eMonkey Sun Jun 10, 2018 1:00 pm
Gee, what terrible sound effects!
This is all very well, in an ideal world of course that people would see this Matrix-like system around them. Only deluded souls with strongly tinted rose-coloured spectacles will not see their own enslavement or that the very people they elected to represent them are really not fit to organise a brewery day out. They are fools and I'm not talking just the younger generation either. I dread to think what legacy those dispositioned spectacle wearers will leave the newborns of today. The Millenials are mostly incapable of deciding for themselves, let alone be the leaders of tomorrow with well-balanced views and strong morals. It all makes you wonder, where the human race is headed. We are building the framework and railroad that will lead us like lemmings to our own destruction.
My thoughts on the subject;
It is a contemporary order of nurtured insanity, diseased mentality and culture that allows a 'Child of Truth' to be either in combination with or singularly; persecuted, imprisoned or put to death.
Let no man stand in the way, that we may all have the opportunity to tend our own gardens with the freedom to cultivate whatsoever we wish, in whatever context a garden may be, so long that it does no harm to others.
If this global insanity disorder is left unchecked, I hope that there are still enough awake people in 10 or 20 years to be a light that shines brightly, without fear from an overriding oppressive belief system or control system that could be in place by then, sending the human race back into either a barbarous stone age lifestyle or living like zombified lobotomised genderless serfs who have all undergone a total independent thought bypass procedure. It's a bleak picture I paint, for sure.
Personally, I have no answers or solutions, the world's woes are now becoming too large and complex to bring to rights. The genie is out of the bottle and the rot is accelerating like a critical mass cascade event.
I saw all of this on the horizon many years ago - as did most or all of us on this board. I believed that I could create my own future and live in a better world but as hard as I imagined it, thought it and believed it, the insanity continued with impunity and instead of manifesting a harmonious and prosperous future, the complete opposite manifested instead. So, whose manifestation of misery am I living in I wonder, because it sure is not mine or many other peoples I know.
You could say, I still have hope, but I'm now preparing for the worst.
Thank-you Mudra for the reminder. At least some people are awake enough to make that video. Kudos to Him/Her/Them.