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    The Moon


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    The Moon  Empty The Moon

    Post  mudra Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:37 pm

    The Moon Is An Illusion & No One Goes Above Low Earth Orbit

    After many thousands of hours of lunar observation and research I have come to know that the moon is an illusion and that people cannot go above low Earth orbit. The moon is not a rock in orbit around the Earth. Below you will find some links to the Hatybow and other Russian research papers. If these works are correct we owe quite a debt to Hatybow. Please follow my articles on the and click the link below to subscribe the author. I will send notifications as new articles are published.

    Love Always

    Posts : 1851
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    The Moon  Empty Creation of holograms and their purpose

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:57 pm

    The Moon  75f42510
    I wonder..... does gravity exist? Is there a force that creates a center of a Universe and a center of cosmic bodies?

    Here's a reference to the creation of a hologram with an explanation of its purpose, by Drunvalo Melchizedek:

    "Remember, the Sirians had to protect us from a wall of flame and this is how they did it. Not only did they have to protect us, but they also had to do it in such a way that we didn't know we were being protected. Our knowing would have completely changed the human equation. They also had to speed up our evolution so we could get to where we could handle a wall of flame. They set a holographic field around the Earth; then they set up a holographic field around each person and animal. They then began to program events into these holographic fields. In the first few months they didn't change anything, they just got control. Then they programmed our sky into a hologram and kept everything going as though nothing unusual were happening. Then they began to program events into our lives so that we would evolve as rapidly as possible. At the same time, they were protecting us from the wall of flame.

    From the summer of 1972 to the summer of 1974 we were moving in an entirely new direction. We began to accelerate in our evolution. Then it started to get out of hand; we began to really accelerate. This experiment was much more successful than they ever imagined. Instead of ten or so making it through, the number is now up to 1 1/2 billion or so people who will make it through to the next level. We have obviously all been protected from the wall of flame; we're still here. The Sirian intervention also bought time for the synthetic Christ-consciousness grid to be completed. Without the Christ- consciousness grid, no one can make it to the next level of consciousness. This grid was completed on February 4, 1989. Normally, when a planet goes into Christ-consciousness only a very few people initially make it through to live and understand the new reality. The rest drop down to a lower level of consciousness and only over a very long period of time the initial few pull the rest up until the whole planet reaches Christ-consciousness".


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