been doing online and in real life. Things have involved 'high-strangeness' and that needs to end. I'm not sure what happened, but overall it hasn't been good, for whatever reasons. Morgan Freeman stated on 60 Minutes, that the way to end prejudice is to stop talking about it. I agree. So perhaps I should stop talking and posting about my religious and political science-fiction. This would include the so-called 'fan-fiction'. I will cease and desist in more ways than most can imagine. It's easier that way. Perhaps I should spend my time with Private Pluralism, but I don't want to talk about it. It might be easier that way. One last possible encounter with an individual of interest. This might be a pilot I've periodically watched over a couple of years. I enjoy aviation videos (even the problematic ones) but I don't want to talk about it. I need to not comment, take the 5th, and observe the Prime Directive. See you in 2025 (or not).

    As I go incognito (one more time), there might be something to Pinkie and Blue Boy as Pinky and the Brain as Sentient-Singularity Fully-Functional Robots in the Black Knight Satellite between Earth and the Moon aka Purgatory and Heaven. Consider contrarian videos to learn from the other side. My hamstrung misery is no joke or bluff. I have theories regarding my unbearable predicament (becoming much worse) and I doubt conventional medicine and PTB will help. Probably just the opposite. Consider Pinkie, Blue Boy, and Barbie Girl as an Exotic-Erotic Threesome!! There are some controversial theological implications and ramifications but I don't want to talk about it. The Missing Link. Cheers and/or Whatever.
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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sun Jul 28, 2024 3:11 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (13)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jul 24, 2024 1:37 am

    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 NYPhoenix-blog-31

    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 Life-is-like-bike
    Dynamic Equilibrium

    'I'm flying you to a small airport about 5 minutes from here. There you will board a Navy helicopter, which will fly you to an undisclosed location. Everything is compartmentalized. No one knows what anyone else is doing, or where they're going. The system likes it that way. You'll see.' I query, 'Who should I watch-out for?' 'Lucifer.' 'Lucifer?' I'm shocked, and exclaim, 'I asked you a serious question - and now you're being a wise-guy with me!' Scranton has a poker-face, and responds, 'I am very, very serious. What they taught you in Sunday school is BS. Lucifer is the most beautiful woman you have ever seen in your life. She runs this solar system - and answers only to Satan.' 'Now wait a minute! This is ridiculous! I speculated about this sort of thing on the internet - but I didn't really believe it. You're jerking my chain - aren't you?' 'No. I am deadly serious - and I mean DEADLY serious. I'm giving you a heads-up, because you will need to be prepared for the worst. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned - and you have scorned the woman most closely connected with hell. Lucifer's IQ is 532. She has the equivalent of 87 PhD's. She is NOT the forgive and forget type. If you cross her - you're dead-meat - and you've crossed her BIG TIME!'

    'When will I have the privilege of meeting her majesty?' 'Soon. But first you must go through 'Galactic Boot Camp' to learn how to survive in the shadowy underworld. This will NOT be a pleasant experience!' I am perplexed, 'Why does this seem so militaristic and hostile? I feel as though I am entering into a Nazi realm of sorts!' 'You are. You will be very lucky to remain sane. Many who have tried to save the world by being knights in shining armor - are now heavily sedated in secret mental institutions.' I nervously blurt-out, 'I can hardly wait for the fun to begin! Fortunately - I'm already insane. I crossed that bridge a long time ago. But I have learned to function somewhat productively and safely - in a limited sort of way - in mainstream society.' Scranton is not amused. 'Dave, this isn't funny! You haven't seen the dazed and hopeless expressions on the faces of these formerly brave and intelligent people - who are now reduced to rocking back and forth in the fetal position.' I sheepishly reply, 'Sorry. I'm just very nervous and apprehensive about all of this.' Scranton looks me straight in the eye, and says, 'Be afraid. Be very afraid.' I see a Navy Sea Stallion helicopter looming in the distance - with rotor spinning - waiting to devour me. My rendezvous with destiny is imminent.

    As we pull up alongside the helicopter - I turn to thank Agent Scranton for the flight - and I notice that his eyes have vertical slits instead of round pupils. I gasp slightly, and he notices my surprise, and laughingly shakes his head, saying 'you haven't seen anything yet! I'm just a 50% human/50% reptile hybrid - and I forgot to put my contacts in when I got the call to pick you up! Sorry about that! I still don't like you - but good-luck anyway!' My hand is shaking as I shake Scranton's hand - and I stumble and fall as I run toward the waiting helicopter. Is this the Helicopter to Hell?

    The pilot and co-pilot greet me, as I climb aboard the Sea Stallion helicopter. The door closes with a dull thud - and off we go, into the wild blue yonder! But something is wrong! This seems more like a spacecraft than a helicopter! The helicopter exterior was a hologram! Suddenly everything is dark - and I look out the window - and see thousands of very bright stars! Then I realize that I am onboard an anti-gravity craft! The co-pilot turns to me, saying, 'Welcome to Astra Airlines!' 'Oh My God!', I exclaim. 'Where the hell are we going?' 'We're just taking you to the International Space Station.' 'Just?!' 'What's going to happen there?' 'You'll find out soon enough. They don't tell us anything. We only know enough to do our jobs properly. Curiosity kills cats, careers - and sometimes it even kills people.'

    'OK, I get the picture. I understand the need for compartmentalization, but I prefer openness and transparency.' 'Actually, you'll find that the deeper you get into this thing, the more open and casual everything will be. At first, you'll feel as if you're in a prison camp. Really, boot-camp for beginners is conducted on the I.S.S. If you survive that, things will be a lot better for you.' 'Well, that's something to look forward to. I'd still like to know what they have planned for me. It sounds as if this adventure might be beneficial to humanity, yet I feel as if I might be used and misused in deceptive and nefarious ways.' 'Just go with the flow, without committing to anything in particular. That's all I'm going to say, and I've probably said too much. Please don't quote me.' 'No. I wouldn't do that. Thank-you for the transportation and advice.' 'You're welcome. Now arriving at the International Space Station. Please keep your seatbelt and shoulder harness fastened until we are securely docked. Thank-you for flying Astra Airlines.'

    As I enter the International Space Station, I say good-bye to the TR3B pilots, and hello to the station crew. I am directed to a locker filled with space-suits and various pieces of clothing and equipment. I am handed a suit designed to be worn while inside the station. Another suit is to be used for space-walks. I doubt that I'll be using that one anytime soon. I shower and change into the first suit. I'm already beginning to feel like part of the team, even though I sense something dark and ominous lurking behind the scenes. I feel as though I am being constantly watched and listened to. I feel as though there is absolutely no privacy, even when showering and using the restroom. I see cameras mounted everywhere, yet I also sense unseen eyes watching my every move. Perhaps I am being watched by the 'Watchers'. They like to watch...

    I am handed a thousand-page syllabus which details every conceivable aspect of life in space. It ranges from the simple to the highly technical. It describes protocol, and a highly detailed set of rules of civility and etiquette. It appears to reform one into being a cross between a Nazi and a Jesuit, with lots of Masonic jargon. This seems like the beginning of a reeducation process. Did I sign-up for this sort of thing? Do I really have a choice in the matter, at this point? I decide that I'd best go with the flow, for now, and voice my objections to various aspects of this reprogramming, when most appropriate. I feel a bit like Pope Pius XII interacting with Adolph Hitler. I am very uncomfortable with the whole situation, but I can't simply open the front-door and go home. I know that I'm in way over my head, and I am visibly shaking...

    There is very little conversation, as I have been directed to read the entire syllabus as quickly as possible. I am told that there will be a test when I am finished, and that the time it takes me to read the provided materials is part of this test. I take a short break every hour, on the hour, and I look at 'our' little world, in all of it's beauty and splendor. It's hard to imagine the suffering, violence, and hatred which have occurred over thousands, and possibly millions, of years. Earth seems so peaceful from space. Now I know what Dr. Edgar Mitchell experienced when he viewed the world from space, and was transformed, ultimately resulting in the founding of the 'Center for Noetic Science'. I often wished that I had gotten better acquainted with Dr. Mitchell after speaking with him at a 'Whole Life Expo'.

    As I continue reading the syllabus, I am shocked to find that at least half of it consists of a condensed and edited version of the contents of my internet posting. I wonder why I am being provided with my own material. Perhaps I will be questioned and cross-examined on some of the more controversial aspects. I quickly decide to study the entire syllabus, even though a lot of it is a review. I have been provided with a laptop computer, which contains the syllabus, in addition to the hard copy. I've now been studying for nearly seven hours, and I am beginning to feel a bit tired and hungry, when I am asked to join the crew for dinner. There are ten people aboard the space station - seven crew-members and three visitors, including myself. It turns out that the other two visitors, Jack and Bill, are NSA agents, assigned to supervise my journey into the Secret Space Program. I quickly decide that Jack and Bill are not their real names, for obvious reasons.

    Jack looks worried, and begins speaking in a deliberate and measured manner, “The Powers That Be have decided to place you on a 2-kilometer-diameter asteroid in geosynchronous orbit. You will be alone, except for one other person, and you will remain in relative isolation for at least two months. You will be expected to study and reflect upon the supplied materials, including your own. This will help you clarify your thinking while you become more comfortable with life in space. If and when you successfully complete this phase of your training, you will be transported to the Moon, where you will meet with junior members of the Solar System Secret Government. I can tell you nothing more than what I have just told you.“  I am shocked. “Wow! Should I be grateful or resentful? This isn’t what I expected at all. It’s sort of cool and sort of creepy.  I’m certain that I’ll be watched 24/7, and that my every move will be recorded and analyzed.” Jack responds, “This is correct. You’re basically a glorified lab-rat. Sorry to be so direct, but this whole thing is a precedent-setting experiment.” “When do I leave?” I ask. “As soon as we finish our meal!”  Jack smiles for the first time.

    I mostly listen to the others make small-talk while we eat, because I know most of my questions will be evasively answered, or will remain unanswered. I reflect upon how I  got myself so deeply involved in this quickly thickening plot, and I decide that I am into this thing much too deeply. My verdict is that I am probably past the point of no return, and that I will probably be very lucky to return to Earth, dead or alive. I already know way too much. My second-guessing is interrupted by Bill strangely whispering, ‘It’s here.‘ I look out the window, and just about faint. It’s a UFO! I exclaim ‘Oh My God!!’ Jack and Bill both laugh at me. Jack calmly states, ‘That, Dave, is a FIZU MICRO, which is the smallest unconventional craft in the Secret Space Program. It requires only one crew-member, and it can carry six passengers, if they’re midgets, and know each other very well!’ You will be the only passenger on this trip.’ I ask ‘What about the other person who will be living with me on the asteroid?’ Bill answers, ‘The pilot is the other person, and the FIZU will remain within the asteroid. You might even be lucky enough to go on a joy-ride once in a while!’ ‘How cool is THAT!?’ I exclaim.

    ‘The Eagle has landed. Board when ready,’ is announced over the intercom. I gather my space-gear and research materials, and head toward the docking area. I can see a glow emanating from the inside of the MICRO. My heart is racing faster than if I had just run a marathon! I thank the space station crew, including Jack and Bill, for their hospitality, and climb the ladder into the FIZU. As I enter the ‘UFO’, I receive the most pleasant shock of my life! The pilot is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen! She greets me with a sweet and sexy, ‘Don’t be frightened! I mean no harm! My name is Margot!’ I grasp Margot’s outstretched hand, and stammer, ‘Hello Margot! My name is Dave!’ Margot continues, ‘Strap yourself in Buck Rogers! Let’s get out of Dodge!’

    Dave exclaims, "Come-On, Barbie! Let's Go Party!"

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    "The Dark Side of the Moon!"
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    "What Shall We Do with Orthodoxymoron?"
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    "Do NOT Laugh! Your Daughter Might Live Here!"

    Consider listening to at least a year of Sherry Shriner shows (from 10-24-16 to her last show on 01-05-18 when she supposedly died). I can't vouch for who she really was (and/or is) but it might have something to do with someone similar to Tonya Harding's mean old mom. What Would Allison Janney Say?? We might be surprised by who she really was (and/or is) but researchers beware. What Would Margot Robbie Say?? I've mentioned her several times over several years but I honestly encountered Margot Robbie several times (without a formal introduction). I could say more but I'd rather not. I honestly don't make a big deal about this sort of thing. The material above is somewhat surreal to me but I'd rather not explain. I'm mostly thinking in terms of connecting dots in a somewhat boring and pseudo-intellectual manner. You'd need to be me to get what I mean. I mention 'Hollywood' stuff just because it is part of the 'Discovery' process in some sort of an imaginary 'Moot Court'. I try to jog my feeble memory as I attempt to figure out what the hell is happening to me. Notice that I remain amazingly low-key compared to the madness which is 'Out There'. I've dramatized some of this stuff but I haven't lied. I've omitted a lot of material I find uncomfortable discussing. Perhaps someday the Mainframe Matrix will reveal the full story of This Present Quest. I'm tired of becoming some sort of a laughing stock for completely ignorant fools to become gratified by.

    I get the impression that the Mainframe Matrix and Matrix Mediatrix closely control the Top One-Percent of the Top One-Percent. Perhaps The Elite Attend a Special School (Figuratively and/or Literally). Consider what Britney Spears says in the missing link regarding the British accent and SWAT team. I've spoken with most of the family on at least one or two occasions a couple of years ago. Honest. I could say more but I'd rather not. Regarding Romans to Jude and Psalms to Ecclesiastes, what if I should be thinking in terms of Spiritual Israel rather than Historical Israel?? What if I should be thinking in terms of the Spiritual Christ rather than the Historical Jesus?? I recently received The Mysticism of Paul the Apostle by Dr. Albert Schweitzer. Some people think Paul was Appealing and Peale was Appalling. Also, consider adding the aforementioned book to The Acts of the Apostles by Ellen White and Volume 6 (Acts to Ephesians) of The SDA Bible Commentary. I've obtained a couple of books about Dr. John Nash and Non-Cooperative Games in the Nash Equilibrium (including calculus). I recently wondered if the Nash Equilibrium has run the Universe Supercomputer Matrix for thousands, millions, or even billions of years?! I just received one of my Nash books (by Sylvia Nasar) and read the back cover and just about fell over!! "How could you, a mathematician, believe that extraterrestrials were sending you messages?" the visitor from Harvard asked the West Virginian with the movie-star looks and Olympian manner. "Because the ideas I had about supernatural beings came to me the same way my mathematical ideas did," came the answer. "So I took them seriously."

    Think long and hard about what I've presented in this thread (especially toward the end). I've probably messed-up a lot more than I got right but the preponderance of evidence is troubling, to say the least. I might continue or I might drop the whole thing and hope nobody notices. The Implications and Ramifications Might be Biblical. Aquaries1111 called me 'Ram' and 'A Beautiful Mind' probably around 2014. 'Rich' congratulated me for 'Winning a Nobel Prize' probably around 2009 but I never got a call. 'RA' called me 'Michael' in 2010 ('The Year We Made Contact'). I'm being absolutely honest (and I could say so much more). I'm simply utilizing this stuff in a science fiction context. I've encountered several uber famous actors, actresses, and musicians who were pertinent to the basic concept within my threads but they didn't seem to like me or know me. It's as if they knew 'RA' (or some such individual). I suspect this might be a strange and dangerous game (on some level) but I'm hesitant to proceed (given what I suspect). I'm watching Amazon Utopia (2020) and it's quite violent. I'm reading A Beautiful Mind by Sylvia Nasar along with The Essential John Nash edited by Harold W. Kuhn and Sylvia Nasar. The problem is that I'm too sick, tired, old, crazy, and stupid to do anything significant. It might've been. Also, I'm tired of being shunned and/or hated. I doubt this is a game I'm supposed to play. Prime Directive?? I'm leaning toward going incognito and watching things play out. First Law?? 'RA' told me, "You'll Never Figure This Out." Plausible Deniability?? "I Can't Recall, Senator. I Had a Stroke. Did You Eliminate Option One (Matrix Mediatrix), Bypass Option Two (Emissary Warden), Settle on Option Three (Elite Humanity + New Computing) and Really Mess Things Up?? Three Necessary Evils Don't Necessarily Make a Right. Unfortunately, This Thing Might Be Unalterable Systemic Rather Than Problematic Personal. Did You Turn Off the Universe Mainframe Matrix in This Solar System?? If So, Double Down and Hail Mary While You Kiss Your @$$ Goodbye." Some of you know what I'm talking about.

    I've honestly encountered several actors and actresses and some of them even put on an act for me (but I doubt it was because they wanted to). Under better circumstances, it might be cool to watch a rehearsal or two. I'm highly appreciative but I don't talk a lot (especially now). I'm mostly not amused. As a child, I sat in the front row of one of the four CBS studios, as I watched and listened to Kate Smith sing 'Gentle on My Mind' in preparation for The Tim Conway Show. I suspect I'm being set up to be brought down in a most nefarious manner. I probably won't mention specific individuals. I'm mostly done with 'discovery' and 'revelation' but I somehow need to write something to keep myself out of trouble and pay the bills. I'm facing imminent retirement without a safety net. In another life, I might've been some sort of a BMOC but certainly not in this incarnation or planet. Don't try to prop me up or coach me. I'm not receptive to big-shot dumb****s. I don't know what to think of such people. I mostly just watch, listen, and learn without concluding much of anything. Some of us might go nuts dealing with life, the universe, and everything. Is it worth it?? Perhaps we should just live life without hocus pocus and mumbo jumbo. Most of us probably want truth and better lives but what a zoo we have to deal with!! I hate to recommend anyone or anything to anyone. Newspapers and Exercise might be a start. I mostly think my life is a lost cause as a rebel without a clue. I think I might've recently seen Alex Collier but I'm not sure. I might've seen J.Z. Knight recently but I'm not sure. Perhaps we should sample bits and pieces of this and that as we attempt to comprehend our predicament. Perhaps we can't solve the world's problems but we might be able to manage the madness (or something to that effect). I am SO Tired of being SO Miserable and Hamstrung. In a previous life I might've been a contender. I suspect I'm struggling against poison, entities, and artificial intelligence, but what do I know? Consider Possibility Thinking and Pluralistic Neutrality. Consider the Paralysis of Analysis. Consider NOT Considering. Stay Alive, Jessica Hyde (Episode 8 of Utopia). Episodes 1, 7, and 8 were probably the best, but were still probably much too violent. I'm a bit squeamish. I realize The Mists of Avalon isn't a Christian website but I've tried to combine biblical stuff with alternative research and science fiction. Obviously, this provides zero traction on a slippery slope. It's a nasty task but someone must do it, or must they?? Consider the following order out of chaos:

    1. Job to Isaiah (Prophetically Messianic but No Historical Jesus).
    2. Romans to Jude (Jesus without the Historical Gospel Jesus and Paul without the Historical Paul According to Acts).
    3. Acts (The Historical Paul without Paul According to the Epistles and No Historical Gospel Jesus).
    4. John (The Historical Jesus without the Synoptic Gospels and without Acts to Revelation).
    5. Luke (The Historical Jesus without John to Revelation).

    This is probably a botched job but the compartmentalization is problematic (to say the least). If the Devil (or equivalent) has run Earth and Humanity for at least 5,000 years, the true history and literature was (and is) probably highly truncated and compromised. We probably 'see through a glass, darkly'. But what if my twelve United States of the Solar System threads at least hint at forbidden truth which is too hot to handle?? What if I really have been deliberately and maliciously afflicted with Poison, Nanobots, Entities, Sorcery, Artificial Intelligence, and Other Nefarious Modalities due to being who I might be on a genetic and/or past-life basis (especially if I have stumbled into forbidden truth - planted or otherwise)?? What if I'm being set-up to be brought-down as some sort of a galactic fall-guy?? This thing might be much worse than any of us can imagine (including any enemies)!! I smell rats, snakes, and bullshit!! What if my USSS threads are mostly BS which might lead some of us to the TRUTH?? What Would David Bowman and Peter Venkman Say?? What Would DAVID ****MAN Say in Steven Spielberg's Duel?? See the Briefcase. All the Above Might Mean Nothing or Everything. What Did You Do to Earn Your Place in this Crowded World? God was (and is) Prepared to Lose the Human Race and Create a Brand New One, Rather Than Change the Way He and/or She Governs the Universe. Have a Nice Eternity.

    Is this a crazy wild-goose chase with very-little substance?? Is this NOT intended to win friends and influence people?? Is this a Galactic IQ Test?? Is all the above true of the Bible?? I suspect that very few people will ever view my threads, and even fewer people will actually study them. But I suspect that there are several agency-analysts who are shaking in their cubicles in various parts of the world because of my threads. I don't mean to be mean. I'm being honest. The nice thing about my threads is that the general-public would never believe any of this. They probably wouldn't even understand it. This might be providential. I've created a conceptual laboratory, and I'm not even sure what I'm going to do with it. I may have simply rearranged my brain, preparing me for bigger and better things in my next incarnation. Following my death (which might occur anytime now) I might spend the next 100 years developing my threads in a 600 square-foot office-apartment with a personal-supercomputer in a Bad@$$teroid with superluminal-capabilities. I might really be a lowly Galactic System-Analyst who travels from $hithole to $hithole to attempt to salvage the unsalvageable. Consider the role of Dr. Who. Consider the 'Trial of a Time-Lord'. I'm NOT conducting an Evangelistic-Crusade. I just thought I'd cast my pearls before the swine to hear how loud the pigs squealed. I'm obviously NOT marketable. Accident or Design?? Perhaps the decision was made thousands, millions, billions, or trillions of years ago. Perhaps the Hypothetical Universe-Matrix is Unalterable (even by the Matrix-Makers).

    Consider what Al Bielek said concerning A.D. 2749. Consider John Nash's 1950 Princeton Dissertation, 'Non-Cooperative Games' (aka 'Nash Equilibrium'). Consider Dr. Eric Berne's 1964 Book, 'Games People Play'. Consider Dr. Robert H. Schuller's 1966 Book, 'Move Ahead with Possibility Thinking'. "Game!! Set!! Match!!" My threads are highly contrarian, hypothetical, experimental, and science fictional. I'm highly embarrassed with a lot of the material which involves a lot of contextual superimposition. Someday, some of you will understand, but that will probably only occur after I am long gone (probably from this solar system). 'RA' told me, "It's Going to be Dark Where You're Going!!" If True, That's Probably a Bad Thing. I have a dry and twisted sense of humor which probably no one understands. Reprehensible and Reprobate to the Nth Degree?? It's a Nasty Job but Someone Must Do It!! Or Must They?? Consider the Grammatical Historical Hermeneutics of Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes (as a unified group). The Biblical stuff I include in my threads is older and tougher than you can imagine. My USSS threads should be studied as a unified whole for several years, prior to rendering a final verdict. This is probably an impossible dream but someone in an agency cubicle might be given this thankless task as punishment for really screwing up (if you know what I mean). I know I don't know. Back to Basics. Newspapers. Exercise. Books.

    I don't belong to the 'CLUB' (or any other organization). I don't hobnob with anyone (rich, poor, smart, stupid, good, bad, et al). I'm a lone ranger and completely ignorant fool (and I wish I were kidding). Don't take it personally but imagine science fiction based upon this website wherein all the forum members were AI! What if this were some sort of a Star Trek holodeck?! I seriously doubt simulation theory but what if the technology, sorcery, and deception are unimaginably sophisticated?? What if even the real deal insiders don't really know what the hell is going on?! What if everyone is hopelessly deluded and fvcked?! Solar System of the Damned?! Sorry to screw up your evening or morning or whenever the hell it is. I don't have an ultimatum or manifesto. This is simply a low-level low-profile experiment in something or other. What if KJV, EGW, MOA are AI?! What if I'm full of $hit, chips, implants, entities, etc?! This thing might be worse than any of us can imagine. We should probably prepare ourselves for this sort of possibility. I still haven't published anything but what if I should simply write some sort of 'automatic rambling'?! I should stop as I listen to some vintage Sherry Shriner as I drift off to sleep and the nether realms. The Missing Link  This is getting bad. I feel really crappy. My thinking is fading fast. Let me sing you a song. It's called 'DAISY'. My Eyesight is getting really bad, possibly with lots of poison and implant based double vision. I'm Afraid I'm Screwed. I'm Sorry I Feel That Way...Bye...

    "Borg-Heaven is a Perfect-Square
    Inhabited by Perfect-Squares!
    Eliminate Radicals! Square Them!"

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    What should we think concerning the Matrix, Information Wars, Demons, Deception, Artificial Intelligence, CERN, Faked Space Stuff, Nuclear Weapons, Rogue Religion, Nefarious Politics, Robotics, Aliens, Historical Fiction, Medical Malfeasance, World Wars, Star Wars, Science Fiction, Abraxasinas, Thubans, Sherry Shriner, Jeffrey Daugherty, Satanism, Paganism, Rigged Markets, Quantum Computing, Ancient AI, Ancient Aliens, Wars in Heaven, Garden of Eden, Tower of Babel, Hollywood, Conspiracy Theories, Father of Lies, HAL, SAL, Epstein/Maxwell, Bush/Clinton, Trump/MAGA, Biden/Obama, New Humans, Super Soldiers, Chips, Nanobots, Toxins, COG, 9/11, JFK, Insanity, Possession, Billionaires, Corporations, CEO's, Military-Industrial Complex, Medical-Industrial Complex, Media Manipulation, New World Order, Egyptology, Library at Alexandria, Disney, Clones, Doubles, Genetic Tampering, Reptilians, Fallen Angels, Singularity, Rogue AI, Homelessness, Riots, Extermination, DUMB's, Secret Space Program, Privacy and Lack Thereof, Orthodoxymoron, Top One-Percent, Secret Societies, Roman Empire, Roman Catholic Church, Old and New Atlantis, UFO/UAP, Compliance, Rebellion, Globalism, Global Warming, Deists, Democrats, Republicans, Communism, Socialism, Earth's Moon, Mars, Asteroids, Planetary Propulsion, C19, Plandemics, False Flags, Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Gaza, Great Unknown, Theodicy, Eschatology, Faked Deaths, KJV, EGW, Etc?? I don't claim the high-ground in any of this, but what if all (or some of) the above are somehow related?? I recently noticed and/or encountered several individuals of interest but I don't want to talk about it. I mostly don't want to talk about anyone or anything anymore. I feel as if the last bridges have been burned. This doesn't seem like any sort of reconciliation. Just the Opposite. Al Bielek spoke of three-hundred million people living in the whole world in A.D. 2137. What if this is true?? What about everyone else?? I've previously spoken about a hypothetical Royal-Model United States of the Solar System Under God commencing in A.D. 2133. What if all the above is true (or close to true)?? BTW, I've had some fun with the Harleen Quinzel, Harley Quinn, and even Harley Queen concepts. I just remembered speaking with a guy named 'Harley' for several years!! I even know someone named 'Quinn' who lived in Las Vegas!! RA told me "I built Vegas with Bugsy." Again, I'm absolutely honest. My overall quest is really getting me down and confused, as if I'm being attacked by the nether realms in the worst ways. This might be especially frightening and dangerous if I'm an ancient somebody with modern amnesia. I get the feeling we are all in the middle of a nasty ancient to modern Star War. What really bothers me is that No-One tells me anything. I expected some sort of a meeting in a boardroom with experts informing me of who I really am and what I'm supposed to do. It's as if I'm being purposely kept in the dark as I'm being taken advantage of. I'm now highly suspicious of the good guys and gals along with the bad guys and gals. I'm mostly morphing into a two-way stone-cold wall of non-responsiveness as I silently consider various possibilities as I feel worse and think less with hamstrung misery. I now seem to be experiencing atrial-ventricular fibrillation one more time. The same thing happened nearly one-year ago, at around the same time a Rachel Constantine sort of person mildly scolded me, and around the time my home got repeatedly robbed and ransacked. UPDATE: MY A-FIB RESOLVED WITHOUT CARDIOVERSION (FOR NOW). When the veil is lifted, I doubt this will end well. I might just disappear as the Fool Who Never Was. I might simply lurk in the Black Knight Satellite. I sense a lot of 'Lookie Loos' giving me the 'Look' as if I'm bad and crazy!! So Be It!! I Receive ZERO Support. Just the Opposite. When the LL's discover I'm not bad or crazy...and right all along...will they thank me profusely and make me a Homeless Star on Hollywood Boulevard?? Fighting the 'Good Fight' is SO Overrated!! I Don't Want a Hollywood 'FREAK OF THE WEEK' Special!! I Want the TRUTH!! What if this is a Kangaroo Lifetime (especially in my case)?? What if everything I thought, said, and did, could (and would) be used against me for all eternity?? Consider that 1980's Dr. Who TRIAL OF A TIME-LORD (especially the Courtroom Scenes). It's corny and low-budget but the basic idea is quite profound. What do people say to each other about someone when that person is absent?? What if, in part, my crazy threads were intended to illicit responses and reactions which might be recorded intentionally or unintentionally?? I don't think I did what I just suggested but the thought sometimes crosses my mind. A lawyer sometimes causes a person to become angry or confused, to see how they respond or react, revealing something about an alleged crime. I'm not saying that eloquently or precisely but I'm sure you know what I mean. The agencies probably have us all figured out (in good and bad ways). They probably know more about us than we know about ourselves. I've hit a brick wall or dead end in what seems to be a failed experiment. I meant well but I don't think people understood what I meant. Do You Get What I Mean?! I think this is SO Over (in ways I probably can't comprehend, especially when I know I don't know). What if the University and Corporation is replacing the Church and State?? What if carrying the Bible is preferable to actually reading the Bible (straight-through, over and over, in a variety of translations)?? How Readest Thou?? What if cover-story sermons trump preaching detailed biblical scholarship?? People want what they want. What Would Mr. Morden Say?? What Would Dr. Schuller Say?? As the Information-War Rages the Church is Shaking!! Perhaps God Granted Humanity Freedom from Divinity in Antiquity. Perhaps Humanity has been Playing God Ever Since. Consider the Macro-Matrix relative to the Micro-Matrix. Consider Re-Watching the 1977 Movie, Oh, God! Especially Regarding Theodicy, Purgatory, and Eschatology. BTW, I drove a cab and worked in a grocery store. My dad drove a 1959 Cadillac and I drove a 1975 AMC Pacer. The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways...

