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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  horus Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:04 pm

    It not quiet the material for the current string, but maybe it is in view of Thoth, so I hope no one objects.
    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 BoxerdoganimationEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 BoxerdogEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Boxerdoganimation
    Remember Nesara and Utah with a landing of a UFO, that was how long ago??? This is going to be a class comedy act. I haven't even read the post. I not trying be a GLP poster or a hard knock, but you will laugh your pants off if you can read energies like I can, a White Horse coming as a Savior, I ask you when you have to save yourself by going within. Brother Lionhawk, make sure your undies are not sitting at your waist-line, the elastic might stretch and pop from rolling on the floor your boxer may think you are having a spastic fit. KNowing this Nesara and Sananda hoax and Thoth to me is part of it, he must be topsy turvy and have humanity pleading for salvation! What Mormans don't realize their foundation are freemasons. This happened on one other occasion and this was so timely and became disimformaion. Some material reported on this website is accurate but this report ??????????????????????????? What does Buster think? Have you tried 3D glasses on him yet... just joking!
    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Dog42

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Carol Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:38 pm

    Horus, IMPO the only lifetime that really matters is the one currently being lived as all past lives are a composit contained within the present lifetime. I could easily go on about one particular lifetime the ETs revealed to me but don't because I recognize no one really cares if it is true, or not true, simply because they are into their own spiritual unfoldment - and it really doesn't matter who we were in past lives as much as it matters what we are doing with our life now.

    Letting go is the name of the game - where one moves beyond the roles, drops the ego/facade and just is. We all are petals of the same flower. The flower looks like humankind yet we all know the physical body is just a shell and that our true beingness is interdimensional and an aspect of the Divine. As I see it the closer one is to the Divine the clearer this understanding is. On a more personal note, I let go of the mind games a long time ago because I find them boring and experience mind programs as distractions from the real thing. Again, the mantra neti, neti, neti serves one well on the road to enlightenment.

    Now the real question is this. What is enlightenment?

    Brook, have you even wondered what the red pill really is? In rereading this the red pill reminds me of karmic unwinding where one is going through karmic release of all of the old programs and pictures from numerous past lives so as to be free of this past/present/future influence.

    Last edited by Carol on Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Prime Creator's Garden

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Lionhawk Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:45 pm

    Buster is an English Bulldog. Purebred. He has the nicest heart. We were told he was given to Brook on loan, from Ra. He acts like a cat in a dog's body. Today Brook found a toilet brush in his bed. We figured that our cat, Sasha, was playing around with it and Buster gets jealous when it comes to toys. So he hauled it away from her.

    This video was made by Brook and no flies were used in the making of this video. When the frequency is raised, Buster goes into this mode. When we went to that camp ground with the crystal pile, Buster did this dance while we were there the whole time.

    What gets me is when I come out of the bathroom, Buster and Sasha are sitting there side by side waiting for me to come out. LOL

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Sun Jan 02, 2011 9:12 pm

    Carol wrote:Horus, IMPO the only lifetime that really matters is the one currently being lived as all past lives are a composit contained within the present lifetime. I could easily go on about one particular lifetime the ETs revealed to me but don't because I recognize no one really cares if it is true, or not true, simply because they are into their own spiritual unfoldment - and it really doesn't matter who we were in past lives as much as it matters what we are doing with our life now.

    Letting go is the name of the game - where one moves beyond the roles, drops the ego/facade and just is. We all are petals of the same flower. The flower looks like humankind yet we all know the physical body is just a shell and that our true beingness is interdimensional and an aspect of the Divine. As I see it the closer one is to the Divine the clearer this understanding is. On a more personal note, I let go of the mind games a long time ago because I find them boring and experience mind programs as distractions from the real thing. Again, the mantra neti, neti, neti serves one well on the road to enlightenment.

    Now the real question is this. What is enlightenment?

    Brook, have you even wondered what the red pill really is? In rereading this the red pill reminds me of karmic unwinding where one is going through karmic release of all of the old programs and pictures from numerous past lives so as to be free of this past/present/future influence.

    I can't speak for Horus, however the total sum of me, and any past karmic issues, have actually brought some balance. For example my fear of heights were somewhat overcome from a past life in Scotland. Because I now understand the why. Because of it, I also have brought all that total sum of "self" together, and walla...this is what you get...Brook Very Happy Brook however is also an Egyptian in another life.

    Remembering these past lives is one thing. Filtering the memories and gaining strength learning who I am is an amazing thing for me. It also validates the whys of much of this current life stream. I now see and understand the whys. Which is why it makes so much sense.

    As for the "red pill"'s the matrix.....very similar to the movie. Discovering it and actually being able to trace it was a huge release for me. Breaking free is definitely worth it.

    It's not just about releasing karmic issues, but in KNOWING who you are and the connections to what really matters. That would be the universal creator and the energy connection to all that is. It's what makes us tick. It's not for me to show is different and individual to everyone that will experience it. That is the beauty of who we are, and our unique individual sum. My experience is pure love and beauty. Some call it singularity. Everyone has their own experience. Kind of like snow two are the same....but each is just as beautiful I love you This is the short version.

    I will also add of course it's important what we do this lifetime .....I have raised three sons who I personally raised by myself...and am very proud of the men they have become. That is an accomplishment. And of course I have a granddaughter that is the light of my life to share and experience her new never ends..... Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 849210

    It all now makes perfect sense, from my childhood to the death of my Husband in a car accident....and I would never have understood it had I not remembered my past. Not in a million years would I have been able to understand any of it.

    And of course now it's my completed journey with Lionhawk, who waited so patiently for me to get these things done, so we can now be together...... I love you
    And let me tell ya folks....he waited patiently for thousands of years for me to get over that ritual crap!

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Carol Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:25 pm

    I really enjoyed your last post Brook.

    I consciously started on my spiritual path at the ripe old age of 22 when I absolutely knew nothing about nothing and subsequently did a lot of work on past life recall for a number of years. I too had recall of being a pharoh years and years ago but you know what? The karmic lesson remembered in this life from that period is to express appreciation toward others who do things for me and to live in service to others. I suspect I was self-serving during that period and arrogant. There is much to be gained spiritually when ones ego is repeatedly run through the meat grinder. When someone refers to grist for the mill this saying takes on a whole new meaning when dealing with past life recall and karma unfoldment.

    Karma has to be lived unless one is graced with a Master to assist and help lighten the burden by taking on some of anothers karma in addition to his own. In retrospect, I think myself very fortunate and divinely guided during those early years when I was so completely ignorant. Since I have learned that the headlights only have to see a short distance into the future and as long as I remain on the path I'll arrive at my destination. Meaning there are events I do not know will yet transpire with my conscious mind, yet my subconscious, my spirit sees it all clearly.

    The experience of singularity was and still is one of the greatest gifts of spirit and one for which I'm eternally grateful for as it opened a doorway to conscious awareness beyond anything I ever could have imagined. My inner need to know the truth has always driven me along the spiritual path. And staying in alignment with what I know to be true keeps me going. My teachers, and there have been many as I now recognize everyone is a teacher, have cleared a path through the morass where I realize the only real truth is our connectedness to each other and how this is what the path is about. All are dew drops in a Cosmic Ocean. We are individuals and we are the whole. Breaking through to this understanding is what helps me when dealing with others who are close to me who are in a very different phase of their lives. No one said it would be easy, yet I suspect we all know... in the end - it is definately worth it.

    I see you working hard with the work you're doing and appreciate your efforts along with what you share with us. This type of journey, the one that you have chosen, is difficult when confronting the darker elements that seek to control us from other places in space and time. One could make a case that it is us who are the fallen ones, the angels that fell to the earth into flesh to experience what life has to offer and now our end journey includes letting Satan go - which to me means releasing the programming that keeps us bound in physical form. Isn't this what getting off the wheel of karma is really about?

    On one hand I'm very excited because my soul recognizes that this period is coming to an end and will be returning to its other expression of spirit in interdimensional spirit form. And on another hand I've enjoy this human journey and all that it has entailed. Some of us expressed an inner knowing that this is our last human incarnation. I suspect this is true for me as well, yet am also willing to follow through on agreements made during the interlife.

    However, I confess that there were nights when I would wake up in my interdimensional form and felt revulsion at having to go back into my human body (it seemed more like a container of wet cement) . The physical form is very heavy and doing things takes such a long time to accomplish in the 3 dimensional world that it seems like working with mud. The speed of the interdimensional body is instant and joyful.

    So now the family is about, it's dinner time and it's time for me to go. Once again I just want to thank you for starting this thread and sharing your journey with us.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Age : 71

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:12 am

    Thanks Carol, That was the short version, lol. I likewise enjoyed your post. It brings balance back to the thread. These negative energy entities are nasty ones and I'm here to tell you, they will not bring me down to their level. I know which side of the coin I reside on. Even though I sometimes have to present some really dark things, it will not tag me and send me into the abyss. I refuse to succumb. This life given is worth a whole lot more than these entities would like to present to you. I just flick it off now like an annoying fly.

    There is so much more to celebrate in this life. That includes the discoveries of self and the depths of the creation process in full bloom. Can you say WOW? I do daily!

    I've started my day off with a beautiful mantra I've shared here before, in fact it's my favorite
    I love you ...for those who wish to join it is.

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 232749

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:48 am's a good thing I did a grounding and shield today before watching this video. But here it I caution you to shield as well while watching it.

    And I will also say only glance at it this is a video meant to "hypnotize" the watcher. Pay special attention to the description to the "symbols" and then realize that these very symbols are being flashed in a repetitive state to entrain the mind. And at the very end the stop sign being tilted sets the frequency pattern.[/googlevideo]

    Boy does this guy know his symbols! And he has a good understand of the Egyptian Gods for the most part. However while scanning this video I noticed one very important thing about it on first is itself a subliminal message!!!!!!!!!!!

    It refers to the 'Luciferian manipulation light bringer"...and all the while he is flashing the symbol in your face. Subliminal YES! But it gets better.....

    It starts out saying that Thoth is "thought"....therefore Thoth is a manipulated thought...and at the end....while all the time telling us all of these Gods, and all of these symbols are nothing more than manipulation...yes that is true......he goes on to say we are "no thing".....we are not thought. That thought is a manipulation. Light is a manipulation....and again, while flashing this hypnotic symbol in your face!

    Light is only manipulation.....Bad is only suggested......yet the whole video is his view IS the BAD MANIPULATION OF THOUGHT! While all the time pulsing the symbols into your brain while watching the video.

    "We have a crystal brain that perceives these things as good and bad due to Thought manipulation? Everything we perceive is through thought......everything has been implanted in our subliminal brains and we believe it". (remember while watching this video the subliminal symbol is flashing in your face)

    I would listen closely to the words and realize that this video is nothing more that just another mind the peppers you with truth then feeds lies to adjust your perception of what the truth really is.


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:55 am

    One more note ....the red hexagon is very important to this appears in the middle without explanation.....then it is explained at the end and tilted to set the hypnotic suggested state....very cleaver indeed.

    The hypnotic remove all THOUGHT. Do you really believe that is what the creator wants? to be NO THING?

    Last edited by Brook on Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:26 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Lionhawk Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:56 am


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  horus Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:43 pm

    Carol wrote:Horus, IMPO the only lifetime that really matters is the one currently being lived as all past lives are a composite contained within the present lifetime. I could easily go on about one particular lifetime the ETs revealed to me but don't because I recognize no one really cares if it is true, or not true, simply because they are into their own spiritual unfoldment - and it really doesn't matter who we were in past lives as much as it matters what we are doing with our life now.

    Letting go is the name of the game - where one moves beyond the roles, drops the ego/facade and just is. We all are petals of the same flower. The flower looks like humankind yet we all know the physical body is just a shell and that our true beingness is interdimensional and an aspect of the Divine. As I see it the closer one is to the Divine the clearer this understanding is. On a more personal note, I let go of the mind games a long time ago because I find them boring and experience mind programs as distractions from the real thing. Again, the mantra neti, neti, neti serves one well on the road to enlightenment.

    Now the real question is this. What is enlightenment?

    Brook, have you even wondered what the red pill really is? In rereading this the red pill reminds me of karmic unwinding where one is going through karmic release of all of the old programs and pictures from numerous past lives so as to be free of this past/present/future influence.
    Hi Carol,

    There is a meaning for all my madness, I’m a free person! I let go everything after what transpired with the matrix program and the result gave me more freedom than you can ever imagine. Love is the answer, and being totally empowered is another, I am the boss and do affirm it to yourself. I am closer to God and my true self from that heroin experience, I touched a void of separation with my twin for three days, and it was hell on earth like you will ever know and were so many will experience with separation. I could quite easily image Dante's Inferno where so many will feel. You just don't know the whole story, and 99.9% of humanity 'don’t want to know', because its there biggest fear of the unknown and my posts and replies in a poster can threaten their comfort zone. I have become a better person and I really have no regrets, its showed me how valuable a twinflame can be, and not something to be taken for granted in these End Days. I’ve discovered a love so deep within connecting with Mother-Father-Creator it is just mind-blowing and there is no turning back. Owning any material possession in this field of love energy can not be seen, as love smothers it from its material existence, that is how deep I go within. I feel like a star in the cosmos and nothing else materials. I feel creative at the same time and want to create my own world. I’m at that level and Creator knows its my wish of ONENESS.

    We live in the largest illusion you can ever image, it’s totally whacked. If I was told I had Cancer and I had the opportunity to be cured with all those radiation machines and medications, or they told we are going the have to remove a lung, quiet frankly at my age I could not be bothered, now that’s what I call about 'letting go' and not some 'new age' term I read as energies just to prove one is enlightened. Ask yourself, do you fear death? Death is now my closest friend, and having no fear of it releases the mindset from both the matrix and all the programs, you are no longer food for its thoughts. Most people who pass over get these impressions and here’s me knowing before hand because this is my last 3D incarnation so when I leave I take the whole package, but I don’t go back to the source for a review and have another soul rebirth. I am part of the New Earth and going nowhere else. I’m not even going on a space ship like most sleepy sheepies. This planet earth is a spaceship and I’m part of its new crew as a pioneer in a new land that will unfold before our very eyes. The trick is to focus deep within and do your homework. For 13 years my body hums to higher frequencies, and when it started I used to blow out light globes. Telling your closest loved ones you can look at death in the face, they would have you certified under some stupid Mental Heath Act and have you put away. Just think for one moment, all those who are in those places who got there because they heard voices inside their heads and rendered themselves as going crazy when they don't understand someone on the other side wants to help them. I have seen the other side of life that is coming and what to expect, more recently yesterday by Christ-Michael where there is no system lords and every form of life is in heavenly state and Peace on Earth was shown and this castle is so close to the energy and aligns with the Mists of Avalon forum, and Brook's post string. I was shown this website energy in a dream I know twice with earth changes, it showed me the planet not only reverses backwards, it reverses back to these days of learning before organized religion entered and corrupted spiritual values and our connections to Creation. I see the visions of very old quaint stone Churches used by a small community and place of gathering of light minds full of love. A community that lives of the fruits of the earth and are its guardians, that’s the world I will share with Christ-Michael and he knows my heart is set on nothing else. I have many protocols that go back to these times before 1500 AD, Morgan Le Fay is one.

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Flammarioncamolot
    The engraving depicts a man, dressed as a mediaeval pilgrim and carrying a pilgrim's staff, who peers through the sky as if it were a curtain to look at the hidden workings of the universe. One of the elements of the cosmic machinery bears a strong resemblance to traditional pictorial representations of the "wheel in the middle of a wheel" described in the visions of the Hebrew prophet Ezekiel (see Merkabah).

    I'm living in the now and bathed with heavenly light, I can switch off in seconds and I am with the very Creator within me. All I am doing here is having fun and when I was on the Starship Cap Forum I did the same as I have just done here, take the Mickey out of the illusion and those who feed it, it is powerless to stop me and guess what, I don't get my butt kicked because what I say and do is so close to the truth, these false Gods like Thoth are rendered powerless to even touch me, if I was wrong at all, or spoke out in bad taste, Mother would tell me so smartly and she has done this to me in the past when I was less sensitive to the feminine and that was a male ego tag. What I offer to you is freedom and it seems 99.9% of humanity prefer to remain as slaves and couch potatoes. If you knew how bad the dark wanted to see me dead as a door-nail you would understand. That nail in my head was a door-nail and from the word nail comes snail which is a slug, get it, that’s the brain-bug program that will take you mind away from the Love of Creation.

    If you only knew what I found, I was a cat amongst the pigeons and Lionhawk got me out just in the nick of time only because my twin reached out to Lionhawk for help to get me out before I became brain-dead and she would have lost me for another 10,000 years and would have become a puppet of misinformation. I had working undercover for too long. My frequencies are so high they cannot touch me with their 3D nonsense. Behaving like a fruit-loop I have discovered the darkies can't be bothered with you, your incurable in their eyes because they are just control freaks on one level and their wavelength shows no interest in you, that’s why when the Schumann base frequency goes right off the scale these dark foes will not even see you and your surrounding will change birthing a new reality. I have been chased by the fuzz and threatened with arrest and told them I’m an Alien and a member of the Galactic Federation from another Star System, so you can imagine the report they made. The cops asked my ex whether I was on medication or had any health issues. That was two years ago and any pink tickets went to the light. The light was here on that day, they hacked into the police transponder and gave it data that was not my history of traffic violations, and they even got the expiry date of my license wrong.

    When they chased me, it was a pistol thing when they jumped out of the patrol car with their pose ready to draw their weapons. The fruit-loop ploy worked for me; try it some time if you are brave enough. When it came to leaving my driveway, I put the willies right up their own butts when I told them I used to be a freemason and they turned white as a ghost. I saw them the next day on patrol and they were all smiles as I was rubbing their Draconian energies with a lady friend who looks like Reece Whitherspoon who was Elle Wood in the movie Legally Blonde. You can really twist energies against the dark if you try hard enough, and I do it with graphics which has had be banned from other web sites, pictures become etched into the mind as a memory, not like some passage out of the bible. As a youngster I learnt more through visualization and prefered it than writing an essay. One picture tells a millon words until PhotoShop arrived. This journey of mine is just like a 007 novel. I have had government agencies threatened me with not voting and received collection notices from some of the highest companies, I just tell them all to go and **** yourselves. I Am the Power the Light and will dispose all of you!

    I am 64 and not on any welfare. I deliberately destroyed my credit rating 13 years ago, which fused the whole banking network right down to government agencies and put my home on the line. The house is now mortgaged by my ex-3D wife who had to wait 10 years for the Black List removal, it’s just another program. I live in a single room and put up with all the 3D dramas. I built this house in 1983 and can walk away from it so while I wait it’s a roof over my head. There is no monetary settlement that can match the love of a twinflame. I’m just reinforcing to everyone here what ‘letting go’ means and not some new age statement. My twinflame is the cap of my pyramid; and between us we can use our own alchemy of love and marriage and manifest everything, that is our world. I’m not part of the Totalitarian Draconian System and will never be, it’s been that way all my life and I am here to remove this system regardless of people say, whether they are ready or not. Death is part of evolution in 3D, as a divine spark you never die, you just reincarnate over and over and many religions has brain-washed us all and we leave this plain with a blank space. So when you hear that millions have just perished, don’t buy into the idea God has punished us. Thoth wants everyone to think that as he holds your thoughts and you feel so dammed. If I felt threatened with my own survival, I can face it head on. I would go to sleep and leave my body, I have the free will to do that, I am not afraid of death and I have someone who loves me beyond comprehension who is waiting for me. I also know my light body is well and truly ready, something I was told by my mother and the two of us are ready and my age will be around 25 and my twin about 22.

