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    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump


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    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Wed Mar 09, 2016 4:56 pm

    Last edited by Carol on Sat Aug 28, 2021 11:52 am; edited 24 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:01 pm

    Last edited by Carol on Sun Dec 25, 2016 11:43 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:12 pm

    Fox News host Megyn Kelly gave Donald Trump some rare praise during Tuesday night’s election coverage, saying that part of the GOP frontrunner’s appeal was that his speeches are a “breath of fresh air.”

    Kelly read off a tweet from frequent Fox guest Simon Rosenburg asking, “Is Trump using a teleprompter?” The joke, she explained, was that Trump was very obviously not relying on a teleprompter and was speaking off the cuff.

    “That is part of what people love about him,” Kelly said. “He is a breath of fresh air from that standpoint, because we have all heard these canned speeches a million times and that was anything but canned.”

    “It’s fascinating television, as Trump has been from the very beginning,” she said. Kelly noted that she had been monitoring the election night coverage of every major channel, and what she saw was “everyone, for an hour, in prime time, on Donald Trump.”

    Watch, via Fox News.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:33 pm

    CGI's StormyOne: Analyst: Entire US Establishment Plotting To Defeat Trump
    Date: Thursday, 10-Mar-2016

    From CGI's StormyOne:

    The entire US establishment is plotting to defeat Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, because the maverick billionaire poses a threat to the New World Order, an American political analyst says.

    Steven D Kelley, a former CIA/NSA contractor, made the comments in an interview with Press TV on Wednesday when asked to comment on the results of Tuesday’s Republican and Democratic primaries.

    Bernie Sanders won the Michigan Democratic primary, and frontrunner Hillary Clinton triumphed in Mississippi.

    Sanders had 50 percent of the vote to Clinton’s 48 percent in Michigan, where 130 delegates are at stake. But Clinton won the Mississippi primary by a wide margin.

    On the Republican side, Trump triumphed in Michigan and Mississippi, rattling nerves of his rivals who are attempting to stop his drive for the Republican presidential nomination.

    From CGI's StormyOne:

    Over the last few months I’ve been much too preoccupied with my Harvard University Overseer project to pay much attention to the unfolding saga of the presidential race; I’ve closely read my morning newspapers as I always do, but not watched a single one of the endless debates. Still, even out of the corner of my mind’s-eye, the rise of Donald Trump certainly seems the political story of the decade or even the half-century, with the loud-mouthed Reality TV star now having a good chance of seizing the Republican Party nomination against the ferocious opposition of nearly every significant Republican faction and pundit.

    But although I’ve been just as surprised at this remarkable development as anyone else, in hindsight perhaps my astonishment was more than it should have been. Based on absolutely everything I’ve read in my daily NYT+WSJ, Trump certainly seems an ignorant buffoon and a loose cannon, but being a loose cannon, he rolls around randomly, not infrequently in the correct direction, which is more than I can say for nearly all of his Republican rivals.

    Consider the Iraq War and its aftermath, surely one of the central geopolitical developments of the last few decades. In the mid-2000s, my old friend Bill Odom, the three-star general who ran the NSA for Ronald Reagan, accurately characterized the war as “the greatest strategic disaster in U.S. history.” Yet today that calamitous legacy and its five trillion dollar total cost is warmly embraced by many of the top Republican leaders and publicly criticized by almost none of them...

    Read more:

    Last edited by Carol on Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:40 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:24 am

    Last edited by Carol on Thu Jun 30, 2016 4:59 pm; edited 2 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:37 am

    I was wrong about Donald Trump: Camille Paglia on the GOP front-runner’s refreshing candor (and his impetuousness, too). Yes, he remains thin-skinned and easily riled. But his fearlessness and brash energy also seem necessary and rare

    I suddenly realized that Trump’s candidacy had a broad support that few had expected or discerned.  The agent of my revelation was a hilariously scathing, viral Web blog video posted by Diamond and Silk–Lynette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, two African-American sisters and former Democrats in Fayetteville, North Carolina.  They were reacting with indignant outrage to the first GOP debate, broadcast by Fox News from Cleveland on August 6 and hosted by Megyn Kelly, whose loaded questions had impugned Trump as a sexist.

    If Trump wins the White House, that no-holds-barred video will go down in history as “the shot heard round the world,” Ralph Waldo Emerson’s phrase for the first salvo of the American Revolution by rural insurgents at Concord.  The video signaled a popular uprising and furious pushback against the major media and political elites, who had controlled the national agenda and messaging for far too long.  Diamond and Silk threw zinger after zinger in defending Trump:  “Here’s the damn deal, Megyn Kelly—or Kelly Megyn, whatever your name is!…. Go back and report news on Sesame Street!…You hit below the belt, Kelly!…He was the only one up there on that stage with any common sense!… He’s going to be the next president, whether you like it or not.  Get used to it, girl!  Get used to it!”

    Last edited by Carol on Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:39 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32064
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    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:39 am

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Hawaii

    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Thu Mar 10, 2016 1:55 pm

    Report: 46,000 Pa. Democrats Become Republicans Due To Trump
    PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Nearly 46,000 Pennsylvania Democrats have switched to Republicans since the beginning of the year.

    According to Penn Live, some experts attribute the mass exodus to Donald Trump.

    There’s even a title for the movement. It’s called “Ditch and Switch” and calls for lifelong Democrats to abandon the party, register Republican, and help ensure Trump’s place in the general election.

    Professor of Public Affairs at Franklin and Marshall College, Dr. G. Terry Madonna, tells the paper he has a theory behind the switch.

    “With the increase in support in exit polls for Trump among working class, blue-collar Democrats, it is my belief that these are people who fall into that genre,” said Madonna.

    The numbers are similar in other states as well.


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Thu Mar 10, 2016 1:55 pm
    Trump Calls BLM Out For Stealing Ranchers' Land

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Eartheart Fri Mar 11, 2016 4:36 am

    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump 12814760_10205751786815903_4292662190349483906_n afro

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    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Fri Mar 11, 2016 10:14 am

    Friday, March 11, 2016: GOP Presidential front-runner Donald Trump will hold a press conference at the Mar-A-Lago Club in Palm Beach, FL. It is believed that he will be joined by retired neurosurgeon and former Presidential candidate Ben Carson. The event is scheduled to begin at 9:00 AM EST.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Sat Mar 12, 2016 10:48 am

    A few of last night and todays comments from readers of the UK’s DailyMail.

    Gearon, Brisbane, Australia
    University students are simply too precious to cope with an alternative argument these days. This makes 'free speech' to them a one way street, unable to tolerate any dissent, lest they be offended. Thank god for Trump because had he not arrived, we would have had to invent him.

    Lawanda, Rio Rancho NM
    I have never understood the position of "the left"/progressives. The party supposedly advocates for the rights and tolerance of everyone's rights and beliefs. However, time after time, that very same party appears very intolerant of those who's views do not align with theirs.

    Dr. B, Kona
    "The entire US establishment is plotting to defeat Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, because the maverick billionaire poses a threat to the New World Order”, an American political analyst says. Steven D Kelley, a former CIA/NSA contractor, made the comments in an interview with Press TV on Wednesday when asked to comment on the results of Tuesday’s Republican and Democratic primaries." Nearly 46,000 Pennsylvania Democrats have switched to Republicans since the beginning of the year - some experts attribute the mass exodus to Donald Trump. And that is just in one state. There is a reason Trump is ahead of almost all polls. He connects with the people - we the people and NOT politicians.

    Trump rally cancelled Chicago 03/11/2016 “We witnessed Communism cloaked as Democracy tonight, not a Republic as the USA is. We had MOB RULE, the anarchist rallied together to deny US the RIGHT to participate in the election process.” This protest was organized weeks ago on facebook using a page taken straight out of Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals is the last book written by community organizer Saul D. Alinsky (Obama's mentor), published in 1971. Trump is so popular with the American public (all races) that thousands show up for his rallies. Thousands! We never seen a ground swell of support like this before. Obviously he must be doing something right to have corrupt government shaking in their boots.

    Jonathan, East Greenwich_RI, United States
    Donald Trump: enemy #1 of the Welfare State, headquarters Chicago, Illinois. In the past, when something like this would happen, the republican nominee hopeful would back peddle Michael Phelps right out of the pool. Not Donald Trump. He won't back down from this. That's why his supporters love him and that's why he will win this election.

    Vincent Fissore, Brussels, Belgium
    And it seems that Cruz is siding with the mob, by essentially blasting Trump's "rhetoric"... So Cruz is siding with the far-left rabble-rousers (and Sanders supporters) who shut-down a Trump rally... This shows the level of desperation of his campaign: siding with Bill Ayers et al...

    O-Really, New York, United States
    Note to self: do not visit that violent city of Chicago anytime soon.

    kraznor, richmond va
    What you liberal brits don't get is what's the real story here. Activists cause trouble... they instigate fights.. they WANT to get hit, so they pick a fight.. they get what they deserve and it makes Trump's people look violent. Typical liberal attack method. Discredit your opponent.

    StrangeWays, Midwest, United States
    BINGO! This was an organized VIOLENT protest by, a Bernie Sanders supporter. So the question really should be. Does Bernie Sanders endorse this type of violent protest? Chicago is a cesspool of hate, ignorance and influenced by many years of democrats who have enabled this type of ignorant attitude.

    littleredtop, Paradise Valley, United States
    George Soros has pledged millions to stop Trump. Most protesters are paid and many are being bused in from as far away as Canada. These are professional protesters trained and led by The Alliance of Community Trainers (previously known as RANT) and their leader Lisa Fithian, a radical Marxist employed by Soros. Lisa was the guiding force behind the riots in Ferguson, MO and Baltimore, MD last year as well as the unrest in Minneapolis and NYC including Christmas threats on the Mall of America.

    Jason Bedunah, Grand Prairie, United States
    These are bernie/hillary supporters INTERRUPTING a Trump event. These aren't Trump supporters interrupting a Bernie/Hillary event. Trump supporters aren't going to those events and causing trouble. Maybe they should. Trump packs in 30,000 in many places. Can you imagine 30,000 Trump fans engulfing Hillary's 200 attendees?

    Gallifreyan, New England, United States
    They were paid $50 in a plain white envelope. AntiTrump SuperPac funded it.

    Lee, Oregon, United States
    David Power has the jest of it. Please read what he wrote twice. Next, Trump borrowed one million dollars from his father to start his business and paid it back. His current net worth is 3.5 billion. He had to be doing something right to be so successful. In addition, he doesn't drink, smoke or take drugs. Sadly the same can't be said for the last 4 US Presidents. I saw photos of Bush falling down drunk over Merkel. Obama has a history of drug use beginning in High Schoo (I saw those photos too) and we all know about the Clintons also documented in photos. It would be nice to have a financially successful business man in office who isn't out to make a buck of the backs of the American people or lobbyists. Trump is his own man not owned by anyone. And he made it very clear he intended to stand behind the rule of law. Hence no "illegal" immigrants. He is identifying a problem that everyone in American is painfully aware of.

    ICE: 124 illegals freed from jail later charged in 138 murder cases...

    iMPO he is the only candidate who may get America on track again. Hillary Clinton is dangerous and will lead the US into another war. Why? She's a war hawk who views herself about the rule of law - globally. Who knows how many lives have already been lost due to her influence including our own people in Benghazi. As for Hillary's SAP Emails - A SAP Compromise Could Bring Life In Prison. MISSING CLINTON E-MAIL CLAIMS SAUDIS FINANCED BENGHAZI ATTACKS.

    Sanders, we like him but he is also a socialist and wants to raise taxes for more free programs. As a nation we're already broke and he is no financial wizard. Cruz.. is scary. The Bible thumping hypocrisy borders on being a zealot whose father speaks in tongues and where another pastor who introduced him at one of his public speaking engagements said he thought gays should be killed. Besides, he was born in Canada and wasn't a US citizen until recently. He's not eligible... nor was Obama but they did a good job in covering that all up.

    Rubio is a back stabbing pip squeak. Does anyone honestly think any of the other candidates can solve the financial crisis the US is in now? Rubio? I think not.

    Trump is not psychopathic. He's a showman, an entertainer, incredibly intelligent, fiscally astute and knows how to be successful. He does remind me a bit of Reagan the actor who was president. Trump's personality may be a bit brash yet he would make a much better president then the people who preceded him or who are running against him.

    Last edited by Carol on Mon Mar 14, 2016 7:42 pm; edited 2 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:16 am

    Mar 12, 2016

    Quote of the day:
    “Government is the Entertainment division of the military-industrial complex.”
    –Frank Zappa

    This quote refers to President Eisenhower’s warning about the rise of the military-industrial complex during his farewell address when he left office on January 17, 1961. Here is a 2-minute U-Tube video of that part of his speech:

    There is an open civil war within the ranks of the Republican Party. The Party and its faithful are at war with its own front-running presidential candidate, Donald Trump, and his supporters. The Huffington Post recently reported on a top-level Republican Party meeting on how to stop Donald Trump.

    “Billionaires, tech CEOs and top members of the Republican establishment flew to a private island resort off the coast of Georgia this weekend for the American Enterprise Institute's annual World Forum, according to sources familiar with the secretive gathering.

    “The main topic at the closed-to-the-press confab? How to stop Republican front-runner Donald Trump.”

    It seems to me that political parties ought to reflect and respond to the values of their constituents, rather than to decide how their constituents ought to think. After all, is that not what a Republican form of government is? Their departure from this basic principle of Republican government, for which the party is named, shows that they are proactively trying to manipulate people, rather than being representatives of the people.

    In essence, the primaries are emerging as far more than a mere vote for candidates. Every vote for Trump is a no-confidence vote cast against the Republican Party leaders and their “good ol’ boys” system. It is also a no-confidence vote against the mainstream media. The Trump phenomenon is fueled by party members who are either angry, concerned, alarmed, or just plain fed up with the Party’s subservience to the powers that be. They are tired of Party leaders pretending to take a stand on something, only to betray that same cause later. They see the two parties as two ideological branches of the same top industrialists, bankers, and Wall Street controllers.

    Donald Trump’s popularity has been fueled by President Obama’s policies that have radically undermined the traditional moral standard regarding marriage, as well as his stated intent to bring huge numbers of Muslim immigrants to America without properly vetting them. Trump has been able to express the concerns of many alarmed Republicans, whereas the Party itself (and its approved candidates) are seen as secretly going along with the program in spite of public statements to the contrary.

    More broadly speaking, they are not only upset with its Democratic leadership under Obama, nor are they merely alarmed over the prospect of another eight years under Hillary Clinton. Many—if not most—Trump supporters are casting a no-confidence vote against the US government itself. This borders on a revolution. Polarization has been with us since the Clinton years, but today, immigration is being used to tip the balance toward the Democratic side of the political spectrum.

    Though most immigrants—Catholics from Mexico and Central America, and Muslims from the Mideast—do not subscribe to the gay marriage agenda of the Democratic Party, they are primarily concerned about obtaining citizenship and are willing to support the Party in spite of their disagreement with its immoral platform. But there is something down the road that the Party is not considering. Once these immigrants have obtained citizenship, once the immigration war has been won, these same immigrants will then turn to secondary issues—such as abortion and gay marriage. The time may come when the Democratic Party will have its own referendum from dissatisfied party members.

    Meanwhile, the headlines are now reporting on the Republican Party and its unprecedented war against its front-runner, Donald Trump. The powers that be (PTB) have pulled out all stops, even getting the Pope to imply that Trump is a non-Christian in order to siphon off his Catholic supporters. Romney was paraded on stage calling Trump a “fraud,” in order to siphon off Trump’s huge support among Mormons. Yet by siding with the Republican and Democratic establishment, they have only exposed themselves as part of the problem.

    The mainstream media, which they control, has missed no opportunity to misrepresent Trump. For example, when Trump stated that he would stop Muslim immigrants from entering America “until they (government) got their act together,” the last part of his statement was almost never reported. Trump was commenting on the fact that the government was allowing Muslims into the country with no background checks and was concerned that terrorists were among them. But the media’s deceitful reports make it look like he would ban Muslims altogether.

    The media’s deceit, however, is proving to be ineffective at stopping the Trump campaign. That means this campaign is also a referendum against the mainstream media. Trump supporters do not believe what the media says anymore. Such skepticism used to be found among ten percent of the population. In recent years it had moved up to about 30 percent. Now the number is determined by the number of Trump supporters, along with an unknown number of Democrats and Independents. My guess is that the figure is now close to 50 percent.

    I mistrust deceitful people. When I see such biased and deceitful reporting, I see it as a clear sign that the Babylonian leaders who rule the world are behind this push to displace people and to bring them to Europe and America. It is not only about immigration. Immigration is the result of the policy to disrupt whole nations in the Mideast and to force people to flee for their lives. This policy started shortly after September 11, 2001 and is described by General Wesley Clark, who was told that the US government had decided to overthrow seven countries in five years.

    He put Syria on the list after Iraq. As it turned out, Syria was not the next in line, but it has turned out to be the most important country at the present time. While the media blames Assad and now Putin as well, the real cause of this carnage and the resulting immigration crisis lies at the doorstep of the US government—or really, the rich and powerful men who use the US government as their agent to enforce their will.

    It is a well-known propaganda tactic to charge the victim with the crime in order to hide the real culprits. So when the US government hired and supported those trying to overthrow President Assad of Syria, the media faithfully reported that Assad was to blame for all the deaths resulting from their civil war.

    The same tactic is being used today against Donald Trump. His Chicago rally was cancelled due to violence caused by his opponents from the establishment, but Trump is being blamed for causing them to be violent!

    This reminds me of the Israeli journalist who wept crocodile tears because the Palestinians were causing the Israelis to shoot their children.

    Most people are swept along by ideology and fear without understanding how they are being manipulated by people behind the scenes. Manipulation is possible only through ignorance, but plays actively upon men’s fear or their hatred.

    We should view this election in geopolitical terms, rather than thinking of this as purely a matter of American politics. This is part of the war between Babylon and the Kings of the East. The Babylonians who rule the West want to keep all of their vassal kings and political leaders subservient to them. Anyone who steps out of line loses their financial support. If necessary, they are killed. Trump does not need their money, and he is clearly an independent thinker. This makes him dangerous, as he is challenging what Frank Baum called “the wicked witch of the West.” (The Wizard of Oz)

    There has been some prophecy about an assassination coming. It is vague, but it makes me wonder if Trump is in danger. Certainly, other politicians have been assassinated for going against the establishment, such as President John Kennedy and Pope John Paul I. The world is full of ruthless men who are willing to kill in order to maintain their grip on power. They kill because they have the power, money, and technology to get away with murder.
    So be watchful.

    [Disclaimer: This article should not be taken as an endorsement of any political candidate. It is only an attempt to report on the Entertainment provided by the military-industrial complex.]

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32064
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    Location : Hawaii

    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Mon Mar 14, 2016 3:01 pm

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    David Power • 8 hours ago

    While these Telegraph hacks continue to publish these trivial gossip pieces, the real story is passing them bye...

    Is The American Establishment Trying To Get Donald Trump Assassinated?

    Donald Trump evokes strong passions. Most people either love him or hate him. But the people who hate him at the highest levels of power are much more numerous—and they are more wealthy and powerful than his supporters.

    This past week, we’ve watched this play out before our eyes as the elites, through the media, have started to create a narrative designed to paint Trump and his supporters as violent, dangerous bigots who must be eliminated at all costs.But the Establishment has not been able to stump Trump—yet

    The media narrative that Trump’s words inspire violence seems to have sprung from thin air on Friday. It didn’t. To really understand why that narrative emerged now, we have to look at events that led up to it. The prior week, Trump had undergone unprecedented attacks from his challengers and the GOP establishment. First, Mitt Romney delivered a speech attacking Trump from every angle, even hitting Trump for sleeping with attractive women.

    Next, Marco Rubio was designated to be the GOP establishment attack dog. He switched his campaign stump speech from one that was “positive” and focused on policy to one full of goofy, juvenile attacks on Trump making fun of his hair and even the size of Trump’s hands—the implication being that Trump has a small penis.

    On top of Rubio’s insult comic routine, Super Pacs affiliated with the GOP establishment spent $30 million in ads in battle ground states repeating all of Mitt Romney’s attacks. But it was all for naught. Instead of weakening Trump, the attacks only served to make him stronger. He won the Tuesday primaries in Michigan, Missouri, and Hawaii with commanding margins. On the other hand, Marco Rubio, the establishment water boy, saw his numbers plunge.

    In other words, all of the establishment’s conventional methods—television ads and personal attacks—completely failed. This is key to understanding why the nature of the attack on Trump had to change. And so the media began the “Trump’s rhetoric causes violence” mantra.

    After Trump won the Michigan and Missouri primaries with strong numbers, the establishment went into panic mode. They arranged a meeting between execs of top technology companies Apple, Facebook, and Google, and the members of the GOP establishment including Karl Rove, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Ben Sasse and Kevin McCarthy.

    The conspirators met on a private island off the coast of Georgia called Sea Island. Their goal? To plot how to stop the GOP front runner—Donald Trump. We don’t know what plans the elite concocted at this meeting because it was invitation-only. However, we may glean the nature of the plan from the events that followed.

    After the meeting, the next Republican debate in Miami was a muted affair. Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich mostly laid back. While they did throw some light punches in Trump’s direction, it was probably the most civil debate to date. Did the other candidates know that the establishment had something in store for Trump?

    The very next day, Trump was scheduled to have a rally in Chicago. Bernie Sanders supporters, and other leftwing groups coordinated a massive protest. This was combined with hundreds of threats of violence on social media, including threats against Trump’s life. To preserve the safety of his supporters, Trump canceled the rally.

    Immediately after the cancellation, all the networks suddenly were carrying the same story—how Donald Trump’s words provoke his followers to violence. There was nothing about the threats on social media to assassinate Trump. Only this unprovable allegation that Trump’s words somehow caused his supporters turn violent. The major newspapers carried the same message.

    The startling things about is how quickly all of the mainstream media outlets adopted the “Trump’s rhetoric causes violence” message. It’s notable because Trump’s rhetoric has never been violent. At most, Trump told his supporters that if someone throws a punch at them at a rally, they should punch right back. But that is not a violent message. It is just common sense self-defense. It is the same advice many mothers give to their sons on their first day of kindergarten.

    Some of the media outlets say that Trump’s message about building a wall and putting a temporary ban on Islamic immigration are somehow inherently violent. But those policies are several months old. Why did the violence narrative suddenly take hold? I believe that this was a coordinated attack by the media, which is owned and controlled by the elite.

    On Saturday morning, Trump had a rally in Dayton, Ohio. I watched the rally with my wife. Trump seemed to be in good spirits and there were almost no protestors. In the middle of the rally, a man jumped the barrier and charged the podium where Trump was speaking.

    Secret Service agents quickly swarmed the podium to protect Trump and detain the alleged attacker, who was identified as a Bernie Sanders supporter with a history of supporting left-wing causes Was he trying to assassinate Trump? Mike Cernovich has done a fantastic job of analyzing the atacker’s tweets. You can judge for yourself:

    You would think that a potential assassination attempt against a presidential frontrunner would be the top story of the day. But the media largely downplayed it as a minor incident. Here is CNN’s original report: Headline: Protester tries to get at Trump (Not an attacker, but a “protester.” And he merely tried to “get at” Trump)

    Subheadline1: Candidate startled as man tries to rush stage in Ohio
    Subheadline2: Trump’s incendiary history

    In other words, the news media is blaming the victim. It was Trump’s “incendiary history” that forced the “protester” to attack. By Saturday night, the story was no longer on CNN’s “top stories” list, but “Obama mocks Trump steaks” was important enough to make the cut.

    Some news aggregators deemed the story not newsworthy and prioritized it below anti-Trump stories.Imagine for a moment if a Trump supporter had rushed Hillary Clinton’s podium? Do you think that the story would have been dropped by the same evening? Or would we be subjected to endless paeans of how brave Hillary was in facing the evil perpetrated by Trump and his minions?

    If one thing is clear from this incident it is that the elite hate Trump with an intensity that borders on the homicidal. They will stop at nothing to frustrate the will of the voters and prevent Trump from ever becoming President.

    The reason is not Trump’s unpolished manner of speaking, but that his policies would put a dent in their pocket books. Bringing immigration under control would shut off the endless supply of cheap labor. Enforcing free and fair trade will make it harder to move American jobs to other, lower wage countries.

    The latest attempt to stop Trump is to incite mentally unstable people to violence against Trump and his supporters. Any violence that results will be immediately blamed on Trump’s immigration and trade policy.

    It is becoming clear that the Elite will not permit Trump to become President. But if the they are successful in eliminating him the resulting fire may engulf the entire nation.

    My advice to Trump supporters is to stay vigilant and don't be baited into violence.


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:57 pm

    Saturday, March 12, 2016: Pastor Darrell Scott of New Spirit Revival Center Ministries speaks and introduces Donald Trump at a rally in Cleveland, OH and BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE!

    Here is what the Pastor had to say;

    I met Mr. Trump over 5 years ago in a personal meeting that was organized by a mutual friend and, to be honest, I went into the meeting somewhat prejudicially; I went in with an opinion that had been formed thru media portrayals.

    In that meeting, I asked Mr. Trump some very direct and pointed questions, questions about race and race relations, and I received very direct answers from Mr. Trump that erased all of my preconceptions. He told us at that meeting that he was very concerned about the condition that our country was in and the direction that our country was proceeding in; and he asked us simply to pray for him.

    He said, ‘I would that you guys pray for me that God gives me wisdom and God leads me in the right direction in my decision-making processes,’ and, to be honest, I went away with a very different perspective and very, very different opinion of Mr. Donald Trump.

    Now some of you might be surprised at this statement that I’m about to make, but I found Mr. Trump not only to be very gracious and very hospitable; but I also found Mr. Trump to be a very humble man.

    We met with Mr. Trump again this past September, a group of clergy, and we spoke with him very directly about the economy, about race relations, about schools, jobs, about America’s crumbling infrastructure, and we discussed the Middle East, ISIS, America’s military, immigration, national defense very, very candidly.

    So my personal objective in this rally is for you to form an opinion of Donald Trump that is NOT based upon what the liberal media wants to BRAINWASH you with. ALL of you…listen….I’m born and raised in Cleveland, I know how we are, I know how we roll, I know how we THINK!

    All of you are here today because you are independent thinkers. You all are free-thinkers. You all are smart, intelligent people, and they try to act like Mr. Trump appeals to a bunch of DUMMIES! I beg to differ with you! We are smart people, we are intelligent people, we know what we’re doing, we KNOW what we see, and the truth is, the Democratic Party has drifted farther and farther away from the traditional values that made our country great in the first place! In our private meetings, Mr. Trump spoke of the values and principles that reflect our views as Americans.

    Mr. Trump…you have to realize that under this current Democratic administration, the economy is in a shambles, the infrastructure of our cities is crumbling, our morality is despicable, the people are rioting in the streets, the agenda of special interest groups is being crammed down our throats, our streets are not safe and, internationally, our country is not respected, our leaders and our military is not feared; the Middle East has been destabilized; and this current administration has had EIGHT YEARS to effect change, so they cannot continue to blame the prior administration for our country’s ills; and so to coin the previous (or our current) administration’s very own term: “IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE!“ We need strong leadership for a stronger America. We need to become stronger economically, we need to become stronger socially, we need to become stronger morally, spiritually and militarily. And I believe that Donald Trump is our change agent. If you’re in agreement with me, somebody shout “Amen!”

    This campaign is history making. Detractors try to say that Donald Trump is a divider; I beg to differ with them! Donald Trump is a UNIFIER!!

    I have with me today, they have traveled from Baltimore, (I have) American Sikhs for Trump, American Muslims for Trump, we have National Black Republicans for Trump; we have all sorts of ethnic groups for Trump. He’s not a divider, he’s a unifier because no other candidate could’ve had THIS many people show up in a meeting from all different walks of life!

    I’m almost done…

    There’s a scripture in the bible that says “I sought for a man to make up the hedge, and to stand in the gap for my land.” Donald Trump IS that man! God has raised him up for such a time as this. There’s a gap that exists between the people of America and Washington bureaucracy and we’re going to stand in the gap; we’re going to make up the hedge with Donald Trump and restore our Nation. C’mon say ‘Amen’ to me somebody!

    Donald Trump is an unparalleled leader and developer with a GIFT for innovation and problem solving. He’s a builder, a developer, a negotiator without equal with the hand of God on his life because ONLY God could take a Black guy from the inner city streets of Cleveland and connect him with a White billionaire from upstate NY to try to do what we can to try to MAKE THIS COUNTRY GREAT AGAIN!!

    America, this America that we once knew is an America that we no longer recognize. America is weaker than it has ever been, and Mr. Trump has promised that he will do everything in his power to make this country great again.

    And so….without further ado…let me say this before I stop... When you go to the polls this Tuesday, you can make a statement, you can make a mark that can never be erased, by voting for Donald Trump, you are saying to America that ‘I’m not satisfied with the status quo and it’s time for America to regain its strength, and it’s time for America to become the greatest country on the face of this earth again; it’s time for America to become great again,’…. so without further ado, I present to some and I introduce to others, and I want you to receive him with a loud and long show of hands….


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32064
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    Location : Hawaii

    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:35 pm

    What really happened at the Trump Chicago rally - A Firsthand Account
    Date: Monday, 14-Mar-2016

    Snip of Reddit Account:

    At 2:30 p.m., I arrived at the Donald Trump rally located at the UIC pavilion in Chicago, IL. There was light police presence at the Blue Line station, and the pavilion was short walk away. There I waited in line for about an hour until making it to the front doors, going through a security scanner, and finding a seat in the main hall.

    For nearly two hours the pavilion filled until it neared capacity. It was clear that protesters were seated around the room, given easily away by their manner of dress. Most of the Trump supporters, being suburbanite or small town white people from outside of Chicago, were dressed strikingly normal—jeans and t-shirts, yoga pants or dresses, and the occasional suit.

    The first protesters began around 5:30 when two young white males pulled off their coats to reveal t-shirts with anti-Trump slogans. At this point I noticed the police presence inside the rally was a mere 8 police officers, bolstered with hands-off event staff.

    Before 6:00 p.m., a man spoke on the microphone and requested that rally attendees do not touch or harm protesters who interrupt the event. He reminded the protesters that Donald Trump supports the first amendment as much as the second.

    Following this was a string of smaller incidents, such as people holding up improvised signs and shouting.

