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Carol Sat Mar 12, 2016 10:48 am
A few of last night and todays comments from readers of the UK’s DailyMail.
Gearon, Brisbane, Australia
University students are simply too precious to cope with an alternative argument these days. This makes 'free speech' to them a one way street, unable to tolerate any dissent, lest they be offended. Thank god for Trump because had he not arrived, we would have had to invent him.
Lawanda, Rio Rancho NM
I have never understood the position of "the left"/progressives. The party supposedly advocates for the rights and tolerance of everyone's rights and beliefs. However, time after time, that very same party appears very intolerant of those who's views do not align with theirs.
Dr. B, Kona
"The entire US establishment is plotting to defeat Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, because the maverick billionaire poses a threat to the New World Order”, an American political analyst says. Steven D Kelley, a former CIA/NSA contractor, made the comments in an interview with Press TV on Wednesday when asked to comment on the results of Tuesday’s Republican and Democratic primaries." Nearly 46,000 Pennsylvania Democrats have switched to Republicans since the beginning of the year - some experts attribute the mass exodus to Donald Trump. And that is just in one state. There is a reason Trump is ahead of almost all polls. He connects with the people - we the people and NOT politicians.
Trump rally cancelled Chicago 03/11/2016 “We witnessed Communism cloaked as Democracy tonight, not a Republic as the USA is. We had MOB RULE, the anarchist rallied together to deny US the RIGHT to participate in the election process.” This protest was organized weeks ago on facebook using a page taken straight out of Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals is the last book written by community organizer Saul D. Alinsky (Obama's mentor), published in 1971. Trump is so popular with the American public (all races) that thousands show up for his rallies. Thousands! We never seen a ground swell of support like this before. Obviously he must be doing something right to have corrupt government shaking in their boots.
Jonathan, East Greenwich_RI, United States
Donald Trump: enemy #1 of the Welfare State, headquarters Chicago, Illinois. In the past, when something like this would happen, the republican nominee hopeful would back peddle Michael Phelps right out of the pool. Not Donald Trump. He won't back down from this. That's why his supporters love him and that's why he will win this election.
Vincent Fissore, Brussels, Belgium
And it seems that Cruz is siding with the mob, by essentially blasting Trump's "rhetoric"... So Cruz is siding with the far-left rabble-rousers (and Sanders supporters) who shut-down a Trump rally... This shows the level of desperation of his campaign: siding with Bill Ayers et al...
O-Really, New York, United States
Note to self: do not visit that violent city of Chicago anytime soon.
kraznor, richmond va
What you liberal brits don't get is what's the real story here. Activists cause trouble... they instigate fights.. they WANT to get hit, so they pick a fight.. they get what they deserve and it makes Trump's people look violent. Typical liberal attack method. Discredit your opponent.
StrangeWays, Midwest, United States
BINGO! This was an organized VIOLENT protest by, a Bernie Sanders supporter. So the question really should be. Does Bernie Sanders endorse this type of violent protest? Chicago is a cesspool of hate, ignorance and influenced by many years of democrats who have enabled this type of ignorant attitude.
littleredtop, Paradise Valley, United States
George Soros has pledged millions to stop Trump. Most protesters are paid and many are being bused in from as far away as Canada. These are professional protesters trained and led by The Alliance of Community Trainers (previously known as RANT) and their leader Lisa Fithian, a radical Marxist employed by Soros. Lisa was the guiding force behind the riots in Ferguson, MO and Baltimore, MD last year as well as the unrest in Minneapolis and NYC including Christmas threats on the Mall of America.
Jason Bedunah, Grand Prairie, United States
These are bernie/hillary supporters INTERRUPTING a Trump event. These aren't Trump supporters interrupting a Bernie/Hillary event. Trump supporters aren't going to those events and causing trouble. Maybe they should. Trump packs in 30,000 in many places. Can you imagine 30,000 Trump fans engulfing Hillary's 200 attendees?
Gallifreyan, New England, United States
They were paid $50 in a plain white envelope. AntiTrump SuperPac funded it.
Lee, Oregon, United States
David Power has the jest of it. Please read what he wrote twice. Next, Trump borrowed one million dollars from his father to start his business and paid it back. His current net worth is 3.5 billion. He had to be doing something right to be so successful. In addition, he doesn't drink, smoke or take drugs. Sadly the same can't be said for the last 4 US Presidents. I saw photos of Bush falling down drunk over Merkel. Obama has a history of drug use beginning in High Schoo (I saw those photos too) and we all know about the Clintons also documented in photos. It would be nice to have a financially successful business man in office who isn't out to make a buck of the backs of the American people or lobbyists. Trump is his own man not owned by anyone. And he made it very clear he intended to stand behind the rule of law. Hence no "illegal" immigrants. He is identifying a problem that everyone in American is painfully aware of.
ICE: 124 illegals freed from jail later charged in 138 murder cases...
iMPO he is the only candidate who may get America on track again. Hillary Clinton is dangerous and will lead the US into another war. Why? She's a war hawk who views herself about the rule of law - globally. Who knows how many lives have already been lost due to her influence including our own people in Benghazi. As for Hillary's SAP Emails - A SAP Compromise Could Bring Life In Prison. MISSING CLINTON E-MAIL CLAIMS SAUDIS FINANCED BENGHAZI ATTACKS.
Sanders, we like him but he is also a socialist and wants to raise taxes for more free programs. As a nation we're already broke and he is no financial wizard. Cruz.. is scary. The Bible thumping hypocrisy borders on being a zealot whose father speaks in tongues and where another pastor who introduced him at one of his public speaking engagements said he thought gays should be killed. Besides, he was born in Canada and wasn't a US citizen until recently. He's not eligible... nor was Obama but they did a good job in covering that all up.
Rubio is a back stabbing pip squeak. Does anyone honestly think any of the other candidates can solve the financial crisis the US is in now? Rubio? I think not.
Trump is not psychopathic. He's a showman, an entertainer, incredibly intelligent, fiscally astute and knows how to be successful. He does remind me a bit of Reagan the actor who was president. Trump's personality may be a bit brash yet he would make a much better president then the people who preceded him or who are running against him. Last edited by Carol on Mon Mar 14, 2016 7:42 pm; edited 2 times in total
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol