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    Pleiadian Disclosure: History of the World and the ET Connection


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    Pleiadian Disclosure: History of the World and the ET Connection  Empty Pleiadian Disclosure: History of the World and the ET Connection

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Mon Aug 30, 2010 4:16 pm

    Pleiadian Disclosure: History of the World and the ET Connection

    Colleen stated, "The slavery of this planet is over with, the Dracs trusted the Anunnaki and they were let down. The Federation way outnumbers the enemy in raw numbers and outguns them in technology. Those like me do not even need technology any longer and folks, I and those like are just an older version of most of you (we have many plants among your numbers), sorry we could not be more public sooner. Our lives would have been lost had we not all come to at about the same time though, blindness was essential."

    Colleen recently received a "galactic download" in which she completely understood physics, literally, over night!. She also connected to her higher self in a previous lifetime as a Pleiadian warrior who is currently on a mission of disclosing the mysteries behind zero point energy and much more!

    From Colleen's Facebook page: Divine love entered me on Jan 31st 2010, on Valentine's day two weeks later I awoke knowing antimatter physics intimately and am now about the business of being a theoretical physicist and inventor of several key technologies that will make all humans equal with abundant riches, free energy, health and ease of transportation issues with anti-gravity. It's all in acoustics my friends, phonon power wahoo!!!

    Subscribe to Colleen's videos!
    Colleen's website: http://www.intellectuallyhonestscienc...

    For more on spirituality, please visit and

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Pleiadian Disclosure: History of the World and the ET Connection  Empty Re: Pleiadian Disclosure: History of the World and the ET Connection

    Post  Vidya Moksha Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:37 am

    This is another video on the same topic..

    I can resonate with MUCH of this video..

    HOWEVER... I would URGE caution...

    after watching this video, watch this one:

    So put the two together and what do you get?

    Let me summarise very briefly.. we are more than we ralise and aliens that came to guard over us set themselves up as gods and abused their power. We must step into our own potential... these aliens are in league with the illuminati etc...

    so far so good....

    but then the need for caution steps in...What Chris Thomas tells us is that the 'new aliens' (whatever you want to call them...) claim they are here to save us... but he warns they are NOT! they are the same, these are just pretending to help us, they have the same agenda...

    I will tell you what rang my alarm bells specifically, Colleen tells us she WAS a spiritual warrior, but now thw cavalry has arrived and the illuminati has self destructed then she can step down as a warrior, job done she says.

    I say, beware, wouldnt the aliens want this to happen? wouldnt they want to identify the more spiritual adept and either neutralise, eliminate or divert them? Many claim that drunvalo melchizideck is another on the dark side gathering the talented amongst us..Colleen makes it clear she is taking on board what she is being told about history, by her 'friend', she doesnt have this awareness in herself, though she is clearly gifted spiritually.

    beware folk! dont let the guard down.. we were born here for a reason, we ARE earthlings, always remember that!

    geek Boxer

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    Pleiadian Disclosure: History of the World and the ET Connection  Empty Re: Pleiadian Disclosure: History of the World and the ET Connection

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:50 am

    thanks for the reply,

    What Chris Thomas tells us is that the 'new aliens' (whatever you want to call them...) claim they are here to save us... but he warns they are NOT! they are the same, these are just pretending to help us, they have the same agenda...

    I am listening to the part 2 video that you posted on the thread you have linked. Truth...Lies??? I don't fully know. He says the ascention into the 5th dimesnion is an annuki con as the soul contaions 50 dimensions alrady and is merging with us. Hmmmm...

    I do demand full disclosure myself!!! And the fact that we have not gotten it makes me wonder what going on!!!
    I have seen enough to be wise!!! I do not believe anything until I know everything all at once right now!!!

    drunvalo melchizideck is another on the dark side gathering the talented amongst us
    Hmmmm...well...that is a claim that should be looked at a little closer

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Pleiadian Disclosure: History of the World and the ET Connection  Empty Re: Pleiadian Disclosure: History of the World and the ET Connection

    Post  Vidya Moksha Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:07 am

    I really dont want to get into drunvalo, and perhaps i shouldnt have it raised the issue in my last post. There was a long thread on this in AV1 way back...

    for me its very simple, and its from direct experience, I was working with a powerful shaman one time and she had the most amazing ability to 'know' people by looking at a photograph, (rather like the Children that Drunvalo talks about and we can see on one of his videos - I do watch his stuff for sure)

    At the time I was just on my way to the Merkaba workshop and I pulled up a copy of Drunvalo's photo for her to look at. She just shuddered and wouldnt say anything. I pressed her and all she would say is "He is surrounded by darkness. I dont want to look at this picture anymore and I wont say anymore." Wow. I was really impressed with her and her reaction is still with me. I still listen to Drunvalo, for the info he gives out (like Deagle really), but i always have the shaman's comments in the back of my mind.

    I was later looking at orgone and found this :

    which claims drunvalo was recruited by the dark brotherhood and his job is to find gifted people :(

    I read stories of his bad personal life, and I saw written that it was drunvalo who threatened to kill mirium delicado..

    i have seen videos held by flower of life tutors in which drunvalo claims he swam 10,000 years across the universe to take over this body, when his current body was 35 years old....

    lots of strangeness and darkness surround this man....

    Anyway...this is for another thread, im not looking to fuel it here, just explain my comments. discernment is everything.

    Posts : 316
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    Location : Sydney, NSW, Australia

    Pleiadian Disclosure: History of the World and the ET Connection  Empty Re: Pleiadian Disclosure: History of the World and the ET Connection

    Post  Anchor Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:28 am

    Any gathering wherein truth is discussed is likely to be monitored.

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    Pleiadian Disclosure: History of the World and the ET Connection  Empty Re: Pleiadian Disclosure: History of the World and the ET Connection

    Post  burgundia Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:47 am

    I have also heard similar things about Drunvalo. But we really do not know who or what material is deliberate disinformation or unintentional misinformation. The only way is to be open, aware and discern.

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