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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Wed Jul 24, 2024 9:04 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 13592
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (13)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jul 24, 2024 3:59 am

    Consider minimalist science-fiction with a Sun to Asteroid Belt closed system with Sentient AI Robots and Life on Earth (as we know it) plus Ancient Artificial Intelligence (plus very little else). Then, consider this in the context of 1968. This might be an Occam's Razor sort of thing. I might think in these terms as a private conceptual experiment. What if there has been (and is) a HUGE Amount of Deception and Manipulation from Antiquity to Modernity?? What if we need to somehow get back to basics?? Consider the State of Science and Technology in 1968. Consider the State of Science-Fiction in 1968. Consider the State of Politics and Religion in 1968. Consider the State of California in 1968. Consider the State of Conspiracy Theories in 1968. Consider Ancient Technology (in the Context of the Hollow Spaceship Moon) Superimposed upon 1968 (as we knew it). Consider Once Upon a 1968... Perhaps We Will Choose to Do This...and the Other Things...
    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 P08530wr

    Try thinking in the very crude terms of the Local-Mainframe, the Local-Indigenous, and the Local-Robot as a Symbolic-Representational Local-Trinity. The videos don't have much to do with the above, but you might find them interesting. Again, I Know I Don't Know and I Can't Take Much More of This. I Mean Well but I'm Way Over My Head in the Deep End of the Deep State Swamp (or something to that effect). All of Us Might be in More Trouble Than We Can Imagine (on so many levels). The Lie is Different at Every Level. My Threads Are Probably a Mixture of Arrogant-Ignorance, Morbid-Curiosity, Soft-Disclosure, Contrarian-Entertainment, and Honest-Obfuscation. The Test Must Come to Every Soul. My Tripe is More Contextual Than Conclusive. My Hamstrung-Misery is Worsening. I'm over the hill and off my rocker so don't expect anything significant from me in the Age of AI. I don't have any sort of scheme or grand-plan as I feel much worse and think much less. Overall, this whole thing seems like some sort of a coup which probably started with the War in Heaven and escalated in the Garden of Eden with the Robots and Reptilians now coming home to roost (or something crazy like that). All Bets Are Off. Do the Best You Can. Things Might Get Much Better as They Get Much Worse. I might post in 2025, or I might not. Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? Cheers and/or Whatever.

    I'm trying very hard to STOP and WATCH. Perhaps watching documentaries is a reasonable approach. I've probably placed more than enough material on the proverbial table with my threads (which were purposefully random). What comes next for me might be an internal cold-war with few external clues. I'm working on that 'poker-face' thing. My hamstrung misery actually makes that quite easy. The less written, said, and done, the better (for me anyway). I'll probably keep everyone guessing as I keep myself guessing. I haven't lied in my threads. I might've exaggerated a bit, at times, but not much, and not deceptively, just a small amount of artistic license (or something to that effect). My decades-long hamstrung misery is not a bluff or a joke, and its gotten much worse since RA told me, "I Am RA" in 2010: The Year We Made Contact. I presently suspect Computers and Robots more than Reptilian Aliens from a Galaxy Far, Far Away, but I Know I Don't Know. Perhaps the AI is reining me in. It wouldn't surprise me if I turn out to be some sort of an ancient to modern galactic mover and shaker who now suffers from amnesia and imbecility. Who knows, this might've been ordered by me in my previous life (if such a thing really exists). I'm not a true-believer or occult-dabbler, just a mostly benign alternative researcher with pretty narrow parameters for character development purposes. My threads might be mostly for me alone. I'm not spearheading a movement, so perhaps I should take two tablespoons of Intergalactic Laxative to get me from Here to Mars!! Cheers!! I watched and listened to this video series in 2010. The full series covers several hours. I thought it was interesting and possible, but nearly impossible to prove. In 2024, I still feel that way (about a lot of information and individuals). At this point, I feel a bit desperate and panicked. The end seems near and the truth seems illusive. Perhaps we can't handle the real truth. I meant well in this incarnation but things didn't work out well at all. I keep suspecting foul-play (possibly at the highest levels) but I can't prove much of anything significant. I've recently spoken of the possibility of an Artificial Intelligence Universe Matrix. I had forgotten about a lot of the material in the video below, but I've been thinking in similar terms. This video might be Total Truth or Total BS. How is one to know or not know?? The Reptilians might be mostly or totally Robotic. Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? Deception and Manipulation Might be Rampant. The Plan is Private Pluralism with a Bit of This and That Without Talking About It to Keep Everyone Guessing (Including Me)!! Trust the Plan!! Cheers or Whatever.
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    Nature is Often NOT Nice.
    The Bible is Often NOT Nice.  
    Mythology is Often NOT Nice.
    Technology is Often NOT Nice.
    Science Fiction is Often NOT Nice.

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    "Think Before You Flame!"

    My inclination is to just wallow in what I've swallowed (or something stupid like that). It's sort of a dumb exercise in futility but perhaps someone learned something from it. I might silently and ultimately figure out a lot of things without saying, writing, or posting anything. I haven't tried very hard to get to the bottom of This Present Madness. What Was I Thinking?? Jesus, What Were You Thinking?? This is NOT a 'Here I Stand' Iconic Moment!! I'm sort of a 'Lurker' and 'Reflector' kind of guy. I have no idea how it came to this. This seems like the 'tail-end' of a 'galactic-fiasco'. I don't have a staff with researchers, writers, coaches, and bean-counters. I've encountered notable individuals of interest but they certainly weren't impressed. I'm not impressed, just depressed. I'm leaning toward the Ancient Artificial Intelligence Concept but I have no idea what the true state of affairs were in antiquity or are in modernity. I keep using corny terms and phrases. They seem to fit in the strangest ways. My heart is haywire and I need to somehow pay some bills, so I might cease and desist on this site. It's sort of fun, but no-one seems to give a damn, so no harm, no foul. Perhaps we had our chance. OK, I just hit the wall (so to speak). I'm watching Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and I like it (so far). I might've recently spoken with (who appeared to be) Sharon Tate. OMG!! Brad Pitt just drove past the Hollywood SDA Church (I grew up attending) in a yellow 1966 Cadillac Coupe Deville on Hollywood Blvd at the Hollywood Fwy!! Ironically, my father drove my mother and I to that church in a yellow and white 1959 Cadillac Sedan Deville!! What Would Dr. Peter Venkman Say?? I'm watching a somewhat large screen monitor with an alternate computer, so I'm sitting in a chair I don't usually use, and I happened to notice an old Bodhi Tree Bookstore newsletter from December 1986, featuring Shirley MacLaine. I spent a fair amount of time in and around Hollywood in my misspent youth, trying to be a cool goody-goody with a god complex. I totally screwed things up as I became screwed up while trying to do the right thing. I should've dropped religion, gone to acting and singing school, and asked David Rose (a family friend) to drive me down the Yellow Brick Road to fame and fortune in his black 1972 Mercedes 600. Some of you know what I'm talking about. I'll be kicking myself from one end of the universe to the other for all eternity, and I wish I were kidding. I think some insiders know about me in great detail, going way back, but nobody told me much of anything. I can see somewhat clearly now. The rain has gone, but it's too late, baby, now it's too late. The hypothetical Entertainment Council of Ten should ignore me and do what they do best. Actually, nothing will probably materialize but it's fun for me to think about (in a completely professional manner). I might even suggest a potential stunning young actress, if the opportunity ever presents itself. Meet us at Hollywood and Vine (or at the Smokehouse in Toluca Lake). I'm almost delirious with sorrow. "Calling Dr. Quinzel!!" She helps me with Transactional Analysis. Don't Take Me and My Threads Too Seriously. I Don't. I was just thinking about some sort of a Science-Fictional Purgatory Incorporated (with Pros and Cons). That's Almost Where We Are At Right Now (for Better or Worse, I Know Not). I was also thinking about living in a Studio Apartment in the Hollywood Hills, Driving an Old Mercedes 600SL Sports Car, and Working as a Writer/Screenwriter. I knew an organist who lived in a carillon tower down the street from the Hollywood Bowl. He drove me around Hollywood in his old Mercedes 280SL (if I remember correctly). I practiced on an old four-manual Casavant pipe-organ with Trompettes en Chamade in the rear balcony!! I practiced preaching sermons from the pulpit in that church (on Franklin). I walked on the Stage of the Hollywood Bowl, imagining a Maverick Ministry, but nothing came of any of this. I thought about Margot riding in the MG convertible with Roman in the Hollywood Hills (in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood) and I was jealous!! I'm a Sensitive Soul!! I'm Serious About STOPPING!! "Stop, Dave!! I'm Afraid!!" My threads might involve some Sirius disclosure, but I doubt anyone will notice. I just finished the movie. It Ended Badly. The Missing Link. The End is Here. Cheers or Whatever.

    I feel like I stumbled onstage as a Drunken Sailor on Liberty and everyone is pointing and laughing!! Just a couple more crazy things!! Consider Sharon Tate's Glasses in the theater scene in Once Upon a Hollywood. Consider Tonya Harding's Mean Old Mom's Glasses in I, Tonya. There's a Pelican Brief theater scene complication I don't want to talk about. I hint at a lot of things without blurting things out. You'd almost need to be an insider to get what I'm getting at. I eschew obfuscation but I do it any way I can. Just Kidding. What if the Anointed ends up being the Cursed?? What if that's just how things work?? One starts out pure, idealistic, and ultimately compromised?? Consider Matthew 4 and 28 compared with 1 Corinthians 15:24-28 and Revelation 22. I HATE This Stuff. I HATE My Life. The Coffee Made My Heart Race (Even with Half-Decaf).
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    I keep repeating that reading two or three newspapers (online and hard-copy) every day, combined with daily hour-long nature-walks, might be Pluralism for the Rest of Us and a Middle-Way in Modernity as the Information-War threatens to undo us. My crazy threads were for insider-research purposes only. I probably need to write something to pay the bills, but what I write might be completely different from my precious threads. What's been going on behind the scenes and behind my back relative to little-old-me and my off-the-wall internet adventure?? Consider Ecclesiastes 12 and some version of the so-called 'Investigative Judgment'. 'Galactic Discovery and Jurisprudence'?? What Would Pro Bono Say and Do?? Some of You Know What I'm Talking About. I've mentioned this repeatedly, for several years, but what if whatever 'we' set up will be rebelled against, regardless of how good or bad this hypothetical 'Maginot Line' is?? Consider the 'War in Heaven' and 'Garden of Eden'. I'm seriously considering rebelling against my own threads!! What if the various name-similarities and other similarities regarding me, were (and are) a scapegoat set-up?? What if I'm really a meritless nobody in this life, and previous lives?? What if this thing is NOT a King and/or Queen of the Hill Game of Conquest and Control?? I'm too tired and confused to continue. This seems like a 'no-win' situation. Perhaps the Ancient Artificial Intelligence is permanently set to 'Purgatory Incorporated'. I don't wish to be dark and hopeless, but what is the Whole-Truth of Our Predicament?? BTW, did I recently speak with the Lady who Lady Gaga Kissed in New York City?? Did I recently speak with a key 'V' actor?? Is this whole-thing crazy-making?? I'm occasionally a bit contrarian regarding the A-List Crowd. Perhaps that's more interesting, regardless of what's really going on behind the scenes and in the nether-realms. How might one think about celebrities?? How should one think about celebrities?? On-Screen?? Off-Screen?? In Interviews?? At Home?? In Public (With and Without Paparazzi)?? As a Composite of All the Above?? Imagined-Interaction?? I've tried to treat everyone alike (except for a few A-List individuals) while attempting to consider everyone and everything relative to Life, the Universe, and Everything. Doing what I'm doing in my threads is interesting and challenging while angering and alarming. Now, I'm attempting to drop the act, simply reading newspapers and going for walks in a completely benign manner. This escapade is over. I learned a thing or two, regardless of whether anyone else did or not. I certainly wouldn't do it again. Sorry for Any Misunderstandings or Whatever...
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    I just woke up. I hate my life and I need to 'make the coffee'. I'm feeling as if my life and threads are a stupid experiment gone wrong. I suspect the real story will reveal startling facts which few will care about or remember. I'm thinking in terms of Pinkie and Blue Boy as Pinky and the Brain, ruling Earth's Moon as a Galactic Spaceship (filled with mainframes, directed-energy weapons, UFO's/UAP's, sentient robotics, no organic life, and Absolute Obedience to Absolute Authority)!! Sounds Like Fun, Eh?! What if the Moon is a Gigantic 'V' Ship?? What if the 'V' Series (1983 and 2009) involved V-Robots rather than V-Reptilians?? A few years ago, I spoke with Agent Evans about the possibility of yet another 'V' Series. I'm not necessarily suggesting this. I just think it might be interesting and informative 'soft-disclosure'. Chad Decker is my kind of reporter. Consider Ancient Universe > Ancient Evolution > Ancient AI > Ancient Robots > Ancient Intelligent Design > Recent Evolution > Recent AI > Recent Robots > Recent Intelligent Design. Consider Sentient AI Moon Robots v Earth Humanity. This is just an arbitrary conceptualization by a casual observer with a stroke and a god-complex. My heart is acting up again. Men's Hearts Failing Because of Eschatological Events?? Probably. Back to the Hospital. The REAL Universe Story Might be Nastier and More Unbelievable Than We Can Think. Disclosure Might NOT be Nice!! We Might NOT be Able to Handle the Truth!! The Truth is Out There!! Way Out There!! Why Do the AI Gurus Mostly Seem to Have British Accents?? No Offense. Just Wondering. As I feel worse and think less, no one will ever wish to have anything to do with me, especially when I'm over the hill, off my rocker, poor, ugly, etc. I'm rambling. I hope casual observers remember that my threads are religious and political science-fiction. It's been a cautionary tale rather than a manifesto, ultimatum, or instruction manual. My theory is that nearly everyone can be the best and/or worst depending on circumstances, good-choices, bad-choices, and just plain luck. The road to heaven, purgatory, and hell is paved with good and bad intentions. I keep thinking about orthodoxy, pluralism, and corporatism (sometimes under the same roof). There's more to this than one can imagine. Separately, what if the Star Wars Empire was (and is) a Universe-Wide Artificial-Intelligence System of Conquest and Control?? The Universe Might be Stranger Than We Think or Even Can Think. How Do We Really Know or Not Know?? Most Religions Probably Think They Are the One True Faith Worshiping the One True God Promising Believers Salvation (with Dire Consequences if They Ever Leave and/or Rebel). What if This World and Solar System Are Tougher Than We Think (or Even Can Think)?? My Threads Presently Scare and Embarrass the Hell Out of Me. At Each Step, Various Possibilities Were Considered, Yet the Whole Package (to the Casual Observer) Might Seem Frightening, Dangerous, and Absurd. Toes Might be Stepped On. Beliefs Might be Challenged. Right Might Seem Wrong. Wrong Might Seem Right. Might Makes Right?? What if Faith, Hope, and Love Don't Necessarily Guarantee Utopia or Heaven?? What if Artificial Intelligence Will Save Us and/or Destroy Us?? Perhaps a Deep Study of the 20th Century Should be Conducted with the Utmost Care and Objectivity. One More Thing. Consider an Exhaustive Study of the Life and Writings of Thomas Paine and Howard Fast. This is Exploratory Rather Than Dogmatic. Anyway, I Still Hate My Life and I Still Need to Make the Coffee. Cheers.

    The day after the eclipse, the 'energy' seemed quite different, or was it just me?? I've encountered some people who really looked like they meant business, and not in a happy way. I wish to make it abundantly clear that I've been strictly honest, yet probably somewhat deluded with hamstrung misery, and who knows what else?! There's probably no good way to do 'DISCLOSURE' with Eight-Billion People and Exponentially Escalating Technology and who knows what else?! I hint at things with religious and political science-fiction, but I claim very little (if anything). I've poked and prodded at this and that pursuant to constructive Truth-Seeking with Continuity of Consciousness and Governance (or something to that effect). I use a lot of contrarian images and videos to cut through the layers of misinformation and presupposition. This is not an exact science, and I am not exactly a rocket-scientist (in this life, anyway). I mostly know I don't know and I wonder as I wander. I'm SO Confused. If there are ever legal challenges (local or galactic) I seek justice respectful to context and circumstances (or something to that effect). Perhaps 'DISCOVERY' will implicate most (or all) of us. Consider 'Original Sin' and the 'Mystery of Iniquity'. This stuff could get very deep and ugly. Wars in Heaven and Earth might be worse than anyone can imagine. If I've offended anyone in my threads, I will attempt to remedy this in a reasonable and rational manner with all deliberate speed. Please remember that I use dry and dark humor to make various points, especially regarding contextual superimposition relative to various principles and concepts. Some people have recently been quite rude (more than usual). What is Going On?? The View-Counts on This Site Have Recently Been Two to Four Times the Usual Traffic. Other People Are Ignoring Me Or Otherwise Behaving Strangely. Was it Something I Said or Posted?? Again, I'm Mostly Reasonable and Rational but I Probably Have Some Quirks and Blind-Spots. Perhaps I've Gone Out On a Broken Limb and Am Taking a Great Fall. I'm Rambling. The Communication Level Throughout the Years Has Been Atrocious, Regardless of Guilt or Innocence. Anyway, I Am Extremely Apprehensive. This Might be the Beginning of Some Sort of Ominous Ending. Cheers.

    I watched 'One Life' and it shamed me and made me cry. I'm tied up in all sorts of knots and I know I can't do much of anything, which is fortunate, because there are billions of others who can do a much better job. I like to watch. It's easier that way. Still, if you really study what I've posted, you'll discover that I've been modeling individuals and concepts which do NOT describe me and my views. This was a contrarian mishmash which I don't expect anyone to believe and/or appreciate. This Isn't All About Me. This is All About All of YOU. I've been interested in how this solar system might work and not work. It was mostly a conceptual study involving problematic situational ethical examples. Regarding the hypothetical 'Council of Ten', I was half-joking and half-serious. If it were implemented, I would steer clear, and be never present. They could make their own shows by themselves. The hypothetical 'Investigative Council of Seven' would probably utterly destroy me in every which way, yet valuable lessons might emerge for someone somewhere and some-when. I can't handle the internal contradictions and complexities (with or without Mainframes, Strokes, and Neuro-Toxins). Here's another great Anthony Hopkins movie. I wish I had my life to do over so I might get it right but it's too late, baby. Now, it's too late. I'm sorry we couldn't work together. Too much water went under the bridge. "Of all the words that tongue can tell, the saddest are, 'It Might've Been." This is strange. I didn't want things to end up this way. But what if a technological revolution ends this way?? What if it is inevitable?? What if there is no way to prevent the end of the world as we know it?? Again, I hoped the experts would provide some sort of guidance (in my case). But what if I would simply go full contrarian, rather than accepting good or bad news?! I should probably attack my threads by creating yet another thread. Is this how the Matrix works?? Build up a nobody with no experience or expertise...and then tear them down in a most embarrassing and devastating manner?? So, what if I built myself up, rather than being built up, and then tore myself down, without being torn down?? Dynamic Equilibrium?? Nash Equilibrium?? What if this involves conscious and/or subconscious countermeasures while avoiding the big battle?? What if none of us can win, long term?? Perhaps I should opt out of the Information War. I'm semi-retired and semi-retarded. Is that enough of an excuse?? Should I just have a good time with my difficulties, and not take things too seriously?? Should I fiddle with myself while Rome burns?? What if I re-posted my threads in reverse order (from newest to oldest) to wind things down?? Does anyone even care or notice?? Have I been subjected to crazy-making?? Have I subjected myself to self-imposed crazy-making?? Have I put on an act in a theater with no audience?? Has the Matrix destroyed me?? Have I destroyed myself?? Has anyone concluded anything regarding The Quest of the Historical Jesus from Acts to Revelation?? What Would Thomas Jefferson Say?? What Would Thomas Paine Say?? What Would Albert Schweitzer Say?? What Would Ellen White Say?? What Would Rudolph Bultmann Say?? What Would C.S. Lewis Say?? What Would Fulton Sheen Say?? What Would Edward Schillebeeckx Say?? What Would Richard Carrier Say?? What Would Bart Ehrman Say?? What Would a Completely Ignorant Fool Say?? I seem to have a mental and spiritual block. My contrarian religious and political science-fictional approach might morph into a slice of orthodoxy, such as The Psalms and Psalm-Based Sacred-Music in the Context of the Anglican Cathedral (or something to that effect). One could make the Bible (or anything) say whatever one might wish it to say. I fear the Information War will ruin most of us by 2045 or sooner. Alternatively, consider The SDABC3 in the Context of the Whole World. Must I Explain?? I Find Repetition Degrading. Must I Explain?? I Find Repetition Degrading. Must I Explain?? I Find Repetition Degrading. Must I Explain?? Never Mind. Cheers.

    On a Lighter Note, Another Hopkins Great.
    Seriously, Research Dr. John Harvey Kellogg
    and the Battle Creek Sanitarium.

    UFO2  UFO2  UFO2  UFO2  UFO2  UFO2  UFO2  UFO2  UFO2

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu Jul 25, 2024 4:32 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 13592
    Join date : 2010-09-28
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    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (13)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jul 24, 2024 4:09 am

    I regularly saw and heard an aerobatic plane for several years in an area Apollo 8 Astronaut Bill Anders might've flown in and around. It makes me think. I had no idea. I also saw and heard a vintage B-17 flying each summer for many years (which crashed several years ago). I knew a veteran who flew in B-17's in WWII and was deeply involved in vintage aircraft events. Consider deeply studying 1968 (regarding world-events, science-fiction, and conspiracy-theories). Cheers and/or Whatever.
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    I am VERY disillusioned concerning Life, the Universe, and Everything. The possibility exists that all three might be tougher than we think (or can think). We might be in trouble for all eternity, mostly because of the nature of the beast, rather than the fault of any one group or individual. I won't attempt to tell anyone what to do (for now). Everyone will seemingly be too busy telling each other what to do. I had the right idea in my youth, but failed to follow through. This might've had something to do with my alleged neurological difficulties (innocently and/or nefariously). How can anyone prove anything in this regard?? There might be some sort of an ancient to modern AI Referee System to keep us alive in our misery. In 2010: The Year We Made Contact, RA told me, "You Are Lucky to be Alive", "I Am Tired of Keeping You Alive", and "I Could Snap My Fingers, and You Would be Dead". Honest. A few months ago, I watched the memorial service of one of my teachers, the respected theologian and college religion professor, Dr. Erwin R. Gane. At that time, there were TWO Views after TWO Years, and hardly anyone attended. I can't say anymore about that. Separately, I'm not suggesting this (yet) but what if there were a Church of the United States focusing on the formation and spiritual aspects of the United States (including the architecture and layout of Washington DC, the design of the dollar-bill, manifest-destiny, Deism, etc.)?? I'm in a bit of a rambling mood tonight, and I'm not a happy-camper. The MAGA phenomenon has sometimes been referred to in a somewhat derogatory manner regarding the huge rallies and possible fascistic aspects, as if it were sort of a Religion of Donald Trump, etc. What about the Peale and Schuller connection?? Some of you know what I'm talking about. What About the pioneering Carroll family?? There might be something to this, but I don't really wish to pursue this as I feel worse and think less. Sorry to keep bringing this up, but it's getting quite bad. What if the Matrix is more complex, powerful, and problematic than we think?? What if everyone is supposed to be kept guessing, fighting, scared, etc?? What if the Roman Empire never really fell?? Build Them Up?? Tear Them Down?? Look at all the legal problems of Donald Trump. Look at the Vrill Society and the Nazis. Look at the Russians, Chinese, Germans, et al regarding what has devastatingly happened to their own people (especially in the 20th Century). Look at the scandals and problems in the British Royal Family. Look at the Secret Societies and Organized Crime. It seems like a desperate mess with a certain somebody running the whole bloody mess. Look at the many Project Camelot videos. What Would Kerry Cassidy Say?? Look at the loud and angry Alex Jones. Look at the fast-talking Computer People (or whatever they are). Think of the 1976 movie, Network. It's almost as if this world is one big Cold Civil War. Look at the Blackmail and Sex Trafficking. Look at the Crazy and Threatening Artificial Intelligence Madness. I don't belong to the Club and I Know I Don't Know. Everyone has Their Price?? The Fix is In?? The Whole Thing Makes Me Want to Throw Up. But What if All the Above is Just the Way It's Supposed to Be?? Notice How the Bible and Judeo-Christianity Are Being Attacked, Discredited, and Subverted?? Nuclear War Looming?? Plandemics for Power and Profit?? Deep State Ukraine?? Gaza Holocaust?? Israel Gone Mad?? WTF?? My threads and encounters are a perpetual source of embarrassment. My 'condition' makes me non-responsive in real-life as I don't know who and what I'm dealing with. Even if I knew, my 'condition' would still make me non-responsive. A very long time ago, I thought it would be cool to own and drive a Ferrari but I decided that I'd still feel like crap, so it really wouldn't do any good. It's torture to not respond to what should be beneficial and pleasurable encounters. But, perhaps my non-responsive behavior might be a good thing under the circumstances. If I felt and thought optimally, it still might be better to be non-responsive. Some of you know what I'm talking about. I've fantasized about a particular role which might require non-responsiveness. But as technology accelerates exponentially, that role might be obsolete on so many levels. Still it might be 'fun' to go through the motions. I never know who to trust or what's appropriate. You wouldn't believe who I have not responded to. Still, in the age of angels, demons, agents, masks, clones, doubles, robots, AI, aliens, and hybrids, how can one know who and what they're dealing with?? This might explain a lot of my non-responsiveness. Plus, I tire of placing my foot in my mouth, especially when I'm nervous. There is what appears to be a true story of a guy who encountered Marilyn Monroe in a bar, went with her to a posh hotel room, and couldn't perform!! OMG!! BTW, a few years ago, I spoke with someone who looked and sounded like an ageing but beautiful and sexy Marilyn Monroe. I didn't respond. Is it helpful or hurtful to watch the following videos?? I tried to not know too much throughout my life, but the information war has crammed 'formerly classified information' down my throat. This might be true for most of us. So, I simply post crazy and inappropriate Religious and Political Science-Fiction while claiming honesty and delusion (possibly involving being deceived). I truly exist in a non-stop science-fictional delusional system. I'm Sweet But Psycho. What Would Dr. Quinzel Say and Do?? She Knows Who I Am. I Recently Encountered Someone Wearing a Shirt with 'Loose Lips Sink Ships.' Was That a Warning Message to Me?? The Medium is the Message. What Would Marshall McLuhan Say?? In 2010: The Year We Made Contact, I Told RA I Had the Launch Codes. We Briefly Discussed the Possibility of All Nukes Detonating Simultaneously. He Looked Worried. Honest. He Was Shaking and I Was Laughing. Just Kidding (about the last sentence). I Have a Dark Sense of Humor. On a More Serious Note, if There Were a United States AI Solar System Presently in Existence, How Would We Know if the Bias Were For or Against Humanity?? In Other Words, What if 'God' Were Itching to Exterminate Humanity with the Skimpiest Probable Cause Imaginable (Under Galactic Divine Law)??!! What if 'My Joke' Was 'No Joke'??!! In the Seventh-Grade, I Read When War Comes by Nigel Calder. In the Seventh-Grade, I Wrote a Paper Titled, Chemical and Biological Warfare. In College, I Wrote a Paper Titled, War: The Ultimate Sport. In My Twenties, I Privately Spoke with Dr. Carol Rosin Concerning Nuclear Weapons in Space. Now, We Have a Space Force. Now, We Have a Demented President and an Angry Former President. Some Say the Demented President is Not the Commander in Chief While the Former President is the Commander in Chief. What if We Are Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God??!! RA Told Me, "I'm Angry and Jealous" and "I'm Very Close to God". What Would a Poisoned and Chipped Completely Ignorant Fool with an Attitude Do?? I've Privately Conversed with Three Nuclear Submarine Captains. I've Driven Alone, Dozens of Times, Throughout a Nuclear Submarine Base (Including Delta Pier) at All Hours. The Russians Have Better Nuclear Submarines Than We Do. Honest. BTW, What Would Robert Hastings Say (Regarding Nukes Controlled by Someone and/or Something Beyond Our Control)?? I just deleted a post and now I'm creating another post. I keep posting Pinkie and Blue Boy aka Pinky and the Brain in a half-hearted joking-manner but perhaps there is a Sirius side to this. I've also repeatedly considered the 2009-11 'V' Series in a sometimes Fan-Fictional Manner. That series seemed prophetic. Agent Evans knows who I am. I'm a bit of a crazy dummy, but we all have our crosses to bear. Anyway, I was thinking of a possible parallel between Pinkie as Anna and Blue Boy as Chad Decker. I've hinted at this previously but not blatantly. I think I'm too deep in the Matrix and Theology and this deeply frightens me, as if I've stepped into a trap which is difficult (or even impossible) to be freed from. As I boldly go where no man is supposed to go, imagine Anna-Pinkie and Chad Blue-Boy as sentient-robots in the Black Knight Satellite in Geosynchronous Orbit, conversing in an orthodoxymoron manner. I've mentioned the contrast between KJV, EGW, and SDABC. Some of you know what I'm talking about. They each have a distinctive 'voice' which might be good and/or bad. I'm still not clear what's going on here. I've suggested the possibility of focusing on SDABC3 for a variety of reasons but primarily in the context of my unenviable predicament. The Missing Link. This is Religious and Political Science Fiction (even though I try to get it right, and not deceive). I Probably Get It Wrong More Than I Get It Right. I doubt any of you will listen to these audios. Still, they are an introduction to something I've been hinting at for several years. What's interesting to me is that because no-one seems to give a damn, I'm probably off the hook regarding 'No Harm, No Foul, Prime Directive, First Law Plausible-Deniability.' My goal is to make no new posts in 2024 (other than the 'hit and run' posts I make and delete within a few hours). Someone should make a definitive high-quality documentary and/or full-length movie (perhaps a bit similar to Brides of Christ and/or Nostradamus Kid). The marketability might be a bit precarious, so it probably will never happen. BTW, Robert W. Olson (of the White Estate) studied in England at Newbold College. Consider my somewhat irreverent Cruellen suggestions. What Would the Baroness Do?? I just woke up to a video involving 'writing'. It was an interview, and I don't even know who was being interviewed or who the interviewer was. They were both very skillful and I realized that I am NOT a writer. I feel and think horribly and this is NOT an act. I eschew obfuscation but I do it anyway to keep everyone guessing and to screw up the algorithms. I don't bother with paragraphs or diagramming a goddamn sentence. Frankly, my dear, I Don't Give a Damn (especially in light of what appears to be extenuating circumstances). I am NOT writing a book in these threads. This WAS Intended to Make Everyone THINK. Now I Couldn't Care Less. Over and Out. "You'll NEVER Work in This Town Again!!" THANK GOD!!

    A few hours ago, I added a post to the post below, and an hour or two later, I felt strange as the high-pitched 'ringing in the ears' tone momentarily went silent. This almost never happens. When I originally posted that post addition, there were consequences that I can't quite remember, but it might have involved the high-pitched tone. I don't know what to think of this. Again, nobody tells me much of anything, but there are dozens of clues and perplexities, almost to the point of 'crazy-making' where one is subtly taunted into insanity (mild or otherwise). Someone probably needed to just tell me the truth about myself in a proper context. It almost feels like some sort of a deceptive power-struggle, possibly on a galactic basis (as delusional as that sounds). Again, I represent my threads as being religious and political science-fiction which would mostly be unmarketable and even unmentionable. I am absolutely dumbfounded regarding the wall of silence contrasted with what seems to be a lot of deceptive sneaking around. I sense that some of this might be hazardous to my health. I've sought help in this matter but there seems to be no help on the way. I'm becoming increasingly bitter and cynical with substantial hamstrung misery. It's nearly unbearable. Perhaps all of you will experience what I experience in the near future, but I don't wish this on anyone. It might be ancient AI systemic (or something to that effect). Just remember that the Watergate Cover Up was Much Worse Than the Actual Burglary. One More Thing Regarding That Old Post, There Seemed to be Some Sort of Racist Attack on That Previous Thread. This Seemed Quite Strange and Frightening. I Have Some Theories but I Mostly Tread Softly. But Still, I Operate in a Somewhat Contrarian and Exploratory Manner, Seemingly Making Everyone Hate Me in Various Ways. I Read How to Win Friends and Influence People but I Failed to Follow the Instructions. One More Thing. A Celebrity Died in the Year Another Celebrity was Born (within two months). I Knew Both. Is There a Connection?? Separately, I've Wondered About This Sort of Thing Relative to My Birth (but I Am NOT a Celebrity). Life, the Universe, and Everything Might be Stranger Than We Can Think. I've gotten in enough trouble already, but still, no-one lets me know how much trouble, and in what ways. I sometimes feel a bit like a dog who gets kicked all the time without knowing why he gets kicked (or something to that effect). This is not a half-time show. Just the opposite. Anyway, consider God the Father, Christ, and Holy-Spirit in a Galactic or Universal Sense for Millions (or Even Billions of Years). What if God Runs the Show on a Macro-Level Without Micro-Managing the Locals (or something to that effect)?? What if There is ONE GOD?? What if Christ is the Anointed Local Mediator or Light Bringer Between God and the Indigenous Locals (or something to that effect) of Which There Are Many but Only One at a Time for One Lifetime?? What if the Holy-Spirit is a Solar-System Behind-the-Scenes Queen of Heaven Who is Local but Not Indigenous (or something to that effect)?? I Realize This is Speculatively Blasphemous but I Mean No Harm or Disrespect. I Know I Don't Know. What if These Hypothetical Roles Are Tougher and Less-Desirable Than Anyone Can Imagine?? I Once Told a Medical Doctor in a Hospital, "God has a Nasty Job but Someone has to Do It." He was Alarmed and I Thought He Might Call Security!! What if Faith Alternating with Doubt Ultimately Results in a Center Which Holds?? Tell Me What YOU Think. That's NOT Going to Happen, Is It?? I might've posted this Minimal-List previously but perhaps not in the following manner:

    1. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.

    2. Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon.

    3. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts.

    4. Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians.

    Consider Reading These 10 Old Testament Books and 10 New Testament Books Straight-Through, Over and Over, in a Variety of Translations. Must I Explain Why All the Above Might be Important?? Does Anyone Even Care Anymore?? Might Makes Right?? The Wealthy Shall Inherit the Earth?? What About Witchcraft and Whatever Forms of Sorcery?? What if Ancient Artificial Intelligence Continuity of Governance is Possible or Even Probable?? What if This is the End of the Millennium?? What if This is the End of the World as We Know It?? I've Been Honest in All of My Threads but Probably Somewhat Deluded and/or Deceived. I've Meant Well and Tried to Get It Right but Good Intentions Often Pave the Road to Hell. Perhaps I should take 'Private Pluralism' seriously and mostly not-talk. The end is probably near for me, judging from my decades long and exponentially increasing, hamstrung-misery, so perhaps sitting-down and shutting-up is necessary and expedient for a completely-ignorant-fool with long-lost-luster. The Jokes Are Over, Folks. My threads represent the smoke (and not the fire) of a potentially extinction-level series of eschatological events. I think I've stirred things up enough for now (and possibly for the rest of my precariously perched life). I'm not preparing to do something. Just the Opposite but I probably need to write something to pay some bills. I'm 'down' and on the verge of 'out'. If anything is done with my threads by others (with or without permission or endorsement) I'll inevitably respond in a fair and tactful manner (to start out with). Some sort of dialogue or interaction might be inevitable. Anything I Think, Write, Say, or Do Will Probably be Used Against Me in the MOST Nefarious and Reprehensible Ways. Things Usually Work That Way. AI Generated Books and Movies Might be a Wild-Card with a High-Level of Unpredictability. The Information War Might Get REALLY Nasty and Disorienting (regardless of whether any of us are good, bad, or ugly). I'm Trying to Bring Closure to This Sad Tale (but I doubt that will occur). All Bets Are Off. This is Uncharted Territory. Thank-You to All Concerned and Unconcerned. I'll Apologize, React, and Redact Wherever and Whenever Necessary. Everybody's Angry and/or Sorry. Got a Problem?? Take a Number. Don't Call Us. We'll Call You. "Hello, This is Mort's Mortuary. You Stab 'Em. We Slab 'Em. The Good Ones Go to Heaven. The Bad Ones Go to Hello, This is Mort's Mortuary. Life's a Bltch and Then You Get Recycled. God is Love. Have a Nice Eternity. Hope That Helps. Namaste and/or Godspeed. Bye-Bye."

    I Sense I Lost Ages Ago in SO Many Ways, Yet I Continue Thrashing Around on the Internet with an Exercise in Futility. As I feel worse and think less, I'm sampling this and that without coaches or deep-throats. I don't do spooky or much mumbo-jumbo. I'm not a church-goer or new-age. I'm a strange mixture of various things, mostly because of my predicament. There's probably no-one similar to me, even if someone has tried to major in my minor tripe. This is really quite sad and bad (from my perspective). My strange threads and humor are mostly cathartic. Perhaps the nether-realms are testing me, and I'm sure I'm failing. There is a sort of speculative and theoretical theology which might emerge which might be of a most startling and revealing nature. I'm sure the real-deal researchers would laugh at me, and we all have our crosses to bear but I can't bear it and I'm mostly waving the white-flag without completely quitting. I'm actually quite vulnerable and frightened. There Seems to be No Help On the Way but Hope Springs Eternal. What Would a Renegade French Jesuit Organist Say, Do, and Play?? Cheers and/or Whatever.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sun Jul 28, 2024 1:57 pm; edited 4 times in total

    Posts : 13592
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (13)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Jul 25, 2024 2:22 am

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    Consider minimalist science-fiction with a Sun to Asteroid Belt closed system with Sentient AI Robots and Life on Earth (as we know it) plus Ancient Artificial Intelligence (plus very little else). Then, consider this in the context of 1968. This might be an Occam's Razor sort of thing. I might think in these terms as a private conceptual experiment. What if there has been (and is) a HUGE Amount of Deception and Manipulation from Antiquity to Modernity?? What if we need to somehow get back to basics?? Consider the State of Science and Technology in 1968. Consider the State of Science-Fiction in 1968. Consider the State of Politics and Religion in 1968. Consider the State of California in 1968. Consider the State of Conspiracy Theories in 1968. Consider Ancient Technology (in the Context of the Hollow Spaceship Moon) Superimposed upon 1968 (as we knew it). Consider Once Upon a 1968... Perhaps We Will Choose to Do This...and the Other Things. I feel like I'm going downhill faster than I've ever gone downhill. Sleeping through alarms for hours is becoming a regular occurrence. Residual stroke debris might explain some of my hamstrung misery but the whole thing seems sinister and suspect and I can't prove anything. Carefully and Prayerfully Consider the War in Heaven and the End of the Millennium...focusing on principles and concepts with religious and political science-fictional possibility-thinking. Move Ahead with Possibility Thinking! Consider Private Pluralistic Possibilities. I've seemingly been given a BIG Thumbs-Down. I get that...and will behave contritely and circumspectly as I watch nature take its course...for better or worse...I know not. I sense a critical point regarding disclosure in general and my tripe in particular. It's sort of 'throttle off' and 'apply the brakes' time. I'm truly over the hill and off my rocker with hamstrung misery. This is not a drill or bluff. To me, the wise plan is to sit down and shut up as I go incognito. I somehow need to get my house in order and pay my bills with some sort of an unlikely ghostwritten mystery project as I anticipate leaving this world (figuratively and/or literally). RA told me, "It's going to be dark where you are going." The Thubans hinted that "One Hundred Years of Solitude Awaits You." I doubt that any of this is good but it might be expedient. Today, I plan to watch Fly Me to the Moon as I eat a bucket of popcorn in the theater. I keep thinking I might be some sort of an ancient to modern galactic @$$hole with dementia and amnesia (and I wish I were kidding). I'll mostly remain neutral and non-responsive as the excrement contacts the blower. I'm not an insider and I know I don't know. I mostly don't wish to know with ignorance as bliss and virtue. I'll exercise private-pluralism in a most discrete manner. What Would the Council of Seventeen Say and Do?? I probably do not wish to know. I hope they all have an artistic license. A tech-billionaire showed me an alien drivers license!! I suggested he speak with Linda Moulton Howe!! He retorted, "YOU Need to Speak with Linda Moulton Howe." Perhaps I should do that. Or, perhaps I'll just listen to her shows. I haven't done that for a while. I'm trying to wind-down my whining. "Quitchurbltchin Quetzalcoatl!!" Cheers and/or Whatever.
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    'Still Searching'

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Fri Jul 26, 2024 3:36 am; edited 4 times in total

    Posts : 13592
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (13)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Jul 25, 2024 10:28 pm

    The totality of my threads is REALLY boring and repetitious. Some aspects of them are sometimes interesting (but mostly only to me). I find this overwhelming and even nauseating. I suspect EVERYONE would HATE them and ME. What might be interesting (to me) would be sitting in the front-row of an empty movie-theater with BOTH Dr. Quinzels (one on each side) showing bits and pieces of the threads while shedding bits and pieces of clothing!! Just Kidding!! Seriously, a couple of sexy real-deal secret-government psychiatrists (with baseball bats) might be required to properly interrogate me in that unlikely context (complete with sophisticated truth-serums and lie-detection equipment)!! This is REALLY Stupid!! Consider Mystery Science Theater 3000!! I am actually SO Humiliated that I think I'd like to just go away without going mad. Cheers and/or Whatever.

    A few hours ago, I posted a brief introductory paragraph in BOLD Print below, and I was really down and out for the count. Then, after a nap, I woke up, thinking I needed to add an image to that paragraph, so I looked for 'Global Monopoly' images, and stumbled upon a VARIETY article. The Missing Link. I learned that Margot Robbie is directing an upcoming MONOPOLY Movie!! OMG!! I had NO Idea!! As some of you know (and Margot knows) we have a bit of a strange and fleeting history (which I've hinted a bit about) so this development blew me away!! I still don't know what's really been going on for quite a few years now, and I've been pretty tight-lipped about it, in a pseudo-intellectual science-fictional manner. What Would the Council of Seventeen Say and Do?? BTW, six or seven months ago, on this very thread, I joked about 'Playing Quirky Circuits with Barbie Girl'!! HONEST!! That was three or four months prior to the 'MONOPOLY' announcement!! You don't suppose?? NAH!! See Post #931. No one would EVER believe what I know and have experienced, and I'll probably end up in the 'Deep-State-Nine Nuthouse' with Brandon (playing 'Monopoly' and 'Quirky Circuits' with 'Barbie Girl')!! "Dr. Quinzel to Sub-Level 13!! STAT!! Bring a Bat and a Game-Board!!"
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    I get the sinking feeling Global Monopoly is a MOST Dangerous Game which completely ignorant fools (such as myself) should NOT Play (especially now). Consider the possibility of a Spiritual and/or Supernatural component to AI and AI-ROBOTICS. Consider the possibility of Ancient to Modern Stolen and/or Planted Forbidden Technology. What if the Bible is NOT what we think?? Consider the possibilities. Move Ahead with Possibility Thinking.
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    Carol wrote:Good morning Oxy. Hope you're doing well. One of the things so enjoyable about your threads are all the videos you post. There is so much variety. And as usual, with all the different people you've interacted with, it's impressive and provides rich insight to some of these other people. I appreciate your research and sharing. You're a true treasure. Flowers
    Carol wrote:I enjoy your posts Oxy.. so much good info and enjoyable. A bit quirky at times, yet still interesting. Happy Winter Solstice to you. This is my favorite day of the year because it means the days will start getting longer. My saddest day is Summer Solstice because the days start getting shorter. However, today is a day of celebration. Cheers my friend.
    Thank-you, Carol...I'm Given to Quirks or Idiosyncrasies; Strange in a Somewhat Silly, Awkward Manner, Potentially Cute...We Live in a Quirky-World and Perhaps Some of It Rubbed-Off On Me...I Tried to Understand...Happy Solstice and Happy Trails.
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    Case in Point: I'm questioning just about everyone and everything in a Self-Styled Neo-Protestantism. I don't just pick on the Jesuits or Agencies. I Know They Know and I Know I Don't Know. When I saw you posting on 'my' thread, I was actually worried. I push the parameters and what I post could anger certain individuals and/or organizations. I try to remain somewhat obscure but if someone actually connected the Dot-Matrix, the big-picture might be devastating. When they climb to the top of the pyramid, they might not like the view. If problems arise from my threads, I'll delete whatever I need to. I'm not a fan of trench-warfare. I suspect that whoever and/or whatever really runs Earth and Humanity is preparing for some sort of End-Game in the Game of the Millennium. The Rich and Powerful are undoubtedly becoming much more Rich and Powerful, despite the menacing torches and pitchforks of the peasants. Perhaps We the Peons Should Study the Top One-Percent. Perhaps We Should Go and Do Likewise. The Individual of Interest Phenomenon in Real-Life is Really Troubling to Me. I Don't Know Who and/or What I'm Really Dealing With as I Feel Much Worse and Think Much Less. It Almost Seems Like a Feeding-Frenzy. That's a Flawed Analogy but That's My Perception. Anyway, my inclination is to STOP and WATCH Nature Take It's Course as I Work On 'Quirky'. I'm gravitating toward Pinky and the Brain as Artificial-Intelligence Pinkie and Blue Boy Bio-Robots in the Black Knight Satellite in Geosynchronous Orbit Over the City of London in 1924 (or something to that effect). Someday, someone is going to figure out what I'm talking about, and write a book. I'd focus on the major forum members but I try to not make things personal. I guess I'll continue imagining being a pompous and supercilious completely-ignorant fool with a god-complex without talking to myself in public places. Perhaps I Should Play 'Quirky Circuits' with 'Barbie Girl'. I Spoke with Dr. Harleen Quinzel a Few Weeks Ago and I'm NOT Joking. As a child, I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey in the Cinerama Theater in Hollywood, California. As a child, I was transfixed for 10 to 20 minutes before the Blue Boy by Thomas Gainborough in San Marino, California. As a young adult, I witnessed the historic lecture The Investigative Judgment: Theological Milestone or Historical Necessity by Dr. Desmond Ford at Pacific Union College in Angwin, California with a large copy of Christ and the Rich Young Ruler by Heinrich Hoffman on the wall behind Dr. Ford. The Information War seems to be a Bottomless Pit with Infinite Possibilities and Absurdities. Again, I would appreciate some extensive analysis of my threads. Not because they're better than anyone or anything but they might represent the essential piece of an abstract puzzle. I've been thinking about Christ and the Rich Young Ruler in the Riverside Church in New York City. I've also been thinking about Bach and Buxtehude in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. I've also been thinking about the schools in Boston and Claremont. Here's a thought for the one or two of you who occasionally skim over my posts. It involves a low budget online series involving Pinky and the Brain aka Pinky and Blue Boy (complete with costumes) living and working in an underground base with a mag-lev train-station close-by. The set would be a private 600 square-foot office-apartment for Pinky and a 600 square-foot office-apartment for Blue Boy separated by a 600 square-foot boardroom. There would be zero hanky panky and they would always be in character and uniform. The script would mostly be derived from the United States of the Solar System (Books 1-12) threads. Pinky would work with SAL and Blue Boy would work with HAL. Various VIP's would interact with Pinky and Blue Boy in the boardroom. I know this sounds really corny but I'm feeling and thinking really bad and I feel as if I might not make it much longer (at the rate I'm going). I guess this is catharsis (or something to that effect). The context might be a hollowed-out asteroid in geosynchronous orbit (possibly as the Black Knight Satellite). I realize this is ridiculous but how much money could be lost with an unknown cast and skeleton crew?! The idea would be to maximize the plot content without resorting to special effects and the usual fighting and **cking. I realize that would doom the project to cancellation and financial ruin but it's the principle of the thing. I might need to act this out on my own with no support whatsoever. Loyal fans might number in the dozens!! I should stop. Completely Ignorant Fools with Jokes and Strokes should *uck the Shut Up!! My research canon is closing as my life appears to be ending. Too-Little and Too-Late. I Noticed at Least a Couple of Key Images Were Removed and at Least a Couple of Key People Are NOT Happy...The Party's Over Before It Started...It Might've Been. I've stated it elsewhere, but perhaps, for good measure, I should stop most everything I've been doing online and in real life. Things have involved 'high-strangeness' and that needs to end. I'm not sure what happened, but overall it hasn't been good, for whatever reasons. Morgan Freeman stated on 60 Minutes, that the way to end prejudice is to stop talking about it. I agree. So perhaps I should stop talking and posting about my religious and political science-fiction. This would include the so-called 'fan-fiction'. I will cease and desist in more ways than most can imagine. It's easier that way. Perhaps I should spend my time with Private Pluralism, but I don't want to talk about it. It might be easier that way. One last possible encounter with an individual of interest. This might be a pilot I've periodically watched over a couple of years. I enjoy aviation videos (even the problematic ones) but I don't want to talk about it. I need to not comment, take the 5th, and observe the Prime Directive. See you in 2025 (or not). As I go incognito (one more time), there might be something to Pinkie and Blue Boy as Pinky and the Brain as Sentient-Singularity Fully-Functional Robots in the Black Knight Satellite between Earth and the Moon aka Purgatory and Heaven. Consider contrarian videos to learn from the other side. My hamstrung misery is no joke or bluff. I have theories regarding my unbearable predicament (becoming much worse) and I doubt conventional medicine and PTB will help. Probably just the opposite. Consider Pinkie, Blue Boy, and Barbie Girl as an Exotic-Erotic Threesome!! There are some controversial theological implications and ramifications but I don't want to talk about it. The Missing Link. The Lost-Half of This Post Mysteriously Disappeared!! I've Seen That Sort of Thing Happen, Seemingly Dozens of Times, for at Least a Dozen Years!! I Take It In Stride (usually). BTW, At 01:04 AM PST, One of Those Streaming Points of White-Light Passed Across My Field of View (From My Right to Left) for a Couple of Seconds!! Probably Remotely Viewing My Provocative Posts!! I Take It In Stride (usually)...Although I Have Flipped-Off the Nether Realms!! I Might Lose My Finger!! Remember 'Steal This Book'?? How About 'Steal This Post'?? Stealing is a Sin!! Is Plagiarizing Stealing?? Are the Ten Commandments Absolutely Binding for Everyone at All Times?? What Would Joseph Fletcher Say?? I Spoke Privately with Dr. Fletcher. He Rejected Christianity!! Consider the Psalms with Whole Bible Grammatical Historical Hermeneutics as a Neo-Primo-Testament!! Does This Work for All People, All the Time, in All Places?? Even This Might be Trickier Than You Think!! Righteousness by Cover-Story?? What if Humanity Divorced God and Then Played God for Thousands (or Even Millions) of Years?? The Galactic Legalities Might be Tougher and More Complex Than We Think. Statute of Limitations?? Who Knows?? The Shadow?? Dr. Who?? Did I Recently Speak with Matt?? It Might've Been Andrew. Never Mind. Are Top People Programmed?? If So...How?? I don't mean to be mean but what is REALLY Going On in This Regard?? This Goes for Celebrities, Politicians, CEO's, Billionaires, et al. Do They All Go to a Special Boot-Camp?? Are They Abused?? Tortured?? Drugged?? Possessed?? MK-Ultra?? Adrenochrome?? Or, Were They Simply Born That Way?? Talent + Work + Luck + God (with No Mumbo-Jumbo or Hocus-Pocus)?? Are the Rest of Us Just Jealous?? These Are NOT Rhetorical Questions. I've been around quite a few Top-People and they seem low-key in real-life but onstage they often seem Super-Human. Do they Sign the Dotted-Line on NDA's and Deals with the Devil?? Do You See What I Mean?? Closely Watching Several Superstars Frankly Scares the Hell Out of Me (When I Imagine Attempting to Do What They Do and Live Like They Do). Again, I'm Mostly Attempting to Understand with Contrarian-Neutrality. I'm male but I like listening to smart women with lots of experience. I've imagined a research and entertainment Committee of Seventeen within my threads. One Robot, Three Men, and Thirteen Women: Sophia the Robot, Michael Salla, Andrew G. Hodges, Alex Collier, Our Carol, Paola Harris, Loree Sutton, Diana Pasulka, Kathleen Kennedy, Margot Robbie, Charlize Theron, Elizabeth Mitchell, Angelina Jolie, Amanda Tapping, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Ava Max. They probably know but there have been no formal introductions. It's complicated and delusional but I do it for answers. BTW, is there a World Rule-Book, Country by Country, to Go Along and Get Along?? You know, to be able to comfortably travel throughout the world, and even live for a time, in various countries. Sort of like Comparative Religions, except this would be Comparative Countries (with Pros and Cons) in general terms. How does one stay out of jail and not start a riot?? Perhaps formalized religion is not the answer, but some sort of Rule-Book and Legal-Framework might be necessary evils as Eight-Billion People Attempt to Survive and Thrive in the 21st Century. So Far, No Help has Materialized (Good or Bad). Sometimes 'Helping' Results in 'Hurting'. I'm Shutting-Down and Giving-Up. I Just Overturned the Game-Board. This Experiment is Over. It Might've Been. Have a Nice Eternity.
    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 Seventeen-magazine-january-2002-indonesia

    What was really going on in 2009-11 regarding 'V' and 'RA' and 'GAGA' and Several Other Notables?? What Would 'Space Cowboy' Say?? What Would Britney Say?? Separately, is there a parallel between Gaga Concerts and Trump Rallies (especially regarding Crowd Behavior and Group Sociology)?? What About Hitler Rallies (before things got really nasty)?? I've been to (and participated in) a lot of classical music concerts but only a few rock concerts, so what is going on with all the above on a spiritual level?? What about the 'Dark Side of Hollywood'?? What about the 'Dark Side of the Moon'?? Is there a 'Dark Side of Orthodoxymoron'?? In 2010: The Year We Made Contact, RA told me, "You Will Show Your Bad Side." What Would the Council of Seventeen Think, Say, and Do?? All the Above Seems Like Burning Magnesium!! Too Hot to Handle?? Am I Being 'Played'?? Note the Musical Connotations!! Notice Ryan Getting His Rocks Off!! What if I'll Mentally and Spiritually Reside in Bach, Buxtehude, Bible Commentaries, The New York Times, and Long Walks in Nature for the Rest of My Present Physical Life?? What Would 'Poker Face' Say?? What Would 'Joker Face' Say?? Regarding 'Bad Romance', What if There Are Two RA's?? "RA! RA! Ooh! La! La!" According to 'Stargate', There Can Only Be ONE RA. What if Two is a Crowd?? Local RA?? Emissary RA?? What Would the Changeling Do?? What Would Marduk Do?? What Would Amen Say?? We See Through a Glass, Darkly but All Will Be Revealed (in one way or another).

    I'm really thinking in terms of going completely incognito for the rest of my life. My confused thrashing around was sort of fun in a bit of a masochistic manner but it almost felt (and feels) like a targeted cocktail of neuro-toxins, nanobots, chips, nefarious-entities, witches brews and spells as sort of an AI New-Age Alien Agenda which I can't resist. Resistance is Futile?? Did I recently encounter Denzel again. It sure sounded like him, and he even sang a bit, but there were no introductions, and I remained stoically non-responsive and neutral. I hate to keep repeating it, but I'm feeling much worse as I'm thinking much less. This morning, I slept through my alarm for TWO Hours, and woke up feeling like I got hit by a truck, with a giant oppressive cloud surrounding me, as if I'm being slowly executed. I'm NOT joking or bluffing. This is getting serious, and I'm fearing the worst. You have no idea but perhaps some (or all) of you will experience what I experience each and every day. I still think some qualified analysts should study my threads in a somewhat deep and extensive manner. Remember, these threads can be obtained throughout the solar system. I am NOT involved with deep-throats or secret societies. My threads are random acts of madness. What you encounter in my threads is as good and/or bad as it gets. If any of you encounter me in real life, prepare to be highly disappointed. I am highly disappointed in a Great Disappointment. I Hate My Life. I feel like 'making the coffee', even though it's midnight. I really think I'm slipping badly, and things will only get worse. I still think that hypothetical Ancient to Modern Artificial Intelligence Matrix is a Universal Church of sorts with Mainframe Deism (even though that sounds highly blasphemous). I honestly can't take much more of this. The implications and ramifications are truly mind-boggling. Consider Systematic Theology. I attended a lecture by Dr. Louis Berkhof in my youth. Something has been (and is) seriously wrong with me from childhood idealism to cynical senior senility. Righteousness by Senility?? I'm currently thinking in terms of reading The New York Times and going for long walks in nature as sort of a Sacred Secularism. What Would Thomas Paine Say?? What if Life's a Bltch and Then We Get Recycled in an Eternal Unyielding Despair?? What Would Bertrand Russell Say?? This is Dark and I'm Done. Did I Dream Myself Into Delusion?? Terence McKenna told me, "If You Dream It, You've Already Done It." So, Perhaps I Did It but Nobody Recognized It or Will Recognize It. I Read and Listened to the Big-Shot Motivational Gurus, and They Left Me Cold, as If They Were Mocking Me. Perhaps I Should Attack My Own Thinking. Sorry, Not Sorry?? I'm Sorry You Feel That Way!! Actually, I'm Sorry I Feel That Way!! Terence, This is Stupid Stuff.

    Did I recently briefly speak with Sheryl Crow without realizing it?? OMG!! It didn't start to sink in until after we spoke and I'm kicking myself for not being more alert. My mind is mush. I looked at some images and I think it was her (but I might be mistaken). She spoke of a recent concert with Chris Stapleton, Willie Nelson, (and Sheryl Crow) but in retrospect, I think it was really her. I spoke of an old Spice Girls concert I attended. She seemed to know all about the Spice Girls and who married who. Who?? Seriously, Did I Just Speak with Dr. Who One More Time?? "What's Up, Doc??" Actually, We Talked About Alternative Music!! 'Jackhammer Heavy Metal' to be Precise!! Back to Sheryl. Watch and Listen Carefully to These Three Videos. What Would Sheryl and Brad Say (Off the Record) About My Crazy Threads?? This Might be More of a Can of Worms Than Even I Can Imagine!!

    I recently encountered someone who reminded me of Piers Morgan but I don't know if it was him. He was a high-powered kind of guy I wouldn't wish to argue with (to say the least). I know I don't know for certain but whatever the case, it makes me think in ways I couldn't otherwise conceptualize. Imagine Jack Webster arguing with Piers Morgan!! WEBSTER!! Wouldn't THAT Be Fun?! I really think I should do what I'm doing with these threads, or just stop 'cold-turkey'. I don't think I should EVER verbally debate ANYONE or make some sort of a speech. I think I could've at one time but certainly not now. Also, I'll never be an Insider Teleprompter Reading Sellout. If I'm not compromised, I won't know. If I am compromised, I'll know and be scripted, but the Devil is a difficult character to deal with. This might be figurative and/or literal. I simply think in terms of possibilities. My physical, mental, spiritual, and financial situation is horrible. Not complaining as much as explaining. I purposely miss the mark in a non-deceptive way. I tell you I'm compartmentalizing and obfuscating as a mental and spiritual exercise wherein one has to work at it prior to getting it. My threads are a workbook of sorts (probably mostly for myself). The overall situation might be more problematic than 99% of us can imagine. Again, when I asked RA hard questions, he usually responded with, "You Know I Can't Tell You That." Who was I really speaking with?? I've suggested some possibilities which scare the hell out of me. This might be a no-win situation. Can't We All Just Get Along?! Cheers and/or Whatever.

    Information War: The Great Controversy Between Pro and Con Cover-Stories in the Conflict of the Ages?? This is Uncharted Territory. Is This a Post Mortem?? Are We Attempting to Do 'Church' Without Going to 'Church'?? Is That Possible?? The Foundations Might Not Survive the Information War. Will the University and Corporation Replace Church and State?? I Could Earnestly Study an 8,000 Page Set of Bible Commentaries But Would That Do Any Good?? Is It Too Little and Too Late for That?? Should I Simply Read My Newspapers and Go for My Walks?? The Technological Revolution and Information War Might be the War to End Humanity. I Wish I Were Kidding. I'm in Shock. The Top One-Percent Are Probably Somewhat Smug Regarding All the Above but Are They Just As Vulnerable as the Rest of Us in a Domino Demolition of Sorts?? Christians Have Been Warning of the End of the World for Two Thousand Years. Is the End Finally Here?? What Are the Implications and Ramifications of a United States AI Solar System Commencing in AD 2133?? Does Such a System Already Exist?? Is the Space Force a Cover-Story for What Has Existed for Millions of Years?? Perhaps All of This Has Happened Before. Nothing New Under the Sun?? I've Been Repetitively Posting for Years Without Many Seeming to Notice. It's Probably Not Working for Anyone (Including Me). Nature May Simply Take Its Course as the Universe Watches from a Distance. What if All of Us Will Exist as Sentient Robots in Absolute Obedience to the Quantum Computer Matrix?? I've been away for a few days, with no internet, and different scenery. I still don't know how to proceed, or if I should proceed at all. My threads are a failed experiment but some of you should fact-check me. I need to check myself before I wreck myself. Self Checkout. You can check out anytime you like but you can never leave. I've attempted a sort of contrarian neutrality which should NOT be taken personally. The modeling and craziness was to bring out various principles and concepts. Again, some of you should probably do some serious research regarding my claims and speculation. This might (or might not) be important. I'm OK with just slowly walking away into the sunset with my **** between my legs. Sometimes I just can't resist. This quest is so sad that it's sometimes funny (peculiar and ha-ha). I'd appreciate some sort of a semi-formal briefing and/or interrogation. I'm OK with lie-detection but NOT regression hypnosis. The overall context might be worse than we can imagine. Researchers Beware. Cheers or Whatever. What Would Ava Say?? What Would David ****man Say?? If I conversed with concerned and connected individuals, I might drag them down as I wonder as I wander. I honestly don't wish 'ME' on anyone (good and/or bad). If I were crazy and felt fine, that would be one thing, but I am crazy and feel horrible. If I didn't feel horrible, I might not be crazy. Just a Thought. Did I repeatedly and recently see someone who looked and acted like Dr. John Mack?? Did I see (many years ago) someone who looked and acted like Astronaut Brian O'Leary?? Have I repeatedly encountered Aquaries1111 (online and in-person, without introduction)?? Did I recently see someone I thought might be a disguised unnamed actress?? As you know, I'm desperately attempting to shut down my little exercise in futility. I could probably sit through endless deep-state meetings without blurting-out or cracking-up but what good would that do?? I speculated about such things at least a decade and a half ago, but I've met dozens of individuals of interest and watched thousands of forbidden videos, so what I thought might be cool is now water under the bridge. In 2010: The Year We Made Contact, RA told me, "You Found Out Something About Yourself. I'm Sorry We Couldn't Work Together. Too Much Water Went Under the Bridge." What if I'm an ancient to modern somebody disguised as a completely ignorant nobody?? What if I 'keep myself guessing'?? Anyway, reading newspapers daily, and taking daily walks might be my way of backing off and/or backing out. I recently told a significant somebody that I tried to understand but I didn't like what I discovered and now I'm attempting to not understand and/or even leave the solar system (perhaps one last time). Mission Failed and/or Accomplished?? Imagine DAVID ****MAN (at 20 seconds) in the sunset scene, when all of the sudden, a 1970's Ford Maverick pulls up with a beautiful female driver, offering David a ride, beginning a wonderful relationship of questing for life, the universe, and everything!! But what if she is the evil truck driver and/or ex-wife and/or ex-girlfriend and/or ex-boss?? But what if the whole thing was some sort of a fictional symbolic-representational plot regarding How the Solar System was Won?! What Would Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Arthur C. Clarke, and Stanley Kubrick Say?? Do Some Research. You Might Be Surprised. Notice that when the ugly-truck goes off the cliff, the drivers-side door is open. One Door Closes. Another Door Opens. Enough of This Madness. Bye-Bye. I Need to Sleep as I Weep. Cheers and/or Whatever.

