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    Post  enemyofNWO Mon May 24, 2010 2:01 am

    Les Visible's BLOG

    Friday, May 21
    The Gathering Darkness and it's Inescapable Destiny.

    Dog Poet Transmitting…….


    " Here’s how it has to be and how it damn well better be. B.P. needs to be seized by The World Court or some body of influence and all of its assets commandeered. Its executives must be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity. Its stockholders must be placed last in line for financial satisfaction of any claims they may have. The intentionally criminal behavior which caused this massive environmental disaster is only one of the reasons. Here is another and there are many more as well.

    The government of the United States is in bed with these clowns and should also be judged accordingly. Obama was groomed and put into the White House by Zionist, Jewish money and they own him. Ergo, they are behind whatever policy he makes, including the attempt to put that psychopathic, Goldman Sachs whore, Kagan, on the Supreme Court. The beauty of her being shines in her countenance (rrrrraaaalllph!).

    The means by which Zionist, Jewish money was able to engineer this and; the 9/11 attacks, the purchase and control of 96% of the world’s media and all of the major entertainment companies, as well as a great deal more, is due to their control of the money supply through the Central Banks, which issue currency and which they print at will. They then loan it out to whomever they please in order that others like them can acquire whatever they wish. They also do not loan out the money to anyone who does not serve their purposes. In this way they can have command of governments and armies and set the stage for financial crashes all around the world, as well as wars, plagues and famines.

    All of this is backed up by hard data and can’t be argued against. It is critical to understand that they didn’t accomplish any of this through a possession of greater industry and intelligence. They did it by being able to print the money and by usury. These counterfeiters collect interest on ghost money printed out of thin air.

    They also have insinuated themselves into every social movement and every civil rights organization, with the power of this counterfeit money and their representatives occupy all positions of power within these organizations and movements, which are then used to destroy the culture as well as the influence of Christianity and Islam.

    They have used this money to make repressive laws that limit inquiry and free speech; as in the matter of their holocaust, which they were the principal architects of- also accomplished with this money- and relentlessly push to have these laws extant in every country on Earth. Their sponsoring of hate crime legislation is also a means by which they can protect themselves from the consequences of their bad behavior. Meanwhile members of their drive for world conquest commit so called anti-Semitic acts and hate crimes in order to legitimize the application of these laws. Unfortunately for them, these people keep getting caught at it, as was evidenced by the discovery that nearly all such crimes committed in France in recent times were committed by them.

    They used the force of the idea of their holocaust (which they financed) to take possession of a land that had been populated by an indigenous people for thousands of years and drove them from their lands with guns and poison and any means at their disposal. Today, millions of these people live in horrible ghettos, where they are used for target practice by the Israeli military and where they are routinely beaten and killed by demonic settlers who were imported from locations around Europe for that very purpose. Prior to their arrival, this land was at peace and represented by members of several religions and differing cultures.

    I could continue to list the crimes of these villains, long past the space restrictions of this essay. Together with other malevolent groups and individuals and with the assistance of those they have bought and paid for, they are behind most of the greater evils of our times, including organ theft, human trafficking, international drug dealing, the pornography and gambling empires as well as prostitution and assassinations across the globe. This is also supported by hard evidence. These are monsters."

    END snip

    The rest at

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    Post  Carol Mon May 24, 2010 10:49 pm


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Mercuriel Tue May 25, 2010 12:02 pm

    Awesome - The Law of Allowance once again Invoked...

    I have some very scathing Info to post in this Thread for later. Why later ? I have a Video I'm making that will Illuminate this Darkness. As I am not at home ATM - This Info will have to wait until I am at home - Can finish the Video and then Post it on My Youtube Channel for linking in this Thread.

    That said - Heres a Clue...

    With Who was the Covenant agreed to by the Zionists ?

    Why it was with Bael. Its a Blood Covenant and the Symbolic Remnant We All have of that nowadays is the Red Numbers on Our Birth Certificates. Red for Blood...

    Baal (sometimes spelled Bael, Baël (French), Baell usually pronounced "bail") is one of the seven princes of Hell. He is mentioned widely in the Old Testament as the primary pagan idol of the Phoenicians, often associated with the heathen goddess Ashtaroth (not to be confused with Astaroth)

    Archaeology and Scripture

    Ba`al means "The lord" who ruled over the high gods assembled on the holy mount of Heaven. (As a redaction: this is not an entirely clear point. El or Elohim was actually the father God of the gods in Canon. El was asked to help Baal when he was slain by Mot, god of the underworld. El could not prevent Baal's death, but Baal was reborn anyway.) Baal was mainly a god of the sun, rain, thunder, fertility and agriculture and at some point, he overtakes the god of the water, Yam. Baal's is the son of the god Dagan or Dagon, another Semitic Cannonite god. It was this "god of the grain" that allowed Baal to be reborn.

    Originally, the Semitic god Hadad - also called Baal - was worshipped by Arameans who brought his worship to other parts of the Mediterranean. Early demonologists, unaware of Hadad or that "Ba`al" in the Bible referred to any number of local spirits, came to regard the term as referring to but one personage. Until archaeological digs at Ras Shamra and Ebla uncovered texts explaining the Syrian pantheon, the Ba‘al Zebûb (or Beelzebub) was frequently confused with various Semitic gods Ba‘al, and in some Christian writings it might refer to a high-ranking devil or to Satan himself.

    The Biblical and historical evidence shows that the Moabites worshiped Baal. The pre-Islamic and Muslim sources show (a) that the Meccans took over the idol Hubal from the Moabites.

    Christian demonology

    Baal is a Christian demon. According to Christian demonology, Baal (usually spelled "Bael" in this context; there is a possibility that the two figures aren't connected) was ranked as the first and principal king in Hell, ruling over the East. According to some authors Baal is a Duke, with sixty-six legions of demons under his command. The term "Baal" is used in various ways in the Old Testament, with the usual meaning of master, or owner. It came to sometimes mean the local pagan god of a particular people, and at the same time all of the idols of the land. It is also found in several places in the plural Baalim, or Baals (Judges 2:11, 10:10). There were many variations, such as the sun god, the god of fertility, and Beelzebub, or the "lord of flies".

    During the English Puritan period, Baal was either compared to Satan or considered his main assistant. According to Francis Barrett, he has the power to make those who invoke him invisible, and to some other demonologists his power is stronger in October. According to some sources, he can make people wise, speaks hoarsely, and carries ashes in his pocket.

    While his Semitic predecessor was depicted as a man or a bull, the demon Baal was in grimoire tradition said to appear in the forms of a man, cat, toad, or combinations thereof. An illustration in Collin de Plancy's 1818 book Dictionnaire Infernal rather curiously placed the heads of the three creatures onto a set of spider legs.

    The idea of Baal as a demon was created when Christianity turned ancient gods into demons and demonology divided the demonic population of Hell in several hierarchies. Baal, the Semitic god, did not escape, becoming a separate entity from Beelzebub.

    Now You All know why I've been trying to get the Legemeton Info out. And a last tease before I leave off here for the moment...

    Who are the Chosen then ? They're those Chosen by Bael - Baal - Bail (A Fallen for sure) as Initiates or Servants in the Great Work.

    Now I will leave You All with a question. What is a Covenant and Who is it between ?

    Heh heh


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    Post  Mercuriel Tue May 25, 2010 10:13 pm


    The Hebrew word for covenant is berith. "Attempts to derive the meaning of the term from etymology have not led to any clear or certain conclusions." —Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, ed. Kittel (Eerdmans), Vol.2, p.107. The majority of scholars, however, seem to think that berith is derived from an equivalent Assyrian word which means to bind or to fetter.

    Since berith or covenant occurs nearly 300 times in the Old Testament, its meaning may be fairly well established by noting the word's context and usage. Besides the biblical usage, covenants were very common in the ancient world of the Middle East, and from the numerous ancient inscriptions that archeologists have unearthed, the general sense of covenant is quite clearly demonstrated.

    In the Bible we read about a number of different covenants between men. For instance, Jacob and Laban settled family hostilities by making a covenant. They set up a heap of stones as a witness to their mutual pledges, offered sacrifice, and ate a covenant meal together (Gen. 31:44, 45). David and Jonathan made a covenant to seal their friendship and to guarantee a peaceful relationship between the house of David and the house of Jonathan (1 Sam. 18 & 20). We also read about a covenant between tribes (1 Sam. 11:1; Judg. 2:2; Ex. 23:32), between kings (1 Kings 20:34), and between a king and his people (2 Kings 11:4; 2 Chron. 23). There was even a covenant imposed by a conquering king on a vanquished king (1 kings 20:34). The most common type of covenant between people, however, was the marriage contract between a man and his wife (see Mal. 2:14).

    Outside of biblical literature the most important use of the covenant idea is found in some international treaty documents of the second millennium B.C. In recent years archeologists have unearthed a great number of these treaties, which were drawn up by the Hittite kings or suzerains. These suzerainty treaties were unilaterally drawn up by the Hittite conquerors and imposed on a subjugated vassal king. The vassal was obliged to swear allegiance, fidelity and exclusive loyalty to the suzerain. The suzerain pledged that he would help and protect his faithful vassal.

    There are two of these human covenants which especially help us to understand the meaning of God's covenant with man:

    1. The first is the suzerainty covenant. In 1954 G. E. Mendenhall, in The Covenant Forms and Israelite Tradition, was the first to demonstrate quite conclusively that the sacred covenant documents between God and Israel, as recorded in Exodus and Deuteronomy, follow a form similar to the suzerainty treaties of the Hittite kings. (We will say more about this treaty form in our section on "The Names and Features of the Covenants.")

    While some covenants between human parties are like negotiated agreements, God's covenant is more like a suzerainty covenant. It has nothing in it of the nature of a bargain or a negotiated agreement. It is a disposition or arrangement which originates unilaterally with the superior party. The inferior party may accept or reject the arrangement (for covenants generally imply reciprocity and a bilateral operation), but he cannot negotiate or alter the terms of the disposition in any way.

    2. The covenant between God and man is also likened to a marriage contract (see Ezek. 16:8, 60; Hosea 2:16; Isa. 54:5; Jer. 3:14; 31:32). The relationship is wholly initiated by God. The election of Israel to be Jehovah's wife is entirely a divine act. Here again we see that God's covenant is unilateral in origin but bilateral in operation. God and His people are bound together by a covenant which is likened to a marriage contract.

    In the light of the foregoing evidence we can say that the covenant is a bond, an alliance, an agreement, a compact, a treaty, a pact, a contract.1 Its essential idea is union between God and man. God offers man partnership with Himself. It is a union and partnership based on a binding legal contract. It cannot be stressed too strongly that while the covenant is a fellowship between God and man, it is a fellowship which has a legal basis.

    Now One would ask at this Point - Why would You place this Definition or group of Meanings when They so plainly state that this Covenant is between God (The Prime Creator) and Mankind (The Israelites) ?

    It is for this specific reason that I have included this Group of Meanings. The Flaw must be diplayed to be seen but once displayed - It therefore always seen.

    It is accepted through doctrine under most Religions that All things are Under Deity - Implying that All Things are Made by - of - and for the Experience of Deity.

    That said as We exist - We must be made (created by various methods) - Then We must already be of Deity or the Divine and since that is the case in that stream of Logic - Why would Deity all of a sudden need to make a bond, an alliance, an agreement, a compact, a treaty, a pact, a contract with parts of Itself experiencing Separation at varying degrees ?

    Simple - It needs not - It would not - It has not. It was a lesser Representation of Beings Who through falling into Error have become known as the Fallen. God having a Covenant with Man is like having an Agreement with One's Finger, and so the question must further be asked - Why the need for a Pact or Covenant with Man ?

