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    Its Begun

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Its Begun  - Page 3 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  Vidya Moksha Mon Nov 22, 2021 8:37 am

    Several years ago, I read that Oz would be the test ground for covid /NWO and from my own limited time (6 months) on the east coast I can see why they chose the place..  So best of luck down under NANU.

    Mid October I set myself to all the urgent tasks for the winter while the weather held out..That was until yesterday. I was working long hours all day, away from the computer and news for the most part, checking in for a short while...

    It was an opportunity for my thoughts / ideas to sink in and float around a bit. I see my life (and the world!) in a holding pattern. Something has to give, something has to break. It's us of them. There is no going back from this. So this is where my thoughts went. I am more or less where I want to be with my set up. It has been hard work but it has come 'easy'. I felt guided here and this notion has only strengthened over time.  

    On covid I arrived more or less at your scanner scenario, and think it will go much deeper.

    ...A while back I watched a video from the UK. An electronics engineer. They used the first covid lockdown to install '5G' towers. The installers were told never to open the boxes, just fit them. This guy was curious and opened one up, and on the motherboard was printed 'covid19' (or covid, this is from memory). I think this was debunked as false, and it may have been a prank, but it did make me think.. especially when:

    ... A report suggested 5G might not be as quick as we were led to believe. 4G speeds and 5G speeds were comparable. Certainly no upgrade was observed.

    ... I am back to believing Karen Kingstone, and the vax and boosters and a dosing experiment. Primarily about the graphene oxide after all... even though the rest of the vax will kill you (short or long term)..

    ..There was a video from a french scientist quite a long time ago. I can't remember when.. (I want to say 1980's but maybe later than this - but maybe 20 years or so ago??).. he was claiming they have found how to put electromagnetic conductors in the brain, and when a low frequency wave is sent the brain switched into zombie mode. Zombie as in violent, brain dead but still alive.. the guy said that is what happened in Rwanda.. the machete wielding tribes on violent rampage..
    (edit: It was a presentation in French, in 1995, but it was a Canadian scientist.. just saw this...

    ... there have been a ridiculous number of zombie movies put out by holywood in the last years...

    ... elon musk has been simultaneously installing skynet and warning us of skynet. '5G'.

    So in my world, I think the vaccine is all about mind control. I think the genocide bit is irrelevant. But real. Looks like the jesuits are involved? I know absolutely nothing about the jesuits, or even what they believe.. but they seem to be cropping up..

    I think they will switch on skynet. But maybe 5G is not real and is just a cover to transmit the frequency they want to interact with the vax ingredients. I guess the reaction in folk will depend on what frequency they sent out globally, folk will be zombies or dead. I am guessing from scenes from the original Wuhan (if real) there is also an option for a kill switch.

    Whichever way, we are witnessing genocide on a global scale. I am not too keen on the zombie future. That would be my least favourite route.

    I think the georgia guidestones are a decent guide to the size of population reduction they are looking to achieve.

    Digitizing everything and cashless worlds are a given, if they get their plan.

    I am still not sure which way it will go.

    We live in interesting times. Keep well.

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    Its Begun  - Page 3 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  NANUXII Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:23 pm

    Carol wrote:Thanks for the update and info NANU.. would you believe that AT&T just sent me a free Apple phone to replace my old model and informed me that they would turn it on in 30 days if I hadn't made the switch yet. Fortunately my phone service doesn't get a signal where we live. Guess we'll just have to keep it in a mylar bag to prevent nefarious murderous intent activations. Yikes!

    We've been spending most of our days working on the cabin. It got down to 17 degrees a few nights ago and warmed up to 19 degrees this morning. Our dog was so cold I had to wrap her in a fleece blanket. Right now all the animals are sleeping in front of the propane fireplace. Fortunately, last year, we purchase a new chair that has infra heat. Cosy.

    We did get prescriptions for Ivermectin and Zpacs that we keep on hand in addition to our HCQ and use the UV light on a regular basis in various rooms  to help keep the protein shedding down as our daughter was vaxxed.

    Nice thing about living in the woods surrounded by 100 foot tall pine trees is being outside is healing.

    I've been reading a number of military COMMs indicating that they are now active. These next few weeks should be a revelation for many. Supposedly all the militaries around the planet are initiating a coup against all their governments. It will be Marshall Law world-wide. The various governments will be replaced by a world-side Council which  the galactics are assisting with. They also helped in cleaning up the planet getting rid of the the nasties in the DUMBs. Numerous reports from a variety of trusted individuals are also reporting the nasties are gone. Hope this is true. Would be nice to see the planet liberated from the Satanic pedophile rule.

