One of my dearest friends is one that I would consider to be a bit naive on things. I don't push too hard with her on issues that may be a little over the edge.
She works at a local hospital. We were having a social drink the other day.
She blew me away, when we were talking about this virus going around, and she said "the girls at work think this is all a conspiracy"!!!
Whoa! I still didn't open up the flood gates but I encouraged her to keep looking and thinking that way.
Sanicle wrote:That was a great interview Seashore. Thanks for posting a link to it. Checking out his website now.
You're welcome. Thanks for the appreciation, because I often get sarcastic feedback on forums when I post his work.
As a Montauk Project survivor, he went to prison for awhile under suspicious circumstances, as I recall, and some people automatically assume he's a criminal.
I think his heart is in the right place; he definitely has inside knowledge, and the fact that he speaks so many languages is an advantage.
He was the one who taught me that ETs are real. I believe him when he says he's seen them. I also learned about trauma based mind control from him. I've read four of his books—Blue Blood, True Blood, Montauk: The Alien Connection, 13-Cubed, and Stewart Says....
I love the main thrust of his message: Humanity needs to get over our victim mentality.
>Irregular warfare is far more varied than conventional conflict: hence the importance of an intellectual framework that is coherent enough to provide guidance, and flexible enough to adapt to circumstances.
>American counter-insurgency practice rests on a number of assumptions: that the decisive effort is rarely military (although security is the essential prerequisite for success); that our efforts must be directed to the creation of local and national governmental structures that will serve their populations, and, over time, replace the efforts of foreign partners; that superior knowledge, and in particular, understanding of the ‘human terrain’ is essential; and that we must have the patience to persevere in what will necessarily prove long struggles.
>Insurgency, however, can and will flourish in the modern environment. The strains created by globalization, by the collapse of weak state structures, by demographic, environmental, and economic pressures, by the ease of cooperation among insurgent groups and criminals, and by the appearance of destructive radical ideologies, all augur a period in which free and moderate governance is at risk.
[Insurgency is the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify or challenge political control of a region. As such, it is primarily a political struggle, in which both sides use armed force to create space for their political, economic and influence activities to be effective.
Insurgency is not always conducted by a single group with a centralized, military-style command structure, but may involve a complex matrix of different actors with various aims, loosely connected in dynamic and non-hierarchical networks. To be successful, insurgencies require charismatic leadership, supporters, recruits, supplies, safe havens and funding (often from illicit activities).
They only need the active support of a few enabling individuals, but the passive acquiescence of a large proportion of the contested population will give a higher probability of success. This is best achieved when the political cause of the insurgency has strong appeal, manipulating religious, tribal or local identity to exploit common societal grievances or needs.
Insurgents seek to gain control of populations through a combination of persuasion, subversion and coercion while using guerrilla tactics to offset the strengths of government security forces.
Their intent is usually to protract the struggle, exhaust the government and win sufficient popular support to force capitulation or political accommodation. Consequently, insurgencies evolve through a series of stages, though the progression and outcome will be different in almost every case.] Q
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
orthodoxymoron wrote:Seven or eight years ago, I posted a video of Joel Osteen which seemed to reveal shapeshifting or a hologram-glitch (but I can't find it now). Years ago, Sherry Shriner spoke of high-profile individuals having clones (and not just body-doubles) and being replaced, with who knows who animating the clone?! I wish I'd never listened to Sherry Shriner, regardless of whether her information was on-target or not. I indirectly used the concepts in my religious and political science-fiction (even though I never marketed any of it). Following her death or disappearance, a lot of what she claimed seems to be gaining credibility. Most of her older shows won't play anymore (by accident or design). A couple of weeks ago, I watched a video which seemed to show a hologram glitch of the Pope in the famous window. I just watched a video of a possible Boris Johnson hologram failure. What Would David Icke Say?! But really, I just consider all this madness in a science-fictional manner, without making a big deal about it. I'll probably delete this post in an hour or two. I'm doing that a lot lately, as I try to stop posting. BTW, try being more positive, Carol!! Just Kidding!!
Hey, cool videos Oxy. I decided to copy them in the quote to give everyone a chance to see them in case you do take them down, haha.
Sanicle, the Joel Osteen video was creepy, and that was 7-8 years ago. It was him preaching about getting out of the boat, but I can't find it. He (or it) looked reptilian, but it might've just been a video issue. I asked for expert guidance, but nobody responded, and I know those who monitor this site knew. I'm sick and tired of the surveillance state of the world, even though I suspect it's ancient. My computer fan is revving like a Formula One Ferrari, and I think I know why. That last USSS page is a wild one!! I'm on the verge of becoming an extreme hermit and introvert. BTW, did you ever see the 1993 Australian movie The Nostradamus Kid?? A year or two ago, I commented (here) that the Australian 'Luke Ford' would be a great subject for a remake of that movie, and then I met a famous Australian actress (Margot Robbie) a couple of weeks later, but as far as I know, nothing resulted from my bright-idea.
I have been thinking about why POTUS would be say such strange things. Of course we know that it something that one shouldn't do and and we know the reaction of everyone and MSM and how they jumped all over him.
Lately I have tried to make fit things that Trump does as a white hat and how things might all be fitting together.
So think about it this way, are the same people that are mocking him now, the same people that are pushing and wanting a vaccine?
From what we have found out about the vaccines, they may be worse than injecting disinfectant!!!!
Did he do this on purpose to lay the seed?
He definately could not come out and tell everyone to avoid taking the vaccine!!!!!
Food for thought. We are not here to conform to the sheep mentality.
I have been thinking about why POTUS would be say such strange things. Of course we know that it something that one shouldn't do and and we know the reaction of everyone and MSM and how they jumped all over him.
Lately I have tried to make fit things that Trump does as a white hat and how things might all be fitting together.
So think about it this way, are the same people that are mocking him now, the same people that are pushing and wanting a vaccine?
From what we have found out about the vaccines, they may be worse than injecting disinfectant!!!!
Did he do this on purpose to lay the seed?
He definately could not come out and tell everyone to avoid taking the vaccine!!!!!
Food for thought. We are not here to conform to the sheep mentality.
Yes, this was my thought as well. The fact that he specifically suggested 'injecting' disinfectant made me immediately think of vaccines. And in fact there ARE ingredients in disinfectant that are also used in vaccines. One of them is Thimerisol. I believe there are others as well, though I've not gone digging down that rabbit hole.
Well with an IQ of 157 it's apparent that the President is bloody brilliant and has a knack for getting info into US citizens by both the front and back door.
In addition, the best bit about Stewart Swerdlow's interview video is when he said that Trump was recruited by Q, which - along with deep Military Intelligence, included one or two aliens (physical form) and ET (inter-dimensional being). (He said the team is made up of 6 deep military intelligence and 3 alien/ET.) Their goal is to take out the Deep State world-wide and given the different types of technology they have including Looking Glass and AI, it would appear they plan to win.
Tim Young @TimRunsHisMouth Here's a mashup of Nancy Pelosi responding to a question about Tara Reade compared to how she handled Christine Blasey Ford.
You'll know which ones are which. Q
Apr 30 2020 16:24:26 (EST) NEW EWzLVwRX0AIW1Tu.jpg
Apr 30 2020 16:04:19 (EST) NEW Was the DNC was hacked by Russia? CIA [BRENNAN] FORCE? Seth Rich internal DL hand-to-hand pass USA? Crowdstrike code insert? If FBI [CHAIN OF COMMAND] was corrupt what other investigations were corrupted? WHO DID THEY PROVIDE COVER FOR? HOW FAR BACK DID IT GO? Q >>8976611 Error 'was' x2. On the move. Q
Apr 30 2020 16:04:19 (EST) NEW Was the DNC was hacked by Russia? CIA [BRENNAN] FORCE? Seth Rich internal DL hand-to-hand pass USA? Crowdstrike code insert?
If FBI [CHAIN OF COMMAND] was corrupt what other investigations were corrupted?
