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    Fibonacci's Fractals


    Posts : 32830
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    Location : Hawaii

    Fibonacci's Fractals Empty Fibonacci's Fractals

    Post  Carol Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:53 am

    When trees (and all other living systems), proceed to grow, they all branch out from the trunk(1) to two main branches (2).
    Then 3. But then instead of 4, the number pattern leaps to 5. From there each new number is created by adding the two previous number, for example 5+3 is 8.

    A spiral or a rectangle can be formed by following this pattern as well. Think of inches instead of numbers where a turn is made with each new number. 1 inch, then 2, then 3, the 5 inches, then 8 and 13 inches, then 13+8 is 21 and it continues by always adding the previous two numbers.

    Not just the trees but the leaves on the trees appear according to this pattern. All forms without exception are based on these numbers. That is why a human lung is similar to a tree formation and the human ear has the same curve as the ram’s horn and the spiral of the conch shell. We could say that all of nature spirals.

    The fingers on your hand are smaller versions of your arm.

    So the appearance of randomness in nature is really hidden order; hidden in plain sight. This self similar system called nature is the very definition of a fractal and is one thing repeated over and over.

    The entire system of nature is then one large fractal

    The human neutral network when magnified resembles the large scale structure of the universe. The spiraling galaxy is the same pattern as the swirl of a pine cone. The earth does not just move around galactic center it spirals forward.

    The old Hermetic truism ‘As Above, so Below’ is another description of a fractal. Heraclitus said ‘man is the measure of all things.’

    One picture is worth a thousand words

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32830
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Fibonacci's Fractals Empty Re: Fibonacci's Fractals

    Post  Carol Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:55 am

    he Miracle of 528 Hz Solfeggio and Fibonacci 174 Hz Foundation 396 Hz Liberate guilt and fear 417 Hz Expand your consciousness 529 Hz Miracle and DNA Repair 853 Hz Intuition and telepathic. Fibonacci nature numbers.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32830
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Fibonacci's Fractals Empty Re: Fibonacci's Fractals

    Post  Carol Sat Jun 04, 2011 8:01 am

    Quantum physics first: Researchers observe single photons in two-slit interferometer experiment
    June 2, 2011

    Quantum mechanics is famous for saying that a tree falling in a forest when there's no one there doesn't make a sound. Quantum mechanics also says that if anyone is listening, it interferes with and changes the tree. And so the famous paradox: how can we know reality if we cannot measure it without distorting it?

    An international team of researchers, led by University of Toronto physicist Aephraim Steinberg of the Centre for Quantum Information and Quantum Control, have found a way to do just that by applying a modern measurement technique to the historic two-slit interferometer experiment in which a beam of light shone through two slits results in an interference pattern on a screen behind.

    That famous experiment, and the 1927 Neils Bohr and Albert Einstein debates, seemed to establish that you could not watch a particle go through one of two slits without destroying the interference effect: you had to choose which phenomenon to look for.

    "Quantum measurement has been the philosophical elephant in the room of quantum mechanics for the past century," says Steinberg, who is lead author of Observing the Average Trajectories of Single Photons in a Two-Slit Interferometer, to be published in Science on June 2. "However, in the past 10 to 15 years, technology has reached the point where detailed experiments on individual quantum systems really can be done, with potential applications such as quantum cryptography and computation."

    With this new experiment, the researchers have succeeded for the first time in experimentally reconstructing full trajectories which provide a description of how light particles move through the two slits and form an interference pattern. Their technique builds on a new theory of weak measurement that was developed by Yakir Aharonov's group at Tel Aviv University. Howard Wiseman of Griffith University proposed that it might be possible to measure the direction a photon (particle of light) was moving, conditioned upon where the photon is found. By combining information about the photon's direction at many different points, one could construct its entire flow pattern ie. the trajectories it takes to a screen.

    "In our experiment, a new single-photon source developed at the National Institute for Standards and Technology in Colorado was used to send photons one by one into an interferometer constructed at Toronto. We then used a quartz calcite, which has an effect on light that depends on the direction the light is propagating, to measure the direction as a function of position. Our measured trajectories are consistent, as Wiseman had predicted, with the realistic but unconventional interpretation of quantum mechanics of such influential thinkers as David Bohm and Louis de Broglie," said Steinberg.

    The original double-slit experiment played a central role in the early development of quantum mechanics, leading directly to Bohr's formulation of the principle of complementarity. Complementarity states that observing particle-like or wave-like behaviour in the double-slit experiment depends on the type of measurement made: the system cannot behave as both a particle and wave simultaneously. Steinberg's recent experiment suggests this doesn't have to be the case: the system can behave as both.

