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    The Surveillance State - A New Era


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    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  TRANCOSO Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:23 pm

    Warning of new era of surveillance state
    By Tom Whitehead, Home Affairs Editor
    12 Nov 2010

    Britain is heading for a new surveillance state of unmanned spy drones, GPS tracking of employees and profiling through social networking sites, the information watchdog has warned.

    The relentless march of the surveillance society has seen snooping techniques "intensify and expand" at such a pace that regulators are struggling to keep up, according to Christopher Graham, the Information Commissioner.

    Despite moves by the Coalition Government to row back intrusions of privacy, a new wave of monitoring risks making the spy state greater than ever.

    Mr Graham's predecessor warned in 2006 that the UK could be "sleepwalking into a surveillance society" and an updated report for him today said such concerns are "no less cogent" in 2010.

    It said that "visual, covert, database and other forms of surveillance have proceeded apace" and that much of it "goes beyond the limits of what is tolerable in a society".

    Britons are already the most watched citizens in the democratic world because of an army of surveillance systems including CCTV, cameras that track vehicles, vast Government databases and the sharing of personal data such as air passenger details.

    It has led to some surveillance powers being abused for less serious matters such as dog fouling or proving a family was not eligible for a school catchment area.

    But advances in technology and communications means members of the public now face the prospect of even greater and more intrusive monitoring, the report said.

    It highlights a pilot by Merseyside Police to use unmanned helicopter drones, which has now finished, and that it is "quite probable" they will become more commonplace around the country and will be used during the 2012 Olympics.

    It quotes reports that six other police forces are considering pilots but that potential applications could be to monitor minor offences such as fly tipping and waste management.

    The report warns: "Drones also present a more pervasive form of surveillance than CCTV because of their mobility.

    "They raise significant problems in terms of consent and notice, as they are barely visible from the ground, and yet have the potential to track and film people in real time.

    "Issues around proportionality arise when they are following a ‘target’."

    Mobile phone technology and CCTV in the workplace also paves the way for employees to be monitored more closely, the report suggests.

    It describes a practice in Japan where bosses were able to track the movements of a cleaner by using GPS linked to his mobile phone – technology so sensitive they could even tell if he was scrubbing or sweeping.

    Along with concerns that CCTV in offices could be used to watch staff performance rather than detect fraud or dishonesty, the report said both represented "an intensification of surveillance and a diminution of our normal expectations of privacy".

    The ability to use personal information in social networking sites to effectively profile people and even predict their political or sexual preferences is also of concern to the watchdog.

    It says that "anticipating and controlling new developments is a constant challenge" and that "surveillance cannot be effectively constrained without a more rigorous regime of law, supervision and enforcement".

    But it also warns that attempts to curtail the growing trend will face opposition.

    "Given the powerful commercial, governmental, and popular forces that brought about an intensification of surveillance in the first place, there may be considerable resistance to giving up the right."

    It said that despite the scrapping of ID cards and ContactPoint, the database of every child, and ongoing reviews of CCTV, the DNA database and "there are still many areas where surveillance continues to intensify and expand".

    Mr Graham said: "Many of the new laws that come into force every year in the UK have implications for privacy at their heart.

    "My concern is that after they are enacted there is no one looking back to see whether they are being used as intended, or whether the new powers were indeed justified in practice"

    In his report, which will be presented to the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, he said Government departments should have a legal requirement to scrutinise how the laws are being used in practice.

    Sunset clauses, which allow all or part of a law to be terminated after a specific date, should be considered and private firms launching new technologies should consider privacy implications.

    Alex Deane, director of Big Brother Watch, said: "Surveillance in Britain has been expanded out of all proportion and it is getting worse.

    "Now we face the prospect of improving technology allowing the state to monitor us in every moment of our lives."

    A Government spokeswoman said: "The new Government believes there has been too much intrusion into the private lives of people in this country.

    "We have put civil liberties at the heart of our policies and our first piece of legislation was to scrap ID cards.

    "We are committed to rolling back big government and state intrusion."


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    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  Mariadine Sun Nov 14, 2010 12:48 pm

    (...) «Then the face of Big Brother faded away again, and instead the three slogans of the Party stood out in bold capitals:


    But the face of Big Brother seemed to persist for several seconds on the screen, as though the impact that it had made on everyone’s eyeballs was too vivid to wear off immediately.»

    GEORGE ORWELL - «1984», CHAPTER 1,

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    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  enemyofNWO Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:08 pm

    Fema Camps - Police State

    Jesse Ventura's video that was pulled before going on air . We, on this site , are probably profiled and monitored as " conspiracy freaks " .

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    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  Mariadine Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:32 pm


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    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:24 pm

    The Backlash Begins
    By Jim Kirwan

    Finally one man has come forward to resurrect the Constitutional chain of legitimate responsibility that could actually do what the illustration above is suggesting we do; which is to charge George W. Bush with Murder; on the record and in court for the whole world to see. (1)

    Beyond this pivotal event there are a series of seemingly unassociated actions which are underway at the present time, that were designed to finish the official takeover of theUnited States. Here are some of those actions.

    'The reason for the intensification of thuggery, pedophilia and the sexual perversions in the Gestapo lines at US airports, is being done to divert attention from what is going on with what is left of the financial markets: Chertoff was given control over Homeland-Security by Bush even though Chertoff has always been an Israeli citizen, and not an American, which is why this sexual assault on the entire nation can now be taking place. This video ought to open many more eyes to what is really going on now! (2)

    Amerikans are famous for not being able to manage anything that requires paying attention to more than one threat at a time. This entire groping, fondling and sexual assault-crime scandal ­ artificially created by privatized security forces is just the kind of cover needed to stop the public from seeing exactly what is going on with what's left of the monopoly-money (US currency) that most still think of as real.

    We must disband Homeland Security & the Federal Reserve simultaneously IF we want to both take back our country; and LIVE to see that happen!'

    On the corporate side of life new demands are now surfacing upon the time and money of the employees that supposedly owe their lives and their thoughts to the corporations and businesses that employ them. (3)

    But something huge has been missing all along in the relationships between these corporations and businesses that want total control over those they employ. Because beneath the demands of the owners there is this very ugly fact that is potentially a business-ending cost that these companies will not choose to pay.

    The untold story here is the fact that corporations want total control over the lives of their employees 24-7; while they will only pay for the time and the thoughts of their employees that are actually spent "on-the-clock." When the companies dictate what habits you can have, what clothing you must wear, and what ideas you can think about - then that goes far beyond simply having a job. When the "company" actually demands total-control over all the habits and thoughts in the lives of those they employ: that level of total control must be compensated for, by law. The Companies must pay for all the time they say that each employee must "account for-to the company" going all the way back to when this became official company policy! That is one hell of a lot of money that the companies actually owe their "workers" currently and retroactively!

    That amount involved would be one-hundred and sixty-eight hours a week or eight thousand, seven-hundred and thirty-five hours a year. Even at minimum wage ($7.25 an hour) that comes to $63,336.00 annually, for the very least of the employees that any company employs - needless to say this figure gets a lot higher if you actually make a living wage - so where are the lawsuits demanding compensation, including retroactively, that is due to everyone that has had to suffer from this entirely illegal demand by the corporations & businesses' upon the time and lives of those they employ under false pretenses? This goes way beyond economic slavery; its grand theft under-color of business-law: And it's as immoral as it is illegal. No one in this country should be compelled to give their thoughts or their time to anyone without just compensation!'

    The long awaited tipping point has arrived, whether we are ready to face it now; or not. These are our lives that we are talking about along with the actual security of this nation which cannot ever be protected from anything by the illegal actions of Homeland Security or any of the totally privatized forces that have been unleashed to spy upon our every thought or word or deed, 24-7. This entire structure can be utterly destroyed overnight by simply charging the creators of it all, with the murders they committed, in order to get us into this place that has no exit from their treasons against us all.

    So here we are on the threshold of the final phase that will determine whether we shall live or die the Death of a Thousand-Cuts that has been planned for everyone who is not an insider in these massive crimes that have been taking place-virtually uninterrupted-since the New Millennium began!

    It's choose of die! "Do something America" because it is finally clear that if you continue to do nothing; then the waiting is over; and the privatization of this country shall have been accomplished, while you stood there naked to the world, inside the illegal body-scanners brought to us by the same Israeli's that planned and coordinated the attacks of 911. Those explosives that brought down the towers were put there by Mossad, and paid for with collaboration and money from US intelligence agencies that blocked all of the legally required military responses that could have stopped everything after the first tower was hit. This may not actually appear in the Trial of George W. Bush - however it certainly played a massive role in creating the national mood to grant him his License to Kill - which expanded the murders to include millions upon millions more people than just the nearly 3,000 in the World Trade Center bombings-which was the crime that started it all! (4) & (5)

    1) The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder - video

    2) Reality check in less than seven minutes ­ video

    3) Corporations Claiming the Right to Determine how all their employees vote:

    4) 911 was Not an Attack it was Murder!

    5) From the Smoke & Flames the Truth is Rising


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    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:00 pm

    TSA - Easy As One, Two, Three!
    By Jim Kirwan

    The Transportation Security Agency has become a political and social madhouse in which perverts are being hired To Sexually Abuse the public supposedly in the name of "The Greater Good." Apparently The Lord of the Flies has now taken over the Airport boarding terminals, and they are daring to call what they do as "necessary to the national security of the United States." Not only is this wrong it has become blatantly offensive to even attempt to fly in America anymore.

    This would be fixable if there was any interest whatsoever by anyone in the government or the US Department of Justice to insure that the treatment of passengers that are trying to board aircraft, are treated like something other than cattle being sent to a slaughterhouse. Since everyone in the government has now succeeded in dropping the ball on this one maybe a few hints about how this could be easily fixed is in order?

    ONE: Names of everyone on duty need to appear on the passenger's ticket, for future reference, should the passenger decide to take legal action against the perverts that have been hired to grope and squeeze people in ways that most will find extremely offensive. This is not and has never been about finding bombs or detecting weapons ­ this has always been about intimidating the public to the point of tears, just because they can. (1)

    TWO: All videos being taken should include the faces of the offending officers ­ rather than blocking out the faces of those that are belligerently mistreating passengers. This should include all the additional officers from whatever branch of what is so casually called "law enforcement," as this additional muscle needs to be clearly on-the-record for whatever they add to the confusion. To insure that videos exist; cameras ought to be installed at every combat-zone (the staging areas) wherever people are routinely subjected to everything from groping to full-body scans, in much the same way that cameras had to be added to patrol cars; to keep officers from killing innocent civilians caught up in illegal or questionable traffic stops

    In the case of this man who: if he left the airport was threatened with a $10,000 fine for leaving an areas that he was ordered to leave and then escorted from, by the Airport Security director.

    "The man asked me to stay put while he walked off to confer with the officer and Mr. Silva. They went about 20 feet away and began talking amongst themselves while I waited. I couldn't over hear anything, but I got the impression that the police officer was recounting his version of the events that had transpired in the screening area (my initial refusal to be patted down). After a few minutes, I asked loudly across the distance if I was free to leave. The man dismissively held up a finger and said, "hold on". I waited. After another minute or so, he returned and asked for my name. I asked why he needed it, and reminded him that the female supervisor/agent had already taken a report. He said that he was trying to be friendly and help me out. I asked to what end. He reminded me that I could be sued civilly and face a $10,000 fine and that my cooperation could help mitigate the penalties I was facing. I replied that he already had my information in the report that was taken and I asked if I was free to leave. I reminded him that he was now illegally detaining me and that I would not be subject to screening as a condition of leaving the airport. He told me that he was only trying to help (I should note that his demeanor never suggested that he was trying to help. I was clearly being interrogated.), and that no one was forcing me to stay. I asked if tried to leave if he would have the officer arrest me. He again said that no one was forcing me to stay. I looked him in the eye, and said, "then I'm leaving". He replied, "then we'll bring a civil suit against you", to which I said, "you bring that suit" and walked out of the airport". (2)

    THREE: The virtually useless US Attorney General * needs to open an immediate investigation into Mr. Chertoff's business ventures and the obvious 'conflicts of the public's-interests' which he willfully created with this latest endeavor. Chertoff was responsible as the head of Homeland Security, for creating the supposed need for these backscatter scanners in the first place, and as head of that agency he decided whether or not such a device would be "needed" and then he proceeded to insure that the use of the machines was mandated (after he stepped down) so that after he left 'government' he could then get the no-bid contract for these very expensive machines. What a colossal scam of the flying public and the citizens of this country. This was a shakedown pure and simple: and he should be charged under the RICO statutes as a racketeer that has extorted money for false purposes from the Treasury while inflicting massive humiliation upon the flying public for no good reason except to increase his illicit profits from this bit of vulture capitalism while subjecting the public to insulting and outrageous treatment under the guise of national defense.

    In fact it would seem to be a very good idea to put the names of all officers of whatever branch of government service they are in, on their person very visibly, along with their badge numbers. That way, whenever a crime is reported the officers name should be published so that the public can directly contact the heretofore invisible "officers" that have used their invisibility to vent their rage at will; on the public that does not necessarily deserve what 'the law' chooses to dispense-sometimes with deadly force.

    The routine torture of members of the public, at random, must not just be discontinued-it must be totally redesigned to actually serve some real purpose-which to date has never been the case, so far. Maybe some healthy lawsuits might be far more effective in getting the corrupt US government to actually follow the laws that were laid down for everyone to follow not just the targets of government crackdowns that are booming out of control everyday. (3)

    In all of the recent stories since this full-body scanner has come upon the scene; the overtly obvious intimidation tactics being used To Sexually Abuse (TSA) airline passengers is becoming obscene. What the hell is the matter with the public that will simply put-up-with this (and have to pay for it as well) when the truth is the agency involved is riddled with inefficiencies and incompetent people at all levels. If "insuring the safety of the flying public is so damned important then let's either hire competent and polite people capable of understanding the plight of those they are trying to intimidate or let's forget the whole nightmare and go back to the simple basics without all the electronic toys and whistles that haven't stopped anything anyhow!

    Part of the reason that no one in authority actually gives a damn is because they're all flying on private planes that are not subjected to these barbaric practices-so they do not care what happens to the slaves that have to fly-commercially.

    1) TSA Screener Accosts a 3 year old Child

    2) TSA Encounter ­ San Diego

    3) Systematic Humiliation of Air Passengers

    *) Open Letter to the US Attorney General

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    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  ClearWater Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:23 pm

    Scanners and pat-downs upset airline passengers

    Associated Press

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- Nearly a week before the Thanksgiving travel crush, federal air security officials were struggling to reassure rising numbers of fliers and airline workers outraged by new anti-terrorism screening procedures they consider invasive and harmful.

    Across the country, passengers simmered over being forced to choose scans by full-body image detectors or probing pat-downs. Top federal security officials said Monday that the procedures were safe and necessary sacrifices to ward off terror attacks.

    "It's all about security," Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said. "It's all about everybody recognizing their role."

    Despite officials' insistence that they had taken care to prepare the American flying public, the flurry of criticism from private citizens to airline pilots' groups suggested that Napolitano and other federal officials had been caught off guard.

    At the San Diego airport, a software engineer posted an Internet blog item saying he had been ejected after being threatened with a fine and lawsuit for refusing a groin check after turning down a full-body scan. The passenger, John Tyner, said he told a federal Transportation Security Administration worker, "If you touch my junk, I'm gonna have you arrested."

    Tyner's individual protest quickly became a web sensation, but questions also came from travel business groups, civil liberties activists and pilots, raising concerns both about the procedures themselves and about the possibility of delays caused by passengers reluctant to accept the new procedures.

    "Almost to a person, travel managers are concerned that TSA is going too far and without proper procedures and sufficient oversight," said Kevin Mitchell, chairman of the Business Travel Coalition, an advocacy group representing corporate travel departments. "Travel managers are hearing from their travelers about this virtually on a daily basis."

    Jeffrey Price, an aviation professor at Metropolitan State College of Denver, said two trends are converging: the regular holiday security increases and the addition of body scanners and new heightened measures stemming from the recent attempted cargo bombings. Also, several airports are short-staffed, which will add to delays, Price said.

    Homeland Security and the TSA have moved forcefully to shift airport screening from familiar scanners to full-body detection machines. The new machines show the body's contours on a computer stationed in a private room removed from the security checkpoints. A person's face is never shown and the person's identity is supposedly not known to the screener reviewing the computer images.

    Concerns about privacy and low-level radiation emitted by the machines have led some passengers to refuse screening. Under TSA rules, those who decline must submit to rigorous pat-down inspections that include checks of the inside of travelers' thighs and buttocks. The American Civil Liberties Union has denounced the machines as a "virtual strip search."

    Concerns about both procedures are not limited to the U.S. In Germany over the weekend, organized protesters stripped off their clothes in airports to voice their opposition to full-body scans.


    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  Guest Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:37 am

    The Not So Gradual Degradation Of A Nation

    Tuesday, 9. November 2010

    Paying To Be Raped

    Every single day millions of us are being subjected to the shameful processes of being searched, screened and viewed naked, patted, groped, fondled, poked and stroked by badge-wearing strangers- police under a different name. Every single day. Millions of us, Americans. Being violated. Being degraded. You know exactly what I am talking about. I am taking about me, you, your mother, her brother, his brother’s wife and toddler son, their grandmothers. I am talking about the systematic degradation of our people. I am talking about being raped of our dignity, privacy, and decency. I am talking about a daily systematic rape we actually pay to be subjected to. I am talking about severe violations we elect people to bring upon us. Yes, I am talking about traveling, TSA police, and being reduced to naked and helpless subjects of government police practices.

    Considering its short tenure, the motherland police force, aka Department of Homeland Security, has had a one of a kind success. In less than a decade it is now the third largest cabinet police department. It has around 200,000 employees, and that’s without counting contract employees – which exceed this number. Now remember, we still have the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA…plus all the other state and local police forces from before. TSA makes up over 60,000 of DHS employees. This 60,000 federal police force oversees 450 airports, so that makes it around 133 police per airport. And that’s in addition to local airport police.

    Last week TSA announced that airline passengers should expect to see and feel additional pat-down procedures at U.S. airports over the coming weeks to provide another layer of security. They said passengers should continue to expect “an unpredictable mix of security layers that include explosives trace detection, advanced imaging technology, canine teams, among others.”

    The following blurb comes from CNN, thanks to one of its employees who chose to speak up a little, only a little (all emphasis in bold are mine):

    Rosemary Fitzpatrick, a CNN employee, said she was subjected to a pat-down at the Orlando, Florida, airport on Wednesday night after her underwire bra set off a magnetometer. She said she was taken to a private area and searched, with transportation screening officers telling her the pat-down was a new procedure.

    According to Fitzpatrick, a female screener ran her hands around her breasts, over her stomach, buttocks and her inner thighs, and briefly touched her crotch.”I felt helpless, I felt violated, and I felt humiliated,” Fitzpatrick said, adding that she was reduced to tears at the checkpoint. She particularly objected to the fact that travelers were not warned about the new procedures.

    Okay, up to this point I was pleasantly surprised to see this piece being run by a mainstream outlet, and the fact that this woman didn’t take the rape in silence and go away the way most do when it comes to these government sanctioned and implemented systematic rapes, but then I reached the following:

    “I am appalled and disgusted at the new search procedures and the fact that passengers have not been made aware of the new invasive steps prior to entering the security area,” Fitzpatrick wrote. “It appears once you enter the security area, passengers forfeit their rights. There were no signs, video information, etc. at the entrance of the security area at the airport. Why?”

    She added: “As an experienced traveler for work who was in tears for most of the search process, I have never experienced a more traumatic and invasive travel event!”

    First, let me give her due credit for saying out loud that she objected and felt: helpless, violated, humiliated, appalled and disgusted. But after that, it is my turn to be appalled. Is the process supposed to get less humiliating, appalling, traumatic, and disgusting if the violators give prior notice about the violations, the rapes, to come??!!! Please walk with me through the following reasoning:

    Two rapists are brought before a judge. One had caught his victim by surprise through a blitz attack, then violently raped her. The other had stalked his victim for a while, sent her some disturbing warning notes, and then violently raped her. Victim one turns around and tells victim two: Why do you feel violated?! Your rapist gave you the courtesy of warning notes – and that makes his rape much less of an offense than my rapist!!

    My question to CNN’s Fitzpatrick is this: Next time, when these people squeeze your breast, poke your buttocks and stomach, and grab your crotch, will you feel okay? Far less violated? All because now you know what to expect?!

    After reading the piece I quickly scanned other news sites, both mainstream and alternative. Almost all of them picked up the story and reported it per the original, and the strongest cursory comment at one site was that the story and Fitzpatrick’s experience was ‘unsettling.’ Wow! How hard-hitting! But that was not what I found, and find, so very ‘unsettling.’ Not at all.

    What I find truly unsettling is that we only have a handful like Fitzpatrick who come forward screaming about the horrifying, humiliating, violating, traumatic …nature of these federal police practices (abuses) in all our airports. Now that is truly unsettling, shocking, and appalling as far as I am concerned. Millions are going through these routine rape processes (Yes, RAPE: raping you of your dignity, privacy, humanity, and more. Ok?!) without a peep. What is going on here? Have ‘their’ systematic humiliation and degradation practices been so successful that millions take it regularly without any protest, objection, action, counteraction?!

    I am talking about the hard-core ACLU following liberals. Where the he … are you?! I can’t hear or see you. Where is the protest? Give me a holler, and let me know where and when and I’ll be there to join. Here I’m hollering on the record. And no, don’t go file a couple of lawsuits and say that you’ve done your share; that lazy move hasn’t worked for at least a decade!!

    I am talking about those on the extreme right of those mentioned above. What happened to your slogan of small government and keeping a tight rein on federal government practices? Isn’t this as close and personal it gets, when your feds are squeezing your testicles while breathing inches from your face, and while you are fully paying for these squeezing and probing services?! I thought you’d attributed these practices to those commies, shouldn’t you be barking when it is in your own backyard?

    I am talking about old fashion patriarchal guys. Where are you macho and good ole cowboy mentality testosterone walking bags when your wives and daughters are being fondled, squeezed, and intimately probed? Shouldn’t you be roaring like lions and throwing punches like John Wayne when it comes to those who violate your ‘women’? Don’t you feel your manliness under attack when they make you stand in front of them, with your legs apart, arms up to each side, while their hands wrap around measuring your buttocks?

    I am talking about us Americans, those to the right, the ones on the left, the upper class- lower class, and those in the middle…Here we are, the entire nation, being violated and raped on a daily basis by our servants whom we pay for dearly. Last time I checked we were paying them over $7 Billion – here it is with all the zeroes: $7,000,000,000. Please, don’t even try to bring up that ‘security’ punch line so overused and abused, because last time I checked they were not providing much in terms of ‘security.’ In fact they couldn’t even secure their own personnel files and records.

    Soon they will be bending us over to give us a thorough cavity search. After that it will be all cavities… And after that…There will be one or two who may stand up and scream. And for ‘them,’ one or two, even ten will be very easy to quash and ‘eliminate.’ Yet, I am still here, still hoping; hoping that somehow I’ll get to see that number in the tens of thousands and beyond, and that’s the only hope I see to stop our expedited degradation process. They say it always starts with one. Well, here I am, willing to be one. How about you?

    Photos and original article here

    Annoyed Mad 1 Mad 2 Mad 3

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    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  Carol Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:01 pm

    We're already there. One Hundred Naked Citizens: One Hundred Leaked Body Scans.

    Check out

    The Surveillance State - A New Era Tsa1

    BIG SIS SEES ALL: Scanners and pat-downs upset passengers...

    'If people want to travel by some other means...'

    Republicans Take Aim at TSA Screening...


    TSA pats down a screaming toddler...

    At the heart of the controversy over "body scanners" is a promise: The images of our naked bodies will never be public. U.S. Marshals in a Florida Federal courthouse saved 35,000 images on their scanner. These are those images.

    A Gizmodo investigation has revealed 100 of the photographs saved by the Gen 2 millimeter wave scanner from Brijot Imaging Systems, Inc., obtained by a FOIA request after it was recently revealed that U.S. Marshals operating the machine in the Orlando, Florida courthouse had improperly-perhaps illegally-saved images of the scans of public servants and private citizens.

    We understand that it will be controversial to release these photographs. But identifying features have been eliminated. And fortunately for those who walked through the scanner in Florida last year, this mismanaged machine used the less embarrassing imaging technique.

    Yet the leaking of these photographs demonstrates the security limitations of not just this particular machine, but millimeter wave and x-ray backscatter body scanners operated by federal employees in our courthouses and by TSA officers in airports across the country. That we can see these images today almost guarantees that others will be seeing similar images in the future. If you're lucky, it might even be a picture of you or your family.

    While the fidelity of the scans from this machine are of surprisingly low resolution, especially compared to the higher resolution "naked scanners" using the potentially harmful x-ray backscatter technology, the TSA and other government agencies have repeatedly touted the quality of "Advanced Imaging Technology" while simultaneously assuring customers that operators "cannot store, print, transmit or save the image, and the image." According to the TSA—and of course other agencies—images from the scanners are "automatically deleted from the system after it is cleared by the remotely located security officer." Whatever the stated policy, it's clear that it is trivial for operators to save images and remove them for distribution if they choose not to follow guidelines or that other employees could remove images that are inappropriately if accidentally stored.

    To the point, these sample images were removed from the machine in Orlando by the U.S. Marshals for distribution under the FOIA request before the machine was sent back to its manufacturer—images intact.

    We look forward to seeing your next vacation (x-ray) photos.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  Jenetta Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:47 pm

    No scanning for my irises I'll buy some black contact lenses! Razz

    Orwellian Scenario: The "Total Control Society" Is Here: Iris Scanners

    <BLOCKQUOTE style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px" dir=ltr>


    Last edited by Jenetta on Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  Guest Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:31 am

    My question is, Are any of these security workers human or are they clones?

    Mad 1 Mad 1 Mad 1 Mad 1

    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  Guest Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:39 am


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    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  enemyofNWO Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:27 am

    The Surveillance state goes hands in hands with " cognitive dissonance " .
    What you see and perceive is different from what the PTB is telling us .
    The 9/11 was perpetrated by the man in the cave Osama Bin Laden according to the PTB , instead we know that it was an inside job ( CIA ,Mossad and Cheney ).
    The wars of aggression for resources are justified by the PTB , with bringing fictitious democracy to a population that don't want it . As a result million of people are dead . People are very sick in the Gulf of Mexico as a result of the oil spill , the seafood is poisoned , but the US government denies , lies and ignores the reality .

    Cognitive Dissonance Defines Our Lives

    November 16, 2010

    by Henry Makow Ph.D.

    The dictionary tells us that cognitive dissonance is "a feeling of discomfort that comes from holding two contradictory ideas at the same time."

    For example, in the movie "Chicago," when a wife catches her husband in bed with two women, he insists that he is alone.

    "What do you mean?" she says. "I can see two women!"

    His reply: "Believe what I tell you; not what you see!"

    Naturally, the woman had cognitive dissonance. She also had a gun and resolved the contradiction by shooting her husband.

    "Chicago" is a revelation of the Illuminati method. We are instructed to believe what we are told instead of what our eyes, ears and common sense tell us.

    The "what we are told" is a satanic spell cast by the Illuminati, a satanic cult led by Cabalist Jews and Masons that controls most of our information, education and so-called culture by funding an army of opportunists and dupes.

    As you know, this cult derives its power from the central banking cartel which is using its monopoly over government credit to gain a monopoly over everything on earth: wealth, power, minds and spirits.

    Humanity is under a satanic spell that consists of lies and corruption, i.e. deceit and decadence.

    The Illuminati (Freemasonry) has infiltrated and taken over most organizations. The goal is to induct us into the lower ranks of their cult as their servants and chattels. The TSA is accustoming the public to routine sexual abuse.

    The Illuminati began as a satanic Jewish heresy called the Sabbateans which spread to half the Jews in Europe, including the Rothschild syndicate. They took over Freemasonry and subverted most nations by intermarrying and pretending to convert.

    The Illuminati spawned Communism. Their aims and methods are identical: the end of freedom, marriage, family, inheritance, patriotism and private property, (they will own everything in the guise of the "State.") They are a satanic despotism that secretly rules the world, a cancer infecting society.

    They were behind both the Nazis and the Communists, hiding their tracks by persecuting non-Sabbatean Jews. Thus, in World War Two, they were able to destroy Germany and much of Europe, and advance their plan for central banker world tyranny.


    The template of cognitive dissonance is where they replace God with Satan, light with darkness by calling darkness light. This is the source of
    our cognitive dissonance and it takes place all of the time.

    Thus, when it is obvious that the universe is governed by a magnificent creative power and that following the inherent natural and moral design results in health and happiness, we are punished for espousing this view. We are told the universe is empty and chaotic.

    Why? Because the essence of the New World Order is replacing what is real with what is false i.e. replacing God with the cabalistic central banker who is reorganizing the world according to his interests. When he is done, we will not remember the truth.

    This Illuminati banker is behind most wars and revolutions; he is behind the so-called "Enlightenment" -- all designed to undermine and control humanity, and enable him to supplant God.

    "Humanism" only deifies the cabalist banker. It debases humanity by stripping us of our connection to God.

    So there we have the template: instead of acknowledging our Creator and his design so we may prosper, we are taught to deny His existence, defy His morality, and live in a dysfunctional solipsism in the name of "freedom."

    "Modernity" is simply the satanist's rejection of inherent order and purpose. It is the glorification of the alienated individual's dysfunction and reflects the Illuminati Jews' alienation from man and universe alike. Modernism eschews the universal in favor of the solipsistic and personal because truth is universal.

    Our cognitive dissonance comes from the contrast between what God (common sense, instinct, intuition and our senses) reveals, and what the paid liars and dupes of the Illuminati tell us to believe.

    I wasted much of my life because I listened to the bankers' "great men" instead of myself.

    END of SNIP
    The rest at :

    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  Guest Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:17 am

    Shock horror Shocked pale Blink

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    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  Carol Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:55 am

    Scanners may cause DNA damage/How Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA
    A new model of the way the THz waves interact with DNA explains how the damage is done and why evidence has been so hard to gather

    Great things are expected of terahertz waves, the radiation that fills the slot in the electromagnetic spectrum between microwaves and the infrared. Terahertz waves pass through non-conducting materials such as clothes , paper, wood and brick and so cameras sensitive to them can peer inside envelopes, into living rooms and "frisk" people at distance.
    The way terahertz waves are absorbed and emitted can also be used to determine the chemical composition of a material. And even though they don't travel far inside the body, there is great hope that the waves can be used to spot tumours near the surface of the skin.
    With all that potential, it's no wonder that research on terahertz waves has exploded in the last ten years or so.
    But what of the health effects of terahertz waves? At first glance, it's easy to dismiss any notion that they can be damaging. Terahertz photons are not energetic enough to break chemical bonds or ionise atoms or molecules, the chief reasons why higher energy photons such as x-rays and UV rays are so bad for us. But could there be another mechanism at work?
    The evidence that terahertz radiation damages biological systems is mixed. "Some studies reported significant genetic damage while others, although similar, showed none," say Boian Alexandrov at the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and a few buddies. Now these guys think they know why.
    Alexandrov and co have created a model to investigate how THz fields interact with double-stranded DNA and what they've found is remarkable. They say that although the forces generated are tiny, resonant effects allow THz waves to unzip double-stranded DNA, creating bubbles in the double strand that could significantly interfere with processes such as gene expression and DNA replication. That's a jaw dropping conclusion.
    And it also explains why the evidence has been so hard to garner. Ordinary resonant effects are not powerful enough to do do this kind of damage but nonlinear resonances can. These nonlinear instabilities are much less likely to form which explains why the character of THz genotoxic
effects are probabilistic rather than deterministic, say the team.
    This should set the cat among the pigeons. Of course, terahertz waves are a natural part of environment, just like visible and infrared light. But a new generation of cameras are set to appear that not only record terahertz waves but also bombard us with them. And if our exposure is set to increase, the question that urgently needs answering is what level of terahertz exposure is safe.
    Ref: DNA Breathing Dynamics in the Presence of a Terahertz Field

    Backscatter X-ray uses ionizing radiation, a known cumulative health hazard, to produce images of passengers’ bodies. Children, pregnant women, the elderly, and those with defective DNA repair mechanisms are considered to be especially susceptible to the type of DNA damage caused by ionizing radiation. Also at high risk are those who have had, or currently have, skin cancer. Ionizing radiation’s effects are cumulative, meaning that each time you are exposed you are adding to your risk of developing cancer. Since the dosage of radiation from the backscatter X-ray machines is absorbed almost entirely by the skin and tissue directly under the skin, averaging the dose over the whole body gives an inaccurate picture of the actual harm. In their letter of concern, the UCSF faculty members noted that “the dose to the skin could be dangerously high”. The eyes are particularly susceptible to the effects of radiation, and as one study found allowing the eyes to be exposed to radiation can lead to an increased incidence of cataracts.

    Dr Michael Love, who runs an X-ray lab at the department of biophysics and biophysical chemistry at the Johns Hopkins school of medicine. Love told AFP two days ago that “statistically someone is going to get skin cancer from these X-rays”.

    So, unless you count skin cancer as safe, Napolitano is lying to you.

    John Sedat, a University of California at San Francisco professor of biochemistry and biophysics and member of the National Academy of Sciences tells CNet that the machines have “mutagenic effects” and will increase the risk of cancer. Sedat previously sent a letter to the White House science Czar John P. Holdren, identifying the specific risk the machines pose to children and the elderly.

    Agence France-Presse · Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010
    WASHINGTON — U.S. scientists warned Friday that the full-body, graphic-image X-ray scanners that are being used to screen passengers and airline crews at airports around the country may be unsafe.
    “They say the risk is minimal, but statistically someone is going to get skin cancer from these X-rays,” Dr Michael Love, who runs an X-ray lab at the department of biophysics and biophysical chemistry at Johns Hopkins University school of medicine, told AFP.
    “No exposure to X-ray is considered beneficial. We know X-rays are hazardous but we have a situation at the airports where people are so eager to fly that they will risk their lives in this manner,” he said.
    The possible health dangers posed by the scanners add to passengers and airline crews’ concerns about the devices, which have been dubbed “naked” scanners because of the graphic image they give of a person’s body, genitalia and all.

    A regional airline pilot last month refused to go through one of the scanners, calling it an “assault on my person” and a violation of his right to privacy.
    The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) began rolling out full-body scanners at U.S. airports in 2007, but stepped up deployment of the devices this year when stimulus funding made it possible to buy another 450 of the advanced imaging technology scanners.
    A group of scientists at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) raised concerns about the “potential serious health risks” from the scanners in a letter sent to the White House Office of Science and Technology in April.

    Biochemist John Sedat and his colleagues said in the letter that most of the energy from the scanners is delivered to the skin and underlying tissue.
    “While the dose would be safe if it were distributed throughout the volume of the entire body, the dose to the skin may be dangerously high,” they wrote.
    The Office of Science and Technology responded this week to the scientists’ letter, saying the scanners have been “tested extensively” by U.S. government agencies and were found to meet safety standards.

    But Mr. Sedat told AFP Friday that the official response was “deeply flawed.”

    “We still don’t know the beam intensity or other details of their classified system,” he said, adding that UCSF scientists were preparing a rebuttal to the White House statement.
    Some 315 “naked” scanners are currently in use at 65 U.S. airports, according to the TSA.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  Carol Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:02 am

    Read more:

    Big Sis Caught Lying To American People - Auburn Journal

    Homeland Security head Janet Napolitano, now forever known as Big Sis – a reference to George Orwell’s 1984 – has been caught telling some big lies in an attempt to quell an enormous public backlash against the full body scanning technology and invasive pat-down procedures that have been implemented by the TSA in airports nationwide.

    In a blatant propaganda piece published by USA Today, Napolitano describes the scanning machines as safe and the pat-downs as “discreet”, in the face of a flood of complaints from scientists, pilots, flight attendants, privacy groups, parents, Muslim groups and everyday passengers, all rebelling against over the top security.

    “AIT machines are safe, efficient, and protect passenger privacy.” Napolitano writes in an article in which every single claim she makes can be easily disproved and revealed to be outright lies.
    Lie: The scanners are safe

    “They have been independently evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, who have all affirmed their safety.” Napolitano claims, expecting the public to simply swallow the claim that NIST and the FDA are somehow “independent” of the federal government.

    As for Johns Hopkins University declaring the scanners safe, tell it to Dr Michael Love, who runs an X-ray lab at the department of biophysics and biophysical chemistry at the Johns Hopkins school of medicine. Love told AFP two days ago that “statistically someone is going to get skin cancer from these X-rays”.

    “…we have a situation at the airports where people are so eager to fly that they will risk their lives in this manner,” he added.So, unless you count skin cancer as safe, Napolitano is lying to you.

    According to other numerous real “independent” scientists who continue to speak out over the health hazards associated with the x-ray technology, the body scanners are far from safe.

    John Sedat, a University of California at San Francisco professor of biochemistry and biophysics and member of the National Academy of Sciences tells CNet that the machines have “mutagenic effects” and will increase the risk of cancer.
    Sedat previously sent a letter to the White House science Czar John P. Holdren, identifying the specific risk the machines pose to children and the elderly.

    The letter stated:

    “it appears that real independent safety data do not exist… There has not been sufficient review of the intermediate and long-term effects of radiation exposure associated with airport scanners. There is good reason to believe that these scanners will increase the risk of cancer to children and other vulnerable populations.”

    The TSA has repeatedly stated that going through the machines is equal to the radiation encountered during just two minutes of a flight. However, this does not take into account that the scanning machines specifically target only the skin and the muscle tissue immediately beneath.

    The scanners are similar to C-Scans and fire ionizing radiation at those inside which penetrates a few centimeters into the flesh and reflects off the skin to form a naked body image.

    The firing of ionizing radiation at the body effectively “unzips” DNA, according to scientific research by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

    The research shows that even very low doses of X-ray can delay or prevent cellular repair of damaged DNA, yet pregnant women and children will be subjected to the process as new guidelines including scanners are adopted.

    The Inter-Agency Committee on Radiation Safety concluded in their report on the matter that governments must justify the use of the scanners and that a more accurate assessment of the health risks is needed.

    Pregnant women and children should not be subject to scanning, according to the report, adding that governments should consider “other techniques to achieve the same end without the use of ionizing radiation.”

    “The Committee cited the IAEA’s 1996 Basic Safety Standards agreement, drafted over three decades, that protects people from radiation. Frequent exposure to low doses of radiation can lead to cancer and birth defects, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,” reported Bloomberg.

    Scientists at Columbia University also entered the debate recently, warning that the dose emitted by the naked x-ray devices could be up to 20 times higher than originally estimated, likely contributing to an increase in a common type of skin cancer called basal cell carcinoma which affects the head and neck.

    “If all 800 million people who use airports every year were screened with X-rays then the very small individual risk multiplied by the large number of screened people might imply a potential public health or societal risk. The population risk has the potential to be significant,” said Dr David Brenner, head of Columbia University’s centre for radiological research.

    Lie: The scanners are effective

    “…the weapons and other dangerous and prohibited items we’ve found during AIT screenings have illustrated their security value time and again.” Napolitano claims in her propaganda piece.

    In reality, the machines would not have prevented the Christmas Day bomber from boarding Flight 253, according to their designers, and other security experts who have dismissed the devices as “useless”.

    The imaging machines cannot even detect explosive material, so claiming, as Napolitano does, that they are “our best defense against such threats” is misleading at best and at worst a complete lie.

    If the machines had detected “dangerous items” “time and again”, rest assured that the DHS and the TSA would make sure it was all over the news – such success stories have been decidedly absent from the media, unless you count “dangerous items” as baby milk, tubes of toothpaste or contact lens fluid.

    The idea that the machines are effective flies in the face of the viewpoint of surveillance experts who note that the scanners will do nothing to make air travel safer.

    Lie: The scanners cannot store/print/transmit images (Note: Who needs a thumbprint when they have on record a body scan.)

    At first we were asked to believe that the imaging machines did not produce crisp images of naked bodies.

    In an effort to downplay the intrusion of privacy they really represent, the TSA routinely claimed that the images produced by the scanners are “ghostly” or “skeletal”.

    The passenger’s face is blurred and the image as a whole “resembles a fuzzy negative,” the TSA spokeswoman Kristin Lee told the media last year, prior to the underwear bombing attempt.

    After months of researchers, reporters and everyday travelers outing this as a complete lie, the DHS/TSA abandoned that approach and instead claimed that, although they were detailed naked images, it’s fine and dandy because they cannot be saved or transmitted.

    “The imaging technology that we use cannot store, export, print or transmit images.” Napolitano claims in her latest propaganda piece.

    Again not true. As we have previously detailed, the images that show in detail the naked genitals of men, women and children that have passed through the scanners can be transmitted and printed.As reported by Declan McCullagh of CNET earlier this year, “The U.S. Marshals Service admitted this week that it had surreptitiously saved tens of thousands of images recorded with a millimeter wave system at the security checkpoint of a single Florida courthouse.”

    The proof comes in the form of a letter (PDF), obtained by The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), in which William Bordley, an associate general counsel with the Marshals Service, admits that “approximately 35,314 images…have been stored on the Brijot Gen2 machine” used in the Orlando, Fla. federal courthouse.

    EPIC says it has also obtained more than 100 images of electronically stripped individuals from the scanning devices used at federal courthouses. The disclosures come as part of a settlement of an EPIC Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the U.S. Marshals Service.

    Brijot, the manufacturer of the body scanning equipment in question, also admits that its machine can store up to 40,000 images and records.

    EPIC, has filed two further lawsuits against the Department of Homeland Security over the scanners, claiming that the DHS has refused to release at least 2,000 images it has stored from scanners currently in use in U.S. airports.

    EPIC’s lawsuit argues that the body scanners violate the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits “unreasonable” searches, as well as the Privacy Act, the Administrative Procedure Act, and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, referencing religious laws about modesty.

    The group points to a further document (PDF) it has obtained from DHS showing that the machines used by the department’s TSA are not only able to record and store naked body images, but that they are mandated to do so.

    The TSA has admitted that this is the case, but claims that it is for training and testing purposes only, maintaining that the body scanners used at airports cannot “store, print or transmit images”.

    “In complying with our Freedom of Information Act request, the Marshals Service has helped the public more fully understand the capabilities of these devices,” EPIC President Marc Rotenberg said in a statement. “But the DHS continues to conceal the truth from American air travelers who could be subject to similar intrusive recorded searches in U.S. airports.”

    As if it was needed, further evidence also points to the fact that the images are actively being transmitted and printed in airports.

    Lie: Pat-downs are “discreet”

    In her headline, Napolitano calls the pat-down procedure offered as an alternative to the naked body scanners, or used in addition to them, as “discreet”.

    “Pat-downs have long been one of the many security measures used by the U.S. and countries across the world to make air travel as secure as possible.” she writes.

    What she does not explain is that the new pat down procedure, which now allows TSA agents to forcefully feel around breasts and genitalia, is currently conducted in full view of queuing passengers and has been described by many, including New York Times reporter Joe Sharkey, as a deliberate form of humiliation to discourage others from refusing the full body scans.

    The TSA also claims that the pat-downs are discreet, yet multiple accounts and reports prove otherwise.

    Flight attendants and pilots unions in particular have taken up issue with the pat-downs, with one union declaring “We don’t want them in uniform going through this enhanced screening where their private areas are being touched in public… They actually make contact with the genital area.”

    As reported by Reuters, parents are now demanding that the procedures be changed for children, after witnesses have described their children’s genitals being touched by men and women working for the TSA.

    “I didn’t think it was going to be as horrible as he was describing,” one father noted after an agent told him what he was going to do to the child before conducting the full body search.

    “At some point the terrorists have won.” the father added. The TSA says it is currently “reviewing” the procedure for children. Perhaps it should first review it’s policy on background checking its own employees, which by all accounts is woefully inadequate.

    Lie: “Risk based” security procedure

    Napolitano calls the TSA’s system “risk-based,” another total fallacy given the fact that the primary targets of airport oppression have been women, children, the elderly, and the physically disabled, all the categories of people who characteristically would pose the least risk in terms of terrorism.

    The procedure is completely random, emphasizing the fact that everyone is categorized as a potential terrorist.

    Lie: The scanners are popular with the public

    “These machines are now in use at airports nationwide, and the vast majority of travelers say they prefer this technology to alternative screening measures.” Napolitano writes.

    Another unsubstantiated claim, particularly given that a new Reuters poll shows that over 95% of Americans are now less likely to fly due to the crackdown in the wake of the dubious toner cartridge and underpants bombing scares.

    Furthermore, documents released under the Freedom of Information Act before the issue recently hit headlines again, and before the majority of airports even had the machines installed, have revealed that there were more than 600 formal complaints about the devices last year.

    Hardly a shining example of how popular the machines are.

    Lies Lies Lies

    Napolitano and the TSA have consistently lied to the American people about the open implementation of tyranny in our airports. They will continue to do so in an effort to make it appear that those who are revolting against their procedures are just a small minority, when in reality the the vast majority of sick and tired of being treated like slaves and having their fundamental freedoms trashed.

    On November 24th, ‘national opt-out day’, the world will see thousands and thousands standing up against measures that are not only set to become commonplace in airports everywhere, but are also scheduled to be implemented on our streets if we do not resist. declares:

    It’s the day ordinary citizens stand up for their rights, stand up for liberty, and protest the federal government’s desire to virtually strip us naked or submit to an “enhanced pat down” that touches people’s breasts and genitals. You should never have to explain to your children, “Remember that no stranger can touch or see your private area, unless it’s a government employee, then it’s OK.”

    The goal of National Opt Out Day is to send a message to our lawmakers that we demand change. No naked body scanners, no government-approved groping. We have a right to privacy and buying a plane ticket should not mean that we’re guilty until proven innocent.We urge our readers to join forces with these groups and organise peaceful protests at the nearest airport to you that has implemented body scanners and enhanced TSA pat downs.

    The issue has garnered such massive attention, largely due to coverage via The Drudge Report, that the federal government has been forced to declare it is considering scrapping the enhanced security procedures for pilots and flight attendants. The unified statements from pilots and flight attendants unions highlights the fact that coming together and declaring a mass refusal to submit to this can be effective, it is vital that it not be overlooked.

    you don't give up your rights when you buy a ticket

    nothing can take away your constitutional rights

    These airlines are PUBLIC COMPANIES

    this is a government agency the TSA asserting authority over a public means of travel

    the government shall make no law that contradicts the constitution

    you are guaranteed the right to travel & the right to privacy in the constitution

    what they are forcing people to undergo in order to travel is unconstitutional

    our constitutional right to travel freely has long been recognized by the courts
    This is cumulative exposure. Low levels can cause DNA bonds to break.
    Sperm and eggs are effected, future kids affected.

    Airports are now being reminded that they can OPT-OUT of using the TSA by one of the authors of the TSA bill !! Contact your local airport and tell them to OPT-OUT of this travesty !!

    Last edited by Carol on Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:12 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
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    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  Carol Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:09 am

    Read more:

    The issue has garnered such massive attention, largely due to coverage via The Drudge Report, that the federal government has been forced to declare it is considering scrapping the enhanced security procedures for pilots and flight attendants. The unified statements from pilots and flight attendants unions highlights the fact that coming together and declaring a mass refusal to submit to this can be effective, it is vital that it not be overlooked.

    you don't give up your rights when you buy a ticket

    nothing can take away your constitutional rights

    These airlines are PUBLIC COMPANIES

    this is a government agency the TSA asserting authority over a public means of travel

    the government shall make no law that contradicts the constitution

    you are guaranteed the right to travel & the right to privacy in the constitution

    what they are forcing people to undergo in order to travel is unconstitutional

    our constitutional right to travel freely has long been recognized by the courts
    This is cumulative exposure. Low levels can cause DNA bonds to break.
    Sperm and eggs are effected, future kids affected.

    Airports are now being reminded that they can OPT-OUT of using the TSA by one of the authors of the TSA bill !! Contact your local airport and tell them to OPT-OUT of this travesty !!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  Carol Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:20 pm

    Lawmaker blasts 'big brother' TSA...

    Charges ex-DHS chief Chertoff got 'sweetheart deal' selling naked scanners to TSA...

    Dem Sen: Patdowns are just 'love pats'...

    Leader of TSA offers pat-downs to senators...

    Big Sis has had patdown...

    TSA Hit With Lawsuits As Revolt Explodes...


    'State-sponsored sexual harassment'...

    PAPER: Big Sister's police state...

    TSA, Pilots in Talks About Biometric System For Airport Screening...

    VIDEO: Taiwanese animators take on TSA...

    Man pulled from flight for 'Atom Bomb' tattoo...

    FLASHBACK: Penn Jillette Calls Cops on Groping TSA Agent...

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  Carol Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:36 pm

    Recent Posts

    * Soros advises Obama to use forceful measures to override the will of the people
    * Republicans Stalling Russian Arms Pact After Obama Tells Medvedev It’s A Done Deal
    * Obama is detached, unhinged, losing it, hates Clintons, hates Biden, hates Fox(Video)
    * Unreal! Liberal School District Gives ‘Ok’ For Elementary Students To Receive Condoms (Video)
    * “In a Symbol of Spirituality” Muslims Hold “Death to America” Rally At Hajj

    The TSA is guilty TRAPPING people and then Sexually Harassing them.

    Option A: Go through a machine which Irradiates you
    and shows every part of your naked body to strangers.

    Option B: If you elect for a Pat Down, they are touching you,
    and IF YOU REFUSE, you are FINED $11,000.

    Congressman Duncan Blasts TSA Pat-Downs, Body Scanners states revolt is here!

    "WASHINGTON – Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr. (R-Tenn.) blasted the Transportation Security Administration Wednesday during a speech on the floor of the House of Representatives for invasive “pat-downs” of U.S. citizens and the role lucrative government contracts played in the use of body scanning machines at airport checkpoints.

    Duncan, former Chairman of the House Aviation Subcommittee and the current top Republican on the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit, said: “Unfortunately, for the traveling public, big brother never makes a mistake, so I am not surprised they are trying to defend the purchase of these scanners.”

    Mr. Speaker:

    A nationwide revolt is developing over the body scanners at the airports, and it should.

    Hundreds of thousands of frequent fliers who fly each week are upset about getting these frequent doses of radiation.

    Parents are upset about being forced to have their children radiated or being touched inappropriately by an unrelated adult.

    There is already plenty of security at the airport, but now we are going to spend up to $300 million to install 1,000 scanners.

    This is much more about money than it is about security.

    The former Secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, represents Rapiscan, the company which is selling these scanners to his former department.

    Far too many federal contracts are sweetheart, insider deals."


    I give Clif High credit in that I have reached my own tipping point on November 16th, and for a very good reason.

    As it is, I spent my entire 38 year career as an aviation professional. I have been a commercial pilot, flight instructor and air traffic controller. I love the aviation industry, and as it was, I spent my youth preparing for a career in law which I gleefully discarded after getting a job loading 747's.

    Touching a person's gentalia or a woman's breasts without their permission is a felony in every one of the fifty states of the United States of America.

    If a TSA employee had groped or fondled someone's genitalia or a woman's breasts a month ago, that person could have easily been charged with the commission of a felony.

    But when the TSA itself came out with an edict that all TSA screeners were obliged to commit these assaults, the act of fondling women's breasts and genital (even those of a child) became the law of the land.

    There was never any legal proceedings. There was never any congressional consent. It was not debated in the House or the Senate, and it was never signed by the President. The only official act was that it was the edict of the TSA.

    What's worse, is that there is a fellow from San Diego who refused to be sexually assaulted, but took no further action than that refusal. The TSA in retaliation has unleashed the investigative power of the Department of Homeland Security against this citizen of the United
    States for doing nothing but refusing to have his genitalia groped by a TSA screener. That means that, besides having his phones and Internet lines tapped, he will be also be otherwise considered a criminal-at-large. His local precinct will be notified and the IRS may be advised to rummage through his tax filings.

    And all of this because his exercised his Constitutional Rights to avoid having his genitalia groped.

    In case you've forgotten, I was writing about reaching my own tipping point. I can't think of a better reason other than there is a thread currently pinned that says that the FBI is seeking (and will receive) permission to investigate people who post on bulletin boards. No doubt this posting would come to attention to say the least. Basically, anyone who expresses what he or she thinks could be a violation of U.S. Federal Law. I sent emails to 10 senators stating that, as an aviation professional, I know that anyone who works in the cargo and loading areas of large airports are easily capable of putting anything on commercial airplanes, and therefore, sexual assaults against passengers would do nothing to stop anyone from putting anything on airplanes. But what will that accomplish?

    Probably nothing.

    And what are my fellow Americans going to do about this?

    They will continue to live their lives in fear that some muslim living in a cave in Afghanistan might crash the airplane they might fly in into a large building.

    They will also condemn anyone in a violent manner who even suggests that 911 should be re-investigated. With this said, I think every American should realize that the last two statements made in our national anthem have been officially annulled as of Clif High's November 15th "Tipping Point."

    I realized that I made no mention of the filming of the naked bodies of those passengers who don't "opt out" of the current screening. And I came to a surprizing conclusion...

    I think it is safe to say that, in all fifty states, it is a felony to photograph a naked person without their permission. Here's a case in point...

    Supposed someone had a apartment or room to rent. And suppose that person would rig a hidden camera (or cameras) so as to capture photographs of that person without his or her clothes on. Would that be a felony?

    I think so. In fact, there was a case here in the county where I live that "made the papers." I live in a county of 4 million people and very few crimes "make the papers."

    There is also a nude beach near where I live. Just this summer, I was thinking that the police could probably make a case against someone who would even photograph nude people at the beach.

    Now apply this concept to the TSA's edict to photograph every airline passenger and crewmember every time they take a trip on an airplane. Do you see the similarity?

    What's worse is that I've read that, although these photos are released in black and white, these same photos can be be produced in color or be "colorized." One thing for certain is that these photographs ARE stored on a hard drive, and anyone who repairs these machines (or owns them) can keep the pictures for themselves.

    The worst part of this entire scenario is that this criminal invasion of privacy was the result of, not an enacted law, but simply by an edict of an agency that was created by a poorly investigated (or non-investigated) attack on the United States. And if this edict remains the law of the land, more edicts like these are bound to arise. And the day will probably come when Americans are herded into cattle cars and transported to concentration camps just as it occurred in Nazi Germany.

    The "holocaust" as we know it today was not the result of a law that was legally enacted by the German government. It was an edict of a government organization that was created when a poorly investigated (or non-investigated) attack occurred against the building that housed their lawmakers. And the German organization who devised that edict was probably what we know of today as the Gestapo.

    Clif High's prediction that gold and silver would go through this or last week did not occur. What did occur, if unstopped, is a thousand (if not a million) times worse than what he predicted.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
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    Location : Hawaii

    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  Carol Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:39 pm

    While sexually molesting children in the name of security, agency hires pedophiles and allows illegal immigrants to fly planes and access secure areas of airports

    TSA Gives Rapists And Illegals The Green Light While Groping Children

    Paul Joseph Watson
    Wednesday, November 10, 2010

    While the TSA hires rapists to grope and fondle little girls, women, and the physically disabled in the name of security, it gives the green light to illegal aliens to fly planes and work at US airports, emphasizing once again that invasive “pat down” procedures have nothing to do with terrorism and everything to do with treating the American people with less respect than farmyard animals.

    Pat-down procedures

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
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    Location : Hawaii

    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  Carol Wed Nov 17, 2010 3:03 pm


    I think it is safe to say that, in all fifty states, it is
    a felony to photograph a naked person without their
    permission. Here's a case in point...

    It seems that just like ObamaCare, this is another example
    of the Federal Govt claiming the Supremacy Clause gives it
    the Right to do WHATEVER they wish to do -- in this case,
    "reinterpret" the 4th Amendment as they see fit.

    The Supremacy Clause (Article VI, Section 1, Clause 2)
    This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States
    which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties
    made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the
    United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and
    the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing
    in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary

    The Fourth Amendment
    The right of the people to be secure in their persons,
    houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches
    and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall
    issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or
    affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be
    searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    Airport Screening Involves Military Contractors

    Military contractors General Electric and Lockheed Martin provide many of the explosive trace detection portals used at airports, reported Mickey McCarter in 2005. He also notes:

    “American Science and Engineering Inc. (AS&E), based in Billerica, Mass., manufactures backscatter X-ray machines that have been purchased by TSA …. [as well as] Rapiscan Security Products Inc., based in Hawthorne, Calif.”

    L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc. is another defense contractor supplying such machines, reports Perpetual Commotion. In October, the New York Times advised:

    “The T.S.A. reports that there are 317 of the ‘advanced imaging technology’ machines now in use at 65 airports around the country. About 500 should be online by the end of the year, the agency said, and another 500 are expected to be installed next year. Ultimately, the agency plans to have the new machines replace metal detectors at all of the roughly 2,000 airport checkpoints.”

    The Surveillance State - A New Era Tsa-pedophiles
    TSA promises $10,000 fine for refusing airport body search

    At the San Diego International Airport on Saturday, about one-fifth of the travelers were selected for sexual assault by transportation security agents. Though TSA’s website did not list SAN as one of the airports employing the carcinogenic naked scan or a full body rub down, one man was told his refusal to submit would result in a civil law suit and a $10,000 fine.

    John Tyner posted his video of the incident and described in detail the experience. At about 3:50 into the first video, Tyner tells TSA agents:

    “If you touch my junk, I’m gonna have you arrested.”

    “Upon buying your ticket, you gave up a lot of your rights,” said one TSA agent (~8:34).

    “The government took them away after 9/11,” he countered.

    His father-in-law tried to convince the agents to allow him to be screened by the metal detector since he has an aversion to the x-ray machine and to having his genitals touched by strangers.

    “We have our procedures, Sir.”

    Agents then filled out a report of the incident, taking down his name and other details. (Second video)

    Transportation Security Manager David Silva told agents to have Tyner escorted from the airport. But after his ticket was refunded, he was again detained by security personnel who continued to question him.

    In the third video, Tyner’s camera caught the agents on film as they huddled some distance off from him. Here’s where Orwell rises from the dead. In the third video, we see one of the suits using doublespeak:

    “For your benefit, can I get a contact number?”

    “For my benefit?”

    “Yes, Sir.”

    “I think we’re done.”

    “Actually, Sir …”

    “My benefit has been achieved.”

    “No, Sir, I’m trying – I’m trying to get you, give you some mitigating factors, in your – in your favor. Cooperation is one of those mitigating factors.”

    “I’m sorry, what mitigating, mitigating what?”

    “Remember the, remember the civil penalties I told you you could be subject to for failing to …”

    “So are you going to subject him and this officer and the four TSA members who escorted me out to those same penalties?”

    “No, Sir, I’m not.”

    “They directed me to break the law and they escorted me out and told me my only choice was to leave the airport.”

    “Tyner? Was that the name?”

    “I think you’ve got a record of it back there. All my pertinent information is on the record you took.”

    “I’m just trying to get the right to call you by your name. That’s what –”

    'My name is John.”

    Tyner then demands to leave while the suit continues to seek his cooperation.

    “To what end?” John asked.

    “To the end, to the end, to the end that it will look better for you when we bring the case against you that we’re going to bring, okay, if you cooperate.”

    “You bring that case,” Tyner said, then walking out of the airport.

    Under 49 CFR Sec.s 1540.105 and 1540.107, as summarized in these 2004 TSA Sanction Guidelines, apparently TSA has Congressional support to fine people for refusing to submit to molestation. But at the TSA website, at its Tips for the Screening Process page, TSA warns people:

    “If a personal search is required you may choose to remain in the public area or go to a private area for your screening. If you refuse either option you will not be able to fly.”

    It does not tell them they will be fined $10,000 for refusing both options.

    You can read Tyner’s full report here, and his response to the 800+ comments he received (as of 1 pm Eastern on Sunday), here.

    San Diego International Airport's Transportation Security Manager David Silva chats with security personnel about how to proceed with a passenger who refused to be sexually molested by them. (Image rotated from video screen shot. H/T Casa Zaza.)

    Industry and Public Outrage

    On Friday, TSA Administrator John Pistole and the Dept of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano met with travel industry executives who expressed grave concerns over these offensive practices, which hurt their business. Reuters reports:

    “The meeting with Secretary Napolitano was informative but not entirely reassuring,” said Geoff Freeman, an executive vice president with the U.S. Travel Association. “We understand the challenge DHS confronts but the question is where we draw the line.”

    Pistole mentioned several forthcoming reforms for so-called trusted travelers, Freeman said.

    “Our country desperately needs a long-term vision for aviation security screening rather than an endless reaction to yesterday’s threat,” he said.

    Airline officials and travel industry executives complained of the numerous emails they have received over this abusive practice from customers vowing to boycott air travel.

    On November 24th, is sponsoring a national Opt Out Day to lodge consumer objection. Several cities are planning their own actions at airports that day.

    We recently reported on the 20-year-old woman who was targeted for sexual assault at Ft. Lauderdale International Airport, which her radio station coworkers believe was due to her beauty. You can also see the video of the 3-year-old who was sexually molested by TSA workers under the guise of searching the child for weapons.

    Airport Screening Involves Military Contractors

    Military contractors General Electric and Lockheed Martin provide many of the explosive trace detection portals used at airports, reported Mickey McCarter in 2005. He also notes:

    “American Science and Engineering Inc. (AS&E), based in Billerica, Mass., manufactures backscatter X-ray machines that have been purchased by TSA …. [as well as] Rapiscan Security Products Inc., based in Hawthorne, Calif.”

    L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc. is another defense contractor supplying such machines, reports Perpetual Commotion. In October, the New York Times advised:

    “The T.S.A. reports that there are 317 of the ‘advanced imaging technology’ machines now in use at 65 airports around the country. About 500 should be online by the end of the year, the agency said, and another 500 are expected to be installed next year. Ultimately, the agency plans to have the new machines replace metal detectors at all of the roughly 2,000 airport checkpoints.”

    San Diego International Airport services over 18 million passengers a year, and brings an estimated $10 billion to the local economy. Yet, if security measures destroy business, the federal government will further isolate itself from the economic interests of the nation, if not the manufacturers of these intrusive technologies.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 127
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    Location : Pacific Northwest Canada

    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  tacodog Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:54 pm

    Didn't the webbot predict radiation/flying hazard?

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    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  mudra Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:51 pm

    Here come the energy police!
    Millions of 'smart meters' installed to monitor electricity usage

    Energy police are about to invade your home with "smart meters," new electronic/Internet based devices that determine precisely how much energy you are using, Jerome Corsi's Red Alert reports.

    While the devices are being sold as energy-saving tools, the technology also gives the energy police the ability to shut you off or charge you additional if you refuse to install energy saving measures demanded by green ideologues and enforced by utility companies doing their bidding, Corsi reported.

    The California Public Utilities Commission, or CPUC, has given permission to deploy an Advanced Meter Infrastructure project that will upgrade both metering and communications software to install 5.1 million electricity meters and 4.2 million natural gas meters in homes in the Pacific Gas & Electricity in California.

    Orlean Koehle, an active tea-party member and a member of the Sonoma County Republican Central Committee, has begun fighting back.

    "What is a smart meter?" Koehle asks. "It is one that contains RF (radio frequency) so that it can be remotely controlled and read. No longer will a meter reader have to come to your home to read the meter. It will all be done remotely."

    What is the concern about the energy police?

    "When all is in place, the smart meter will not only keep track of how much electricity you are using, but it will be able to control, regulate, and ration your use of that electricity," she wrote. "If 'big brother' decides that you are using too much heat in the winter time, or too much air conditioning in the summer time, or using too much hot water in your showers or washing machine (even if you are willing to pay for that extra usage), the use of power will be automatically turned down."

    Koehle's not only concerned that green bureaucrats want to impose their global warming agenda on a free marketplace, but that in the future no one will be able to avoid the coming ideologically driven intrusion into homes.

    Pretty soon, Koehle warns, all appliances will be replaced with those containing RF chips.

    Corsi has also reported on Google's PowerMeter, software intended to measure the precise amount of energy a house consumes and provide an accounting that lists by household location and device that consumes the electricity.

    As a result, the Google PowerMeter will provide utilities and any government regulators who care the access the data complete information on a household's energy footprint and carbon footprint.

    "An easy next step would be for government regulators to demand more household energy efficiency or a reduction in carbon emissions, with the result that 'energy offenders' could be charged substantial fines, with the possibility that the truly recalcitrant could be deemed 'energy criminals' subject to severe consequences," Corsi wrote. "As always, government extermination of civil liberties first arrives with a helping hand."

    For more information on the energy-monitoring devices, read Jerome Corsi's Red Alert, the premium, online intelligence news source by the WND staff writer, columnist and author of the New York Times No. 1 best-seller, "The Obama Nation."

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    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  mudra Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:55 pm

    Big Brother: Biometric Tyranny and DNA Databases

    by Ethan Jacobs

    Global Research, November 15, 2010


    Governments and large corporations are encouraging individuals to identify themselves using biometric data as opposed to traditional card forms of identification, such as drivers’ licenses and membership cards. The federal and local governments also have plans to collect DNA samples from people arrested for but not convicted of crimes. The public must take immediate action to stop this assault on privacy rights and prevent the unprecedented implementation of global technocratic tyranny.
    Cardless Check-in at Health Clubs

    24 Hour Fitness, the world's largest privately owned and operated fitness center chain (by membership) is in the process of implementing its Orwellian “cardless check-in” program:

    24 Hour Fitness is excited to introduce Cardless Check-In! Cardless Check-In allows members to access our health clubs without a membership card. No more fumbling through you gym bag or purse... just scan your finger, enter your 10-digit check-in code and you're on your way.[1]…We’ve partnered with MorphoTrak, a leader in the biometric industry, to develop this convenient new way to check in to our clubs. By scanning your finger, we chart the distance between a few distinct points that are unique to you and come up with an identifying number based on those distances.[2]

    24 Hour Fitness has approximately 3 million members, 425 clubs, and 20,000 employees.[3] That equals approximately one percent of the U.S. population (300 million people) that are now being encouraged to produce biometric identification by one health club company alone. It should be noted that for now, members may choose not to enroll, but will need to bring their driver’s license or another government or school issued ID each time they check–in.
    Importantly, the cardless check-in program has obvious flaws. First, typing in the ten digit code and performing the finger scan takes about twelve times longer than simply scanning the barcode on a membership card. Second, the program weakens human bonding, as now it is no longer necessary to speak to the employee that previously scanned membership cards, assuming their employment has not yet been terminated. Third, a conflict of interest arises if law enforcement requests the biometric data of a member from the health club. Should the health club provide the data or protect the privacy of its member?

    It remains to be seen how many 24 Hour Fitness members will voluntarily forfeit their biometric data by leaving their mark on the unblinking scanner. Hopefully the majority will understand that “your fingerprint is a very sensitive piece of your identity. It's not something you can replace if it's compromised."[4]

    Global Biometric Plan
    Whether intended or not, the 24 Hour Fitness biometric check-in program and others like it assist the Department of Homeland Security in incrementally conditioning the public to accept its Global Biometric Plan.[5] Said Plan will further erode personal privacy rights while reducing individuals to a new status of dehumanized biological chattels.

    Government Gathering More Biometric and Biological Data

    Providing Biometric date, including a fingerprint scan, is an act of submission that is being required by government and private venues more and more. To obtain a driver’s license, you must submit to a thumb scan. If you refuse, you will not be issued a license, your right to travel will be severely limited, and you will lack a common form of personal identification.[6] In California, a thumb scan is required to obtain a real estate/mortgage broker’s license.[7] Beginning February 1, 2011, the Golden State will also require fingerprints to purchase ammunition, a substantial infringement on privacy and the right to bear arms.[8] International travelers that want to skip lines at customs are encouraged to enroll in the Global Entry Program. After landing, find the Global Entry kiosk, “scan your passport and fingerprints,” and be on your way.[9]
    Amusement parks are also requiring biometric identification. To utilize an annual pass at SeaWorld, one must participate in the Touch-n-Go finger scan ID verification system.[10] Walt Disney World has also employed a biometric finger scanner at their theme parks.[11]
    Blood Sample Gathering
    Beyond gathering biometric data on citizens, governments have also been stealing infants’ blood samples without parental consent.[12] Of course, this is done under the guise of protecting babies from diseases:

    Newborn babies in the United States are routinely screened for a panel of genetic diseases. Since the testing is mandated by the government, it's often done without the parents' consent… Now, states mandate that newborns be tested for anywhere between 28 and 54 different conditions, and the DNA samples are stored in state labs for anywhere from three months to indefinitely, depending on the state.[13]
    During March of this year, the U.S. House of representatives approved the Katie Sepich Enhanced DNA Collection Act of 2010 (H.R. 4614) by a vote of 357 to 32.[14] If approved by the Senate, “millions of Americans arrested for but not convicted of crimes will likely have their DNA forcibly extracted and added to a national database.”[15] Obama has also endorsed forcing people arrested to submit DNA to a national database.”[16]

    In Orange County, California, the District Attorney’s office has a policy of dropping charges against low-level offenders who agree to submit DNA samples.[17] During 2009, the office nearly quadrupled its DNA database in nine months, with about half of the 15,000 samples being obtained from cases pertaining to minor offences. The Orange County DNA database is separate from the Department of Justice database and those that consent to providing samples commonly do so without legal counsel.[18]

    Why are governments so interested in obtaining DNA samples from their citizens and what is the long-term agenda? Will the DNA collected be used in experiments or research? This is a vital issue given the fact that “scientists in Israel have demonstrated that it is possible to fabricate DNA evidence, undermining the credibility of what has been considered the gold standard of proof in criminal cases.”[19] We should also recall that globalists sponsored the eugenics polices (eliminating the gene pools of those deemed unfit by the state) in the United States that inspired Hitler’s Nazis:

    Hitler and his henchmen victimized an entire continent and exterminated millions in his quest for a so-called Master Race. But the concept of a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed master Nordic race didn't originate with Hitler. The idea was created in the United States, and cultivated in California, decades before Hitler came to power…California eugenicists played an important, although little-known, role in the American eugenics movement's campaign for ethnic cleansing. Eugenics would have been so much bizarre parlor talk had it not been for extensive financing by corporate philanthropies, specifically the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Harriman railroad fortune… the main solution for eugenicists was the rapid expansion of forced segregation and sterilization, as well as more marriage restrictions. California led the nation, performing nearly all sterilization procedures with little or no due process. In its first 25 years of eugenics legislation, California sterilized 9,782 individuals, mostly women.[20]

    In short, history clearly demonstrates that the global elite and governments they control cannot be trusted with the DNA of individuals.

    Big Brother and Iris Scanners

    In addition to taking our fingerprints and DNA, governments are partnering with private industry (fascism) so that iris scanners can make Leon, Mexico, the “most secure city in the world.” Jeff Carder, CDO of Global Rainmakers states:

    "In the future, whether it's entering your home, opening your car, entering your workspace, getting a pharmacy prescription refilled, or having your medical records pulled up, everything will come off that unique key that is your iris… Every person, place, and thing on this planet will be connected [to the iris system] within the next 10 years… If you've been convicted of a crime, in essence, this will act as a digital scarlet letter. If you're a known shoplifter, for example, you won't be able to go into a store without being flagged. For others, boarding a plane will be impossible….When you get masses of people opting-in, opting out does not help. Opting out actually puts more of a flag on you than just being part of the system. We believe everyone will opt-in." [21]

    In a follow-up interview, carter explained:

    So we've even worked with three-letter agencies on technology that can capture 30-plus feet away. In certain spaces, eventually, you'll be able to have maybe one sensor the size of a dime, in the ceiling, and it would acquire all of our irises in motion, at a distance, hundreds--probably thousands as computer power continues to increase--at a time.[22]

    There is no intention of limiting the use of such technology to small towns in Mexico. “The Homeland Security Department plans to test futuristic iris scan technology that stores digital images of people's eyes in a database and is considered a quicker alternative to fingerprints.”[23] As Paul Joseph Watson notes, eventually “iris records will be held in a database and associated with credit cards and other routine aspects of every day life. The agenda is to replace pin numbers and presentation of photo ID, forcing Americans to submit to high-tech enslavement merely to conduct their day to day activities.”[24]
    Airport Naked Body Scanners
    The fraudulent War on Terror is being used to obliterate Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizures. To pass through airport security, without probable cause or even reasonable suspicion of criminal activity, travelers now are required to submit to naked airport body scanners which virtually strip-search and radiate them.[25] Those that opt out of the scanners are groped, and fondled (assault and battery – offensive touching) by TSA thugs.[26] Now that travelers and travel industry unions are objecting to naked body scanners on grounds of perversion and radiation, Homeland Security is considering replacing them with body scanners that scan and store biometric data, which in the future could allow citizens to be constantly racked in real time.[27]
    Take Action Now
    Whether the assault on our privacy rights comes from government or the private sector, we must stand strong against it. Individuals must once again respect themselves enough to defend their privacy and constitutional rights. Fortunately, much like the Allied Pilots Union[28] refusing to submit to radioactive naked body scanners, individuals now have an opportunity to opt-out and speak-out against biometric/DNA registries at health clubs, amusement parks, airports and other venues. Respectfully contact companies and government agencies that test these programs; let them know that you disapprove and that your biometric data will never become their property. People arrested for minor offenses must refuse to provide DNA samples. We must resist and exercise peaceful non-compliance against this despotism, as other health clubs and establishments will likely adopt similar biometric identity programs if they think we will accept it.[29] Future generations are counting on us to defend their privacy rights, which can be summarized as the right to be left alone. Remember that courage is contagious; when a brave man or woman takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.[30]

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    The Surveillance State - A New Era Empty Re: The Surveillance State - A New Era

    Post  Carol Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:57 pm

    You know the next thing they are going to tax is how much C02 you breath into the air. Blowdup Luke Jawdrop

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 3:02 am