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    down the rabbit hole


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    down the rabbit hole Empty down the rabbit hole

    Post  dominic777 Mon May 10, 2010 8:21 am


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    Post  Floyd Mon May 10, 2010 8:57 am

    For a critique of theosophy and related groups (including wedgewood and Leadbeater and the Liberal catholic Church) I suggest you read Madame Bavatsky's Baboon by Peter Washington (Seeker and Warburg London 1993).
    These groups have been marred by individuals with highly inflated egos who immersed themselves into Occultism. The TS is not a dangerous movement however. Blavatky became a co-mason perhaps because she knew her movement would spread well through the influential masonic lodges.
    While Im at it, I dont think theosophy is a so called NWO religion. In fact, its about as dangerous as a one legged man in a backside kicking competition.Why would its members campaign for Indian home rule and the reintroduction of Buddhism in Ceylon much to the chagrin of the British Imperialist government and the christian missionaries?
    These days Its highly dangerous members consist of a largely aging population of anti vivisectionists and yoga instructors and as Washington States, "...its ambitions tamed, the Society is closer to the Womens Institute than to the United Nations or the Catholic Church"
    I for one wont be loosing any sleep over them.
    As for Jim Humble, if it makes him feel good being a bishop of a quasi occultic catholic church(that has little or nothing to do with the church of Rome)then thats up to him I suppose.

    Last edited by Floyd on Mon May 10, 2010 11:26 am; edited 1 time in total

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    down the rabbit hole Empty You can say that again...

    Post  Mercuriel Mon May 10, 2010 10:22 am

    Awesome Info here Peeps. I'd even further add ;

    Ashteroth and the Ashtarian Collective - The Gizeh Intelligence Complex - Order of the Golden Dawn (Ordo Templi Orientis) - The Lesser Key of Solomon Book 1 and 2, The Legemeton - Then into Phoenician Aramaic and the 22 Original Letters of the Old Kingdom Script. Perhaps even some Hermes Trismestigus before tying it all together with Sacred Geometry and Metatron's/Black Cube/Box...

    albino « Alice...


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Post  dominic777 Mon May 10, 2010 11:16 am

    Mercuriel wrote:Awesome Info here Peeps. I'd even further add ;

    Ashteroth and the Ashtarian Collective - The Gizeh Intelligence Complex - Order of the Golden Dawn (Ordo Templi Orientis) - The Lesser Key of Solomon Book 1 and 2, The Legemeton - Then into Phoenician Aramaic and the 22 Original Letters of the Old Kingdom Script. Perhaps even some Hermes Trismestigus before tying it all together with Sacred Geometry and Metatron's/Black Cube/Box...

    albino « Alice...
    is this forum
    click onto this forum
    This forum above is calling Jim Humble a snake oil salesman a con-man?wat do you think?

    Last edited by dominic777 on Mon May 10, 2010 1:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Mercuriel Mon May 10, 2010 11:30 am

    Hes saying He sees the Hoodwink or is starting to see It. Now We do too...


    Awesome Info and while It may not be what most WANT to hear - It may be what People finally NEED to hear. Perhaps now It can be seen how I tend to Post...

    We will both definately learn from each other. Welcome dominic777 - Glad to see You made It...


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    Post  Floyd Mon May 10, 2010 11:55 am

    In fairness a lot of this has been known for decades and there is nothing really conspiritorial about the history of the odd people who populated the fashionable religious groups and magical fraternities towards the end of the 19th C. and the start of the 20th C. Leadbeater and Wedgewood were pederests certainly. The former was fixated with handsome young asian men and gave the world Krishnamurti.
    The OTO was dubious. a mixture of masonry,rosicrucianism and tantric sex magic that counted Crowley as one of its members.
    It doesnt follow that all members of all these groups are satanic wierdos hell bent on taking over the world.
    Jim Humble is a lightweight compared to the Wynn Wescotts and Bulwer Lyttons. Often these groups competed with other but having studied occult socities for 20 odd years I wouldnt say that all of these movements are evil in themselves but some certainly had members who knew little about moral rectitude and plenty about satisfying their sexual appetites.

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    down the rabbit hole Empty Re: down the rabbit hole

    Post  dominic777 Mon May 10, 2010 1:11 pm

    Mercuriel wrote:Hes saying He sees the Hoodwink or is starting to see It. Now We do too...


    Awesome Info and while It may not be what most WANT to hear - It may be what People finally NEED to hear. Perhaps now It can be seen how I tend to Post...

    We will both definately learn from each other. Welcome dominic777 - Glad to see You made It...
    Thank you Mercurial,
    We know of people who are giving these people credence when infact they could be snake -oil many of these people are there and who are they......?

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    down the rabbit hole Empty A few thoughts

    Post  shakticat Mon May 10, 2010 2:40 pm

    Thanks for the post
    that was an intense read for sure....and informative as I was plunged into some reflective new thought! (this material was not "new" to me, though it may be known to others for some time on this forum)

    I have not taken mms, but have listened to Jim Humble via Project Camelot.
    I did not even consider another side to the taking of this chlorine dioxide (referred by many on the sott site as "poison" and "bleach"). This may be so. Many sides to consider...There seem to be nefarious insinuations directed toward Mr Humble regarding church associations and his intentions..messianic-like...(ironic, given his name).
    But this does not seem to be his intention as I see it. But I know less and less about anything and anyone these days.
    I am simply holding this "new" view in my being.

    This conflict does somehow re-inforce the division between Bill and Kerry and their choice of interviewees- Jim Humble and Laura K-J.

    As to the reactive vituperative response from Duncan towards Laura...well, there you have another "Drama".
    Not a good idea to be near a computer when you feel unbridled rage Duncan. But then again, it is real...anger management is a huge lesson for us humans. how to see through the heart is a slow process for us all. our ego self grows comfortable around people who agree with us all the time

    this saga can also become a distraction now on forums...he said, she said...infinitum...not black and white...
    It may be helpful to have a debate between Humble and K-J...but we as humans are not to the level of agreeing to disagree it appears.

    Perhaps Duncan Roads rose to some "bait" and perhaps Nexus magazine and Nexus conferences are soon to ride some wave of change
    Was planning to attend the Nexus conference this year in Australia!


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    Post  dominic777 Mon May 10, 2010 2:57 pm

    This conflict does somehow re-inforce the division between Bill and
    Kerry and their choice of interviewees- Jim Humble and Laura K-J.

    to the reactive vituperative response from Duncan towards Laura...well,
    there you have another "Drama".
    Not a good idea to be near a
    computer when you feel unbridled rage Duncan. But then again, it is
    real...anger management is a huge lesson for us humans. how to see
    through the heart is a slow process for us all. our ego self grows
    comfortable around people who agree with us all the time

    could there be ssomething in the types of people Keryy and Bill interview?

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    Post  Mercuriel Tue May 11, 2010 5:36 am

    Its the Secrets within - The People are unimportant as They're only Actors. What I mentioned was so That others would look into the Script being read. Therein lies the Majick being used against Us...

    Don't forget - Not all are as Aware as some of Us relative to the Info and as with All Info - There is always more to Glean - More Floors of the Building to understand - To rise up to...

    Always look within in terms of what I Post. We are beyond the Surface now and this is where I am trying to take the understanding...

    For Myself now - Its the Message hidden in the Message...

    Heh heh


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    down the rabbit hole Empty Re: down the rabbit hole

    Post  dominic777 Tue May 11, 2010 5:42 am

    Mercuriel wrote:Its the Secrets within - The People are unimportant as They're only Actors. What I mentioned was so That others would look into the Script being read. Therein lies the Majick being used against Us...

    Don't forget - Not all are as Aware as some of Us relative to the Info and as with All Info - There is always more to Glean - More Floors of the Building to understand - To rise up to...

    Always look within in terms of what I Post. We are beyond the Surface now and this is where I am trying to take the understanding...

    For Myself now - Its the Message hidden in the Message...

    Heh heh
    All I can say is if I go down the rabbit hole , I do not want to be bitten by a snake...therefore that discernment has to be done above ground

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    Post  Mercuriel Tue May 11, 2010 5:49 am

    In order to know a Thing - One must be a thing and exclusive of that - Learning Knowledge into Wisdom on that pursuit is the only way beyond being a thing so as to know a Thing. Full Awareness removes Fear but the underlying Constructs must be seen to do so in the Awareness of Knowing...

    How is belief possible - That was My Thrust but Alas I can see I've sort of lost many here in this Thread. My Apologies...

    I will endeavour to do better...


    Last edited by Mercuriel on Tue May 11, 2010 10:39 am; edited 1 time in total


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    Post  Carol Tue May 11, 2010 9:08 am

    After reading this I'm of the opinion the Jim Humble is caught up in his own self-delusion. There are many self-procalimed prophets who are not even close to what an authentic prophet is. The key for us is discernment. One must listen with their heart not the head ~ as brain cells are located in the heart and stomach as well. This is a scientific fact. When I read about these people the other key thing that I look at is their behavior. One can also judge a situation by observing their "acts." Jim Humble associated himself with an organization where one of the primary figures is a pedofile. What type of person would want to do something like that? His claims are far-fetched yet his personal belief is that he himself is a true prophet. I just don't buy it.

    I first met Laura K-J in 1980 and also was at a home in the Hollywood hills where she was giving readings in a private home. I was one of the ones she did a reading for only s/he never said a word when it came to me. I do accept that she is possessed when she goes into trance. However, I've also watched how her behavior has changed over the years to where she got caught up in the ego facade and buys her own story. Again, I don't trust the souce/the entity that possess her.

    Given that I personally know a fair amount of these people in real life I guess I'm jaded. JZ got a lot of money for what she did and lived the high life. Again, from my personal experience with both Bill and Kerry, I found their judgment repeatedly flawed and really don't trust either one of them.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    down the rabbit hole Empty Masks and Mirrors

    Post  shakticat Tue May 11, 2010 4:08 pm

    Yes, that is fair Carol, to be "jaded"' given your personal experiences with these characters (for yes, are we not all actors on this world stage?).

    And I agree: to listen to the heart and the sensitive brain waves in the stomach for what "feels" truth for you. This can change of course; as we change, as people around us change... I feel it is imperative to keep an open mind and not to box people for actions of the past. As you stated, discernment is a tool to see clearly. And we are all delusion at various times and at various stages...

    Mercuriel, I enjoy your posts but do not understand the cryptic nature of your messages. You appear to see a building and its "floors" as layers of truth. of varying realities...
    I am reminded of gatherings where everyone is high on hash, and unless you are partaking, you do not know what the heck someone is saying....
    so can you please remove the masks and mirrors and state how you view the wider agenda unfolding (vis-a-vis divisions and nexus dramas and the magick you see as being used against us...)??

    or is this not possible down the rabbit hole, as versions, scripts and visions are constantly a-changing?

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    Post  dominic777 Wed May 12, 2010 3:47 am

    shakticat wrote:Yes, that is fair Carol, to be "jaded"' given your personal experiences with these characters (for yes, are we not all actors on this world stage?).

    And I agree: to listen to the heart and the sensitive brain waves in the stomach for what "feels" truth for you. This can change of course; as we change, as people around us change... I feel it is imperative to keep an open mind and not to box people for actions of the past. As you stated, discernment is a tool to see clearly. And we are all delusion at various times and at various stages...

    Mercuriel, I enjoy your posts but do not understand the cryptic nature of your messages. You appear to see a building and its "floors" as layers of truth. of varying realities...
    I am reminded of gatherings where everyone is high on hash, and unless you are partaking, you do not know what the heck someone is saying....
    so can you please remove the masks and mirrors and state how you view the wider agenda unfolding (vis-a-vis divisions and nexus dramas and the magick you see as being used against us...)??

    or is this not possible down the rabbit hole, as versions, scripts and visions are constantly a-changing?

    Hello Shakticat
    Mercuriel, I enjoy your posts but do not understand the cryptic nature
    of your messages. You appear to see a building and its "floors" as
    layers of truth. of varying realities.

    Sometimes posts are written ina covert way , as one symbol is worth a thousand is the language of the intellects...however most people like it straight...OK gov give it to us straight.

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    Post  Mercuriel Wed May 12, 2010 5:35 am

    Let Me give You Impression of Levels to All That Is...

    Fire when Lit - Lights up a Room or Area. It Illuminates the Darkness. The First Floor.

    Fire once Lit can then start a Fire and keep You warm. The Second Floor..

    The Fire now lit and providing warmth can - If not watched - Burn the whole Building or Campsite down - Thereby potentially burning Us and causing Pain. The Third Floor...

    And so on...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Post  dominic777 Wed May 12, 2010 6:13 am

    Mercuriel wrote:Let Me give You Impression of Levels to All That Is...

    Fire when Lit - Lights up a Room or Area. It Illuminates the Darkness. The First Floor.

    Fire once Lit can then start a Fire and keep You warm. The Second Floor..

    The Fire now lit and providing warmth can - If not watched - Burn the whole Building or Campsite down - Thereby potentially burning Us and causing Pain. The Third Floor...

    And so on...

    I understand the analogy , but, we only live on a 2 storey building

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    down the rabbit hole Empty hobbit home

    Post  shakticat Wed May 12, 2010 3:32 pm

    hi dom777,

    yes one symbol is worth a thousand words- yet, how one perceives a symbol is what gives it language, meaning and hence power.
    words are also symbols of our current time. and words (language) carry multi levels of meaning depending upon how they are perceived.
    yep, this can be distilled into how we perceive reality.
    and this affects how we experience our lives.

    i get the building is not new, so to speak...
    you find it throughout Christian text with references to the Father's mansion etc

    and as for "language of the intellects"...well the intellect, for me, is the heart.
    and the heart does not judge.
    the heart has many chambers, but they unite as one. one chamber...

    like the hobbit's round home in the hill.

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    down the rabbit hole Empty Re: down the rabbit hole

    Post  dominic777 Thu May 13, 2010 12:29 am

    shakticat wrote:hi dom777,

    yes one symbol is worth a thousand words- yet, how one perceives a symbol is what gives it language, meaning and hence power.
    words are also symbols of our current time. and words (language) carry multi levels of meaning depending upon how they are perceived.
    yep, this can be distilled into how we perceive reality.
    and this affects how we experience our lives.

    i get the building is not new, so to speak...
    you find it throughout Christian text with references to the Father's mansion etc

    and as for "language of the intellects"...well the intellect, for me, is the heart.
    and the heart does not judge.
    the heart has many chambers, but they unite as one. one chamber...

    like the hobbit's round home in the hill.
    I agree with everything you say......all we have to do now is to find a sound analogy for 2nd

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