Nature's sounds
Nature sounds include ocean waves, rivers, whale calls, and pretty much anything else you can find in nature.
Our modern civilization overlays these sounds that yet arise from such pristine places.
When was the last time you took a moment to listen to Mother Earth's songs ?
I sometimes think we should be nomades walking barefeet on the beautifull body she is offering us.
Would'nt it feel like permanently being inside a sanctuary or a crystalline cathedral ?
Would we then finally understand the meaning of life, our connection to the whole of creation sacred it is ?
Nature Sounds playlist
Love Always
Nature sounds include ocean waves, rivers, whale calls, and pretty much anything else you can find in nature.
Our modern civilization overlays these sounds that yet arise from such pristine places.
When was the last time you took a moment to listen to Mother Earth's songs ?
I sometimes think we should be nomades walking barefeet on the beautifull body she is offering us.
Would'nt it feel like permanently being inside a sanctuary or a crystalline cathedral ?
Would we then finally understand the meaning of life, our connection to the whole of creation sacred it is ?
Nature Sounds playlist
Love Always