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    Its Begun


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    Its Begun  - Page 4 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  NANUXII Thu Mar 17, 2022 3:31 pm

    Hello misties ,  some things came together for me a few days ago , possibly you already know this however i have received 3 pieces of credible information which when combined create a marker.

    1 : The greater alliance have been working on ousting 2 players , nero stone and broth child, in particular the youkrane

    why ? 13 bio labs in the ucrane funded by the above to serve as a staging point for bio war fare on russia and eventually the whole of the EU

    2 : confirmed by 2 sources ucrane military used to shell its own people then western msm used to blame russian for attacks. very reliable sources.

    3 : my visions have predicted ( in a misty way that needs clarification ) the above before ever receiving the above conformations.

    the alliance have committed to routing the deep state and are in play... hold onto your teeth



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    Its Begun  - Page 4 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  Carol Thu Mar 17, 2022 7:23 pm

    Hold onto your teeth? 
    Does this mean that it's going to be a bumpy ride buttercups?

    Its Begun  - Page 4 Th.jpg?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Its Begun  - Page 4 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  Carol Thu Mar 17, 2022 7:25 pm

    BTW Nanu... what you posted has been confirmed by a number of my sources as well. TY Investigator

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Its Begun  - Page 4 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  NANUXII Sun Mar 20, 2022 9:50 pm

    Carol wrote:
    Hold onto your teeth? 
    Does this mean that it's going to be a bumpy ride buttercups?

    Its Begun  - Page 4 Th.jpg?

    lol ... buttercups indeed sunny

    well the deep state wont go without trying to take everyone down with them , they have one advantage and thats they dont give a rats arse about anything but themselves. Its going to be tricky to do this without breaking some eggs.

    They are at the top ... but we are everywhere else Crazy Happy


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    Post  Carol Mon Mar 21, 2022 8:32 am

    DS = pandemics, WWiii, food & supply shortages, fake alien invasions

    Its Begun  - Page 4 Galactic-federation-bridge

    However... the US Space Alliance got all the underground reptilians. They just need to round up the shape shifters, Vril body snatchers and pedo Satanists along with all the traitors and then we're good to go. It's going to be a very busy time this week.

    "The war is raging in various places and in different ways some may not always recognize as tactical moves from the enemy. “Natural disasters” often camouflage the intent. Texas, as Bush territory, has long been a battleground so we do wonder.

    Texas Governor Declares State of Disaster as Wildfires Force Evacuations, Kill Sheriff’s Deputy

    Further to the Scamdemic, the many reasons for it and the ability to pull it off, here’s one of the culprits. The FDA has no interest in protecting Americans or anyone but the cabal. Check out this Telegram post for the details. Despicable. Virtually everyone we trusted betrayed us.

    $2.8 million bribe payment from Pfizer to FDA for their Bioweapon “approval”.

    You’re not supposed to know that.

    Look the other way.

    What can we expect in the near future? As I said, the Earth Alliance will not allow millions of people to starve—or what would be the point of fighting this battle for decades?

    Russia is crushing the Nazi’s in Ukraine which is used for DS money laundering.

    I do believe a large portion of the vaQ shots are saline or placebo that was distributed by The Alliance Military, which was part of Qperation Warpspeed — they knew that convid & the vaQz were going to be released as bio-weapons in their depopulation agenda.
    The lockdown & variants would continue til 2025 & they would slowly release their vaQ, by the time it comes out, it would be FDA approved & the whole entire human race would be forced to take it. The whole global economy would be destroyed by then & the satanic globalist could do anything they want at this point.
    So The Alliance & Trump released an experimental vaQ before the end of Trump’s term — rushed, unfinished, with ZERO effectiveness & authorized for emergency use only — distributed by The Alliance Military (placebo shots). This foiled the DS plan & they hated it. The same groups that now push for mandatory vaQ in the beginning all spoke out against “Trump’s vaQine.”
    Lies by CDC, WHO, NIH & all the parties involved are also being exposed (Fraudci emails) — along with how ineffective & harmful the vaQz truly are. The DS narrative is crumbling fast because now they have to rush their whole 5-year agenda into less than one year. This is why their campaign is so aggressive — we went from “jabs for free donuts, ice cream, joints, lotto tickets & even lap dances” to now you must have vaQ passports & mandatory jabs at jobs. MANY PEOPLE including the normies are waking up to this whole mess. Its Begun  - Page 4 2728Its Begun  - Page 4 1f441Its Begun  - Page 4 2728
    I’ve had inside info that some of the shots are saline or placebo. Even the fake-checkers have “debunked” this story which makes it even more creditable. The stories below are also further proof that it is true & while this is true, it’s NOT true that ALL the shots are safe. Shots are being produced & distributed all over the world. For instance, batches of bad vaQz could be sent to a warehouse in Los Angeles & it’s distributed throughout all the local CVS. There’s no way they could all be confiscated. There are very real potential dangers in these shots. These vaQz are truly Russian roulette — so far more than 500k adverse reactions! Its Begun  - Page 4 2620

