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    Personal thoughts about the ongoing change


    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2010-08-01

    Personal thoughts about the ongoing change Empty Personal thoughts about the ongoing change

    Post  Wood Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:01 am

    I'll repost here these thoughts as I think the discussion overhere could be interesting as well. It was posted on PA2 yesterday.
    I think most of us are experiencing the ongoing change. I think I have just advanced another step in my path and I'd like to share my current thoughts. I'd like to hear the stories, thoughts and comments of other people as well, so we all can learn and keep progressing.

    Dark nights of the soul.

    I've been reading and hearing personal stories of many people that have gone through very dark times in the past years. I have had my share as well. I relate that to the activation of the heart chakra due to incomming energies that started back in 2003. I've collected that from several sources, sometimes just bits of information here and there. I think once the chakra opens it has to deal with all negativity and thus many people go through dark periods of depression and other very negative emotions. Fortunately, most of us have managed to go through that and heal ourselves and recover our smiles.

    We are constantly being lied to, and we have been lied to since birth.

    There are lots of information out there. Mainstream entertainment, alternative entertainment, mainstream news, alternative news, new age theories, etc. I think the information is carefully designed to trap us at every point of our path. It appeals to our indolence, to our ego, to our vanity, to our fears, to our desires. I think we are almost slaves at the moment and we are not going to be given free lunches at all.
    I doubt very much there are many hidden truths in hollywood movies, for example. There are just hints to other paths designed to keep the uneasy individual trapped in yet another cage.
    We read and talk about mind control but we think we are not mind controlled ourselves. I think we all are, to some degree, mind controlled.

    The PTBs are far more powerful than what we realise and they have help from (or, more likely they are controlled by) powerful entities that can play with our minds, both while we are awaken and while we are sleeping. I do not know if they feed from our energy but I think it is a good explanation.

    I have realised that, while we should look for information, we should not believe it. We have to cultivate our intuition to smell promising information, but always keep the doubt as we can't trust anything external to us. That is a consequence of freedom and self-power. We can't rely completely on anything external and we have to re-examine our beliefs as well.

    The root of all evil.

    I have concluded the whole reality is rotten. Life in this planet is based in the fight for survival. Everything feeds on everything else. That is why, IMO, the 'going back to nature' movement is part of the control system. It is probably an step forward in the right direction but still, nature is not like what a Disney movie portraits.
    We are destroying the planet in the same way a massive locust plague would destroy it: this is how life here works. We, living beings incarnated on Earth, have the fight for survival instinct deeply buried in our bodies. Sometimes we break the balance and we are a danger to the planet but the problem, IMO, is the whole 'fight for survival'.

    I believe this need to feed on external energy (food or ideas) arises from a genetic modification by ETs and is the primary source of our weakness and enslavement. And I believe we can overcome it by looking within and removing our fears. Every fear can be reduced to the fear of death, and that is the origin of the fight for survival instinct. I believe we actually die because we degrade our body with food and our mind with negative ideas until we lose the connection with Source (probably through the Pineal gland).
    As a quick example, just think how much negative energy is in a steak: the energy coming from the killing of the cow, from the miserable life of the cow in a modern farm, and from the other corpses filled in turn with negative energy that the cow has been feed with. In addition to that there are bad chemicals added to the whole process.

    There is hope.

    Despite this bleak situation, we are still here, and we are fighting. We are resilient, and we have friends out there. They probably work in subtle ways but we are being helped for sure. I think we are being given support energies to help us to escape from our prision. Maybe they can't easily get into this illusion/prision in other more direct ways? Or, more likely, maybe we have to do it ourselves to truly recover our freedom.

    The innocence of a child.

    Once I started experiencing attacks I realised how the prision is everywhere. Who to trust, what information? I know there are many people trying to help but I suspect most information is corrupted. However, I finally realised I know what I want, and I know that what I want is good for all of us (i.e. recovering our freedom). I think we are born free or almost free (the genetic modifications). Since the PTBs control us by breaking the innocence, simplicity, love and light we had when we were children by adding layers upon layers of lies, fears and disempowerment, I have decided the only way to go is to turn into ourselves and heal ourselves. Reconsider the beliefs. Remove the lies. To be children again, free humans. For example, we feel the oneness when we care about others, even if they are strangers. That is why we are being told we are different: gender, race, nationality, religion, etc. We are all humans. We are all mammals, we are all living beings.

    The exponential power of awakening and empowerment.

    I have experienced that power. As I have advanced in my path, turning to positivity, to 'light', discarding my fears and negative emotions, I have seen how the people in my environment changed with me. Some of them just a few steps, others changed completely. We help the world by freeing ourselves from the prision. But that is not enough.

    We are awakening now for a reason.

    We are changing at this moment for a reason. We are getting help but we have to measure up to that help, we have to honour it. We have the duty to focus ourselves, we have to learn, to awaken ourselves, to teach others, to awaken others, to heal others, to fight. We have to spread the truth and fight for it. We have the right and the moral duty to do so. "This can and must be our finest hour".

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    Personal thoughts about the ongoing change Empty Re: Personal thoughts about the ongoing change

    Post  Carol Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:12 am

    Hi Wood. Thank you for bringing this over and sharing it with us.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 127
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    Location : Pacific Northwest Canada

    Personal thoughts about the ongoing change Empty Re: Personal thoughts about the ongoing change

    Post  tacodog Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:12 pm

    Wood wrote:

    The root of all evil.

    I have concluded the whole reality is rotten. Life in this planet is based in the fight for survival. Everything feeds on everything else.

    Wood, you hit the nail on the head for me.
    Why not a system where energies feed each other without destroying? (I know, that is nature's way of giving new birth, not destroying...but what kind of karma comes with the new birth?) I still am not sure if we choose to recycle time and time again, or whether our energy (soul/spirit) is captured and recylced and put here for another term. I ask, how many cycles does it take to experience pain, sorrow, happiness, evil, good; to learn compassion and love? Is it humanly possible, given this reality we are in, to rewire that which is programmed right from the onset of conception (through our DNA)? Disconnected from source/veiled. Is it possible that our creators are not as benevolent as we think? No matter how many creators we have had, does not that spark that is within us all have a connection to source? Why doesn't source step in? Are the creators blocking our communication from source? Do they need our energy to survive? (we need to consume life here to survive, think of cattle earth a farm?) How does one step out of this 3d box. GEESH Nutbar

    Posts : 326
    Join date : 2010-05-09

    Personal thoughts about the ongoing change Empty Re: Personal thoughts about the ongoing change

    Post  dominic777 Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:44 am

    tacodog wrote:
    Wood wrote:

    The root of all evil.

    I have concluded the whole reality is rotten. Life in this planet is based in the fight for survival. Everything feeds on everything else.

    Wood, you hit the nail on the head for me.
    Why not a system where energies feed each other without destroying? (I know, that is nature's way of giving new birth, not destroying...but what kind of karma comes with the new birth?) I still am not sure if we choose to recycle time and time again, or whether our energy (soul/spirit) is captured and recylced and put here for another term. I ask, how many cycles does it take to experience pain, sorrow, happiness, evil, good; to learn compassion and love? Is it humanly possible, given this reality we are in, to rewire that which is programmed right from the onset of conception (through our DNA)? Disconnected from source/veiled. Is it possible that our creators are not as benevolent as we think? No matter how many creators we have had, does not that spark that is within us all have a connection to source? Why doesn't source step in? Are the creators blocking our communication from source? Do they need our energy to survive? (we need to consume life here to survive, think of cattle earth a farm?) How does one step out of this 3d box. GEESH Nutbar

    I agree with both of you.....the amount of disinfromation and new age notions is doing my head in.....There are lots of information out there. Mainstream entertainment, alternative entertainment, alternative news, new age theories, so the list goes on, and NO-ONE knows the truth or reality .
    One thing I can say which is real is the dark night of the soul , suffering and millions of people are suffering, therefore if no-one knows the truth where do we go to find it?
    IMO i think the superwave will change us ...but I have not seen any evidence of this..Ascension seems to be a raising of consciousness...what about physical and mental healing?Being positive is allwell and good ..but no-one can stay positive all the time


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