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    Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO


    Posts : 32048
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    Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO Empty Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO

    Post  Carol Sun Jan 03, 2016 10:41 pm
    Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO

    Published on Dec 26, 2015
    Global Mission of Peace:

    On The GoldFish Report No.41, The Ambassador welcomes UK Counselor Simon Parkes to discuss major world changes that humanity faces in the near future. Simon provides an update on the events in Paris and at CERN and how they are connected. Both the Ambassador and Simon encourages humanity to wake up and take your destiny in YOUR OWN hands and to not think someone or something will save us. HUMANITY MUST SAVE ITSELF! To learn more about Simon and his work please visit To follow the topics we present for discussion and analysis on The GoldFish Report, please follow us on facebook at and at https://www.thegoldfishreportcom,, and

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1471
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : Trieste ,Italy

    Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO Empty I see a possible contradiction in his speech

    Post  enemyofNWO Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:16 am

    He suggests to stay detached from what is going on , but on the other side he says that its is up us to change ourself . We have to help ourselves  because nobody will intervene for us  . One way to be pro active is doing what the Chinese government is supposedly doing ..... the government ordered the spies network to wage war on the Khazarian Mafia . Against criminals that use terror to make the population of the world fearful , the Chinese attitude is correct if what is reported is true . If more people engages in the extermination of the Khazarian families , there would be less wars .My wife and I are doing enough to weaken the state , we are monitored an followed 24/7  and it has been going on for decades and this is just for having sent a few letters of complaint to A Federal Minister , a State PM , and a few judicial bodies . If other people did the same we would bankrupt the state . I feel that the Chinese government attitude is correct . Fight fire with fire ..... The Khazarians
    target even the families of their enemies , in fact , my relatives have been all contacted and they no longer talk to me ...... in conclusion the Chinese spies should also target the entire Khazarian families to terrorize and destroy them . That would be a giant leap forward for mankind .

    Take what  Benjamin say with a grain of salt . It could just be disinfo ....

    Posts : 1851
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    Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO Empty Re: Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO

    Post  B.B.Baghor Tue Jan 05, 2016 12:57 pm

    enemyofNWO wrote: He suggests to stay detached from what is going on , but on the other side he says that its is up us to change ourself . We have to help ourselves  because nobody will intervene for us  . One way to be pro active is doing what the Chinese government is supposedly doing ..... the government ordered the spies network to wage war on the Khazarian Mafia . Against criminals that use terror to make the population of the world fearful , the Chinese attitude is correct if what is reported is true . If more people engages in the extermination of the Khazarian families , there would be less wars .My wife and I are doing enough to weaken the state , we are monitored an followed 24/7  and it has been going on for decades and this is just for having sent a few letters of complaint to A Federal Minister , a State PM , and a few judicial bodies . If other people did the same we would bankrupt the state . I feel that the Chinese government attitude is correct . Fight fire with fire ..... The Khazarians target even the families of their enemies , in fact , my relatives have been all contacted and they no longer talk to me ...... in conclusion the Chinese spies should also target the entire Khazarian families to terrorize and destroy them . That would be a giant leap forward for mankind .

    Take what  Benjamin say with a grain of salt . It could just be disinfo ....

    To this part of your post "He suggests to stay detached from what is going on, but on the other side
    he says that its is up us to change ourself" I like to share my perspective of it with you, enemyofNWO.
    This detachment, where Simon refers to, as I perceive it, is related to "not buying into the drama". And to me
    it looks like you buy into it a great deal, by requesting to "fight fire with fire". By doing so, how do you expect to change yourself? Think for a moment, think about the loop that you've found yourself caught in. You wrap yourself in the veil that disempowers you, thinking you've got the right to decide about the life of others.

    If you mean what you say with that "giant leap forward for mankind" you choose to ignore that by terrorizing
    and destroying "them" out there, destroying lives, never was a solution to this day. I believe you KNOW this.

    To live is life evolving, by creating more of it, body and soul. Spirit and matter. To me it's in essence
    the manifestation of love. Both 4 letter words, one letter difference. I'm aware of the fact that you may perceive what I share with you here very different, enemyofNWO. We're possibly not on the same page here.

    I don't mean to dismiss the effects of traumatic events in your life and those of others around you. It seems they're playing a part in this fierce attitude of yours. I'm not in the least trying to teach you or convince you.
    It's sharing my perception of you in this post of yours. This is about my experience now, of seeing your pain
    and loneliness. I wish you wayshowers and fountains to drink from, on your path in 2016.

    Posts : 32048
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO Empty Re: Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO

    Post  Carol Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:30 pm

    Well there is the personal perspective and then there is the political perspective.

    B.B., we all have different boats to row. I know for myself becoming more and more detached from drama along with outcomes and allowing what is to unfold is a peaceful path. If we accept that we live within a holographic universe where there is no such thing as linear time.. where all that is experienced is within the present moment, this type of perspective and understanding is powerful. It means we choose for ourself moment-to-moment what we give out attention to.

    I know when I check in with the Drudge Report and some other European news websites the focus in their news blogs is on what is utterly dreadful, tragic and even horrific. It is unimaginable to me that this type of terrible behavior is allowed on this planet. Yet, by remaining emotionally detached one is choosing (I choose) not to feed the enemy - those entities that feed off of terror, anger and violence. However, I do experience a deep sadness when viewing that type of news.

    The realization of how humanity is controlled, manipulate and abused is also an ongoing tragedy unfolding. We can choose to be victims or rise above and beyond that type of thought process. Yes, one does have to learn how to stand up for oneself and others.. and also there is another stage of maturation that occurs when that particular baton is passed onto someone else willing to take that next step. Perhaps one of the goals is not to carry the emotional baggage around and instead choose to focus on "source." Focusing on source is also is a way to help steam that energy down to the planet and help balance out the scale.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1471
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : Trieste ,Italy

    Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO Empty Re: Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO

    Post  enemyofNWO Wed Jan 06, 2016 4:27 am

    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    enemyofNWO wrote: He suggests to stay detached from what is going on , but on the other side he says that its is up us to change ourself . We have to help ourselves  because nobody will intervene for us  . One way to be pro active is doing what the Chinese government is supposedly doing ..... the government ordered the spies network to wage war on the Khazarian Mafia . Against criminals that use terror to make the population of the world fearful , the Chinese attitude is correct if what is reported is true . If more people engages in the extermination of the Khazarian families , there would be less wars .My wife and I are doing enough to weaken the state , we are monitored an followed 24/7  and it has been going on for decades and this is just for having sent a few letters of complaint to A Federal Minister , a State PM , and a few judicial bodies . If other people did the same we would bankrupt the state . I feel that the Chinese government attitude is correct . Fight fire with fire ..... The Khazarians target even the families of their enemies , in fact , my relatives have been all contacted and they no longer talk to me ...... in conclusion the Chinese spies should also target the entire Khazarian families to terrorize and destroy them . That would be a giant leap forward for mankind .

    Take what  Benjamin say with a grain of salt . It could just be disinfo ....

    To this part of your post "He suggests to stay detached from what is going on, but on the other side
    he says that its is up us to change ourself" I like to share my perspective of it with you, enemyofNWO.
    This detachment, where Simon refers to, as I perceive it, is related to "not buying into the drama". And to me
    it looks like you buy into it a great deal, by requesting to "fight fire with fire". By doing so, how do you expect to change yourself? Think for a moment, think about the loop that you've found yourself caught in. You wrap yourself in the veil that disempowers you, thinking you've got the right to decide about the life of others.

    If you mean what you say with that "giant leap forward for mankind" you choose to ignore that by terrorizing
    and destroying "them" out there, destroying lives, never was a solution to this day. I believe you KNOW this.

    To live is life evolving, by creating more of it, body and soul. Spirit and matter. To me it's in essence
    the manifestation of love. Both 4 letter words, one letter difference. I'm aware of the fact that you may perceive what I share with you here very different, enemyofNWO. We're possibly not on the same page here.

    I don't mean to dismiss the effects of traumatic events in your life and those of others around you. It seems they're playing a part in this fierce attitude of yours. I'm not in the least trying to teach you or convince you.
    It's sharing my perception of you in this post of yours. This is about my experience now, of seeing your pain
    and loneliness. I wish you wayshowers and fountains to drink from, on your path in 2016.

