Geological Ethnocentrism
3 posters
The Tarot Guild
Ashera- Posts : 4201
Join date : 2011-03-16
Location : Atargatis Atreides
- Post n°51
Re: The Tarot Guild
Anaxagoras Clazomenius called it "Perumchirese", "around motion". The explanation is of alchymical nature: from the element water air and spirit derive, and this causes a certain suction, as if water would be vacuumed from a bucket with a hose. But probably the whole thing resembles rather a torus. In a certain perspective even the the globosity of earth is doubtful. Plate, globe, torus? It depends on the context.
Geological Ethnocentrism
Geological Ethnocentrism
Ashera- Posts : 4201
Join date : 2011-03-16
Location : Atargatis Atreides
- Post n°52
Re: The Tarot Guild
The Quilphots... a primitive magic of the nave aisle. Factually a tree has no wrong side, rather a weather side, possibly. It is LORDist thinking, and typical black magic of Babylonian provenience - the Black Peter...
Finally only the fly swatter does help, if all legal means are exhausted and the flatworms, ticks and gadflies, do not give in... Down with Lord Fly-beel!
They never understood this: I am the offspring of the Isais root of David, and Ashera and Lucifa!
I know that an ash tree stands
Called Yggrdasil³
A high tree
Soaked with shining loam
From there the dews come
That fall to the valley
Forever green it rejuvinates itself
Above Urt‘s well of fate
3 The tree of the world, in the Nordic tradition called Yggdrasil = Ygg's Horse, and Yggr is one of
Odin's names. It also can mean "Horse of Fright" = gallows. Also in Arabic lore this motif
appears, the horse is named Barrack. Also interesting to consider Tarot here, Atu "The Hanged",
to be understood as part of an initiation. Odin was seen as hanging from a tree uttering the Runic
Radical Völuspá, Copyright by Alienne Laval, August 2020
The Quilphots are buckets with s**t, all that what is not understood, misunderstood, misdefined or deviated.
Ashera- Posts : 4201
Join date : 2011-03-16
Location : Atargatis Atreides
- Post n°55
Re: The Tarot Guild
They deluded themselves because they wanted to be fooled.*
Aurelia Octavia
* "Come, Therese, come," he said, "let's conclude all this with a little scene of funambulism: it'll be cut-the-cord, dear girl." (This game, described above, was in great use amongst the Celts from whom we are descended (see Monsieur Peloutier's ‘Histoire du Celts’); virtually all these extravagances of debauchery, these extraordinary libertine passions some part of which are described in this book and which, - how ridiculously! today awaken the law's attention, were, in days bygone, either our ancestors' sports, games far superior to our contemporary amusement, or legalized customs, or again, religious ceremonies; currently, they are transformed into crimes. In how many pious rituals did not the pagans employ flagellation!)
Ashera- Posts : 4201
Join date : 2011-03-16
Location : Atargatis Atreides
- Post n°57
Re: The Tarot Guild
Even if the A∴A∴ - Aster Argos - Order of the Silver Star (AAOSS) has the grades Magister and Magistra Templi, there is no female representation for "Magus". The representation would be the "Magistra" as High Priestess... and this a dangerous passage point on the way to gain the grade of Iusaseet.
Ashera- Posts : 4201
Join date : 2011-03-16
Location : Atargatis Atreides
- Post n°61
Re: The Tarot Guild
The mirroring of all and everything lacks any empirical basis. Finally it is about hierarchization, and not about scapegoating and sacrifice. In any case I do not care if someone plays this role for social reasons but refuse any projections! This Stupid Man of Setzuan!
Over many years Alienne and Cassandra tried to rescue Jesus Paris, alone it was useless!
Cherubim Machine Portal
Final Fantasies
Final Fantasies
Ashera- Posts : 4201
Join date : 2011-03-16
Location : Atargatis Atreides
- Post n°62
Re: The Tarot Guild
Beach Bar Herbalista
The Obstacle
Matrix Revelations
The Obstacle
Matrix Revelations
Hipócrates, Galeno, Avicena e uma infinidade de outros médicos, também pertencentes à antiguidade, à Idade Média ou à Renascença, empregavam a cicuta como medicamento de uso interno para resolver tumores, para cólicas de toda espécie e para acalmar os ardores da matriz.
Também nossos avós se serviam muito, para estes casos e como tônico em geral, de uma quintessência de celidônia, de melissa, de valeriana, de betônia, de açafrão e de aloés.
- Paracelsus
Ashera- Posts : 4201
Join date : 2011-03-16
Location : Atargatis Atreides
- Post n°63
Re: The Tarot Guild
In Ruins... and I spoke of Runes. Surely even deviant interpretations/definitions are effective - and thus valid semioses. Read Yuri Lotman, "On the Semiosphere". I did not beg them to keep me out of academic activities, it obviously were democratic decisions...
Ashera- Posts : 4201
Join date : 2011-03-16
Location : Atargatis Atreides
- Post n°65
Re: The Tarot Guild
The Evil Hag
But I hope that I know finally finished this Germaniac conservator in the name of the "we"-people! Legal means did not help. And this I interpreted as declaration of war.
Great-German Social Lutherism always means corruption and zealous black pedagogics for fictive aims without any traceable cultural roots.
They even tried to destroy my internet history but overlooked my PayPal account that exists since 2008, linked to both of my real names, also to Alienne Laval (by ordering an Alienne Laval Ebay Credit Card I even provoked Credit Reform [Commerzbank]).
Now PayPal mailed that there is credit. But my PayPal was linked to my old bank account that the conservator destroyed.
Btw.: Yahoo now crapped my mail history at 2008. I use the alienne_v Yahoo Mail so since 2003.
Ashera- Posts : 4201
Join date : 2011-03-16
Location : Atargatis Atreides
- Post n°66
Re: The Tarot Guild
Gewoba, Bremen - The Tower
Already in 2008 they tried to mess my things up, but since 2013 they became increasingly brutal. This was the year I was removed from the Job Center and Gewoba agents went to the District Court and tried to get me under public caring the first time. And in 2019 secure ward as some kind of attempted civil law coercive detention.
And I still repeat it, even louder: nazi methods!
They are like brake pads or lead balls!
Ashera- Posts : 4201
Join date : 2011-03-16
Location : Atargatis Atreides
- Post n°68
Re: The Tarot Guild
Holy Books I need (and used)
The Holy Quran
The Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
The Third Millennium Bible (TMB)
The King James Bible (KJV)
The Elbersfelder Bible (ELB)
The Books of the Maccabees (BOM)
The Book of Lies (LOL)
The Tasfir Ibn Kathir (TIK)
The Völuspá (VOL)*
The Foreign Vocabulary of the Quran (VOC)
*Völuspá I did myself now
Ashera- Posts : 4201
Join date : 2011-03-16
Location : Atargatis Atreides
- Post n°69
Re: The Tarot Guild
Elizabeth Warren wants to be Joe Biden's Treasury secretary and will make her case for it if he wins next week, according to three Democratic officials who have spoken with her inner circle.
Happy little children... (this populist reproduction rage will kill the planet; and a media oceania dune agenda to cover the plot)
It seems that the ancient treason of the Atheneans will repeat when they stole the state coffer from the island of Delos...
Ashera- Posts : 4201
Join date : 2011-03-16
Location : Atargatis Atreides
- Post n°70
Re: The Tarot Guild
Mr. Twitter
...a pic says more than thousands words... and soon we all will run around with choppers again...
No, Facebook & Co do not suppress free speech as long as their own is meant...
The Social Media Super-Ego
Ashera- Posts : 4201
Join date : 2011-03-16
Location : Atargatis Atreides
- Post n°71
Re: The Tarot Guild
Sausage Magic...
Qatar condemned for "disturbing" exams of women passengers after newborn baby found abandoned at airport...
US officials have been open to selling the F-35 to the United Arab Emirates after it and Bahrain normalized relations with Israel on Sept. 15. But they have been tight-lipped on Qatar’s bid to buy the jet. only can roast them!
Qatar condemned for "disturbing" exams of women passengers after newborn baby found abandoned at airport... if this was the reason!
US officials have been open to selling the F-35 to the United Arab Emirates after it and Bahrain normalized relations with Israel on Sept. 15. But they have been tight-lipped on Qatar’s bid to buy the jet.