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    The Hoax Extraterrestrial Invasion Has Begun - Steven Greer 2017


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    The Hoax Extraterrestrial Invasion Has Begun - Steven Greer 2017 Empty The Hoax Extraterrestrial Invasion Has Begun - Steven Greer 2017

    Post  Carol Thu Aug 10, 2017 12:15 pm
    The Hoax Extraterrestrial Invasion Has Begun - Steven Greer 2017
    start at 25min  

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 608
    Join date : 2015-04-30
    Location : Antares

    The Hoax Extraterrestrial Invasion Has Begun - Steven Greer 2017 Empty Re: The Hoax Extraterrestrial Invasion Has Begun - Steven Greer 2017

    Post  NANUXII Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:12 pm

    fair amount of info in this video that is accurate.

    Mind scanning tech
    Man Made ET craft
    Hoax ET Abductions
    FF Alien Invasion ( i can elaborate )

    My first " upload " i suppose you could call it , was in 2010 whilst in Thailand. The interesting part of the upload was up until it happened id not heard a thing about it and i was in a good place without any fears so this upload was significant.

    The plan is to sucker punch unsuspecting public in built up areas with " ET craft " firing and causing massive casualties sealing their 50 year anti ET propaganda machine.

    We already have most of the alternative media full of negatives on ET's and the hollywood bs machine ... Independence Day enacted would be the icing on the cake.

    There is not much that could be done other than when it happens hope that you are not in a major city and if you see un manned craft come to collect you DONT GET ON !

    What is shared regarding ET tech is accurate , their craft do not have any visual signs of rivets or seams , they are perfect machines , they have no edges , no doors , no windows , they are organic living machines so to speak.

    His take on how they are manufactured is interesting and makes sense except the interdenominational part ... there are no dimensions so to speak , it is all one dimension up to a certain level so in human terms it would be one dimension up to the 8th level of consciousness or intelligence , the only thing masking the other levels is our in abilities to escape our personality complexes.

    During the FF Alien Invasion there will be members of the OEA present and observing , they will make themselves present to you if you are ready to go the next level.

    The Georgia Guide Stones come into play here, they are a manifesto for this planet , this is a goal to maintain the existence of this planet and has very little to do with its inhabitants.

    If you are wondering why DUMBS were made ... this is why ... the select few will watch us fight a civil war on the surface with remote Et craft while they drink champagne and watch us cull each other. And to be honest if we are stupid enough not to know this then we deserve it.

    The best part of this upload was the end ... where the real et craft come in and blow all the DUMBS and bury the idiots inside.

    Fitting end to a 75 year plan.


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    The Hoax Extraterrestrial Invasion Has Begun - Steven Greer 2017 Empty Re: The Hoax Extraterrestrial Invasion Has Begun - Steven Greer 2017

    Post  Carol Fri Aug 18, 2017 1:24 pm

    Interesting... and the end date of the 75 years plan is?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 608
    Join date : 2015-04-30
    Location : Antares

    The Hoax Extraterrestrial Invasion Has Begun - Steven Greer 2017 Empty Re: The Hoax Extraterrestrial Invasion Has Begun - Steven Greer 2017

    Post  NANUXII Fri Aug 18, 2017 4:53 pm

    Carol wrote:Interesting... and the end date of the 75 years plan is?

    Perhaps my language misleads , 75 years is more of a suggestion. when it was first conceived that was a guesstimate, it is beneficial to note all plans by greater powers never have an end date because macro views take into consideration ebb and flow of micro events within.

    every sequence depends on the preceding step to be successfully completed. If one step is not completed then delay occurs , if its completed sooner then its brought forward.

    Having said that at this point ( as in right this split second ) August 2030.

    Ask me in another 12 seconds and it will have changed. Please take into consideration i say the first date that comes to mind having crunched all the ethereal factors. Some ethereal factors are not accounted for.

    What i forgot to mention is the Beta testing, its been going on for a long time, so the powers that are planning this may be much father down the road than what is even being said in the video above. What i do know is Beta testing on craft was being done in the early 80's

    C 82 to 84 ish in nevada and parts of EU. The format of the craft has changed since then. The original craft looked more humanoid, that's so they didn't look out of place during beta testing of the tech. This is by no means comprehensive data.

    Lots of solid info in that video, please note all plans of any elite MUST be disseminated at some point somewhere or it cannot be enacted, so the Dr Greer could be allowed to do this for their benefit or id imagine he wouldn't be walking so well, perhaps unbeknownst to him.

    Weather someone is an insider or not is inconsequential, trying to define whose side they are on is moot , what matters is the information , is it accurate ? is it useful ? in this instance , Yes , if we look at insiders like Wilcox ... well he is one of the ones like Icke who are there to mislead , always banging on about evil Reptilians ... that's a tell take sign. I can tell you now , inverse the propaganda and in 99% of cases you have truer info.

    Get to learn body language and micro expressions, this is what will save you, get somewhere remote, be self sufficient, filter your water , do not eat processed foods. thats really all you need to do in any case. Everything else is superfluous information really , mind you most of it is interesting.

    oh and i forgot to mention , look at subterranean living .. it is the way of the future ( and the past ) a remote subterranean habitat is the king of advantages in all cases.

    One thing ive been meaning to say for a long time ... If you are not sure about the real MO of Extra Terrestrials , look at history ... Our last 5000 years or so ... how many humans thought ET's were harmful ? dont look at historical documents ( although some would be beneficial )
    Look at Architecture ... Where did they live ? the elite that is ... Up high in castles ... id say threats were not coming from the sky , but from the ground , why would you live way up high in a castle where an ET could get to you more easily ? its because they weren't and never have been a threat Surprised


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    The Hoax Extraterrestrial Invasion Has Begun - Steven Greer 2017 Empty Re: The Hoax Extraterrestrial Invasion Has Begun - Steven Greer 2017

    Post  Carol Fri Aug 18, 2017 10:08 pm

    The date August 2030 comes up a lot in reference to comets, astroids, solar event and Nibiru. Perhaps it's the date that Deloras Canon referred to as to when the world would split where the new earth exists in the 5th dimension.

    I'll ask Dr. Greer about the other when I see him next.. however, we did purchase his recent DVD and book which has a lot of interesting details laid out.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 608
    Join date : 2015-04-30
    Location : Antares

    The Hoax Extraterrestrial Invasion Has Begun - Steven Greer 2017 Empty Re: The Hoax Extraterrestrial Invasion Has Begun - Steven Greer 2017

    Post  NANUXII Mon Aug 21, 2017 2:47 pm

    I like the information Greer puts out. It has a good balance of science and ether,

    With regard to Dolores Canon and the " 5th Dimensional Shift " from what i have experienced that energy belt we humans call the 5th dimension is already here.  What is stopping us from accessing it is the energy of the planet.. or rather its inhabitants.

    War and negativity anchor the planet and its inhabitants to their eventual energies.

    If she predicts something around that time too then its possible a major event could happen to facilitate that energy belt. What that event is may liberate us from the negative forces that allay our ability to shift ... the negative anchor serves 2 purposes 1st is it retains retribution into this plane so that higher beings cannot take over. 2nd that energy affects everything around us and its ability to connect or rather integrate with better or denser vibrational energies.

    Think about it ... have we not all accessed higher energies from time to time ? but the problem is we could not sustain it for long ?  well if thats so then its the effect of surrounding energy over taking your inner sun core strength.

    Its like an arm wrestle .. you can resist it and sometimes put it back but it eventually over powers and wins till you rest and regroup. Even when you win you have to win every one to maintain that energy because there is an unlimited supply of negative energy on this planet.

    This is why enlightened people live in country or remote areas. They feel the difference and prefer the better

    Carol , do you have a link to that information ? Sorry i should say Dolores Canon's info ? i used to enjoy watching her videos I love you

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