     If a lot of people thought like you how can the world change ?   Tho make an omelette you must break eggs . Progress will not come if the status quo is maintained .The luciferians will stay in power for another 1000 years .
    you say " To live is life evolving, by creating more of it, body and soul. Spirit and matter. To me it's in essence
    the manifestation of love. Both 4 letter words, one letter difference. "  Manifestation of love ? are you kidding me  ?  The Australian  and Itaiian Government love us ???  despite all the years of persecution we only sent letters
    to the so called authorities  . When they answer those letters ( very rarely I must add ) they imply that we have a mental problem . So who visited my relatives and told them not to have anything to do with me  ?
    Who clicks the phone when my wife and I  are sighted ?  The holy spirit  ?  
    I will tell you I wish those governments get of a lot of trouble with people that react in criminal way because criminal governments deserve criminal troubles .
    I have not seen any evidence  of " by creating more of it, body and soul. Spirit and matter. To me it's in essence
    the manifestation of love. Both 4 letter words, one letter difference. "  
    To me all this talk is a lot of wishful thinking .....
    You say " If you mean what you say with that "giant leap forward for mankind" you choose to ignore that by terrorizing
    and destroying "them" out there, destroying lives, never was a solution to this day. I believe you KNOW this. "
    If you have not worked it out yet , your government destroys lives every day , your government is part of the terrorist policies imposed on the public .
    So what I said is just the application of tit for tat .  I am for the guillotine  for the " elite " morons that have contributed to destroy the world and the vassal politicians . No trial is necessary for those people .
    I have come to the conclusion that a final solution should be considered regarding the elimination of the reign of terror sponsored by the Khazarian criminals .
    I recommend you to watch the video below . That will refresh your memory .
    The rule of law no longer exist in the west .

    Posts : 32048
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO Empty Re: Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO

    Post  Carol Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:39 am

    I did not mention that I did not agree with the solution you came up with for Khazarian criminals as I do think that would likely work. What I did say is that I chose to pass that baton onto the younger generation. My professional career was in abuse and violence along with prevention and treatment. And during those years it was primarily focused on families and satanic cults. The horrors of what people can do to others surrounds us everywhere. In addition, I was involved in the political process and involved in getting a law passed giving children rights where they had none. I saw for myself first hand within the State Capital how deals are made on the back steps and outside the doors before the law came up for a vote. IMPO, based on my direct personal experience, the political system is severely flawed. All of my friends who have attempted to participate at the political level failed with the exception of one senior politician senator that I knew.. and even he had difficulty given how impaired the entire political scene is. The key issue is how would something like that be implemented and who would one need to contact/influence to get the job done.

    Until a new president is in office (NOT HILLARY), it is unlikely anything will happen. Now Trump is unique. Even Andrew Bassiago is of great interest. If in office one of them may go along with supporting your idea or even come up with a different type of solution altogether.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 5520
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    Location : Poland

    Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO Empty Re: Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO

    Post  burgundia Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:02 am

    BB were talking nonsense on the thread Refugees are coming and now you are talkin nonsense on this thread as well. And I have a proof seeing what is happening in certain countries with regard to so called "refugees".


    Posts : 32048
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    Location : Hawaii

    Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO Empty Re: Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO

    Post  Carol Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:42 pm
    2016-01-03 Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32048
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO Empty Re: Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO

    Post  Carol Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:01 pm

    On 1/8/16, at 4:37 AM, Dave Emery wrote::
    Earth’s Frequency-Fields and the Effects of the Schumann Resonance.

    Regards this 'frequency' thing mentioned earlier and how we might all be reacting at this time - well, as many of us are feeling these days regards the 'resonance' etc - I note that Malcolm Bell's post, in discussing the Schumann Resonance factors currently affecting Earth: "reinforces the idea of the intrinsic connection between human beings and Planet Earth":- and I can say that I absolutely agree with this.

    However - for most REAL humans it is true that yes - under these unique 'frequency-pressure' situations we are currently experiencing, the body DOES search back into its most ancient 'frequency-records' contained in the DNA (where ALL 'memories' are stored within the 144 'fire-codes' of multi-dimensional, electro-tonal, electro-magnetic, holographic intent and expression) and MOST humans (real ones!) DO retrace these frequency-codes because ALL humans seeded (born) on this planet ARE inextricably connected to Earth through the DNA multi-dimensional, fire-codes which themselves are coded into the morphological-field of energy unique to Earth herself.

    Thus WE are all unique to Earth herself!

    THIS is why so many off-planet beings (of 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensional constructs) who have exhibited greater technological prowess than humanity (at this time!) have been using and abusing our genetic 'make-up' so viciously and ruthlessly over many, many tens of thousands of years - so that THEY can acquire the same morphological frequency-codes that we have connecting us so seamlessly and naturally to Earth - because then THEY would have the same ability to interact with Earth - which they have not naturally had!

    They have deeply desired this intimate connection with our Earth because it gives a measure of 'control' over the intent for and expression of our collective and unique energy-value (our holographic reality-creation); those of US and Earth!

    On a more individual note it can give greater control too over the exchange of the ‘personal energy-value’ of the frequency-coded beings of Earth through the perceived reality experienced by the being whose frequency-resonance may have been distorted (which is most of us over hundreds of years of low-frequency energy pulses).

    Many aspects of modern banking, for example, have utilised this opportunity and have further distorted and acquired ’energy’ via the distortions currently apparent within the lowered frequency of Earth and humanity over the last few centuries. It is, in this instance, a case of literally ‘stealing’ the energy-value of a living-being without that being’s awareness; a state which would never have occurred had the strength of the frequency-connection between Earth and that being been more naturally maintained.

    This distortion has also given a significant measure of intimate control over the energy-signature and output of Earth (through specific grid focus-points of energy (Giza pyramids, for example and Macchu Picchu as another – indeed there are many of these points all over the planet) which in turn permit greater control of what we now term ‘geo-political’ and strategically important energy positions on Earth. This sort of intent has been going on for thousands of years and continues today.

    We, Earth and its naturally associated living-beings, are a deeply loving partnership (in perfection) but all the vast distortions that have been deliberately engineered for SO long now have in many ways fractured the 'naturalness' of our loving relationship with our Earth (mother) whilst our Sun (father!) has already been so distorted by EM fragmentational-processes that it has chosen an alternative path into its future and NOT to 'ascend'.

    SO - it is hardly a surprise that when real humans DO dig deep back into their 'Tribal-Shield' frequency-memories to find the 'morphological-meanings' and remedies for their current hugely expanded frequency-momentum, that the sudden stretching and bulging of new frequency causes something close to what seems like physical or mental pain and de-stabilisation' when it's actually the opposite - it is the natural accommodation of new growth and expansion.

    One development of this will be the re-awakening of the 7 other senses!

    Some living-beings will 'get it' all more quickly than others and that will be because of the many and varied 'experiences' of 'reality' that we have had in other existences - thus is it for all of us - eventually - when WE, as individual, ineffable sparks of Source, choose that it be so - for us.

    The distortions that have run through the grids of Earth (and therefore of us) for so long, have reduced (but not eliminated) our natural abilities to create and feel joy and express love and know that we are all ONE - in everything - and thus, because of these distortions - through fear, we have slowed (and have had slowed) our natural morphological 'growth' into the higher frequency-fields of faster and greater-quantum realties which our deepest-held DNA-codes KNOW already to exist (because we've 'been there' before!).

    Over many eons we have been both entrained to create the 'unnatural' (essentially) and have taught ourselves largely, therefore, (through ghastly and deeply disturbing 'experiences' time-out-of-mind) that we are small, inept, crude, unloved, separate from the whole, weak, sinful, violent, vicious and essentially selfish.

    All of this is a creation we - with the diabolical assistance of those without our expanded fire-codes – have (holographically) imagined into our Earthly experience - and now that the frequencies of the natural universe are flowing vastly into OUR grids as well as those of mother Earth - it is WE who are expanding once again naturally and into new and ‘higher’-dimensional realities.

    And as an addendum to this point I would add that, if you may be interested, you can consciously be aware of this expansion because, for example, (and there are many examples) if you feel in your heart-space (not necessarily in your ‘head-space’) that everything IS all-connected or that all energy is Consciousness and all Consciousness is energy or if you choose to be vegetarian (I’m not quite yet!) or that every living-being, plant or animal IS a vital part of Earth or / and that Earth herself IS a living-being, any or all of these examples (and quite a few others) indicate unmistakably that YOUR DNA strands and fire-codes ARE re-assembling and expanding into these higher frequencies of Consciousness.

    In the above cases it is clear evidence of the fact that you are assembling and expanding into 5th and 6th dimensional reality-fields. Some on this planet now are moving into 7th dimensional realities too at this time.

    Those without the necessary 144 fire-code frequency-resonances will NOT be able to expand as we do - and cannot so 'ascend' - and of course, some will choose the reality they have lived with happily for so long anyway!

    And finally - some real humans will also choose to 'pass-on' into the etheric domains at this time - as they feel it best for them to assemble and absorb the necessary frequency-code alignments OUTSIDE the physical-experience and then return with a different physical template, more attuned to the higher frequencies of the new and more expanded reality..

    This will, of course, happen with 'older' humans but it is why many seemingly young and very young will also, surprisingly for us, choose to 'pass-on' also. This IS a momentous time as we all know - and how it 'pans-out' may not always be understood in detail (until we actually DO access the deeper DNA codes held naturally within!)

    One thing is for sure; shift happens – and always has – and every particle of Consciousness shifts inexorably, in its own time – into the full and perfect knowledge of all that it truly IS.


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 09, 2024 7:40 pm