Simon Parkes & David Mahoney - Excellent rapid fire interview.
Simon Parkes 4th April Update Current News
Audio Only Version:
Tom Charlie and Simon 2nd March 2021
Bitchute: Tom Sidney Bushnell
General Hyten - Simon Parkes mention that he would be providing updates. He is on Telegram. He has changed his telegram updates to Great Awakening on telegram. Also Don jr posted on telegram about an hr ago to "stay tuned for a big announcement.”
New Simon Parkes and Doug Billings:
Latest Interview with Simon Parkes on the Right Side. 1/22/21
SNIPs of the transcript:
People are angry and want to see good triumph over evil and feel betrayed.
Inauguration was in 2 parts. The recorded part and the live part. Can tell (there were 2 inaugurations - 1st one pre-recorded in the Castle Rock Studios in California) by the different colors of the ladies dresses.
It was always the plan to arrest them (traitors). That’s why the military was there.
What went wrong? Info on a dirty bomb. (At the last minute the good guy received intel of a dirty nuclear suit case bomb in the area.)
The good guys are going to have another go at this before mid April. They’ll never have that opportunity again to get them all together as on the 20th.
We now have two governments. Biden the office holder and the military. Only the military can decide if the emergency will be lifted. Biden can’t sign an EO countermanding Trumps order (irrespective of what one reads in the media - in fact Biden never signed anything other than blank sheets of paper at the Castle Rock studio as no EOs are logged on the Government records site. It's just all a show).
Biden’s team wrote to the 96AF in the Pentagon wanting info on the F35 fighter jets that the US is selling or supplying to Saudia Arabia. The Pentagon wrote back and said you don’t need to know. Also wrote back telling Biden he is not allowed to step foot in the Pentagon because he is not recognized as the President.
During the inauguration their faces were doom and gloom.
Trump is still signing EO and passing them to the military. In the EO signed in 2018, Trump is Commander in Chief.
MSM announced that Biden had written 14 Eos but they haven’t left his desk.
The 2nd White House is in Mar-a-Lago, Florida.
One of the problems (current - from the DS perspective).
If President Trump was no longer a threat they would just wash their hands of it but they are insisting on the impeachment. (It's all illegal anyway as Trump is now considered a private citizen and its an illegal Congress operation under a defunct, now non-existent, bankrupt US Corporation.
Trump spends a lot of his time in Florida and where his private bank is not too far away and his (DS) banks closed his bank accounts because he was dangerous to them.
They (Congress) are going to keep the impeachment going but it doesn’t have any standing in the law.
Biden was in an oval office on a movie set, Castle Rock Studio in California and it (the inauguration was filmed with all of the trick CGI in the back). The last thing they wanted was Biden going into that building (the Capital in DC) and being arrested.
Hours before, something went wrong (dirty bomb discovery by the military) and people like Obama knew they could go in and they wouldn't be arrested.
It’s a sign of how weak they are. You got a figurehead called Biden in the office with very little power. World leaders are going to snub him. World leaders are going to laugh at him. The world leaders will not want to get into any arrangements with him because they (arrangements) are not going to last.
The first thing he (Biden) did was to upset Canada and cuts off the Keystone Pipe Line. This is the damage - and why Biden has to be removed in a few short months.
Role of Pompeo, Mike Flynn are part of an inner team. All have been told to wait. Military told Trump to take a rest because the big battle is still to come. There is going to be a battle in the White House. A battle of will-powers in the White House, which is yet to come.
Simon: "Never seen a new administration so weak. This man in the White House has no authority and no power. Wonders how much time he will spend in the WH."
Antifa still has direct internet link to Biden and White House. Biden stated, "We have the most sophisticated voter fraud in American.” And he is right.
What is interesting where the people have been very quiet in a number of states. States can decertify after the election.. 3 states are looking at that.
What is the Universal appeal for Trump, the love of this man?
Trump is a figurehead for a much bigger organization behind it. If Trump shows his weight behind a new 3rd party, it would be the death of GOP. It will be a party of all of the Americans.
The next 3 months will dictate whether the Republicans is doomed as the Democratic Party already is. A 3rd party is good as long as it happens a long time before the election. A new party is the way of the people influencing the party.
The election system is broken. That is why it must be the military that puts truth back in the election.
What we saw was how the different states did not understand and did not want to understand the power that they had. The Republican congress people realize that unless they do something, they will be out of office. If they realize that job for life doesn’t exist anymore. Those Republicans are on borrowed time. What happened on the 20th started a chain reaction in the US.
Charlie Ward was talking about March 4th, but Simon’s intel said first of April. Just a few short weeks.
Five thousand people very closely connected to Trumps team. 800 high level military have sworn allegiance to Trump. When Trump said good bye he said I’ll be back in another form. He will become the 19 President of the Common Wealth (Republic) with the new White House (possibly) in Pennsylvania (on US soil).
Funds from the Vatican is safe secure in different locations. Biden’s team hasn’t got it. The US Corp is bankrupt.
If there is a bomb, explosion, we assumed it is the bad guys. (Not always) What happened at Nashville was a demonstration of what an incredibly advance space weapon can do to show the bad people of what can be done - and if they (the bad guys) didn’t back off, this could happen more. Not one person died.
Now go to the other side. Madrid is the other side of this coin. It was not a gas explosion and the bad guys did it and this is part of the reason why they weren’t all arrested (during the inauguration).
There is an enormous game that we can't see. Simon knew an attack is coming the night before but didn’t know where or time. It was a Space Weapon (used for the Nashville explosion). The bad guys don’t have Star Wars.
Now Biden has 50% of the power (DS not yet arrested) and Trump and the Military have the other 50%.
Communist hate god and are Satanists. God created humanity to have fun. To live and be joyous.
The Communist and Socialist believe that everyone who has nothing should be given everything. We believe if someone is hardworking and falls on hard times they should be helped. Communism doesn’t work.
To not earn what you get does not bestow human dignity. A free man or woman can say not I’m independent and you can’t blackmail me.
Those who control Hollywood control the stories.
"Second Update"
Simon Parks UPDATE 1/11/21
Simon Parkes-10th January Update Current News
HUGE NEWS- Trump signed the insurrection Act
During the last days of Obama presidency Obama moved 400mil dollars to Italy to undermine the Trump campaign. Military satellites belonging to the Vatican. Satellite system called Leonardi. This Leonardi space satellite system was used to pass info between China, US, Italy, S. America, Frankfurt Germany, possibly Canada. This is the missing link, that the Vatican have worked with Obama and others to actively undermine the election of the US of Amerocaand if the key of the Leonardi space satellite has tipped the balance then ex-President Obama will be charged with treason.
The President of the US has every reason to enact EO, Marshall Law because treason from foreign governments and inside the US is a reason to do so.
Connecting Consciousness Simon Parks 12/27/20 Update.
He discusses the recent meeting at the White House between President Trump and Sidney Powell, General Flynn, Rudy Gulliani and the White House staff. Apparently Trump has decided to let things play out in CONgress and the courts before taking any alternative actions. The President is currently taking the path of disclosure to help the public become aware of the multiple crimes of the DS.
There is so much going on it's difficult to keep track of it all but Simon Parks has a direct contacts with US military who have been providing him up-to-date intel to share on his YouTube an podcasts. Two.. one from yesterday and today are outstanding. He even goes into how the US Military will be utilized in the restoration of the Republic. Details.
and the second one is at this link:
Simon Parkes / December 14 , 2020 - UPDATED
Simon's website is at
Simon Parkes / December 14 , 2020
Simon's website is at
Simon discusses the latest developments regarding the 2020 election and the possibility that some state legislatures may cast their electoral college votes for Trump instead of Biden.
Simon Parkes / December 12 , 2020
Simon's website is at
Simon talks about the ramifications of the Supreme Court's decision to not hear the Texas election lawsuit and tells everyone two important things;
1) calm down and don't despair, it's not over yet and
2) the Supreme Court was always only part of the plan to ensure Donald Trump rightfully remains in office come January 21st, 2021.
Simon Parkes / December 10 , 2020
Simon's website is at
Simon talks about the "bad actors" in the US realizing that it's "game over" once Texas filed its election lawsuit at the Supreme Court and the possibility that they may try to solicit help from foreign actors, including the UN, in trying to get rid of Donald Trump.
Simon Parkes / December 9, 2020
Simon Parks / December 7, 2020
Simon Parks / December 5, 2020
He'll take US citizenship when he comes.
He said CIA director is dead: he got credible information that "stand by their word".
He doesn't think or is expecting she's dead, but the good guys are standing by their word and she's having plastic surgery for the witness protection program.
Lots of evidence coming forward recordings from the Krakens intersepcted the hardware and soft ware to take down the US: they got telephone communications from there to China as to how to get more ballots.
Don't imagine that is all the evidence, there is a great load that has not been shared.
See link for more.
Simon Parks: 1st December Election Update 2020
Simon Parkes- 25th November Election Update 2020
The Battle Is Now ...............
Simon discusses Sydney Powell, Flynn getting a pardon to be freed up to assist the President, a spy was in partial briefings and Sydney Powell discovered who it was. She is going to be funded from a separate stream. She's going to find all of the Republicans who are traitors. He expects thousands of arrests in the 3 months.
Simon Parks - 22nd November Election Update 2020
3/20/20 UPDATE
2020 03 20 Update - Simon Parkes
Cell phones and internet may be takedown in 5-10 days.
I am hearing some reasonably credible information that we may lose our mobile phone network cellphone Network at some point and we may lose the Internet and the time that I've been given is between five days and 10 days, but I understand they're not going to take down the traditional phone lines what we would call the landline. So if you have a traditional landline and a phone make sure that those you care about have got your landline number because if the the cell phone network goes down at least you've got that.
2020 02 01 Connecting Consciousness - Simon Parkes
Connecting Consciousness
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Last edited by Carol on Mon Apr 03, 2023 7:11 pm; edited 48 times in total