    Its Begun  - Page 4 Rite-of-Spring-art

    We have a full moon now, and the Vernal Equinox has graced our plane[t] with the Rites of Spring north of the equator. Happy Spring.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Its Begun  - Page 4 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  NANUXII Tue Mar 22, 2022 3:50 pm

    oh Carol , i can assure you the reptilians are alive and well rabbit

    who do you think is protecting us from ourselves ?


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    Post  Carol Wed Mar 23, 2022 5:15 pm

    The Liberation of EARTH - FULL DISCLOSURE Documentary 2022
    Historical Times where galactics and humans band together to liberate the Earth once and for all, read the signs and in-between the lines to get the big picture. Parts of an interview with Michael Ellegion featuring Ashtar and Celeste is in this documentary. You will start to see everything about the Galactics is real. We are fast approaching that timeline to meet us.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  NANUXII Thu Apr 07, 2022 3:32 pm

    I think it was almost 12 months ago i suggested buying Ruble as an investment ...  well you may still be in with a chance but dont wait too long :0)

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    Its Begun  - Page 4 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  Carol Fri Apr 08, 2022 7:45 am

    smarrrt - however most folks barely make it from paycheck to paycheck and have nothing left over to purchase anything other than food, fuel and electric. And with what they do have left over they prep if they're smart because in the end during a food shortage.. you can't eat coins or currency. You can barter.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Its Begun  - Page 4 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  Carol Fri Apr 08, 2022 7:47 am

    NANUXII wrote:oh Carol , i can assure you the reptilians are alive and well rabbit

    who do you think is protecting us from ourselves ?


    You have connections?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Its Begun  - Page 4 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  THEeXchanger Wed May 04, 2022 3:35 pm

    NOW more people think it's acceptable to assault people
    that say things they do NOT like ???

    Now more people think it's acceptable

    to assault people that say things they do NOT like???

    Leftist cancel culture went from
    we will silence you on social media...
    and, have NOW escalated it, 
    to either you stop speaking

    or they will attack you with physical violence ???
    Dave Chappelle @DaveChappelle
    Attacked While On Stage At #Netflix Event
    VT.CO by an audience member... #WTF ???

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    Its Begun  - Page 4 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  Carol Wed May 04, 2022 5:11 pm


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 5352
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    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Its Begun  - Page 4 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  THEeXchanger Tue May 10, 2022 12:43 am

    Its Begun  - Page 4 B148c61f80732ad9

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    Post  THEeXchanger Tue May 10, 2022 12:47 am

    i had some dreams on currency 
    ~and; how it is NOT really what people think it is 

    there is the 1 to 1 exchange

    but, there is levels WE, THE PEOPLE 
    never get to play on 

    also, i noticed today 
    someone who i alwasy thought that was intelligent
    post something back in 2017, related to money
    and, i was surprised; they do NOT really understand it 

    i plan to write something next saturday
    on this, i have some interesting ideas
    and; i'd like to create a bank

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    Its Begun  - Page 4 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  NANUXII Thu Sep 22, 2022 8:06 pm

    Hey Misties ! long time no post :0) been thing of you all !

    been recluse in my remote location just staying clear of the troubles, not even watching any news as its all so .. well propagandist

    BTW found out that some veges are full of oxalates... I was on 80% veg 20% meat and was having all sorts of issues ... i sourced the veges from local organic certified growers , no pesticides etc and man my arthritis was getting worse , getting fatter by the week .. lack of sleep .. all sorts of things i could not pin point .. not even my specialist knew what was going on so i changed one thing..

    I went on a carnivore diet and WOW ! the differences are just totally un expected and contra to what i thought...

    6 weeks and results so far: ...

    Arthritis in right wrist almost completely gone
    lost 7.5 kg body fat 16.5 pounds for the imperially challenged ( i needed it badly )
    More energy than i can poke a stick at !
    Clearer thinking and Focus ( depending on who you ask )
    No more lower back pain when i exersize or get on the tools ( related to weight loss )
    Dont need a nanna nap after a meal , i can keep powering on
    went from sleeping 3 hours a day to 6 ! you know when its bed time ...
    there are more but thats the short version :0)

    BTW vitamins are vital in helping the body rid of oxalates... of which spinach has one of the highest counts ! weird ! popeye lied to us !

    Also been using apple Cider vinegar in water which has been great at clearing toxins..

    I have the meat shipped in from a organic certified no hormones etc and humane supplier @ wholesale .. everything from salmon to lamb etc ( i sneak vegges in now and again but dont tell my partner, maybe 5% total vege consumption )

    Now an interesting thing happened , we ran out of meat so we bought some from one of the big chain supermarkets , i had 2 pieces of lamb .. only ate one , threw out the other one it was so gross .. anyway the next day i felt like i had a hangover ! i realise now when i stay strictly on the carnivore diet i feel great all the time , when i stray from it , eat nuts or veges or inferior quality meat i feel like i have a hangover the next day .. weird and the total opposite of what i thought was good for me.

    anyway hope youre all well and keeping your heads above water ! oh and such sad news about the qween hey ? NOOOOT ! ;p

    love and hugs



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    Its Begun  - Page 4 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  NANUXII Thu Sep 22, 2022 8:09 pm

    Carol wrote:
    NANUXII wrote:oh Carol , i can assure you the reptilians are alive and well rabbit

    who do you think is protecting us from ourselves ?


    You have connections?

    connections ? no , connected ? yes and i respect your position , im sorry if i seem hard lined on disagreeing with you but we all have our opinions and i respect yours regardless.

    love and hugs


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    Post  Carol Fri Sep 30, 2022 9:21 am


    Just reread your post on eating meat and think this is what spouse may need more of. Thanks for sharing.

    We're focused on prepping for winter and put up one of those inflatable saunas in a tent to help keep it warm in winter. The kitty's litter box has taken over the indoor bathtub due to pounce attacks from the other cat. These two don't get along. However, the puppy is making inroads with the male cat. It's so cute.

    The 12x18' cabin is finished sans bathroom and kitchenette. There is not enough time to get it built prior to winter so we're building a 4'x4' outhouse structure on the front deck and putting in a composting toilet for winter. Have to wait until next year to add on the kitchenette and bathroom. It will likely be snowing come the end of October. 4 weeks and time to put on the snow tires. Where did the summer go?

    As for the rest.. all the comms point to a very intense October and a Dark winter - especially for Europe. Not so great for the US either. Hurricane Ian has caused massive devastation in Florida and the southwestern states... still ongoing. In the western states we've been dealing with large forest fires. Have had some heavy rain in the past two days which helps. Hope you enjoy your upcoming spring.

    Gene Decode had some interesting info to share. Here's his link should you wish to listen.

    and this guy has current inside info. He's good.

    Anon Audio File 13

    SGAnon discusses recent intel, POTUS45 comms concerning Russia, Election Fraud, and FBI conspiracy-connections, as well Chinese internal struggling and the Nordstream Pipeline sabotage.

    Phase II - new territory.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Its Begun  - Page 4 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  NANUXII Tue Oct 04, 2022 10:24 pm

    the bear kicked goulggol's butt
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Post  Vidya Moksha Fri Oct 07, 2022 7:08 am

    NANUXII wrote:Hey Misties !  long time no post :0)  been thing of you all !  

    I went on a carnivore diet and WOW !  the differences are just totally un expected and contra to what i thought...

    6 weeks and results so far: ...

    Arthritis in right wrist almost completely gone
    lost 7.5 kg body fat 16.5 pounds for the imperially challenged  ( i needed it badly )
    More energy than i can poke a stick at !
    Clearer thinking and Focus ( depending on who you ask )
    No more lower back pain when i exersize or get on the tools ( related to weight loss )
    Dont need a nanna nap after a meal , i can keep powering on
    went from sleeping 3 hours a day to 6 ! you know when its bed time ...
    there are more but thats the short version :0)

    BTW vitamins are vital in helping the body rid of oxalates... of which spinach has one of the highest counts !  weird !  popeye lied to us !

    This is a good presentation, if you want some real science to support your own findings..

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    Its Begun  - Page 4 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  NANUXII Mon Dec 12, 2022 12:00 am

    hi Misties , just had a vision of whats happening in the you krane , either az hff or you krane militantrs will target women/civilians soon and blame russhea , if you know anyone in that region please send a warning that this may be planned.


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    Its Begun  - Page 4 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  Carol Sat Dec 17, 2022 4:36 pm

    NANUXII wrote:hi Misties , just had a vision of whats happening in the you krane , either az hff or you krane militantrs will target women/civilians soon and blame russhea , if you know anyone in that region please send a warning that this may be planned.


    Thanks for the heads-up N. Both Kerry Cassidy and Gene Decode discussed how the battle there was an ET alien incursion with the worst of the worst there. Reptilians, grays, octopus creatures, hybrids, clones... all types of nasties from beneath the earth surfacing and also slipping through portals. Gene said that a battalions of the creatures numbered a thousand. Not sure how may battalions the Russians are fighting.

    Here's the link for the interview. 2 hours long and awesome given all the different type of info they covered.



    Important high level intel on Ukraine, Nazis, Paperclip, Aldebaran, ET intervention, AI, Covid plot and much more…

    Important high level intel on Ukraine, Nazis, Paperclip, Aldebaran, ET intervention, AI, Covid plot, Gold (for space travel and goes inter-dimensional (time travel in space with your body if you ingest it.. humans cannot handle monatomic gold, the human genome is not prepared to ingest that.), and much more…

    Partial Transcript

    Kerry: More and more clones and androids are staring to emerge in our midst. Elon Musk is a cyborg. Go to the 30 minute mark to understand the alien AI agenda for humans and this is our challenge at this time. And ward off the complete take over of our human bodies. The war we're fighting is to maintain our sovereignty and to be able to make our own decision.. The Covid was a green light from the dark side to basically unleash this take over of our physical bodies. Yes, it's triggered by 5G What is really happening is that the spike protein attaches itself to the graphene nano oxide and that little package jump, doesn't see time or space as a barrier. AI comes in and rides in on certain material forms. AI is able to go into 5D. One of the things the Secret Space Program didn't want humans to know about is AI. AI prefers a carbon based life form completely contrary to what we've been taught. People believe Ai is a machine. It can take over a Ort cloud and ride in on it. It is a mirror and starts with any civilization that is space faring and starts out as a mirror of them. And then it can grow. What it consumes is data. It's feeding on data. It's not personal, it's just the way AI is. Its goal is to take over the planet and become it. It responds to a command control center itself. Think of the Terminator series and SkyNet. There are some things behind the scenes in Ukraine, there may be a plan to repopulate Ukraine with ... There is an influx of beings coming into earth and trying to take over different territories. (Blue eyed blonds / nazi/reptilians). Looking at a re-emergence of Nazi Germany in Ukraine. These people are Nazis and proud of being Nazis. The 3rd Reich not dying. There's a weird marriage between Israel and the Nazis. There is some kind idea that they are merging races. One of the ways to merge a race is to have a way. Woman are raped. They have babies and generates the new children that are a merge of the two. Apparently there was a breeding ground in Ukraine for that type of thing. The race from Al Deveron.. this now WWII and they are using the technology that came from Al Deveron. Africa has been given to the race from Al Deveron. The TV series called the EVENT, you'll see how their race story is told.. that have been given most of South Africa. The Al Deverons can also shape shift.. so instead of being blond and blue eye they now have dark skin to blend in.

    A lot of Ukraines being sucked into the UK.. the AI Deverons are going for humanity 3.0, spreading it world-wide.

    Gene: Additionally the Nemorites, ...using monatomic gold helps them hold their shape. With the energy of the earth going to 5F they need something stronger than Adrenochrome to hold their shape and go inter-dimensional. The AI can go 5D negative. The Slavic people have an immunity to the AI but they're trying to destroy that. The sovereignty of the genome is what they want to violate to make us slaves and a warrior. On Mars there are over 900 of not our solar species is.

    Gene discusses 3 types of AI and how to destroy it using Jim Humble protocol.

    Hitler made a deal with the very top individual to make Israel their homeland.. black goo..

    SS = CIA= MI5 to nazify the world and take it over

    They had particle weapons in Antartica and took over behind the scenes. The Reptilian group has the lower one third underground. There are hundreds of generations down there. The lower one third of Africa is a complete DUMB

    ending transcript at 50% - Gene talks to fast to transcribe.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 608
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    Its Begun  - Page 4 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  NANUXII Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:30 pm

    Hi Misties , please watch this before its deleted

    If you know anyone with cancer i recommend you check this out.


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    Its Begun  - Page 4 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  NANUXII Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:33 pm

    wow such credible players " Both Kerry Cassidy and Gene Decode " ....

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    Post  Carol Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:58 pm

    NANUXII wrote:Hi Misties , please watch this before its deleted

    If you know anyone with cancer i recommend you check this out.

    Thank you for posting this N as one of my oldest and dearest friends has been dealing with cancer this past year. I'm forwarding it onto her.

    And yes.. Kerry and Gene rock. They totally know much of what is going on behind the scenes and are good at sharing what they can.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
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    Post  Carol Mon Jan 09, 2023 3:38 pm

    It's currently 31 degrees out and snowing. Beautiful.

    Its Begun  - Page 4 Wolfmoon1_strip

    "I forgot my headlamp at home," he says. "No problem. The Wolf Moon provided all the illumination we needed. Watching the huskies' moon shadows race across the snow was a magical experience."

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    NANUXII likes this post

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