    I completed my mission some years ago and festering around waiting like so many who tossed in the towel. I hung on and started looking into cosmic conspiracy theories which had me tagged. It was a case where I was exposing too much and it would have been a short cut on so many with their 'soul growth'. I would have cheated them out of an experience they need to make them whole again. Each individual on this planet has to discover for his or her own truth and not to listen to me or others who channel, in essence I was slipping back into the 3D stream where I knew the truth but don’t tell others, does that make sense, let them find out for themselves the hard way, its called ‘soul growth’ and telling you too much, how can you ever learn? I never did anything wrong, it’s just so many are not ready to know the truth; they have to find it out for themselves. I started to read material off Abundant Dope and other websites that cheat you that experience. I have been in the departure lounge waiting for my flight, when I should have just gone within and bathed myself with all the love I could handle (that I do now) and just settle on that, and writing this post is not really something I should even be doing because it’s a time waster when I use one finger on the keyboard and continuously check my grammar and English because I come from another planet of thinking and can spend upwards to six hours on a single post and just like those CB’ers, its all blah, blah, blah and gossip befitting to a live talk-back show that tags your ups and down emotions which are programs. You feel down, so what do you do, you pig out and cover up your chakra with layers of fat tissue.

    Others go shopping for a new dress, its a must have and some can't keep away from a hair saloon, vanity must be the prime suspect of all programs. Being stark-naked and walking the earth has to be the best fix, its something I will be doing around my home of the future, I grade myself as a clean living hippy, and know my twin embraces this freedom, who in the world created a bra, when the genetics were properly balanced and everyone was fit in statue and healthily. You can see why this planet is so sick, look to Thoth for your answers. Not one corner of the planet is balanced, its the rich versus the poor. Soul growth has served us well but everything is moving forward. Man has raped this planet since the Industrial Revolution. Life is supposed to be, and meant to be simple and I read between many lines on many forums dribble and head logic coming from the English language so full of corrupt energy used daily by academics scholars and in the legal structure, how can a humble person lives within these boundaries of energies, its totally insane and my father knows it all because I have dreams showing how the innocent suffer while the con artists and criminals get let off with a light sentence with those whacko court judges who use those words ME LORD and judge over others and host their energies like vampires. It’s all coming to an end I'm sorry to say, it couldn't happen sooner, its well over due. I was told so many things on January 1st by Mother, and its all going to commence in two weeks time.

    Love is all you need from the heart within, it speaks its own special language. You don't have to ask others questions, that’s just using 3D head logic. You must dig much deeper, try harder, and all your peace within will be felt. You will find this love and the rest is not worth thinking about, now that’s what I call letting go!

    There is a deep part of me telling me to detach 3D here, so I know where the boundary line is and I have gotten a little too close to it, it’s not about my humor or video, its getting too close to attachment energies I recognize as tabs that bait you and you swallow it, thats Thoth and I saw it raise its ugly tail as soon as I came on here and its called separation, breaking up the collective energy when it a power base because Thoth knows I can smell a rat. When I went onto the Starship Cap Forum, my purpose was to root out these same energies and graphics was the only way to do it, it deeply registers into the senses. One sentence here was enough to start it off telling Liohhawk to go home, that was not the words from the person, it was automic writing, that’s why I used the words 'a programmed instrument’ and it happened. 3D is becoming very taboo and I must leave it alone, it’s failing badly. Read what I said in the last paragraph about helping others, it all too late for that now.

    If I do not reply to any single post you will now that is my reason and the program with try to tag me back into your 3D reality that is so screwed up, and that what is did last time. Writing all this, is giving me more clarity to what happened, so thank you for letting me share it with you. I’m just letting you know what ‘letting go’ means from my angle and point of view. I have a Hotrod and it is as close to my heart as my twin, it’s the only one in this region of down under. In the now, I am having some fun rebuilding it and it keeps me grounded and away from the internet that is no longer a place to visit with negativity on a daily basis, it was never like that 13 years ago when sites like SPIRIT WEB gave you all the answers you seek now, that all gone and become polluted with false prophets and money spinners when you can learn more from within.. Creator knows I can walk away from this second love and let go of it completely. Creator is going to clean the slate totally so make sure you have a hard hat and life jacket.

    Can you see a word above that I have innocently written that is a program within itself; can you find it, it’s just another part of our corrupt spoken English Language? This has taken 6 hours to scribe.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Carol Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:37 pm

    Aloha Horus. I see you spent quite a bit of time putting your thoughts together and share your past experiences. You were born in 1946? How old were you when you had your first NDE? I was 7 and out exploring in a resovoir of water when I stepped into a sand hole that had me down under water. I didn't know how to swim and no one saw I had sunk underwater. When I was down at the bottom everything became exceptionally quiet and peacefull. Each NDE for me as had this same quality of peacefulness which preceded going OBE. Anyway, as I was there under the water my very young short life unfolded as the life review just flew by. And then I saw this thick book and the pages were being flipped and all were white, blank with nothing written on from my life as this part of my life was yet unlived.

    It's ironic how these recurring events unfold as each time I was offered a way out. An easy way out if I didn't want to stay and tough it out. So there I am having completed this brief life review in water over my head with no one there to assist. That is no one I could visibly see. What was I to do? Inhale the water and leave my body? Somehow in that moment of knowing the information I needed to save myself came to me. I just needed to drop completely to the bottom like a dead weight, bunch my knees and push back up to the surface... and I needed to keep doing this propelling myself toward shallow water. When I saw all of those blank pages in my life review I knew I wanted to fill the pages up and see how I turned out.

    Another time I was alone in the mountains still young, maybe 10 or so as I was the sort who would wander off to spend hours alone by myself. This time it was getting dusk and I was stuck up toward the top of this one hill with no idea how to climb down without causing myself serious injury. So again, I sat and thought what to do. It was getting dark and cooling off. No one knew where I was. It came to me to take a small round stone and roll it down the side of the hill as I knew the stone would find the path for my decent. I'm part Cherokee so I suspect the connection with nature is inherent. The stone rolled down the side of the steep areas showing me where to walk so I could safely find my way down. Creator was to the rescue again

    Then there was a car accident where just prior to impact my conscous awareness flew out of my body and was behind where I had been sitting when my head impacted on the steering wheel. Now that was an eye opener. No pain. Just pure observation of what was transpiring and out of harms way - so to speak if one calls being OBE out of harms way.

    OBE became easy. Even during the sun salutation on another very small mountain my cousciousness slipped out and I was up above watching my body fold down from a standing position into a fetal position on the earth. Of course I panic as I had no clue as to "how" to get back into my body. Once again, I just knew the way back in was to focus on inhaling and voila, back inside.

    The other NDEs were the result of dental or medical procedures involving drugs. Once at the dentist with nitrous oxide where the adult dossage had me floating out into the room and on my way through the wall. The dentist went into a panic. I could hear him calling to me very far away. It turned out my body is super sensitive to meds. Another time I had herniated 4 vertabrae in my neck and was in excruciating pain. A morphine shot again had me OBE and heading through the wall as my breathing had stopped but my husband had just walked through the doorway and called me back. There really have been too many times when I could have crossed and didn't for me to even give it that much thought anymore. Living is the challenge. I'm not afraid of death because there is no death of consciousness.

    Usually I don't share this stuff because it's unimportant. What was important was what was learned from the experience at a deeper personal level. And because it clarified for me just how transient life in a human body is.

    I just don't put too much energy into worry about these things. As for my path, well that was identified in the Bible Code where I discovered both my husband and my name. It pretty much spells it out for both of us and we both seem on track. Each of us know we made an agreement on the interlife to be together and support the other on this spiritual journey we are on. Each is free to be their own person and unfold according to God's plan.

    We too have lost everything physical, tangible in the past and discovered the experience liberating. We don't emotionally invest ourselves too deep in what surrounds us as our first commitment is one of service to others. We have traveled into dark places and are spiritually protected. It is rare I ever ground myself simply because if I felt any more grounded I'd have roots growing into the earth... and yet I feel connected to the spheres and find pathways through wormholes to some of the most interesting dimensions. I view all of this as a gift and am grateful for the experiences.

    I exist to offer a helping hand to those who are open to it. My role is to disseminate information - but not just any info. All that is shared is based in truth. On other forums my posts are frequently deleted. The truth is indeed - more then some wish to assimilate. So Mists is the only forum where I share deeper truths and they get to remain alongside others here who are open and comfortable in sharing what is true for them.

    I don't worry about programs, conditioning or entities from the past. What I confronted in an interdimensional realm on my own taught me much. What transpires is what always transpire. What I need to know to protect or save myself is revealed in the time of need. There is no experience of fear when this happens as the Observor/Witness mode takes over when a threat appears. Then action in the purest, simplest manner follows.

    There is not need for ego nor even to think "I" am the one in charge here because in truth, the Witness is just that and something else takes over. Knowingness. This is what surrender means to me. Just let go and let god.

    As Meher Baba always said, "Don't worry, be happy." I think he was onto something.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:08 pm

    Thank you Carol for sharing that. It may seem unimportant to you at this time. But it's good for others to hear and share. it remind me of the time when Lionhawk wrote his very first post at AV1 and said something that sparked a memory in me, and I spilled my guts of things I would never have shared otherwise. In fact that post is the reason Lionhawk contacted me, and we became friends, and started to discover our past history together. Had he not written that one word that shook me to the core, I would never be were I am now.

    Not worrying about the programs and entity's from the past is where you reside now. But you, at some time had to confront it, and it sounds like you did a good job doing so. Not everyone fares so well. And not everyone understands how deep the rabbit hole is. So let me say this one more time. As I think it's time to stop and just let it rest.

    We've received many emails about possible programs, and how they work. That last video is a prime example of how easy it is to confuse people with the truth. Now if you were to look at the directions that history has led us you would surly believe that Sekhmet and Isis were deeply involved with these Annunaki creeps. But if you have actually read this thread I spelled it out for you what I have seen. She deeply loved Osiris? She could not stand to be in the same room with him! it was no accident his phallus came up missing! And with it came validations that were astounding. for example Isis lost her life at the hands of Ptah for not cooperating with this evil agenda to enslave and mutate and manipulate. All evidence of what was really the truth went down with Atlantis. And after that, all you have been presented was what THEY want for you to see. So be it.

    Now here is something interesting to look at. There are some who now think we might be part of the program. To this I scratch my head and say, oh this thread again, all 935 plus posts and say that again. Here I am trying to expose the lies, and now I'm being portrayed as being tagged by the program that I'm exposing? Really? FEAR NOT are the catch words this year. For repeatedly I have told you all to seek that inner knowing. And if you can actually read the "layers" to the messages that Horus will see that same message. He knows the truth....he has survived the program, and is, in a most ingenious way exposing it. Not only that, I receive emails from him that are quite the opposite and very lucid. Albeit most would not understand the connection to source, and it is MOTHER-FATHER, the creator spark, and sometimes hard to translate. His messages are layered for those who choose to actually take the message and ponder the deeper meaning.

    Have you taken a look around you lately? Seen the strange things that are going on in nature? Birds falling out of the air. The gulf stream stopping. The Titanic all of a sudden being eaten by some strange "source" after all this time? And have you questioned the why?

    Here I stand, in support of Sekhmet and Isis, who I know were in complete alignment with Mother, and died because they both were involved in removing the original discs......the discs that are sought after by the dark ones. And Thoth duplicated , and now uses to run these programs. The base program improved on and made even better , year after year...."we are smarter then you" was his message. And his followers such as Crowley who run with it and expand on it.

    These are the messages I have brought in this thread...and this is the message of Horus who fell victim to it. It almost killed him. This is what he writes about. And how would you write if you had experienced the same? Would you be so perfect in your presentation? Are you above the trauma? Whoa.....judgments? before the message is completed.....crazy indeed. Do you all honestly believe that after reading the 935 posts here that I would lead you to yet another program?

    I started a thread of a 100 day challenge to raise your frequency to help the community last week. Hoping it would create the 100ths monkey effect and take hold. Tod date only THREE people decided to join me. What does that tell you? Does it sound like I'm trying to tag those with an evil source? I was asking the community here to join in and go inside and bring that which they carry to a greater level. So there are those who 'question' my integrity?

    In this thread I have gone the length to trace this energy stream and find it's source. Put myself on the line here for the sake of exposing and helping others see what is present in this current stream. And the evil source that runs it. It's through faith in my creator that I'm able to bypass those "tags". And that is the message I bring here.

    Now I'm perplexed that a guy like Dr Manhattan can come aboard and get so much attention in the same crazy fashion he is portraying the same tags and misdirections through a NDE...but he did not get accused being delusional. Hmmm.....Oh yeah....he did not go back into history and tear it apart. Call out the lies. He simply said this is his journey. I know another who is on a journey who was abducted. He is now being "worshiped".....and people are hanging on to his every word for "guidance". This guy now is making a left turn and telling some "interesting" directions to follow. For the sake of fame and power...he has been corrupted. You will see, this new direction and where it leads.

    But this is not as important as simply bringing to light something else. It seems there are those who think I am now corrupted in my message. That to bring a 100 day challenge to those would possible have an agenda? I have not said follow anything but your own heart. To go inside and get the real truth. Not to follow my truth or my journey..but to reach inside and get some answers that don't involve the trail of LIES given in the "historical' view of things. Because the lies start from the very beginning.

    Have you noticed how many joined in that challenge? Three others. That's it. That is the sum total of those who took on the challenge. A challenge to go forth and do something that seems impossible. But you know something? It requires something requires FAITH. How many lack the faith to do such a challenge. And how many think it's a waste of their time. Interesting statistics. I think Horus used that same statistic in one of his messages. It was 'layered" in there.

    So here you are. I've decided to stop. It's not worth my time if there are those who actually think I have faltered in my message and brought something that would harm anyone here. You see, I've always been the optimistic one, and when everyone told me I was wasting my time with this, I disagreed, and said that it was important to bring this to light. I had faith that someone would take this information and run with it. Go inside and find the truth.....and stop waiting for that truth to be told by some great GURU who claims to be in the know. I have never portrayed myself as anything but one who can do interesting things with 'energy'. And as such it show others they can do the same thing by raising there energy and finding out just how powerful they are. That is the only thing the dark side wants. Your energy. The soon you figure this out, the better off you will be when you finally learn to use it.

    I have show you the great lengths they will go to tap into that energy. Through rituals, and bombarding you to lower your frequency. And attaching these tags of energy to you and manipulating you in the mind control game of the millennium.

    As it would seem that this program has gotten his way, I digress once again, and give into it and now I will "go home" as asked. But that very same person who asked that had read this thread, and saw in the posts from the very beginning that Isis and Sekhment were in alignment with the removal and manipulation form the beginning. This feline energy is not something to fear. The only ones who portrayed them to be feared and associated them with the Annunaki were the Annunaki. Lies over lies over lies. Just the way they wanted it. When they blew up Atlantis, the removed all trace of the truth. But it can be found. And I told you in the beginning I had the validations I would not reveal. That is for safety reasons. So it is with your own discernment that you must decide now...was I simply telling lies, and bringing corruption to this thread?
    How many took that 100 day challenge anyway?

    Last edited by Brook on Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:25 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:16 pm

    C'est fait


    It is Done

    Blessings to all, may you experience Unlimited Knowing

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Sunsets

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Lionhawk Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:25 pm

    Well let me say a final thank-you to you Brook. I know how hard and how much time you have spent to bring this forth to the masses. It has come at a great cost.

    StarNinja, Good luck to you and your subscriptions. I will take your suggestion and go home. I have seen the signs before at other places and I know when to get out of the way before confusions take hold and blow sites away. A coward I am not. This falls under another zone of humanity.

    The messages and emails of late have enlightened me. I will stand down and be out of your way. I didn't come here to confuse anyone. But at the same time I know where I stand and at the same time I will say, "YOU WIN."

    The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few. Good luck with that endeavor.

    Namaste' and Farewell Everyone!

    Last edited by Lionhawk on Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Carol Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:53 pm

    In thinking about this post last night it seemed important to address releasing old tapes, images, impressions of multiple lives. I used to do past life regression with patients who had been traumatized in past lives and the trauma was carried over into this life interfering with their work (at work in real situations). This was an easy enough process because I just hypnotized and regressed them back to the origin of original trauma and had them describe what transpired. Of course all of the emotional content of the original event was also released and they relived what happened, then got their life back on track having released the trauma/fear stored from the past life.

    I was also reminded of an exercise where I watched the most vile stuff on TV while remaining in a state of peacefulness. This was also about the time of being involved with Scientology drug counseling training in my late 20s. We learned/practiced how to move beyond emotional triggers and spent hours a particular form of meditation where eventually one OBEs. It was during the many years of meditation, hours of sitting and just allowing the mind to run it's images that much was uncovered, observed and released. Basically, underneath it all (the all - being illusion and images from other times) one learns how to just be a witness, an observer. To be is to just dwell in conscious awareness in a state of surrender and peacefulness.

    Over the years, I've also noticed that various people that come along in life also trigger past life recall from interactions with them from previous lives. It's noteworthy to pay attention, let the images stream by and not get caught up in the emotion. Of recent there is a woman who was a victim of Satanic ritual. We've been friends for a number of years. I returned to the area and met up with her by divine design on the day she had completely lost it. In fact, I had traveled over 3,500 hundred miles for all of this to happen and we were in a church (a place I had been avoiding the past year). So indeed, the wheel of karma is at play here and she was saved from suicide (which was on her short list agenda). She is also possessed and has MPD. So working with someone such as she is tricky. I bring this up to illustrate that one of the side-effects of meditation is not to get hooked into others drama. One can be loving and emotionally detached in the sense of not getting hooked in and sucked dry by energy vampires.

    When Brook addresses ancient programs and beings who travel the dark path I think most of us realize that these beings exist and can also jump into those humans who are vulnerable. Having had some very up and close encounters with individuals where this has happened in the past few years has been a real lesson - as the lessons never really end. One just has to be aware, awake and not afraid to take the appropriate actions in these different situations. The key - is not to get emotionally hook by the dark entities and to know it is okay to walk away and refuse to engage them with negative energy as it is negative energy that feeds them. Instead, one is to pray for them and send in light. I also send in the angels and with compassion offer an opportunity for those who wish to seek change to do so and with directives to the angels to take those who torment others to dimensions from whence they cannot escape. At least this is my way of working with these forces. I know others here have their own style but I tend to come from the Buddhist perspective where one wants all beings to come back home to the Divine. I also think many of us realize that the darkness is separation from god, that which is the source of the light, the generator of light and just is. So to shine the light onto these entities is exceptionally painful to them. I know this to be true from another type of first hand experience when traveling the path of the "dark night of the soul." I was lost in this state of mind for about two years as it was also a time of much karmic release following a kundalini experience. Gotta watch out for what comes up when it comes to unresolved past life karma. Anyway, during this time of great darkness my experience of self was more like a small ember hiding out deep inside. At night I would imagine myself curled up in God's palm so I could just get to sleep. I think I cried every day for a solid year as I had years worth of grief to work through along with grief from previous lives. As I also had Epstien Barr (undiagnosed for 4 years) I literally burned with low grade fever daily yet also went to college completing two Masters.

    During one of the darkest times while in deep existential crisis in the dead of night I was literally yanked out of my own black pit upwards into the light. Was that painful. Imagine walking out of a dark movie theatre into the bright sunlight and how your eyes feel when hit with the light. So in sharing this personal history I can say I really do know what it is to hang out in the pit of despair and be dragged into the light. Upon reflection I really do accept that each of us has those on the other side looking out for us and ready to help. And Horus, I also wish to thank you for the opportunity to reveal things about my own past I don't normally share. When I do reveal some of these life experiences it is only to illustrate the spiritual path is a unique type of commitment that takes one on a journey one would never consciously imagine for oneself.

    Being a therapist and having undergone my own therapy is a recognition that there is much more to existence then the rational mind can comprehend. One has to face their own insanity and realize who they are at their core is not the programing. It is not the darkness nor feelings of alienation. It is not ego nor the pretentious false front many use to protect themselves from the deeper realities that dwell beneath one's conscious surface. For many, the spiritual path includes traveling through the primordial soup, muck, mire and numerous mazes. These are all just part of what is. This is the journey of neti, neti, neti. These things, mental constructs, emotional angst, existential fears do not define who we really are at our core. They are just part of the experience of what it is to be human in a human body when identified with ego. Because as we both realize, ego is the biggest mind game in town. Ego is the monkey mind. Ego is the trickster. Ego deceives. Ego is boundless and can never be satisfied. Yet ego is also a tool if one learns how to step outside of ego and operated from spirit.