    "By applying a modern measurement technique to the historic double-slit experiment, we were able to observe the average particle trajectories undergoing wave-like interference, which is the first observation of its kind. This result should contribute to the ongoing debate over the various interpretations of quantum theory," said Steinberg. "It shows that long-neglected questions about the different types of measurement possible in quantum mechanics can finally be addressed in the lab, and weak measurements such as the sort we use in this work may prove crucial in studying all sorts of new phenomena.

    "But mostly, we are all just thrilled to be able to see, in some sense, what a photon does as it goes through an interferometer, something all of our textbooks and professors had always told us was impossible."

    More information: Observing the Average Trajectories of Single Photons in a Two-Slit Interferometer, Science 3 June 2011: Vol. 332 no. 6034 pp. 1170-1173 DOI: 10.1126/science.1202218

    A consequence of the quantum mechanical uncertainty principle is that one may not discuss the path or “trajectory” that a quantum particle takes, because any measurement of position irrevocably disturbs the momentum, and vice versa. Using weak measurements, however, it is possible to operationally define a set of trajectories for an ensemble of quantum particles. We sent single photons emitted by a quantum dot through a double-slit interferometer and reconstructed these trajectories by performing a weak measurement of the photon momentum, postselected according to the result of a strong measurement of photon position in a series of planes. The results provide an observationally grounded description of the propagation of subensembles of quantum particles in a two-slit interferometer.

    Provided by University of Toronto (news : web)

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32830
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Fibonacci's Fractals Empty Re: Fibonacci's Fractals

    Post  Carol Sat Jun 04, 2011 8:25 am

    This is from on of my favorite posters of many years, Tree Hugger.

    Earth Life is An Optical Illusion

    There is an optical illusion built into life on earth and that is this. You think you are looking at the world, but you are really looking at yourself in a mirror; every person and every situation is a reflection of you.

    If every situation and person that appears in your life; your viewfinder, is a reflection of your own thinking, then if you don’t like what your life is showing you, then the only way to change your life is to improve something about yourself.

    If you want your world upbeat and cheery, then you have to be upbeat and cheerful first, and then the reflecting pool called your life, will suddenly be filled with happy and cheery people as well as situations you consider pleasant.

    If you are downbeat and negative and the corners of your mouth turn downward, then don’t expect anything in your life other than sour situations and individuals.

    The program that is running your human brain and in all other human brains is written on symbols and within this program what you see before you, are really symbols of your own consciousness.

    The universe does not speak the human language, it speaks in symbols and mathematics. Even though it looks like you are looking into the consciousness of others and that is the illusion.

    If you complain about someone else, look inside yourself and find that person is just your mirror. The other person or situation is sending you a message. How could you see yourself without mirrors?

    Seeing Oneness is very difficult on earth because it wasn’t supposed to be easy to see. That pang you feel when you see another person starving or neglected is because you see yourself starving and neglected and you wish to come to the rescue. That Oneness is what creates the mirror effect.

    Everyone out there is you, and they would not show up in your program if there was nothing to teach you about yourself. You are not the entire mirror, you are only a small piece of the mirror and it is not until the entire mirror is assembled that the true reflection of God can be seen which is the human face.

    If something in the mirror scares you or disgusts you, or annoys you or makes you feel uneasy, then look inside yourself for what scares, disgusts or annoys you. If we could see that thing in ourselves we would be able to change it so the mirroring affords an opportunity for us to see it. So many miss it though, never suspecting or recognizing it comes from them. They therefore do not correct that attitude in themselves and so blame the other person or situation. Nobody drags a situation into your life that you do not call to yourself.

    Complaining about what you see in the mirror will not change a thing. Being grateful for the things you have, for example can transform a life. Everyone has things to be grateful for. When you are dissatisfied, all you are seeing is what you don’t have, or that it is not good enough or not the way you want it. If you can catch yourself each time you feel that way or complain about anything in your life and think of something you have that brings you joy and satisfies you, and are consistent, then events will start to line up that pleases you and the complaining individuals will stop showing up in your life.

    Think of it this way. Both of you were brought together to learn from each other. If you learn and they don’t, then you have changed and the reason for them being in your life is dissolved and you will find them moving on to find someone else who will listen to their complaining.

    Do not get other people’s reality confused with yours. You may hear or even see chaos and unpleasant things going on in the news but ask yourself, is that my life, my job, my friends, my family or am I seeing someone else’s creations and mistaking them for my own.

    Rise higher than your problems. Step outside of them, and try to find what you are learning about yourself in any situation that irks you.

    The program that is running prevents you from changing anyone else’s life. You can only change your attitude towards things, and then watch your life shift. If this sounds too fantastic then try it out and see what happens. You would be losing nothing but perhaps gaining the satisfaction that goes with gratitude. You cannot be satisfied and disgruntled at the same time. You have experienced being disgruntled, why not take the reigns of your life and experience satisfaction and contentment and see for yourself if other satisfied individuals do not come into your life along with more and more things to be grateful for.

    Then when you find that thing, that viewpoint, that attitude in yourself be grateful for the discovery and thank that situation or person for showing you that thing in your life. That way you are taking control of the situation, you are progressing and learning and seeing the reasons for things. They are not just random happenings. Other people don’t bring you down, that is not an honest appraisal. You bring yourself down or up. You are not a victim or a pawn. Claim the responsibility that was always yours for the quality of your life, that is one of the lessons this life offers to you.

    Reflect on that!
    Tree Hugger

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 426
    Join date : 2010-04-11
    Location : Denver

    Fibonacci's Fractals Empty Fractal Gates

    Post  SiriArc Sun Jun 05, 2011 1:27 am

    Scale Of The Transducer:



    Perception >>>>>>> >>> > Conception

    Those Pattern Keepers NOW Viewing:

    Fibonacci's Fractals 2zef1mu

    In Nottale's theory, called scale relativity, the underlying fractality of space-time is most noticeable in the quantum world. Quantum behaviour, he claims, can be understood geometrically - particles move along fractal trajectories. On large scales, his model could explain a fractal pattern of the galaxies. The most profound question in physics today is how to unify the really small with the really big - and when it comes to matters of scale, fractals may turn out to be a key ingredient.
    Fibonacci's Fractals 23m983q

    Posts : 137
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    Fibonacci's Fractals Empty perfectly packed substance

    Post  hobbit Sun Jun 05, 2011 1:36 pm

    At some point I will learn how to convey about the ONE substance of universe.

    It is perfectly packed and far far denser than any diamond or such.
    The geometry of the miniscule packed substance has fibonacci based structure, thus the pathways between all of the packed substance are in all directions and at all scale capable of supporting the local accumulation of these pathways to become whatever there is in creation, and everything so composed doesn't actually exist as anything seperate, but is a local collection of time in duality so arranged to form a resistance that is unique to how that collection of pathways is utilised.

    Nobody or planet or star is moving, it is switching about in the pathways available.

    As the pathways are fractal in structure everything in creation will encounter the variant regions relative to this fractal geometry.
    All is ONE.....ALL.

    Posts : 32830
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    Location : Hawaii

    Fibonacci's Fractals Empty Re: Fibonacci's Fractals

    Post  Carol Sun Jun 05, 2011 3:34 pm

    You know hobbit I had never thought about it in this manner and it makes sense. Sort of like jello. All pervading and everywhere.

    Fibonacci's Fractals Jello

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 137
    Join date : 2010-04-26

    Fibonacci's Fractals Empty Re: Fibonacci's Fractals

    Post  hobbit Sun Jun 05, 2011 4:37 pm

    Jello conveys a wobbly movement, no, absolute static, no movement at all.
    What is moving is the serpent like flows of time, and they flow from Alpha and Omega, and with a reed of gold a man can measure this( I prefer carbon fibre)

    I can't remember the exact revelation telling of this clear as glass house of god, it's that clear so nobody thinks it exists.

    Watch Your fingers as You type, try to envisage that You are within this packed substance, and are sending signals around yourself instructing the atoms to re-locateabout in this substance, and that the miniscule geometry inherant within it enables long has You have the duality of time encircling You like a serpent on a tree.

    When You die Your body will set solid, this is due to the serpent having departed and the atoms can't re-locate until the serpents of the planet take over and re-locate each atom to morph into the planet.

    It is terribly difficult to think in this manner, but I have very good reasons to KNOW.
    And there are many other pathways in exactly the self same location You now occupy, the geometry enables multi dimensions at once, but We have been veiled from this understanding.

    The planet is not a blob in an empty vacuum, it is alive and remembering how it is composed, and is switching along spiral fibonacci related pathways of scalar feature that everything adheres to, there is no gravity or speed of light, science is the new and latest religion to control .


    Posts : 32830
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    Location : Hawaii

    Fibonacci's Fractals Empty Re: Fibonacci's Fractals

    Post  Carol Sun Jun 05, 2011 5:04 pm


    I've thought for a long time that our spirit, being the multi-dimensional being that it is, dwells within all multi dimensionality via zero point existence. One is everywhere and no where. Yet with intention one can go anywhere. Just as the sine waves cross and information is exchanged our DNA has the ability to create wormholes to other dimensions and also collect data. How would one be able to do that? What we truly are and made of is much more then "within this packed substance, and are sending signals around yourself instructing the atoms to re-locateabout in this substance." We are this substance from the zero quantum point perspective only unrealized as consciousness is limited within the 3D experience and by ego.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 137
    Join date : 2010-04-26

    Fibonacci's Fractals Empty TRIP

    Post  hobbit Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:09 am

    You ask how We can access other dimensions.....You trip.

    The fibonacci sequence is real, and IMHO( in my hobbit Opinion)relates to the geometric pathways enabled at all scale and all directions by the basic mirrored structure of the substance, I like to call it STUFF.
    Visualise a stellated dodechedron.
    Then it's about pairing of adjacent numbers....34/55 as an example, imagine TRIPPING onto 55/89.
    The enabler is DMT, and is in ALL living entities, it opens the pathways onto alternate dimensions that are based in paired relationship takes two to tango.
    The sequence provides the drive for creation, it provides attraction and repulsion for the heart centred flows to take.
    We have the potential to do this at will, but have been veiled against the knowledge.

    Without becoming embroiled in a spiders web of drama about who or what or why this has been, I prefer to concentrate on how it operates.

    I have ran service divisions and been a service engineer on the most complicated systems imaginable, and unless You first know the very basics of anything, You will never ever know it's complexity.

    I found the fibonacci sequencing via dowsing before ever knowing it existed, I had plotted and mapped countless megalithic sites and later norman churchs until I was fed up of them, then stumbled on the fibonacci sequence and I nearly flipped.
    I had found the basic structure, the rest is easy.

    Posts : 32830
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    Location : Hawaii

    Fibonacci's Fractals Empty Re: Fibonacci's Fractals

    Post  Carol Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:10 am

    Ah Ha! That's it, isn't it. Via fibonacci sequences and our own brains ability to produce DMT. I once read this article of how when then left brain overloaded it created an energetic cascade effect spilling into right brain where a DMT effect occurs within the brain. I wish I knew how to locate the article. I remember it because of how a personal, life-changing experience was triggered (via emotions and sans drugs or other mind-altering substances). My conscious awareness was shot out into space into the Cosmic Ocean. Ever since that experience I was able to go/flow into alternate dimensions or frequency experiences. I've spent more then 30 years trying to figure out from a scientific perspective what took place and I'm still learning new things about this via DNA creating wormholes and now tripping via fibonacci sequences which makes perfect sense to me.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 137
    Join date : 2010-04-26

    Fibonacci's Fractals Empty Re: Fibonacci's Fractals

    Post  hobbit Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:31 pm

    A similer event happened to Me, and I was stood on a very powerfull point, but I had to go back to that point multiple times to finally figure out why it was powerfull, and what is at play at such points.
    The point in question is central in England, and on very private lands.

    As I stood on the spot THINKING intently about the matrix system I had followed to that point....Well it's not really explainable , but it took some coping with, I KNEW things , but not the questions to ask to puzzle out what I knew.
    Mass information had hit Me , and I had no reference to the content.
    That led to Me becoming obsessed with working out the system at play, and by carefully plotting the matrix I built up countless maps and mental pictures , and patterns began to show themselves with ever greater ease and complexity.

    When I discovered about fibonacci it was a eureka moment, and cogs all fell into place, then it got harder as I had to then puzzle out what travels on the tracks as such, and that took TIME.

    It's difficult to describe how at one with this system You can become, but I have a high regard for the green man.
    We are part of the system, and We are alive, no machine is alive, and thus cannot interact with this system.
    The tree's were mentioned earlier , and became a central part of My quest, I soon realised how they utilise fibonacci sequencing right down into their celluler structure and the branchs around the trees are fibonacci positioned and the hardwood spikes of each branch go into the main tree trunk to different depths in accordance with the fibonacci sequence, and I found a felled tree cut into sections and laid it all out to check such.
    The tree's are fabulous and demonstrate how to reverse gravity within them, thus the water FALLS to the outer upper leaves.

    Posts : 137
    Join date : 2010-04-26

    Fibonacci's Fractals Empty reimann sphere

    Post  hobbit Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:25 pm

    Carol wrote:Ah Ha! That's it, isn't it. Via fibonacci sequences and our own brains ability to produce DMT. I once read this article of how when then left brain overloaded it created an energetic cascade effect spilling into right brain where a DMT effect occurs within the brain. I wish I knew how to locate the article. I remember it because of how a personal, life-changing experience was triggered (via emotions and sans drugs or other mind-altering substances). My conscious awareness was shot out into space into the Cosmic Ocean. Ever since that experience I was able to go/flow into alternate dimensions or frequency experiences. I've spent more then 30 years trying to figure out from a scientific perspective what took place and I'm still learning new things about this via DNA creating wormholes and now tripping via fibonacci sequences which makes perfect sense to me.

    Watch the link, and imagine all of the spheres been projections from all about them, and from within them.

      Current date/time is Wed Nov 06, 2024 2:14 am