    Enjoy your Spring and summer. We have snow outside this morning. More on the way. At least the Winter Solstice is a month away when the days will start to lengthen. 4-5 months of snow before the green grass grows again. Sure glad we managed to get 4 cords of wood split and stacked to keep the cabin warm. It's all good. Cheers dear friend and please keep us updated.

    you may or may not have heard of this technique but when you go into the forest , approach a pine tree that " speaks to you " ask to connect with it , then when you feel the " yes " or it may sound like " yawwh " raise your finger tips to just barely touch the leaves , then vary breathing in from the feet and then from the finger tips. Allow a macrocosmic orbit recycle and feel where the out flow is in your body... ( will feel like a pulsing sensation , like a gentle heart beat of energy ) go deeply into this cycle for as long as you both enjoy the interaction...

    one of the most beautiful feelings ive discovered in my time, im sure most of the trees will be so happy to receive you :0)



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    Its Begun  - Page 3 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  NANUXII Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:13 pm

    Vidya Moksha wrote:Several years ago, I read that Oz would be the test ground for covid /NWO and from my own limited time (6 months) on the east coast I can see why they chose the place..  So best of luck down under NANU.

    Mid October I set myself to all the urgent tasks for the winter while the weather held out..That was until yesterday. I was working long hours all day, away from the computer and news for the most part, checking in for a short while...

    It was an opportunity for my thoughts / ideas to sink in and float around a bit. I see my life (and the world!) in a holding pattern. Something has to give, something has to break. It's us of them. There is no going back from this. So this is where my thoughts went. I am more or less where I want to be with my set up. It has been hard work but it has come 'easy'. I felt guided here and this notion has only strengthened over time.  

    On covid I arrived more or less at your scanner scenario, and think it will go much deeper.

    ...A while back I watched a video from the UK. An electronics engineer. They used the first covid lockdown to install '5G' towers. The installers were told never to open the boxes, just fit them. This guy was curious and opened one up, and on the motherboard was printed 'covid19' (or covid, this is from memory). I think this was debunked as false, and it may have been a prank, but it did make me think.. especially when:

    ... A report suggested 5G might not be as quick as we were led to believe. 4G speeds and 5G speeds were comparable. Certainly no upgrade was observed.

    ... I am back to believing Karen Kingstone, and the vax and boosters and a dosing experiment. Primarily about the graphene oxide after all... even though the rest of the vax will kill you (short or long term)..

    ..There was a video from a french scientist quite a long time ago. I can't remember when.. (I want to say 1980's but maybe later than this - but maybe 20 years or so ago??).. he was claiming they have found how to put electromagnetic conductors in the brain, and when a low frequency wave is sent the brain switched into zombie mode. Zombie as in violent, brain dead but still alive.. the guy said that is what happened in Rwanda.. the machete wielding tribes on violent rampage..
    (edit: It was a presentation in French, in 1995, but it was a Canadian scientist.. just saw this...

    ... there have been a ridiculous number of zombie movies put out by holywood in the last years...

    ... elon musk has been simultaneously installing skynet and warning us of skynet. '5G'.

    So in my world, I think the vaccine is all about mind control. I think the genocide bit is irrelevant. But real. Looks like the jesuits are involved? I know absolutely nothing about the jesuits, or even what they believe.. but they seem to be cropping up..

    I think they will switch on skynet. But maybe 5G is not real and is just a cover to transmit the frequency they want to interact with the vax ingredients. I guess the reaction in folk will depend on what frequency they sent out globally, folk will be zombies or dead. I am guessing from scenes from the original Wuhan (if real) there is also an option for a kill switch.

    Whichever way, we are witnessing genocide on a global scale. I am not too keen on the zombie future. That would be my least favourite route.

    I think the georgia guidestones are a decent guide to the size of population reduction they are looking to achieve.

    Digitizing everything and cashless worlds are a given, if they get their plan.

    I am still not sure which way it will go.

    We live in interesting times. Keep well.

    aaah Vidya , i love your brain xoxox

    100% on the fortress australia testing ground. obviously they use this country as it has no civil weaponry. has been happening for decades but the problem is australia is inhabited with some of the most abhorrent bunch of wingers on the planet. I bet they didnt see that coming when the imperialists colonised australia and killed off its indigenous people. Just to be clear " abhorrent wingers " are our strength and in some cases our weakness ...

    in my area ive seen 3 fully vaxxed elderly people , 2 of which i help with home tasks when called on recently go to hospital... all three got the jabs in the same week , all three developed complications within a fortnight of each other , all three fainted and taken to hospital with neurological problems.

    Re french scientist : yes the new wave of phones have chips that can operate close to or below 10 hz ... thats right in the sweet spot for the brain.

