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    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016


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    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016

    Post  Carol Sun May 22, 2016 1:09 pm

    This one bob.. it won't load in youtube as it's embedded on the website:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016

    Post  Pris Sun May 22, 2016 5:37 pm

    Pris wrote:As for jobs...  Jobs go hand-in-hand with the current system of enslavement we're stuck in now.  Why do we need jobs when needs would be done away with?  I certainly wouldn't want to spend my time at a job but rather focus on something my heart cries out for -- wherever my skills and talents take me.  I don't know if you are completely familiar with the 'contributionist system' ideology I've shared here, Bob, but it addresses all these issues.

    We've been brainwashed deliberately with the idea that if people have all they need, they'll get lazy and not strive for anything more.  I can't think of anything more nonsensical than that.  Humans are always striving to learn and grow.  Imagine what we can do without limitations.


    This has been all rather off-topic (maybe not? Very Happy), but I just wanted to add that there is often the temptation to judge others.  Example:  one person may be sitting on a couch spending time staring out into space while another person may be sitting on a rock in a cave staring out into space.  Is one 'lazy'?  Is one 'enlightened'?  Maybe neither one is lazy nor enlightened.  What does it matter so long as they are doing what they want to do and not harming anyone else.

    I think it is extremely important to share opinions -- particularly the uncomfortable ones.

    Back to this contributionist system.  This is my interpretation:  what one considers to be enough of a beneficial contribution is completely subjective.  You cannot force someone to do anything if they don't want to.  A contributionist community may still take care of the needs of those individuals regardless (based on agreement by the entire community through adaptive rules and the final word of a circle of wise elders [chosen by the community]) so long as everyone else's needs in the community are met.  Just as a community may feel obligated and choose to take care of the needs of the young, elderly, and 'handicapped' who may be unable to contribute in an 'obvious' way (whether they want to or not), it may still choose to take care of individuals who simply choose not to contribute (in an 'obvious' way) but are otherwise able-minded/bodied.

    Taking care of others without expectation or thought of personal gain is a very loving approach.  Being loving and non-judgemental towards others is also contributing to the good of all.  The overall idea here is to be an example to inspire others.  When someone is inspired, they may want to 'give back'.  


    Last edited by Pris on Sun May 22, 2016 5:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016

    Post  Pris Sun May 22, 2016 5:46 pm

    Carol wrote:This one bob.. it won't load in youtube as it's embedded on the website:

    Carol, can you please share a title?

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    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016

    Post  Carol Sun May 22, 2016 10:59 pm

    Sorry, too late. They switch the data on the page and I don't remember which one it was.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016

    Post  bobhardee Mon May 23, 2016 2:55 pm

    Easy does it. No one is judging. No one is taking anybodies inventory other than their own.
    I just wanted to share what I believe is a vision of what is to come.

    We will get there and see what it will be when the day happens.

    For me, I will work to stay positive and enjoy each day as a gift.

    Now, let's get back to Dr. Greer. Okay?

    Bob H.

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    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016

    Post  Pris Mon May 23, 2016 4:30 pm


    Thank you again for your thoughts.  I meant absolutely no disrespect, Bob, and I apologize if I came across too harsh.

    I'm working on it.

    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Ee543e57d24eb58539862614eb157d31

    Yes, back to Dr. Greer.  UFO2

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    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016

    Post  Pris Mon May 23, 2016 6:38 pm


    Back on topic.  If anyone's been wondering why I've been bumping the other Greer thread, it's because it mostly just focuses on the call for free-energy devices.  IMO, it's more 'down-to-earth' (credible) and doesn't get so much into the 'weird' stuff (ETs) that might turn some people off.

    If the average person gains access to plans for building their own (proven) free-energy device, I think that is what will be the required tipping point to help us gain back our power (literally) and our freedom.

    Intervention by ETs (which was brought up as another topic in this thread) would not be 'required' and may, in fact, open up a whole different can of worms.

    I think it is best if we can fix the situation ourselves.

    If you agree and/or feel the urge to Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Bumpsmileysf something...

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    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016

    Post  Pris Mon May 30, 2016 3:32 am


    'Unacknowledged Secret Access Projects' (USAPs)... USAPs certainly explain all the 'vanishing' money.

    May 28, 2016
    The Pentagon’s dark money: Billions of federal dollars are vanishing into thin air
    It's not just that its books don't add up. The Department of Defense is actively disguising how it spends its funds

    William D. Hartung,

    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 The_Pentagon_January_2008-620x412

    Now you see it, now you don’t. Think of it as the Department of Defense’s version of the street con game, three-card monte, or maybe simply as the Pentagon shuffle.  In any case, the Pentagon’s budget is as close to a work of art as you’re likely to find in the U.S. government — if, that is, by work of art you mean scam.

    The United States is on track to spend more than $600 billion on the military this year — more, that is, than was spent at the height of President Ronald Reagan’s Cold War military buildup, and more than the military budgets of at least the next seven nations in the world combined.  And keep in mind that that’s just a partial total.  As an analysis by the Straus Military Reform Project has shown, if we count related activities like homeland security, veterans’ affairs, nuclear warhead production at the Department of Energy, military aid to other countries, and interest on the military-related national debt, that figure reaches a cool $1 trillion.

    The more that’s spent on “defense,” however, the less the Pentagon wants us to know about how those mountains of money are actually being used.  As the only major federal agency that can’t pass an audit, the Department of Defense (DoD) is the poster child for irresponsible budgeting.

    It’s not just that its books don’t add up, however.  The DoD is taking active measures to disguise how it is spending the hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars it receives every year — from using the separate “war budget” as a slush fund to pay for pet projects that have nothing to do with fighting wars to keeping the cost of its new nuclear bomber a secret.  Add in dozens of other secret projects hidden in the department’s budget and the Pentagon’s poorly documented military aid programs, and it’s clear that the DoD believes it has something to hide.

    Don’t for a moment imagine that the Pentagon’s growing list of secret programs and evasive budgetary maneuvers is accidental or simply a matter of sloppy bookkeeping.  Much of it is remarkably purposeful.  By keeping us in the dark about how it spends our money, the Pentagon has made it virtually impossible for anyone to hold it accountable for just about anything.  An entrenched bureaucracy is determined not to provide information that might be used to bring its sprawling budget — and so the institution itself — under control. That’s why budgetary deception has become such a standard operating procedure at the Department of Defense.

    For entire article:

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    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016

    Post  Pris Mon May 30, 2016 4:16 am

    Carol wrote:
    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - New Critical Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016

    Pris wrote:.

    Good show!

    In a nutshell, for those who may be wondering, the urgent message is a warning for us not to fall for the disinfo fear campaign happening right now to make us all think ETs are a hostile threat to humanity.  We are being primed.  Those behind the 'Unacknowledged Secret Access Projects' (USAPs) appear to be ramping up for a staged event that, if 'successful', will look like we are being attacked by ETs.  Because they have the advanced technology to do it, it will seem real but will be an entirely man-made event.  If this event happens and people fall for it, that would be the excuse needed to keep the financial military industrial complex alive and well in a kind of 'War of The Worlds'.  

    I touched on predictive programming and hyperreality in another thread (which I also mentioned in another thread lol) that I think warrants a mention in this thread -- especially with regard to Dr. Greer's urgent message warning us not to fall for the disinfo fear campaign happening right now to make us all think ETs are a hostile threat to humanity.

    Pris wrote:.

    This brings me back to the interesting topic of ‘predictive programming’.  I mentioned this video in another thread the other day and felt it was high time I shared it here because of everything we’ve been touching on.

    Question everything that you think.  What isn’t 'predictive programming'?

    Shared from here:

    Pris wrote:.


       The state or condition of being hyperreal.
       The inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from fantasy, especially in technologically advanced postmodern cultures.

    More at Wordnik

    Robbie Graham - UFOs, Hyperreality, and the Disclosure Myth - Copenhagen 2014

    NOTE: Video is in English after brief intro.

    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 SSS-BOOK-PAPERBACK

    Shared from here:

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    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Empty oooppps

    Post  Eartheart Tue May 31, 2016 6:19 am

    why more and more threads here look like a cat is playing mouse with the data after having learned to press some tabs???????????????????????????

    soon we have catpoo piles all over the place and a wiaow from the dreampillow... all is fine???

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    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016

    Post  Pris Tue May 31, 2016 6:15 pm

    Eartheart wrote:
    why more and more threads here look like a cat is playing mouse with the data after having learned to press some tabs???????????????????????????

    soon we have catpoo piles all over the place and a wiaow from the dreampillow... all is fine???

