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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds


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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  SuiGeneris Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:05 am

    I’ve been following the “Galactic Federation of Lies” thread for some time now and there are many things I don’t like about it, so I think now it’s time to say what I think about the whole thing. About the latest personal issue between our two members, I think it was all one big misunderstanding from the beginning; and if in fact anyone thought someone found a murder video funny, at that point many things could've been done in order to find out the truth...all except accusing right then in there in a fit of rage. No matter how wrong you think the other person is usually when you accuse, you're going to get a negative reaction from the other person... It is better to stop and think first.

    The pictures and videos of dead children are in fact very offensive indeed. It is offensive to the sight, to the heart....but unfortunately they are very real and can and should be used, like any picture can, to make a point if need be. I know there are people out there who find pleasure in the suffering of others but I doubt that we will find any of them on a forum like this. Mis/dis info agents are also out there yes, but we all have our own built-in bullshit radar and there is no need of “saving” anyone, especially if it’s done in a continuous Spam-like posting manner. If someone’s intent is not heart balanced, they will be seen for what they are anyway…especially in a place like Avalon. One thing is to state your opinion, another is to... like someone said “shove it down other people’s throats.” This brings me to my next point.

    There are thousands of forums out there. This specific one should not be used to mere “socialize” and make friends, etc. Our name itself: “The Mists of Avalon” implies a lot and for a very good reason. I’ve found that some here may still think that posting or opening threads is a good way to become popular. No, this is not a “popularity contest.” The era of competitition is over. Our only purpose should be to find answers and share the ones found. You have no idea how important this is at this specific time. So next time something like this happens where there is misunderstanding of someone else’s intention, I suggest opening a new thread to state your own view, instead of being oppositional being proactive and in this way healthy discussion will emerge. Those not well grounded, will fall down on their own weight. …And so it is that I am opening a thread about the true Galactic Confederation of Worlds…

    I always felt the title of that thread was not in accord with the mission of this forum. I agree that there is a place for everything yes, but putting together 2 specific words in order to make a point is a powerful weapon used by the MSM for example to brainwash the masses. Since we are still living in duality, perhaps its purpose of being created was to create its opposite; a thread to share some messages with high spiritual value/vibration that will incite nothing less than questions.

    After reading a channel, people often have more questions than answers. That is a GOOD thing! We, in the Spirit of the New Avalon, should be using those questions to consider possible answers in a constant practice of discernment. Practice, practice, practice… bis to infinity…! We need to share material that will incite just that….discernment. Let’s make good use of our time trying to help others who may still be in the depths of the Matrix’s abyss searching desperately for answers. How are we of any use to them if we ourselves are focusing on petty differences?

    A channel is a portal, a wormhole. Anyone has the capacity to do it; it is just a reconnection to your higher self. When you channel your higher self you are actually gaining access to the Akash, you are talking with God. That is why, when you read one, you should try to bypass your ego/intellect and take it all in first and contemplate it for some time. When you do that you are taking it to your “bullshit filter” who is really God, sitting at the center of your heart telling you what to take in and what to discard. It is as simple as that. There is no need to make a mockery of all channel material for that may be exactly what the PTB wants you to do/believe. Like I said on my music thread, time of believing is over. Welcome the New era of Knowing!

    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds is as real as you reading this on your computer screen. Their members were the ones who introduced to this planet all that sacred knowledge in our ancient past, kept hidden for its protection by the “Priestesses of Avalon” and “Priesthood of Merlin” in a world of duality. Now, this long forgotten knowledge has resurfaced again and will stop at nothing until it has transformed all. As just one voice of the Sacred Feminine, in this roundtable of seekers, I say lets unite!

    Let’s transform this “forum” into something we can all be proud of. You may think it is just one more among thousands on the internet with no real significance….but I feel differently. For what we create in the ethers, in the mental plane of 4D, we bring down into 3D “reality” with the power of our minds; and if we keep a noble intention, the power of the Christ will be here with us. “Two or more in my name and I will be there with you” didn’t he say that? How many of you really believe in him? I don’t mean religion….I mean HIM!

    And so I will be introducing some material that I find interesting and I bid you do the same. Let’s question everything, but let’s not fall into cynicism either. If you insist of making a joke on absolutely everything…you can always go to the other thread. No hard feelings here! Very Happy

    With love and in love,


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    Last edited by SuiGeneris on Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:23 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  SuiGeneris Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:21 am

    The Legend of Atlantis ~ It's Time to Wake Up

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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  SuiGeneris Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:35 am

    Messages from Emmanuel
    Awareness, Internet, Time, Karma, Joy.

    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Emmanuelmessages
    Random questions from readers.

    Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Earth, I AM Emmanuel and I welcome you to this moment.

    Question: You said that two people -even close neighbors- would experience different outcomes from the 2012 events, like one will experience ascension and the other one catastrophe. Could you please elaborate on this?For two individuals to experience the same event they have to share the same portion of the vibratory spectrum. All possible combination of frequencies, including all planes in all universes exist within your consciousness, but are only the vibrations that passes through your awareness are the ones you perceive.

    Many of you believe that previous to incarnation you choose the life-events you wish to experience in order to learn certain lesson and grow as individual, but in fact you did not choose the life-events but the vibrations you want to experience. After incarnation is all up to you. It is you, acting on free-will, who creates the events that occurs in your life, and if those events lead you to experience the vibrations you choose to experience as part of your spiritual growth, you have achieved. Then you can move on, otherwise you will have to try again.

    So after incarnation you have two ways of succeeding, the first one is to create the right life-events, and the second one is expanding your awareness. It is up to you to choose the way with which you the greatest affinity and therefore the greatest chance of success.

    The frequencies of all the universes can be seen as energetic lines or strings.
    Like the strings on the guitar, and the sound-hole is your awareness.
    The larger the sound-hole is, the more strings will resonate.

    When you expand your awareness the world you perceive expands, allowing more energetic lines through, expanding the segment of the vibratory spectrum accessible to you, hence increasing exponentially the chances of experiencing the group/kind of vibration you came here to experience.

    Awareness can be seen as circles, two individual’s circles may intersect or not. Two individuals will share the same world only in the area of intersection.
    When one of those individuals expands his/her awareness and the other one’s awareness remains the same the intersection area become smaller because awareness expansion moves the center of the circle away from the two intersecting points, until there is no more intersection. And when this happen these two individuals will be living in different worlds, vanishing from each other reality.

    In human history have been thousands of individual ascensions before, but this time is different because never humanity as a collective has been where you are now.

    Your planet is increasing energy, expanding awareness, and hence increasing her vibratory frequency rate. It is a monumental change, a universal happening. Observers from many planets and distance constellation are here to witness such unique event in Galactic History.
    But the higher your planet raises its frequency, the greater the separation will be between Gaia and those individuals with no awareness expansion. The centers will be further and further apart until the two intersecting points disappear and there is no more shared intersected area.

    Those individuals whose awareness is in harmony with Gaia’s frequency will continue living on the new 5th density Gaia. The rest will have to repeat the cycle in 3rd density.

    Gaia is changing, if you do not change with her by means of expanding your awareness, you will experience the 2012 outcome as highly negative events. On the other hand, if you change with her and keep your awareness expanding, you will never be in harm’s way.

    Many of you believe that the soul grows through difficulties, when the real growth is through responsibility. Awareness expansion is your responsibility, in all four levels of consciousness.
    Every new day brings the opportunity to be responsible. Life is an adventure into the infinite, viewed this way it is easy to continuously expand your awareness from every new experience gained in the course of living.
    Causes do not exist outside your consciousness, they are all within you. You are the cause of your life, only when you understand this and take responsibility for it; the journey of divine transformation begins.

    From this moment start taking total responsibility for your own being. This is the meaning of being a Lightworker.

    Question: My awakening started when watching a series of video interviews from Project Camelot on the Internet, and I read dozens of post in forums saying the Internet helped them to awake. I know it has bad things too, but so far is helping many people to find some truth. What can we do if the Internet is shut down?
    The Internet is far more important than you can imagine.

    It is the physical manifestation of the collective consciousness, therefore cannot be shut down. If for any reason the existing Internet disappears a new one will be created in the formative plane through the collective consciousness.

    For thousands of years individual consciousnesses have been activating subtle energetic fibers and structures that enable direct and easy communication between human consciousnesses, as well as accessing collective knowledge.

    The Internet is the manifestation of all those quantum energetic fibers in the material plane, and although is controlled by few, belong to everyone.

    When individual thoughts become collective thoughts, the vast majority of human awareness shares the same group of frequencies and their personal awareness’s circles intersect the same portion of the vibratory spectrum, sharing the area where those thoughts will manifest the same aspect of reality. The Internet is a clear example of these energetic structures in motion.
    The groups in power know this and they are using the same mechanism in reverse with certain results, they try to control the collective consciousness by controlling the Internet.

    Question: I watched a video…, it says that exist more than one ‘creator’ of the universe, actually it says there is more than one ‘main’ God and many ‘creations’ or universes, could you please tell me if this is correct?
    This is incorrect and partially correct at the same time.

    There are many Universes, many Gods and many creations, but at the beginning and at the end there is only one Infinite Creator, there is only one God, there is only one Soul, there is only one Being, there is only one Thought, and there is only one Creation.

    Question: I’m seeing that most of the theories about the end of the world in 2012 are based on the Mayan calendar, I’d like to know if the Mayan calendar is correct and accurate.
    The Mayas used three separate calendars, and no one of them predicts the end of the world.

    The 260-day based, the 52 year/Venus based, and the Long Count 1,872,000 days based. These calendars have been given to the Mayan people by a very advanced extraterrestrial civilization and the Long Count (13 periods of 144,000 days each, starting on August 11, 3114 BC and ending on December 21, 2012 AD) is the most accurate calendar ever found on Earth.

    Question: You mentioned that time doesn’t exist, but in fact we can measure it. How is this possible? What is time?Time does not exist. It is an agreement.

    Before incarnation you agreed to the rules set by the Logos, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. This means that one portion of your awareness is focused upon the frequencies that create the illusion of time. These frequencies are shared by every single individual consciousness/awareness in your planet, fulfilling the collective agreement, thus manifesting time.

    The Infinite Creator gave to every Central Logos the freedom/choice of creating collective agreements in order to help you in your evolution process.

    Time is one of those agreements, as is gravity.

    Gravity –like time- does not exist. Your scientists can measure it, but it is simply a collective agreement.

    After physical death, these are the first two agreements that you do not have to honor anymore, only then you will understand that Time and Gravity do not exist, and you will have a big laugh about the whole concept of your Time.

    Question: You said that unconditional Love is the Key, which will open all doors. Also you said that the power of one who is in this state of consciousness counterbalances for thousands of unaware individuals. Where can I find the key? How many of the existing population on Earth have founded it? And how many people counterbalance each one of them?
    Love is the master-key, but is a key you cannot possess, it posses you. Approximately 25,000,000 individuals have achieved the unconditional love state of consciousness in your planet.

    One Individual with this level of awareness atones for almost 900,000 individuals in the ‘absence of Love/Fear level’ state of consciousness.

    Question: You said enlightenment happens when the human consciousness merges with the higher-self consciousness, how can we do that? And how ‘high’ in the universal hierarchy is our higher-self?
    Higher refers to a state of consciousness, not to a position in any hierarchy.

    The actual merge of your consciousness with your higher-self consciousness is the peak of enlightenment, and is the divine attainment of the ultimate truth of existence. But enlightenment starts much earlier, with the simultaneous realization of Compassion with Wisdom. This is soul-alchemy and leads to permanent Joy. Joy is another name for enlightenment. Each moment of existence is a source of Joy/Enlightenment.

    Question: Does karma really exist?
    The realm of Karma is where your human rebirth begins.

    Before incarnation you choose which frequencies you wish to experience in your next life in order to continue growing as an individual consciousness. But you cannot choose just any vibrations but between a limited number of options. Your karmic record sets the limits. The more negative oriented karma you carry from the past, the less options you will have. On the other hand, when you live a life with good heart you automatically expand the number of groups of frequencies you can choose for your next incarnation.

    You see, nobody else is imposing the decision on you, you are totally free before choosing, but once you have decided, your very choice brings in the limitation.

    This is a natural process that every human being has to pass through prior incarnation.

    Question: I see bad things happening all around the world to people, more frequently and with more intensity, and at the same time many like you talk about hope, love, light and ascension. What is going on!?
    The night becomes very dark just before it is going to end. In the same way negative events coming with great force is an indication that soon they will end.

    Question: Why we have to live so many lives before going back to the Source?
    Because unless you find your real home you have to go on traveling.

    Question: What exactly is death?
    Death is nothing but a change of frequency.

    Question: You said everybody has a reason for being here on Earth at this time, a duty to fulfill. What about if I don’t know my reasons or duties?
    Your only duty is to be happy.

    Your soul knows the reason for you being here, look inwards.

    I will give you a hint: Joy.

    Joy flows vibrations of the highest frequency through your system; it brings knowledge that transcends space and time. True Joy sets in motion powerful love/energy/forces that outpaces the earthly understanding that comes from third-density learning. Joy creates its own momentum and enables you to acquire all answers from within.

    I AM Emmanuel


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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  mudra Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:41 am

    We need beg for nothing. We turn reverently to the power within which lifts our thoughts to union with the creative forces. All power flows to us when we look to it alone, to the power that we are, the power that God/Love is. Thus by conscious unity with God/Love, we cease to sow tares and begin to build for the future in harmony with His laws.

    From Teachings of the masters of the far East by Baird T. Spalding

    Thank You Sui .
    Nice creative intention The Galactic Confederation of Worlds 934918

    Love Always

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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  Mercuriel Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:57 am

    SuiGeneris wrote:Let’s transform this “forum” into something we can all be proud of. You may think it is just one more among thousands on the internet with no real significance….but I feel differently. For what we create in the ethers, in the mental plane of 4D, we bring down into 3D “reality” with the power of our minds; and if we keep a noble intention, the power of the Christ will be here with us. “Two or more in my name and I will be there with you” didn’t he say that? How many of you really believe in him? I don’t mean religion….I mean HIM!

    You will only find alignment with that Vision here as It refers to the AdMods and Intention of this Forum. We are in total congruence and IS the Reason Why Carol, Adv, Myself and Anchor are doing it...

    Simply put - The Mission continues...

    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Icon_wink

    Last edited by Mercuriel on Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:58 am; edited 1 time in total


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  SuiGeneris Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:58 am

    Question to Archangel MetatronHow can we show how all of those principles interact? One must see them as interrelated, interactive, in a field of One, operating together. Everything is integral.
    ———————— ——————————-
    (So we were saying to Metatron, we want to know how in these new bodies, how do we go from our physical bodies to our light bodies? What is the secret? We want to know scientifically, how does it work?)

    Archangel Metatron
    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds ArcangelMetatron
    "This is a very big field of knowledge to tackle.
    Hyperdimensional Physics (HyperD Physics) is a science that looks at not only height, breadth, and width, but also Dimension. Most scientists before now, including Einstein, have noted 11 Dimensions. In fact the dimensions are essentially unlimited. Some dimensions contain physical matter and others contain formless form (antimatter). Let’s rename matter and antimatter in relation to the human body. This we may call the physical body (3D) or the physical-etheric body (5D). Know that the physical-etheric body can go out to the 13th dimension and experience antimatter, but only for brief periods, an hour or a little more. There are some adepts who can do more than this. The numbers of Ones experiencing this will increase substantially in a short period of time. More and More Ones are preparing for this, and a large number of them will be youths. (He is talking about kids. A lot of kids will start doing this. They’ll just know how.)

    Zero Point is an energy flux running through space and that is where interdimensional and multidimensional travel begins. Anyone traveling out of body [OOB] must find zero point before they will go out. In fact, this is true for space craft traveling multidimensionally. Zero Point is what is found in portals, Star Gates, vortices, wormholes, black holes and is what makes multidimensional travel possible…… including levitation and teleportation. We must also figure in the Harmony of the Spheres, within which our Planets and Suns operate. (These are all scientific concepts he is bringing in to explain them.)
    These force fields run through Hollow Earth, and overlap the Planet. These are not only electromagnetic and ionic, but also crystalline. Every Planet in our Solar System has a crystalline core, which is anchored energetically into its Planetary, Galactic, Universal, Multiversal and Cosmic Grid.
    Mother Sekhmet calls this energy ‘The Force’.
    The Force = Source Energy+Love. Source Energy comes from Creation. Source Energy cannot be much on its own, but when combined with love, has unlimited potential. The crystalline core inside the Planets are all two tetrahedrons placed opposite each other. Imagine the Great Pyramid as one tetrahedron. Imagine a second same size tetrahedron, upside down, and connect the two at their base.
    Every Planet and Sun has this, made of crystal, at its core.

    Different Planets have different types of crystalline tetrahedrons. What are the size of these tetrahedrons? Imagine the first tetrahedron with the apex point at the North Pole. Now this tetrahedron has a 120 degree angle at the base. With this, you will see the points of the base land at approximately 19.5 degrees latitude.
    (Now when Richard Hoagland was explaining his scientific concept on that Special, he was showing the earth flow with two tetrahedrons spinning inside of it. Everything he mentioned about torsion field physics that is in this, he mentions on that Special the other night. I found that very exciting.)
    This is zero point, and zoom! Off to other dimensions. At this point on a Planet, One becomes HyperD. On Earth, some things at 19.5 latitude are: Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii, Iztaccihuatl and Popocatepetl volcanoes near Mexico City. In addition, The Great Pyramids of the Sun and Moon at Teotihuacan, Mexico.
    On the Moon’s far side, at 19.5 degrees we have the absolutely huge Mare Orientale (but near the edge of the Earth-side/far-side interface).
    On Mars we have Olympus Mons (the solar system’s largest volcano) near 19.5.
    On Jupiter we have the Great Red Spot near 19.5.
    On Neptune, the Great Blue Spot, all located at or very near to 19.5 degrees latitude.”

    MARK: Well Beth, that’s a lot of information there and it describes how not only we operate but how planets and stars and galaxies operate. So we, as in our higher dimensional true identity, have to follow the same laws. We have to follow the same physics and that makes us thereby, unlimited. So what we are returning to is an understanding, not just externally, not just in our heads. We are returning to our whole identity as this combination now of electromagnetic and crystalline etheric. So we have our internal systems and our external systems, or subtle bodies, if you want to call it that. So I just wanted to go into just a little more here to show you some of the things we have been talking about, that this is now converging and bringing together.
    Now that we have our Crystalline form activated in a diamond form (that’s the two opposing tetrahedrons that form a diamond shape), we are affecting resonances through all similar structures.
    This is why the ZPMs’ energy generators tap into this flow, this resonance, at a critical degree. In algebra, when you have two values, you may determine the third. Now that the crystalline core has been activated, when the golden crystal was brought out from the left paw of the sphinx, under the guardianship of Serapis Bay, which happened on 8/8/09, and was then anchored by Metatron into the Earth Grid, we took, if you’ll recall, representatives of many kingdoms back through the golden crystal return conduit to bring them back to alignment with Source. The crystalline core was reprogrammed with new codes on 9/22/09 when the Andromedan Team brought a starship through that portal and into the crystalline heart of the Planet.
    Now we have a positronic-etheric plus crystalline structure and functional relationship, which actually holds more light. Now we have some other mechanisms, or aspects of The Force, that deal with celestial bodies, such as torsion physics. Whenever you put a twist on something, it must react to that compression and expansion. That is how HyperD and Torsion Physics are affected by matter and antimatter.
    We will be able to explore multidimensions with the HyperD model, knowing that we go out of matter through the 13th Dimensional Gateway. That’s the key. The 13th Gateway is the connection from matter to antimatter. Everything from antimatter (formless form) is reflected into matter. It doesn’t originate here. Everything is reflected from antimatter. Electromagnetic is 3D, and 5D is physical-etheric-crystalline. Now as you begin to let those terms go in, you can see that one determines the physical structure, and the physical structure interfaces with the subtle or etheric, and together they form that wholeness which we need to flip back and forth between dimensions.

    The origin of energetic communications is in antimatter, and is reflected into and through the matter dimensions. How the origin of ideas from antimatter, how the flow through the 13th Gateway [takes place], [then] there are dynamics, mass, rotation, gravity, and critical degrees: (19.5 degrees of North/South Latitude, separated by 120 degrees). There is a very powerful energetic reaction at that point, or Zero Point. This is a circulating spiral motion, which interpenetrates the crystalline core. The secret government operation at Deigo Garcia, in the Indian Ocean, is an example. Here they have a platform from which they can send heavy equipment into moon orbit, almost instantaneously, at no cost. [These platforms are warp shields and can transport physical things and light forms.] There is another anomaly in Bermuda. When energy fluctuations occur they take advantage of it. They can’t just do this whenever they want to. They have to have an isthmus to detect when there are anomalies and load them up. It is instantaneous transport from here to the moon. It is extremely efficient in time, money, and security.

    TARA: Warp shields, that’s what they are.
    RAMA: And they can transport equipment or life forms.
    MARK: Right, so what they do is they have these platforms, very heavy, which would take such humongous super-boosting rockets to lift it into orbit, and they just put this heavy equipment, like tanks and humongous construction equipment, on these platforms and it immediately appears in orbit around the moon.
    TARA: It translates.
    MARK: Yeah. Right, because you don’t see any movement at all. One minute it’s here, the next minute it’s there. Then, they can simply transfer locally and very easily into position there on the planet where they want it. But that’s only when there are these energy fluctuations or anomalies. The whole Bermuda Triangle is a portion and is affected by those. And there are others, in other parts of the world.
    TARA: You know there’s going to be another thing that throws the monkey wrench into this because there’s a, we’re going to play it on Friday, it’s an article, it’s called, I mean a video, it’s called From Mind to Matter and it states that “matter does not really exist.” Now contemplate that one after everything we are talking about. [laughter…]
    MARK: When we are thinking about these portals, we have to understand the interdimensional portals are very large. And, so are multidimensional ones. So you can send huge ships as we are seeing at the Gulf of Eden right now.
    RAMA: Stargate SG-1!
    MARK: Right, ships are coming through that particular star gate in regular numbers around the clock. All of us here that have been listening and reading know that that has to do with the mass de-cloakings that are going to happen very soon. The Earth Firmament is made up of an ionic electromagnetic layer. Just think of one hand around the other hand around the planet. And there is that crystalline layer above the electromagnetic layer. That’s what the firmament is. It goes inside the planet as well as outside and around it. The Platinum-Gold grid, which Metatron activated during the special ops that we did, uh, that grid goes along the bed of the ocean to the top of the highest mountain. Soon it will go from the inner planetary bed to above the planet in a continuous dynamic flux-and-flow, and that will form a planetary shield that will reject anything lower than 5D, either coming in or going out.
    As part of the information/energy flow, from antimatter into matter, this is what happens. How does it flow? We want to include torsion field physics in that.

    When our human physical Adam Kadmon template became crystalline, it became a mirror reflected from the cosmic level. We appear to see inner bodies reflected as outer bodies. As above, so below: reflected hyperdimensionally, or hyper D, down through the 13th Gateway at our crown chakra. The Positronic-Etheric-Crystalline template allows both input and output through the crown chakra to positronic brain, there, to the high-heart-mind connection, vertically down and up through the central conduit. Our crown chakra is now receiving new energy codes (and this is especially strong and clear during the first hour of sunrise and last hour of sunset) since our planetary crystalline critical mass occurred. As everyone here on this broadcast knows through our sharing on both Stargate Roundtable and Galactic Roundtable, that this happened on 9/09/09.
    Everything in the lower 12 dimensions gets its info through the 13th Dimensional Gateway from antimatter levels above. Celestial bodies (Suns, Planets, and Stars) are affecting the energy flows from the Higher Levels that we cannot see. The casual, causal, level is in antimatter. That is reflected into form through the 13th Gateway.
    Through harmonic resonance the formless form interacts with form when we are in alignment. (Also known as Sololuminescence) Everything in the physical world comes from antimatter. You don’t see that out there in physics books. We are getting this from the Great Central Sun, Helios and Vesta and our local sun, Sol, Cosmic Rays which enter our crystalline crown chakra and thence move down energetic conduits in the brain and into our high heart. This is also true of the Earth. Remember on 08/08/08, Ashtar gifted every one of us. Just above our physical heart, a Christed or Crystalline Golden Seed packet [was placed]. Everyone on the planet has one. And that is what we are reflecting down into. Seed packet or seeds. These are based on our soul attainment, the whole soul record, so that we can each have our own Ascension as part of the total Ascension. They are exactly calibrated for each one of us. We are talking about a multidimensional/interdimensional architecture. If not for this we wouldn’t have a Unified Field. A diffuse layer of energy, like a mist, but without form, reflects through the 13th Gateway, where we have a positronic-etheric-crystalline template. Now we want to include Torsion Field Physics in our understanding so we ask Metatron to speak on that. Beth, would you share what Metatron said?
    BETH: Right, thank you. [In] The first portion Metatron was explaining to us what hyperdimensional physics was and now he goes into an explanation about torsion field physics. This is Metatron...

    The energy which makes matter is consciousness. This consciousness does not come from the 3rd Dimensional world.
    When we explain about physics, we are looking for height, breadth, and width. Building on that, we explained HyperD physics in which we added dimensions to height, breadth, and width.
    Next we talk about torsion physics. To explain this we look at a basic mathematic equation in classical mechanics and electrodynamics, for four elements;
    1) which is the initiation upon a system of a force (be it mechanical, electromagnetic, or otherwise — i.e. an “initiating action”),
    (2) position (and the tendency to return to that position; as in a pendulum or spring),
    (3) resistance to motion (said motion being velocity or speed related), and
    (4) mass (or inertia), which is associated with acceleration.
    Torsion Field physics adds in Rate of Delay. This is known as the Fifth Element.
    The Sixth Element is Sonoluminescence. This means Co-Creation at the 13th Gateway. The antimatter consciousness (The Force, or Source Energy+Love) comes into the 13th Gateway from the Formless Form Dimensions and reflects into the Matter World all of the force, position, resistance and mass it contains AND it does it in its own timing. We call this timing “Divine Right Timing” or “Ripe Time”. All of these influences are potential possibilities. The Sixth Element is the harmonics and light contained in this particular equation and that is determined by consciousness.
    The Fifth Element is what makes it possible for the physical-etheric-crystalline Human-Galactic to be a conduit for Universal energy flow, known as The Force. (The Force=Source Energy+Love).
    It is through consciousness, or thought that creates on the antimatter dimensions, and either instantly, or [by] some rate of delay, it makes its way across the 13th Gateway into the matter realm, or manifests into physical.
    By learning to open the thirteen chakras, one opens their own 13th Gateway. This is when it is possible to cycle between matter and antimatter, as is done with levitation or teleportation.
    In Co-Creation the three parts of the unity, the creator, the act of creation, and the result of the creation, became, in the universe and in life today, Be, Do, and Have.
    Be = the source or creator, Do = the act of creation, and Have = the result of the creation. Everything that has taken place since then, every moment of Life’s existence, throughout the entirety of the billions of years of this universe, can be classified as either Be, Do, or Have. There is a part of your brain which brings in the Source Energy into the local mind, in through the energy portals in the brain, including the pineal gland, and processes this energy and pulses out through the body and into the higher heart.
    That is the Source of The Creator, and that is you and me. The Act of Creation is combining this in the higher heart with the consciousness of love. The next part of Co-Creation is crossing the etheric, into the channel or body, with Source Energy, and combining it in the higher heart with love, and then waiting the delay, for when it comes into manifestation on the physical.
    The more joy which is contained in the thought (velocity or speed), the amount you desire said result (mass), the amount you have placed this into the priorities of manifestation (position), and the initial thought itself (initiating action) directly affects whether this is an instant manifestation or a delayed manifestation.
    Knowing that the Source Energy is a constant, the Love you understand and are able to infuse through your Higher Heart is the one key factor involved in experiencing things on higher and higher and higher dimensions.
    To go out of body [OOB] to experience the energies of the 352nd Dimension, takes setting a higher intention, (initiating action), a great desire-you must BELIEVE it can be done (mass), you must spark your joy at the mere idea you may achieve it (velocity), and it must be a priority in your life (position). If these align, indeed, your meditation will take you to the Higher Realms. You may see, hear, taste, touch and smell all that is there through the senses of consciousness.
    Everything that is happening on every dimension and every parallel, interdimensionally and multidimensionally is possible to experience by crossing the 13th Gateway.
    Now that the physical-etheric crystalline bodies with 12 Physical +12 Etheric = 24 strands of DNA activating in concert [exist], this is open to anyone desiring to pursue it. All it takes is setting an intention, making it a priority, being fully in joy, having a high perspective of love, the belief that it is so.

    MARK: Thank you, Beth. You can also see that this is weighty material. You can also see it speaks to each of us in non-theological terms, non-dogmatic terms. This is a form of a mathematical precision. When everything balances, it happens.
    TARA: And SoLaRa also put in her report there are all these waves of convergent energy. Yet it is very choppy right now because the waves are just coming. And it’s time’s up in those departments, you might say, and so the only thing left to do is surrender to that love. Be that vortex of that unconditional love and it will transmute and transcend and transform.
    MARK: And we will be dealing [with this] tomorrow, in Beth’s call, her old call, because it deals with more internal processes that actually build on what we’ve just shared today. That will be pretty much what that conference call is about and that is exceptionally exciting. Because it really goes into the different internal structures, and you can see how this works and functions in what we would call “our new life in the new timeline.”



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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  SuiGeneris Mon Apr 12, 2010 1:44 pm

    <object style="height: 344px; width: 425px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowscriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></object>

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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  SuiGeneris Mon Apr 12, 2010 1:53 pm


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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  Carol Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:10 pm

    lovely Flowers

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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  mp3 Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:49 pm

    Fear of Choice
    - Ramshi, 12th Dimensional Master Geneticist / Universal Architect
    The fear of getting something wrong or making a wrong choice often keeps many of you from moving forward along your path towards greater joy and living the life you desire. This can be a powerful distraction, but one that you can shift.

    The ability to alter your perception to that of a higher consciousness is one of the gifts given to humanity. Within your third dimensional body you can hold all states of consciousness, all the way up the dimensional scale, if you will, to that of Creator or Source. We hear you asking, “How is that possible if I am a third dimensional being?” It is so because you are, remember, a multidimensional being projecting itself into this game or illusion of a linear existence. To achieve this shift in consciousness and to cross the “dimensional barrier”, you need only center yourself in your heart. From this place you have the ability to access all levels of consciousness. You may think of it as using the help function while playing a computer game. Under help, you can access information on the objectives, shortcuts to achieving goals, and basic rules & constructs of the game. So it is in this third dimensional adventure you are projected into. The heart center is your all-access pass to assistance and information.

    The level of consciousness that you choose to access from your state of heart-centeredness depends on the soul’s blueprint. Your guides often help you with this. Remember, you are holographic in nature. The records of a single event are stored in all dimensions as pure raw data. The recollection or the review of the data is processed through the filter or perception of the dimension from which it is accessed. If you are playing a game in which having Source’s perspective would “spoil” the illusion of the game, your higher self will choose, often after seeking the advice of your angelic guides, to access a lower perspective to preserve the game. Other times, you choose a higher frame of reference to shift the energy, moving you along in your third dimensional reality closer to your objective, whatever that may be.

    The more frequently you access the higher records and hold these expanded states of consciousness in your third dimensional body, the more your body begins to reflect these vibrations. Remember, your body is created from an energetic template. As you alter the template, your body too must alter. This is what you call Ascension. The cells begin to vibrate at a higher rate, so much so that they cross over into a new dimension. This is how you will all generate your new form for the coming transition.

    There are never any “wrong” choices, simply vibrational selections. You decide with every breath you take to remain where you are or shift and alter your location in the game you call Life. You are never trapped, and you can always make new selections to move you in new directions. In fact, we encourage it. Life gets rather dull and boring taking the same actions over and over again, especially when they are not uplifting or joy filled.

    When you are paralyzed in fear and indecision, we say to you make a choice, any choice, to move you forward and get the energy flowing. Indecision is one of the fastest and surest ways to stop the flow of energy. Energy flows perhaps not always in the way you expect or that brings you the greatest joy, but it opens the door to connecting once again with self. If you can recognize how you are feeling about what you are experiencing, you can fine tune your heading and make course corrections moving you closer to the desired result.

    This is indeed a game, one you all enjoy playing very much. Try not to be so serious, ever struggling. Have fun! The goal of the game on this planet is to see how much joy you can create. How much are you manifesting? Dream big, live large. Even on the highway of life there are alternate routes filled with beautiful scenery. Enjoy the ride.

    Last edited by mp3 on Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  mp3 Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:51 pm

    Dimensional Structure and Earth's Transition
    - Ramshi, 12th Dimensional Master Geneticist / Universal Architect

    Ramshi: We want to give you a galactic perspective to help you see a larger picture to understand that you are about to reacquaint yourselves with the galactic community.

    First up, dimensional structure, at least the specifics of the third through the fifth and then what to expect in the coming years.

    As you know, dimensions are structured in a similar fashion to your musical scales. There are notes of discord and notes of harmony. And they are just how they sound. Notes of harmony are frequency ranges of sound where construction occurs, and notes of discord are used when we deconstruct matter. Occasionally we will do so (deconstruct matter) when starting to design systems. But sound is used to create frequency ranges for dimensions.

    Question: So what is the difference between light and sound if it is all just frequency and vibration?

    Ramshi: The difference occurs in the frequency range. Again don’t think hierarchical. Higher is not necessarily better. It just is, and different frequencies are used for different things. For example, light uses a higher (shorter) carrier wave to travel. That is how it is perceived by the senses, as light. Sound uses another bandwidth. Just as you have elements that have basically the same building blocks, certain conditions will alter its state like water into ice or steam. Same with sound. Under certain conditions it translates into light. So for building universes we use sound.

    3rd Dimension

    Ramshi: The third dimension is one of physicality. It is one of density, of corporeal bodies, where there is a complete cycle. It is based on the geometry of a circle: a beginning and end, which by the way are the same point. It is not always perceived as a dimension of duality. There are only certain sectors that have this added layer. Some sectors enjoy the physical, but yet remember connections. But for you right now, let’s focus on this galaxy filled with duality. Within the third dimension there are some limitations such as travel because there are limits to which the human body can go; there are limits to the tidal forces.

    There is the illusion of time and structure, form and function. It is one of linear thought. That is the perk, a chance to not see all points at once. It allows one to see in depth one perspective through to its conclusion; again start to finish within that. Because of your multidimensional self, layers are added to look at each singular experience with every variable from start to finish. You long to still have that full (multidimensional) perspective. It is who you are. You can only limit that so much.

    So that is the third in a nut shell. Your sector of the universe is one of duality. Polarity. It really shakes things up. It is possible to be in the third dimension and remember other dimensions, but only to a limited extent. For to remember what it is to be multidimensional means you must take your self out of the game. It is a part of the experience and desire of the third (dimension) to be able to look in depth at just one “perspective”. It defeats the purpose (of being 3rd dimensional) otherwise.

    4th Dimension

    Ramshi: The fourth dimension is one of fluid change. It is a transitory zone if you will. When one delves into the lower dimensions, 1-3, there is a time needed for the fragmented self to readjust to the multidimensional experience. Time and space do not exist as you desire them to. They are free flowing and malleable. It exists as a marker. Think of it as a bookmark. You can flip through the books and return where you left off. Both time and space still exist, just not as you may perceive (currently).

    Question: So what should we expect when Earth ascends?

    Ramshi: Great things. It will be gradual and many of you will move back and forth. Because you are not fully departing and beginning a new life, there will be difficulties for some in fully grasping the events that have transpired. It will be like a dream that they are waking from. And to be honest, exactly what will transpire emotionally will be a wholly new experience because no planet full of conscious beings has ever done this before. We see probable futures, but they are rewritten every second.

    Emotions can only be experienced in the “now”. Although past, present, and future are one, if we go to the future to view, it is like viewing a movie. You aren’t having the experience. Only the current moment has that potential. The emotional archive is there. Emotions are a tricky thing for us to tap into, that is, your emotional experience. We certainly have our own, but when reviewing Earth’s records or akashic records, emotions are hard to get. Just like you watch a movie, occasionally the story will take you to an emotional place of empathy. Not quite the same as the first hand experience. But close enough to give you a notion of the emotional state. It is very much the same. That’s why there is no substitution for incarnating. It is the difference between watching and doing.

    So the fourth is transitory. Not a place many stay for long.

    Question: Does every dimension have a transitory zone?

    Ramshi: Not all. Mainly for the lower realms because of the density. The lighter density realms don’t need it.

    5th Dimension

    Ramshi: The fifth dimension is a fluid one of light bodies, crystalline form. There is no corporeal body. The lessons of the fifth are harmonics, resonance, learning to move through and explore space without time. There is only desire and immediate manifestation. Thought and physical projection. Harmonics = Harmony, the resonance that matches at particular peaks. It is an experiment in the exploration of creativity and understanding.

    Viewing Time

    Ramshi: When we view time and timelines, we focus our energy, our thought, on one specific moment, the now for you. But we can see as we shine our light that past and the future of that now. Because that moment was structured from a specific set of circumstances from the past, a very unique set of future events. So these are dependent on the now. Change the now and you change all the future. That is how you create probable realities, and that is how we can view them. We focus on the “now” version of you that is trying to connect with us, the now version that is having emotions and driving this line of questioning. So when we want to look at records or history, this is how it’s done. You can think of it like a film strip that we can focus on the now and we see the animation of the future and the past on the strip. It can not be helped and they can’t be separated. That is what it means when we say they are all one. So when a being wants
    to check out your DVD as it were from the akashic library, they cannot feel emotion unless they are watching the now. It would be like you fast forwarding through the disc with a marker where you started. If you are seeing the future while strips are quickly passing you are just getting a glimpse. You don’t really feel or emotionally connect. Same for us and while we can see it, just like you watching a movie, we can empathize. But it is not exactly the same as if you are having the experience. That’s why it is so special to be able to incarnate. You can watch all you want, but it’s not the same as being/doing. Life is so very special and precious. And we hate to see you spending one moment in fear when there are so many rich opportunities that await you. Fear is such a limiting emotion. Clear it. You’ll find that there are far more exciting and fulfilling emotions. Earth is so unique because of its genetic makeup from its wildlife, fauna, oceans, and skies that the range of emotions is vast. Other worlds aren’t like that. Because the diversity, the sheer number of variables, potential for duality, for polar extremes is so high, an enormous range of emotions can be experiences. Other sectors of duality are far more limited. The issues and experiences are limited thus so are the emotions.

    Question: What are emotions?

    Ramshi: Life, simply put. Your connection to the source. Your life force. Intellect is the connection to the body. Again duality for the bipolar sector. Believe it or not, there are some sectors of the universe that are tri-polar. That means they can choose to be linear (experiencing duality) or multidimensional (connected to all things) at will and that is the next step for you on your way to being multidimensional. You will move back and forth. Some of you preparing yourselves so that when others come you will help them to make the transition. The third point is in another realm (one or two realms). Not all realms as with fully integrating into multidimensional existence.

    4th and 5th Dimensional Earth

    Question: What will 4th dimensional earth be like/look like?

    Ramshi: It will be quite different to you because it will be peaceful and healthy. There is no lack and sense of duality. So things you associate with lack (disease, poverty, negativity) cease. Because there are no limits, you leave behind old notions. It will not be easy at first. Earth doesn’t support lack in that dimension. So thoughts of it are difficult to reconcile. It will be hard to fully grasp where that feeling is coming from. So healing is going to be extremely important. You will be doing a lot of processing of your dense portion of life (3rd Dimension) and learning about your energetic body.

    Question: And what about those who don’t ascend?

    Ramshi: You will remember them and still feel your connection to them, but you will not mourn for them as you would have in the third dimension because you understand from a multidimensional perspective. But there will be events that divide, to assist beings in determining which path they wish to choose. They may choose one of enlightenment or they may reincarnate to another planet. Earth will cease to exist in the third. Just as you choose, so has/will she. Planets reside in multiple dimensions, but they choose to complete lessons and cease to occupy points in dimensional space. Just like myself. I no longer incarnate into physical beings. But she will remain in the fourth through the twelfth. She will join the other planets in your system you no longer see.

    Time exists in all dimensions as markers. Time just isn’t always linear. All experience is coded so it may be catalogued and put into libraries. It’s our own type of Dewey Decimal system. Lots of good books to read. You will still have the lingering perception of linear time so yes for approximately eighty of your earth years you will remain in the fourth dimension. But it will be another conscious shift into the fifth and all of Earth’s inhabitants will harness consciousness to shift. That means through desire, will and focused thought you will envision and raise earth’s vibration. You will assist her consciously whereas this go around, she’s doing the work while most of humanity is unconscious.

    So with the shift into the fifth will come a time of complete freedom from linear thought to a wholly multidimensional perspective of reality. And within that comes great travels and exploration of the galaxy. The fifth is a dimension of mastering interdimensional and harmonic shifts. One may go into higher frequency ranges but that is not where your focus is so you won’t remain. It would be like a school group taking a trip to the local capitol to learn about government for the day, but it goes back to school to learn more in depth and to cover other studies. You learn about the integrity of timelines and dimensional structures. You get to play with it. To move through time and explore. So that’s a very quick explanation of the fifth dimension.

    Question: And day to day life? What is that like?

    Ramshi: Similar. You still have friends you meet with to play and explore. Your family still exists. Again unique, because of this conscious shift. As we get closer to these times, we will try to explain in greater detail as you have the ability to grasp these new concepts. For now, it is just completely beyond for you.

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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  mp3 Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:54 pm

    Personal Power
    - Ramshi, 12th Dimensional Master Geneticist / Universal Architect

    The beauty of the third dimension is one of extreme focus of thought projection. In your corner of the galaxy along with this comes the notion of isolation, thus a sense of powerlessness. This notion is a false one. You are still powerful beings. But with the lack of faith in self and lack of trust in your ability to create your own reality in the midst of such strife and turmoil brews an underlying current of general malaise, a discontentment. Right on time it is!

    With all of the changes occurring this sense of being uncomfortable and discontent is what will propel you to grow and expand. With this expansion comes enlightenment.

    Part of this disconnection with your power comes from the illusion and the deeply
    ingrained lie that god is external, superior, all knowing and judgmental. Until you are capable of fully embracing the fact that you yourselves are gods you will forever fall short of accessing your full power and reconnecting fully and wholly with divine love. It is a hard notion for you to embrace, the thought “I am god.” Even from our 12th dimensional perspective there is no “god”. There was not a moment of solitary consciousness that came to light. The story is a bit outside your parameters of perception. For us to explain would be a bit like telling a native of the jungle who hasn’t been exposed to your technology what a television is. From their perceptual framework it would be incomprehensible. Same with our story of creation of universes, but we digress…

    Your personal power is yours to access. The only one who limits you is always you. You are existing in a free will zone. All that occurs does so with your willing approval. Hard to believe you would agree to so much strife, but never the less, a true statement. Strife is stretching. It is expansion and growth. It is a cue card in dimensions of duality for movement. So embrace the experience. The stifling of personal power comes when you don’t move, when you freeze with fear. Indecision can be one of your greatest challenges to overcome. For any decision will move you along a new path. Guilt and regret keep you from moving. Movement comes with the recognition of emotions and the acknowledgement of experience. When you recognize the blocks you dissolve them by your mere viewing and acceptance of your part in creation. By acknowledging you have created, you fully embrace your personal power. The more frequently you recognize that, the more fully you stand in your own light.


    Posts : 174
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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  mp3 Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:09 pm

    Role of the Sirian High Command
    - Sirian High Command

    Question: What is the role of the Sirian High Command?

    In many ways we are like your ambassadors trying to extend a hand to allow others the opportunity to exchange ideas and information with different species and different cultures. The Sirian star system is rich in diversity, not only amongst many different species, but also varying cultures and belief systems; in many ways very akin to your planet. We do oversee and observe the progression of your world as it relates to us and our development.

    Ah, we hear the wheels turning! “What does that mean? How does our growth affect you?" We are in a sense your ancestors. We have been amongst the many co-genitors of your world, donating genetic material. Many of you remember other lifetimes within our system. There are still monuments that attest to your connection with us. But those memories long passed from mass consciousness. You now begin to recall your connection to us as you seek answers to many of your great archeological questions. Our role as we interact with you and as will unfold in the future is to once again be ambassadors, extending an invitation to Earth to become a conscious part of the galactic community.

    So much forgotten, yet that is in part what allows you now to make huge leaps in consciousness. And the lessons learned as you propel yourselves higher and ever higher in frequency will be shared with the entire universe, thus creating a brand new game for us all. And for that we are ever grateful and eagerly await to observe that which you create.

    Posts : 1766
    Join date : 2010-04-11

    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:50 pm

    Thank you for starting a thread that contains some real research!!!

    Nothing I post can be verified and you must always do your own research!

    As well you should use you own intuition all the time!


    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Ashtar_command_hierarchy

    edit update: as posted below by stardustaquarion IAFW & IFFW are said to be two different organizations. i can not verify either just wanted to post for research purpose. i will do some more searching into both federation titles. As said they my be completely separate with different agendas. SO here is some info on the IFAW...

    Association of Free Worlds (IAFW)

    <table border="0" height="31"><tr><td align="left" height="8">Last update: </td></tr><tr><td align="left" height="15">
    September 03, 2009

    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds NoteOk1

    Massive Universal
    Service Organization assembled by the Yanas and Breneau
    Founders upon restatement of the Emerald Covenant

    Co-evolution Agreement

    Following the
    destruction of the Aramatena’s Star Gate-12 during the
    Lyran-Elohim Wars 250 billion years ago (See: Fallen
    ), the Yanas appointed the Emerald Order Breneau
    and their Elohei-Elohim Feline-hominid Christos Founders
    Race as the Universal Security Team in our Time Matrix and
    formed the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds
    (IAFW) under the tenets of the Emerald Covenant, creating a
    unified collective of intergalactic Guardian Angelic races
    form within our 15-Dimensional Time Matrix.

    By combining their
    genetic templates the 3 Christos Founders races (The Anuhazi
    Elohei-Elohim, Cerez and Aethien, the Seraphei-Seraphin and
    the Inyu and Pegasai Bra-ha-Rama created a new genetic race
    line called the Azurite Eieyani who is carrying the
    most advance genetic code in our Time Matrix.

    The Azurites were
    created by the Founder Races 250 billion years ago,
    specifically to allow for the Mechizedek Cloister (MC)
    collective from the Energy Matrix and Density-5
    Breneau Orders to incarnate directly into our Density system
    for crisis intervention.

    The Azurite MC
    Race was created to serve as the Azurite
    Universal Templar Security Team
    , the mobile extension of
    the IAFW Primary Guardian Administration and to
    promote the freedom based peaceful co-evolution agendas of
    the Emerald Covenant and to hold the main Security Seals
    of the 12 Primary Universal Star Gates in our Time Matrix.

    The Density-5
    administrative council of the Azurite Universal Templar
    Security Team, a specialized collective of the Emerald Order
    Elohei-Elohim Breneau Founders Race is called the MC
    Eieyani Master Council
    , whose members incarnate through
    the Sirius B Azurite lineage and following the creation of
    the Oraphin-Angelic Human lineage 568 million years ago,
    members of the MC Eieyani Master Council incarnate into
    density through the Oraphin-Angelic Human “Indigo
    Children” Human Grail Line

    The MC Eieyani Master
    is sometimes referred as the Sirian Council
    or the Azurite Council. They serve as the central
    administrative council for the IAFW efforts
    and as the primary
    between the Yanas collectives in the Energy
    Matrix and the Guardian Nations within out Time Matrix.

    The MC Eieyani Master
    of the IAFW was created after the
    Lyran-Elohim Wars 250 billion years ago, to reclaim and
    protect the Star Gates of the Universal Templar Complex, and
    our Time Matrix from destruction via Fallen Angelic
    Race dominion.

    The IAFW was also
    commissioned to implement Genetic Bio Regenesis Programs
    to assist the Fallen Angelic Races in reclaiming their
    original genetic integrity, so they could fulfill the
    intended evolutionary objective of Ascension out of
    the Time Matrix

    Since their creation the
    Azurite Universal Templar Security Team and the
    have served the role of primary Guardian Race
    and protectors of the Emerald
    freedom agendas in our Time Matrix and
    continually labor to restore and maintain the structural
    integrity of it.

    Their efforts include
    15-dimensional, egalitarian political arbitration,
    progressive spiritual-science education and genetic Bio-Regenesis
    evolutionary healing opportunities among all manifest races,
    to inspire peaceful co-creative evolution and healing among
    all races manifest through continuation of the Founders
    Races’ Emerald
    Co-evolution Agreement


    Presently there are over
    25 billion different Interdimensional and
    interstellar Nations serving as active members of the IAFW.

    Fallen Angelic:

    <table width="90" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td width="172%" align="middle">
    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds WahtIsKS</td></tr></table>

    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td valign="top">

    Races that began to digress (See:

    ) from their
    original “Christos” (See:

    Krist Code

    Divine Blueprint


    Questions for







    , and many
    black hole

    who set forth dominion
    conquest of the stellar system (Star Gates) of our


    Gold Order


    from D-10
    Lyra-Vega began to digress and became known as the “Fallen
    Seraphim”, the forefathers of the contemporary D-10
    Orion-Drakonian Fallen Angelic Legion

    Simultaneously, the

    Emerald Order
    -Amethyst Order
    hybrid Feline-Aquatic Ape Anyu
    from Lyra-Aveyon also suffered digression and began
    their quest for universal dominion with the intention of
    destroying all races but their own and claim dominion of out
    Time Matrix. They adopted the name of the Annu and
    became known as the D-11 Annu-Elohim Falling Angelic


    Angelic Legion created the Sirian-Annunaki to destroy

    Christos Founders Race

    Guardian Angelic lineage.

    Ruby Order

    Through the progressive
    and perpetual conflicts among the Seraphim (Drakonian) and
    Annu-Elohim (Anunnaki) Fallen Angelic Legions, which began
    250 billion years ago in

    -4 Lyra, our Time Matrix was
    nearly destroyed.


    Angelic Wars

    Archangel Michael

    One World Order

    The Anyu’s destruction

    ’s Star Gate 12 is the event that became known
    as “The Original Sin,” as all life forms,
    including the Density-4 Christos Founder Races, became
    trapped in the Time Matrix until the D-12 Aramatena

    -12 could be reconstructed.

    Consciousness could
    incarnate into our Time Matrix but could not
    ascend to
    leave, while the Aramatena Star Gate-12 remained damaged.

    The Fallen Angelic Anyu
    Race that later became the Fallen Annu-Elohim (forefathers
    of the Sirian-Anunnaki), intentionally traded in
    their original genetic capacity to hold natural minimum

    12-Strand DNA
    Template “Christos Potential
    characteristic of the Christos Founders Races, for a
    digressive 11-Strand DNA Template Mutation

    Through removing the 12th
    DNA Strand Template form their genetic blueprint, the
    Annu-Elohim successfully blocked the Density-5


    Founders races from incarnating into their race line, so
    they were free to create a legion of self-contained Fallen
    Angelic dominion forces within or Time Matrix.

    Their intention was, and
    continues to be, oppressive, exploiting dominion of our Time
    Matrix and its life-fields, and the operational control over
    the 12 Primary Star Gates of the

    Universal Templar Complex

    in our Time Matrix.

    (Voyagers I – Page
    162, 168)

    Anunnaki Fallen Legions
    are currently attempting to misguide humans and are hoping
    to digress the human genome (the genetic material of an
    organism) into a maximum of 11-Strand
    Anunnaki-hybrid DNA Template potential, in replacing the
    maximum of

    12-Strand DNA
    Template “Christos” potential
    that is the rightful heritage of the
    Angelic Human Lineage.

    In their misguided
    contemporary quest for dominion of Earth’s

    Star Gates
    of Amenti
    ), the Anunnaki Fallen Angelic Legions hope to
    rob earth humans of their dormant “Christed Angelic
    Human Race
    ” potential through covert genetic
    manipulation (via distorted teachings of

    activation) and hybridization programs

    The Anunnaki are
    attempting to perpetrate this deception of humans in order
    to prevent Earth humans from actualizing the dormant
    12-Strand DNA potential, through which humans can reclaim
    the Angelic Human heritage to serve as conscious
    guardians of the Hall of Amenti Star Gates.

    Last edited by JesterTerrestrial on Tue Apr 13, 2010 1:16 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  Carol Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:11 pm

    With God's grace this will happen. Unfortunately most people have no clue as to what this means and even more people are still asleep. Yet, it is humanities destiny. cheers

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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  Mercuriel Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:37 pm

    the Anunnaki Fallen Angelic Legions hope to rob earth humans of their dormant “Christed Angelic Human Race” potential through covert genetic manipulation.

    Heh heh

    Well - I know that in at least Three Instances and likely many more - They've failed in that Regard. Oops - Too Bad So Sad I say to Them.


    We'll help 'em out Karmically next Cycle. After All - You get what You Focus on and We wouldn't want to stand in the way of Their Free-will choice to receive a Downgrade...



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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  devakas Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:50 pm

    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Icon_sunny nice thread spirit!
    but geeezzzz, I feel so asleep...
    who is Emmanual, please...

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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  Carmen Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:59 pm

    Thanks, I enjoyed reading the posts here.



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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  Pheryllt Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:56 am

    I will make only one comment here, then will leave this thread be. I do hope no-one finds this offensive, as it is meant to provoke thought and discussion and not to promote discord.
    My biggest issue with channeled information can be summed up thusly.
    #1 How can you be sure the channel is recieving information from an outside source and not spinning a yarn.
    #2 If you believe the channel IS recieving information from another source, how do you determine that the other source of information is who they say they are.
    #3 Without physical, tangible proof, everything is hearsay and open to debate so do not be supprised when people discredit the channel.

    I for one believe in the possibility of channeling. I have seen first hand someone "channel" or "possesed" by another entity who then communicated to us. Of course this entity had a name it went by and had a certain attitude and demeanor that was completely different from the channels base attitude. BUT it was impossible to say one way or another if the entity was who they said they were or not.... its still a matter of faith, and lets just say that faith leaves me with an empty feeling in my stomach these days. I wanna see proof, not listen to grand tales with no basis in provable fact.
    I hope you understand, I only say this here to show a contrasting opinion and have nothing against anyone personally. Please do continue the discussion and IF you are correct, may proof of your claims be forthcomming SOON, lord knows we could use it right now.

    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  Guest Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:34 am

    As an student of the MCEO material i wish to clarify that the Azurites and the Interdimensional Alliance of Free Worlds are not related with the Interdimensional Federation of Free Worlds. I the Book Voyagers II the GA explains that at one point after the treaty of 1992 the Interdimensional Federation of Free worlds accepted the offer of regenesis but, in 2000 they walked away from the treaty and made an alliance with the other FA called the United Intruder Resistance. That treaty falled appart in 2004/2005 after that the IFFW (not the IAFW) seeked again asistance from the GA who could not help them because the protocol requires a pause of 120 years after the breach of the first treaty so the GA facilitated and agreement through another group called the Buddhara from phanton matrix which has been successfully completed and it is still holding as far as we know

    In a way one can say that parts of the IFFW have aligned with the Kristos evacuation mission but it is not clear to us who, so discerment must be applied because many of the Channels may be transmitting information from the other two factions that are still at war and still working to take over this time matrix

    Asha has never told us whether the Ashtar Command has agreed to the bio-regenesis contract with the Buddhara so I don't know

    I am making this clarification because I seen some of the material of the IAFW posted above and it reads as being part of the IFFW which is not correct as they have different agentdas

    No offense intended


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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  mp3 Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:07 am

    Pheryllt wrote:I will make only one comment here, then will leave this thread be. I do hope no-one finds this offensive, as it is meant to provoke thought and discussion and not to promote discord.
    My biggest issue with channeled information can be summed up thusly.
    #1 How can you be sure the channel is recieving information from an outside source and not spinning a yarn.
    #2 If you believe the channel IS recieving information from another source, how do you determine that the other source of information is who they say they are.
    #3 Without physical, tangible proof, everything is hearsay and open to debate so do not be supprised when people discredit the channel.

    I for one believe in the possibility of channeling. I have seen first hand someone "channel" or "possesed" by another entity who then communicated to us. Of course this entity had a name it went by and had a certain attitude and demeanor that was completely different from the channels base attitude. BUT it was impossible to say one way or another if the entity was who they said they were or not.... its still a matter of faith, and lets just say that faith leaves me with an empty feeling in my stomach these days. I wanna see proof, not listen to grand tales with no basis in provable fact.
    I hope you understand, I only say this here to show a contrasting opinion and have nothing against anyone personally. Please do continue the discussion and IF you are correct, may proof of your claims be forthcomming SOON, lord knows we could use it right now.

    Apples are apples, and oranges are oranges. You can't judge an apple by orange rules.

    Your post is about filters. We filter information in different ways. The filters we use are a matter of choice. The primary filters in use and readily available right now, are mind and heart. Mind is the 3D interface, and heart is the 5D interface. As we shift from 3rd to 5th, we are migrating out of mind filter and into heart filter. Mind demands facts. Heart feels. Mind requires proof. Heart discerns. Mind can not discern. Apples and oranges. If you listen to a channeled message with your mind, it's ridiculous. It's a fairy tale. If you listen with your heart, you get the message, and you discern the parts of the message you arrive at that point in time to receive. The rest you discard, even if that is the whole message. Belief is a mind thing. Not a heart thing. Heart never needs to believe anything, and probably is incapable of belief. Heart feels, and knows what it perceives, by being the most precise frequency filter in existence.

    So really what you are doing here is asking people to devolve. You are saying come on back into your minds, folks.... it's not safe out there.

    I have another suggestion. Why don't you step up to the multi dimensional plate and give it a swing? The water is fine. It's only your mind that scares the bejeepers out of you, while tag teaming with your ego. Their job is to keep you safe, but since they were never designed to play in the place we're moving into, you might as well try to hang from the new trees by your toes. The old tools of the game are breaking down, just like our toes devolved from finger like dexterity, our minds are shrinking and gathering dust as the new filter starts to step up and show us what it can do.

    Proof? it'll never happen. couldn't possibly happen. You might as well ask to live in a favourite movie. They are entirely different universes. and your interaction with one universe, is not available in the other one. Except that you are living in the movie, and trying to tell the people living life, that they might feel safer back in the movie with you. Sorry. No thanks. Offer not accepted. I like where evolution is taking me, and there is no turning back at this point.

    Have fun.


    Last edited by mp3 on Tue Apr 13, 2010 2:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  SuiGeneris Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:57 am

    devakas wrote:The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Icon_sunny nice thread spirit!
    but geeezzzz, I feel so asleep...
    who is Emmanual, please...
    Emmanuel, Immanuel, Yahushua, Sananda, The Christ, Jesus...etc, etc.. many names same source spirit.


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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  SuiGeneris Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:00 am


    We'll help 'em out Karmically next Cycle. After All - You get what You Focus on and We wouldn't want to stand in the way of Their Free-will choice to receive a Downgrade...


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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  Bobbie Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:04 am

    Wow, what a well of knowledge on this thread. Can you imagine a soul, having all this knowledge, being put into the physical body of a 1st century man living in subservience to a corrupt worldly power? Must have been tough trying to reach the masses but yet they responded to the ring of truth. It would be nice if we could have a special place set aside, like a library of knowledge, for all these type threads that can be used as reference material. Right now, it's kind of scattered all around. While it could stay in the particular thread it's in, maybe a copy could be put in the library for easy access rather than having to pick through the threads for reference material. I know the "search" is in place but this would categorize it under subject headings. I'm dreaming and spinning, I know.

    Thank you SuiG for the great material and post. The Ascended Masters are pleased.
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    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds Empty Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds

    Post  Mercuriel Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:56 am

    That may be a good Idea and We may get around to that in a little while as We are always evolving and growing here in the Mists.

    Posters/User though in the Interim can choose to follow a Topic by either hitting the Actions Button at the Top Right of every Thread and then selecting to either Add it to Their Favourites or They can choose to follow the Topic as replies are Posted.

    That said - As We go along - We will collate things more. Please be patient with Us as We make these changes over the next couple of weeks. I will be Posting a Public Message later today with the Features We are going to be implementing at the Forums.

    These Features will include but not be limited to Our Own Domain Name - File Storage - Galleries - Attachment capabilities to Posts - A Library - And other Features I will detail over the next two weeks. Additionally - We will be Coding the Site to allow for Multiple Themes that The Users can select as Their own Skin for the Forums and that should be Live by this Weekend - Sunday...

    The Galactic Confederation of Worlds 215880

    Last edited by Mercuriel on Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:21 pm; edited 1 time in total


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