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    Who is The Sphere Alliance? Lily Earthling Explains Their Desperate Plight to Harvest Humanity [video]


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    Who is The Sphere Alliance? Lily Earthling Explains Their Desperate Plight to Harvest Humanity [video] Empty Who is The Sphere Alliance? Lily Earthling Explains Their Desperate Plight to Harvest Humanity [video]

    Post  Carol Sun Aug 09, 2015 4:10 pm

    Who is The Sphere Alliance? Lily Earthling Explains Their Desperate Plight to Harvest Humanity [video]

    I MUST SAY - YE GADS! This reminds me of the current movie Jupiter Ascending.

    In a universe where humans are near the bottom of the evolutionary ladder, a young destitute human woman is targeted for assassination by the Queen of the Universe because her very existence threatens to end the Queen's reign.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Who is The Sphere Alliance? Lily Earthling Explains Their Desperate Plight to Harvest Humanity [video] Empty Re: Who is The Sphere Alliance? Lily Earthling Explains Their Desperate Plight to Harvest Humanity [video]

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Aug 09, 2015 5:38 pm

    Over the past seven years, there have been several movies (including Jupiter Ascending) which were brilliant concepts (with mediocre plots)!! It's almost as if they were purposely botched!! I guess that's why I post on The Mists of Avalon -- incorporating bits and pieces of this and that (including Jupiter Ascending). On the subject of "Harvest" -- if you're really ambitious and adventurous -- check out "The Harvest Principle" by the late theologian Herbert Douglas -- and pages 62-69 in "Christ's Object Lessons" by Ellen White. Sorry to keep bringing that sort of thing up -- but it's part of who I am (for better or worse, I know not). Consider watching Jupiter Ascending -- Guardians of the Galaxy -- and Ex Machina -- side by side -- over and over. What if the Human-Race was Illegally-Created by Jupiter Jones?? What if Jupiter Jones was exiled (and presumed eternally-dead) while humanity matured?? What if humanity did better than expected -- while continuing to exist under enslavement and extenuating-circumstances?? What if Jupiter Jones has unexpectedly reappeared -- much to the consternation of the Reigning-Queen?? What if the existence of Humanity and Jupiter-Jones threatens the traditional governance, administration, and stability of the universe??!! This thing might be nastier and more-complex than we can possibly imagine. Consider the Moses-Jupiter sculpture in the Vatican. What if Jupiter Jones secretly worked behind the scenes throughout history to nurture and preserve the Infant Human-Race?? What if Isis = Azazel = Jupiter Jones?? What if Jupiter Jones was the "Lamb slain from the Foundation of the World"??

    What if Jupiter-Jones had a lot to do with Job through Daniel?? I keep thinking this whole mess we're in is some sort of a test. Perhaps Jupiter Jones was some aspect of the Reigning Queen!! Perhaps they were two sides of the same coin!! I keep receiving glimpses of the truth -- but I can't put it all together -- and perhaps that's just as well. Consider what Dr. A. Graham Maxwell says in the following video (at 1 hour, 20 minutes) concerning God being ready to start-over regarding the existence of humanity -- rather than change the governance-modality of the universe. A Significant Individual of Interest told me that we needed to start-over with Planet-Earth. No Joke. Once again, it's very difficult to determine what's really going on. I think the Bible is a test -- and I keep wondering if 99% of humanity might be getting it wrong??!! What might the consequences be for getting it wrong?? Are ignorance and sincerity valid excuses for not getting it right?? What if 99% of those presently within this solar system rebelled against God in or around the Garden of Eden thousands of years ago?? Once again, I'm going to try to say less and less as I learn more and more. I get the feeling that 99% of humanity have already made their choice concerning the most important decisions imaginable. Perhaps probation has closed. What if probation closed thousands of years ago?? What if those who were loyal to God -- left Earth thousands of years ago?? If so -- what will humanity say when they see what those who were loyal to God got??

    I just remembered something relative to this thread. When I spoke with astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell at a Whole Life Expo -- we discussed Life After Death -- and Dr. Mitchell spoke of the "Survival of Information" rather than the "Survival of the Soul"!! That was around 1990 -- but that language sounded a lot like that used in the last video below!! I could say more -- but I'd rather not. Not now.


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    Who is The Sphere Alliance? Lily Earthling Explains Their Desperate Plight to Harvest Humanity [video] Empty Re: Who is The Sphere Alliance? Lily Earthling Explains Their Desperate Plight to Harvest Humanity [video]

    Post  Eartheart Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:54 pm

    Suspect   Whata deceptive thread, like some ghost
    bound my shoelaces into the eternal knot, or a wall of beercases...  scratch

    So full compassion for Corey and his astral-psyfi, and that here in the mists,
    after all the revelation and still every week those datapackets for the bin...
    I thought we help those majestic abused and those counterparts from the eastblock - which we havened talked clearly about yet (sleepercells mmm)...

    But see them (those video props) all in here, probability is them shortsighted/feartalked/agended NABS turning in their gnashing teeth dance and dementing
    that wrong/tomuch disCERN-ment (who benefitted this whole discerning BS
    on our conciousness awakening anyhow - say3letters?!?)

    I am happy those pseudointels dont resonate at all:::   elephant

    Dr. Oxy, the remark of the survival of data/info/lifetraces deserves more
    thoughts, especialy with that remark of the jesuit teachings of the soul as
    implant of satanic/draconian/rep ect. sourcing or overwritten history...
    But so many nicenicenice kids work for their soul,soulgroup,soulstars and
    the soulmusic is funq for shure... Nobody cant decide and there is the faith
    healing expierience, which is a little harvest too...
    Be the lifetree, be the fruit of creation and be the harvestgirl too...  flower


    Posts : 13591
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    Who is The Sphere Alliance? Lily Earthling Explains Their Desperate Plight to Harvest Humanity [video] Empty Re: Who is The Sphere Alliance? Lily Earthling Explains Their Desperate Plight to Harvest Humanity [video]

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Aug 11, 2015 2:30 pm

    I think I might know who you are, Eartheart -- and I think I might know why you write as you do -- but I probably only understand 50% of your posts. I've been waiting for years for a government-guy to knock on my front-door with a briefcase chained to his wrist -- containing the Real-Story (with zero bullshit) -- and I'll probably be waiting for the rest of my life (however brief that may be) -- or at least until Hell freezes-over. BTW -- have you seen the Sun lately?? What Would Charles Hapgood and Douglas Vogt Say??? Immediately after I made this post -- my computer shut-down with a "Watchdog-Violation"!! Can't We All Just Get Along??

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