    Catpoo piles?  Catpoo piles!  Oooh, such lack of appreciation for my creative efforts.  You're just envious.

    Hey, others around here drop their 'piles', too.  Why can't I, hmmm?
    I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on all the good stuff.

    Besides, it's all connected.
    And, at least I try to be entertaining.

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    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016

    Post  Pris Sun Jun 05, 2016 11:55 pm


    I think the following posts from the 'What's up with David Wilcock?' thread are most relevant to this thread so I reposted them here.

    Eartheart wrote:Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Happy

    I mean no offence, the David+GoodET Serials on GAIA TV might serve as a blueprint for absolut disclosure, they have given it all and are now empty kind of, dangerously close to beeing nugged by vipers and demons...

    But the newest BS of Mindfuqs  scratch  i found here:

    The meaningless output machine,advertisings all over, translations ect.
    with nothing said and some kind of somnambule dissonance between the
    3 talkers, what is this sick reflexion of "minds-after-discernment"...
    Its wrong like watching Dallas in the 80th and several cathairs standing at alarm...  Crazy Happy

    Pris wrote:Whose blueprint?  Wink

    Btw, funny you should use that particular image...  It's quite the coinkydinky. Suspect

    Eartheart wrote:"Whoseblueprint"???

    Planetary disclosure project could serve as a training to fascility  & produce a homogen - concerning all involved - blueprint, or would you set some cats in front of the camera during primetime to x-plain the masslandings?

    Pris wrote:Somehow I think this concerns me as well...  If someone wants to sit down with me and to discuss something?  Until and unless there are mass landings and we aren't blowing things up and killing everyone and everything in sight...?  

    I think mass landings would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath.

    UFO2  UFO2  UFO2

    Carol wrote:You two are funny. There is a whole group of folks who are involved in this with first hand and second hand experience who discuss this topic all the time. People who are credible professionals (something David Wilcock is not).

    Dr. Greer always gets sightings at his meditation events he holds around the world and has had personal contact for years.

    I like what you wrote Earthart as I think you're right on target. Lots of talk, lots of channeling and no follow through in 3-D. I've come to the conclusion that things have to get really bad in 3-D before people wake up. Mass consciousness needs to be triggered where the spiritual vibration continues to resonate at higher and higher frequencies. Maybe then mass contact will occur. I just know if any ships show up and what to take folks off-planet I'm not going. Earth is a jewel. We just need folks here who want to be stewards of our precious environment as compared to rapists who are out to exploit and ruin what they can because they can.

    Pris wrote:So glad you find us entertaining. Bleh  I agree that David Wilcock is not a credible professional -- at least not anymore.

    There's also David's sidekick, Corey Goode (or is he Corey's sidekick?).  Anyway, Corey especially doesn't strike me as a credible professional.  A lot of it had to do with his conduct back when he was in The One Truth forum.  He really put me off and that was before I found out he was one of David's 'insiders'.  You can imagine my shock when David publicly announced it.  Whatever credibility David may have had for me was completely annihilated.

    Dr. Greer is one of the few people I consider to be a credible professional at this point.  I do have my concerns with his interactions with David Wilcock.  Has there been anything recently?  I haven't heard Dr. Greer mentioning anything to do with big blue bird ETs or giant spheres.

    What kind of 'personal contact' has Dr. Greer had that you're referring to, Carol?  I'm dubious about anything that happens in an altered state.  Are you meaning physical personal contact?  If so, do you have any links you could share to confirm this?  I've seen many of those little white lights zipping around the skies myself, and as fascinating as that is, it's not enough proof that those are ETs.

    Btw, in December of 2005, my partner and I were driving home on a winding country road from a Christmas party on a clear, pitch-black evening, and we saw one of those silent black triangles moving slowly overhead at very close range in Nanoose Bay on Vancouver Island near a US naval base.  This triangle had three white lights on the bottom at each corner with one blinking red light set back a bit from the leading corner.  From the one side we could see, there was a line of glowing green vents.  It was quite striking.  Fortunately, there was no traffic so I pulled over to the side of the road as best as I could --  there was no shoulder due to road construction.  My partner got out of the car to get a good look at it as it grazed the treetops.  I could see it well from my driver's side.  We're quite certain it was 'one of ours'.

    It really comes down to first hand experience, doesn't it?  At this point in time, I require physical personal contact myself to be able to say, 'Yup, it's an ET.'  And, even then, I'd be cautious because who knows what those secret black ops may have concocted.  Still, without proof, what everyone else claims is just that:  stating something to be true doesn't make it true.  Unless these friendly ETs really do come in a mass landing and they manage to prevent it from being used against them to initiate a global war... great! Cheerful

    And, if these ETs land and make contact, you're right about not wanting to go off-planet with them (yikes!).  I love adventure, but I wouldn't want to jump into a car with a stranger.  They'd really have to gain my trust and I've no idea how they could do that.

    Our whole world has been built upon lies.  Why should it stop?  Perhaps I am in a cage where the bars are so slick that even I cannot see them.  

    Carol wrote:Dr. Greer explains his contact experience in his book "Hidden Truth – Forbidden Knowledge".  Dr. Greer provides his own personal disclosure based on years of high-level meetings with over 450 military and government-connected insiders and whistle-blowers and briefings with senior government officials, such as former CIA Director R. James Woolsey, members of the US Senate and senior UN officials.

    In addition to these disclosures, "Hidden Truth – Forbidden Knowledge" unveils the actual contact experiences Dr. Greer has had with UFOs and Extraterrestrial Civilizations, beginning as a young child. In one of the most amazing and moving personal stories ever shared, he explains how after a prolonged near-death experience at age 17, he experienced cosmic consciousness and found the Rosetta Stone of ET contact: the power of the unbounded mind within each of us. Later this led to numerous Close Encounters of the 5th Kind: contact with ETs initiated by Dr. Greer and later by larger groups of people through the CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence) project.

    Pris wrote:Thank you, Carol!  I'll take a look. study

    Meanwhile, I gave a glance over some of the reviews on for Dr. Greer's book.  There's no shortage of positive comments, so I mostly focused my attention on the negative ones.  Here's a few that stood out for me:

    At his CSETI workshop I saw the REAL "Hidden Truth"
    By Knowledge Seeker on January 11, 2009
    During his CSETI workshop I was dismayed at the real Dr. Greer, November 15, 2009
    By Knowledge Seeker (California)

    I followed Dr. Greer's activities with enthusiasm since 2001 when he established the Disclosure Project. I read his books, watched his interviews and listened to his meditation CD's. I liked everything the man seemed to be about and shared his views on the need to inform the public about the presence of extraterrestrial visitors on Earth, the importance of establishing peaceful contact with these visitors, in developing free or low cost overunity energy technologies that would clean the planet, eliminate conflict between nations, and bring about a dignified quality of life and abundance to people all over the world. I still share these goals.

    So it was with great excitement that I signed up for a CSETI presentation and a one day workshop with Dr. Greer that took place on November 13 and 14, 2009 in Costa Mesa, California to experience and learn CSETI's contact protocol and to determine whether it would be worthwhile enrolling in a week long CSETI outing with Dr. Greer.

    Surprisingly, my pre-conceived opinion about Dr. Greer's character began to disintegrate as I listened to his presentation. It was disheartening to discover he is excessively fascinated with himself, prone to indulge in name dropping and in bragging about his fantastic 'high end' and/or 'in the know' contacts and connections, not to mention the multitude of outlandish remarks he makes with a straight face, such as his impact on the rogue MAJESTIC secret government. So much so, that according to him, he "rejected a TWO BILLION dollars payout to shut up and abandon the ET disclosure issue".

    Needless to say, that night I left the auditorium less enthusiastic about what Dr. Greer is all about. But it was not until the workshop and the outing next day that my opinion about him really changed - unfortunately for the worst.

    Again, during the workshop Dr. Greer devoted some time to self admiration while attempting to appear humble by saying, "I'm just a country doctor from North Carolina". By then, I was becoming quite uncomfortable about him but as the workshop progressed my discomfort turned into dismay as I watched how rudely he treated some attendees who asked valid questions or made harmless remarks but whose timing or subject he deemed "inappropriate". I was truly shocked and could not believe my ears and eyes as I watched him lash at them with such scornful contempt. It was so bad that I wondered if this man was consciously trying to chase these people away. Dr. Greer claims to have experienced meditative Samadhi or oneness with all. If so, one would think he would have achieved a certain degree of enlightenment and a sense of kinship toward his fellow men. Why then was he so harsh and unkind? Did he forget these people paid a significant amount of money not only to listen but to ask questions as well?

    The worst and most disheartening part of this experience was witnessing the CSETI's field contact protocol. At the site, a number of devices such as a radio transmitter, magnetometer, radar detectors, infrared scope, etc. were arranged. Even though I don't doubt Dr. Greer may have had several ET experiences in the past, what I observed in the field that night is inconsistent with his hyperbolic claims suggesting he can vector ETs and make them appear. His actions and the facts demonstrated that at the very least this is a bold exaggeration. Not surprisingly, to cover up for this assertion Dr. Greer made sure to bring out a series of possibilities for a 'no show' prior to the field excursion. According to him, sometimes the ETs might not appear because, "there is someone in the group without good intent and a clean heart" or "the ETs feel threatened by US military" or "even though they won't fully materialize they will manifest in a thousand other ways".

    Conveniently, there were plenty of people at hand, mostly staff, who would come forward to state that while meditating they saw this or heard that. Most amusing though were Dr. Greer's remarks at the beeps and sounds made by his electronic equipment. You see, according to him an ET he named Walter communicates via one of these electronic devices and Dr. Greer is able to recognize which beeps he makes. Additionally, the large quantity of "WOW!" and "Oh my God!" remarks coming out of Dr. Greer's mouth over unseen or imaginary nonevents was sadly hilarious. Often times he would point his mega laser beam at some spot in the sky and claim he was seeing a partly materialized ET craft. Of course, any one else saw nothing even though, according to him, many significant events were taking place that night because "we were such a great group". To make matters worse, Dr. Greer supplemented the lack of any occurrence with information he received via "remote viewing".

    I found this charade insulting to my intelligence, intuitiveness and psychic sensibilities. I know ETs were not present that night and I would have respected Dr. Greer if he had been forthright and acknowledged the fact that there was no activity. I would understand; it happens.

    Because I experienced first hand Dr. Greer's tendency to fabricate, exaggerate and embellish nonevents at the CSETI field trip, it then follows that the accuracy and validity of everything he claims in his books is in question since it's evident that, at the very least, he stretches the truth to the point where it becomes short of being an outright lie.

    In the past, whenever I would read negative reviews about Dr. Greer, especially ones describing him as a self centered narcissist, I would reject them and conclude they were made by people who couldn't handle the truth. But based on what I saw and experienced first hand, it appears Dr. Greer is in love with himself, and because he sees himself above others, he dislikes most people. However, he desperately craves attention so he created this ET disclosure platform to attract as large an audience as possible in order to obtain the recognition and adulation he sorely needs. In essence, regardless of the message, this messenger is so flawed one must question the purity and true nature of his motivations. His books, conferences and CSETI outings may be more about the money they bring than the message itself.

    Furthermore, unless you enjoy watching people being mistreated by Dr. Greer and don't mind embarking on a pathetic farce, I recommend you put your money elsewhere instead of spending it in any of his CSETI's excursions.

    UPDATE 12/4/2009: In a letter sent to Dr. Greer, CIA director James Woolsey, his wife Suzanne, and two others, refute Dr. Greer's claims regarding his alleged "briefing" to them. To read this letter in its entirety please google: greer woolsey ufo watch dog.

    Also, astronaut Ed Mitchell refutes claims made by Dr. Greer in Jeff Rense's website. To read Mitchell's statement please google: ed mitchell unhappy with greer.

    Bait and Switch
    Byvicloretteon April 9, 2013

    This book is a vanity PROJECT with a capital V. Mr Greers evidence of his claims seems to be that he is wonderful, evolved and the chosen one.
    The only reason I don't consider this a complete waste of time and money is that now I know the truth about Greer and his Disclosure PROJECT: It is about Mr Greer and his ego. Just another salesman selling mainly himself.
    VERY disappointing! I believe we are being visited by beings from another world/dimension. Please, if you are new to this concept,look elsewhere for information.

    Religion in the making
    ByAshtar Commandon November 23, 2012

    Steven M. Greer is an ufologist, UFO contactee and conspiracy theorist. He heads two somewhat controversial UFO-related groups, CSETI and the Disclosure Project. In this book, "Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge", Greer comes clean about his religious convictions. Almost clean.

    Greer has a long background in "metaphysics" and alternative religion. He was a member of TM for a period, attending their private university, and claims to have developed various paranormal powers: levitation, supernatural healing, the ability to diagnose a patient at a glance, and precognition. Later, Greer joined Bahai and implies that he still supports this particular religious group. (Bahai is a modernist split from Shia Islam, still banned in its native land of Iran. Its international headquarters is situated on Mount Carmel in Israel.)

    Above all, however, Greer emphasizes his spiritual independence from all sects and creeds. As a teenager, the future ufologist had a Near-Death Experience which taught him everything he needed to learn about spirituality and transcendence. During the course of the NDE, Greer merged with the Divine. He also encountered two beings of light, which he believes were the Twin Avatars of our age. Who these avatars might have been is never explained, but since Greer claims to be a follower of Bahai, a fair guess would be Bab and Baha'ullah (respectively the putative founder and the real founder of Bahai). According to Greer, the Second Coming of "Christ" took place invisibly in the mid-19th century (which also points to Bab and Baha'ullah). A new cosmic dispensation of 500,000 years of peace and prosperity awaits us!

    Unfortunately, the forces of evil have banded together to stop the coming transformation. This conspiracy has as its main goal to stop disclosure of the truth concerning UFOs. The aliens are peaceful, spiritually enlightened beings who want to share their advanced technology with man, including the secret of free energy. A shadow faction of the U.S. establishment knows the truth, but has successfully managed to classify all positive information about the aliens. The conspirators have also retro-engineered UFOs, and are using the new technology for their own nefarious ends. All "alien abductions" are really carried out by very human conspirators, connected to the military and intelligence organs. The purpose is to discredit the real aliens. The ultimate goal of the conspiracy is to fake an alien attack on our planet, thereby getting the ultimate argument to create a One World Government. (Greer's politics sound vaguely libertarian.) In his other books, Greer describes the conspiracy as a network working within the U.S. administration, but also having contacts with private corporations. In this book, the author reveals who is *really* behind the conspiracy. It turns out to be a distinctly religious affair, dominated by Christian fundamentalists, Satanists and Mormons!

    Greer's message contains numerous contradictions. In a manner reminiscent of other UFO contactees, Greer cannot make up his mind whether the aliens are spiritual or physical. He seems to regard them as astral beings, but if so, why do they need physical spaceships? If the aliens are fundamentally astral, and their technology somehow astral-material, how can their craft be retro-engineered by purely material human scientists? If sectors of the U.S. military have access to super-high tech from outer space, why don't they use it to take over the world? Why haven't we seen these fantastic retro-engineered UFOs in action in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc? If the aliens are so powerful, how is it even possible for puny human conspirators to retrieve their crashed UFOs? And why do they crash in the first place?

    The most annoying parts of "Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge" are Greer's Adamski-esque tall tales about constant meetings with the rich, famous and powerful. Greer claims to have close contacts with senators, generals, CIA directors, top UN officials, etc. etc. For some strange reason, the conspirators haven't been able to kill him or even discredit him! At one point, Greer called the White House, warning them about an impending plot to kill George Bush Sr. Instead of being arrested on the spot, the president's security team supposedly took the precognitive abilities of Dr. Greer seriously, and acted accordingly. Note that the anti-conspiracy author wanted to save Bush, usually considered to be one of the top conspirators by conspiracy theorists! Greer's conspiracism has the odd trait that it doesn't include the highest political, military and intelligence officers. Rather, he claims that these people have been conned by the actual conspiracy. Of course, this makes it possible for Greer to invite high-ranking Washington people to the hearings of the Disclosure Project, claim to be on a first-name basis with everyone from the CIA director to "Prince S.A." (presumably Prince Charles), etc.

    To be perfectly honest, I get the impression that Steven Greer suffers from some kind of inferiority complex. He has a tough guy image, talks about his rough childhood, and constantly describes himself as an "emergency doctor from North Carolina" who knows the powerful people in the federal capital (i.e. despite being just a lowly health care worker from fly-over country). And yes, he claims to have almost the same supernatural powers as Jesus Christ! I don't doubt that Greer knows *some* (formerly) high-ranking persons, such as Lord Hill-Norton, who happens to believe in UFOs. However, most of the meetings with the rich and famous described in this book are unbelievable. I think Greer made them up to impress his followers...and bolster his own self-esteem.

    But sure, that's just a guess. I suppose it's possible that the CIA is interested in what Greer has to say. That, however, only raises the obvious follow up question: Why? I don't think the Agency is connected to the Twin Avatars of our age...

    "Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge" is a revealing book, showing that the CSETI is really a religion in the making. However, the book is so badly edited, and difficult to take absolutely seriously, that I only give it two stars.

    Based on these few comments alone, I feel like I'm on the right track.

    I'm all for over-unity devices.  That hasn't changed.  If Dr. Greer can help make that happen (release plans to the public en masse for a working device) with his backers and his influence regardless of his ego, religious orientation, cult following, altered states experiences and so on and so forth, more power to him.  He'd just better not be a con artist ripping people off financially...  Whistle... and worthy of those thread Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Bumps I've been giving him in the 'Dr. Steven Greer - A Call for FREE ENERGY technologies' thread.  Otherwise...

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    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016

    Post  Eartheart Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:19 am

    Bigget pile ever cheers exposes a long-standing
    taboo - why and how women sabotage one another. CATFIGHTS...

    To generate even more funny intertainmind, we ask: Has this thread
    clearly demonstrated the "danger" of project bluebeam by our
    catbeam and projected hallucinations as modelled here??? Very Happy

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    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016

    Post  Pris Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:49 am


    Boy, you jumped in here fast, Eartheart... I must be onto something.

    Curiouser and curiouser! Question


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    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016

    Post  Pris Thu Jun 09, 2016 1:44 am

    Pris wrote:
    bobhardee wrote:6/8/2016

    When Disclosure Serves Secrecy
    by Steven M. Greer M.D.....

    .............From a military-industrial perspective, the disclosure of choice is one which frames the UFO/ET issue in a threatening manner. If a threat from space can be established (as President Reagan liked to say) then the entire world can be united around the need to fight such a threat. This would ensure trillion dollar plus military - industrial spending well into the next century, and beyond. If you think the cold war was costly, wait until you see the price tag for this 'protection' from the 'threats' in space: The trillions spent on the cold war will look like a blue light special.

    Retrograde and fanatical religious groups, similarly, have great vested interests in fulfilling the promise of Armageddon. An eschatological paradigm, well enshrined in the belief systems of those running covert UFO projects, is supported by the portrayal of a cosmic conflict in the heavens. Voila! We have the necessity of spinning the UFO/ET issue in the evil invading aliens (translates in religious terms as demons) direction. Indeed, this has already been accomplished, courtesy of the 'civilian UFO community' and the tabloid media (swhich at this point is virtually all media...).

    Additionally, there is a subtext which can only be viewed as thinly veiled racism. You will note that part of the 'new myth' regarding UFOs involves the 'good ETs', which invariably are described as 'Pleidians' who are 'handsome' white, blue-eyed Aryan appearing types. Naturally, those 'evil, bad ETs' are darker, shorter, look funny and smell funny. Please. Such clap-trap would have us trade age-old human racism for an extraterrestrial variety. This nonsense and propaganda could only make Hitler proud.
    In one lengthy meeting with a multi-billionaire, I was told that he gave great support to UFO activities which propel the so-called 'alien abduction' subject into public awareness because he wanted humanity to unite around fighting this 'alien threat'. Later, this very influential figure informed me that he believed these demonic ETs were the cause of every setback in human history since Adam and Eve. Sound familiar?

    If they don't have the monetary system to control us and perpetuate a constant state of fear, lack, limitation, and war, it would be over right now.  

    They can't do what they're doing without money.  

    Why is this so hard for people to get?

    We need to live in a world
    ...................................................without money.

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    Reposted from here:

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    Post  bobhardee Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:08 am

    You were born 30 years to late. You are a child of the 60's but stuck in the muck that we have to deal with in 2016's. Very Happy
    And...... you are right.
    Bob H.


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    Post  Pris Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:13 pm


    That's sweet of you to say, Bob. I love you

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    Post  bobhardee Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:52 pm

    Still trying to find my way home.

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    Post  Eartheart Sun Jun 12, 2016 9:02 pm

    Razz Where your Heart is...

    Seems we need a cuddlepuddle-break, fine... Blushes

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    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016

    Post  Pris Sun Jun 12, 2016 11:12 pm


    What a lovely song...  makes me feel all melancholy.

    Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show - NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information - May 2016 - Page 2 2ebad4c726c52652e4a9aec77d56d278

    (Don't worry.  The feeling won't last long. Very Happy)


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