_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
I made a documentary with Julio Rausseau 10+ years ago covering GMO food and Weather Modification.
In the documentary, we snuck into a phone call for the Council on Foreign Relations, as well as getting Julio into official Weather Modification conferences with NOAA involved! We were able to get interviews with professors (both for and against GMO food) and also got a full interview with Dr. Rosalind Peterson (weather modification research pioneer whistleblower who has since passed away).
We got senators, agency directors, people from the UN, and even top executives from agricultural companies doing GMO directly, and grilled each one of them.
We were able to even get the director of the National Weather Service ON THE SPOT to ask about current weather modification activities, which he denied knowledge of (even though Julio had just been to the weather modification conference with NOAA people doing presentations).
We then got the director of the National Weather Service to admit weather modification is indeed taking place, but he says its company information and that NWS is not made aware of where private companies are doing weather modification!!!!
We got it all on camera....
Genetically Modified Society -- Full Movie (1080p HD)
Got a NEW INTERNET CONNECTION YESTERDAY... went live, and it got bombed and shut off within 1 hour.
I called technical support and they "can't figure out" what is wrong.
Told me it would be a FEW WEEKS before they can come out.
Sound familiar?!
This has happened each time for 7 years at this point its getting crazy.
ALL HAVE BEEN SHUT OFF when I tried streaming. Every time.
Therefore I have concluded:
1. Its a powerful entity(ies) doing the shutdowns , not just a kid in a basement
2. It is authorized or approved by law enforcement in some way since no one I've notified has helped or stopped it in 7+years of this happening
3. It is being done 24/7/365 no matter the internet service provider
4. It is circumventing VPN's, , TOR and multiple VPNs at once
5. Able to shut down Starlink, Cable, Fiber, DSL (phone) at a whim
6. Able to circumvent all routers, antivirus /firewalls
Only a few entities have the ability to do the aforementioned... It could be our gov, someone elses gov, or the big corps who I turned down the offer from.
It has been over 7 years of repeat shutdowns almost every day (certainly every week), 3 different locations, 6 different internet providers... 8 different routers, and about 4 pc's toasted.
All for trying to do live earthquake coverage and forecasting (method I published for anyone to test and repeat).
Regardless of who is doing this ongoing shutdown harassment, (could be all of the above and more), I am NOT ALLOWED to stream live earthquake information, or record videos showing it!
Each time now my PC's, internet, and even power to the house is cut.
No more earthquakes from me, not by my choice.
The new connection was shut down yesterday, that's it for me on trying to stream or bring live earthquake data to the public.
I published the step by step method on "how to forecast an earthquake" for anyone to test and repeat. There should be no reason for this continuous ongoing long term shutdown, but I have no recourse on this as far as I see. https://youtu.be/WTONWLDIpQs
Also for the record.... I was able to process, play, download and upload MUSIC while simultaneously being denied and shut down doing quakes.
Example: Try to go live with earthquakes, internet shut off, power hit to the house etc...
Go live with music, stays on no problem days or more as long as I wish, soon as I get on and speak about earthquakes or show seismic information, poof everything off whole location!
that's obvious level shutdown.
"Do you think it's nat sec related? There must be something that important for you to not report on for some reason?"
this is possible but I can't figure out why forecasting seismic would be a 'threat', I have a few guesses but they're very extreme ...
Such as: An enemy could use the forecasting method to know when an area is due to be hit, and then lay in wait outside the area until it happens... then come in when disaster is going on..
BUT... this would require building up forces in remote areas or urban areas and would be obvious , the forecasting only applies for 1 week or so... so that's too short to do any big buildup of troops or equipment AND its too short to move ships there fully....... so I can't figure out what the "threat" really would be.
No one can explain why I keep getting shut down, but now I've lost my whole livelihood and I'm not asking for money or selling anything or looking for likes / views etc... I'm not rich but I was making many thousands per month which now is gone basically due to being shutdown so long and so many times.
PLUS hardly anyone will even see this post, or know what happened to me... and add in the denier gas lighters who refuse to believe such things are happening even when I've lost my whole life over this.
@RealDutchsinse, @gregreese has been trying to get you on the show to do an interview for a long time. I'm a fan of yours and a long time Infowarrior. I know you are having internet issues etc. Can you go in studio with Greg so he can interview you on the whole issue?
Dutchsinse response back. @hmsgough @RealAlexJones @gregreese: I would be willing to talk to you all about this on a show for sure! I rarely talk to anyone for obvious (and not so obvious) reasons. So I haven't really seen any requests to talk but then again I hardly ever read replies or check messages for real stopped checking everything comment and message wise on social media a few years ago.
I respond when I see comments like this, but that's about the extent to my interaction with people for several years now.
It's been a mess trying to stay connected and doing earthquakes... if I do an interview I'd like to have my witnesses dialed in haha , my wife family and friends who have all had to try to help me through these multiple shutdowns over multiple years.
3/14/2024 -- Radio Waves Frequencies CAN INDEED Modify the weather -- US Gov proof it is possible
The US Government says it is possible to modify the weather using electromagnetic radiation (radio waves).
It is listed as #8 on the list of things which PRIVATE COMPANIES must report if attempting to do (federal and state gov is exempt from reporting of course!)
Anyone who said it was "impossible" to modify the weather using electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) was / is incorrect, and the disinformation they are pushing needs to be stopped at all costs!
Our lives are effected by this, and radio waves are effecting the weather in major ways that we all can see.
The days of denying it is "possible" are over. No one gets to deny it is possible now.
Now they have to shift to other denials.... which they will. No one will ever admit they were wrong from what I've seen, most people don't care about science, they care more about their previously held positions and "being right all the time".
They were wrong, we now know it.
If I had this proof in 2011, no one could have denied it was "possible" , but instead in 2011 they said it could not be done at all scientifically impossible. Now they look like liars fully, not just science skeptics, but the people who denied over the years now appear to be on an agenda of some kind to hide Directed Energy Weapons and Weather modification.
What is electromagnetic radiation? Simply put radio waves are electromagnetically made.
I went ahead an put together every single video where I reference HAARP, RADAR, Radio wave weather modification topics!
Here is a screenshot of one of the biggest "HAARP ring" RADAR pulses captured during my research.. the pulse from the NEXRAD RADAR was in HF (high frequency) not microwaves! The klystron went into "unknown mode" on level III data, and zapped several times. Klystron pulses happen in the 17mhz range actually, which is usually discharged to ground instead of the atmosphere.
In this case, peak 750,000 watts was zapped out in all directions from a high tilt of the NEXRAD RADAR which normally operates in Microwave (GHz not MHz).
The pulse went out the dish (which is many meters wide) as if the dish was a HF antenna!
This was done on purpose, and is a known weather modification technique to attract storms to transmitters.
This then resulted in the attraction process we see in other storms across all 50 states (attraction to the transmitters which are pulsing the storms intentionally to create this weather modification technique).
In this case, instead of steering large low pressure systems over the USA, they ended up steering the hurricane (Irene) directly towards the transmitter which pulsed - seen in this screenshot and video.
the center of Hurricane Irene then went to the center of the giant pulse ring you see on the RADAR about 12 hours later!
Directly to the center of the target, that's where the Hurricane went AFTER the zap from the RADAR station happened.
The zap excited up the storm around the area , which then caused the attraction process to the tower to begin.
We've seen this multiple times, but this is one of the best captures I ever got!
Why hide this site and erase it from every search engine?
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Large Earthquake activity in the Mid Atlantic Ridge. Iceland EQ activity. Thursday night 3/14/2024
"This three-year program will study radio waves generated by the HAARP transmitter in Alaska. We expect some waves to be ducted along the earth’s magnetic field lines – propagating out beyond five times the earth’s radius and returning to earth at a remote location in the South Pacific Ocean.
These waves will propagate through several important physical layers beyond the earth’s atmosphere. By operating a receiver at the magnetic conjugate point where the waves are most likely to return to earth, we will develop significant scientific understanding of those layers and the processes that affect them.
Unfortunately, the HAARP conjugate point falls half-way between New Zealand and Antarctica above a tempestuous ocean 5400 meters deep. Wave heights greater than forty feet are not uncommon!
If you have questions or would like to send us your comments, please contact Noah Reddell, nreddell@stanford.edu."
One-Hop ELF/VLF Measurements at the HAARP Conjugate Point: Buoy Feasibility Study Noah F. Reddell VLF Group Stanford University January 1, 2003
Abstract This report summarizes the results of an initial feasibility study conducted from August to December 2002 at Stanford University. The VLF Group at Stanford University desires to place a receiver at the magnetic conjugate point of the HAARP transmitter.
The transmitter generates strong radio waves in Alaska, some of which will propagate along the magnetic field lines of the earth, and fall upon the point 56.19◦ S, 173.80◦E. Important conclusions of this feasibility study include the ability to moor a buoy in 5400 meters ocean depth, preliminary weather and sea state expectations, deployment options, and a preliminary buoy design.
1 Introduction The Very Low Frequency Group at Stanford University has made many important discoveries about the earth, ionosphere, magnetosphere and the interactions between them. Research has focused both on the physical nature of these regions and how to effectively propagate radio waves through them.
In continuation of this important effort, the group is uniquely positioned to conduct experiments in conjunction with the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) transmitter in Alaska. This transmitter can operate as a modulated ionospheric heater causing ELF/VLF waves to develop high above the site.
Some of these waves are ducted and propagate along the magnetic field lines of the earth. They return to the earth, along with other possible triggered effects, at the magnetic 1 conjugate point. For HAARP, the magnetic conjugate point has been carefully calculated to be 56.19◦ S, 173.80◦ E.
This location is in the southern Pacific Ocean above 5400 meters of seawater. Surface conditions range from inhospitable to severe year-round. This study began in order to determine the feasibility of recording important ELF/VLF signals at the HAARP conjugate point in spite of the difficult conditions.
1.1 Selection of an Open Ocean Buoy The first and most obvious question asked is: How to operate an ELF/VLF receiver at a remote spot in the southern Pacific Ocean? There are a few options, but only one turns out to be practical.
7 Contacts The author extends his gratitude to the following individuals who gave advice or provided product and design information for the purpose of this feasibility study.
Sean Kery Oceaneering 501 Prince George’s Blvd. Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 (301) 249-3300 skery@adtech.oceaneering.com
Richard Harriss Scripps Oceanographic Institute San Diego, CA (858) 534-1843 dick@mpl.ucsd.edu
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
4.6 Earthquake New Zealand. Further adjustment expected. Old sunspot 3590 Close to view. SAT 3/16/24 Japan 4.8-5.5 quakes 3/15/24. 4.6 in Blenheim. 3.5 Pahala, Hawaii. Southern Calif small quakes along plate boundary.
Iceland Earthquake Activity. Small EQ swarm at Yellowstone.
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Breaking! 5.7 Earthquake off Oregon Coast. Tuesday night 3/26/2024
Live Earthquake updates.Solar Flare updates. Live 4K Video. Aurora forecast
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Dutchsinse: "I have been and am being harassed by all sorts of professionals, agencies (and their paid pets), several companies, and private individuals as well......
All over uploading content about Earthquake forecasting, and directed energy weapons (weather modification).
I provided the directions (step by step instructions) on how to do your OWN earthquake forecasting.
I provided proof that the government says that radio waves can indeed modify the weather (which everyone said was impossible, and didn't exist).
The response has been full harassment, social media shutdowns, false copyright claims, internet censorship (turning it off thousands of times), power outages (100's of them), and flyovers by military / state police / and private individuals from places like OIL COMPANIES repeatedly in a rural country setting.
Example: Woke up one morning to a propeller plane flying over my house repeatedly at low altitude (loud enough to wake me up)... after the 3rd buzz by, I got on flight radar.... looked up the plane, and found it was an oil company guy from RIDGECREST, CALIFORNIA flying over my house here in Missouri.
I issued the Ridgecrest earthquake forecast for the M7.0 and the M7 hit (biggest in 20 years for California).
I was streaming live when it happened, so all my viewers got to see the plane, flight radar, and the info on the guy flying over.
Just one example of hundreds of flyovers.
The police, when they fly over, sometimes they turn off their transponder when they get close.. then turn back on after they fly over.
I've shown this all live, so it's not up for debate."
North America: Exploring Advanced Electromagnetics for Energy Conversion, Space-Time Engineering, and Communication Applications
0:57: Exploration of advanced electro-magnetics for weather engineering and mass manipulation. 6:06: Unveiling the potential to manipulate electromagnetic and gravitational fields for energy conversion and space-time engineering. 12:55: Overview of scalar waves, their properties, and potential applications in communication and nuclear physics. 16:52: Exploration of advanced energy manipulation techniques in modern physics. 22:06: Exploration of human brain activity and its potential for weaponization through manipulating electromagnetic fields. 27:29: Soviet weather manipulation techniques observed over North America causing natural phenomena and disruptions in communication systems. 32:34: Soviet weather manipulation in North America using interference patterns and energy grids. 37:31: Unusual cloud patterns observed over Huntsville, Alabama in 1983, indicating potential weather manipulation. 42:14: Soviet weather manipulation experiments caused unexpected wind storms and power outages in North America. 47:00: Soviet Union's covert weather control causing airplane malfunctions over North America. 52:05: Implications of advanced electromagnetics weaponry and its potential impact on warfare.
Youtube hit the video I uploaded yesterday from Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden (secret super weapons video).... for copyright on the RUSSIAN NATIONAL ANTHEM SUNG BY THE RUSSIAN SOVIET STATE CHOIR from the 1960's that doesn't exist any more.
Yeah.. ummm...
obvious harassment now. People used to try to gaslight me and tell me I wasn't be harassed.
Now there is no other option... it's out in the open. No one can deny I'm being harassed over the content I'm uploading. ==
Just got both copies of “Ghost Town Living” by fellow YouTuber Brent Underwood …
Brent is out at Cerro Gordo mine town in California, restoring an old mining town — he is a real inspiration and an example of true perseverance!!!! Can’t wait to read this! ==
Ironically, yesterday, I told @elonmusk to take his vacation at Fiji.. doh!
LOL whoops!
I should have done a forecast before recommending a location for vacationing!
I told him to look for Truman at Fiji, and if he found him, we can all meet at the Micronesia Starfort and then go to my underwater base South of Australia!
LOL ==
3/26/2024 -- M5.7 Earthquake off the coast of NW California -- West coast new watch now ongoing
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Latest Taiwan Earthquake update. Aftershocks continue on Wednesday. 4/3/2024
The Catastrophe Evidence
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) is reporting M6.0 at a depth of 40 km. The epicenter was located 84 km (52 miles) E of Minami-Sōma (population 59 005), 85 km (53 miles) ENE of Namie (population 21 866), and 111 km (69 miles) ESE of Sendai (population 1 096 704). There is no tsunami threat from this earthquake. 4 685 000 people are estimated to have felt light shaking. The USGS issued a Green alert for shaking-related fatalities and economic losses. There is a low likelihood of casualties and damage. ==
Powerful M7.4 earthquake hits Taiwan, the strongest in 25 years - April 3, 2024 A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M7.4 hit eastern Taiwan at 23:58 UTC on April 2, 2024 (07:58 LT, April 3). The agency is reporting a depth of 34.8 km (21.6 miles). EMSC is reporting M7.4 at a depth of 20 km (12.4 miles). This is the strongest quake to hit Taiwan since the 1999 Jiji earthquake. The epicenter was located 18.1 km (11.2 miles) SSW of Hualien City (population 350 468), 62.4 km (38.8 miles) ESE of Puli (population 86 406), 82.8 km (51.4 miles) E of Lugu (population 17 746), and 90.5 km (56.2 miles) E of Zhongxing New Village (population 25 549), Taiwan. 213 000 people are estimated to have felt severe shaking, 537 000 very strong, 15 665 000 strong and 3 191 000 moderate.
