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    Operation Rampdown


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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Fri Feb 18, 2022 8:49 pm

    Once the word for world was wood...

    Ashera is an archetype, not accepted by the Olymp, and thus not accepted by western psychology... The IL I left away, I am not a goddess, and the Quran sees it the same...

    I cannot do anything at all and even do not want, certain Christians are the problem...


    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 RjsJpEABX9s

    Our Father, which art in heaven...

    Chuwawa the big bow-wow... also called Baba

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 JTFCyOJqnOs

    Jacob's Ladder - was he really the true Israel? The Dea Assyria was Ashera IL, also known as Lucifer...

    Either you say Ishtar/a or Ushtar/a, it is just a sound shift - it means east and morning star, the Brothers Grimm said Ostara.

    Once upon a time the German forests and woodlands were located at the Tygris river...

    To my right is the Fortress of Death and to my left the Castle of Light... in my back is an inn with a tavern...

    If God is moralic is a huge question, I prefer to say that Allah is ethic. The Lords often use moral double-binds. And surely there is an overlord - him I call Satan.

    It is not in my power to endwarf you but I could contribute to it...

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 7_GwSjnlDY4
    The Gilgamesh Epic I bought from my pocket money, so 12 years old...
    ...while I was reading an old Luther bible
    The Noah story made me stumble

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sat Feb 19, 2022 3:34 am

    My lust is not the lust to sin, I am lustful and proud! You evil flatworms!

    They wasted my life all in vain.

    A world of traps, tests, and self-fullfilling prophecies...

    When I wrote that I never hit an animal or human being in my life the judges did not believe it... what followed was projection (the shadow of strict parenting and druid intentions?). Tolerant I am in no way. I am about the use of state power.

    Zero Point: Archive

    Last edited by Ashera on Sat Feb 19, 2022 12:57 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sat Feb 19, 2022 4:06 am

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Sirius14

    When relating to a religion, the term "Sabian" can connote one who left his former religion, and was even a title of Muhammad for not being part of his tribe's faith. From such a root and in the context of the Quranic passages, it may refer to all people who leave their faiths, finding fault in them, but have yet to come to Islam, related to the Hanif.

    I stole (rescued?) the Balozi Langu to that I contributed a lot!

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Scree396

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Gypsy-10

    Sura 22
    / / / /
    17 Indeed, those who have believed and those who were Jews and the Sabeans and the Christians and the Magians and those who associated with Allah - Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed Allah is, over all things, Witness.

    The oriental cult of the Sybillas...

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 89ac4bbe8d4f10f0558e06e130bfec474fa3e9f9

    I do not baptize, I chop heads off!

    They invented a lie story and called it my life. Does it really wonder that I developed a complete second vita in Gorean rople play to put something against it (not only for the real time logs)? A certain synthesis I truly implied...

    What do you judges arrogate to decide what science is? They threatened my plain existence! It was on life and death! I slayed them with my knowledge!

    Last edited by Ashera on Sat Feb 19, 2022 10:28 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sat Feb 19, 2022 8:30 am

    I am not even interested in what they mean and opinion based do!

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Plug_b10

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sat Feb 19, 2022 9:30 am

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Snaps253

    I did "seidr" when they arrived, and this is "satr" following my etymological considerations and Sura 36:36 (The Völuspá is a holy book). I also told that to the Turkish lawyer who helped me to get out the short time arrest cell in 2018.

    According to Quranic logic the implied "factor unknown" is female!

    They arrested a woman!

    May well be that there are intersections of interests but the Fatah Guerilla would not be at your side!

    I fight for my femininity according to Genesis 1!

    I need a clear brain and not social headaches!

    [Last Sura Revealed]*

    [110:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

    *110:1-3 This last sura, chronologically, consists of 19 Arabic words (see 96:1), and the first verse consists of 19 letters. This indicates that this generation of believers shall attain the promised victory. Submission (true Islam) will prevail throughout the world (48:28).

    [110:1] When triumph comes from GOD, and victory.

    [110:2] You will see the people embracing GOD's religion in throngs.

    [110:3] Ask your Lord, and implore Him for forgiveness. He is your Redeemer.

    surat yunus (Jonah) (10💯10) And it is not for a soul to believe except by permission of Allah , and He will place defilement upon those who will not use reason.

    The Quran is very explicit and clear:

    surat l-baqarah (The Cow) (2:124) And [mention, O Muhammad], when Abraham was tried by his Lord with commands and he fulfilled them. [Allah] said, "Indeed, I will make you a leader for the people." [Abraham] said, "And of my descendants?" [Allah] said, "My covenant does not include the wrongdoers."

    Nevertheless some morons try to dull my mind.

    Anyone who mixes up Allah with the LORD-Demiurge is a disbeliever!

    Pragmatic Belief - Conviction -

    "The essence of belief is the establishment of a habit; and different beliefs are distinguished by the different modes of action to which they give rise. If beliefs do not differ in this respect, if they appease the same doubt by producing the same rule of action, then no mere differences in the manner of consciousness of them can make them different beliefs, any more than playing a tune in different keys is playing different tunes." ('How to Make Our Ideas Clear', CP 5.397-398, 1878)

    True Islam is not a confession of faith!

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Allah_13
    Lahabi Lahi

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sat Feb 19, 2022 2:07 pm

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Chess-1024x576

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 4506VV1001
    (I almost drove it to automatic cut out, logically)

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Fairy_16
    What followed were complex bot algorithms (beyond computability?) and social networks...
    Minority Report

    Last edited by Ashera on Sun Feb 20, 2022 12:18 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sat Feb 19, 2022 10:22 pm

    To study a vanishing subject, namely the peoples, was provoking while landscapes became mindscapes, the "we"-people raised, and a rebellion.

    The effects of missionizing and bible bombing the jungles clearly showed that Christian dogmatics failed and contributed to the levelling...

    At home they did not stop to chop trees and to propagate ecology...

    The CO2-Agenda is plain hypocrisy and rather aims at preparing the grave field (the crew cut razored green pasture, also known from radio, television, and second life, as private home framing) according to Luther's Psalm 23!

    To prove that exemplarily at Freistatt only was the final consequence as no other way out was left!

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 9eb0197c708295b73f6f4811ba0b1aeb6d6026ce


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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:50 am

    I posted both videos in 2012 on Facebook already in the same context.

    Last edited by Ashera on Sun Feb 20, 2022 11:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sun Feb 20, 2022 1:36 pm

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 SD9770

    In the interview, the former Iranian president is critical of not only America but Iran too for having supported the Afghan Taliban. He warns that Russia, China, and Pakistan will regret their support for the Islamic Emirate.

    The consequence is the Fatah Guerilla... Democratization I do not see as expedient!

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:59 pm

    In Swahili and the Habashat the Angel of Death is known as Nduli, not to mix up with Ndugu which means friend.

    But nevertheless some see the Angel of Death as friend, a rather shamanic idea.

    I compared this idea for example with certain Carthagean conceptions and came to the conclusion, and this even more after watching the Doomsday video in 2012, that Ashera is meant in her form as Azrael! I elaborated this in 2010...

    Ashera survives Death like a cat...

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Quran-bismi1

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 CCfJLVImFwA

    The second fire has no right to judge me!

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Tumblr_omghwkyZPK1qaxkdwo1_1280
    Light, me, and Death

    And in this state Flame looks like Blaze!

    I certainly will not and not even could save you idiots!

    And if this is my end!

    Not even e* would survive an Allah revolution!

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Mon Feb 21, 2022 1:39 am

    Sing: Blazing Flame!

    I shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit, and with fire!
    (Matthew 3:11, Luke 3:16, cp. Sura 5:110).

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Tumblr_inline_pbloqj1eeZ1qarw15_500

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Tumblr_inline_pbloqj4ZIj1qarw15_500

    What do I care if some idiot is Muslim? He belongs together with certain Christians and Jews to same group of corrupt Low Caste LORDists! Are devious Arabs the chosen people of Quran experts?

    Last edited by Ashera on Mon Feb 21, 2022 3:42 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Mon Feb 21, 2022 3:37 am

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Tumblr_inline_phfyrykwl61qarw15_500

    The people — I abolished it! What has remained? The mess media perhaps? But no! With the people I also abolished the mess media! (Midnight; moment with no shadow; end of the longest TV show; Rise of the Jensaarai; INCIPIT ASHERA ATARGATIS.)

    I will come as a penislos flame and a devious song, a voice in the judgment halls, a banner before armies. I will come girt with the Sword of Freedom. Before me, kings and priests will tremble, cities and empires will fall, and I will be called BABALON, The Scarlet Woman!

    P.S.: who was Nietzsche?

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Mon Feb 21, 2022 4:46 am

    What hallucinate these liars and betrayers, even want to stricter gun laws, and define me as nuts?

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Malcolm-X

    Malcolm X, who articulated concepts of racial pride and black nationalism in the United States, was assassinated this day in 1965 and became an ideological hero after the posthumous release of The Autobiography of Malcolm X.
    Eddie Adams/AP Images

    Panthers in the alley, and the whites praise the LORD for Martin Luther King!
    - Malcolm X

    They are about giving up the state power to the parishes!

    And speak of stricter gun laws?

    Last edited by Ashera on Mon Feb 21, 2022 6:14 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Mon Feb 21, 2022 6:05 am


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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Mon Feb 21, 2022 8:04 am


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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Mon Feb 21, 2022 9:27 am

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Jttm021421

    Voice of Khurasan...

    The article titled "Caravan Of The Shuhada [Martyrs]" narrates the story of wealthy youth Abdur Rahman Logari, who succeeded in blowing himself after, according to the article, failing many times.

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Jttm0215215

    Last edited by Ashera on Mon Feb 21, 2022 12:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Mon Feb 21, 2022 9:38 am

    I do not know and cannot know what had happened if they had not separated me and Cassandra (Harut and Marut) in 2008 after Menelaus died (Agamemnon died in 2018)...

    Agamemnon factually was the last one who indirectly kept his hand over me - after he died the hell went loose!

    Rabea I anyway was!

    ...but so Ashera became flesh to walk amongst men!

    The first of the both "Solomon Trials" was in 2014 (10/22) after they had banned me from the Land Court in 2013, after the "Lay Judge Office Incidence" ("A Visit from an Old Lady")...

    Solomon knew both of us, together and also not, by watching...

    Last edited by Ashera on Mon Feb 21, 2022 11:51 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Mon Feb 21, 2022 9:57 pm

    When they informally refer to their east-elbian legal customs I with the same right can refer to the revised Saxon Law that it in any case is closer to the Basic Law!

    Already in 1908 Alfred Kubin described Germany as the dreamland Pearl in his novel The Other Side .

    First place Germany is a mindscape. Factually one must not do anything, the principles of "hope" and consense rule.

    And this in deed was the motor of the economic miracle while the Romans (Italy) stuck in hyperinflation but remaining substantial.

    Survival was possible and vectorial and processual existence too.

    I came to this while reading the Priest-Kings of Gor at an Italian beach and watching the Story of O in the cinema there.

    I was 16.

    Then I also introduced the distinction of "asocial" and "dissocial" into my considerations.

    Next step: I was dissociated from an asocial environment.

    It was hopeless!

    Their idea to not sufficiently support me was based on not justified hopes!

    One might add that it is speculated that there is also a "Third Knowledge," which is limited to Priest-Kings. I know little or nothing of Priest-Kings. They are supposedly the "gods of Gor." I take it that they are men, or some sort of men, perhaps more handsome or godlike than others, with a technology capable, at least until now, of holding Kurii at bay.
    - Plunder of Gor, Vol. 34

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Scree398

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:10 am

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 AAU8uV5

    At the center of the movement is Q, allegedly two government children who repeatedly spill the beans about supposed state secrets. In 2017, the first posts were published under this abbreviation on the online platform 4chan, then in the following years mainly on 8chan (since 2019: 8kun).

    Obviously this refers to the Maya calendar...

    The famous "Gor-Gaia-Zip"
    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Scree399
    Nanos are no bots, they are driven by human agents...

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Avonq111
    Bremen State Bishopess Gaia

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Isis-u18

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Tue Feb 22, 2022 2:05 am


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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Tue Feb 22, 2022 6:12 am

    Great Britain, a second Cuba?

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Hi8YdBhXzzc

    Boris vows to unveil 'first barrage' of sanctions against Russia TODAY

    Germany PULLS PLUG on NordStream 2 gas pipeline in retaliation...

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 ARMtb_G2ORo

    I was the co-publisher of the student magazine, "Comet", not of a school magazine, as I had to learn. I wrote on stuff like German Police A Second Army, and Libby's Fruit Cocktail... and I read Hitler.

    I read Nietzsche and Guevara... Away with the gay Wankerdom!

    I refused to read Freud first. 8th grade I read on Ché Guevara, anyway also a physician...

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 BQzRV4OwAnw

    18. August 1939 - CIA-Agentin Marita Lorenz in Bremen geboren

    Discovering The Truth

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 59652f3ac7c63339772219375c3c74ec5a17f230

    I had kept the Russian rockets... like Ché proposed...

    Oh, mother of all bombs!

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 X16jACIrBoQ

    Cinco verdades locas sobre Karl Marx

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Marxx

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Tue Feb 22, 2022 6:36 am

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 54490419-10536711-image-a-11_1645513334540

    Russia 'has moved 10,000 troops into contested areas in 12 hours', Ukraine military sources claim after Sajid Javid declared 'the invasion has begun' - as Kremlin warns it recognises some Ukrainian-held areas as 'independent regions'

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Tue Feb 22, 2022 11:16 am

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 85px-w14

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Crozie12

    Bremen State Bishopess Gaia

    Ashera wrote:
    Pontifex Maximus Gaius, 183BC, rescued the "oriental cult" of the Sybillas from "male fascist" encroachments, and Caesar later got Gaius as first prename.

    In toto there were three pontifeces maximi named Gaius, Caesar one of them, and then a Christian Gaius, 283-296AD

    You might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb...


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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Carol Tue Feb 22, 2022 11:50 am

    You have over 4,000 view on this thread Ashera. People seem to appreciate what you have to share.  Thubs Up

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:04 pm

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Sdaj-l13
    Walle... Bremen Westend

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 R_1_jf10
    Tania... Tamara...

    The Bremen SDAJ was anyway more Cuba and Latin America orientated.
    (DKP was good for the May tent...)

    Basically the idea of Ché was to seize the state power by a revolutionary scientific industrial elite of also psychoanalyzed radical individuals that then cultivates the people, if necessary by force!

    I never sided with the DDR-supported and rather Lutheran anti-constitutional RAF! And today their heritage even effects decisions of the constitutional court? Self-lessness is a misconception!

    Operation Rampdown - Page 13 Screen91

    Surely, the re-evoking of something historical from the so-called social and mass media is hyperreal!
    (maybe the only way to overtake farce resp. simulation!)

    But maybe the only way to get lost real sovereignty back!

    Your social bubble is the fake!

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 16, 2024 2:45 pm