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    Out of Body Forbidden Knowledge Discoveries this World is NOT What We Think It Is


    Posts : 23285
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 69
    Location : belgium

    Out of Body Forbidden Knowledge Discoveries this World is NOT What We Think It Is Empty Out of Body Forbidden Knowledge Discoveries this World is NOT What We Think It Is

    Post  mudra Wed Mar 14, 2018 4:48 pm

    Out of Body Forbidden Knowledge Discoveries this World is NOT What We Think It Is

    This reality is not what we think it is, the forbidden knowledge is there for all to see if you know how to access it. This information will help you, it has been gathered through his life long experiences of OBE's, contact with many different ET and dimensional beings and his astral travels through time and space. Insights are shared on what has been learned from having access to the worlds that are just outside our physical senses. This is a very large topic that goes into past lives, the awakening process, dimensional & ET Beings, control, time travel our hidden history and our spiritual development.

    There are millions of people around the world who are currently having contact and other worldly experiences when they go to bed at night. Visitations, journeys and information is accessed once the body falls asleep. Many are taken out of their bodies by unknown beings to explore new dimensions and worlds. There are both positive and negative experiences in these dimensions, it is our job to learn how to discern and navigate these realms safely.

    Love Always

    Posts : 13591
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    Out of Body Forbidden Knowledge Discoveries this World is NOT What We Think It Is Empty Re: Out of Body Forbidden Knowledge Discoveries this World is NOT What We Think It Is

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Mar 14, 2018 10:02 pm

    Don't read too much into this paragraph. I know very little about this sort of thing. I'm wary of history (including the Bible) but I'm even more wary of supernatural-experiences, especially those occurring outside of prayer, research, music, love, etc. I've recently speculated about factions of witches ruling particular factions of male-dominated organizations, but what do I know?? If this is even remotely true, what if it has to be this way?? What if our predicament is worse than we think?? Each religion thinks they're right, but what if all of us (religious and irreligious) are wrong?? What if Life On Earth is a nasty-deal that will continue as such for hundreds, thousands, or millions of years, operating as Purgatory Incorporated?? I suspect some sort of Total-Disclosure over the remainder of the 21st century, and I further suspect some REALLY Nasty Power-Struggles, as everyone discovers who's screwed who, and how badly, for thousands of years. 'RA' told me that I was watched constantly (even in the bathroom) and I have seen evidence of that recently (but I don't want to talk about it). I just hope those who watch are being watched closer than they watch (if you know what I mean). Spy v Spy?? As Earth's Final-Conflict intensifies, those who venture Out of Body (especially spying-on and messing-with others) might not always make it back to their bodies. There might be some Very-Nasty Spiritual-Warriors out-there. I passively research and reflect, often while listening to classical-music, but that's all I do, even though I know I could do much more.

    What if Covert-Witchcraft is transitioning into Overt-Witchcraft?? What if a Covert-Matriarchy which might've ruled an Overt-Patriarchy for thousands of years, will dispense with the secrecy and middle-men, ruling the world (and beyond) directly and forcefully, with little-mercy for dissidents?? What Would Bloody Mary Do?? I just re-listened to a Daniel Ott interview with Sherry Shriner and Greg Rinchich, from 2010 or 2011 and I noticed that Greg sounded a bit like Larry Nichols, who Alex Jones interviewed regarding Hillary Clinton's alleged participation in a Witch-Church in Los Angeles. I'm wary of just about everyone and everything these days, especially regarding conspiracy-theories and alternative-research. But actually, I'm probably even more wary of Mainstream Politics and Religion!! I just watched 'A Wrinkle in Time' and that probably set me off, but really, it seems that anyone who hasn't signed on the dotted-line with the Nefarious Nether-Realms is a Threat to National-Security!! Strange World We Live In!!


    Posts : 23285
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 69
    Location : belgium

    Out of Body Forbidden Knowledge Discoveries this World is NOT What We Think It Is Empty Re: Out of Body Forbidden Knowledge Discoveries this World is NOT What We Think It Is

    Post  mudra Thu Mar 15, 2018 1:50 am

    Dear Oxy,

    The first enemy to overcome is fear.
    Fear makes one speculate and severs our experience of being a pure neutral loving presence.
    The entire journey and the total amount of experiences available to one go hand in glove
    with the different states of consciousness one goes through.

    One is responsible for everything that comes to one's state of consciousness while
    being at the same time capable of giving one's agreement that the experience transmutes
    into something more gracefull.

    Before you know the world know thy self.

    Love from me

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