Based on the preliminary earthquake parameters, hazardous tsunami waves are possible for coasts located within 300 km (180 miles) of the earthquake, NWS PTWC said at 00:08 UTC. “Hazardous tsunami waves from this earthquake are possible within 300 km (180 miles) of the epicenter along the coasts of Taiwan.” In an update posted at 01:58 UTC, NWS PTWC said the tsunami threat from this earthquake has now passed. However, minor sea fluctuation up to 0.3 m (1 foot) above and below normal tide may continue over the next few hours. ==
Strong and shallow M6.2 earthquake hits Northern Mariana Islands - April 2, 2024 A strong and shallow earthquake registred by the USGS as M6.2 hit Northern Mariana Islands at 09:54 UTC on April 2, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).
The epicenter was located 137 km (85 miles) ESE of Saipan and 164 km (102 miles) NE of San Jose Village, Northern Mariana Islands. 53 000 people are estimated to have felt weak shaking. Based on all available data, there is no tsunami threat from this earthquake, NWS PTWC said.
The USGS issued a Green alert for shaking-related fatalities and economic losses. There is a low likelihood of casualties and damage. Overall, the population in this region resides in structures that are a mix of vulnerable and earthquake resistant construction. The predominant vulnerable building types are informal (metal, timber, GI etc.) and unknown/miscellaneous types construction. Recent earthquakes in this area have caused secondary hazards such as landslides and liquefaction that might have contributed to losses. ==
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Notice the spacing (equidistant) and the size of the other events..
Yesterday exact same size struck South (M6.2) and of course the M7.4 in Taiwan yesterday.
The expected spread of M6's is now taking place on day 1 of the 7 day forecast.
The USGS currently reports it as a magnitude 5.9 earthquake. This event was predicted in a forecast saved on my YouTube channel from yesterday. The forecast mentioned that earthquakes above magnitude 6 would occur, but the USGS would later revise them to magnitude 5.9.
Live update - past 48 hours.. 03 April 2024 (morning LIVE) 1A+B of 3 ——— Screen recorded on 2x speed (adjust the speed via video settings - 3 dots)
04 April 2024 LIVE warning
EQ update - Large activity spreading. April 4th, 2024.
Live warnings: Kamchatka, Hawaii, Gulf of Cali (power trapped under the West Coast of the US).
Eclipse path change. New radar glitch (since the first one reported)
California Earthquakes tonight. Did you feel it? Taiwan quakes continue. Thursday night 4/4/2024
4.9 Earthquake Northern California Thursday 4/4/2024
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Obviously the whole area around (and spreading out from) Taiwan has shifted majorly in the past few days.
This is number 4 of the 9 different M6.0+ earthquakes forecast for this week.
When bringing the beams into alignment and when doing beam dumps.. we've noticed a few things:
Bringing Beams into alignment = large earthquakes strike----- like Japan 2011, Nepal, Ecuador, Kyushu Japan, and New Zealand
Then CERN goes into shutdown (either temporary or long term) after the big quakes hit.
AND.. when doing beam dumps, deep earthquakes pop off on multiple points on the opposite side of the planet without any solar activity which normally causes such flare ups.
Both the beam alignment AND beam drops are causing earthquakes.
It could very well be that during beam alignment , they do beam dumps, in which case it is the beam dumps not the alignment causing the large quakes as well as the deep ones.
[b]Unusually HIGH STEAM ACTIVITY - Something is happening at Campi Flegrei in Italy Apr 8, 2024
Over 100 Earthquakes since April 4th with the largest being as high as 3.2M in Italy at the Campi Flegrei (phlegrean fields) Caldera Supervolcano near Naples and Vesuvius. Residents and scientists are worried. The Earthquakes happened at the doorsteps of millions of people in the greater Naples area. Potential evacuation sparks fear as it is impossible to evacuate on short notice. ==
I survived the 2024 eclipse; this LOUSY T-shirt is all I have to show for it.
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
6.7 & 7.2 Earthquake - Phillipines 11/17/23 7.0 Earthquake Papua New Guinea Saturday 3/23/2024 6.7 Vanuatu Islands Tuesday 3/26/24 7.7 Taiwan, Tuesday 4/2/24 6.0 Earthquake shakes northeast Japan Thursday 4/4/24 6.8 Mariana Islands - Friday 4/5/24 5.0 Irian Jaya Indonesia Region 4/6/24 5.1 Near N. Coast New Guinea 4/7/24 6,0 Irian Jaya Indonesia Region 4/8/24 4.9 Irian Indonesia Region 4/8/24 6.6 Indonesia Region Northern Molluca Sea 4/9/24 5.0 Sichuan China 4/9/24 4.1 New Zealand 4/9/24 4.8 Unimak Island, Alaska 4/10/24
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Solar Flare activity increasing. West Coast Earthquake update Thursday night 4/11/2024
April 11th
5.2 / 5.3 Mindanao, Philippines 4/11/24 4.9 Northern Chile 4/11/24 Depth 56km 5.1 Southwest Indian Ridge ? 2.1 / 2.6 Germany SW of Berlin 4/11/24 Depth: 4 km 3.0 Poland 4/11/24 Depth: 1 km 4.0 Southern Alaska 4/11/24 Depth 148 km 5.9 / 4.8 Fiji Islands Region 4/11/24 Depth 590 km / 599.41 km 4.6 Off Coast of Jalisco, Mexico 4/11/24 4.3 San Juan Province, Argentina Depth 4/11/24 Depth 152 km 4.9 Near Coast of Ecuador 4/11/24 4.5 Japan: E Off Aomori Pref 4/11/24 4.5 - 128 km NW of Tobelo, Indonesia 4/11/24 Depth 67.17 km 5.0 Fiji Islands 4/11/24 Depth: 590 km 2.6 Germany 4/11/24 4.9 Seram, Indonesia 4/11/24 Depth: 10 km 5.1 Indian Ocean southeast of Amsterdam Island Apr 11, 2024 5.0 Vanuatu Islands 4/11/24 5.0 Talaud Islands, Indonesia 4/11/24 Depth: 10 km 4.9 Near Coast of Nicaragua 4/11/24 4.8 West Papua, Indonesia 4/11/24 4.9 Near the Coast of Nicaragua 4/11/24
April 12th
4.8 South of Fiji Islands 4/12/24 4.8 Xizang China 4/12/24 4.7 Xizang China 4/12/24 4.3 Turkiye 4/12/24 5.2 Kyrgyzastan-Xinjiang Border Region 4/12/24 4.8 Xizang 4/12/24 5.2 Ryukyu, Japan 4/12/24 4.7 North Coast of Papua New Guinea 4/12/24 4.7 Kermadec Islands 4.6 South of Fiji Islands 4.8 Vanuatu Islands Depth 123km 4.7 Irian Jaya, Indonesia Depth 33km 4.9 Seram, Indonesia Depth 19km
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Is Magma moving under Grindavik while the Eruption is still going-Toxic Gas in the Blue Lagoon again
Elevated Tremor Cascadia Subduction Zone. Sunday night Earthquake update. 4/14/2024
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
5.9 Earthquake off Japan region. Space Weather update. 4/16/2024
Large Sunspot Produces M-flare. X-flare Potential. Southern California Earthquake activity. 4/15/24
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Past 36 hours of earthquakes shows a perfect stepping stone path of equidistant spaced earthquakes going across multiple plate boundaries headed towards the new deep earthquake in Europe (Italy) marked in green.
Earthquakes are following a trajectory / path every week the same way. Earthquakes are not 'random'.
You can literally see the standing wave drop off the earthquakes along the way as it spreads.
The standing wave spread across Indonesia, Myanmar, China, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey the past 3 days and now has reached below Italy as it continues to try to spread out and around each plate.
