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    Messages from Matthew : New Message for August 13, 2010


    Posts : 261
    Join date : 2010-04-10
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    Messages from Matthew : New Message for August 13, 2010 Empty Messages from Matthew : New Message for August 13, 2010

    Post  CetaceousOne Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:34 am

    The latest Message from Matthew in it's entirety as sent to the subscriber list.



    This is Matthew, with loving greetings from all souls at this station. I
    begin with a personal note about the lapse in these messages. My
    mother's energy and time were dedicated to caring for Bob during the
    last stages of his illness, and after his transition she needed
    restorative time. Both of these souls who are so dear to me are doing

    Now then, many Earth residents perceive your world as tumultuous as
    ever. Wars continue and so do poverty, corruption, oppression and other
    ills, so it is understandable that people who have long lived in such
    conditions often feel hopeless. You know that changes of unprecedented
    magnitude are afoot, yet you may be encountering unsettling feelings
    too, perhaps depression, discontentment, undue impatience, fatigue or
    physical discomfort. You may feel restless, "rudderless," floating
    without clear purpose or direction, or feel that nothing of significance
    is happening in your life or even anywhere on Earth.

    It may be because world transformation is so far underway that many are
    having one or another of those sensations — as microcosms of Earth, you
    naturally are affected by the magnitude of changes she is undergoing.
    Everything in your world is in acceleration mode and there are frequent
    rises in the vibratory level along Earth's pathway — you still may be
    adjusting to the most recent level while she is moving into the next.
    Vibrations in the energy planes your planet has reached make maintaining
    balance in body, mind and spirit a greater effort than previously. When
    you are in a state of imbalance, your energy flow is jolted or blocked,
    causing your electromagnetic system to malfunction and produce a
    variety of unsettling physical, mental and emotional sensations.

    Another effect of the higher vibrations is inner stirrings of
    dissatisfaction with personal situations. Individuals who are following
    intuitive feelings to change locations or work or relationships are
    faring better than those who are resisting soul-level guidance to get on
    track with karmic experiencing chosen to complete third density

    The vibrations also are magnifying human characteristics and behaviors,
    making "good" better and "bad" worse. Generous persons share until the
    cupboard is bare and those with warm hearts serve wherever help is
    needed. Greedy ones acquire more and more and give nothing, and
    heartless individuals cause problems for others. Played out on the
    world stage, light-filled people are thriving spiritually and activities
    of light nature are ever expanding in scope and positive results.
    People whose attributes and deeds are of darkness are regressing
    spiritually and their intentions and efforts are stumbling along into
    eventual futility. Interaction with individuals in the latter group can
    indeed be stressful because your light body's energy is resisting

    A possible source of anomalous sensations and behaviors is Earth's
    ascension route that puts her in new alignments with the other planets
    and Sol. Although the juxtaposition of solar bodies always has affected
    Earth's residents, the difference now is her rapid, steady course out of
    third density. Not only your feelings, but others' attitudes and
    reactions that seem to be erratic, irresponsible or shocking may be due
    in part to unusual celestial influences.

    The increase in geophysical activity is another potential source of
    stressful feelings because your bodies are affected by Earth's
    shockwaves. Another consideration here is that earthquakes, volcanic
    eruptions, violent storms and floods are relieving the negativity that
    caused the planet to spiral downward and, until about seventy or so
    years ago, had confined it for millennia to third density. The lessening
    of negativity also has an effect on bodies.

    Let us digress a moment to answer a pertinent question: How much drastic
    weather and earthquakes and other `natural' disasters are manmade? It
    would not be much of an exaggeration to say "all." Just as in Nature, a
    technologically created earthquake, for example, cannot have isolated
    effects — the energy release initiates activity in similarly vulnerable
    areas around the globe and those trigger still more upheavals. It is the
    same with clouds and winds. Mother Nature, however, knows when to take a
    time-out so her lands and seas and skies can settle and she can regain
    balance, and she spares areas meant to be safe. The ones who are
    manipulating your weather and generating geophysical disasters don't
    care about healing respites for Earth or any exclusion from destruction,
    death toll and suffering.

    Returning to possible causes for unpleasant symptoms you may be
    experiencing, we offer practical suggestions to lessen their effects and
    duration. Fatigue never is your ally — get sufficient relaxation and
    sleep. Drinking a lot of pure water will help energy flow more smoothly
    throughout your body and let your electromagnetic system better perform.
    Physical and mental exercise, meditation, solitude, being in Nature,
    positive thinking, creative projects, melodious music — all are aides in
    balancing your energy.

    Your bodies need light-filled foods for a strong immune system; eat more
    fresh fruits and vegetables and less meat and sugar. Illegal synthetic
    drugs, chemicals in prescription medications and alcohol not only are
    barriers to light-absorption, they exacerbate the conditions you want to
    remedy and can create new types of dis-ease. Make every effort to avoid
    or defuse abrasive encounters — the energy those generate is a
    formidable deterrent to achieving balance and well being. If, despite
    employing those suggestions and any other practices that usually have
    served you well, your symptoms become severe and persistent, please
    consult a trusted health care provider.

    Now then, with the combination of that wide variety of energetic
    influences, the obvious turmoil in your world and unawareness of
    profound changes taking shape, it is little wonder that some believe the
    "end times" are coming and others interpret December 2012, when the
    Mayan calendar ends, much the same way. Both perceptions are wrong, but
    indeed an end time is coming — along Earth's ascension pathway into the
    era of the Golden Age, all forms of darkness on the planet will end.

    There are many questions and misconceptions about ascension, who will
    accompany Earth, what will become of the people who don't, and what to
    expect in the higher densities. First, ascension has nothing whatsoever
    to do with the "raptures" of religion, so please do not try to fit that
    concept into the universal truth. Ascension is the process of Earth
    leaving third density and traveling through fourth on to fifth. Although
    this movement is into planes of successively lighter energy, not into
    progressively higher elevations such as climbing a stepladder or a
    mountain, souls' growth in conscious awareness and spiritual clarity can
    be thought of as upward, thus ascension is the most descriptive term
    for this advancement.

    In the timeless continuum, the beginning and completion of Earth's
    ascension cannot be dated — you could say that both "times" have been
    known for untold ages. In linear time, the ascension process began in
    the last years of the 1930s, when atrocities long committed by humankind
    against each other reached unconscionable measure and nearly depleted
    Earth's light that is the life force of her planetary body and the
    bodies of all her residents.

    Her cry for help went out into the universe and instantly God authorized
    myriad spiritually advanced civilizations to respond by beaming their
    own vast light into Earth's body. The massive infusion of light from
    those distant sources stabilized her orbit and enabled her to jar loose
    from negativity's stranglehold, start to ascend out of deep third
    density and continue toward her ultimate destination in fifth density.
    Her soul originated in that high plane and there it remained throughout
    the millennia that her body spiraled ever downward as more and more
    human and animal blood was shed and the environment ravaged.

    Ascension is possible for all who have absorbed the light, and the souls
    who accompany Earth will do so in their physical bodies. If bodies lack
    organs or limbs or have physical, emotional or mental disorders,
    farther along the ascension pathway there will be healing of all disease
    and replacement of missing parts until the bodies are perfected and
    mental and emotional health is sound. In fourth density the bodies of
    aged persons will become youthful and live healthfully much longer than
    your current life expectancy, and life spans in fifth density can be
    tenfold or more than yours are now.

    There is no seat of judgment or arbitrary selection of which humans can
    ascend and which cannot — it is strictly a matter of science and souls'
    own choices. Light changes third density's carbon-based cellular
    structure to the crystalline form that lets bodies survive in the higher
    frequencies, or vibrations, of fourth density and beyond. That is why
    persons who choose to live in the light can ascend with Earth and those
    who choose to cling to their dark ways cannot. After a time in spirit,
    souls in the latter group will incarnate in a world that corresponds to
    their Earth lifetime energy registration and have more opportunities to
    "see the light."

    Not all light-filled people will go all the way to the Golden Age — it
    depends on the longevity clause in soul contracts. Prior to birth many
    of today's populace chose to enter spirit life before Earth reaches that
    era, and among them are highly evolved souls whose light is as bright
    as noonday sun. Those who came from higher civilizations to assist Earth
    in special ways during her ascension may quickly pass through Nirvana
    on their way to a higher density spirit world, most likely the one
    serving their original homeland, or they may manifest new bodies and
    incarnate in another civilization for different kinds of growth
    experiencing. Others will stay for a time in Nirvana, which will remain
    Earth's spirit world and ascend in tandem with the planet. Souls who
    have completed third density karmic lessons may choose another Earth
    lifetime or join a civilization in a different fourth density world.

    A large number of people who have lived in godly ways will choose not to
    ascend with Earth after the truth about the origin of religions
    emerges: They were designed in darkness to deceive and control the
    peoples, be the most divisive element of life on Earth, and reap wealth
    for the heads of churches. Although everyone on Earth knows that truth
    at soul level and it is a contract choice to consciously remember it,
    many of the devoutly religious will be unable or unwilling to accept
    that their deep-seated faith is founded on false teachings. By so
    doing, these individuals deny the light within truth, that they are god
    and goddess selves, eternally inseparable from God and all other souls
    in this universe. Their next pre-birth contract will again include the
    provision to become consciously aware of that truth during their next
    physical lifetime, which will be in a third density world.

    Regardless of the reason a soul leaves this lifetime, physical death
    will come from any of the many causes that exist now. There will be no
    mass departure of darkly inclined persons when Earth reaches some
    specific vibratory level because the amount of light within bodies
    varies. And there is no way for you to distinguish between light-filled
    individuals who leave Earth lifetimes in accordance with soul contracts,
    those who choose to leave rather than accept the truth about religions,
    and persons whose bodies' viability is snuffed out because they lack
    the light to survive in the vibratory level Earth entered.

    In most cases there can be reunions of souls who live in physical or
    spirit worlds of differing densities. Those who have evolved into a
    higher density can astrally travel to a lower density that has
    sufficient light to assure the visitors' departure. Reunions are not
    possible with the souls that are consigned by their lifetime energy to
    first or second density worlds, where intelligence is almost nonexistent
    and no memories or feelings exist. That is not punishment — it offers
    those souls a new beginning free of the negativity they created that
    automatically led them to those lowest levels of existence.

    The innocence of animals, who act from instinct, never from malice,
    automatically qualifies all except a few species to ascend with Earth.
    Along the way those who now are wild will become tame, predators will
    become vegetarians, and all will live peaceably with each other and
    humankind. Already there is evidence of cross-species friendship, even
    mothers of one species nurturing infants of another, and instances of
    bonding between wild animals and humans.

    Animal numbers will shrink in the next few years as instinctively they
    will breed less often and produce fewer offspring. While most species
    will be able to adapt to environmental and climate changes as Earth is
    restored to her Eden self, when there were no temperature extremes and
    all lands were arable, species living in polar regions will not survive.
    Their souls will go to Nirvana and continue evolving, and in time they
    will incarnate in a world where conditions are suitable for their new
    bodies and life purposes.

    Now then, despite the emphasis on the final day of year 2012, there is
    no absolutely fixed date for Earth to be within fourth density. There is
    a "celestial window" for smooth sailing, so to speak, but it offers a
    degree of flexibility in your calendar's time. And please remember that
    ascension is a process that has been ongoing for about seven decades, so
    do not expect a dramatic occurrence to herald the first day of the
    Golden Age. January 1, 2013, often considered to be The Date, will be
    little different from the day preceding or following it. There is no
    validity to the notion that immediately prior to Earth's entry into
    fourth density there will be three days of darkness or, as other reports
    have it, three days of burning sun.

    It is not so that life after 2012 will be much the same throughout many
    centuries. Just as life on Earth has not been static, but has progressed
    through many phases of development, so too will life in the Golden Age.
    The difference is that everything will be taking place in the peace,
    harmony and boundless opportunities for learning and evolving in that
    glorious world! [The message dated December 31, 2007, "Essay on 2012"
    gives a comprehensive description of life in that era.]

    The last phases of the transition from third density to fourth will
    present some challenges as the Illuminati keep trying to stir up trouble
    spots. Heeding your intuition will carry you through the bumpy
    episodes, which can't last much longer anyway because the dark ones
    cannot fight in the light, and the light is growing stronger by the day.

    You don't consciously remember that you were eager to incarnate during
    this momentous time on Earth, and although many, many others also wanted
    to participate, they lacked the innate abilities, experience and
    courage that qualified you to be among the chosen. Few can be in
    prominent leadership roles, but all of you are leaders simply by BEing
    the shining god sparks you are! Do not for a moment doubt that you are
    powerful souls whose contributions to the light are helping assure its
    triumph over darkness — in the continuum, you already are victorious!

    Now we shall address questions about situations of current interest. By
    Earth's invitation, other civilizations lessened to the extent possible
    the damage to marine life and coastlines caused by the oil in the Gulf
    of Mexico; and by Earth's desire, there will be no explosion of methane
    gas that could cause widespread sickness and loss of life. Your planet's
    healing ability and other worlds' technology can remedy or prevent
    these and other types of manmade destructiveness, whether intentional or
    by negligence or ignorance.

    The oil spill was a major turning point in Earth's favor. The oil
    companies' dominance in energy production has been drastically reduced
    as demands for alternate sources have soared. Soon you will see
    long-suppressed technologies coming into use for many purposes, from
    curing diseases and eradicating pollution to providing light and heat
    and transportation fuel.

    Are you still convinced that US President Obama is a highly evolved
    lighted soul who came from an advanced civilization to lead us into the
    Golden Age? Yes! There is no reason for us or other messengers in high
    stations to doubt that, but we understand why some of you do.
    Assessments and conclusions can only be according to information
    available to you. You don't have our vantage point in the universe or
    our information sources, and you have no way of knowing all the
    undercurrents that will be ushering in your new world.

    Doubt about Obama's light-filled intentions is arming his opposition —
    that is why we urge you to withhold judgment and to envision him and
    your world in golden light. Negative thoughts and feelings about Obama's
    leadership are reducing his ability to persuade his own government and
    other leaders to act in harmonious cooperation to achieve a peaceful
    world with shared wealth and well being for all. This is not his
    failing, but rather the law of attraction in operation — negativity
    aimed in any direction brings back to Earth more negative situations.
    Along with vibrations intensifying the best and the worst of human
    traits, the law is producing divisiveness in politics, ideologies and
    philosophies that form all systems and organizations that regulate life
    in your world. Each side of any issue is blindly digging in its heels
    instead of giving an inch. But do not despair — that stubbornness to
    keep the status quo and to resist reform attempts is but one element in
    the picture whose full design soon will "come to light."

    It still benefits the tattered wisps of darkness that control mainstream
    media to exhaustively cover sporting events or one person's heinous
    deed and ignore the ever-growing grassroots movement toward
    self-sufficiency, ingenuity, innovations, sharing resources and other
    signs that vast changes are occurring within hearts and minds. Like
    everything else in your world that is of dark design, mind control via
    the media soon will be history — all methods of mind control operate at
    the low frequencies that will disappear as the light continues to
    intensify. Your best source of honest information is the Internet, but
    be aware that it also is teeming with deliberate falsehoods,
    unintentional inaccuracies and misconceptions — be evermore discerning!

    None of the dire situations that some analysts and some channeled
    messages purport to be likely, or even unavoidable, will come to pass.
    There will be no repeat of "9/11," no third war world, no nuclear war in
    space, no worldwide riots because of food shortages, no inundation of
    coastlines until the seas reach the mountains, no pandemics or lack of
    drinking water that will imperil or eradicate billions of lives, no
    invasion by a dark civilization, no planetary destruction that will
    necessitate mass evacuations or underground living.

    Hatonn asked us to give you his message: "My job as manager of
    communication between Earth and all other points in the universe is
    difficult enough. Please don't compound it by passing on false
    information or predictions that are pure hogwash. Thank you."

    Some within the lightworker community are dismayed because the presence
    of other civilizations has not been officially acknowledged and no craft
    have landed. If we knew when the announcement will take place and when
    ships will land, we would happily tell you, but even our best sources
    for that information don't know. Your space family members living among
    you are eager to introduce themselves and the thousands in crafts want
    to be on the ground helping you, but they must wait for the right time.
    The Illuminati's diversionary tactics have kept Earth's representatives
    preoccupied with major upheavals that have precluded final decisions
    about a televised announcement, and there can be no landings until your
    safety is fully assured — at this time, the Illuminati control weaponry
    that poses a risk of danger to large numbers, and no chances will be
    taken with your lives.

    Although there are optimistic indications of economic recovery, any
    improvements are purely by manipulation. The longstanding corruption in
    banking, investments and commerce cannot much longer be hidden, nor can
    the usurious interest rates and unfair taxation continue — the
    Illuminati's worldwide economic network is crumbling irremediably. Your
    monetary system will return to precious metals as its basis until such
    time that your heightened consciousness no longer requires the use of
    money in exchange for goods and services.

    Concerns about current homelessness and unemployment are natural and so
    are ponderings about what will be the lot of homecoming troops if all
    military forces in the world are disbanded. Those concerns would vanish
    in the blink of an eye if you could see as we do the peace and joy, the
    harmony and cooperation, the abundance of life's necessities and
    enjoyments of Earth's Golden Age. Not only are lighted souls throughout
    the universe cheering you all along your pathway to that glorious world,
    we see you living there!


    LOVE and PEACE

    Suzanne Ward

    [Note from Suzy: Heartfelt thanks to all who sent prayers for Bob's
    recovery. I'm sure the energy of your caring helped in his transition
    and adjustment to spirit life. After receiving customized care in
    Nirvana's "ICU" to strengthen his etheric body, Bob was reunited with
    souls with whom he has love bonds, including our dogs who are there, and
    he's enjoying the active, diverse life in Earth's spirit world.

    I've never used these messages before for personal requests, and Matthew
    said that for this purpose, I can. Please read about Jane at

    and send light to her and all who want to punish her for honestly reporting what H1N1 was about.

    Posts : 261
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : Phoenix, AZ

    Messages from Matthew : New Message for August 13, 2010 Empty Re: Messages from Matthew : New Message for August 13, 2010

    Post  CetaceousOne Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:10 am

    September 11, 2010

    This is Matthew, with loving greetings from all souls at this station. Truth is not yet surging into your mainstream information outlets, but it is seeping ever more strongly now that the finger is out of the dike, so to say. With this media barrier seriously compromised, the dark ones cannot much longer hide the massive deception that in this moment is only barely exposed to the public, much as the tip of an iceberg is visible while the immense part with potentially lethal destructive power lies out of view.

    There have been attempts to stifle the truth since the dawn of communication on Gaia-Terra-Shan-Earth, and the attempts were successful when darkly-inclined ones controlled the dissemination of information. In modern times, they expected to broaden their web of control with the Internet, but instead, it became their undoing. Now factual evidence that until recently was mainly restricted to that source is reaching the public through the perseverance of courageous investigative journalists, other reporters, eyewitnesses and individuals disclosing personal experiences. Not only is there increasing exposure of lies and corruption, but also innovative ways people are adapting to the economic situation are being publicized. The tearing down of mind control via the media has come about because of the ever-intensifying light.

    There is confusion or uncertainty in many minds as to what light is, where it comes from, and how one can receive it and thus physically ascend with Earth. Light is the very same energy as love, simply expressed differently, and it is the most powerful energy in all of Creation. Light is the total essence of Creator, the ultimate power in the cosmos, which has many universes; and in this universe, light comes from its highest being whom you call by various names such as God, Allah and Yahweh.

    Light is the composition and life force of all souls, whether living in a physical world or a spirit world. It is natural to wonder how, then, souls can become dark, so we shall add a note of explanation. As a part of Creator's essence via the god of this universe, every soul incarnates light-filled and with specific missions that it chose prior to birth. The infant knows its godself and the missions in its lifetime soul contract, but all memory of that knowledge is forgotten as the baby adjusts to a dense body and adapts to parental expectations; as the child grows older, it encounters influences from other authority figures, too, and peers. The forgetfulness, which is at conscious level only, is part of the grand design that offers the person learning experiences; and all along the way, the soul sends messages to the consciousness in the form of conscience, intuition, instinct and other types of guidance in accordance with contract choices. Persons who heed those messages live true to their lifetime purpose and retain their light. The light starts to dim in those who ignore their souls' messages, and if they continue to pay no heed to that guidance, they stray farther and farther from their chosen missions and their light keeps diminishing until only the spark that is their life force remains. You have no way of knowing if that is what has happened to someone or if that person is following the soul contract to the letter by providing opportunities for others to complete third density karma and continue their soul evolvement.

    To return to what Light is, it is souls' eternal and inseparable connection with Creator and God and every other creation throughout the cosmos. Light is the force that is enabling Earth to ascend out of third density, where darkness thrives; it is propelling her toward fourth density, the onset of her Golden Age, and will continue to take her on to her destination in fifth. That is where her soul originated and remained while her planetary body spiraled downward during the millennia when darkness so heavily influenced her human residents. Light is raising consciousness levels to free you from third density's limited perceptions, and by opening hearts and minds, light is paving your spiritual evolvement pathway.

    Receiving light is as simple as living a "good life." Being kind, caring, honorable, trustworthy, truthful, helpful, joyful, generous, hopeful, compassionate, cheerful, optimistic, pleasant and having an open mind — the positive emotions and characteristics that make life meaningful and fulfilling — carry the high vibrations of light. At soul level you know this — think about your expressions "feeling lighthearted," "the light of my life" and "seeing the light" that connote uplifted feelings or an Aha! moment.

    Conversely, greed, ruthlessness, oppression, corruption, brutality, deception, betrayal of trust, unjustness, lack of forgiveness and lust for power emanate very low vibrations. Negative emotions that emit low vibrations include fear, guilt, remorse, self-doubt, jealousy, envy, bitterness and resentment, all of which create discomfort, discord and dissatisfaction. By far the most powerful of negative feelings is fear, a highly magnified energy attachment, and that is why time and again we have urged you never to fear anything. Not only do fearful individuals attract more circumstances to feel fearful about, but the energy of fear is the dark ones' greatest tool — it feeds their ambitions and strengthens their domination over you. When you live steadfast in the light, there is nothing to fear! Nothing of dark nature can survive within the light!

    To physically ascend with Earth, however, does require more than living a good life, a godly life. It also requires leaving behind third density's deceitful foundation of religious beliefs and accepting the brilliant light of spiritual truth. The truth is, as equal parts of God — by whatever name you call the ruler of this universe — all of you are gods and goddesses with unlimited powers to manifest whatever you choose to think, feel and do. The truth is, religions were devised to keep you from knowing who you truly are, to keep you ignorant of the universal laws, and to create divisiveness within the populace. The truth is, peoples you call "natives of the land" or "aboriginals" are closely attuned to the universal consciousness whereas religious dogmas, especially in Western religions, were made through the centuries by church leaders to obliterate that natural attunement, control the masses and acquire wealth for themselves.

    The truth about Christianity is, it is based on fabrications about Jesus' birth, crucifixion and resurrection, and his teachings were deliberately distorted through dilution and omission. Jesus was conceived and born just like every other human baby, and he never was put on a cross. He was flogged by the Sanhedrin, who ruled church and state, and was banished — they wanted him out of that land, not make him a martyr whose death would increase the numbers of his followers. With his pregnant wife Mary Magdalene, Jesus went back to the East, where he had gone as a youth and spent many years studing with the master teachers. From them he had learned the interconnectedness of all souls with each other and with God and how to use the universal laws for healing bodies, changing or multiplying forms, dematerializing and rematerializing matter and the like — so-called "miracles" that every soul has the innate capacity to perform. That is what Jesus was teaching to the multitudes. Because spreading that knowledge would spell doom to the purposes of the self-serving Sanhedrin, they dealt severely with the disciples who continued Jesus' teachings, and by making him "the only son of God," they elevated him to a status that no one else could ever attain. Also, both Jesus and Mary Magdalene were from highly respected families at the top of Hebrew society. Having him born in a lowly stable and portraying her as a prostitute were other false parts of the story whose roots were in avarice, hubris and power lust and has been handed down through the ages.

    The point has been reached in Earth's transition from third to fourth density where spiritual preparedness is of much greater importance than preoccupation with current happenings. By no means are we suggesting that you be uninformed or disinterested in national and international developments, but rather that you not be drawn into third density's drama that is playing itself out. We know it is challenging to keep two feet on the ground and allow your mind and heart soar to the heavens, but staying steadfast in the light will keep you in balance. As the ascension pace keeps accelerating, the rest of the "iceberg of truths" will be rising into public awareness, and staying balanced will give you the strength and ability to fare well when others reel in shock, anger and disillusionment as events unfold.

    An aspect of preparedness, detachment, will come more easily to some than to others. If you are experiencing unemployment, loss of home, interrupted education, dwindling savings, sale of possessions or other losses or hardships, you have made long strides in detaching from parts of your life that once were taken for granted. Not only can you now appreciate the great difference between tangible possessions and what has genuine worthiness, but mastering detachment is a significant step in shedding third density so you can embrace a different world, a world where everything from employment and recreation to telepathic communication among humans and animals to space travel and intergalactic friendships will be wondrous adventures!

    And as harsh as it may seem, detachment may include family and friends. Not by withholding your love, certainly, but by accepting that some persons very dear to you may choose at soul level to depart this lifetime rather than journey with Earth. They won't know that consciously, but they will make a conscious choice by refusing to change beliefs that are based on erroneous teachings or to change negative attitudes and behavior. Be comforted in knowing that those choices are NOT a mistake! It may seem so in your eyes, but those individuals just are not ready for the same leap in spiritual growth that you are. They may be what you call "young souls," souls that have not accumulated the same measure of spiritual clarity, universal knowledge and innate capabilities that you have. They will have other opportunities to catch up and never is any soul faulted for being slower than another. Furthermore, the detachment we speak of is only for this incarnation, a speck of experiencing by your cumulative selves in multiple lifetimes in various locations throughout this universe. Love bonds are eternal and multidimensional, and in the continuum you are living in other relationships with these same souls, including "future" lifetimes, and your more evolved selves recognize each other and can remember shared experiences.

    We thought our last message covered the ascension topic quite well, but new questions disclose our gaps. "Will I know to follow the light and ascend…running up the `ladder' until the last drop of my energy?" My mother thinks of this kind of spiritual fervor as "being on the fast track," and we smile in agreement — it is joyous for us to see more and more of Earth's people awakening and feeling excited about their new level of understanding. Yet, because it is new, it also can be a bit daunting, so we say that following the light is as easy as following your conscience. Unless conscience has atrophied because it has been ignored time and time and time again, it "speaks" unmistakably loudly when one veers away from choices in the light — there's that very uncomfortable feeling that a "guilty conscience" imparts.

    Will there be any nudists on the planet after 2012? This question gives us the opportunity to explain that what we see in the continuum are the auras of the souls there, and those are radiating health, joy and love. When you are living in the Golden Age in your concept of linear time, we will be able to visit you in our etheric bodies or bodies we manifest with the same substance as yours — either way, we will see you as plainly as you will see yourselves. A current lifestyle of nudity will not bar anyone from being there if the aforementioned requirements for physical ascension are met and the longevity clause in soul contracts permits.

    As for the request to give the best DNA activation method to help prepare you to ascend with the planet, it is not within our province to make that kind of recommendation. However, simply by living in the light, your third density carbon-based cells are changed into the crystalline cells that enable physical survival in higher densities, and we say again that the physical ascension requirements stated above apply to everyone.

    Now then, let us return to topics of widespread interest or concern. The flooding that has caused the displacement of many millions in Pakistan is a combination of factors. Most of those souls are completing third density karma by transitioning to spirit life or by experiencing unduly difficult circumstances during this time, and others also are growing spiritually by giving hands-on assistance, supplying life's necessities or financial support, and sending forth prayers. And once again, your weather technology was used to create chaos, fear and dire hardships on such a massive scale that official acknowledgement of our space family's presence has had to be relegated to low priority.

    We shall speak more about that, but let us continue with "natural disasters." Hurricane Earl was begun by Mother Nature to release more negativity, and she would have accomplished that by keeping the storm out at sea. However, after your scientists intensified the hurricane and directed it toward the mainland, our nearby brothers and sisters used their technology to diminish its force and veer it northward to lessen its impact. Maybe common sense already has told you this — how likely is it that a Category 4 hurricane "naturally" would reduce itself to a Category 2 instead of gathering steam over the ocean and, in its weakened condition, be able to change its course direction?

    A few words about an issue that is closely related: Every bit of energy given to forecasts of catastrophic damage adds to the possibility that it may occur. Energy is neutral and without reasoning capacity — it is your thoughts and feelings that attach themselves to energy streamers that give them direction and forcefulness. As the collective consciousness starts churning with fearful thoughts and feelings about such forecasts, the possibility of occurrence becomes a probability. Even though our universal family stands at the ready to intervene in situations where they are authorized to do so — reducing the harmful effects desired by your weather manipulators always is allowed — please be ever mindful that the impartial law of attraction is constantly operating and is powerful.

    This applies equally on a personal basis. Some individuals regard guidance to "live in the `now'" to conflict with instructions for manifesting what they want in their lives. We say to those who think they cannot handle responsibilities of the moment and simultaneously create future developments: You have been doing this lifelong! The law of attraction is set in motion by your "now" thoughts and feelings. When you have positive, or optimistic, thoughts and acknowledge with gratitude your "now" blessings, that is what gets attached to energy streamers that shoot out to the mass consciousness, attract similar energy attachments and bring back to you more to feel thankful for. In like manner, when thoughts and feelings are focused on stressful situations and ordeals, you manifest new hardships and worries to deal with.

    The natural laws that govern life throughout this universe are simple, straightforward and effective. One of the limitations of third density mentality is its tendency to see complexities where none exist. As your consciousness continues to expand, you shall see for yourselves the simplicity and purity that prevails in higher densities. However, you need not wait until Earth reaches fourth density, her Golden Age beginning, to experience this — you know the laws and can apply them to your advantage now!

    As for other current happenings in your world, the economy will continue to seesaw until it is irrefutably evident that the mechanisms keeping it afloat are riddled with the same corruption that caused the crash termed "recession." Banking, lending and stock market trading, which are no more than computers abuzz with numbers in the billions, are undergoing changes that will result in a new monetary system based on precious metals and managed by honorable, knowledgeable and trustworthy individuals. When it becomes widely known that all along the Illuminati have been playing the global economy like a yo-yo, it is likely that there will be a short period of turmoil while the new system is being firmly established. So along with supplies that are practical to have on hand for a power outage, say, it would be advisable to have some cash. But do this without fear!

    The latest efforts to negotiate a peace treaty between Israel and Palestine ultimately will be successful, but more haranguing, delays and deadly clashes between individuals will precede the satisfying outcome. Tensions throughout the Middle East, considered to be a tinder box by many world leaders, will ease as the light keeps intensifying. For a while longer, though, saber rattling, political instability, skirmishes between opposing sides and other outbursts of violence will continue in that region as well as in Afghanistan and countries where citizens want to be free of oppression by despots. All of those situations will gradually ease until peace gently blankets the whole of your world.

    We do not know how next month's elections in the United States will turn out, and it is logical to ask why since we could tell you even before the primaries that Obama would be that country's new president. The difference is, his presidency is part of the Golden Age master plan — you shall see that his formidable opposition's delaying tactics and criticism will not deter him from accomplishing his light-filled mission — and the upcoming election results are not. The same is true of elections in other countries, and despite the energy poured into campaigns by candidates and their adamant supporters and wealthy contributors, partisan politics soon will start fading into history. Far from their pledge to govern in the best interests of a united citizenry, most politicians promote contentiousness and separation, and those have no place in Earth's Golden Age. So please do not be despondent if your "party' or "candidate" loses. If winners are of the light they will hold their seats and if they are not, their tenures will be short-lived. In stages during the time remaining before the onset of that glorious Age at the end of your year 2012, governments of every nation will become bodies that honorably and abundantly serve the interests of their people. That transformation is not very far off — with everything in acceleration mode, linear time is passing faster and faster.

    Climate change is of serious concern, so for newcomers to our messages we are happy to say again that this is Earth's transition to a moderate climate globally. Record-breaking temperatures, increased solar flares, melting glaciers and polar regions, low islands slowly being submerged and strange new juxtapositions of planetary bodies are aspects of Earth's ascension process and the return to her original health and pristine beauty. In alignment with her goal, our "space" brothers and sisters are using their technology to alleviate the toxic effects of the oil and its dispersants in the Gulf of Mexico as well as the toxins in other waters, chemtrails and weaponry.

    Illuminati activists are trying to prevent official recognition of other civilizations' presence in every way, and from the earthquake in Haiti and last winter's uncommonly heavy snowfall in Washington DC to flooding in Pakistan and Hurricane Earl, their use of technology has achieved their dark purpose. However, those events also were great opportunities for millions of souls to advance toward karmic completion as well as releasing massive amounts of negativity from the planet. More negativity is yet to be released, and wherever your technology initiates "natural disasters," our universal family will use their technology to reduce the destruction and death toll.

    The Illuminati do not confine their dark efforts to those events, though, and our light family's on- and off-planet intelligence units intently monitor everyone who has the means to set off a "false flag" operation to ignite widespread violence. By God's honoring Earth's free will decision that killing and destruction end, not escalate, the crews are authorized to intervene however necessary to prevent the free will of those who attempt to start another war or anything else to create chaos. However, the crews cannot interfere with Earth residents' free will decisions to be suicide-bombers or halt troops from obeying commanders' orders — those kinds of activities will end naturally as the higher vibrations touch people's hearts or physical death results from lack of light in the bodies.

    As for the televised announcement to your world, "They are here and they come in peace," no conclusions had been reached about what the program should include, and your leaders who were involved in the planning sessions several months ago have been occupied since then with matters of importance in their respective countries. Therefore, some individuals who participated in those early meetings are talking about scrapping the program and in its stead, a few small craft would land in safe areas around the globe. The landings would be coordinated with colleagues on the ground so the greeting of "the extraterrestrials" by persons who are well-known to you can be filmed and simultaneously, or perhaps later, televised through arrangements with persons who are in positions to manage that. There would be sufficient evidence that the visitors are indeed from other civilizations — peaceful civilizations! — so that any outcries of "Hoax!" or "Invaders!" from the dark ones would have no validity whatsoever among the populace.

    Other introduction possibilities also are being discussed, and at this point, nothing has been decided. However, this goes back to linear time passing faster and faster and the need to accomplish major reforms prior to the closing of the celestial window through which Earth will leave third density. That time may run out before she can exit never has been in question — she can and shall exit! The objective of the planners is to swiftly, yet prudently, bring forth all the truths that must be known, including the truth about what happened on this date nine years ago. Toward that goal of enlightening all receptive souls as the finish line of choosing their destiny draws ever nearer, vast powerful sources are beaming increased amounts of light to Earth and her peoples.

    Go forward joyously and fearlessly, knowing that lighted souls throughout this universe are with you and God's infinite and eternal love is enfolding you in Christed light.


    LOVE and PEACE

    Suzanne Ward

    [Note from Suzy: I was asked to tell you that representatives from many of the assisting civilizations gave us information about their people, homelands and history. Their messages are in Revelations for a New Era, Illuminations for a New Era and Voices of the Universe, and the latter two books also have enlightening messages from God.

    It's my own idea to add that today is the 48th anniversary of Matthew's Earth birthday. Each year on this date and on April 17, the anniversary of his Nirvana birthday, he and I celebrate by buying a plant or flowers together —this time we chose sunflowers.]

      Current date/time is Tue May 07, 2024 2:47 pm