    As a Covenant is truly an Agreement - Deal - Alliance - etc. - BETWEEN EQUALS - And was known as such in those Lands before the Abramic/Abrahamic Covenant was made - It would then imply that as Equals with an Entity or Group of Them - In a Pact - In much the same way as Pacts require payment once the Contract is fulfilled - The Zionists were to pay the price at the End of the Convenant. Also in order to be Equal to a Fallen One(s) - A Great deal of BARBARity was/is required...


    As They would not pay the Price Themselves - They gave up Their own People as that was the price. The Total left owing was supposedly figured to be 6 Million and The Zionists finally hit that Figure during the Holocaust in WWII. BTW - Holocaust means Burnt Offering and its curious if You ask me as to why in the World would It would be called that - And - Why Its called that by the very People who had it perpetrated on Them ?


    I did not have the time tonight to finish the Video I'm working on relative to this Stream of Consciousness. My apologies for that but I was watching "Ancient Aliens - The Return" and as It was two hours long - I've let the time get away on Me tonight. I will have it finished for tomorrow though and will Post it in here when Its done tomorrow Night.

    Very Happy

    I wish to further state that I have Israeli Friends and this is not aimed at the Jewish People.

    The best way to state this is that as the Covenant was with Zionists between Them and these Fallen One(s) - It was for the longest time Their Harbor or Safe Haven within the Jewish Race/People until They could Branch Themselves out again into a state of Multiplicity (In the example of a Covenant relationship in Judaism and Christianity between Abraham and god - god made a Covenant with Abram that He would bless Abram's descendants making them more numerous than the stars).

    Nowadays - Zionism no longer has a Race or Ethnicity. They're everywhere and at all Levels - Grinding away at Their Great Work...

    At any rate - More tomorrow...

    Heh heh


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    Post  Mercuriel Wed May 26, 2010 10:49 pm

    Arrggghhh - I didn't forget. I just need there to be fourty hours in a day (LOL). Ei Yei Yei - this time speeding up Shizzle is tiring...

    Sorry Peeps - The Video didn't get finished tonight and I gotta head off to Sleepyville with a stop at Eating Point. I WILL have it tomorrow Night though.



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    Post  Mercuriel Thu May 27, 2010 9:29 pm

    I need one last still for this Video I'm making and I can't find it to no matter how hard I've looked (Two Hours now). I need a Pic of a Judge either entering or leaving Chambers - Preferably walking into Chambers...



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    Post  Mercuriel Thu May 27, 2010 9:42 pm

    I'll have to try and get this done tomorrow. Owell - My eyeballs are falling out LOL...

    Ancient One


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    Post  Carol Mon May 31, 2010 10:53 am

    Are you still searching for a picture of a judge entering a chamber?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Mercuriel Mon May 31, 2010 10:58 am

    Yes I am Dear Sista. Have You found one ?

    Huh ?


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    Post  Carol Mon May 31, 2010 11:32 am

    I wanted to check with you first before I started looking. I'll reseach now.

    You may want to try this link:

    Judge Judy is well known and there are a number of photos there.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Mercuriel Mon May 31, 2010 7:49 pm

    What I am looking for is a Pic of a Judge going into Their Chambers but no face, so preferably walking away from the Pic. It'll be in a Video I'm making and Its one of the last Pics I need.

    Judge Judy or any other well known face could be problematic so now You know why Its taking Me so long LOL...



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    Post  mudra Mon May 31, 2010 8:28 pm

    [quote=\"Mercuriel\"]What I am looking for is a Pic of a Judge going into Their Chambers but no face, so preferably walking away from the Pic. It\'ll be in a Video I\'m making and Its one of the last Pics I need.


    I know what you are preparing and what picture you are aiming at ..
    Have a go through the famous court cases movies like the Verdict etc.. you may be able to take a screen shot of exactly what you want .

    Here I found some titles :

    12 Angry Men (is great from a juror stand point)
    The Accused

    And Justice For All

    A Civil Action

    Erin Brokovich

    Inheirit the Wind

    Witness for the Prosectution

    Anatomy of a Murder

    Judgement at Nuremberg and The Reader both have \"high\" International

    Goodfellas and The Godfather II have some good court/DA scenes.

    My Cousin Vinny

    And another link here :

    Can't wait to see that
    video Dog Poet transmitting Icon_sunny

    Love from me

    Last edited by mudra on Mon May 31, 2010 8:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Mercuriel Mon May 31, 2010 8:30 pm

    LOL - You know what Hon - My Twin Flame said the same thing...


    Yep - Thats the way. Check it three times LOL...



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    Post  mudra Mon May 31, 2010 8:36 pm

    LOL .. nice synchros Dog Poet transmitting Icon_cheers

    I edited my post and added some titles there .

    Love from me

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    Post  Mercuriel Mon May 31, 2010 8:38 pm

    Has anyone told You today that You're Awesome ?

    You are, Y'know !!!



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    Post  mudra Mon May 31, 2010 8:46 pm

    No but that's exactly what I was going to tell YOU on the features thread LOL

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    Post  Mercuriel Mon May 31, 2010 9:03 pm

    Living One Vibrational Energy...



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    Post  enemyofNWO Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:26 pm

    This is the latest from Les Visible

    Friday, June 4
    The Hammer of Heaven and the Synagogue of Satan.

    Dog Poet Transmitting…….

    "I suspect we are looking at ‘The Israeli Mistake’, as predicted by the Half Past Human Report. A lot of people are outraged by this vicious, criminal act by the criminal Rothschild Crime and Banking Family consortium that operates as a nation, for the purpose of every permutation of crime for profit and pleasure. Aside from the loss of life which attends nearly every act committed by this crime syndicate, this is actually a good thing. There will be more, because the entire nation is insane and made militarily powerful through their control of the United States government.

    I say it’s a good thing because a good portion of the world can now see what psychopathic thugs are operating from this crime syndicate. Gaza displayed this too and future events will continue to show what manner of beasts operates beneath the seeming human skin. They have been able to do this because of their control of the world press. As you have noted, this murderous event was hardly mentioned and, when it was, it was lied about. They are able to manipulate the news and the public’s perception of it. This has allowed them to perpetuate all kinds of lies about themselves, since before they stole the Palestinian’s land. They also control much of the world’s banking and are able to print their own money, which they use to buy whores that they can put into government positions so that they can control the governments and make them do what they want. "

    The rest at

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    Dog Poet transmitting Empty This coming event of the MV Rachel Corrie steaming toward Gaza could be second "Israeli mistake " .

    Post  enemyofNWO Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:37 pm

    This coming event of the MV Rachel Corrie steaming toward Gaza could be second "Israeli mistake " .

    Activists on the Ship 'Rachel Corrie' Challenge Israel's Unjust Gaza Blockade and Zionist Myths

    By Ira Chernus
    June 02, 2010 "AlterNet" -- The MV Rachel Corrie is steaming across the Mediterranean toward Gaza, flying the flag of Ireland, loaded with humanitarian supplies, and posing another impossible dilemma for the government of Israel.

    The root of the dilemma is not the conflict between Israel and the Free Gaza Movement, nor even the conflict between Israel and Palestine. It’s ultimately a conflict between two visions of Zionism that go back to the origins of Zionism itself.

    Israel’s government is caught in a debate between two factions, representing those two visions. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is no doubt searching for a way to act upon both. But it’s an impossible task, like trying to square a circle, because the two visions contradict each other. So however the Israelis choose to meet the MV Rachel Corrie, they lose.

    One side in the debate sees Israel rapidly losing its respect around the world, which was once quite considerable. Israel’s famous novelist Amoz Oz speaks for them: “We're putting ourselves under international siege, which is much more dangerous to us than the blockade of Gaza is to Gazans. Israel is turning into Apartheid-era South Africa, a country that the nations of the world do not want among their ranks.”

    This faction warns that if Israel repeats the kind of bloody attack it launched on the Mavi Marmara, it could well lose whatever shred remains of its international standing. And they say that Israel simply cannot survive in a world that condemns and isolates it.

    The thinking of this side goes back to the very beginning of Zionism. We Jews have been persecuted outcasts long enough, the early Zionists said. If we respect ourselves enough to break out of our long exile and become a normal nation, like all the other nations, we will earn the world’s respect and be treated as equals in the family of nations."
    The rest at

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    Post  Mercuriel Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:57 pm

    I always say that before We argue about exactly whats going on - Lets agree that We think somehting is going on and That We are not sure of It from either Perspective. From there It would go to reason that if We can at least get to that point - We have found a common place to start from.

    Where do We start from ? Well - We start from the Perspective that We wish to see the Truth and so as They seem to be running things and creating whatever Public Relations They need to so as to relentlessly further Their Agenda - We need to see It from a Perspective of what do They Beleive (The Power Brokers) and in that - What are the Origins of that Belief.

    Not that It may be an absolute Truth - But It is a way for Us to see behind Their Agendas and Actions as They try to orchestrate things as They wish to see them transpire. Once We understand what They Beleive - We get a better look at just what there is TO Beleive...

    Now with the above Displayed - This is an exerpt from the "Legemeton" - The Lesser Key of Solomon - Book 1 of 2 referred to in totality as a Duo by the Name - the "Ars Goetia"...

    Within Book 1 ;

    The CLAVICULA SALOMONIS REGIS containeth all the Names, Offices, and Orders of all the Spirits that ever he had converse with, with the Seals and Characters to each Spirit and the manner of calling them forth to visible appearance: In 5 parts, viz.:

    (1) THE FIRST PART is a Book of Evil Spirits, called GOETIA, showing how he bound up those Spirits, and used them in general things, whereby he obtained great fame.

    (2) THE SECOND PART is a Book of Spirits, partly Evil and partly Good, which is named THEURGIA-GOETIA, all Aërial Spirits, etc.

    (3) THE THIRD PART is of Spirits governing the Planetary Hours, and what Spirits belong to every degree, of the Signs, and Planets in the Signs. Called the PAULINE ART, etc.

    (4) THE FOURTH PART of this Book is called ALMADEL or SOLOMON, which containeth those Spirits which govern the Four Altitudes, or the 360 Degrees of the Zodiac.

    These two last Orders of Spirits are Good, and to be sought for by Divine seeking, etc., and are called THEURGIA.

    (5) THE FIFTH PART is a Book of Orations and Prayers that Wise Solomon used upon the Altar in the Temple. The which is called ARS NOVA, which was revealed unto Solomon by that Holy Angel of God called MICHAEL; and he also received many brief Notes written with the Finger of God, which were declared to him by the said Angel with Claps of Thunder; without which Notes King Solomon had never obtained his great knowledge, for by them in a short time he knew all Arts and Sciences both Good and Bad; from these Notes it is called the NOTARY ART, etc.

    So as one goes further - We find that the First Name within the First Section of the "Legemeton" (Known by Them as an Evil Spirit or Fallen One above) is ;

    (1.) BAEL. - The First Principal Spirit is a King ruling in the East, called Bael. He maketh thee to go Invisible. He ruleth over 66 Legions of Infernal Spirits. He appeareth in divers shapes, sometimes like a Cat, sometimes like a Toad, and sometimes like a Man, and sometimes all these forms at once. He speaketh hoarsely. This is his character which is used to be worn as a Lamen before him who calleth him forth, or else he will not do thee homage.

    Going further into the Information - As a Covenant was known to be with an Equal before It was known of as between god(s) and Man - And It being a Covenant with an Equal (With Bael/Baal/Ba'al as a Fallen/Evil Being/Spirit) - The same level of Depravity and Violence that Bael/Baal/Ba'al is capable of - Then too must those in a Covenant with Him be also to satisfy the Criteria for It...

    In addendum to this - As All Pacts require a Payment at some Point - The Zionists/Luciferians have been offering up not only Their own People - But over the at least the last 100 to 50 Years or so - Most of the World's Nations in Their unending Quest for Power or Their "Great Work"...

    More to follow - Once that has set in LOL...



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