    Nameste and peace to all.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Beren Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:28 pm

    Brook's a good thing I did a grounding and shield today before watching this video. But here it I caution you to shield as well while watching it.

    And I will also say only glance at it this is a video meant to "hypnotize" the watcher. Pay special attention to the description to the "symbols" and then realize that these very symbols are being flashed in a repetitive state to entrain the mind. And at the very end the stop sign being tilted sets the frequency pattern.[/googlevideo]

    Boy does this guy know his symbols! And he has a good understand of the Egyptian Gods for the most part. However while scanning this video I noticed one very important thing about it on first is itself a subliminal message!!!!!!!!!!!

    It refers to the 'Luciferian manipulation light bringer"...and all the while he is flashing the symbol in your face. Subliminal YES! But it gets better.....

    It starts out saying that Thoth is "thought"....therefore Thoth is a manipulated thought...and at the end....while all the time telling us all of these Gods, and all of these symbols are nothing more than manipulation...yes that is true......he goes on to say we are "no thing".....we are not thought. That thought is a manipulation. Light is a manipulation....and again, while flashing this hypnotic symbol in your face!

    Light is only manipulation.....Bad is only suggested......yet the whole video is his view IS the BAD MANIPULATION OF THOUGHT! While all the time pulsing the symbols into your brain while watching the video.

    "We have a crystal brain that perceives these things as good and bad due to Thought manipulation? Everything we perceive is through thought......everything has been implanted in our subliminal brains and we believe it". (remember while watching this video the subliminal symbol is flashing in your face)

    I would listen closely to the words and realize that this video is nothing more that just another mind the peppers you with truth then feeds lies to adjust your perception of what the truth really is.

    Had watched the video now ,a bit late. :-)
    It`s very interesting how at mark of 10 minutes it`s starting about Thoth.
    Egyptians ,Greeks and Romans respected him greatly and deemed him responsible for all creation of their sciences and religions...
    What a shining example of creation!
    Say Egyptians for example;
    Idolaters ,slavery practitioners, magicians and who knows what more of evil things that they brought upon the world.
    Then Greeks , you could say slightly better (riiight) bloodthirsty people with too many demons-possesing-as-god type of deities. Math and rest... give me a break...Greeks were ones whom borrowed all to romans whom brought conquer to the world. Blood and death. Lust for money and power ,unlimited greed and plenty of death...

    And this was all from Thoth...very nice indeed.

    Nice -but -no thank you.

    Mastermind of Egypt was defeated. Was placed on the light to be exposed. He was shown to be a fake god. He lied and was exposed,thus his creation was destroyed.
    But evidently he didn`t learn the lesson yet.

    How many times should Creator give lessons?
    Only Creator knows. But it`s time for all whom chose Love to grow up in Creator and all whom chose fear and all derived from it to face the fruits of their deeds, thoughts and words.

    What you sow that you WILL reap.

    If you sowed in wind you will reap the storm.
    If you sowed in Love ,you will reap the life.


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Beren Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:41 pm

    Had to add one more thing related to the video...

    It turns to be the very same thing that I experienced a lot of years ago when i had the colleague who upon my notion that smoking is bad for you, took 30 minutes of heavy philosophy to explain me that actually smoking is good for me.

    I was laughing then but I realized how human mind can be twisted by allowing "programs" to twist it.
    You can smell the fish right on if you have the nose, you don`t need heavy duty philosophy to understand!

    It`s as clear as the day light.
    You inhale the smoke and immediately feel bad and dizzy. It`s because your body tells you that you`ve been currently poisoned. Your sensors screams you about that.
    And then you find a twisted mind to explain you for 30 minutes that it`s actually good for you.

    You got to be kidding me?!?

    And that`s how this world works today.
    Just like that example.

    No wonder why Jesus said they have eyes but do not see and ears but do not hear.

    Big Grin 2 Use the gear you got form God!!! Big Grin 2


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:27 pm

    Lionhawk wrote:

    Very funny!
    Copied it to the 'Watch This' thread - with a 'thanx Lionhawk' note.
    Big Grin 3 Beer Toast

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Anchor Tue Jan 04, 2011 5:32 pm

    Brook wrote:Thank you Carol for sharing that. It may seem unimportant to you at this time. But it's good for others to hear and share. it remind me of the time when Lionhawk wrote his very first post at AV1 and said something that sparked a memory in me, and I spilled my guts of things I would never have shared otherwise. In fact that post is the reason Lionhawk contacted me, and we became friends, and started to discover our past history together. Had he not written that one word that shook me to the core, I would never be were I am now.

    Incidentally here is the relevant thread from PA1, it was fun reading it again - especially in the light of what you say here, and what Lionhawk said in the first post.

    Check out lightbeing's post on that thread and you can feel the blessing, well I did.


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Carol Tue Jan 04, 2011 5:45 pm

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Indian

    "Greetings everyone!

    A very good question was asked and there have been many different interpretations offered as to the meaning of Namaste'.

    If I may indulge you with another interpretation that I learned about twenty years ago from quite the different source.

    At that time I had no clue what it meant either. It wasn't until I met a walk-in. This walk-in was also more than a walk-in, as to the presence within this walk-in was also Angelic. This unfolded in a small time frame as I found myself taking another course in spirituality and this walk-in was my new teacher. It was also my first real experience as far as direct contact with an Angel.

    What I learned was that the word Namaste' is more than a word. Spoken, yes, but softly. The word simply means something along the lines that you acknowledge the Devine presence within the person you are addressing. But it is also a blessing that is actually administered and the action of a slight bow is also required. Where the Christed energy of the one who is administering it actually sends this Christed energy to the one you are addressing in one motion.

    So as the word goes, it is loosely misrepresented as most do not sincerely administer anything in terms of Christed energy to another when they speak it or write it on the screen. Although well intentioned from the one saying it, the power in the delivery is never realized and is limited in it's effective potential.

    This is a powerful blessing when it is administered correctly. It is also performed in seconds and once you are proficient enough, you don't even have to verbally say it. Which is actually the preferred method where the one administering it is coming from the position of an unconditional heart and isn't seeking any recognition for saying it. That is what makes it a powerful blessing. This blessing is also designed in terms of energy to heal the one receiving it.

    Also let me add that when you practice this blessing, you are also expanding the connection to the Creator. If you can imagine that connection as in bandwidth, you will increase this bandwidth by exercising it. This is about increasing the flow of energy and bringing Heaven to Earth in a matter of speaking. It will also help you in terms of enlightenment. The best part is that it is free. Also, it is an action of Unconditional Love.

    I do hope that helps. In all of my travels since I learned all this, I have not yet seen this teaching of this word in the way it was taught to me. But I am more than happy to share that lesson with you. With that I also bid all of you here in this thread a Namaste'. ~ Lionhawk 9/25/09

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 The_Heart_by_morphinum

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  mudra Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:03 pm

    Transformation: A tribute to The Butterfly Within.

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 AnimatedButterfly

    Love from me

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  horus Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:05 am


    You are a beautiful soul, when I read your rely to my post I felt you coming through and I heard your dainty angelic voice as a goddess. Is has been long time since I have heard such an energy and all written deep from within your heart. You represant what I see in my twinflame. How did she die, she drowned! Natalie showned me what she expericened and showed me all this within, and I felt I was breathing under the water like a fish and how her soul went back to the Creation and now waits for her return where will can be once again together. I did pick something up to you being a mermaid and possible many as that. If you have any questions call on my twinflame, she will open your heart and you will see her love radiate. She is a very special lady with motherly qualties and loves children.

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Mermaidsn


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  horus Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:32 am

    HEAR THIS: All those who have closed ears and sit in a comfort zone Will swallow the RED PILL and not know it as you will face the cold reality of truth you will experiece. The RED PILL CAPSULE looks like a RFID tag and other ways to get you daily is in your food looking like pepper. Just remember the movie Minority Report. Genetically Modified and Processed Foods can be trigger by lower frequencies and behave like DUMBER & DUMBER. Take chemtrail nanotechnology for example, you body is already full of those little critters all crawling through your blood cells that will interact with your DNA and to selete programs that can TERMINATE you with illness. Do I have to spell it out to you, you will be a walking, living TIME BOMB. Thats why America is so fast asleep to what is really going on. Why do you think growing your own produce is now going to be such a crime. Its about culling the human race and planned by the NWO. Sick people are breed for greedy profits. Watch out, Coloidial Silver units will be outlawed, so get one now!

    I am not the image on the American Dollar Bill. Everything you know is a lie. Your false God Thoth is not of Love, but the All-Seeing-Eye of Greed, War, Fear & Evil. As Horus, I was murdered by Thoth and I was shown this 13 years ago covered in tar and rotated over a fire. You all are feeding the Beast, the Barcode 666 has everyone tagged 24/7.

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Redpill

    The RFID tag is your personal SMART CARD and GPS microchip combined with an antenna in a compact package; the packaging is structured to allow the RFID tag to be attached to an object to be tracked. "RFID" stands for Radio Frequency Identification.

    Have you wondered why I know the whole truth and have written about 7000 dreams and thousands of protocols? I could spin you mind backwards and still you would not comes to grips with this programmed reality.

    Morpheus is often referred to as "Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams"

    Quotes from the Matrix movie

    Morpheus: Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

    Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

    Morpheus: I imagine that right now, you're feeling a bit like Alice. Hmm? Tumbling down the rabbit hole?
    Neo: You could say that.
    Morpheus: I see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, that's not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Neo?
    Neo: No.
    Morpheus: Why not?
    Neo: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.
    Morpheus: I know *exactly* what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?
    Neo: The Matrix.
    Morpheus: Do you want to know what it is?
    Neo: Yes.
    Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
    Neo: What truth?
    Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.

    Morpheus: I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it.

    Morpheus: The pill you took is part of a trace program. It's designed to disrupt your input/output carrier signal so we can pinpoint your location.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Dinodna

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  devakas Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:29 am

    Carol wrote:
    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Indian

    "Greetings everyone!

    A very good question was asked and there have been many different interpretations offered as to the meaning of Namaste'.

    If I may indulge you with another interpretation that I learned about twenty years ago from quite the different source.

    At that time I had no clue what it meant either. It wasn't until I met a walk-in. This walk-in was also more than a walk-in, as to the presence within this walk-in was also Angelic. This unfolded in a small time frame as I found myself taking another course in spirituality and this walk-in was my new teacher. It was also my first real experience as far as direct contact with an Angel.

    What I learned was that the word Namaste' is more than a word. Spoken, yes, but softly. The word simply means something along the lines that you acknowledge the Devine presence within the person you are addressing. But it is also a blessing that is actually administered and the action of a slight bow is also required. Where the Christed energy of the one who is administering it actually sends this Christed energy to the one you are addressing in one motion.

    So as the word goes, it is loosely misrepresented as most do not sincerely administer anything in terms of Christed energy to another when they speak it or write it on the screen. Although well intentioned from the one saying it, the power in the delivery is never realized and is limited in it's effective potential.

    This is a powerful blessing when it is administered correctly. It is also performed in seconds and once you are proficient enough, you don't even have to verbally say it. Which is actually the preferred method where the one administering it is coming from the position of an unconditional heart and isn't seeking any recognition for saying it. That is what makes it a powerful blessing. This blessing is also designed in terms of energy to heal the one receiving it.

    Also let me add that when you practice this blessing, you are also expanding the connection to the Creator. If you can imagine that connection as in bandwidth, you will increase this bandwidth by exercising it. This is about increasing the flow of energy and bringing Heaven to Earth in a matter of speaking. It will also help you in terms of enlightenment. The best part is that it is free. Also, it is an action of Unconditional Love.

    I do hope that helps. In all of my travels since I learned all this, I have not yet seen this teaching of this word in the way it was taught to me. But I am more than happy to share that lesson with you. With that I also bid all of you here in this thread a Namaste'. ~ Lionhawk 9/25/09

    Devotees of Hare Krsna movement know the Namaste language of the higher dimension. They also know and feel the Maha mantra power. Vedas describe that million years ago in golden Yuga people knew mantras which are from other godly dimension and they were constantly chanting. Vedic scripts describe that mantra power keeps pure souls from getting entangled in the material world and condition souls to live miserable lives without love. There are mantras that were used in the wars later, the god’s vibration of specific mantras were so amazingly powerful and able to kill precisely somebody while leaving others untouched. There were mantras to heal, mantras for longevity, mantras for knowledge, mantras for living not in this material world.
    There are teachings how to chant properly Maha mantra Hare Krsna to achieve the purification, bliss and peace. There are bad energies controlling and gaining control constantly in the world, but creator energy is more powerful. Even the bad energy from ancient to PTB is very powerful, it comes from ego. The same ego that all of us brought here in this prison. To spread the egoless life here in this 3D plane, to help to achieve unconditioned soul status is the true lightworkers job.
    We know what consume those bad powers. Fear. This is why they are alive. The false desire of bad energies to get more of the stuff that can be perceived by more senses, the desire for that matter eventually will not win.

    I don’t think we should concentrate on liars and cheaters and their jobs, this mentality keeps us conditioned, we should seek contacts with devotees of creator and like minded to learn from developed souls with the reason to get out of this loop of coming back to this material world.


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 38 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Carol Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:08 pm

    I have come to realize that gardening is a path to liberation.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sat Oct 05, 2024 12:47 am