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    Topic is: reading of the Scroll Nasca - Divine Science or the Scrolls of the Lamb of God of the 5th Book of Revelation


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    Topic is:  reading of the Scroll Nasca - Divine Science or the Scrolls of the Lamb of God of the 5th Book of Revelation Empty Topic is: reading of the Scroll Nasca - Divine Science or the Scrolls of the Lamb of God of the 5th Book of Revelation

    Post  Carol Sun Apr 24, 2016 9:15 pm

    Published on Oct 5, 2014
    One of about 300 remaining Scrolls of 4,000 telepathically written in Peru from 1960-1978, called the Divine Science or the Scrolls of the Lamb of God of the 5th Book of Revelation. Discovered by Cary Ellis in Peru, held by a brotherhood of guardians, this competent reading is done by Liset Ilse translating in modern terms from the original old Spanish. Nuances in this reading vary in essence from earlier translations. 

    There's a big back story on these scrolls 

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    June 15, 2015 at 12:42pm
    Topic is:  reading of the Scroll Nasca - Divine Science or the Scrolls of the Lamb of God of the 5th Book of Revelation 11401202_10207134210698699_6601239894550925399_n
    United Nations symbol Scrolls of the Lamb of God

    Luis Antonio Soto Romero was born in Chili in 1931. From 1960-1978 he channeled or downloaded these scrolls from “greater mind.” They are called the “message of the Alfa and Omega - the Scrolls of the Lamb of God of the 5th book of Revelation.” Luis Antonio Soto Romero achieved what might be considered by the Tibetan monks the “rainbow body” or glowed and departed around 1990.

    4,000 scrolls the size of blueprints were “downloaded” onto parchment paper in Spanish up to 10,000 words on each - containing information on the dis-integration of the materialistic civilization and all connected with it, the rebirth of a civilization based in LOVE for an era of peace, assisted by our galactic family, with information on flying saucers, numbers, and many technical things. They were sent to the Vatican (buried in the basement) and to governments around the world without much attention paid to them, and 2,000  were accepted by the monks of Tibet. 

    About 330 of them remain, held by several factions of “Scroll guardians” mostly in Lima, Peru. 60 of them are on display in Lince, Lima in an exhibition hall. 230 can be viewed online at and  / your browser will translate them to your language - roughly - and the main messages can be understood with diligent reading. It is obvious that a greater mind was downloading through this man an amazing amount of detailed information about the state of humanity and coming events/ 

    I Cary Kirastar Ellis was led to these scrolls when I went to Lima in April 2014. I brought several back with me to the US, have carried them, shared with many people, and listened to a number of bilingual people translate them. I also spent many hours late at night reading the scrolls roughly translated by my browser - they are moving and I believe have been preserved as an important transmission for our time.


    CARY: Wow thank you Angie. Can't wait to read the whole thing will shortly here. What are your thoughts after being immersed in the translation? Thanks so much love to you. I will pass the rest of it on to Swiss Indo and the other people have been sharing with.

    ANGIE (translator): Hi again,I had to psych myself into getting past all the Christian gloom and doom; it was explained to me that the channel through which this information was transmitted was deeply ingrained in Christianity. His filters at the time when he received the download would not allow another point of view; however, if you read between the lines you will see the actual message. The actual message does not contain gloom and doom. It only explains why certain patterns get repeated. I like the messages and I am looking forward to the inevitable changes that are up on us. Usually, before a new birth there is chaos; I am grateful that there are enough midwives to see this through. Last year we achieved critical mass numbers to be able to reverse the flow; now, we all need to come together and intend as one. Same ideas.....everyone aboard. Namaste!


    :) CARY
    Scroll United Nations 

    Topic is:  reading of the Scroll Nasca - Divine Science or the Scrolls of the Lamb of God of the 5th Book of Revelation 11406612_10207144055904823_5035830574035216612_o


    Yes, my firstborn son/child; we will draw the divine symbol of the future; this divine flag represents the total happiness of those who obeyed my divine law of love; represented in my divine commandments; all those who have worked all the life of a temporal spiritual test, have the divine right to raise it up in their own homes; but not the ones that have lived the cursed exploitation of my divine flock; this means that every commercial nation cannot claim a right to it, since the philosophy of rich nations and poor nations; is not the tree planted by your divine father Jehovah; and it will be pulled up by the roots; had my divine commandments been obeyed to the letter, planet Earth would have been a divine paradise for the flesh; this means that in spite of being mortals, my terrestrial children would have lived and shared a sweet smile on their lips; but it was not like this; the science of good, momentarily surpassed my divine commandments; that is the way I wanted it; my divine son/child, so that the divine parable would be fulfilled; the one that says: every spirit is tested through a divine instant, in its own evolution of eternity; but no one was forced to do it; since it has been written that my terrestrial sons/children were advocates since many ages/centuries ago, in the same divine paradise; of the first terrestrial parents; you may taste of everything, except from the tree of the science of well being; this temporal well being is what produces suffering in my children; since it has been written that: whomever offends their brothers who are being tested, offends me; since I am in all of them; it has been written that: the Lord is everywhere; in the known and the unknown; in what is understood and not understood; yes, my divine son/child; that is how it was and that is how it is, forever and ever; the terrestrial world wants to be saved; but because of a group of nations that are ambitious and exploitative a final divine judgment was written; If my divine commandments had been fulfilled, our divine father Jehovah would not have needed this final judgment; the corruption of my divine flock was due to the excessive ambitions of a few; the cursed money will never teach a divine moral; only my divine commandments do this; they are the only key that opens the doors to the heavens of my infinite expansive thinking universe; so my divine addition is this; an infinite trip through the cosmos; the most sublime prize/win that any creature can enjoy; the divine resurrection of all flesh, or divine physical eternity is another sublime and divine gift; without it, none of my children would be able to receive my divine addition; since my divine power is not measured in human laws; we must be reborn again so that we have a microscopic idea of this; plus everyone chosen would journey and internalize the infinitude of my eternal creation, in divine proportion as to how they practiced and interpreted my divine commandments; whomever has fulfilled my divine law of love; of him/her is the kingdom of the heavens; in eternity everything can be achieved/reached; plus everything costs, my divine law demands merit; demands preoccupation/concern; demands to earn it all; with the sweat of the forehead/brow; I your divine father Jehovah, do not demand riches; that is a demonic philosophy that is not part of my sacred scriptures; those who invented it are against me, since this causes my sons/children to be divided into rich and poor, it has been written that: Satan as he divided my flock, he divided himself; this means that all the abused/exploited will crush the abusers/exploiters; meaning that the divine communism that carries all the spiritual germ, will materialize through its own sublime philosophy; the divine work; that is my divine mandate to earn the livelihood with the sweat of the forehead/brow; it is the same divine philosophy that rules in my infinite solar and planetary abodes; it is the divine loving communism with a children's philosophy; where everything is shared in common, no one can enter the paradise worlds, if they do not think like a child thinks; without any egoism; and if there is a child that feels egoism, since he ignores the cause, he is innocent; the calling of the capitalist world from which many of the sons/children make themselves to be called Christians; they live blind to the spirit; attacking the only doctrine, that will allow them to open the doors to heaven; forgetting that all the humble ones will be exalted; and all the proud ones will be punished; from where they have sinned; this means that the materialistic calling; product of the science of good, will return everything that has been taken from the children of the works; since in it is the divine game, its own spirit; since with the philosophy of the rich exploiter; he cannot enter the paradises of the Lord; this would scare many angels; that philosophy is unknown to them, they also do not know the philosophy of the so called religions; yes, my divine son/child, and so it is and forever will be; draw my divine son.


    My divine son/child, this divine flag will be the only flag that will remain over all the other flags; since all of them belong to the materialistic world; with a small temporary philosophy of the exploitation of man to man; it is a curse philosophy; since the abusive materialism is contrary to my divine commandments; it is one of the philosophic trees that were not planted by your divine father Jehovah; and it will be pulled up by the roots; yes my divine son/child; that is the way it is and that is the way it will be forever more; the only divine philosophy that is taught by my sacred creatures; is the same one that my humble sons/children of labor have been fighting for; in your planet Earth this is known as communism; I will tell you my divine son/child; that this sublime doctrine, is the one that all my sons/children share with the same spiritual seeds; and in my divine celestial kingdom; no one is subdued or subjected to anything; what your world calls money, is not known in my divine realm; that cursed philosophy would scare my angels that know nothing about the word property; since this is synonymous with atheism; my angels only philosophy, is the philosophy of a celestial child; that has not been subjected to the influences or teachings that have been created by the so called truths of interest; egoism; lies; excessive passions; deceit; luxury; and everything that would cause tremendous weeping and gnashing of teeth; my firstborn child; I will tell you that whoever has terrestrial riches that are the product of cursed exploitation; will be cursed by the wealth and will curse himself a thousand times for having been born; that is the destiny that awaits those wealthy people; they will not have the right to complain; my divine voice has been warning everyone through the ages; in all languages; in all nations; that is the way it is my divine son/child; I am referring to the divine parable that says: it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle; than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of the heavens; It was taught to all human creatures; that all harm caused to my humble sons/children; they would cause it for me also; they were also taught that terrestrial life; is only a small test for the spirit facing eternity; and they were also taught that over all things; to love the Lord over all terrestrial glory; over all the philosophy foreign to my divine commandments; over all things; including over yourselves; therefore the cursed materialism that violated the divine law; will banish from the face of the Earth; it has been written that: the humble ones would be the first to receive my divine additions; that consists of the most sublime trip through the infinite cosmos; so, after the year 2001; the terrestrial creature would travel at the divine velocity of the speed of light; through the expansive thinking universe; will travel in those dazzling/blinding silver ships; that my terrestrial children call flying disks; yes, my divine son/child; that is the way it is and always will be; forever and ever; a lot of my Earthly sons/children; deny the existence of these divine ships; whose existence already was before the actual suns; they came to life before the human race; the human race was not the only one; or the first; it was the beginning of a life; that was unknown to the rest of the universe; and at the same time known; it is the life of the flesh; a system of life that serves as a test and infinite experience to the primary spirits; all those who deny my divine silver ships; denies me; haven't you been taught that: God is everywhere? Or that the so called Christians don't know that the power of the divine father Jehovah is infinite? That it is not measured in human knowledge? I know my son/child; that a lot of demons in human form; know of the existence of the silver ships; even so; they deny them; just as they also will be denied the entrance to my divine kingdom; because you should know my divine son/child that whomever denies one of my children; they also deny me; that every planet; every thinking creature; every celestial ship; everything, absolutely everything; has come forth from my divine hands; nothing is impossible for the creator of human life; that even before human life emerged; there was already in the infinite space; other infinite kinds of life; that there were and there are, other divine planetary tests; for other infinite spirits; it has been written that the Divine Father Jehovah has many abodes/mansions; and my divine abodes/mansions are to be populated; from the ones that are reborn or reincarnated again; to the infinite planetary lives; the divine incarnations to be born again; in the celestial world; nobody is reborn because all my sons/children belong to it; by their own right; they are only absent for small intervals; this period is called divine testing of planetary life; and it is only a divine spark of time; since a universal celestial second corresponds/equals a terrestrial century; yes, my divine son/child; that is the way it is and always will be; forever and ever; materialism must retract; must recognize that none of its sciences will give eternal life to the physical; and that my divine scriptures teach the divine resurrection of all flesh; since materialism kills the eternity of all spirit; since the virtues are seen in their expansive progress; all materialistic spirit put it all under only one line of progress; this progress goes against my Divine Law of Love; the virtues of someone materialistic only see the present and closes the steps to the future; they deny entrance to my humble daughters to my divine abode; they are enslaved to the money king; that is Satan in one of its forms; to distance the spirits from my divine light; this is the reason that it was written that no rich man; product of the cursed philosophy of man exploiting men; will enter my divine abode; such philosophy is totally unknown in my celestial abodes; it belongs to primary spirits; who test their own philosophies of imperfection; in the microscopic worlds of the flesh; it was written that weak is the flesh; because its philosophy is also weak; all creatures make their own heaven; in accordance with the advancement of each spirit; given its own virtues in the temporal passing through the cosmic dust; it is like saying through the planetary abodes; Earth my loving son/child is one of those worlds; in which each spirit asked for one divine philosophical test; all human spirits promised to fulfill these tests; no one goes to the microscopic planets without a divine evolutionary plan; in divine virtue of free will; existing on Earth; infinite thoughts; different fates; but only one divine goal; to arrive at my divine abode in better conditions of perfection; therefore the divine praise that each spirit bestows on me, is in infinite relation with its own evolution; the greater the evolution; the more immense is the divine spiritual feeling; and this divine spiritual feeling constitutes the divine spiritual hierarchy; and that is the divine philosophical salt of its own addition; only divine knowledge constitutes power; there is no other power than that one; and its divine symbol is the divine lamb; therefore, physical force is not the tree planted by your divine father Jehovah; and it will be pulled up by the roots on planet Earth; my divine scriptures are not taught; what is being taught is everything that is against them; to love one another like children of the same family; everyone has come from only one eternal father; and all belong to only one creation; not only the terrestrial planetary dust; but also all of the worlds of the thinking expansive infinite universe; one thing is the philosophy that determined creatures test in a determined planet; and another thing is the common divine principle of everyone; being my infinite divine creation; so is the same in their world; with their respective thinking philosophies; man in is actual/current evolution, only believes in the worlds of its own constitution; and cannot imagine that it is the same man; the one that is unknown in the infinite spaces; man, a flesh creature; is microscopic in his conceptions; the same infinitude of my divine abodes annuls/cancels him, to such a degree that he believes he knows it all; and he does not know anything; he only gets to know himself, when a determined life has reached the end of its divine scale/ladder; the scales/ladders of the different types of life; cannot be calculated in human evolution; since man has just began to awaken in its own scale/ladder; he is in his first step of the ladder; when he finishes his first scale/ladder of life; the current present universes will no longer be there; since planets will pass; but my divine creative word of: let there be light, and the light was made, will not pass; but will continue to create suns and worlds; and it will never cease to be; and so it is and will always be forever and ever; the Earth and its creatures had an opportunity to convert themselves into a paradise-planet; but due to the fault of a group of individuals hung up on gold, such sublime wish was impossible to be realized; If humanity had not known or being subjected to this, the history of Earth would be different; to have known the group influenced by the gold; constitutes to human kind the biggest and most painful of the experiences; to have known you was extremely painful; therefore no human creature will return and enter the kingdom of the heavens; this tragedy that is without equal, is contained in the divine warning parable that says: there will be crying and gnashing of teeth; because the divine warnings coming from God include the all over all of itself; God has no limits; it is easier for the ones in distant testing planets, to enter the kingdom of the heavens; the ones that did not know any ambitious creatures; than those that have the misfortune of knowing them; the human drama of not being able to return and enter the kingdom of the heavens; this was caused by those called rich; because they imposed their strange kingdom by using force; their strange insecurities/complexes about gold, needed the strange support of force; the rich ones took the strange debauchery/dishonesty to use force; had they overcome their strange attachment to the possession of things; they would not have fallen into the debauchery/dishonesty of the cowardly use of force; it is called strange, because they - the rich; did not ask God to make them rich and tempted themselves with the use of force; because in the infinite universe nothing unjust is ever asked of God; everyone knows that the divine eternal father Jehovah is infinitely just; therefore in the distant testing planets, no thinking spirit ever asks God, that he may have more than another; therefore the sensation of being rich, does not belong to the kingdom of the heavens; the rich do not have an inheritance in the house of God; everyone called rich is a stranger to the kingdom of the heavens; all this is written in the divine warning parable that for eons and in every instant of life says: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God; this ancient warning, as old as life itself; was not listened to/obeyed by the so called rich; therefore is worse for them; because aside from not being able to enter the kingdom of the heavens; they remain infinitely cut off from the kingdom of the Father; this cut off, or galactic distancing from the kingdom of the heavens; is proportional to the degree of indifference or disdain that the rich provoked in themselves; the missing interest in which the spirit of the rich saw or considered the Divine Evangelism of God; to those called rich coming from a strange and unknown system of life, will not be forgiven; not even a molecule, in the divine system of God; because it is easier to forgive one that was not rich; it is easier to forgive one that has suffered in the testing of life for a deed committed by man; than the one that caused others to suffer due to his sins and ambitions; all the abundance that caused others to suffer, he loses in the divine judgment of God; it is easier for the ones that did not make anyone suffer, to gain divine judgment from the Father; the rich, with their strange ambitions, forgot the divine warning parable that says: do not do onto others, what you would not like to be done unto you; and the rich ones, with their ambitions provoked a strange instability in the planetary economy; the tragedy for them consisted of their ambitious thinking manners; they dared to create a life system; it is like someone finding himself dirty on the inside; that took the initiative to create something that he considered clean; the corruption of the testing world is guided by the rich; one of the first corruptions were their own sensations of ambitions; the way they thought corrupted the world; if they would have thought in a different manner, the story would not be the same world story; the testing of the life for everyone would have consisted of not corrupting the world with their own thinking; in the old story, when the son of God was filled with anger, and ran the vendors from the temple with a whip; he did it projecting his divine mind towards the future; and in that instant, the firstborn son/child; saw the discord of commerce for the coming centuries; he saw the millions of beings that would be victims of the abuse of monopoly, abusive prices, etc, etc; saw the future human yoke/burden; saw Satan take the form of strange commerce; and saw that the head of Satan were the rich; all the drama, he saw in a microscopic instant; way beyond this instant were centuries of suffering, frustration, disappointments, suicides; and seeing the future that awaited humanity; he saw the birth of the great beast; saw the monster that would create from father to son and from one generation to generation; the ones that were more influenced by the gold, this monster that cowardly protects itself behind force; the testing world called it imperialism; and the most strange and disconcerting appeared during the reign of the beast; the rising of the revolutionaries that acting as such, they never dared to cut off the ties that united them to the beast; such strange revolutionaries would be called cowards and traitors by the son of God; because, to have been the perfect revolutionary, in a strange and unknown system of life, those that call themselves revolutionaries would not have to possess within themselves a single molecule of the strange influence of gold; because those who were guides of nations during the testing of the life; the Son of God will demand from them a little less than perfection; this demand that would make these strange presidents cry, and also kings and ministers of the so called nations; it was announced in the Divine Evangelism of God; like the iron government of Christ and its complement is the crying and gnashing of teeth; to govern a flock called nation, the one that governs could not be influenced by gold; such a person would have to be the best or most perfect and clean; within the same human imperfection; the ones that govern the so called nations, will be cursed by those they governed; because whole nations, will be called accomplices of their strange guides; because to every ones shame, none of them knew by memory; the contents of the Divine Evangelism of God; no one had fulfilled what they themselves had promised God; the ingratitude of the strange guide to the millions that followed and applauded; because it is in the crying and gnashing of teeth; there triumphs what is of God; the tremendous blindness of the guides of nations; was the one that governed and was supported by the rich; Did they not know, that no one that is rich would enter the kingdom of the heavens? And if they knew this, why did they consider them normal people? such questions will have to be answered by them - themselves; the Son of God and the presence of the multitudes; which numbers will overshadow the sun; human seas never seen by human eyes; and this multitude that in the past obeyed the strange guide; will not forgive even a single molecule of the things that they did; it is the desperation of the ones that see the reality and their destinies; in the time known as the crying and gnashing of teeth; the multitudes, when they see the creators, the ones that will prevent them to enter the kingdom of the heavens; such multitudes will ask the Son of God, that the creators of their tragedies, be condemned to the eternal fire; It always occurs the same way; in other infinite Earth planets; other infinite multitudes do the same, in the same microscopic unit of time; infinite Earth planets are living the events that are lived on this Earth; because in no imaginable instant, the creation of God has limits; in what is to come, to the so called rich; they will receive the worst; because they asked God that with the stick which they use to measure others, that they themselves would be measured the same way; If they with their excessive ambitions, they created poverty in others; now is their turn for them to live in poverty;  they will have to beg, even for their sustenance; if the rich would have created a different sensation in others; another sensation that was not one of poverty, they equally would have the same sensation that they provoked in others; the test of life consists in perfecting their own sensations that each one was experiencing; the so called rich distorted/twisted this in a microscopic present; it is for this reason that in the near future, they will have to live experiencing unpleasant sensations; each one makes its own future and reaps the future sensations of his/her life according to what he/she did in the lived instants, in his/her microscopic and fleeting present; to be rich and to accept unequal laws, it is simply playing dirty and a violation of the laws of honesty/integrity; if the so called rich would have accepted the laws of equality, it would have been a different history for them; because other would be the quality and nature of their ideas and sensations; the so called rich of the Earth unfortunately lost their time in the test of life; because one more time, they lost the opportunity to come back and enter the kingdom of the heavens; and a the same time, they delayed their own evolution as human creatures; because it is difficult that the universal elements, will again present them with their divine competition of alliance of life, to those who violated the laws of the divine equality to God, they became rich on a planet of tests; to the one that does it once, it will be difficult that in the future, return to the same form of life; the Divine Father Jehovah gives and takes; it is easier to return and be a human being, to one that was not rich during the test of life; than the one that took the strange liberty of possessing more than another; what makes this a worse infraction is the injustice committed by the rich, they were warned throughout the ages through God's Divine Evangelism; this causes total denial of future pardons; the drama of the so called rich was divinely announced, like the crying and gnashing of teeth; the divine announcement was for them, it was not for the needy ones that they themselves created; the beast was established as a being of darkness remaining in the test of life; that is why the arrival of the Solar Christ Son surprised it; this astonishment was announced to the world as the arrival of the thief of the night; proper ending to those that distorted a life system; because everything that comes out of the rich is putrid/decayed/corrupt; and the one that has the misfortune of tasting is fruit, that unfortunate/wretched one, will not enter the kingdom of the heavens; because he/she should have taken into account the divine warnings of God in the test of life; it is easier for one to be taken into account in the kingdom of the heavens, the one that in the test of life, took notice/account of God; then the one that took the strange liberty of forgetting God; the test of life consisted of pleasing God to their last molecule; whoever did not do this, will not enter the kingdom of the heavens; because they distorted the act that was asked of God; the test of life consisted of retaining the innocence of a child; and humanity had the moral obligation to choose the psychology that would lead them to preserve their innocence; to the disgrace of the whole planet, the so called rich went to meet them, with their strange complexes regarding possession; the biggest calamity in all human history, it was made present in a determined instant of life; that instant will be seen by the whole world in the solar television; this instant will be called by all humanity, the instant, the beginning of the yoke; because all the preceding generations, all fell to the distortion of their senses and ideas; the drama was a little less than inevitable; because the strange legacy of the beast, was being transmitted through the blood; and a strange dream emerged in the human creature; because all spirit sleeps in what it believes to be correct and since the instant where humanity was influenced by the beast, nobody lived in righteousness; nobody lived in the proper innocence of the children; because interest and egoism were introduced in the perfection of everyone; and while that way of thinking of the rich remains, there would also be tragedy; in the testing of life, you cannot serve 2 or more masters, because the innocence of the child will be corrupted; the testing world confirmed it itself, that serving corrupted psychology like the one followed by the rich, is impossible to preserve the proper innocence of a child; and the instant that the innocence is lost, the creature will never return to find its happiness; true happiness excludes all forms of sin; the one that in his/her way of thinking included sin as something irredeemable, he/she perpetuates his/her own misfortune; because in the Divine Judgment of God, it will be taken into account, to the last molecule; the way of the thinking process, when he/she had the certainty, that he/she was a sinner; because of all the sensations contained in thought, this one; the sensation of remorse/repentance, it is a lot easier to obtain a pardon in the Divine Judgment of God, to the one that attended to his/her sensation of remorse/repentance in the test of life; than the one that opposed a strange mental resistance; the arrogant always loses in the Divine Judgments of God; this is what is going to happen to the so called rich of the Earth; because one of the strange properties of gold is that it hardens the hearts and the minds of the ones that possessed it; because they would even die in order to possess more gold; in truth I say: ambitious people of the world, all coveted gold, the ambitious spirit will pay for it; molecule by molecule; and for each molecule of excessive ambition he/she will return to an existence outside the kingdom of the heavens; and since all the ambitious one contributed to the suffering and poverty of many;  each future resistance of those that were ambitious, will be one of poverty, pain and tears; and the stick with which they measured others in one life/existence, will accompany the violators of the law of God, through infinite lives/existences.-

    Topic is:  reading of the Scroll Nasca - Divine Science or the Scrolls of the Lamb of God of the 5th Book of Revelation 11406612_10207144055904823_5035830574035216612_o

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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