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    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’


    Posts : 33284
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    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Empty Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’

    Post  Carol Sat Sep 26, 2015 9:41 pm
    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon
    ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ PDT_strip2

    SUPERMOON ECLIPSE: This weekend's full Moon is a supermoon, the biggest and brightest full Moon of the year. And it is going to be eclipsed. On Sunday evening, Sept. 27th, the supermoon will pass through the shadow of Earth, turning the lunar disk a coppery shade of red.

    Sky watchers in the Americas, Europe, Africa, and eastern parts of Asia can see the event. The next total eclipse of the Moon won't come until January 31, 2018, so if you live in the eclipse zone, check it out.

    What makes the eclipsed Moon turn red? A quick trip to the Moon provides the answer: Imagine yourself standing on a dusty lunar plain looking up at the sky. Overhead hangs Earth, nightside down, completely hiding the sun behind it. The eclipse is underway.

    You might expect Earth seen in this way to be utterly dark, but it's not. The rim of the planet looks like it is on fire. As you scan your eye around Earth's circumference, you're seeing every sunrise and every sunset in the world, all of them, all at once. This incredible light beams into the heart of Earth's shadow, filling it with a coppery glow and transforming the Moon into a great red orb.

    Red isn't the only color. There's also turquoise, shown here in a photo taken by Jens Hackman during an eclipse in March of 2007:

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Hackmann1_strip

    Its source is ozone. Atmospheric scientist Richard Keen of the University of Colorado explains: "During a lunar eclipse, most of the light illuminating the moon passes through the stratosphere where it is reddened by scattering. However, light passing through the upper stratosphere penetrates the ozone layer, which absorbs red light and actually makes the passing light ray bluer." This can be seen, he says, as a soft blue fringe around the red core of Earth's shadow.

    To catch the turquoise on Sept. 27-28, he advises, "look during the first and last minutes of totality. The turquoise rim is best seen in binoculars or a small telescope."

    On Sept. 27th, the Harvest Moon will pass through the shadow of Earth, turning the lunar disk a lovely shade of celestial red. Catch it live on the Internet, courtesy of the Coca-Cola Space Science Center in Columbus, Georgia.

    The Cosmos News

    Published on Sep 23, 2015
    In the US, Canada, and Central and South America, this rare Total Lunar Eclipse of a Supermoon will begin on the evening of September 27, 2015. In Europe, South/East Asia, Africa, the Arctic, and in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans it starts after midnight on September 28, 2015.

    Also called a Blood Moon this eclipse will last for about 1 hour and 12 minutes.

    Last edited by Carol on Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:46 am; edited 3 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 466
    Join date : 2012-02-23
    Age : 60
    Location : surface omnidim gridpoint

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Empty Re: Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’

    Post  Eartheart Sun Sep 27, 2015 3:44 am

    Alloha he harvestgirl, +++all in one and UNITY through you...   Cool

    We all now about this magnetic forces manipulated by those lunar
    tendencies, and how them influence our Lifeforces. Passive regulation
    is not the limit here - a cosmix conciousness coupplet via neocortex by
    clean freqs choiceand alignment awarness generates a magnetic/loove
    forcefield much more active and strong than those romantic notions of
    a bloody moonness in an apocaliptic hologramm...
    So be awware all and lets overblend those extremists and their programming
    in one for fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     The Karen    H20    Harp


    Posts : 1050
    Join date : 2011-03-16
    Age : 67
    Location : Akbar Ra

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Empty Re: Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’

    Post  shiloh Sun Sep 27, 2015 8:58 am

    A Question of Fundamentalism or a Fear of Change!?

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Fstdt_coverFSTDT
    An archive of the most hilarious, bizarre, ignorant, bigoted, and terrifying quotes from fundies all over the internet! The FSTDT archive is the largest collection of fundie quotes on the planet.

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Conspiracy_cover CSTDT
    An FSTDT sister project, a massive archive of paranoid, frightening, and just plain weird conspiracy theories collected from nutjobs all over the internet!

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Rstdt_cover RSTDT
    Another installment in the FSTDT saga, a collection of the most vile, hateful, and sometimes hysterical quotes from racist fuc11wits all over the internet!

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Dstdt_cover Distind Says the Darndest Things
    Redesigning the site and looking for feed back. Also probably bitching about some things. Mostly the working on the site though.

    Quote# 87785

    In its place would be the meme of a new mental archetype, which had, (in that subgroup of the humanoids, which began to understand the implications of the new technological inventions) transmuted the 'supernaturality virus' into a viral neuronal infection known as CIS-HSI or 'Complex Inferioris Syndrome Homo Sapiensis Insanus' by the extraterrestrial observers.

    This meme infection of the cis-hsi would so begin to 'war against' the old meme infection of the supernaturality virus, also known as the CSS-HSI or 'Complex Superioris Syndrome Homo Sapiensis Insanus'.

    The old meme infection had resulted in a worldview of considering the external environment as superior and controlling relative to the humanoid realms of understanding; and the new meme infection induced the opposite, the idea of the humanoid worlds beginning to control and dominate the exterior environments.

    However this human mentality also induced a 'false humility', namely the idea, that to consciously and in full awareness of the 'self' as human individuation to continue the 'controlling of the terrestrial environment'; ANY notion of a 'greater encompassing' intelligence had to become 'supernaturalised' and so exiled into the realm of the meme infection of the 'others', the other humanoids, suffering the css-hsi insanity infection.

    Relegating the human existence to a relative insignificance as compared to the extraterrestrial universe would instil the idea of a 'false humility' before the 'grandeur of the encompassing cosmos' in the new 'highpriests' of the new global religion of organised and politico-economical associated academia establishment.

    Then the 'intelligentsia' would begin to dominate and seek to control all information shared with the 'uninitiated' lower classes and including the 'other' meme infected humanoids, suffering, like themselves, from an eonold virus, causing CSI-NMO or Complexus Syndroma Insanus -Nil Memoria Originalis.

    The mental disease, the extraterrestrials knew was confined to the quarantined humanoid planet and as the Meme-Virus, which prevented the infected carrier to remember their origins, causing a comatose forgetfulness.

    Both humanoid meme- infections parasited the homo sapiens insanus genus however and prevented this typology to metamorphose into 'Wise Man' in the genotype of Homo Sapiens Sapiens and as originally targeted by the gardeners at the time of the planting.

    Tony Bermanseder, The Dawn of Space and Time in a Selfconscious Quantum Universe 25 Comments [6/11/2012 12:18:52 PM]
    Fundie Index: 21
    Submitted By: zipperback
    [url=javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$VoteUpLink','')]WTF?![/url] || [url=javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$VoteDownLink','')]meh[/url]

    Check here



    This is like the grand explanation behind some mind expanding work of science fiction, only lacking the context or fluency to make it especially intelligible or persuasive.

    6/11/2012 1:09:58 PM

    Giardano Bruno

    Can we please stop posting quotes from people who are clearly ill?

    Not funny or clever.

    6/11/2012 1:52:08 PM

    Greater Good

    I'm not sure if this is supposed to be Evangelion fan fiction or an entry for the SCP Foundation.

    6/11/2012 3:36:21 PM

    Raised by Horses

    Logorrhoea, meet technobabble.

    6/11/2012 4:25:44 PM

    Brendan Rizzo

    If my interpretation of this rambling is correct, then well, it's nice to see a fundie opposing religion, I guess.

    6/11/2012 5:37:06 PM

    Percy Q. Shunn

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Spicoli

    6/11/2012 8:29:46 PM


    @Giardano Bruno

    If we stopped posting quotes from the mentally ill we'd lose most of Rapture Ready and the best of Moonbattery.

    Hell this isn't even displaying serious mental illness such as a personalized persecution complex that's typical of paranoia.

    This is just a very elaborate worldview not based at all on facts which, you might notice, can also describe most religions.

    6/12/2012 12:37:02 AM


    Has this guy ever had a cogent thought?

    6/12/2012 2:01:10 AM


    @Greater Good:

    Yeah, I started thinking "SCP" while I was reading it, too. O noes! Keter-class memetic virus!

    Might make for a decent piece of fiction, if he weren't taking it seriously. I'd read it.

    6/12/2012 6:17:04 AM

    Doubting Thomas

    You wrote this while high, didn't you?

    6/12/2012 7:16:55 AM

    Ahad Ha-am

    TL;DR. Can anyone even make sense of this word salad?

    6/12/2012 7:39:25 AM


    Mizgaflorn Shluprid Glomhar.

    There. I can make up silly words too.

    6/12/2012 8:32:13 AM


    What does this even say?

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ 1222360628908

    I'm a bit sick of both of these memes, but it's the only response that seems to fit.

    6/12/2012 8:55:28 AM

    Power Skunk

    I made it to the second sentence before going crosseyed. As punishment for my failure, I shall take a shot for each sentence I didn't get to. Then read it again. Maybe it'll make sense then.
    "The liver is evil. It must be punished."

    6/12/2012 12:09:21 PM

    Pie Man

    Wait, what?

    6/12/2012 1:37:12 PM

    #1412553 this some wacky Reality Marble description Kinoko Nasu churned out while high?

    6/12/2012 10:16:50 PM


    I think that he was explaining the origins of religion. But don't hold me to it. It could just as easily been a biscuit recipe in Sanskrit.

    6/12/2012 10:27:06 PM


    Here's hopin' YOUR mental disease is quarantined.

    6/13/2012 1:14:46 PM

    Pule Thamex

    No idea what this is about, but I'm imagining that after a period of its intense study perhaps I could penetrate its inner meaning and find it to be one-up on the more typical abracadabra, hocus pocus, sky wizard type scenario.

    However, I suspect that in reality it will continue to be beyond the ability of mortal man to fathom its wonders and that it will reveal its secrets only to those of a certain ... mental capacity.

    6/13/2012 3:23:38 PM


    How come mad people tend to be so bad at writing English for comprehension?

    I'm not taking the piss, it's a question based on what we at FSTDT often see of genuinely ill people. I don't for a moment think it's stupidity or a lack of education, but I'm confused as to what else it could be.

    6/13/2012 3:43:38 PM


    Assuming this was generated with software, it's not bad. If it's a person, that's just sad.

    6/13/2012 4:29:40 PM


    O rly?

    6/18/2012 2:44:19 AM

    No words


    6/30/2012 1:05:00 AM


    The FUC11 did I just read?

    11/6/2014 7:10:12 AM

    Edit Comment

    This is an excellent, albeit cryptically humourous description of the present world.
    It is indeed an attesting to the present groupmind of human civilization, if the previous comments are indeed indicative of this mentality.  

    9/27/2015 2:20:36 AM

    The Original Message from November 22nd, 2011 at 16:08 UCT for the solar transit from Scorpio into Sagittarius (the 13th starsign of Ophiuchus).
    As can be discerned, the context of this message regarding the atomic massacres of the 'rational skeptics' following World War II has been conveniently omitted to portray a particular viewpoint regarding a 'fundamentalist religious'  perspective of ridicule.


    Newton's Dream Realised and the Completion of Scriptural Prophetic Archetypology to enable Universal Reconfiguration

    "The most significant event in human history with respect to extraterrestrial intelligence within the greater universe, was the application of nuclear technology and science in the detonation of the two atomic bombs 'Little Boy' and 'Fat Man'over Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945 and Nagasaki on August 9th, 1945 respectively.

    The 'observing' extraterrestrial intelligence then understood, that the 'human seeds' had indeed found 'new toys' in their 'playground' on the 'aliens' exiled 'mother planet' to use in their mental ignorance regarding their stewardship of the 'planet of the humanoid seed'.

    But the 'watchers' and the 'gardeners' also knew, that this 'new wartoy' of the nuclear energy misapplied, had initiated the 'timeline' they had known would one day allow the humanoid mentality to progress from the 'supernaturality meme complex' to its antistate of the 'naturalis inferus'.

    Soon the scientific paradigm would transmute into a globally applicable 'new religion', which would  render the old memes of the  'supernatural' as superfluous archetype.

    In its place would be the meme of a new mental archetype, which had, (in that subgroup of the humanoids, which began to understand the implications of the new technological inventions) transmuted the 'supernaturality virus' into a viral neuronal infection known as CIS-HSI  or 'Complex Inferioris Syndrome Homo Sapiensis Insanus' by the extraterrestrial observers.

    This meme infection of the cis-hsi would so begin to 'war against' the old meme infection of the supernaturality virus, also known as the CSS-HSI or 'Complex Superioris Syndrome Homo Sapiensis Insanus'.

    The old meme infection had resulted in a worldview of considering the external environment as superior and controlling relative to the humanoid realms of understanding; and the new meme infection induced the opposite, the idea of the humanoid worlds beginning to control and dominate the exterior environments.

    However this human mentality also induced a 'false humility', namely the idea, that to consciously and in full awareness of the 'self' as human individuation to continue the 'controlling of the terrestrial environment'; ANY notion of a 'greater encompassing' intelligence had to become 'supernaturalised' and so exiled into the realm of the meme infection of the 'others', the other humanoids, suffering the css-hsi insanity infection.

    Relegating the human existence to a relative insignificance as compared to the extraterrestrial universe would instil the idea of a 'false humility' before the 'grandeur of the encompassing cosmos' in the new 'highpriests' of the new global religion of organised and politico-economical associated academia establishment.

    Then the 'intelligentsia' would begin to dominate and seek to control all information shared with the 'uninitiated' lower classes and including the 'other' meme infected humanoids, suffering, like themselves, from an eonold virus, causing CSI-NMO or Complexus Syndroma Insanus -Nil Memoria Originalis.

    The mental disease, the extraterrestrials knew was confined to the quarantined humanoid planet and as the Meme-Virus, which prevented the infected carrier to remember their origins, causing a comatose forgetfulness.

    Both humanoid meme- infections parasited the homo sapiens insanus genus however and prevented this typology to metamorphose into 'Wise Man' in the genotype of Homo Sapiens Sapiens and as originally targeted by the gardeners at the time of the planting.

    But the harvest would now become possible in the teleological projection of the TimeWave Zero.
    67.29 years from the midpoint of the 'Day of no Return' - when the cis-hsi meme was born in the humanoid war-experiment; the harvest for the gardners
    would begin.
    August/7-8, 1945 + 67 years + 106 days = November/21-22, 2012 as the 'Day of Ophis', the Day of Dinah, the 13th starsign, the Day of the 'Serpent-Tamer' and of the 'Water-Bearer', preparing the 'Last Supper' and the 'Seder' for the 'Wedding Feast' of the gardeners, ready to return to 'Solomon's Garden' to join the 'Dark Madonnas' upon their 'Light-Red Mares' to their 'White Lucifers' upon their 'Black-Pale Horses'."

    Ode of Solomon's Running Water to Maria's Wings of Eagles

    Or is it something a little different?

    If just one consciousness carrier and data collector in a world realizes something of cosmic significance as a 'new thought' or memeplex; would then not the butterfly effect of chaos theory and/or the 100th monkey syndrome of Sheldrake's Morphogenetic Resonance allow the 'End of an Older World' to make way for a 'Newer World'?

    "I apologize for the multiplication and this was caused by a number of edits I had to do in an attempt to encapsulate this article about dark energy and consciousness in a succinct a manner as possible.
    I even had to replace one edit from research gate and replace it. The newest version is on research gate at the moment.

    The reason I sent you those latest articles, is because it directly relates to your new quest relating the dark energy to the ZPE and consciousness.
    You must have heard about the ‘accelerating universe’ and the multitude of papers it triggered. You might not recall, that Hogan in 1998 said something like this: “You know in your heart that this is wrong, but the data is what it is!”
    So have the last 17 years of attempting to create a model for the cause and purpose of cosmological acceleration been in vain?
    I knew even then in 1998; that Hogan was correct from his intuitive heart perspective and that the universe behaved rather like standard cosmology expected; namely decelerating under gravity in tandem with the thermodynamically expanding universe.

    And should you look at the sketch for the dark energy below (I have deleted the rest); you can see that the Einstein Lambda reaches its minimum at a cosmological redshift coordinate of z=1.15, which corresponds to the High Redshift Project of Schmidt and the supernova project of Perlmutter from that time, Hogan commented.
    So it was the dark energy which changed gradient from that point, I called the ‘Peak of Galaxy Formation’.
    At the same point, the inherent deceleration (linked to the Milgröm Modified Newtonian Gravity (MOND) model in some aspects) proceeded as expected and as you can see as the ‘asymptotic approach' to the 0 (from below).

    So can you see all this as relevant to your paper; knowing that this dark energy graph is the sketch of our physical consciousness?

    You can address and simplify this somewhat like this:
    The universe was born with a very simple geometric background, relating to the minimum entropy state addressed by many like Penrose of course.
    So the physical consciousness aka the Dark Energy DE became concentrated in potential energy vortices, which would later ‘blossom’ or open up like a newborn flower might open from its bud following the rising of the sun after a dewed night.

    This becomes the first protostars as Gamow’s ylem neutronstars etc from Black Hole-White Hole dual systems as energy emitter-receivers intersecting the dimensional topologies.
    DE aka Consciousness so utilized the expanding space becoming available by the continuous cosmic expansion under lightspeed c slowing down under the gravity exhibited by the restmass seedling as the overall matter potential in the ylem vortices.

    After about 4 billion years (see the Dark Energy paper also addressing Witten’s preference for the Einstein Lambda to be 0:, the absolute minimum of the DE was reached at the maximum point of galaxy formation from those vortices.
    From this cosmic coordinate onwards, the CE changed its decrease of allowing the Consciousness to emerge from its potential to manifesting this potential energy dynamically.
    This then became the observation of the ‘accelerating universe’ from the supernova spectra appearing to be more distant than they would have been under a decelerating cosmology.

    But the redshift interval from z=1.08-1.84 (for a present epoch) defines a dimensional intersection in the cyclic n-coordinated cosmology, meaning that the electromagnetic spectrum selfintersects in the Hubble oscillation (poetically the heartbeat of the universe).
    The most recent measurement for the Hubble constant from the Planck mission is about 67.8 (km/s)/Mpc and it was so 72 in most of the last years (1 Pc=3.26 lightyears ~ (3.26)x9.47x1015 metres).

    Now the standard cosmological model calculates the ‘Age of the Universe’ from this as 72 (km/s)/Mpc ~ 2.3x10-18 Hertz with inverse 4.3x1017 seconds or 13.6 Billion years and so the newer value should read 67.8 (km/s)/Mpc ~ 2.2x10-18 hz with inverse 4.55x1017 seconds or 14.4 Billion years.

    Why am I describing this?
    Well the universe is 19.11 billion years old with a nodal Hubble constant of 58 (Allan Sandage would be pleased); but because of the dimensional selfintersection of the electromagnetic dynamics-expansion; the nodal Hubble Constant of 58 increases by 2.2 billion years in 16.9-2.2=14.7 billion years.

    Therefore any light-spectra measurements undertaken by a present epoch observer should measure the universe as having an age of 14.7 billion years. And the recent Planck mission did just that (to the conundrums of the many cosmologists, invested in an age of the universe ‘too young’ by twice 2.2 or 4.4 billion years).

    This data then serves to bring in a new scientific paradigm in the form of a ‘new global philosophy’ and where the mysterious, but generally acknowledged ‘Dark Energy’ becomes redefined as ‘Physical Consciousness’ of the universe in its selfconscious quantum entangled state as its own raison de etre!

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Darke4-jpg

    The observing ET Intelligence on September 27th, 2015

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Sep27-2015-png
    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Lilith_graphic-gifSuper blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Earthegg-jpg
    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Babygaias-png
    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ 2560x1600_lilith_tol_by_holyknight3000-2-jpg

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Empty Re: Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’

    Post  Carol Sun Sep 27, 2015 8:35 pm

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Empty Re: Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’

    Post  Carol Sun Sep 27, 2015 10:58 pm

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Article-3251497-2CD87B3600000578-872_964x367

    The eerie light created from a lunar eclipse with the moon near to its closest point to the Earth will delight astronomers while filling others with dread. Some religious groups and believers in astrology are convinced the spectacle is a sign that the End of Days is approaching. It began at 8.10pm in the eastern US, with the 'total' phase - when the moon is completely in shadow - starting at 10.11pm. It is due to finish at 11.11pm. It will end when the moon leaves the Earth's shadow at 1.24am. When the moon is at perigee, its shortest distance from the Earth, it is 226,000 miles away. Pictured: The supermoon rises into the sky over Las Vegas.

    Last edited by Carol on Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:48 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Empty Re: Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’

    Post  Carol Sun Sep 27, 2015 11:08 pm

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ 2CD6F4EC00000578-0-image-a-25_1443400333182
    Illuminating the night: The supermoon rises into the sky over St Mary's Lighthouse in Whitley Bay, North Tyneside

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ 2CD872DE00000578-3251497-image-a-148_1443408052428
    North America: Beach goers take photos of the supermoon from the water off Padre Island Balli park in Corpus Christi, Texas

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ 2CD69DD700000578-3251497-image-a-209_1443412119944
    Popular meeting point: The supermoon rises behind Glastonbury Tor in Somerset, home to St Michael's Tower

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ 2CD7501B00000578-0-image-a-23_1443400331070
    The supermoon rises above the Stuart mansion of Bolsover Castle near Chesterfield in Derbyshire last night

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ 2CD8833300000578-3251497-image-a-182_1443410158864
    PORTUGAL: The blood moon is seen at the start of a lunar eclipse above Lisbon in the early hours of this morning

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ 2CD7DA0000000578-0-image-a-9_1443399698503
    EGYPT: A supermoon rises over the minaret of a mosque in Wadi El-Rayan Lake at the desert of Al Fayoum Governorate, near Cairo

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ 2CD8781700000578-3251497-image-a-176_1443409753755
    USA: Earth's shadow obscures the view of the supermoon during a total lunar eclipse, as seen from near Lecompton, Kansas

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1050
    Join date : 2011-03-16
    Age : 67
    Location : Akbar Ra

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Empty Re: Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’

    Post  shiloh Mon Sep 28, 2015 2:49 pm

    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ 200fishes153-jpg
    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ 70sevens-jpg
    Super blood moon Lunar Eclipse 2015:September Harvest Moon ‘Closest Full Moon Of The Year’ Immutable-jpg

      Current date/time is Tue Jan 21, 2025 7:13 pm