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    The Tarot Guild


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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Fri Dec 11, 2020 12:50 am

    I do not see it as proven that Islam played no role in the Saxon wars, this is the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation vs the Saxon League of Nations...

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Screen45

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Crossd10

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Skull_10
    my skull tattoo in SL Gor...

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Fri Dec 11, 2020 5:19 am

    Factually all this was not against Rome as such, and Saxonia had been self-declared and informally Roman Province S.P.Q.R 12-9BC. It was against the stupid August, the Imperator in Rome, Kaiser and Son of God, and his heirs, and this also meant King Karl Charlemagne and his Christiandom! Some historians even speak of a "civil war".

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Rome2_11

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Roman_14
    ...a lightweight wreath

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Mon Dec 21, 2020 10:42 am

    Ashera wrote:
    The Age of the Hydrocephalies!

    The true ILu-minati stages (ages) of development -

    Verwirrung or Chaos
    Zwietracht or Discord
    Unordnung or Confusion
    Beamtenherrschaft or Bureaucracy
    Dummheit or Ignorance (Aftermath, Grummet)

    ...surely could Gaia arise from Chaos but this is not sure... we reached the Age of Ignorance...


    Editorial Note: The Atus of Thoth
    Liber AL, cap. I, v. 57 includes the statement: “All these old letters of my Book are aright: but x is not
    the Star. This also is secret: my prophet shall reveal it to the wise.” In Crowley’s ‘New Comment’
    on this verse, he observes:
    I see no harm in revealing the mystery of Tzaddi to ‘the wise’; others will hardly
    understand my explanations. Tzaddi is the letter of The Emperor, the Trump IV,
    and He* is the Star, the Trump XVII. Aquarius and Aries are therefore counterchanged,
    revolving on the pivot of Pisces, just as, in the Trumps VIII and XI,
    Leo and Libra do about Virgo. This last revelation makes our Tarot attributions
    sublimely, perfectly, flawlessly symmetrical. The fact of its so doing is a most
    convincing proof of the superhuman Wisdom of the author of this Book to those
    who have laboured for years, in vain, to elucidate the problems of the Tarot.

    - Liber 777

    * the "He" here is the second "He" of the Tetragramaton... the (virgin) maiden, not the mother

    Ashera wrote:
    Christiandom is Coercion!

    Without any substantial basis (The World as Idea; Schopenhauer) they demand the reality of their fixed ideas and thus use their holidays to practice black mass magic (the idea of the critical mass; mass effect)! These hog priests of Satan, their democratic parish madness, and higher law! Away with that crap! Everything they turn upside down until total chaos rules!

    Last edited by Ashera on Mon Dec 21, 2020 4:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:02 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Screen21
    At the Kataii Wagon Camp, me with Phil and his girl (shot early in 2009 earth time, with an XP Medion Laptop and speedstick...)

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Mon Dec 21, 2020 4:00 pm

    Ashera wrote:LORDism and/or Christiandom (Aquarius, Pisques) function in no way as stargate, they only trigger Sirius.

    To him unknowingly then Crowley's Liber Thoth interpretation clearly hints at Sura 53:49 that I quoted sometimes (esoterically/exoterically):

    Allah is the Rabbi of Ashera, and that is He who is Lord of Sirius!

    Lord = ruler etc. (also Atu III, the Empress). The He here has a double-meaning.

    "Facies non omnibus una, nec diversa tamen, qualem decet esse sororum" (Ovid)

    Prima inter Pares

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Blue_f10
    blue for Club P@yenne

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Bunny_10

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Tue Dec 22, 2020 1:04 pm

    My idea Facebook, and a few years later Twitter too, never got. I was about developing personalities (and threir avatars) in the "second indicative mood" from their very soul potential, understood as a process of sign locality and inviduation, circumventing the socialized ego. Facebook tried it exactly the other way round.

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Snapsh64
    22 Dec 2020 earth time, early in the morning, Shot with an HP laptop, Vega and Nvidia graphics, and a speedstick)

    Nevertheless the social media developed to some kind of interface, so I used my 2007 registered SL name (Bremen Administration Court 2012). Others of us did similar things, using different ways, or at least using their avatar names as Facebook names. I surely was not the only who was banned from Facebook. I did not even lie when I developed my name Alienne Laval in SL from Alienne V, both with real familiar background. Others may have experienced the same.

    Factually we felt attacked by Facebook, not only by banning us, but also by being invaded by Facebook users. The effect were wars, "symbolically" fought in Gor.

    Arthur Machen
    The Bowmen

    The Saxon League of Nations

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Thu Dec 24, 2020 6:17 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Screen57

    Dr.h.c. Hase Caesar

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Alienn12

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Hare_c11

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Gorean17


    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Screen58

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Screen59

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Thu Dec 24, 2020 10:08 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Iron_a10

    I need no batteries or such, and no solar or so, this watch winds itself up by arm movements.
    Rather steampunk, totally mechanical.
    Not absurd in Gorean context.
    It is a few less precise long term. This sometimes also is interesting.
    Long term the date is not reliabe anymore (it departs from 31 days).
    I anyway correct it by my Green Caste calculator time.
    The wrist watch of a time traveller.

    Last edited by Ashera on Fri Dec 25, 2020 8:24 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Fri Dec 25, 2020 6:29 am

    Ashera wrote:What do I care I Jupiter, what do I care Saturn? These cosmic buggers... Who is the Ganymed of who? Did Caesar ever himself assume that he was Jupiter? Or Satan?

    Your spá is wrong because it does not meet the substance. The only thing you cause is a parallel world ruled by eigendynamic shadows (fx. Kaiser Augustus, the Son of God). Enough with that sticked on schizophrenia!

    I do not doubt that my body is partly of demiurgic matter but what drives me, the innermost force, is my fire from within*. And I snapped my body away, with the help of Allah, and ice.

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Fire_a10

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Vril212

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Vril-l10

    I am völva vala
    knowing well my spá
    For future use afar!

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Volva10

    22 June 2013 (Facebook Year in Review 2013)
    Scientifically seen Charles S. Peirce was the first who noticed a connection between weather phenomena and the arousal states of the "collective psyche", while working as meteorologist. He was logician and measurement egineer... but, at the end of the 19th century it was not possible to discuss such matters scientifically without getting straight jacked... until the end of the 20th century not much had changed, and even anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss, who saw the connection too, left it at hints.

    (Mechanism ruled and still rules; and this is the idea of "objective space" at any layer of existence. I do not say that it sometimes is not useful but it truly explains nothing )

    * One must carefully distinguish this from inflammation or fever. The creative fire is no disease, and really understood and differentiated, can even fight fever. I had no secondary infection but was infected as a "test"... I was anyway "hot" ("shamanic heat", vala). Without the fire from within you hardly will survive the procedure, and this includes all "social diagnostics". I am not initiate, but I am initiated.

    Last edited by Ashera on Fri Dec 25, 2020 11:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Fri Dec 25, 2020 7:21 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Screen23

    What way is left if certain Blue and Green Castes collaborate? Reaching for state power and to rally to the Red Caste.


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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Fri Dec 25, 2020 8:36 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Four_s10

    It is Arizona...
    (Ne Cola in Angola?)

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Cartha10

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Fri Dec 25, 2020 8:56 am

    The City of Corcyrus resembles a few a Carthage that had arranged with Rome (Imperial Ar) in time. Ninive and Babylon anyway did not exist anymore at this time. Alexandria and Carthage dominated the region, intellectually.

    Ashera was an import from the Levante, maybe Tyros, but this did not say "not Egyptian". But for sure, a true Ashera Cult developed at Carthage, and from there probably was exported to the region of Corycus and Antiochia. To me not plausible that the origin was Greek, even if Ashera was adopted, because not added to the pantheon, badly fought by the kin and followers of Apollo. And this made it to easy to Allah to present her as human (jinnie?) in the Quran.

    22 October 362 the Apollo temple at Antiochia was "detonated" after Jesus increasingly had merged with Apollo, and god the father, with Zeus (Jupiter). This was a long term effect of missionizing, started by Apostle Paul, at Antiochia called Hermes - Mercury (urging to be Aphrodite). This clearly codified an attack at Venus, this is Ashera.
    ( )

    And thus dared also to ignite the later Islam...

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Alienn18

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 10034810

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Delos_10
    (maybe the attitude contributed a lot to the later witch huntings...)

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Kirchd10
    It is State Power
    surely Marx cannot keep his mouth shut...
    They had to proof that I lie,
    and this they cannot. And why not?
    Because I tell the truth.

    Last edited by Ashera on Sat Dec 26, 2020 2:56 am; edited 5 times in total

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Fri Dec 25, 2020 12:44 pm

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Cartha10
    Carthage, some surely never saw the daylight again... it was not a "harmless" place...
    ...a human life had not much value, medicine was not far developed, rather magic...
    one heavy injury and you were litter.
    Carthage had no huge idea of law, it was rather about privileges,
    not only to trade, but also the privilege to administer justice.
    Without privilege you could claim nothing, and if you were a slave.
    (Baudrillard said: "Forget Foucault!" Aye... the imprisonment and hospitalization of humans,
    the universe as bediam and working camp,
    seems to follow cyclic patterns
    and is not limited to "modern" time.
    And again it is axe time, sword time, shield time...)

    Last edited by Ashera on Sat Dec 26, 2020 5:50 am; edited 8 times in total

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sat Dec 26, 2020 2:19 am

    When they realized that they cannot get me anymore because I was right, seen from a constitutional state law position (by both, university and administration), they tried it with civil law. Their idea was to put me under their control with any means, if needed by force, cheating, secure ward, and coercion.

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Merry_10

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sat Dec 26, 2020 3:26 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Orteli11

    This is Daphne as seen by the Blue Caste and Cartographer Ortelius in the 16th century. Daphne was the legendary successor of Antiochia, still not found at all, even if according to Ortelius still existed 1600AD. Central is a European style mosque (Islam was at all not oriental originally, Assyria neither, and for long the region belonged to Rome...), the temple of Apollo (the church) at the rim (maybe also lurking...). This is plausible, following the Antiochia pattern. and I do not think that Ortelius lied (and he lacked archeological knowledge). Around the mosque (temple of light) was the market place (cp. Market/s of Semris, Dominion of Corcyrus; the building in front maybe the university, with herbarium).

    What does it mean, Anthropology? My premise was Islamic Science since I became Magistra.

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sat Dec 26, 2020 8:39 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 5
    (it is not forbidden to dress as Santa Claus, but if you do so you are a suspect)

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 6

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 B4tes910

    That Antiochia/Daphne welcomed Islam must not wonder. After being Arian Christian for long, and Gnostic, Islam was the ultima ratio. Additionally a huge problem could not be stopped anymore alone, the ecstatic self-castration of men, inter alia in the succession of Apostle Paul. It is a false idea that Islam developed in linear succession from Christianity as the chronologically youngest of the Abrahamite religions. In Antiochia for example Islam sprang directly from a Paganism and Judaisim that had accepted the Gospel.

    13 August 2013 (Facebook Year in Review 2013)
    Ashera - Flame of Allah

    sūrat l-zukh'ruf (The Gold Adornment) (43:19) And they have made the angels, who are servants of the Most Merciful, females. Did they witness their creation? Their testimony will be recorded, and they will be questioned.

    Ayse had the entire file.
    Günter Gobrecht signed that.

    Last edited by Ashera on Sat Dec 26, 2020 11:35 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sat Dec 26, 2020 11:05 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 7

    The Resurrection of
    Eve, the most elegantly arty
    (and frequently revived) porn epic to date? One
    reel too late, Frank is aghast by Eve's suddenly
    awakened passions, especially for
    black young males with jumbo-sized prongs, "The way it
    used to be..." he starts to
    complain. And she tells him all, everything, what's
    really coming down, the straight
    scoop from Evolutionary Central, in just three little
    words: "It's over Frank." As the film
    freezes porn has at last achieved a typical European
    static-ambiguity ending (right out
    of Polanski's Knife in the Water, in fact).
    And Marilyn-Eve, fresh from her baptismal cleansing in
    99 and 44/100th pure Ivory, a
    true witch-initiate, spells out the next evolutionary
    mutation. The "search for the
    apocalyptical orgasm" has triumphed ^× the search which
    Mailer alone in "The White
    Negro" (1958) had defined as the vector of the Hip
    Revolution, before anybody else
    realized there was a Hip Revolution. Sexual Armageddon
    has arrived.

    - Timothy Leary, Neuropolitics

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Gatewa10
    Needle's Eye
    The North-West Passage

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sun Dec 27, 2020 3:12 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Snapsh72

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sun Dec 27, 2020 6:09 am

    Ashera wrote:The mark of Cain? You wear the mark of Paul!

    Drive control until the seam bursts?

    No... it is transcendence.

    I mastered this all my life.

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Ferrar13

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Purple10
    (the only impression of my pistol you ever will have is the muzzle fire, anything else are reflections of an unknown something)

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sun Dec 27, 2020 6:50 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Huntre10
    (whispers: Allah is the Rabbi of Ashera, and that is He who is the Lord of Sirius!)

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Mon Dec 28, 2020 5:45 pm

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Snapsh73

    I did nothing, it is the creative fire from within (Allah as RA-IL). And I refuse to get judged by the second fire of the demiurge and his shadow cabinet. Already the first trial against me was embarassing and a shame! A feeble-minded Dvarga King Solomon (also as Hitler satirism?) was presented as the social non plus ultra in the name of the LORD - Satan and his Asmodeus (cp. Sura 2:102)!

    Gor is not a sect, it is lifestyle, Priest-Kings and Kurii to and fro, who are possibly symbolic representations. The main deity, common to all, factually is the Central Fire, Lar-Torvis - and the seed is central, its shadow-free unfolding by this inner fire and humidity. Therefore the main holiday is Sa-Tarna (Thanksgiving). Something of the original light (cp. Sura 24:35) is in everything that sprang from the primordial seed (Candlemas).

    Northern Exposure? I would not mind that... (I anyway miss the smell of tree resin).

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Tue Dec 29, 2020 4:21 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 GettyImages-1211621202-1600

    Am I a rightist because I wished Israel as Jewish Nation State, no discrimination intended? The socialists want to occupy Temple Mount Zion, to make believe that they are the Light of the World and the angels were the zombies!

    I am convinced that my letter to the German Interior Ministry, that is known to the State of Israel, contributed a lot to heat this discussion up once more.

    In both cases I complain that Basic Rights are not respected!


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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Tue Dec 29, 2020 6:43 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Landse10

    All the mess started with a guy at high school that we called Kotzeck or Bubu. It was proven that he could not roll his tongue, and this hinted at certain innate defects. And he had no taste for phenylanaline.

    Impaired Cognition!

    He was extremely right wing but nevertheless somehow classified as handicapped - he later was socially privileged in getting jobs.

    The social justice policy of the do-gooders that put the cart before the horse produced the same effects as the nazis before: idiocracy and levelling!

    Last edited by Ashera on Tue Dec 29, 2020 10:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:28 pm

    The Obstacle

    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Img_0015

    The Wall

    In former times there were two sandpits, one at each side of the wall. I was so 2 years old and adults assumed that I had thrown a rock from the side you see at this pic over the wall and hit another child with it...

    Realize: in the sandpit were no rocks, and I played with sand to watch it sparkling in the sunlight. Further: I never could really throw, and was a clear zero in sports. Then... I was two years old... Maybe that I watched out the eye winkle that a rock was thrown from the footpath?

    With this all the accusations and blamings started, and I was forced to grow up like a boy!

    Why should I forget and forgive this primordial treason? And they never stopped, even recently topped it! Who is the people? A cover-up organization and scapegoat producer in the name of some LORD?

    That I had incited the people is plain absurdity! Wasn't it the other way round? It was a witch hunt!

    Last edited by Ashera on Tue Dec 29, 2020 10:42 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 6 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Tue Dec 29, 2020 10:10 pm

    Blinded by the Light...

    ...and full of projections!

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 1:39 am