    I would recommend everyone building a passive Faraday cage system into their ceiling or attic, very easy to do , you can use small dia chicken / bird wire and just line the interior of your roof and staple the wire to your rafters with a 2 cm over lap with the strips. Ive done this over our bedroom and wow do i sleep like a baby ... even tho i despise sleep , such a boring human trait ... but yeah it works. My down stairs area is almost devoid of any reception , it is braced with 6 x 20 cm iron girders that go the entire length of the house ( some 25 meters ) and cross braced with 2 x 40 cm iron girders. The ceiling when finished will be lined with 22mm mdf with mylar backing and a 2 tier air gapped insulation. Over kill Nanoo ? Sheet Chair ! i love it ! woo hoo :0)

    100% on the skynet 5 g info. Actually Analog phone systems were the best in terms of coverage , 3.8 g the fastest , digital has its many benefits but not as robust as analog. Im still on 3g .. my partner however is glued to her 4 g i phone ... sigh ... nothing will budge her from it unfortunately .. but we have rules in place , no transceiver devices in the bedroom.

    Yes on the Georgia Guide stones , they are a manifest directive.

    all vaccines are impregnated/laced with heavy metals , not surprisingly, completely unnecessary to its primary function but absolutely necessary for their secondary function... as ive iterated in the past 2024 is when the nwo plan is to mature so you still got a good 12 to 16 months to prep. So any of you out there still thinking of doing something in preparation get your a into g ! sempre con rispetto !

    anyhoo ... must get on with my day , xbox is calling me ~ !

    love and hugs xoxoxo


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    Its Begun  - Page 3 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  NANUXII Thu Nov 25, 2021 5:30 pm


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    Post  NANUXII Sat Nov 27, 2021 3:27 pm

    Omicron !  bugger i was betting on Zeta ... should have known...  follow the greek alphabet Nanoo !

    what unfortunate timing !   ....  sorry convenient timing lol  

    Honestly what a brilliant marketing strategy ! hats off to the nwo.... ok lets get a bet going , can i get 2 to 6 odds on Sigma ? anyone ?

    pffft !

    N Crazy Happy

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    Post  NANUXII Mon Dec 20, 2021 2:30 pm

    Hello Misties , just checking in on youuu !

    Alls well here in oz ( well in my little bubble it is ) on the 15th of this month a lot of restrictions were lifted and wow could i feel the shift in energy ... its a bit of a curse sometimes being a sensitive ( cognitively speaking ) even in a remote location im still connected to all of you ..

    eeenyway ... found out the neighbors that went to hospital all had the same thing ... mild stroke ... happy to say the one ive been working with on her health etc is responding very well , she has healed at least 50 to 60% faster than the other two.

    also been watching the riots all over the world , and i sigh .. silly humans have you not learned anything ? where is your tactical thinking ? while marching is effective to a degree there is nothing more effective than hitting the source.

    engaging with police and government is useless .. especially police , they are just doing what they are ordered to do. government are way to slippery to get pinned by humans.

    so why not use these numbers for good ? hit them in the pocket ... who are the players ? moderna ? pfizer ? gates ? getting closer to the mark id say .. imagine how effective it would be to have a global union of resistors ... and their sole directive is to boycott the material products of the three entities mentioned above ? an on going campaign to stop sales of all their commercial interests.

    12 to 18 months and they will be decimated ! then the whole corona bs goes away because they cant monetize it ...

    so lest say 15% of the population is awake , motivated and united. Can you imagine the hit on sales that kind of reach would inflict ? youre talking 22 to 28 % drop in shares ! so the investors may or may not dump at that stage which in turn ( under the right conditions ) crash those companies.

    wanna talk about effective measures ?

    all it takes is one good idea ... and ideas are fee to whomever wants to run with it :0)

    N santa

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Post  Vidya Moksha Mon Dec 20, 2021 3:34 pm

    random internet stuff wrote:Astrazenecas top shareholder is T. Row Price Associates.
    T. Row Price Associates top shareholdings are Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, alphabet Google.

    Top 3 shareholders of T. Row Price Associates are Vanguard, Blackrock and Statestreet Corporation.
    Top institutional shareholder of Blackrock and Statestreet is Vanguard.

    Top 3 shareholders in Pfizer stock are Vanguard, Blackrock and Statestreet Corperation.

    Top 3 institutional investors in Google are Vanguard, Blackrock and T. Row Price Associates.

    Top 4 investors in Twitter are Morgan Stanley, Vanguard, Blackrock and Statestreet Corperation

    Top 5 shareholder's in Facebook are Mark Zuckerberg, Vanguard, Blackrock, FMR LCC and T. Row Price Associates.

    Top 3 shareholders of AT&T Inc who own Time Warner, HBO, CNN, Turner Broadcasting System and the Warner Bros. studio are Vanguard, Blackrock and Statestreet Corporation.

    Vanguard holds majority shares in the vaccines, Twitter, Facebook, Google, and many MSM outlets.

    I didnt fact check that, it is a cut and paste job, but it gives the idea. The money wheel is perceptual and huge. covid Testing testing testing, - pay everyone to test. Huge financial incentives. Huge numbers of false positive tests. Huge vaccine roll out. rinse and repeat.

    The psychological warfare and censorship are top notch too.

    their plan is working well.

    When the covid narrative fails it will switch back to carbon.. simple switch over.
    Its Begun  - Page 3 60477010

    the entire system is corrupt. All of it.

    To fight something is to give it energy. It feeds the monster.

    Time to step outside of the system and do your own thing.. or in community..

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    Post  NANUXII Tue Dec 21, 2021 10:35 am

    Carbon Nano Tech , this video tends to confirm the info i received about someone not being read by a scanner as not having been vaccinated.

    with this technology the phone plan as laid out in kingsman ( the movie ) is possible , the other kingsman movie shows a megalomaniac with vaccines. If you want to see how the nwo envisages this plan happening , those two movies spell it out.

    except for the part where someone swoops in and saves the earth... well im sure they will cover that angle somehow.

    how do you survive that ? get rid of your iphone , it will be the direct link to you and its discriminate in that it can target individuals and or entire countries. I did a conference call recently using my partners i phone and after an hour i was fried ! felt like rubbish for at lest 12 hours after.

    welcome to the false flag alien invasion ... its happening right now !



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    Post  NANUXII Tue Dec 21, 2021 10:43 am


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    Post  NANUXII Sun Dec 26, 2021 6:41 am

    ello Mistorellis !

    ive been poking around on a web site called " microtrends "  ive accessed a death rate chart which shows some very interesting historical trends.

    between 2004 and 2012 we see a flat line of deaths per capita @ - 1 %  2013 to 2018 increase to - 0.5%  whats interesting is that from 2018 to 2024 they project an increase into positive of .058% and project and increase again every 4 years ( thats a projected cycle ) im betting they are more projected numbers to shoot for as opposed to historical trends which is usually what they model these things on.

    fast forward to june 2033 the number is 0.73 jumping to .0.92 % in 6 months to 2034.  and their predictions stay in positive % up to the end of their table in 2100

    so its interesting at the level of technology between 2004 and 2012 we have better heath practices than into the projected future where you would imagine medicine gets better ... but the UN are predicting it to get worse ...

    very interesting.

    Ive also accessed cancer trends globally and at the two extremes we see Australia leading the world in highest rates of cancer and the middle east being the lowest even tho the middle east boasts the highest consumption of tobacco and sugars. Why is that ?   why does the population of the middle east have the lowest rates of cancer world wide while consuming 2 of the most cancer promoting ( apparently ) consumables ?

    The answer is for 1 month of the year they Fast !    you can check out his video on the tube , its called Why the middle east has the lowest rates of cancer , Dr Eric Berg.  He goes right into the science of how fasting drastically reduces cancer.

    Im doing a fasting diet at the moment ( have been for a few months now ) and the results are puzzling. I have lost weight even tho i still eat the same amount , my skin is better , i have more energy than i know what to do with and plenty more benefits. A strange one happened tho that i wasnt expecting...  all the things that i liked to consume ( that are not healthy ) i have become disinterested in. I just dont crave them like i used to in fact no matter how much my friends and family try to make me eat them .. i say no , i dont even get tempted ... like ice cream or cakes ... cant stand the sight of them. Also interesting is Alcohol .. i used to like a glass of wine a day with dinner ... now i may drink 2 glasses a week !

    So if you are looking for a universal way of getting healthier, Fasting is by far the best ... and its so cheap to do , anyone can afford to do it cos it costs nothing !  

    its free to all ! how good is that !?

    I can attest to Dr Eric Berg's efficacy as a doctor , everything ive looked up for my self and others has shown positive results. So whatever you have going on with your health type it into the tube followed by his name and you will have at least 2 to 3 videos on how to fix it.

    Regardless of nwo trends and narratives which are largely out of our control , the most beneficial thing is to boost your health.

    anyhoo , I hope you are yours are well , stay positive , stay healthy and be nice to others ( if you can )

    Hugs & Love



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    Post  NANUXII Sun Dec 26, 2021 7:34 am

    Water Filtering , ive been using a filter called " Zero Water " and im going to review it here and give some insight into best water practices ( according to my research )

    Ok so tap water generally speaking has what is called Total Dissolved Solids in it ( abbreviated to TDS )

    our tap water has a number of 110 ppm ( parts per million ) after i filter it through the Zero Water unit it goes down to 0.00 ppm

    One thing to note is that Zero TDS is not necessarily healthy ( confused ? bear with me ) We get a lot of our minerals from water ( well we should at least ) and they come up as TDS when you test the water. The problem is we dont know what sort of TDS' are in the water ... they could be healthy minerals or they could be fluoride and lead or other heavy metals ... When you use a Zero Water filter you strip all the good and the bad out of the water which then gives you what i call a " Starting Point "

    What is important to do after that is re mineralise the water with natural sea salt which typically has about 90 different minerals. The brand we use is called " Salt Of the Earth " link here

    So after the water is filtered i pour a large glass and then put half a level teaspoon of this salt into the glass , stir it up and drink that first thing on an empty stomach. The effect is noticeable and fairly quick. Brain function is heightened and all organs feel nourished.

    Having a healthy balanced electrolyte is sooo important for your health.

    Ill report on the longer term effects of this process ( as ive only started 2 weeks ago ) but so far i feel really good over all so thats a good sign.

    In addition because we cant tell what the TDS comprises of its best to strip the water of all contaminants and start over with minerals you KNOW are good for you. Now im predicting a possible negative from this for some because i remember when i first started filtering my water some 12 years ago i didnt re mineralise it ... but i did notice i got a bit sick at first ... this was my body dumping and cleaning out stores of negative heavy metals and i was doing a huge health kick ... whenever you decide to get healthy all of a sudden its possible you may get worse before you get better. Thats normal so dont let it deter you .. So for those that wish to do this sort of thing remember to re mineralise your water after its filtered.

    You can go one step further and boil the water before filtering ( allow it to cool fully before filtering )

    So step by step guide

    Boil Water and Cool

    Filter it

    Re Mineralise it

    Drink it , use it in your cooking , wash your veges with it , caveat : you dont need to re mineralise if you intend to wash with it.

    heres a better review with some scientific methods of comparison. Note the tester has an even better brand of filter they recommend which i have not used so i can only attest to the Zero Water brand.


    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Its Begun  - Page 3 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  Vidya Moksha Sun Dec 26, 2021 8:47 am

    Short term fasting is fine. Longer term I mix a bottle of water, add lemon juice and cayenne pepper and real maple syrup. This mix I drink when I need some energy or want to get warm. Biggest single issue with fasting is lack of thermogenesis.. it get's cold !

    I am 20 years or so ahead of the game with water filtration.  Pretty much along your lines though.. if you only have access to rainwater then it is even more important to remove the particulates. My solution to re-mineralise was either salt or granite dust. I would take granite rock dust / fragments and put them in a rot proof bag and simply suspend the bag in the filtered water. Both methods equally good.

    I have spring water now. I just filter it through ceramic before I drink it.

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    Post  NANUXII Mon Jan 10, 2022 4:07 pm

    Since ive been fasting ive found it to be the new way ill live, Intermittent fasting has changed so much for me , my health etc and now that im used to it i wont be going back to 3 meals a day ... 1 or 2 is more than enough for me i find.

    mind you i have a healthy fat store so that may change when i get back to my ideal weight.

    Re new variants , what im seeing is MSM reporting night sweats as a symptom .. this is silly , sweats are a function of the body trying to kill the virus so if you have sweats have a big bowl of chilli thai soup , get under a blanket and heat up to help the body kill the virus.  Also MSM reporting sneezing as a " side effect "  this is also silly .. sneezing is a normal bodily function to release toxins / virus etc from the body , so if you have the sneezes cover your mouth with a tissue and have at it !  

    What i find sad is how the MSM twist info , the above symptoms are and have been normal reactions to viruses for thousands of years .. come on humans dont you know that already ?!  

    on a side note my partner and i have started discussion on selling up and moving to another country. Its a possible 2 year plan that may or may not happen but we want to have freedom and if that means moving to somewhere even more remote then we feel it could be an adventure worth embarking on.

    I also had an idea i wanted to put to you an idea that could be a huge benefit for all.  I call it the $20 dollar idea !   the challenge is this , with $20 challenge your self to invest it so that you get a $24 return. The idea must be scalable. If you can turn $20 into $24 thats a 20% return which will put you into financial sustainability.

    for eg. I make sharpening stones for knives for fun and i give them as gifts to friends and family...  but ive relaised for the people i gave them to is they get asked " where can i get one !? "  

    It costs me around $5 to make one , mounting sand stone flagging on a sanded piece of wood , varnished with rubber feet. I could easily sell one for around $12 or more .. thats a profit of over 60% !   this is a really simple idea that most of you can do , and its fun to make them.

    My partner is making scented candles atm and she is thinking of selling them at the markets once she gets them right.

    So challenge your self as it will force you to be resourceful and that will be invaluable for you in the next few years.

    anyways , i hope you are all ok



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    Post  NANUXII Mon Jan 10, 2022 4:19 pm

    I posted a while back re a vision i had regarding secret military operations in northern eu ... i think this may be it.

    whats the real reason for this happening ....



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    Post  Ashera Mon Jan 10, 2022 8:51 pm

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    Post  Carol Wed Jan 12, 2022 1:50 pm

    NANUXII wrote:Since ive been fasting ive found it to be the new way ill live, Intermittent fasting has changed so much for me , my health etc and now that im used to it i wont be going back to 3 meals a day ... 1 or 2 is more than enough for me i find.

    mind you i have a healthy fat store so that may change when i get back to my ideal weight.

    Re new variants , what im seeing is MSM reporting night sweats as a symptom .. this is silly , sweats are a function of the body trying to kill the virus so if you have sweats have a big bowl of chilli thai soup , get under a blanket and heat up to help the body kill the virus.  Also MSM reporting sneezing as a " side effect "  this is also silly .. sneezing is a normal bodily function to release toxins / virus etc from the body , so if you have the sneezes cover your mouth with a tissue and have at it !  

    What i find sad is how the MSM twist info , the above symptoms are and have been normal reactions to viruses for thousands of years .. come on humans dont you know that already ?!  
    anyways , i hope you are all ok



    Not so okay these past 2 weeks. 10 minutes in the supermarket to pick up some produce for Christmas dinner and caught a bug. Must have picked up something from the shopping cart handle. 3 days later, the day after Christmas, the headache, sore throat and then cough started (no body aches or fever). Started immediately with aspirin (for headache and sore throat) and Ivermectin (perscription) on the 2nd day. Z pac on the 3rd day given what was happening with the cough. Also kept up with vitamin load plus zinc. Lots of different teas. Meanwhile, New Year's Day it was -19 degrees out. Lots of snow. Beautiful but cold.

    headache, sore throat - 4 days
    cough - 6 days (started Z-pac on day 2 as it was headed into lungs)
    sneezing - 2 days
    sinus phlegm - almost over (Day 18)

    In the midst of not feeling well we took our 14 year old dog in for teeth cleaning and some teeth to be pulled. She had an abscess that went septic developing into congestive heart failure. So sad. It was heart breaking holding her while she was struggling to breath. I felt so helpless. Tomorrow, our 14 year old siamese cat goes in for her dental work as she too needs a tooth pulled and her teeth cleaned. Scary, given what happened to our little dog last week.

    We got both of them within a week of each other when they were about 6 weeks old.. Both babies, so they've been pals this whole time working in tandem getting into trouble. The cat would often push food off the counter for the dog. And the dog would protect her (barking) at the large male cat who would harass her.

    It feels so strange not to have my shadow around wherever I am. It's been a difficult week being both sick and losing her. I've felt her presence about a few times, so that does help.

    My mom's dog, when she died, did haunt the ranch house for years. People saw her. So did her dead cat, scaring people when it cried and jumped onto the bed when they were asleep at night. That was a bit unsettling for the guests.

    Things are changing. Change is in the air.

    So you're thinking of re-locating? Hmm? Tropics? Beach? Dessert? Mountains? Lots of choices to choose from. However, away from the coast line and higher elevations are safer when it comes to earth changes.

    We've been so fortunate to have lived in different areas that others would consider paradise. Yosemite, Hawaiian Islands, and Wallowa Mountain Forest. Rural is best in a small close knit community. When things go wrong there is always a neighbor ready to pitch in and help out.  

    There are only about 4-5 thousand people living in our county of 4,000 sq miles. River, creeks, lake, hunting, fishing... an ideal location for us as we prefer a rural lifestyle. And our neighbor has chickens so we get fresh eggs. Hope you find something/somewhere that will make you happy sooner than later.

    Hugs back at you N. flower

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 4201
    Join date : 2011-03-16
    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    Its Begun  - Page 3 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  Ashera Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:34 pm

    I have nothing to add!

    Its Begun  - Page 3 Non_se13

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    Its Begun  - Page 3 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  NANUXII Sat Jan 15, 2022 3:56 am

    Ashera wrote:I have nothing to add!

    and my crown is closed to you ...


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    Location : Antares

    Its Begun  - Page 3 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  NANUXII Sat Jan 15, 2022 4:01 am

    Carol wrote:
    NANUXII wrote:Since ive been fasting ive found it to be the new way ill live, Intermittent fasting has changed so much for me , my health etc and now that im used to it i wont be going back to 3 meals a day ... 1 or 2 is more than enough for me i find.

    mind you i have a healthy fat store so that may change when i get back to my ideal weight.

    Re new variants , what im seeing is MSM reporting night sweats as a symptom .. this is silly , sweats are a function of the body trying to kill the virus so if you have sweats have a big bowl of chilli thai soup , get under a blanket and heat up to help the body kill the virus.  Also MSM reporting sneezing as a " side effect "  this is also silly .. sneezing is a normal bodily function to release toxins / virus etc from the body , so if you have the sneezes cover your mouth with a tissue and have at it !  

    What i find sad is how the MSM twist info , the above symptoms are and have been normal reactions to viruses for thousands of years .. come on humans dont you know that already ?!  
    anyways , i hope you are all ok



    Not so okay these past 2 weeks. 10 minutes in the supermarket to pick up some produce for Christmas dinner and caught a bug. Must have picked up something from the shopping cart handle. 3 days later, the day after Christmas, the headache, sore throat and then cough started (no body aches or fever). Started immediately with aspirin (for headache and sore throat) and Ivermectin (perscription) on the 2nd day. Z pac on the 3rd day given what was happening with the cough. Also kept up with vitamin load plus zinc. Lots of different teas. Meanwhile, New Year's Day it was -19 degrees out. Lots of snow. Beautiful but cold.

    headache, sore throat - 4 days
    cough - 6 days (started Z-pac on day 2 as it was headed into lungs)
    sneezing - 2 days
    sinus phlegm - almost over (Day 18)

    In the midst of not feeling well we took our 14 year old dog in for teeth cleaning and some teeth to be pulled. She had an abscess that went septic developing into congestive heart failure. So sad. It was heart breaking holding her while she was struggling to breath. I felt so helpless. Tomorrow, our 14 year old siamese cat goes in for her dental work as she too needs a tooth pulled and her teeth cleaned. Scary, given what happened to our little dog last week.

    We got both of them within a week of each other when they were about 6 weeks old.. Both babies, so they've been pals this whole time working in tandem getting into trouble. The cat would often push food off the counter for the dog. And the dog would protect her (barking) at the large male cat who would harass her.

    It feels so strange not to have my shadow around wherever I am. It's been a difficult week being both sick and losing her. I've felt her presence about a few times, so that does help.

    My mom's dog, when she died, did haunt the ranch house for years. People saw her. So did her dead cat, scaring people when it cried and jumped onto the bed when they were asleep at night. That was a bit unsettling for the guests.

    Things are changing. Change is in the air.

    So you're thinking of re-locating? Hmm? Tropics? Beach? Dessert? Mountains? Lots of choices to choose from. However, away from the coast line and higher elevations are safer when it comes to earth changes.

    We've been so fortunate to have lived in different areas that others would consider paradise. Yosemite, Hawaiian Islands, and Wallowa Mountain Forest. Rural is best in a small close knit community. When things go wrong there is always a neighbor ready to pitch in and help out.  

    There are only about 4-5 thousand people living in our county of 4,000 sq miles. River, creeks, lake, hunting, fishing... an ideal location for us as we prefer a rural lifestyle. And our neighbor has chickens so we get fresh eggs. Hope you find something/somewhere that will make you happy sooner than later.

    Hugs back at you N. flower

    Vitamin D and mineral bath.

    iposomal D is best when you have no sun

    so sorry to hear about your pup .. i send her hugs from earth to puppy cloud heaven :0)

    dont worry she will be waiting for you when you cross over Hadriel

    I know


    Posts : 608
    Join date : 2015-04-30
    Location : Antares

    Its Begun  - Page 3 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  NANUXII Sat Jan 15, 2022 4:02 am


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    Its Begun  - Page 3 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  Carol Mon Jan 17, 2022 1:19 pm

    NANUXII wrote:
    Carol wrote:
    NANUXII wrote:Since ive been fasting ive found it to be the new way ill live, Intermittent fasting has changed so much for me , my health etc and now that im used to it i wont be going back to 3 meals a day ... 1 or 2 is more than enough for me i find.

    mind you i have a healthy fat store so that may change when i get back to my ideal weight.

    Re new variants , what im seeing is MSM reporting night sweats as a symptom .. this is silly , sweats are a function of the body trying to kill the virus so if you have sweats have a big bowl of chilli thai soup , get under a blanket and heat up to help the body kill the virus.  Also MSM reporting sneezing as a " side effect "  this is also silly .. sneezing is a normal bodily function to release toxins / virus etc from the body , so if you have the sneezes cover your mouth with a tissue and have at it !  

    What i find sad is how the MSM twist info , the above symptoms are and have been normal reactions to viruses for thousands of years .. come on humans dont you know that already ?!  
    anyways , i hope you are all ok



    Not so okay these past 2 weeks. 10 minutes in the supermarket to pick up some produce for Christmas dinner and caught a bug. Must have picked up something from the shopping cart handle. 3 days later, the day after Christmas, the headache, sore throat and then cough started (no body aches or fever). Started immediately with aspirin (for headache and sore throat) and Ivermectin (perscription) on the 2nd day. Z pac on the 3rd day given what was happening with the cough. Also kept up with vitamin load plus zinc. Lots of different teas. Meanwhile, New Year's Day it was -19 degrees out. Lots of snow. Beautiful but cold.

    headache, sore throat - 4 days
    cough - 6 days (started Z-pac on day 2 as it was headed into lungs)
    sneezing - 2 days
    sinus phlegm - almost over (Day 18)

    In the midst of not feeling well we took our 14 year old dog in for teeth cleaning and some teeth to be pulled. She had an abscess that went septic developing into congestive heart failure. So sad. It was heart breaking holding her while she was struggling to breath. I felt so helpless. Tomorrow, our 14 year old siamese cat goes in for her dental work as she too needs a tooth pulled and her teeth cleaned. Scary, given what happened to our little dog last week.

    We got both of them within a week of each other when they were about 6 weeks old.. Both babies, so they've been pals this whole time working in tandem getting into trouble. The cat would often push food off the counter for the dog. And the dog would protect her (barking) at the large male cat who would harass her.

    It feels so strange not to have my shadow around wherever I am. It's been a difficult week being both sick and losing her. I've felt her presence about a few times, so that does help.

    My mom's dog, when she died, did haunt the ranch house for years. People saw her. So did her dead cat, scaring people when it cried and jumped onto the bed when they were asleep at night. That was a bit unsettling for the guests.

    Things are changing. Change is in the air.

    So you're thinking of re-locating? Hmm? Tropics? Beach? Dessert? Mountains? Lots of choices to choose from. However, away from the coast line and higher elevations are safer when it comes to earth changes.

    We've been so fortunate to have lived in different areas that others would consider paradise. Yosemite, Hawaiian Islands, and Wallowa Mountain Forest. Rural is best in a small close knit community. When things go wrong there is always a neighbor ready to pitch in and help out.  

    There are only about 4-5 thousand people living in our county of 4,000 sq miles. River, creeks, lake, hunting, fishing... an ideal location for us as we prefer a rural lifestyle. And our neighbor has chickens so we get fresh eggs. Hope you find something/somewhere that will make you happy sooner than later.

    Hugs back at you N. flower

    Vitamin D and mineral bath.

    iposomal D is best when you have no sun

    so sorry to hear about your pup .. i send her hugs from earth to puppy cloud heaven :0)

    dont worry she will be waiting for you when you cross over Hadriel

    I know


    Thank you for the tip regarding iposomal D. Had been taking Vitamin D with K. Didn't know about iposomal D.

    I do feel my pups presence at different times. So she is likely still around. And I've been looking at different dog breed puppy pictures. So cute. Not sure when we'll be ready for another dog. And training a pup with snow outside isn't as easy as when it's melted.

    Have you thought about where you'd like to relocate to yet? The looking and researching locations is part of the adventure. Vidya was looking for someone like-minded.. in Europe. Personally, I think our location is one of the safest areas on the planet but we have snow at least 5 months of the year. Which having lived in the tropics makes us appreciate it here. There we had to work on a daily basis keeping the jungle grass cut, other wise it would grow 7 feet and higher... here, no yard work half the year. Being here surrounded by 100 foot tall pine trees does have its advantages.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 608
    Join date : 2015-04-30
    Location : Antares

    Its Begun  - Page 3 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  NANUXII Wed Jan 19, 2022 4:38 pm

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Location : on the road again :)

    Its Begun  - Page 3 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  Vidya Moksha Tue Feb 01, 2022 2:45 pm


    here we go folks...

    coming to a country near you, soon.

    Digital ID, ID 2020...

    it is being introduced in Oz, unless the bill is stopped.

    Posts : 23261
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    Its Begun  - Page 3 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  mudra Tue Feb 01, 2022 3:38 pm

    Vidya Moksha wrote:grim.

    here we go folks...

    coming to a country near you, soon.

    Digital ID, ID 2020...

    it is being introduced in Oz, unless the bill is stopped.

    No one wants any of this either.
    People won't take it.
    100 % world protesters are standing their ground for freedom and liberty.
    0 % counter protesters.
    The blinders are falling down.
    The tide is turning


    Posts : 608
    Join date : 2015-04-30
    Location : Antares

    Its Begun  - Page 3 Empty Re: Its Begun

    Post  NANUXII Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:14 pm

    hello misties

    had another vision yesterday :

    Business men and women surrounding a rotating diorama of a major city , then a lady politician was talking and a huge red and white dragon came across and swallowed her up.

    She looked like hillary ( judging from the real estate attire )

    someone/thing was trying to block this vision from me... but i got it anyway ;P

    hope youre all well



      Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 1:34 am