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    Ancient Egypt - Egyptian Statue started moving - sparking fears related to curses


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    Ancient Egypt - Egyptian Statue started moving - sparking fears related to curses  Empty Ancient Egypt - Egyptian Statue started moving - sparking fears related to curses

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:44 pm


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    Ancient Egypt - Egyptian Statue started moving - sparking fears related to curses  Empty Re: Ancient Egypt - Egyptian Statue started moving - sparking fears related to curses

    Post  shiloh Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:27 pm

    Susan, note the time period involved. It spans from April 2nd, 2013 to April 9th, 2013 and so represents the WOC aka 'Week of Confusion' in the ancient scroll encodings and also describes the 7 days of Noah, set aside to 'Build the Ark of the Covenant'.

    In the dragon context of the star lineages, this April period preceded the countdown as described in the mandala charts and can be said to represent the earlier chapters in the Books of the Revelations in Daniel (Old Testament and Torah) and the New Testament (Apocalypse) in say the 'opening of the 7 seals' and the 'blowing of the first 4 trumpets', beginning the 'three woes'.

    The statue turns 180 degrees and no further, because this reprents the 'half cycle' of 360 degrees as the supercode of the 'Hour' as 15 days in the proportion of a year to a day becoming the proportion of a day to an Hour as known by the dragon scribes, who used the 'inspirational minds' of the authors of the ancient scripts.

    So an ancient year of 360 days, each of 24 hours (or four watches, each of 6 hours duration) will define the 'Hour of Prophecy' as 15 days in the ratio 360/15=24/1.

    This statue of Osiris effect so symbolises the 'fulfilment of scriptural prophecy' in the 3½ times as a time cycle partitioned in the count of 7+1+7=15 or 3½+3½+1+3½+3½=15. The 7 days or a week cycle so become the 180 degrees with 3½ days a half week and with a 'mirror day' in between the two weeks being the decoding of the mysterious 'Day of the Lord' as the 'Hour of Decisions' and other such incipherments.

    Emeth 141

    [12:49:02 PM] Emeth 141:
    [1:19:56 PM] Kali 666: nice post Tony
    [1:20:04 PM] Kali 666: i liked the moon tonight too
    [1:20:15 PM] Kali 666: do you think that statue really moved by itself?
    [1:21:29 PM] Emeth 141: Yes
    [1:21:48 PM] Emeth 141: Cox is a superskeptic physicist
    [1:22:05 PM] Emeth 141: They actually timecropped and filmed the thing
    [1:22:35 PM] Emeth 141: Their 'explanations' of friction of the surfaces and the 'visitors' are all BS and they know it
    [1:22:47 PM] Emeth 141: Why did no other statue move?
    [1:23:19 PM] Emeth 141: It could be a fake though
    [1:23:29 PM] Emeth 141: Someone setting this story up
    [1:23:46 PM] Emeth 141: But if not, then it would relate to the superspace of the 4D
    [1:25:16 PM] Emeth 141: I also agree with Rok about Snowden. There are impersonations now and disinfo games
    [1:25:50 PM] Emeth 141: This is how they 'confuse' the public on a big scale now
    [1:26:25 PM] Kali 666: what would be the message of the statue moving now?
    [1:26:39 PM] Emeth 141: As I said in the post
    [1:26:50 PM] Emeth 141: It relates to the timeline
    [1:27:12 PM] Emeth 141: The 4 moons are 45 days apart and 15+15+15=45
    [1:28:15 PM] Emeth 141: In the wingmaker novels, the superman genius is called 15 remember? And as the only being on earth, who has 'top 1' clearance
    [1:28:55 PM] Kali 666: mhm yes
    [1:29:22 PM] Emeth 141: The 'illuminati' ptb knows about those things
    [1:29:58 PM] Emeth 141: They dont know the PTB of the Logos though, mixing it up with their Luciferianism
    [1:31:24 PM] Emeth 141: The final 15 days begin with the Supermoon and end with the Omega Moon and this story was published on the first day following the supermoon
    [1:31:43 PM] Kali 666: it did a complete about face
    [1:31:50 PM] Emeth 141: Yes a number of times
    [1:32:08 PM] Kali 666: gradually
    [1:32:11 PM] Emeth 141: But this story would begin sometime in early 2013
    [1:32:17 PM] Emeth 141: March is my guess
    [1:32:58 PM] Emeth 141: The timing is significant of being made generally public in June and not in May or April, when some people were aware of this see?
    [1:33:45 PM] Emeth 141: So it is Logos induced in its timing to be 'made public'
    [1:34:38 PM] Emeth 141: March 24th-25th was a cosmic marker for the 'coming of age' of humanity as the 18th anniversary of March 24th, 1995
    [1:35:40 PM] Emeth 141: This might have been the time this Osiris statue moved for the first time
    [1:36:27 PM] Emeth 141: It would fit in nicely with the scientists timing the phenomenon so 10 days later
    [1:36:40 PM] Emeth 141: After the curator talked about it so 10 days before April 2nd to April 9th
    [1:37:20 PM] Kali 666: they know during the course of how many days it moved?
    [1:37:36 PM] Emeth 141: Look at the time stamps in the video
    [1:37:53 PM] Emeth 141: 7
    [1:37:58 PM] Kali 666: aha ok
    [1:38:20 PM] Emeth 141: It shows it in any of those videos now flooding youtube

    [2:02:49 PM] Emeth 141:
    [2:04:27 PM] Emeth 141: This COULD be true, but I remain unconvinced by this explanation. In any case, the timings and reality of SOME effect, correlate the Logos timeline as debated by Thuban data transmissions
    Kali 666

    From an original source:

    Egypt at the Manchester Museum

    Everything Egyptian at the Manchester Museum

    « Lecture 29/06/13: “Talking Trees in Ancient Egyptian Love Poetry” by Cynthia Sheikholeslami

    The mystery of the spinning statuette (II)

    June 20, 2013 by Campbell@Manchester

    Several months ago, we noticed that one of our Middle Kingdom statuettes was spinning around imperceptibly slowly in its new case in our Egyptian Worlds gallery
    . We set up a time lapse camera to take one image every minute for a week. This is the result.

    The cause may be subtle vibrations from footfall or traffic outside, but the statuette has been on a glass shelf in about the same place in the gallery for decades and has never moved before – and none of the other objects in the case move in any way. A mystery? See for yourself.

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Ancient Egypt - Egyptian Statue started moving - sparking fears related to curses  Empty Re: Ancient Egypt - Egyptian Statue started moving - sparking fears related to curses

    Post  THEeXchanger Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:20 pm

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