Carol- Admin
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Join date : 2010-04-07
Location : Hawaii
Carol Thu Oct 04, 2018 8:49 am
"Technology I witnessed in the programs that were suppresive that were suppressed still this day are things like anti-gravity zero-point energy a lot of 3d holographic imaging of course there's a lot of devices that were reverse engineered by by these corporations from government retrieved down craft and extraterrestrial high DNA along with hybrid DNA from from these specimens that they used to make pharmaceuticals and to make cures with and things like that so there's always say always there's always a positive and negative they might make a gun with one thing but the same devices used to kill cancer you know on a different wavelength but the same technology so these things are all suppressed we don't have to live like we do now we could actually have a lot of abundance as far as medical technologies the cures for diseases the abundance of water and food for everyone and and housing if these technologies were released and of course energy you know free energy for everyone and and for all of our devices so we wouldn't have to rely on gas coal and oil.
I witnessed many different crafts in these projects I was actually working with the bodies and the crafts because they're connected a lot of crafts or organic material consciousness assisted technology which means only the driver or that race can actually operate the vehicle due to their frequency of the genetic DNA and the frequency that they're emitting it's kind of like having a pet or a car that only responds to the owner and and these types of vehicles are so amazing they're usually made in in space through harmonics and frequency so they can actually give life to a craft and infuse it with artificial intelligence or consciousness or both and and match it to the driver or the occupants of this vehicle some of these crafts were many different types of shapes of course there's always the classic spheres egg shapes and the disk shapes but there's also other crafts that are interdimensional that can change shape so they might come in the form of light and they can manifest and change their atomic structure to become a solid so these types of crafts are a little bit" advanced you know and then the craft that we hear about in pop culture you see on TV and whatnot these crafts can actually go interdimensional they can change shape with all the occupants not even knowing it's happening and then reform again in different worlds in different dimensions and different parts of the universe immediately so there's not a Down lag time because they have their own atmosphere they have their own gravity. "..we have the cures we have the energy systems we have all this you know but it's not being implemented being hidden suppressed the issue that we have right now is that people all around the world are still being judgmental they're not being open-minded enough to say and some of them can't help it's not their fault you know maybe some are getting mind control too but we can't be sitting here you know on YouTube you know filming you know 13 year olds chopping military soldiers heads off and celebrating that because that's a really kind of a low vibe consciousness so until we learn to grow up be more mature and make the right decisions everyone including myself that we have to at that time then look at it from a conscious perspective as a civil a civilized you know opinion or perspective and say okay well you know we're not being like we were you know 10 20 30 years ago we're not fighting anymore we're not chopping each other's heads off we're not fighting for gas coal and oil you know and once people come together and it might take some horrible natural disaster you know as President Ronald Reagan once said how funny it would be if we were attacked by an outside extraterrestrial threat that all of our indifference is here on the planet we'll just fade away because we all have to work together against a common threat I mean the president said that so here we are thinking well there might be a natural disaster it wipes out half of the you know human beings on the planet or there might be you know Gaia.." Last edited by Carol on Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:26 am; edited 1 time in total
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol