Montauk Project survivor Stewart Swerdlow is the author of True World History: Humanity’s Saga, copyright 2014.
Chapter 45 is about the Book of Revelation, and more.
A sample:
An interview of Stewart that was recorded in 2019:
Chapter 45 is about the Book of Revelation, and more.
A sample:
The Book of Revelation is the script, or agenda, for the Illuminati. The name “Jesus” came centuries later when the New Testament was completely altered by the Council of Nicaea in approximately 330 AD in the area of Constantinople. . .
The New Testament was translated from Aramaic, to Greek, to Latin, to German, and then to English. . .
. . . Take this back to the original Aramaic and you will know for certain that the original meanings of the sentences were not translated correctly.
For example, the original New Testament talked about reincarnation. When Jesus said “I have come before and you have known me before,” he was talking about previous lifetimes.
. . . The Bible is extremely conflictive; the Old Testament is not really from God. So who is performing all these functions and miracles? Alien Beings directing humankind as an experiment, according to the Talmud Jmmanuel. This book also confirms that the New Testament is a continuation of the human experiment. The Talmud Jmmanuel is a document encased in resin discovered in a cave in Jerusalem in the 1960s by a Palestinian researcher. This researcher sent part of the document to his colleagues in Switzerland where it was translated into German. He took the remainder of it to a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon. While there, the camp was bombed by the Israelis, killing the professor and destroying the remaining text. Coincidence?
The Talmud Jmmanuel says that the Christ figure was a genetic manipulation. The Christ figure did not die in Jerusalem, but really died in Kashmir, India. . .
Swerdlow, Stewart A.. True World History: Humanity's Saga. Expansions Publishing Co., Inc.. Kindle Edition.
An interview of Stewart that was recorded in 2019: