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    In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils


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    In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils Empty In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils

    Post  Carol Sun May 26, 2013 11:15 am

    In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils 5f11b27f131494a1c014fcced2f13165_567x210
    In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils
    May 25, 2013 – SPACE – The new movie, Europa Report offers a compelling look into a future manned space mission to explore Jupiter’s icy moon, Europa, as a prelude to human colonization. The views of Europa in the film are amazingly detailed, and the methods used by the crew to probe the moon and its icy crust appear to be pulled straight out of concepts by NASA and other space agencies for exploring the icy Jovian satellite. Europa has long been a tantalizing target for scientists because its thick icy crust appears to hide a vast ocean of liquid water. Interactions between that ocean and Europa’s tidally heated interior could potentially serve as an energy source for primitive life, if it exists at all on the Jupiter moon. The European Space Agency plans to launch a real-life mission to Europa in 2022 to explore it and several other Jupiter moons as part of the Jupiter Icy moons Explorer mission, nicknamed JUICE. NASA will provide a radar instrument for the JUICE spacecraft to peer beneath Europa’s surface, but the mission will be completely robotic — no astronauts aboard. So it looks as if Wayfare’s “Europa Report” will be the closest humanity comes to a manned mission to Jupiter for the foreseeable future. Let’s hope the next try goes a bit better. –NBC News

    Lethal radiation from Jupiter: Europa is thought to have a liquid-water ocean underneath its icy exterior. The access to this liquid-water ocean is a major difficulty, but the abundance of water on Europa is a benefit to any considerations for colonization. Not only can water provide for colonists’ drinking needs, it also can be broken down to provide breathable oxygen. Oxygen is also believed to have accumulated from the radiolysis of the ice on the surface that has been convected into the subsurface ocean and may prove sufficient for oxygen-using marine life. The colonization of Europa presents numerous difficulties. One is the high level of radiation from Jupiter’s radiation belt, which is about 10 times as strong as Earth’s Van Allen radiation belts. As Europa receives 540 rem of radiation per day (500 rem is a fatal dose). A human would not survive at or near the surface of Europa for long without significant radiation shielding. Colonists on Europa would have to descend beneath the surface when Europa is not protected by Jupiter’s magnetotail, and stay in subsurface habitats. This would allow colonists to use Europa’s ice sheet to shield themselves from radiation. Another problem is that the surface temperature of Europa normally rests at −170 °C (103 K) (-275°F). However, the fact that liquid water is believed to exist below Europa’s icy surface, along with the fact that colonists would spend much of their time under the ice sheet in order to shield themselves from radiation, may somewhat mitigate the problems associated with low surface temperatures. The low gravity of Europa may also present challenges to colonization efforts. The effects of low gravity on human health are still an active field of study, but can include symptoms such as loss of bone density, loss of muscle density, and a weakened immune system. Astronauts in Earth orbit have remained in microgravity for up to a year and more at a time. Effective countermeasures for the negative effects of low gravity are well-established, particularly an aggressive regimen of daily physical exercise. The variation in the negative effects of low gravity as a function of different levels of low gravity are not known, since all research in this area is restricted to humans in zero gravity. The same goes for the potential effects of low gravity on fetal and pediatric development. It has been hypothesized that children born and raised in low gravity would not be well adapted for life under the higher gravity of Earth. It is also speculated that alien organisms may exist on Europa, possibly in the water underlying the moon’s ice shell. If this is true, human colonists may come into conflict with harmful microbes, or aggressive native life forms. More-recent studies have indicated that the action of solar radiation on the surface of Europa might produce oxygen, which could be pulled down into the subsurface ocean by upwelling of the interior. If this process occurs, Europa’s subsurface ocean could have an oxygen content equal to or greater than that of the Earth’s, possibly providing a home to more complex life. –Wikipedia

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils Empty Re: In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils

    Post  enemyofNWO Mon May 27, 2013 4:24 am

    So it is a science fiction movie . Why would ESA go out to explore space when it is already in the process of exploration now by different agencies ? Of course we officially don't know but then we know not to believe any BS propagated by government agencies ...... Only recently we discussed " solar warden " and what Gary McKinnon viewed .

    Posts : 3469
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    In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils Empty Re: In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils

    Post  Brook Mon May 27, 2013 7:36 am

    A human would not survive at or near the surface of Europa for long without significant radiation shielding. Colonists on Europa would have to descend beneath the surface when Europa is not protected by Jupiter’s magnetotail, and stay in subsurface habitats.

    Europa as a place to build a colony? Nah....

    But it's a GREAT place to build somehow (robotically ?) a perfect Relay Station to Effect a "third party communication channel" as listed below. Why is that?

    Jupiter's atmosphere brews hurricanes twice as wide as Earth itself, monsters that generate 400 mph winds and lightning 100 times brighter than terrestrial bolts. The giant planet also emits a brand of radiation lethal to unprotected humans.

    Jupiter's strangest feature, however, may be a 25,000 mile deep soup of exotic fluid sloshing around its interior. It's called liquid metallic hydrogen.

    "Here on Earth, hydrogen is a colorless, transparent gas," says Juno principal investigator Scott Bolton. "But in the core of Jupiter, hydrogen transforms into something bizarre."

    Jupiter is 90% hydrogen1, with 10% helium and a sprinkle of all the other elements. In the gas giant's outer layers, hydrogen is a gas just like on Earth.

    As you go deeper, intense atmospheric pressure gradually turns the gas into a dense fluid.2 Eventually the pressure becomes so great that it squeezes the electrons out of the hydrogen atoms and the fluid starts to conduct like a metal.
    What's this fluid like?

    "Liquid metallic hydrogen has low viscosity, like water, and it's a good electrical and thermal conductor," says Caltech's David Stevenson, an expert in planet formation, evolution, and structure.

    "Like a mirror, it reflects light, so if you were immersed in it [here's hoping you never are], you wouldn't be able to see anything."
    Here on Earth, liquid metallic hydrogen has been made in shock wave experiments, but since it doesn't stay in that form it has only been made in tiny quantities for very short periods of time. If researchers are right, Jupiter's core may be filled with oceans of the stuff.

    There's so much LMH inside Jupiter that it transforms the planet into an enormous generator. "A deep layer of liquid metallic hydrogen and Jupiter's rapid rotation (about 10 hours) create a magnetic field 450 million miles long - the biggest entity in the solar system," says Bolton. Jupiter's magnetosphere can produce up to 10 million amps of electric current, with auroras that light up Jupiter's poles more brightly than any other planet.

    At certain times of alignment it would make a great relay station....see this post I did last year. Earth the moon, Jupiter and Aldebaran make a perfect alignment for relay. In fact it was precisely at 11:11 on August 11th.

    Of course Aldebaran aligns with some other interesting planets.

    Consider being at intersections in the fabric of the universe.....of spirals of time......

    .Thermodynamics of a Pyramid...... " Third party paradox communication channel"

    Page ten Image FIG 3: of the "Thermodynamics of a Time Machine."

    At this link form Cornell University Library:

    " Third party paradox communication channel"

    Figure 3.

    In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils Pyramid_orion

    Aldebaran lines up with other interesting planets

    In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils Orion_pleiades_sirius_thumb3

    And remember....We're sitting smack dab in the center of a space time vortex.

    "If we designate a second communication channel to act as the control of another c-not gate on the time machine bit, then we may measure a real correlation between that channel and the spin measurements of the distant spin partner. A single time machine as a third party in the mutual future of two observers can apparently effect non local communication between them. Thus the non-unitary effects of a time machine may be felt arbitrarily far away, even in the past light cone of the arrival"


    Posts : 3469
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    Age : 71

    In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils Empty Re: In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils

    Post  Brook Mon May 27, 2013 8:48 am

    Incorrect coding in the C-NOT logic gate...And spin measurement:


    In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils Cheops23

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    In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils Empty Re: In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon May 27, 2013 9:05 am


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    In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils Empty Re: In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils

    Post  Brook Mon May 27, 2013 9:14 am


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    In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils Empty Re: In 2022: ESA plans a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to search for life but the moon harbors many perils

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon May 27, 2013 6:30 pm

    Perhaps one already exists!! What did you know -- and when did you know it, Brook??!! I keep conceptualizing the "InterPlaNet"!! I also keep conceptualizing the colonization of the solar system -- and interacting with ALL lifeforms within the solar system (and beyond)!! I obviously don't know what we're REALLY dealing with -- so I have to keep imagining various possibilities. I have suggested a solar system Human-Population of 8 Billion -- with 4 Billion on Earth (2 billion surface and 2 billion subsurface) and 4 Billion throughout the rest of the solar system (mostly subsurface) -- but these numbers are merely suggestions or possibilities. Perhaps I should've suggested 8 Billion on Earth (4 billion surface and 4 billion subsurface) and 2 billion throughout the rest of the solar system (mostly subsurface)??!! I don't know what the soul--interdimensional situation REALLY is (relative to the Great Controversy and War in Heaven). This whole thing could be VERY complex, bitter, and messy. Sherry Shriner recently seemed to dovetail with my suggestion that the War in Heaven might be an Archangelic False-Flag (intended to Cleanse the Sanctuary of that which defiles) when she stated that 17 Billion Beings and/or Souls had been taken captive within this solar system!!! I have NO idea if this is even partially true -- but I continue to suspect hidden-realities which might drive all of us insane. I continue to seek the truth -- but I'm not in a great, big hurry. I'm doing rather poorly, as it is. I guess I'll just keep watching videos such as this one!!

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