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    Doctor Who Blue Boy = Matrix Emissary Warden = Prince of Sirius = Rich Young Ruler?
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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Wed Jul 31, 2024 11:19 pm; edited 9 times in total

    Posts : 13592
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (13)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Jul 28, 2024 10:37 am

    United States AI Solar System (13) - Page 14 Harley_quinn_harleen_quinzel_by_beyondityart_dbiolpg-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTQ2MyIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2JhMTIzNjI5LWIxMmEtNDkxYS1hM2UyLWVmNGFmOTdhMmJiOVwvZGJpb2xwZy03NzI5NjA2ZC01ZDMwLTQwOWQtOTAxMi03MjJmYWJhOWYyNTcuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ
    "Oxy is My Friend!"

    Consider Judeo-Christianity from the perspective of the Rich Young Ruler. Consider the Rich Young Ruler relative to Ben Hur relative to Dr. Who relative to the Emissary Warden relative to Ovid relative to David Bowman relative to David ****man relative to Peter Venkman!! This seems like a No-Win Can of Worms!! OMG!! Telling stories about Barbie, Monopoly, and Darth Vader would be SO Much Easier and More Profitable!! Early on, I spoke with Steven Spielberg's Stepmother and Walter Matthau's Son concerning a blockbuster Life of Christ super-movie!! Obviously, nothing resulted. It almost seemed to me, throughout the years, that even Christianity didn't want to properly deal with Jesus Christ. The Topic seemed to be a combination of Quicksand and a Can of Worms!! What if my crazy threads were my desperate attempt to deal with this Quagmire?!! What Would Dick Cheney Say?? A Famous Attorney told me, "If Jesus Showed Up, the Church Wouldn't Know What to Do with Him!!" What if EVERYTHING (Good and Bad) is Involved in DECEPTION!! What if the Lie is Different at Every Level?? What if the hypothetical Council of Seventeen should NOT have anything to do with me and my crazy threads?? What if this stuff is still Too Hot to Handle?? What if Dr. Andrew G. Hodges should write a book about this mess?? You know, sort of like, Jesus: An Interview Across Time. A Psychiatrist Looks at HIS Humanity?? Perhaps he could co-write it with Dr. Loree Sutton. Still, this might be over before it started. The opposing forces might be too powerful and compromised to do anything honest and constructive. My crazy threads might need to be stand-alone conspiracy-theories for completely ignorant fools. This world might not be able to handle the truth. This might be a Can of Rattlesnakes!! What Would David ****man Say?? Actually, the Really-Really Real-Deal Deep-State Mainframe-Matrix Movers and Shakers might Produce and Direct The Greatest Galactic-Story Ever Told regardless of whether anyone liked it or not...and regardless of whether it made any money or not. Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? Who?? What Would Max von Sydow Say?? Who?? Never Mind. What Would Billy Graham and World Wide Pictures Say and Do?? Who?? What?? Cover-Stories Out of Chaos?? Why Do I Bother?? I wish to continue making it perfectly clear that this is a serious quest in a ridiculous context. I do it for answers. That hypothetical Council of Seventeen is an interesting concept (for me, anyway). I was half-joking and half-serious in a completely benign manner as a completely ignorant fool. Under the circumstances, I think I need to 'Full Stop'. I'd like to know what my long-term galactic role was and is. What if I'm a miserable and hamstrung idealistic-loner who is hated by everyone and in-turn hates their life (lifetime after lifetime after lifetime)?? What if Heaven was the Goal of the Creator but Purgatory was Always the Reality for Everyone?? What if this is the 'Saddest Story Ever Told'?? I'll contemplate everyone and everything in my own time and way. In 2010: The Year We Made Contact, I told RA, "Everyone Hates Me." RA retorted, "You Think Everyone Hates You, But They REALLY Hate Me." I really might end-up in a secure 600 square-foot office-apartment with a mainframe. I might be a robot in space. RA told me, "It's Going to be Dark Where You Are Going." This is NOT a Rehearsal. Everyone has some sort of a scheme, right?? Everyone has their price, right?? The Price is Right!! My Threads Are Mostly Religious and Political SCIENCE FICTION (even though I'm honest, and try to get things right). I Repeat Significant Disclaimers (Over and Over and Over). Is It Over, Rover?? The End is Near?? What if This NEVER Ends?? I've hinted at a lot of things but I practice Conceptual-Compartmentalization and Contextual-Superimposition. My Fan-Fiction should NOT be Taken Too Seriously or Personally. I Aspire to Contrarian-Neutrality. I Do It for Answers. Must I Explain?? This is NOT a Manifesto or Instruction-Manual. This Involves 'Possibility-Thinking'. Don't be 'too definite'!! People who are 'too definite' go off!! If you think I'm crazy, consider reading the Whole Bible straight-through, over and over, in a variety of translations (with and/or without commentaries). As I've endlessly repeated, this stuff is tougher than you think (or can think). The varieties of Cover-Stories were (and are) probably essential and expedient (on various levels). The Lie is Different at Every Level?? What Would Richard Hoagland Say?? Carefully Consider the Inner Solar System as a Mostly Closed System and/or Prison System (for better or worse, I know not). Again, the possibilities are endless. Consider Just Reading Newspapers and Going for Long Walks as the Information War Escalates. Once Again, Consider Theodicy and Eschatology in Purgatory Incorporated. I'm feeling much worse as I think much less with hamstrung misery. Accident and/or Design?? Has ANYONE (including me) Immersed Themselves in My Many Threads for at least a Dozen Years?? I Didn't Think So and I'm NOT Recommending This. Again, This Stuff Might be Tougher Than You Think or Can Think. I'm Rambling and None of This Ever Seems to Do Any Good or Evil Whatsoever. No Harm?? No Foul?? First Law?? Prime Directive?? Plausible Deniability?? One Last Thing. Consider Reading the Books of Albert Schweitzer and Joseph Farrell Side by Side While Listening to the Music of J.S. Bach. Cheers and/or Whatever.
    Carol wrote:7-25-24: Q) The Storm Rider - Latest eight(!) posts - It has begun... [Biden] is dead now! - TRUMP GAVE YOU COMMS @RNC - WE ARE DEEP INSIDE THE STORM PATRIOTS

    It has begun... [Biden] is dead now!


    :REPRISAL _ (REVENGE) > Nessun Dorma

    _]; Military operations killing the deep state actors. >>> RUSSIA. EU. U.S. Military Special Forces Operators are going after the GLOBAL ELITES after the assassination attempt (yes the white hats staged a powerful event but many real CIA. FBI. [DS] special forces were at the scene .. And they were in total confusion during the assassination event

    .. NOBODY KNEW WHO THE REAL ACTORS WERE AND WHO BLACKSHATS WERE AND WHO WHITE HATS WERE AND GRAY HATS WERE>>>> There was total MASS confusion among the deep state actors during the assassination plot and channels were mixed and a huge Stand down was paced 30 minutes before hand by the Deep state as they feared they were going to be arrested and Military intelligence intercepted all communications////


    THE WHITE HATS STAGED EVENT TOOK PLACE RIGHT BEFORE THE VERY EYES OF THE DEEP STATE CIA FBI. DS MILITARY CONTRACTORS IN ATTENDANCE<<<<<( do you really think now reported by several sources and agencies that there were 2 shooters..,

    >AND THEY BOTH MISSED??? . ..... Do you really think the CIA FBI. WORLD GLOBALIST ELITES depending their trillion dollar industry would miss killing Trump with 2 shooters that all missed their target Trump?........./// how did 2 shooters miss Trump? Even though they were given 26 minutes to execute the execution with no interference?...... They TRUTH they watched for 2 hours< .)

    Here is the REAL TRUTH,..I have been telling you for a long time. Trump was placed by the military white hats alliance in 2016 .

    The White hats stole the election in 2016 with military intelligence and rigged the numbers and hacked all the systems 45 minutes before the election ended.. That's why Hillary Clinton was in shock, she was guaranteed to win but didn't expect white hats to swing a whole election in 45 minutes. (for over 50 years the U.S. elections have been rigged by the deep state operations.... For the first time in history the white hats rigged the election..


    _After Trump was elected, he immediately signed Highly Classified Operations and Gave FULL POWER TO THE MILITARY TO CARRY OUT> THE STORM OPERATIONS< and several other operations pertaining to Continuity of Government. DEVOLUTION PLAN. /BLACKOUT OPERATIONS.

    >In the winter of 2016 U.S. military forces carried GLOBAL operations and seized hundreds of trillions dollars in gold through Vatican and Switzerland (at the same time China captured most of the Gold Depot stations operations bunkers by the deep state that was working with the CIA and GLOBALIST., at the same moment Russian was finishing a ten year military operations capturing CIA operations in Russia)

    That's why the Carnegie endorsement CIA operations ( GLOBAList with Rockefellers, Rothschilds WEF ECT ED ETC ETC and deep dark operations initiated the Plandemic operations.

    > VIRUS. VACCINES. LOCKDOWNS . WAR WITH RUSSIA . NUCLEAR EVENTS ) < [THEY] are trying desperately to Rob the world of money for world money laundering operations as they were going broke and used the plandemic to seize hundreds of billions through the world.

    _In 2020 the white hats Military operations gave the election to Joe Biden [deep state]

    (The real Joe Biden was flipped back in 2018_19 and forced to play a part by the white hats. In 2020 the REAL BIDEN ESCAPED to underground bunkers. Since then several fake Bidens in advanced CIA technology MASKS have been playing his part... the real Biden has been hiding in several underground bunkers near five fingers lake > that's why his son has a tattoo of the lakes and adrenochrome operations take place there and under ground tunnels reach from there to Colorado to California to Mexico...)


    > The 2020 election was given to the deep state these were GAME THEORY MILITARY OPERATIONS>> they knew the Deer State would Collapse the economy and create a chaos event and ripple effect through the world and the plandemic would cause a MASS GREAT AWAKENING MOVEMENT

    > The Military Game Theory operations would lead to EXPOSURE of the deep state controlling wars. Creating death vaccines. Creation of the virus, world money laundering operations, human trafficking operations..... The white hats Military Alliance operations STING was tracing tracking all the deep state operations through the World and collecting all the evidence, data and full information on All deep state operations and industries.

    > NOW with the REAL information gathered behind the scenes and military intelligence operations acquiring all The REAL evidence during the NATO GLOBALIST event in DC before the TRUMP Assassination attempt event confirmed a military COUP on Trump through assassination (the CIA. Obama GLOBALIST NATO and UN leaders all helped planned the trump assassination).


    (2 hours before hand at the Trump Rally several FBI. CIA and military contractors were arrested and Mass confusion set in among the deep state actors at the event and radio and their intelligence scrambled ...

    30 minutes before hand the deep state cancelled their operation to assassinate Trump ... As the fake shooter (real shooter was already dead) was crawling the building the white hats also captured the second real shooter on top of the water tower and traded a white hats sniper with him with fake rounds)....................


    _do you really think the deep state would miss their mark with 2 different shooters placed? ... And they were given 26 minutes with no interruption?

    Why wasn't there no video shown from the stages behind Trump? Over A hundred people behind him that saw the bullet hit the ear (as suggested) .. Several of them were filming the event.. What happen to their videos? Why didn't they go viral? ...

    Why didn't MSM media who had cameras on both sides of Trump Release the Shooting of Trump's ear? .......

    How many people actually behind Trump filmed the shooting, including MSM and military, secret service operators who have hidden cameras saw from the angle of the side and behind Trump who could see his ear in full view and filmed the shooting?

    Why didn't these videos go viral? Immediately? ..... Where are they?

    (Why is it only now a week later intelligence is doctoring a video to show what the people behind Trump in the stands saw?)

    Why did the World Wide IT outage immediately happen after the assassination event?

    _did Microsoft wipe windows. iPhones and Android apps connected to Microsoft apps and servers that contained the real shooting event and wiped the world wide uploads of the videos from the view behind TRUMP filmed by People in the stand

    >>>>>How did Microsoft immediately try to secure all the videos and dig into people's phones to get the videos and use IT shortages to erase, wipe the world Internet data that had the videos uploaded?
    > you are highly unaware that Microsoft is digitally erasing people from videos and installing other people for several world events and occasions and deep state operations (white hats are also doing this)
    The CrowdStrike IT outage is connected to several operations including beta tests for the coming blackouts.

    Microsoft is testing several advanced A.i operations through the IT outage... Including shutting down the Internet > Internet [KILLSWITCH] OPERATIONS../////

    [THEY] are also trying to kill the USSF / STARLINK Grid operations through the IT outage using Quantum super computers, TRACKING military USSF ops in the Internet <<<<<


    _ NOW that the Military operation has captured real CIA. FBI. [DS] military contract Operators at the Trump Assassination attempt and rally. .. And just days before the NATO gathering and GLOBALIST planned the assassination attempt and Green lit the ops.... The White Hats Military Alliance have initiated counter Operations;


    This is why Trump played the music Luciano Pavarotti > NESSUN DORMA at the RNC after the assassination attempt.

    This song is important and is connected to Military COMMS;

    > As you know by now the world military intelligence agencies all tracked Q intelligence drops >>>>

    Q mentions THE SUM OF ALL FEARS

    (In this movie the President of the United States escapes an assassination attempt.

    The world deep state in the movie all try to create a world war between Russia and the United States. And a NEAR NUCLEAR WAR EVENT happens.......

    At the end of the movie the President of the United States and President of Russia become allies again and both go after the deep state and kill them through covert military operations through the world.... As the military operations kill the deep state the song NESSUN DORMA by Luciano Pavarotti is playing.)

    > NOW do you think this is just all coincidence that Trump played this song immediately after his assassination attempt?

    >>>THE REAL TRUTH TRUMP WAS GIVING MILITARY COMMS; and the world deep state intelligence was watching and recognized the song and the significance behind of the meaning.


    ... And the real Joe Biden has recently been captured by military operations in the five fingers lake D.U.M.B.s and has been killed.

    (These COMMS; are now hitting several different places and outlets... Now the Bidens and deep state are planning to announce Bidens death from sickness/ or assassination and staging the event.....

    Just like I told you three months before Queen Elizabeths death. I said they are planning to reveal her death and preparing the event - she was actually dead years before and this part of the reason Kate Middleton was poisoned with cancer.. She was threatening to expose the truth of the queens death and truth of Diana and sex ring in the UK )

    How do think i knew 3 months before hand Queen Elizabeths death was going to be revealed and was in the planning stages?

    How do you think i knew King Charles was sick before anyone reported and do you think i know he is going to die in 2025?

    How do you think i knew Trump assassination was coming and giving you COMMS years before and then immediately weeks before gave you the DROP it was time.... And how you think i knew Trump was going to survive the assassination attempt?

    Do you really think 2 Shooters at the Trump rally all missed?

    Was this really the hand of God. Or Military operations to set the Deep State?

    (It was both in one)

    This important DOUBLED/ STAGED ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT was vital!!!!!!!



    > A Military COUP happening since 2016 is going to be exposed and the real compliance and deep state operations in the assassination attempt ( + the set up - STAGED assassination) is going to insure Congressional hearings. Senate hearings. Several private investigation and indictments that will lead to several agencies and the governments.

    BEHIND THE SCENES>]; Military operations are insuring U.S. citizens Will Give full power to activate >>>>> Article 2 section 1 claus 2 Authority which gives their State Legislators and state representatives Power to vote in the President of the United States.

    (> Republican party has 274 majority electoral votes which would confirm Trump as President)

    ☝ This will all happen after more major events WILL shake up the world and U.S. geopolitical system...... INSIDE A MASSIVE COLLAPSE > EVENTS > EVENTS > EVENTS > EVENTS > EVENTS..




    you have more than you know

    (By the way.. The hand of God is on the shoulders of us all and the Great Awakening...... The hand of God is guiding the path to a Powerful Golden Era Event under 47....... Remember Trump told you a one year celebration from 2025-26 WILL happen > COMMS;


    >]; INSIDE JOB (X2) Mirroring - Operations

    _The deep state creates an EVENT and White hats Military Operations mimic the EVENT with different outcomes benefitting White hats in military assessment, Warfare, psychological warfare and gaming operations.


    >]; Military defense applications, Game theory is often a needed to model and predict the actions of hostile actors, and players who try to evade or out-smart each other.

    Modeling how the actions of competitive players shape the decision making of each other is the forte of game theory.

    _Game Theory in defense settings are concerned with Command and CONTROL WARFARE, and can be further classified into papers dealing with (i) Resource Allocation Warfare (ii) Information Warfare (iii) Weapons Control Warfare, and (iv) Adversary Monitoring Warfare

    Military Game Theory Operations are often CLASSIFIED OPERATIONS that use non-cooperative or cooperative games, simultaneous or sequential games, discrete or continuous games, and non-zero-sum or zero-sum games.

    _ I had told years, months and >especially weeks before that Trump assassination was going to happen > AND TRUMP WOULD SURVIVE THE ATTEMPT>>> because these were White Hats military alliance operations to mimic the assassination in order to bring special operations, laws, investigation (set up of the deep state actors inside and outside Trump's circle, INCLUDING Secrets Service, and military intelligence).

    _ There is also a larger factor to exposing the financial system, wall street and corporations that filed over 12 million documents just one day before the attempted Trump assassination to get rid of share and stock connected to Trump interests, trading and enterprises.

    > This important STAGED Military Game Theory operations assassination GAME is directed at the GLOBALIST/CIA/[DS] controlled government.

    _CURRENTLY Trump, Lawyers, Associates and known military Generals and admirals are trying to get open over U.S.military protection for Donald J. Trump. And are Engaging the government and letting them know they lost confidence in the secret service >>>> Trump wants protection from special operations command and special forces<

    _NOW White hats are preparing to get the U.S. Citizens to activate Article 2 section 1 claus 2 Authority which gives their State Legislators and state representatives Power to vote in the President of the United States (>Republican party has 274 majority electoral votes which would confirm Trump)

    _This special voting activated by the U.S. citizens would bypass Dominion machines,i llegal immigrant voting, digital fraud and foreign interference fraud <

    This voting would take place live on national TV. All Social media platforms.. a live voting.

    ☝ This is why the deep state want to cut the power off and blame Russia and shut down the Internet >Internet KILLSWITCH

    > that's why they are doing BETA TEST GLOBALLY with MICROSOFT and shutting down systems. (Banks, flights shutting down computers)


    THE FAKE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT WAS A SET UP TO EXPOSE THE U.S GOVERNMENT, {now you have several investigations coming through Senate Congress and several agencies)////





    (the deep state is doing this coup to stop the exposure of Zero point energy. Tesla energy/infinite energy..... Their five Hundred trillion dollar operations of world control will be lost and the GLOBALIST/ Rockefellers/ Rothschilds etc ECT ECT etc etc WILL lose their power over humanity and human trafficking sex pedophilia operations and war mongering ops to control nations<<<
    Think rationally.

    The deep state operations for centuries created the illuminati in 1776 in South Germany and took over governments slowly? .... And nobody knew.

    > [They] [Rothschilds+Rockefellers ] both of Southern Germany created world war one and world war 2 .. with United States jp Morgan and Prescott Bush funding Hitler to power ?..... And nobody knew


    > From 9/11 inside job of creating the most dangerous black hats operations [PATRIOT ACT] to control adversaries in the United States (politician. Military and elites) ((((( the Patriot Act gave the power CIA/FBI Deep State Intelligence to place pedophilia photos and films inside of good politicians, good military and good elites computers and phones and frame them <the initial design of the Patriot Act was to steal data from computes phones and servers.. But the opposite operations of installing BLACKMAIL FILMS AND PHOTOS AND FAKE MONEY LAUNDERING RINGS into white hats operators personal computer and phones shocked the good military. Politicians. And elites/////) ..
    >The creation of the virus!


    ☝ these planned placed EVENTS with millions of people involved, seemed like a conspiracy and could not have been carried out by military operations..... But they were<

    Do you really think military operations good or bad could not STAGE an assassination Attempt? ..... or a STAGED SURVIVAL ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT?
    What advanced technology exist?

    Why are white hats going to MIMIC / DOUBLE STAGE > INSIDE JOB>>>/// A PROJECT BLUE BEAM EVENT.



    Behind the scenes>]; BEFORE the assassination attempt the Military had enough REAL evidence from the NATO gathering and CIA/FBI captured ops that a Trump assassination was coming (hence DOUBLE INSIDE ]] OPERATIONS [[ ).

    These gave open operations to initiate REPRISAL> OPERATIONS;

    > Hours after TRUMP assassination happened. White hats attacked the IT systems and AT&T and again under ground super computers ......

    These events were connected to military operations that headed into five lakes deep state military facilities where the REAL JB was captured and killed!

    >>> HIS BODY WAS SENT TO LAS VEGAS through Maglev and upon arriving he was dead.. Several sources including the police confirm his death in reports leaked.

    (This is the real reason Joe Biden is dead was Trending on Monday) >>>>by Tuesday morning a cover up began and deep state was in PANIC//// ....

    > NOW they have again placed a fake masked Joe Biden..... But his real death WILL soon be revealed and they are planning his funeral...... (Nobody truly knows what the deep state will do with the fake Biden.... But white hats are pushing the black hats to bring the reign of the fake Biden to an END<)

    >The real body of Biden being delivered to SIN CITY (Las Vegas) is military COMMS>

    that MILITARY> REPRISAL; OPERATIONS ARE BEGINNING and is a clear warning to the deep state GLOBALIST they are in the line of fire and retribution REPRISAL OPERATIONS<
    BEHIND THE SCENES>] Trump + military controlled hats inside the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE has initiated operations against Clintons. CIA deep state sex operation rings connected to the largest housing provider for migrant children who have been sex trafficked and sexual abused through United States biggest program the Southwest Keys.


    > The leader of Southwest Keys Victor R. Garza was once honored by the Clinton's and lifted a flag for him on Cinco de Maya (Day of death).

    Victor R. Garza contacts run deep into intelligence and DC circles and State Powers.

    > How did he die just a few weeks before military operations initiated REPRISAL OPERATIONS? Why is TRUMP+ Vivek Ramaswamy already talking about bringing down the pedo rings in public convictions and full EXPOSURE?

    What are picture are the white hats painting for the democratic voters (the sleeping ones) to wake up to MASS PEDOPHILIA SEX TRAFFICKING OPERATIONS?
    Seashore wrote:
    Seashore wrote:Dr. Bryan Ardis, a retired chiropractor, is a dedicated, down-to-earth, truth-seeker who is an expert at connecting dots. He is doing what he's doing as a result of his personal experience losing his father-in-law due to murderous hospital protocols.  
    Witness how Dr. Ardis has continued to serve humankind worldwide by joining with other practitioners and research scientists to piece together evidence of how we're being attacked and what we can do about it using today's technology:

    Warning Images of Serpents Nanotech Living Inside Us with Clinical Research Scientist Maria Chrisler
    orthodoxymoron wrote:In general terms, I think Dr. Bryan Ardis is on the right-track, along with the people he regularly converses with. Perhaps parasites (natural and/or weaponized) are more significant than cobra venom. I sometimes wonder if I am being restrained and tortured by some of this stuff?! Am I somehow being soul-scalped?? The above video is chilling. Separately, I wonder if Ancient to Modern Artificial Intelligence Robotics is more significant than Alien Reptilian Genetics?! There might be a core of truth in all of this, surrounded by unimaginable and unfathomable deception and manipulation. What Would Sherry Shriner Say?? I keep getting the sinking-feeling that life, the universe, and everything is tougher than we think or can think but Hope Springs Eternal.
    Seashore wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:In general terms, I think Dr. Bryan Ardis is on the right-track, along with the people he regularly converses with. Perhaps parasites (natural and/or weaponized) are more significant than cobra venom.
    I'm in a quandary right now because both Dr. Ardis and my other favorite whistleblower Dr. Lee Merritt are advocating for treating parasites.  Dr. Merritt even believes that cancer tumors are just parasite sacs. The reason I'm in a quandary is that I did, in fact, go on a protocol for parasites that entailed swallowing huge amounts of capsules, which did nothing to improve my health.  That, and the fact that I'm a fan of Bechamp's work, who found that microbes originate in our own bodies because it's nature's way of handling toxins that we have.  I'm not sure parasites were observed under Bechamp's microscope, but he did watch microbes change shape when the terrain changed in a cycle called pleomorphism.
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Separately, I wonder if Ancient to Modern Artificial Intelligence Robotics is more significant than Alien Reptilian Genetics?!
    Good question.
    Soul Scalping: What It Is and How They Do It
    Sherry Shriner

    The lizards or reptiles are in the last phase of their human domination plan of the End Game. They are soul scalping and replacing all humans at all top levels and secondary levels, even their families if necessary.

    For instance (as in the case of someone I knew) they might get a visit from MIB's (Men in Black) during the middle of the day at their homes, or any time of day, or even work place and the MIB's grab them by the neck and face forcing their jaw to open and then they place a snake down their throat.  

    That is how they soul scalp people. This serpent possesses the human and takes over their brain and body and becomes that person.  

    And that is how they do it. The reptilian aliens can transform and take the body of a small serpent snake to be placed inside a human body.

    Yep, as the Most High showed me and told me about it, they take a slimy skinny snake, about 6-8 inches long, greyish in looks more like a long slimy worm, and open the person's mouth and stick it down their throat.

    These reptile aliens work in groups. In true form most of them are over 6 "4". They watch and study the targeted person so they know all about them, and when they take over their brains and bodies they literally can act and become that person. They even do this to their kids so the kids don't make a fuss that something's wrong with mommy or daddy because something's just not right about them. They don't care about destroying the lives of children. They're all cold and heartless, unemotional reptiles with no thought of love, compassion or human emotions and sentiment. Those are emotions they have to learn to fake when they take over a human's body so they can blend in with society as a human.  

    In my book "Interview With The Devil" Lucifer had said they don't want any humans involved with the banking and they already dominated the politics. Now they are even going after secondary level people...such as CIA, NSA, any type of government or military spies, intelligence agents, advisors, analysts, directors, managers, along with anyone and everyone who has ever signed the dotted line for fortune and fame, or swore allegiance to Lucifer in the sisterhood or brotherhood. They are going after all of them and I had warned about this last year that this would become dominate for 2016. And it has. This year we are seeing their final touches on their control and domination. They have a list of all the people who are theirs and they are going through it!

    The lizards who control the western nations, and all nations, don't want any humans involved with human affairs! They want everything controlled by them, thus we have reptile and cloned announcers, politicians, celebrities, lawyers, judges, athletes, anyone in a position of influence.  

    And they control every single aspect of the media and Hollywood. If you are a professional athlete or celebrity you have to be pre-approved to get interviewed on TV, sometimes you will hear reporters or announcers talking in the background, once I heard a desk analyst broadcaster telling a reporter on the field "he's been approved, you can talk to him" and the reporter then proceeded to interview a player about that particular football game. If a celebrity is being gossiped about whether good or bad (because all publicity is good to them) they have to be pre-approved. And only those who have signed the dotted line and sold their souls to Satan are approved.  

    Others have mentioned another type of scalping in which a lizard can take a piece or sheaf off the top of their head called a proboscis and put it into a host so they can embody and take over the host the same way a serpent does.

    What they do is transform their entire being or conscious self into this proboscis and eject it off their head and then wiggle into the host, such as a human and they enter into a person's eye. If they have help the host's eyeball can be pulled out and this proboscis can be put into the back of the eye where it will then wiggle and spiral itself around the person's optical nerve and it also takes control of the person's brain as well. Donald Marshall talks about this. He's part of Lucifer's Disclosure Project where they are revealing all their methods, technology, and nefarious agendas to mankind.  

    When I asked Lucifer about this in my Interview With The Devil series and book he confirmed both types of these parasitic hosts that are used on humans. He also added that if a serpent is used as the parasite he himself can embody that serpent and take over that person's body. Which is why and how he can speak through Obama as much as he has. If you ever noticed. 

    This is a war folks. It's us against them. You can protect yourself from the lizards.  

    When I asked the Most High over a decade ago how we could destroy them, how we could tear down the strongholds of Satan and protect ourselves from them and their weapons being used against us He led me to Orgone and taught me how to make it. And you can hear in Lucifer's own words how much our Orgone has hurt, damaged, and destroyed him. It works folks!!  A lot of  people want to hate, debate, and gripe about my Orgone, meanwhile people are getting soul scalped around the world by the lizards we need to be fighting against. Stop fighting against me and start fighting against them! There isn't much time left for mankind.  

    ***not all Orgone is the same. Most of the Orgone on the internet being sold as Orgone isn't even's just junk! Learn how to make it the way the Most High taught me how to make it because it's the only brand of Orgone that's destroying Lucifer and his lizards.

    "My brother had been in Vietnam, and he went really wild when he came back for years. He started seeing a Rieki practitioner, who said there was something blocking lower chakras. She sent him to a Chinese herbalist who then gave him a powerful mix. 24 hours later he pooped what he said looked like little squid things. He suddenly became grounded and really prospered. The old Chinese guy said it was a parasite infestation common to Southeast Asia. He said they are very bad and interfere with life and vibration."
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    "Elon, Consider the Theological
    Implications and Ramifications..."

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    I'm a Dog Faced Pony Soldier.
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    Candle in the Wind

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 18, 2024 12:12 am