Apr 30 2020 15:51:59 (EST) NEW ClipboardImage.png
Head of House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff Demands Google-YouTube-Twitter Step Up their ‘Authoritative’ Censorship and Silencing
On Thursday Rep. Adam Schiff, the most dishonest and compulsive liar in Congress, sent a letter to the CEOs of Google, YouTube and Twitter to urge them to use their “authoritative” powers to censor and silence voices during the coronavirus pandemic.
Last week YouTube CEO told CNN the company would silence anyone who strayed from official WHO policy. Google is cool with that.
In fact, the company is very proud of her censorship.
Remember this in November. Democrats support this and want MORE censorship and silencing.
Schiff sent these letters off to Google, YouTube and Twitter.
COVID-19 concern or strategic for last minute change? Change of Batter coming? (Biden exchanged for HRC?) Why was she 'saved' from officially announcing? Why was she 'reserved' for a last minute change? How do you attempt to 'sneak one in'?
How do you attempt to ensure victory?
Adopt National Vote-by-Mail?
How do you convince American it was legitimate? Release fake polls indicating favorable leads in swing states?
How do you harm opponents accomplishments re: economy, unemployment, ……………….? How do you terminate opponents highly effective rallies?
How do you shelter [D] lead candidate from embarrassing debates and/or rallies?
How do you shelter [D] corruption re: FISA-RUSSIA-FLYNN-etc. from reaching the mainstream? How do you extend the trade negotiation deadline w/ CHINA? How do you limit [test] Constitutional rights of people?
How do you provide cover for State Govs to adopt new voter laws?
How do you effectively control the population?
How do you expand big tech overreach re: tracing / privacy issues? How do you fix [taxpayer bailout?] the long-broken economies of CA & NY? How do you enrich select people/co's by promoting a solution to a global crisis? How do you keep people living in fear and isolation in order to accept the above? Define 'insurgency'.
How do you accomplish all of the above? Q
Apr 30 2020 15:26:00 (EST) NEW EWzFXZ7WAAALsfL.png
Used as a political tool to attack the other side [weaponized]? Where are the pink hats? When you are awake you are able to see clearly. Q
Apr 30 2020 15:14:12 (EST) NEW EW4IfYzVcAAZ4D4.jpg
When this is finished a much bigger graphic will be needed. MUCH BIGGER! BIGGEST POLITICAL SCANDAL IN AMERICAN HISTORY. Q
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, in accordance with Public Law 87–20, as amended, do hereby proclaim May 1, 2020, as Law Day, U.S.A. I urge all Americans, including government officials, to observe this day by reflecting upon the importance of the rule of law in our Nation and displaying the flag of the United States in support of this national observance; and I especially urge the legal profession, the press, and the radio, television, and media industries to promote and to participate in the observance of this day. Q
Last edited by Carol on Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Before his meeting on the Covid-19 crisis with New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, Trump engaged in a Twitter blitz about Flynn, the FBI and its former director James Comey.
"DIRTY COP JAMES COMEY GOT CAUGHT!" Trump said in another post.
Maybe May 1 st is significant for Comey and others being arrested.
Biden's sexual assault allegations hitting MSM also.
Biden also said that he would refuse to allow a search of his senatorial papers at the University of Delaware for records pertaining to Tara Reade, which are not public.
"The material in the University of Delaware has no personnel files ... but it does have a lot of confidential conversations," with other officials, like the president, Biden said.
When he was pushed to approve a search for just Reade's name rather than a full search of the records, Biden responded with silence for several moments before asking, "Who does that search?"
Biden's sexual assault allegations hitting MSM also.
Biden also said that he would refuse to allow a search of his senatorial papers at the University of Delaware for records pertaining to Tara Reade, which are not public.
"The material in the University of Delaware has no personnel files ... but it does have a lot of confidential conversations," with other officials, like the president, Biden said.
When he was pushed to approve a search for just Reade's name rather than a full search of the records, Biden responded with silence for several moments before asking, "Who does that search?"
Now Biden is claiming that he's innocent and didn't do it. His Secret Service staff from when he was VP reported that he was worse the Harvey Weinstein. Of course he did it and much more. Can't stomach DemonRAT republican woman endorsing this creepazoid. You know he's just a place holder until they get who they really want to run for Prez. Even HRC stated that she was waiting to step in.
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Carol wrote: You know he's just a place holder until they get who they really want to run for Prez. Even HRC stated that she was waiting to step in.
I thought the plan would be to rig the election and his running mate would be made president when they get rid of him.. or doesnt it work like that? Only way clinton will be president?
MARK LEVIN:What the hell's happening? Now we've backed the Muslim Brotherhood? And then of course, our dear friend Michele Bachmann and Louie Gohmert and three other brave members of the House of Representatives asked questions about the Muslim Brotherhood's infiltration of our own government and they're treated like pariahs. Well, the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our government, it's called Barack Obama. No, he's not a formal member, he's a sympathizer.
Apr 30 2020 17:59:59 (EST) NEW Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. A deeply entrenched enemy who controls the vast majority of communications is only defeated by………. Game theory. Q
Some things are better left untold [cov]. Public truths of some events force wars. WWIII prevent. Hello, Feinstein. Q >>8978368 MATTERS OF NATIONAL SECURITY. Q
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Is This The End Of The Deep-State-Sponsored "Anything Goes, Nothing Matters" Culture? Authored by James Howard Kunstler via,
Slouching Towards Resolution
The people of this land have enough trouble in mind - what with livelihoods, careers, businesses, marriages, hopes and dreams circling the drain in the new insta-depression - but let’s hope they have just a little attention left over for the whirlwind denouement of the odious RussiaGate affair, now finally shredding the last defenses of the Deep State’s rogue Intel forces after years of deceit, treachery, and juridical depravity. The beginning of the end is at hand in the malicious prosecution of General Michael Flynn, and, as that’s revealed for the criminal plot it was, all the other threads in this vast tapestry of sedition will unravel.
Why does that even matter anymore, you may wonder?
Because so many of our current troubles are mostly due to the culture of pervasive dishonesty America retreated into to avoid the mandates and rigors of reality in the 21st century. It operated in every area of our national life from the racketeering in medicine and higher-ed, to the games we played with our national debt, to the stupendous grift of politics, the futile wars we prosecuted, the idiotic gender conflict and race hustling, and, most flamboyantly, to the lawlessness around the CIA, FBI, and Department of Justice during and after the 2016 election. This was the culture of Anything Goes and Nothing Matters. It has to be defeated if we expect to go on as a credible nation.
General Flynn had been an irritant to the Obama administration in his role as chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency. He disagreed with a lot going on around him and he said so, especially the nuclear deal that was percolating with Iran. Mr. Obama canned General Flynn in 2014. Afterward, CIA chief John Brennan and DNI James Clapper put him under surveillance and played entrapment games with him, using some of the same shady characters (Stefan Halper, Richard Dearlove) who later showed up as RussiaGate players.
In early 2016, Gen. Flynn joined the Trump campaign as a foreign affairs advisor and that summer made the mistake of leading the “Lock her up,” chant to a delirious crowd at the Republican Convention. Perhaps he knew a thing or two about the activities of the Clinton Foundation. Perhaps he also knew what Jeffrey Epstein was up to. Then Mr. Trump shocked the world and won the election. Gen. Flynn was soon appointed incoming National Security Advisor. One can imagine the anxiety crackling through a Democrat-controlled Deep State on the verge of surrendering power to its enemies. The alarm bells that went off through the vast US Intel underground must have been deafening.
In a panic, the Intel Community set in motion a suite of operations to get rid of both Flynn and Trump. On December 29, late in the transition-of-power, President Obama lit up a diplomatic flare by confiscating country retreat properties in Maryland and Long Island owned by the Russian embassy and expelling 35 embassy employees, supposedly as payback for Russia “interfering in the 2016 election.” This prompted a conversation between incoming National Security Advisor Flynn and Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. That cued the FBI to entrap General Flynn. The news media played along with the preposterous falsehood that high American officials should not communicate with diplomats posted to the USA. The shady gotcha interview about that with Flynn, conducted by FBI officers Peter Strzok and Joseph Pientka, has been dissected to death, so I’ll spare you that, except to say that it was carried out in obvious bad faith.
The court case over all that has dragged out for more than three years now, though anyone could see from the get-go that it was a malicious prosecution. (I said as much more than once in this blog years ago.) Presiding Judge Emmet Sullivan has overlooked flagrant misconduct by DOJ prosecutors, led by Brandon Van Grack. FBI Director Christopher Wray has concealed exculpatory evidence of FBI and DOJ misconduct that favored General Flynn for three years. General Flynn’s previous attorneys from the DC law firm of Covington and Burling — where Mr. Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder is a partner — represented Gen. Flynn poorly, and did so apparently on-purpose. In spite of all that, the case is unraveling thanks to the diligence of Gen. Flynn’s new attorney, Sidney Powell, who cuts through government bullshit like a samurai sword through tofu.
The case is now moving swiftly to a climax, perhaps due to William Barr appointing Missouri federal attorney Jeffrey Jensen to review the matter. Someone, perhaps new Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, has pried bales of previously hidden documents from FBI Director Wray’s sweaty hands. They amount to clear evidence of a scheme to lawlessly railroad Gen. Flynn. If Judge Sullivan doesn’t dismiss the case in another two weeks, he will look like a fool and a scoundrel. He probably cares about his reputation. Any fair reading of this case would have this judge cite the DOJ lawyers for criminal contempt at a minimum.
The question arises: why has Attorney General Barr allowed this to go on and on. My guess is that he thinks the best course would be for Judge Sullivan to be forced by the weight of evidence to do his duty and move to dismiss the case against Gen. Flynn. After all, the objective is to restore the rule-of-law, and that includes getting the federal courts to operate honestly and fairly. If Mr. Barr took the extraordinary action of intervening, it would signify that the court could not be trusted, and that will not restore the rule-of-law. The same applies to a presidential pardon.
In the background looms federal attorney John Durham who has been at work for year looking into the matrix of suspicious conduct around all aspects of the RussiaGate hoax, the greatest scandal in US history. Mr. Barr has been accused of allowing quite a few culpable DOJ higher-ups to remain in their jobs this whole time, including FBI Director Wray, despite the shade thrown on them by the drip-drip-drip revelations of their misdeeds. I think both Mr. Barr and Mr. Trump have resisted the temptation to intervene in order to 1) steer clear of malign RussiaGate collaborators in Congress and the news media, and 2) for reasons similar to the process involving Gen. Flynn — to reestablish the regular wheels of justice and faith in the system.
RussiaGate and all its subsidiary mischief amounted to a seditious conspiracy by several agencies of government against the chief executive. It was explicitly an effort to overthrow a president by illegitimate means. The conspiracy extended to members of congress, who are not privileged with immunity against felony crimes, by the way.
The partial list of government officials, current or former, who may be subject to prosecution in these matters should include Barack Obama, Susan Rice, John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, John Carlin, Mary McCord, Michael Atkinson, James Baker (DOJ), James Baker (DOD), Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, Dana Boente, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Joseph Pientka, William Priestap, Bruce Ohr, Kevin Clinesmith, Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann, Aaron Zebley, Jeanie Rhee, David Lauffman, Senator Mark Warner, Senator Richard Burr, James Wolfe, Rep. Adam Schiff, Eric Ciaramella, Col. Alexander Vindman. Players outside government include Glenn Simpson, Nellie Ohr, Christopher Steele, Stefan Halper, Sidney Blumenthal, Cody Shearer, David Kramer. The following media figures might be named as unindicted co-conspirators: Dean Baquet, Martin Baron, Jeff Zucker, Andrew Lack, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O’Donnell, Chris Cuomo, Joe Scarborough, David Corn, David Ignatius, and Ari Melber.
* * *
Note: The New York Times has not covered this week’s developments in the General Michael Flynn case. So, there is no record of this epic injustice in the newspaper-of-record. Therefore, it is no longer the newspaper-of-record.
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
WELL, WELL, WELL! Isn't it jst an interesting coincidence that Remdesivir is made by Gilead and is the "CURE" for COVID-19... and he's where it gets interesting China holds the patent on the drug through an agreement with Gilead's drug patent sharing subsidiary branch called UNITAID who has an office near Wuhan and you'll never guess who are the main financial investors in UNITAID...none other than George Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates, and WHO. I know what your thinking! It's just all a coincidence isn't it! Oh, don't let me forget the other coincidence that Gilead and UNITAID were financial supporters of Hillar Clinton. Oh, silly me. I forgot one more coincidence, Fauci was the one authorizing millions to be sent to The Wuhan Institute of Virology specifically for the "study" of Coronaviruses... I sure am thankful it's all just coincidences! Nothing to see here. Just keep moving along...
The Best Coincidences are always found when you follow the money... do your research!
MATTERS OF NATIONAL SECURITY? Think timing. Who benefits the most? Common denominator: Do you believe Biden would admit to sexual assault simply by asking him? No? So why do it [ask]? Do you believe intel community would admit [DECLAS] foreign adversary intentionally released COVID-19? No? So why do it [ask]?
[Jan 15] [D] Impeachment Articles transfer to Senate?
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO’s director-general, is NOT A PHYSICIAN nor is Jill #Biden who has an advanced degree in COMMUNITY COLLEGE educational leadership!
PhD is NOT an MD! #WHOLiedPeopleDied
Let's be clear. Q and Trump are not working with or for WHO, Gates, or Fauci. They are working on exposing them as criminal DS and then taking them down. He already exposed and defunded WHO. Don't get distracted by the hype. Just stick with what you know in your heart to be true along with the end game plan.
Who loves you darling?
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Anonymous ID: de7ff8 No.9014676 May 3 2020 15:19:42 (EST) NEW ClipboardImage.png
ClipboardImage.png DJT
Intelligence has just reported to me that I was correct, and that they did NOT bring up the CoronaVirus subject matter until late into January, just prior to my banning China from the U.S. Also, they only spoke of the Virus in a very non-threatening, or matter of fact, manner…
…Fake News got it wrong again, as always, and tens of thousands of lives were saved by my EARLY BAN of China into our Country. The people that we’re allowed were heavily scrutinized and tested U.S. citizens, and as such, I welcome them with open arms!
Tom Fitton @TomFitton - It was never about Russia. Targeting of @RealDonaldTrump served to protect Hillary Clinton (and now Obama, Biden, McCabe, Brennan, Comey, Schiff, etc) and their enablers/co-conspirators in Obama admin from prosecution. @JudicialWatch
Locked on target [painted]. Planned and immediate. Q
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Did you ever notice on Donald J Trump s' twitter account he retweets a lot of posts by supporters and talks about a lot of the same issues that Q tweets about, but never does he retweet anything directly that Q posts, even though it is supporting him.
Note: Photos are available for subscribers. Since this report was emailed to me photos won't transfer over to post.
Although there may seem to be a stalemate on the surface as the battle for Planet Earth rages on, something huge is coming, multiple U.S. government-linked sources agree. The secret space program is about to be unveiled, NSA sources say. For their part, NASA sources say some sort of anomaly is “affecting the very fabric of reality.” The U.S. military is also now in full war-time mode with over 1 million reservists being called up. As a result, the list of missing celebrities, billionaires, and politicians keeps growing as a massive purge of Satanists continues.
Americans are 20 times more likely to end up in jail than Chinese. For example, an African American friend says her brother was jailed simply because his hair tested positive for marijuana. This is but one of countless examples of the ruling cabal using any pretext to gather up prison slave labor. A colleague in Singapore has seen U.S. bonds backed by prison slave labor being sold to investors in the Far East. Let that sink in: the U.S. government has been selling slave-labor backed bonds to the Chinese.
The bankruptcy of the corporation is now shutting down this gulag. Only the truly dangerous criminals need to be kept in jail in the present circumstances. Maybe setting up a system of gang-controlled prison reserves might be the way to go forward on this?
The sheeple meanwhile, hunkering down in their homes, are very slowly beginning to realize their current government is composed of criminals and liars.
Many traditional news outlets are now waking up to this reality. The New York Post, for example, is reporting that Bill Gates may have created the coronavirus in order to microchip people. The NSA is saying the same thing, as crazy as it sounds. coronavirus-to-microchip-people/
The rabbit hole runs deep and there can be no doubt a family mafia has been running the Western world like a giant slave ranch for thousands of years going back to Babylon.
The Russians have been hysterically attacked because they were able to pinpoint the leadership of this mafia. The photographic evidence below, for example, is just part of a mass of proof that shows Adolf Hitler’s children have been running much of the Western world since WWII ended.
Did you know Barack Obama’s mother, a criminal wanted by the FBI, was according to the Russians… a daughter of Adolf Hitler? His father, Frank Marshall, was an American communist agent. Here is a picture of the FBI wanted poster and agency file photo for Obama’s mother.
These other photos sent by the Russians may help you wrap your head a bit around the enormity of the lies we have been told since the end of WWII (if not longer). Before looking at them, please realize Hitler escaped Berlin on a plane to Norway before taking a submarine to Argentina. He lived to a ripe old age in Paraguay on a ranch that was subsequently bought by the Bush family. That is why many of his children were born long after the war ended.
The right-hand side photo we have posted before showing Adolf with his daughter Angela Merkel. To convince doubters we now add an official photograph on the left side of the young Angela for comparison purposes.
The next photo shows the family resemblance between Hitler’s mother and Merkel.
Then we have Angela’s maternal grandmother’s photo (Eva Braun’s mother).
The following photo shows three of Hitler daughters who ended up in positions of power: Angela Merkel, Theresa May and Dalia Grybauskaitė, President of Lithuania
Here we can see the percentage of Jewish blood among top Nazis.
Merkel makes a fascist salute to Nazi Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu.
The release of evidence like this is part of an attempt to wake up the sheeple to the reality of their gangster government. After the false-flag attack on 9/11/2001, the Nazis fulfilled their long-term plan of taking over the United States and turning it into a fascist puppet state. That is what is now being taken down by the White Dragon Society and its Western and Eastern allies.
Here is a summary of what is being uncovered (from Prepare for Change):
The Governor of Michigan used to work for George Soros California Governor Gavin Newsom is Nancy Pelosi’s nephew. Nancy Pelosi is Hitler’s niece. Adam Schiff’s sister is married to George Soros’ son. John Kerry’s daughter is married to a mullah’s son in Iran. Hillary’s daughter Chelsea is married to George Soros’ nephew. ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, Obama’s former National Security Adviser. CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications. ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to Jay Carney, former Obama White House Press Secretary ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s former Deputy Press Secretary. ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Elizabeth Sherwood, Obama’s former Special Adviser. CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to Tom Nides, former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary.
This is what the alliance is fighting against. These are some of the celebrities and politicians we are being told have already been arrested (it has yet to appear on an official Justice Department press release so think of it as provisional at this point):
Seth Green, James Gunn, Dan Scheinder, Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, Steven Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Ashton Kutcher, Kevin Spacey, Kathy Griffin, Oprah Winfrey, Shawn Carter, Beyonce Knowles, Anthony Kiedis, John Legend, Chrissy Teigen, Jim Carrey, Steven Tyler, Ben Affleck, Stephen Collins, Will Ferrell, Aliaune Damala Badara Thiam (Akon), Marshall Matthers III, Jeffrey Jones, Victor Salva, Marc Collins Rector, Charlie Sheen, Tyler Grasham, Madonna Ciccone, Katheryn Hudson, Gwen Stefani, Stefani Germanotta, James Franco, Will Smith, Justin Roiland, John Cusack, Demi Moore, Brian Affleck, Meryl Streep, Wanda Sykes, Chelsea Handler, Michelle Wolf, David Yarovesky, Pharrell Williams, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Downey Jr, Courtney Love, Alec Baldwin, Johnny Depp, Brian Warner, Asia Argento
Some Political Elites:
Joe Biden, John McCain, Bob Menendez, John Podesta, Tony Podesta, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, Jacob Schwartz, Ed Murray, Barney Frank, Brock Adams, Mel Reynolds, Neil Goldschmidt, David Wu, Tony Mendoza, Anthony Weiner, Peter Strzok, Adam Schiff, Charles Windsor, John Kerry, Joe Scarboroug, Andrew Cuomo, Justin Trudeau, Brian Stelter, Jake Tapper, Chris Cuomo, Pope Francis, Bill Richardson, Peter Soros, Prince Andrew, Barack Obama, Anderson Cooper, Sheila Jackson-Lee.
This group is still not going quietly into the night and it is clear they tried to kill us and scare us back into submission with the coronavirus “plandemic.” It is also clear that for some reason, their bioweapon attack on the human race is being neutralized.
The Chinese and the Russians though, are fully aware the U.S. regime has been trying to kill us all off with bioweapons. Check out these official statements:
“We took note of the statement made by the Russian Foreign Ministry … The United States has created many laboratories in the territory of the former Soviet Union, which evokes serious public worries in the neighboring countries concerned,” the Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Geng Shuang on Wednesday (April 28)
The official Xinhua News Agency meanwhile said:
“Washington must respond to the concern that the belated and chaotic U.S. response has actually accelerated the spread of the virus to more places around the world.”
Since the bioweapon attack has turned out to be a dud, there is now a serious ongoing attempt by the cabal to kill us with electromagnetic weaponry.
This is getting close to home. Last week the veterinarian I take my dogs to approached me with a fascinating story. He said they did a 5G experiment at Zenpukuji Park, which is close to my home in Western Tokyo:
“Birds started to fall out of the sky. I was called over and I took 3 dead pigeons back to my hospital and examined them. They all had ruptured lungs as if something had messed with the sodium ions in their bodies. Also, they all had symptoms identical to feline infectious peritonitis (a coronavirus that destroys the lungs of cats)”. He said it was “not naturally possible,” for pigeons to get a cat coronavirus.
These people need to be removed from all positions of power ASAP and this is exactly what is now happening. The final bastion of their control grid is the corporations and the banks. That is why the U.S. corporate government and its financial system need to be imploded.
One way this is being done is by collapsing the price of oil. The negative oil prices seen recently are driving the computer speculators out of the oil market. The same is being done for other commodities. The idea is to separate the financial speculators from real-world business.
The cabal is fighting back by trying to destroy people’s livelihoods by shutting down the economy with the fake pandemic lockdown. This battle can be seen as the stock market rebounds (enriching the cabal) while the U.S. adds a record 30 million unemployed (impoverishing the people).
These Satanic rulers are so arrogant they still leave public signs of their activity, notably the number 666. For example, the FRB’s balance sheet reached $6.66 trillion on April 29th while Italy’s crime rate fell 66.6% due to the lockdown.
As things now stand, the U.S. military is the only institution capable of dealing with the collapse of the Satanic U.S. Corporation. A total of 1,031,03 reserves are being called up to ensure basic survival items (food, shelter, and emergency medical care) are available to everyone as the system collapses. Efforts by the cabal to shut down meat processing plants are one example of where the military has stepped in already. You can confirm this by reading the executive orders below.
So, what comes next? It’s hard to say how long the chaos will continue and worsen, but the worst will likely be over by this summer, Pentagon and other sources predict.
The real question though is if the collapse of the U.S. Corporation will flush out the secret space program and secret military technology that has been monopolized by the elite. The WDS has reached out to the Nazis offering full amnesty (with the exception of child torturers and mass murderers). We hope the unveiling of their secret space program will provide the U.S. and the rest of the world with the spark to start a new age of wonder.
No matter what though, the mass global awakening that has started can no longer be stopped. Humanity is being liberated from millennia of slavery.
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol