mudra Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:00 pm
I hear you Carol and agree Hilary isn't a choice.
I think she is broken pawn being tossed around in the game.
American elections are weird to me. It feels like being witness to wrestling in an arena with so many blows
being thrown ruthlessly between the opponents as if it was a matter of life and death.
I think David Icke is right when he makes a call to Consciousness as a reminder of who we are as spirits
in the game of life. I don't think anything justifies we fill our hearts with hatred or ill intentions.
We may need discipline, we may need to put order into chaos, we may need a more ethical approach to life.
These are valuable steps to take would we want to improve ourselves and create a better society.
It is by recognizing and riding with the natural laws and cycles, by hitching our wagon to the rising sun, as it were,
that we advance our position and earn respect.
Goodness in human nature is like the dim but beautiful early morning light. It can easily be obscured , by greed, hatred and other forms of defense, just as the morning light can be swallowed by fog.
Would Donald Trump ever win the elections he should remind himself that progress is achieved most effortlessly when right action is taken without concern for immediate reward, and when the path of the weaker elements aligns with the strong.
Presidents should be like shamans. They shouldn't hold office to direct citizens but rather help citizens to direct themselves.
Love from me