    One entire bleacher row was filled with protesters and they began chanting and throwing around torn up signs.

    A few people who began standing up and screaming, and were slowly escorted out by police. The police kept leaving the protesters unattended throughout this, taking 4-8 officers to escort protesters out one at a time.

    A black man in a black jacket ran up to the front stage, bumped into the podium, and attempted to speak, but was wrestled down by two men in suits. As they escorted him through the crowd, he took a swing at a Trump supporter. The men escorting him were incredibly gentle and restrained themselves from using any force.

    Then voice came on and declared that the event was postponed. A few minutes later, they informed us that Trump had landed in Chicago and spoken to Chicago Police officers, and that due to safety concerns, the rally was canceled.

    At this point, the protesters began to descend into chaos. Aside from a few mild “TRUMP” and “USA” chants, the Trump supporters were mostly quiet and bewildered as the protesters began to scream, chant, and run around the main floor area in a huge pack, flipping off the rally attendees and swearing at them. There were a few tense altercations between the two groups, but from what I saw at this point, no violence.

    The rally was instructed to leave the pavilion, and I have to admit, the Chicago Police messed up bad here.

    We walked straight out of the building and into enormous packs of protesters screaming at us, with little police presence to protect the Trump supporters.

    Following this, I wandered the protest grounds to see what was going on. My memory is a bit jumbled at this point because I was so pumped up, but let me string together the events as clearly as possible:

    Many of Trump propaganda signs, most commonly depicting him as Adolf Hitler, but others showing him with a small penis, simple signs of text English and Spanish, signs.

    Young women shouting many anti-white racial epithets.

    “THE PEOPLE ARE UNITED. WE WILL NOT BE DIVIDED” being shouted at Trump supporters who holed themselves up in a parking garage, quietly fearing for their safety. Another good one by the protesters was “FREEDOM FIRST! FREEDOM FIRST!” Strangely enough, there were a good amount of signs calling for peace and freedom. Lots of peace signs being flashed with the fingers.

    A single white Trump supporter who held up a sign and stood quietly as three dozen people surrounded him, screaming, snatching and pushing at him until he had to run for police cover. Someone grabbed his American flag and threw it on the ground and he fought to recover it. The police escorted 'him' away.

    Two young men, perhaps 17-19, standing quietly as they waited for a ride home. They were wearing their MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN hats, looking terrified as people cursed and swore at them, and occasionally threw furious challenges for debate. The two young men held their ground. Only once did one of those hats come down, and it quickly went back on again.

    A general atmosphere of pleasure and happiness from the protesters. A common chant was “WE WON!” and “WE STOPPED* TRUMP!” It honestly felt like a social event for the protesters. There was plenty of mingling

    Plenty of shouts at Trump protesters that Trump and his supporters are not welcome in Chicago. I challenged one on the first amendment. He said he does not consider himself an American and continued insulting the grizzled old white man he was arguing with.

    Extremely inefficient police presence. The cops were lined up on their horses or standing behind barricades, but generally were not present where Trump supporters were being hounded and occasionally struck by protesters.

    The protesters were primarily composed of millennial-aged: white hipsters, African Americans, Hispanics, and Muslims. Some of the protesters were teenagers below voting age.

    The protesters flew a big set of American, Mexican, and Puerto Rican flags. There were lots of small American and Mexican flags too.

    There was media presence, but not as much as you’d think. Plenty of areas where chaos was going on had no media nearby. The reporters were mostly getting people to talk to them off to the side where nothing was going on, or focusing ongoing debates between Trump supporters and rally members.

    A small amount of the protesters were smoking weed. (I have nothing against this personally, just included for accuracy.)

    Plenty of chants for “BERNIE! BERNIE! BERNIE!” Some Trump supporters looked at each other in bewilderment. “But Bernie Sanders isn’t even running against Donald Trump,” was the common sentiment.

    Edit: The Trump supporters had a general trust for the police, while the protesters saw their presence as antagonistic.

    Closing statement:

    Obviously I did not see everything that occurred as I wandered the protest grounds outside the cancelled Chicago rally. What I did see, however, was fear. Fear from the rally attendees for their immediate safety, and fear of Donald Trump from the angry protesters.

    More than that, I feel that I experienced today, for the first time in my life, true totalitarianism and authoritarianism, expressed laterally from citizen to citizen, in order to silence opinions from being shared. This enforcement was shared through sheer numbers and intimidation, and in a few cases, violence.

    People brought their children, loved ones, and friends to attend the Trump rally. I saw an older Asian man and his white wife in attendance, and the looks on their faces when the rally was declared cancelled almost broke my heart. I saw scared children clinging to their parents’ sides as they exited the building to the screams of protesters. I saw a quiet, but excited crowd of Donald Trump supporters get thrown out of Chicago.

    Worst of all, I saw the first amendment trampled, spit on, and discarded like trash.

    This cannot go on. As I finish this, I feel a sense of utter dread and hopelessness for what is becoming of the youth in this country, particularly those of the regressive left. So polarized has political opinion become, that dissenting thoughts on college campuses are now seen as hateful. These people deal in absolutes. They are right, and whatever means they must take to achieve their ends, they will do it. They will not stop themselves from violence or censorship. They will do it, and they will call hell down upon you if anyone dare does upon them the same.

    Tonight I went to the Trump Rally to hear the thoughts of not only the man who was supposed to come and speak, but the people who support him. I found respect. I found calmness. I found peace.

    The truth is, I am a 'legal' immigrant, not a US citizen. I am not American. I am not white. I cannot vote, I wish I could.

    After tonight, I support Donald Trump.

    Lastly, for anyone who thinks the protesters didn’t incite violence tonight, I offer you this.


    Tallon5 posted a bunch of images and videos that match up to my personal accounts

    Links for pics on page:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Hawaii

    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Tue Mar 15, 2016 12:42 pm

    Laughed at this post response in an article about Florida leaving Trumps name off the ballet.

    Lets check out The Trumps presidential qualifications...

    The Obama is against Trump... Check
    The Media is against Trump... Check
    The establishment Democrats are against Trump... Check
    The establishment Republicans are against Trump... Check
    The Pope is against Trump... Check
    The UN is against Trump... Check
    The EU is against Trump... Check
    China is against Trump... Check
    Mexico is against Trump... Check
    Soros is against Trump... Check
    MoveOn.Org is against Trump... Check
    Koch Bro's are against Trump... Check
    Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump... Check

    Best qualifications ever!!

    Bonus points!!!
    Cher says she will leave the country...
    Cyrus says she will leave the country...
    Whoopi says she will leave the country...
    Rosi says she will leave the country...
    Sharpton says he will leave the country...

    My vote for Trump... Check...

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32064
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    Location : Hawaii

    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Wed Mar 16, 2016 9:57 pm

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Hawaii

    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Thu Mar 17, 2016 11:02 am

    Donald Trump Teases a President Bid During a 1988 Oprah Show | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Hawaii

    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Fri Mar 18, 2016 8:33 pm
    Breaking: New Trump Scandal, Devastating Info Released
    Donald Trump is for real. Alex Jones discusses a new scandal surrounding Republican front runner Donald Trump that will severely damage the establishment. That's why those who have been controlling the country are so scared. He wants to be the guy who saves America and beat the globalists. He's trying to return power to the people.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:40 pm

    Trump's warpath

    Reader's response:

    xenia lynn teresa Williams

    To my European and Russian friends. Let me shed some light on what is going on in America. This is a so far peaceful revolt against both criminal parties and their minions. The American people are fed up with the 90 % of criminal congress and presidency that are both run by the military industrial complex whose only goal is constant war world wide. Of the 226 year history of the USA 222 years have been at war with someone. Our jobs are sent to Mexico and China by treaties that only benefit multinational corporations. Most in congress are on the take. They come in poor and leave multimillionaire by taking money from special interest groups. To paraphrase Lincoln: "This is a country of the politicians, by the politicians and for the politicians!" They could careless what the people of America want. They just want to fill their pockets with money. The more the world and fascist left are against Donald Trump, the more the American populous is with him. Ignore these fascist left demonstrations, the only serve to strengthen the resolve of the American people. Donald Trump like John Kennedy are and were not members of "Skull and Bones" secret group. Most other presidents were members. Kennedy was going to expose them that is why he and his brother, JFK, were both killed. Don't think for a minute that Mr. Trump is safe. He is not part of their secret club and cannot be control by them. They will do what they think is necessary to get rid of him. The American government has done some terrible things, but do not blame the people. It's that way in other countries as well. Wish us luck!

    George Soros et al must be banned from America!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Sun Mar 20, 2016 1:32 pm

    Donald J. Trump

    An honor to be endorsed by General Robert Charles Oaks! THANK YOU, GENERAL!

    4 Star General Robert Charles Oaks is a retired U.S. Air Force general who served as commander of Air Training Command and United States Air Forces in Europe. Oaks was also a general authority of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) from 2000 to 2009. He is a first cousin to LDS Church apostle Dallin H. Oaks. General Robert Oaks, and his wonderful wife Gloria are amazing leaders- and they want a leader in the White House!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32064
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    Location : Hawaii

    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Mon Mar 21, 2016 10:46 am

    "I could not believe what I saw"
    Paul Joseph Watson - MARCH 21, 2016

    An African-American Tucson cop who attended a Donald Trump rally on Saturday as a neutral observer described the anti-Trump protesters who crashed the event as “the most hateful people I’ve ever seen”.

    Tatum said he wanted to personally attend the event in order to get a first hand experience of what it was all about instead of relying on media perception.

    Describing what he saw as “very very shocking,” Tatum said anti-Trump protesters were “verbally violent,” swearing and yelling at people who were attending the rally.

    Speaking about the Trump supporters, Tatum said, “everybody seemed to be peaceful, there wasn’t a lot of hatred and maliciousness going on,” and that Trump supporters were not lashing out at protesters.

    Challenging the media narrative that Trump is ‘inciting violence’ against protesters, Tatum said he heard an announcement before the event which told attendees not to become involved in altercations with protesters who were being unruly.

    “That was another thing I don’t see portrayed in the media, is that they gave a disclaimer, don’t hurt these people, you don’t need to do this”.

    Tatum goes on to explain how protesters were yelling “f**k Donald Trump” in front of children and that one parent had to cover her daughter’s ears because “these people are just outlandish and out of control”.

    Despite being a police officer, even Tatum said he felt uncomfortable and that “at any moment I could get sucker punched by somebody”.

    Although it was the protesters who were accusing Trump supporters of being hateful, Tatum asserted, “These people are the most hateful, evil people I’ve ever seen, I could not believe what I saw….I thought at some point it was going to be a full fledged riot because these people were acting so outrageous.”

    “I had no problems when I was there, I’m an African-American man, I had no problems with people going against me,” added Tatum, again countering the narrative that Trump supporters are racist.

    Tatum concluded by noting that the media rarely portrays the protesters in a negative light, focusing instead on violence committed by Trump supporters after they have been provoked by demonstrators “spitting and yelling in people’s faces”.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:04 am

    PIERS MORGAN: When it comes to terror, isn’t it time we started listening seriously to Trump?

    PUBLISHED: 14:11 EST, 22 March 2016 | UPDATED: 02:27 EST, 23 March 2016
    How many more?
    That’s all I could think this morning as news broke of yet another ISIS terror attack, this time in Brussels.

    How many more innocent men, women and children are going to be blown to pieces by these murderous bastards?

    How many more airports, train stations, sports stadiums, restaurants or concert halls will be obliterated in a hail of suicide bombs and bullets?

    How many more world leaders will wring their hands on national television afterwards and spout pointless platitudes about the ‘poor brave victims’ and ‘heroic emergency services’?

    How many taunting, gleeful claims of responsibility will the despicable perpetrators of these evil crimes be able to issue?

    I’m sick of this, aren’t you?

    Sick of feeling sick about such endless, senseless barbarism.

    And the worst thing about it is that I see no end.

    Aftermath: Small fires burn amid the rubble, fallen ceiling tiles and abandoned luggage minutes after two bombs were detonated in the departure area of Brussels Airport this morning
    Comfort: Two airport workers embrace in the aftermath of the attacks in Brussels this morning

    Comfort: Two airport workers embrace in the aftermath of the attacks in Brussels this morning
    The inherent problem which causes it, chaotic war-torn instability in the Middle East, is getting worse, not better; just as the financial and military resource of the enemy is growing greater, not reducing.

    Yet just as the world is crying out for strong decisive leadership, there is none.

    America has a demob happy President Obama eeking out his last few months in office. A man whose infamous ‘leading from behind’ philosophy to foreign policy has been partly responsible for the war in Syria raging uncontrollably for five years – allowing fundamentalism to ferment.

    Obama has zero interest in doing anything tangible to really deal with ISIS. This is now parked in the tray marked ‘next president’s problem.’

    Europe, meanwhile, is splintering at the seams, ravaged by an unprecedented migration crisis that nobody seems to have a clue how to handle.

    German chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to let a million migrants into its country is already seen to be an utter disaster.

    I interviewed Trump this morning on my UK morning TV show GMB where he gave his views on the attacks and what should be done to stop ISIS.

    Second attack: Just over an hour after the blasts at Brussels Airport came a bomb on the busy Maalbeek Metro tunnel close to the EU institutions - again leaving multiple casualties

    Victims: Emergency services treat an unknown casualty of the metro bomb blast this morning
    France, reeling from two horrendous attacks in Paris, is understandably highly fearful of yet more terror coming its way.

    Belgium officials effectively conceded today that they have no real way to protect themselves against the ISIS threat. A fact surely born out by the fact that today’s onslaught in Brussels happened right when the city most expected it, following the capture of Paris attacks suspect Saleh Abdeslam three days ago.

    Britain, surely a target anytime soon, is on red alert but its warring politicians are too distracted by the upcoming EU referendum in June to pay anything more than lame lip service to terrorism.

    So nobody seems to be doing anything concrete to stop ISIS, or even suggesting a new way to do so given the spectacular lack of success to date.

    Well almost nobody.

    By coincidence, I had an interview scheduled today with the world’s most controversial man, Donald Trump, for my UK show, Good Morning Britain. It was set up a couple of weeks ago, but the timing was eerily prescient.

    Here is one man who definitely has a plan to deal with ISIS terrorism. Several plans in fact. The problem is that people don’t like them. Well, a lot of people don’t anyway.

    Trump, current front-runner for the Republican nomination, wants to hit ISIS ‘so hard they never recover’. (As he told me: ‘You've got to take them out and you've got to take them out harshly and you've got to take them out fast.’)

    He also wants a short-term ban on Muslims entering the U.S. until, as he puts it, ‘we figure out what the hell is going on?’

    And he wants to torture suspects like Abdeslam with techniques like water-boarding to try and extract information about future attacks.

    Oh, and he wants to build a giant wall to stop illegal immigrants pouring over the Mexican border into America.

    I spoke to Trump for 40 minutes. He was, as you’d expect, bombastic, defiant and self-congratulatory. Why wouldn’t he be? He’s ripped up every political rule book to take this presidential race by storm, a scenario that is hardly going to deflate the ego of New York’s most XXXX-sure billionaire tycoon.

    But he also spoke in more detail about his plans to combat ISIS and I found myself nodding more than I expected.

    Trump told me countries must tighten their borders in light of these terror attacks, especially to anyone related to an ISIS fighter in Syria.
    Is he so wrong?

    He told me he wants law-abiding Muslims to root out the extremists in their midst, expressing his bafflement and anger that someone like Abdeslam was able to hide for so long in the very part of Brussels he had previously lived.
    Is he so wrong?

    He told me America must make it far harder for illegal immigrants to enter the U.S. and thinks European countries should follow suit.
    Is he so wrong?

    He told me he believes there are now areas of many major European cities which have become poisonous breeding grounds for radicalized Islamic terror.
    Is he so wrong?

    I didn’t feel I was talking to a lunatic, as many seem to view Trump. I saw a guy, a non-politician unfettered by PC language restraints, who is genuinely furious at the devastation which ISIS is wreaking, and seriously concerned for the security of his fellow Americans and indeed, the citizens of Europe.

    Salah Abdeslam, 26, was captured in Belgium just days ago for his part in the Paris attacks
    (Remember, Trump’s from New York and felt the horror of 9/11 very personally and very deeply like all New Yorkers.)

    His plans for tackling this extraordinarily dangerous threat to the world have been widely condemned as ‘bigoted’ and ‘racist’. But although I publicly criticised him for the Muslim short-term ban suggestion, I’ve known Trump for ten years and I don’t believe he’s a racist. I think he’s someone who has spent his life responding to metaphorical punches on his nose by punching even harder back.

    And right now, he firmly believes that ISIS will murder countless more Americans and Europeans if somebody somewhere doesn’t stand up and punch them hard in the face.

    Someone prepared to stop spewing politically-correct niceties after these attacks, hoping nobody gets offended, and actually DO something.

    Let’s be honest with ourselves, right now ISIS is winning this war and will continuing committing utter carnage on our streets on an ever graver and more barbaric scale until they are stopped.

    I don’t have the answers to how to do that.

    But I don’t hear any good ideas coming from any world leaders at the moment either, and it’s their highly paid jobs to work it out. Instead, I see a global paralysis driven by fear, confusion and woeful lack of leadership.

    And it will only get worse.

    Hate Donald Trump all you like, but at least he seems to recognise the magnitude of the threat and at least he has firm proposals for how to try to defeat it. They may not win him the Politically Correct Pontificator of the Year award. But how many more scenes like this morning’s appalling images from Brussels are we going to tolerate before we try a non-PC option to beat these disgusting excuses for human beings?

    At the end of our interview, I asked Donald Trump to send a message to the large majority of non-violent, decent Muslims who are as disgusted by these attacks as the rest of us.

    ‘I have great respect for Muslims,’ he said, ‘I have many friends that are Muslims. I'm just saying that there is something with a radicalized portion that is very, very bad and very dangerous. I would say this, to the Muslims, when they see trouble, they have to report it, they're not reporting it, they're absolutely not reporting it and that's a big problem.’

    Is he so wrong?

    Read more (live audio):

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32064
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump Empty Re: PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump

    Post  Carol Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:07 am

    Republican Delegates  1,237 to win nomination (as of March 23, 2016)

    Donald J. Trump 738

    Ted Cruz 463

    Marco Rubio 166

    John Kasich 143

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 16, 2024 11:52 pm