The whole earthquake process shown via laboratory experiments.
First part of the video: Concentric standing waves focusing in on themselves into a singularity spike upwards .
I think this is happening below the plates in the Asthenosphere, and hammering in on the under sides of the plates with new deep earthquakes, which hammer UP AND IN with the combined force of thousands of miles of wave being focused into a fine point on the underside of the plates.
Deep earthquake hammering up into the plate, creating a standing wave in the plate boundaries.
2nd part of the video: The standing wave starts to spread up, out and away from where the deep earthquakes are..... a standing wave spreading from the concentric wave hammer points.
The standing wave reflects into itself and amplitude (magnitude) grows as the wave reflects into itself.... as the wave reflects back, each "middle point" between each existing wave is filled in with a new wave which comes up between the two previous already existing waves.
I think the new earthquakes are popping up in the same way, we can have two M4's and a new M5 bigger event pop up between the two M4's as the wave which generated the M4's is bouncing back into itself.
I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ONE EARTHQUAKE CAUSING THE OTHER, this is more like all the earthquakes are caused by the original standing wave which came up.
Part 3 of the video: Shake plate fluid showing the acoustic effect of equal distribution of the wave as it is maintained by additional shaking / vibration
I think mother earth is naturally producing ULF, ELF, and VLF which is additionally vibrating in the plate boundaries which aids and adds to the standing wave equal distribution.
This is likely why the earthquakes are equally distributing out along the plate boundaries and craton edges... why the MOMENTUM OF THE WAVE IS MAINTAINED!!!!!
Part 4 of the video: Additional shake plate experiments but done with bolts hanging above an acoustic vibration . The bolts begin to swing equal and opposite of each other, and a "middle point of silence" or a "cone of silence" forms naturally in the "middle" point above the vibration source.
I think this explains the middle points between earthquakes going silent first in mother nature, and then as the wave shifts, the middle silent point then gets hit with movement (a new earthquake).
Part 5 of the video: shows a solitary wave of translation aka a "soliton" and how it reflects back into itself no matter the distance away from the emitter source!
Simply put, I think the solitary wave is what spreads out first before the standing wave forms.
The first Pulse of a wave that goes out along the plate boundary, hits at the very end or a reflection point and comes back into itself to start the standing wave building process which ultimately leads to the equidistant spaced earthquakes we see pop off along the way as this wave travels from region to region around the planet.
It all starts with the deep earthquakes , concentric waves hammering into the under side of the plate. Those concentric waves MUST be being formed by ELF (low frequency) coming up from the core of the earth vibrating like a giant shake plate / electrical transformer! > https://twitter.com/RealDutchsinse/status/1787382908761640993
They are being caused by a "seismic wave" that spreads out over a few days time, and drops off the earthquakes along specific trajectories which can be forecast like a flowing river which is flooding.
standing waves spread along plate boundaries , which then drop off the same sized earthquakes along the way as the wave spreads...like waves spreading in a tank.
New Zealand just had the "seismic wave" pass through and drop off two M4's on either side of NZ.
Now there is a "half way point" between the two M4's that just struck in the past 48 hours.
The new halfway point (arrow pointing to it in the graphic I attached) is the spot to watch for the wave to come up.
Standing waves, when they reflect into themselves, pop up a new wave in the "middle" between the two previous waves as seen in this video here.. when the standing wave reflects into itself, larger waves form in the "middle points" between the smaller waves!!!
Summed up:
The standing wave went down through New Zealand over the past 48 hours... the wave was equal to M4.0 range.
Now the wave should reflect into itself down South of New Zealand, a new M5.0 range should then come back and strike between the two previous M4's (where the arrow is pointing.)
This means the Southern Alps just West of Christchurch should get a new upper M4 to low M5.0 in the next few days.
If you see a seismic wave coming your way (equal spaced earthquakes spreading along the plate boundary coming your direction over 48 hours)... then watch for the middle points between those already reported earthquakes to be hit with something BIGGER between each point!
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol