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    The Bridge With Nick and Dylan Episode 053 with Simon Parkes / Kerry Cassidy & Simon Parkes: White Hats State of Play


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    The Bridge With Nick and Dylan Episode 053 with Simon Parkes / Kerry Cassidy & Simon Parkes: White Hats State of Play Empty The Bridge With Nick and Dylan Episode 053 with Simon Parkes / Kerry Cassidy & Simon Parkes: White Hats State of Play

    Post  Carol Thu Mar 14, 2024 8:40 am
    Kerry Cassidy & Simon Parkes: White Hats State of Play


    The Bridge With Nick and Dylan Episode 053 with Simon Parkes

    Partial Transcript

    They speak of Simon having dropped a vidio on Connecting Consciousness where he said that there will be an election in November and no, the EBS will be in some places but not all, the military will continue cleaning up things in the background, but will not be in the open which would be seen as a military coup.....and Simon elaborates on that in many ways along with spirituality...

    Entities which inhabit other "spaces"

    Simon: many people like hearing about generals, but when you speak of off world, they "switch off"....(comment here: I believe we have been "programmed" or MK Ultra'd to shut down when off world entities are spoken of)

    Simon says that what we are doing now is much more complex than the D-day landing planning as an example for people to understand......

    He speaks of who the Alliance is, which is off world and on world and in earth, etc. and that Federated Earth Alliance: a number of off planet groups, who normally don't work together, are working together because what happens here on earth at this time will have an enormous effect in other dimensions, in other realms, and they've understood that the battle for the much wider war, is here on this Earth.

    So there are a number of very intelligent, human-like, or human-thinking beings, that have decided that they will no longer sit on the fence, and that they will become actively involved, but they are a "one trip show" and what that means is, once this is done, they will again go their separate ways, but also once you speak of this, some people just can't get their "head around it" and shut down...(comment: like I said, I think we have been programmed to shut down if we hear that).

    Consciousness is a vehicle to change things....the evil people want to break people up and not to work as a group (comment: like where so many religious groups can't get with other good groups, since theirs is the "only way" and all others are not, so it keeps the good people separated....)

    He also speaks of why he said Biden would be gone by the end of 2023 and the RV would have happened, and how the bad guys were in a much stronger position than anyone, including those in the Pentagon and the  Alliance thought and so that didn't happen.  The underground tunnels, the control systems they had,  were far more extensive, far greater,  than they had intel on.

    The good guys are trying to have it all work together and you can't have something shooting off in one has to be all coordinated: Simon said it would be like throwing seeds out in the desert to have taken Biden out and had the RV since none of that would have worked or "taken" (R adds: and they would have had more problems: Simon's word: catastrophic.)

    Trump's world tour and the capitulation of all the "leaders" how do the bad guys still have such power: what Trump gained was the agreement of the heads of state, but not the evil that has to be bottled up.  The evil was working through "middle management";

    We are head and we have to stop the evil from coming in.

    Some people have generationally been the bad guys....and they can still do bad things....has to be stamped out completely.

    Dylan thinks it'll take maybe generations to

    Simon likes the movie "Forbiddden Planet" where someones ego created a monster: also that it took a 10 year plan to Ne-Nazify Germany which worked well.

    They spoke of transgender things, teachers: to change the whole trajectory of humanity: the whole kikabutle needs to be changed........people will need to be removed, because they just didn't get it......

    32:00 min mark: But what about Q, "military is the only way"all the things we expected:
    This is what I said (Simon): 34:00   if anything, listen to this part: only a few minutes long.....

    This is what I said: what Simon believes will happen is that there will be no quick fix.  He does believe that there will be an election in November and that there will be no Dominion voting machines and that the fraud will be reduced to a very small amount.

    Now why is that? well, because the damage to the USA would be catastrophic.  If you had a military takeover, 90% of the world would see it as a Coup d'e'tat....they wouldn't see it as the Americans would see it, as the military coming to the rescue of the constitution, they would see it as a Coup d'e'tat.

    How could any American ambassador walk into a meeting with other diplomats and lecture them and tell them, because everyone would say, "We are not taking any advice from you America. You've had a Coup."

    So it's just not going to happen.  If it was going to happen, it would have happened by now.

    Our audiences should be asking themselves why hasn't it happened now?

    The reason it hasn't happened now, is that it is not going to happen.

    80% some percent of the American people know something is wrong.  80% of people know that Biden is not good for their country.

    But only a small percentage of people understand the full truth.

    So if you had an EBS (emergency broadcast system broadcast), you had this, you had that...a small group of loyal, intelligent, conscious people would would jump up and down and shout, "Finally!!  At last!!!"

    But the vast majority of people in America would just go to pieces....because this is NOT what happens in America.
    People watch politicians win or loose an election, or being assassinated. THAT's the American way.

    You either win or loose an election, or someone takes a shot at you.

    To assume the military will come in and run the show...the damage to the stock market, the damage to the banking system, the damage to the world political stage would be incalculable.

    And President Trump wants to come back to a functioning, operating country...he doesn't want to take over a country thats been like in a civil war and needs years of healing from that perspective....

    So that is why it is highly I will however accept that certain counties in America will have an EBS, or maybe even some States.....and I can expect one bank, maybe 2 banks to collapse...but I don't expect a systemic collapse of the banking system, I don't expect a systemic collapse of the stock market, I don't expect a "wide" military activity....we've seen troops active in certain areas and will continue to see that...but here's the problem, or I (Simon) see it as a problem, when we say that the military is the only way, it has been misinterpreted.

    It doesn't mean the military is the only way by driving tanks down the street.  What it means is that the military are the only ones tasked with protecting the constitution and what they are doing is taking people out quietly and privately.

    If there was going to be a military takeover you guys, why are all these Court Marshalls in private?  Why is there places like GITMO, Antartica and other places...why has it all been done privately?

    Because   they   don't   want   people   to    know.

    The reason they don't want people to know is because of the damage to the United States, the damage of the US having to go through the understanding of slavery and the North and the South fighting over that and the saving of the Constitution as States try breaking away, the damage is still felt today.

    What damage would there be if we actually felt that, America was so corrupt at the governemental level, that that was the only way to go through it.

    So it's not actually "cool" to have a military takeover makes us feel great!, ah, we get it sorted....I can talk to my friends and I can be big because I was right.....but that's not to understand the full picture...

    The full picture the White Hats are dealing with is America....not just how we feel....but how will it play out in 10 years, 20  years....what will the history books say....ya know, WHAT WILL the history books say....

    So, the baddies got their win in 2020, and the goodies will get their win in 2024.

    So often I see it as a circle that is being done, and by the time that circle is being drawn, evil is being done and expunged from the earth.

    So I'm trying to be realistic because there are too many commentators guys who are out there who just keep saying the military is taking over and Trump is coming back tomorrow.....this is....for YEARS they've said that....and I don't know why they are doing that, they are either being told to do it, or they just believe it...but the reality is that it's not the way the White Hats see it unfolding.

    Otherwise, why is everything secret?  If they were going to be that way, why be secret?  They would just come out and do the 4 or 5 hrs of video that they are supposed to put on television....and the movie "The Fall of the Cabal" (which Simon adds is great and he has so much respect for poor old Janet) but all of that.....but they are's all hidden, and the reason it's hidden is because it's going to STAY hidden....

    And that's what people don't like ....they can't believe the good guys are going to do this.....because they don't see it as good.....

    But IT IS GOOD because it is for the saving grace of the United States...if you rip the guts out of America now, which is what would happen, what on Earth is Trump going to come back to....

    Remember it was touch and go if he would have enough officers in the Pentagon to back him up two years ago, ...ok, when the vote was taken, he had a good majority, but there was still a quarter, 25% of Flag officers who were not sure about this....

    So people don't really know at the high level the machinations, the Machiavellian Politics, never mind off planet, but just on this planet.....keeping this show together, keeping everyone on board.  And from time to time, people have gone off, and they have had to be brought that is why I said that....because I truly don't think that tanks on the street, martial law is actually going to benefit the United States of America.
    That's it. (Simon stops expalining)

    Nick says they have been at this for 4 yrs and did he and others not do a good enough job in waking people up, or did the White Hats not go fast enough with disclosure?

    Simon: No, it's not that you didn't wake people up well enough.  Look, it's not about that.  The problem is that since the advent of radio, since the advent of television, of newspapers, that vast majority of people are programmed to ONLY believe what comes through official sources...

    No matter what your content, if you're not seen as official, this vast majority of people will NOT take it.

    We know it works because if I've got a soap powder, and I say to you that my soap powder cleans better than anyone else's and I put that on TV 500 times, people believe it....and that is the fundamental point of advertising...... so we can't compete with main stream.....we can't.....

    And that is why the White Hats basically bought Twitter..... that's why they got Elon..... because it's the freest form of communication..... AND the pentagon monitors Twitter 24/7 and it's the pulse of the Nation....

    The Pentagon monitors Twitter and he elaborates in a very common sense way of what is going on there: that the good guys got it.

    3 countries, USA, Russia, China: have quantum computers (and they have to be kept in zero space either in a vacuum on the planet, or off planet.) and that technology was given to us, the Human race because it was vital that we break free.

    Without quantum computing we could not have broken free.

    The reality of a Quantum machine is that it exists in the 5th dimension, all of the evil on Earth exists in the lower 4th dimension.

    So my "gifting the quantum computer to humanity" the evil cannot access it since they haven't evolved enough to access it.....
    we haven't evolved enough either.....sure we have people who write it up on the chalkboard but not make it.

    So we are now receiving information that can outthink everything else...and those 3 countries have been given it because they are part of a's not negative: the good guys feed information into it and it's like a crystal ball and comes up with 99.9% accurate outcomes.....

    This is about taking everyone with us, not just 10% of humanity....

    Simon believes there will be a "scare event"......and that it is necessary....

    Will Trump be up against Biden, or Hillary or someone else? No. They had lots of time to put in someone more cognizant people, who dodn't fall over bicycles, or fall down on stairs and since they didn't, Simon expects that it will be Biden against Trump.

    We have those who wanted to quit, but were not allowed, like the VP (Kamala) wanted out over a year and a half ago, but wasn't allowed.

    No new Covid thing (pandemic), they've done that.  The whole thing about the covid thing was an experiment to see how humanity coped with being imprisoned...but not only to see how it coped, but how it's mind reacted to this and they found that humanity wasn't more reliant, and simply did what it was told....

    So that was very valuable for the White Hats to see that we weren't at a level they thought we were.... here's a problem, if you were a military guy, and are in a 5 walled building, you see the world very differently...... they have their advisors and intel, and sometimes they get it the message is very dumbed down, very sentence....

    People don't want complex, they want frustrating as that may be, Simon would rather have the 75% along rather than only the 10%.

    We've ALL learned something and for those of us who have come back again (reincarnated), it's why we are here.

    Most people will think we have the quantum computers so that we have honest elections...and honest financial system.

    He does speak of the RV and that those in groups with a paymaster will be able to exchange.  Those sitting at home with a bunch of dinar, will only be able to exchange sometime later at a going rate, but to think they will give someone a billion dollors when they just spent all this time getting rid of bad guys, they will be very careful.

    Social security will go up, people will get money back from their income taxes....

    Simon is upset that people are being set up.....and I've been asking myself, why, why why? and the answer is this: Simon thinks that people are being tested: are they going down the greed route, or the spiritual route? He refers to the Bible where Jesus was tested, and refers to other religions where they were tested and maybe we are being tested also.....

    Simon speaks of helping others, doing good, and gives the example of those who sit at home, who are too busy to do anything, and will do good once they get their billion dollars.....he lists Connecting consciousness where in every state they have people who go out knocking on seniors doors asking if they need anything or help in any way.

    Are the White Hats likely to let a lot of people have the $3 per dinar right now, no.  There are a lot of deep staters who have front men with containers ships of dinar....think of all that money going back straight to the deep staters...that's why this can't happen like this.

    The White Hats have been working their butts off to find those posing as good people who are agents of the deep staters and the White Hats have been doing this for a long time....

    What's interesting is that a South American cartel stole the printing plates for the Iraqi Dinar and for the Zim notes....and they've been printing them for the last 21 yrs and  paying off their debts... saying here's 300 billion dinar, you can't spend it now, but when the RV happens, you'll be trilliionairs....people are in for a shock.

    Nick asks if they just can't put a reasonable limit on this stuff?:  

    Simon: because that is not capitalism you don't put a limit on it, you get as much as you can get...

    the Zim note: is actually a humanitarian note created by the Chinese Elders in 2008 who wanted is as a bond to do humanitarian projects here at Connecting Consciousness..... and we have an arrangement with the White Hats that when the RV goes, there is a pot of money where my members who want to do a humanitarian project, ie to help veterans, or to help people in hospital to have their cats and dogs with them. as long as it benefits humanity  we already have hundreds, thousands of projects...and I ask for half of a one page description and not like a bank which wants all sorts of info, data, etc etc, I'm interested in the spirituality of it.... Connecting Consciousness is one of vehicle, one of the chosen groups that will allow its members to have its projects funded.

    So why do people not join Connecting Consciousness and do a project, why do they sit at home holding bits of worthless paper, and wait to become a billionaire.....its because humans have been trodden on for so long, as long as people can remember,  that when someone holds a winning lottery ticket out, people will stampede over themselves to get that winning ticket....and that's not a reflection on that person, you're right, the majority of humans are good, it is the manipulation and control that the evil puppet masters have had and have completely screwed up the heads of people.

    And we see it, you guys see it, a lot of the audience sees it, but unfortunately lots of people don't.

    This is a long term operation to try to get Humanity to a level to where that one day that flying saucer lands in central park, and a guy gets out,  it's not all surrounded by tanks and soldiers....that is the moment they are ready for contact....

    Until such a time, the Human race has to be nurtured, like a child...its never had that kind of support, that kind of proper parenting.....

    And once that support is given, you said it earlier on your show, "looking into ourselves"

    No 7th Calvary is going to come and save us.  Even President Trump has said, "don't just look on me" look to yourselves and that is why a lot of the messages are "you've got to be strong" because if you keep on looking for a savior, you'll never develop yourself.

    You know the old adage that you can hammer a nail into a wall  50 times in front of a 7yr old and they'll never get it.... but you give them the hammer and nail and they do it themselves, they "get it".

    So from a parental point of view, the human race has to be trusted to make mistakes and supported.

    That's what the White Hats are trying to do, they are the custodians of the whole human race, for not just America, not just a political battle, but the hearts and minds for the future.....

    This Earth has a future in the multiverse....but will humans ever, be able to play that role.....they WON'T if we get this wrong now.

    That is what it's all about.

    Question from Dylan about the Grass Roots Movement, Great Flood and Starseeds: consciousness itself;

    Simon: the big change, originally large physical actions were brought to shift the earth, but over the last few thousand years it has changed.  The only way to change it for good, was to actually bring down individuals who could work from the inside to raise the consciousness from the inside....

    Ordinary people: whose soul is not from this earth....
    The soul has a vibrational resonance....

    Andromedons form the 5th dimension but the frequency is different, they are driven....some people like Utube, other write a book...

    This was seen as the best way: all voluntary...

    Trump is: 50% Pileadian, and 50% Andromedea;

    What's inside people gives them an edge.

    thsoe who come from a higher level doesn't mean they are better.....they just see differently...

    Large numbers of people incarnating here and seeing if we lose here, the evil will move to their planets...

    There are a large number of children born....who are energetically different and has an effect on the whole class...

    It will be successful.....but maybe this is the most difficult time for us before the sun comes up...

    the answer is inside us: let the audience ask some bed topic:

    Simon: they do exist: the preparation has always been for people to accept something they have not been open to....for some people the healing process will be more traumatic than the actual problem....can't happen while the pharmaceutical is in place....

    There will be counseling prior to use....weaning people off the bottle/'s not just the doctor addicted to the bottle, but it's also the people....the education is incredible..

    They are used off planet and not every city had them....

    I suggest you have 5 yrs of traditional non-pharmaceutical interventions...

    Not until the "baddies" are taken care of....

    If the commentators are not part of the program, why are they fed information: and some people are making stuff up.....

    Leaks: unless it was allowed to be leaked: those who said Trump coming back.....and then he didn't and they don't apologize, they just go on...

    As a human species we developed too quickly..... just a few thousands of years...we were super accelerated... we outstripped our consciousness... instead of millions of years, we did in thousands.....

    indigenous tribes have a connection to the earth....the white man, hell bent on cities, we lost our connection to earth.....we had to learn and we learned wrong things....and humans trust, but lots of people have led them the wrong way...... and no discernment.... and we are dangerous as a species......... earth has been put into a quarantine..... we are unpredictable...

    Simon: most people I talk to, have the most understanding.... you guys....have it and it is a pleasure to talk to you....and I'm not beating my head against the wall whereas other commentators look at him blankly and then say, let's get back to Biden......

    We get your names on the approved speaker list and you'll be contacted and no problem at all....

    Nick: Dylan: there aren't a lot, who are positioned to go where we will go in the near future...

    Simon: what will happen: people will say, there is not anything to talk about since Trump is in office.... a lot of people will have nothing to do...

    You have a race, and the Marines don't leave their buddies behind, you care for people and bring them all along to the finish line.... the bad guys, just leave them behind and run to the finish line and get their gold medal.....

    We'll get there.
    Lots more.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sun Jan 19, 2025 7:27 am