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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated


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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  TRANCOSO Fri May 07, 2010 2:44 pm

    Crop Circle season starts in Salisbury (Photo update)
    (For update scroll down)

    Old Sarum, nr Salisbury, Wiltshire. Reported 5th May

    I have submitted a report of a crop circle that appeared on 5th May 2010 in a field north of old Sarum at 5 20pm as I was travelling home on the bus. I returned to Old Sarum to take some pictures about 8:45pm. I went down to the farmhouse to ask permission to go into the field but I was unable to get hold of the Farm manager.]

    Stretched image by Sonya Bailey


    While I was on my way home from work I glimpsed a formation in the field north of Old Sarum. I walked back up after dinner to get a better look. I did take some pictures but they didn't turn out so well (not what you would call a natural photographer) but the little vid I made did...

    I went down to the farmhouse to ask permission to go into the field
    but I was unable to get hold of the Farm manager.

    Matt (badger) Holloway

    Sources:, and Facebook

    Update: New arial and ground shots
    Report and more new photographs of the first formation of 2010 here

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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  lawlessline Fri May 07, 2010 4:01 pm

    I get a good info off this one. Rings true to thoughts lately. Very interesting write up on under the update heading.

    I left that part of the world the 05/05, to make my way back here.

    A good one to open the season.


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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  Carol Fri May 07, 2010 7:21 pm

    The word that comes to mind is converging.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  Jia Sat May 08, 2010 3:56 am

    Looks like an all seeing eye below a winged disc (nibiru?) Interesting.
    Check this out... filmed on 2/3rd may around same area with infared.

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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  Carol Sat May 08, 2010 8:22 am

    Thank you for the link Jia.

    Or the seven full circles could also represent the next seven full moons which would end in December.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
    truth and integrity

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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  truth and integrity Sat May 08, 2010 11:24 pm

    They like masonic symbols. Lmao Nutbar

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Crop_circle61

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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated CropCircle_450x388

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Crop+Circle+Phoenix+Rising+Yatesbury,+near+Cherhill,+Wiltshire.+Reported+12th+June+2009

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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  Luminari Sun May 09, 2010 3:26 am

    Yay! Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Alien

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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  Mercuriel Sun May 09, 2010 3:49 am

    They like masonic symbols.

    I can see the perspective but Its more that the Masons, Illuminatus and other Snake Brotherhoods utilize Sacred Geometry as Esoterica in an attempt to keep the People profane. We see Them use this Sacred Geometry in many ways but what the real Crux is - Is what came first, so to speak. Sacred Geometry or the Masons/Illuminatus/Snake Brotherhoods ?

    We can All answer that one when Sacred Geometry is the framework behind It All - No ?

    Simply put - If Lucifer was Red - It doesn't necessarily make It a Negative Color. Its just a Color...

    I love you


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...
    truth and integrity

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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  truth and integrity Sun May 09, 2010 10:56 am


    Hmm... ET are using Sacred Geometry? Maybe the answer is very different.
    Mystery religion tries to brainwash people into their belief system.

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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  TRANCOSO Sun May 09, 2010 2:13 pm

    I was looking at the Old Sarum Hill Fort formation a few days ago on your website and then read the 1st comment that was put up. I found it so difficult to relate what was being said to the formation that I thought surely there is a more direct connection. I straight away thought there was some relationship between the formation and Sarum Fort. I first noticed the line of larger trees on the east side of the perimeter I count about 7 or 8 larger trees) and thought they looked in a similar position to the 7 circles to the right of the formation in the picture. then I noticed that there are the 2 lighter leaved trees in pretty much the same position as the smaller flattened circles in the formation, also in relationship to the raised central hill of the fort and the flattened larger central circle in the formation ‘covered‘ by the arches in the formation which correspond to the yellower grass area from the fort.
    Joe Hanson
    I believe that this circle represents a star gate to other dimensions. Allow the big circle with the six wings around it to rise up in your mind’s eye and the seven smaller circles to lower themselves. Then you can see a three dimensional ring. Now Picture in your mind that you are placing the ring on your finger. This will help you visualize the ring. Now enlarge the ring to allow your whole body and spirit to go through the ring and come out in another dimension. The seven small circles can represent the Pleiades star system in the sign of Taurus while the two larger circles may be the stars Sirius A and Sirius B.

    Is this the year for us to travel beyond the third dimension? I can hardly wait for the remainder of the season to unfold.
    Fred Rusher

    Visitation and immediate presence. Bold and simple. At first glance, the impression received is that of a craft like object below a planetary horizon of sorts, below which in turn is overseen by a larger body such as the Sun. Contact? ET is already here upon the Earth? Crop formation messages are
    rarely that clear or visual, but that is the first impression given - at least visually. The six curved lines might represent Chakras or recent large solar emissions. It is also noteworthy to see seven circles as a part of the craft below, looking like portholes or windows. The craft also appears to be adorned with some sort of eye - perhaps Third Eye - doorway to higher consciousness? The fact that the year's first UK formation appeared in an area not normally known to have much activity is also revealing. Maybe our friends will operate outside usual parameters this year - catch the naysayers and debunkers by surprise, so to speak. 2010 has kicked off, and if this formation portrays a craft like object visiting the Earth, then we will likely be in for some very big surprises.
    Stephane Wuttunee



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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  TRANCOSO Sat May 15, 2010 11:13 am

    Second formation at Stonehenge.

    Report + astonishing pictures at:

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Stonehenge-2010-compare

    I would like to bring in the following
    photographic suggestion related to the first two formations of
    this season. With thanks to John Montgomery for the original
    picture. Don't think comment is needed as the suggestion speaks
    for itself.

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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  TRANCOSO Sat May 15, 2010 11:30 am

    Stonehenge of May 9, 2010 showed annual motions of our Moon, Earth and Sun, and was a logical successor to two other crop pictures which appeared at Stonehenge or Chiseldon fourteen years ago in 1996

    A new crop picture which appeared on May 9, 2010 near the ancient megalithic site of Stonehenge in southern England has quickly captured worldwide attention. Many field details from that crop picture (in oilseed rape) suggest that it was made by some kind of highly-technological patterned energy, which no one on Earth today has the capability to produce. Yet what exactly do its many beautiful symbols mean?

    Fortunately we have already interpreted the symbolic meanings of two related crop pictures from the summer of 1996: one of which appeared at Stonehenge on July 4, 1996 (see The Stonehenge code), while the other of which appeared at Chiseldon on August 2, 1996 (see chis96a). Starting from what we know about those two old crop pictures, and several crop pictures from the summer of 2009, we can plausibly surmise what the current picture means.

    Annual motions of the Moon, Earth and Sun (like those studied at Stonehenge nearby)

    First and most generally, it seems to show the annual motions of our Moon, Earth and Sun:

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Stonehenge-new1

    That makes perfect sense, because Stonehenge was originally built as a lunar-solar observatory around 3000 to 2000 BC (see watch or Sun-Moon-Stonehenge-Culture-Ancient or /Uriels-Machine-Uncovering-Stonehenge-Civilization). The two large series of 'spiral curves' in that new crop picture, on left or right, might likewise imply 'two times six lunar months' or 'one lunar year'.

    Seven important details seem to confirm an astronomical interpretation

    By studying this new crop picture more closely, we were able to find seven important details which seem to confirm its general interpretation in terms of lunar astronomy:

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Stonehenge-new2
    1. Its central 'basket weave' was clearly meant to symbolize 'Sun', as shown also at East Field on July 14, 2009 (see eastfield2009) or West Overton on August 9, 2009 (see westoverton2009).

    2. Its large inner ring would then symbolize 'Earth orbit', whose rotational direction would be indicated by two sets of three small balls.

    3. Two small outer rings on left or right could next symbolize 'lunar orbit', within two equal halves of the year (as either winter or summer).

    4. Six spiral curves within each outer part might symbolize 'six lunar months', to give 12 lunar months in total for a complete lunar year of 12 x 29.5 = 354 days.
    The next three details seem especially convincing, and could not plausibly be explained in any other way:

    A.) All of those spiral curves are aligned in a sense
    opposite to the direction indicated by either set of three small balls (for Earth orbit), because our Moon seems to move from west to east in the sky over any monthly phase cycle, relative to the apparent motion of background stars (which move from east to west).

    B.) Once in every six lunar months, the orbit of our Moon may 'cross over' that central 'basket weave' Sun so as to create eclipses, whether solar or lunar.

    C.) A single 'outer dot' on the right suggests 'one lunar month' between May 9 when the crop picture appeared, and the next summer solstice of June 20.

    This new crop picture is a logical successor to
    two other crop pictures which appeared at Stonehenge or Chiseldon fourteen years ago in 1996 .
    A famous crop picture which appeared in daylight at Stonehenge on July 4, 1996 has been interpreted previously in terms of monthly phases of our Moon:

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Stonehenge-old1

    That 1996 crop picture shows one of the twelve 'spiral curves' which just appeared at Stonehenge in 2010, except in much finer detail. There a 'new Moon' rises in the west, then moves slowly across the sky over 15 days until it becomes a 'full Moon' in the east. The size of each 'lunar ball' tells how bright our Moon becomes on each of those 15 days (see The Stonehenge codel).

    The basic astronomy which underlies that rather abstract drawing is shown more clearly below:

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Stonehenge-old2

    There we can see that our Moon traces out a half-circle or 'spiral curve' through Earth’s sky as it proceeds from 'new' (1) to 'full' (5). Such lunar phase cycles were studied at Stonehenge thousands of years ago.

    No one at the time knew exactly how to interpret Stonehenge of July 4, 1996 when it first appeared. Many people called it the 'Julia set', because a somewhat related 'Mandlebrot set' had appeared in crops near Cambridge on August 12, 1991 (see or mandelbrot).

    A crop based 'Rosetta stone' appeared in two parts at Chiseldon on August 2, 1996, in order to compare their lunar symbols with ours

    In fact, the real crop artists sent us quite clear instructions on how to decode Stonehenge of July 1996, just one month later at Chiseldon on August 2, 1996 (see chis96a). There they provided us with a two-part crop picture which shows their (alien) symbols for lunar astronomy on the left (as drawn at Stonehenge one month earlier), and our conventional (human) symbols for lunar astronomy on the right:

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Chiseldon-old1

    Looking more closely at the left-hand side, which explains their (alien) astronomy symbols, we can see a central 'pointer' which indicates the precise value of lunar phase at midnight on August 3, 1996, just hours after that crop picture was discovered:

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Chiseldon-old2

    Looking next at the right-hand side, which shows our conventional (human) symbols of 'full Moon' or 'crescent Moon', we can see a 'broad arrow' that points along the horizon to two lunar azimuths from the previous phase cycle in July:

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Chiseldon-old3

    Wow, that seems pretty clear! Or as the prophet Daniel once said, “The dream is true and the interpretation is certain.”

    The right-hand side of Chiseldon 1996 appears also on a natural lodestone from New Mexico, dubbed the 'Roswell Stone', which is thought to be a relic of the distant past. It has been investigated independently by Linda Howe and Julian Gibsone (see trailer09c).

    Everything now seems to suggest that these spacetime transmissions (or some of them at least) may be coming to us from a small group of advanced humans (or human-like extra-terrestrials) who are currently living in Earth's past, whether in central America or in Europe (see time2010f).

    Appendix 1. Spiral curve motion of our Moon through the Earth’s sky at different times of the lunar year

    This movie shows a 'spiral curve' for the Moon as it moves through Earth’s sky over a succession of 12 lunar months or one lunar year (see Lunar Motions). The geometric shapes shown there agree closely with what were drawn in crops at Stonehenge on May 9, 2010, or fourteen years earlier on July 4, 1996:

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Spiral-curve-moon-12-months

    CMM Research
    P.S. We would like to thank Chris Bird for his excellent photograph of Stonehenge 2010.

    P.S.S. If anyone else is interested in studying these great mysteries, which surpass anything known to science today, we would strongly suggest that you join the Crop Circle Connector, so as to have full access to archived material from previous years (see MEMBERSHIP)


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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon May 17, 2010 9:17 pm


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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue May 18, 2010 3:55 pm

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated DSC0776-YarnburyOH
    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated DSC0783-Yarnbury-Castle-2

    This new formation
    at Yarnbury Castle has some rather fascinating aspects to the
    design. Certainly a strong connection to Masonic history. On the
    ground the formation wasn't neat. A lot of breakage, however I have
    always stated that the phenomenon is not always as
    perfect as people suggest.

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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  lindabaker Tue May 18, 2010 5:43 pm

    Carol wrote:Thank you for the link Jia.

    Or the seven full circles could also represent the next seven full moons which would end in December.

    Carol, I had the same thought about the moons before I read what you posted.

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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  lindabaker Tue May 18, 2010 5:57 pm

    truth and integrity wrote:They like masonic symbols. Lmao Nutbar

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Crop_circle61

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated CropCircle-008

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated CropCircle_450x388

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Crop+Circle+Phoenix+Rising+Yatesbury,+near+Cherhill,+Wiltshire.+Reported+12th+June+2009

    cyclops The last photo looks like a head of a bird of prey, a phoenix rising up, maybe? Or, is it a Thunderbird? Quetzacoatl?

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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  TRANCOSO Sat May 22, 2010 4:09 am

    We personally believe that the creators of this crop circle already tried to tell us something important through a similar pictogram appearing in the past at Lockeridge, near Avebury, Wiltshire. Reported 6th August 1998. If you look at the pictures below in more detail, you can clearly see that they resemble each other to a certain extent. For example, notice the basic shapes – the triangle inserted into the big circle which is surrounded by the same number of smaller circles. Furthermore, the similarity in the location of the three smaller circles on the top of the big circle is also very interesting. Maybe we haven’t yet understood the message expressed in the first circle and therefore the creators find it important to repeat the information for us to have another chance to comprehend it.

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Image002

    Jitka & Roman Hamar The Czech Republic

    I had a dream the night before this one - at Yarnbury Castle - was found. Well - it was not my plan to tell anybody about it, until I saw the photos today. I dreamed that there would be four crop circles, that put together would tell the story of the beginning of the Church.I was surprised to have this dream. I do not have a close relation to the Church. It is Pentecost next Sunday. It is also called the birthday of the Christian Church. And a celebration of the descent of the Holy Spirit. The triangle is a symbol of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. There has also been a CC in Germany with a triangle in it. And I can see the first two in this context. Maybe the little round spot outside the circles is to mark, that they should be seen together?

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Pinse-ikon%5B1%5D1

    Pentecost -icon

    I know that some people think, that is a "false" one. I do not know. Maybe some Christian alien hoaxers did it :))))

    Anni Brandt

    It occurs to me that most essential to the design is an eye peeping through a key hole. It can only mean "suspicion". From such a terrible mental condition/position its quite impossible to oversee a wider perspective. Mistrust means not seeing clearly. It usually leads to obstruction, conflict and other difficulties in life. I can imagine the confrontation with this theme will help to mirror our selves. In other words, to see if there's (still) mistrust within our selves that could be the cause of any trouble.Who ever made this formation, hoaxers or not, I appreciate their work a lot.

    Here is the Divine Triangle! That’s what mathematicians call it. The pure golden ratio, the one-fifth angle!

    This triangle side divided by its base length equals phi the golden ratio, 1.618.... Its two base angles are 72 degrees. The golden ratio has long been associated by philosophers with beauty, and the Circlemakers have surely managed that here; and also, come up with the bright idea of putting a circle at the top whose diameter is equal to its base.... Five lines touch the base of the triangle, and then in the circle above a set of five lines cover the top angle of 36 degrees. This is a pentagram-type motif.
    Nicholas Kollerstrom


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    Post  TRANCOSO Sat May 22, 2010 5:16 am


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    Post  Carol Sat May 22, 2010 8:01 am

    Sometimes when I look at these I wonder if the shadow government is involved in some of this. When the little balls of light do it and are seen (as by a friend of mine at Stonehedge area) the crop circle pheonomena seems more authentic to me. But these masonic symbols just don't hit home in the same way. It only stands to reason that the secret government technology exists to create crop circles of intricate designs. Meanwhile, their beauty is amazing and is to be appreciated. Ast to what is authentic (made from our ET friends) and what is not (made by humans) is still open to speculation.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  mudra Sat May 22, 2010 11:55 am

    the Meaning
    of Crop

    with Kris and
    Ed Sherwood

    by Celeste Adams

    Crop circle researchers Ed and Kris Sherwood feel that the messages of the crop circles reflect the language of literal and metaphorical symbolism, and that they are directed at all of us.

    The Sherwoods believe that, by exploring the crop circle phenomena with an open mind, without fear and without assumptions, they have been able to gain insight into their meaning.

    In order to understand a particular crop circle, they feel, it is first necessary to let go of preconceived ideas.

    Crop Circle Themes

    According to the Sherwoods, the crop-circle designs are symbolic and literal metaphors that contain a wealth of encoded information. Sometimes, they observe, the genuine crop circles are so deceptively simple-looking that one might wonder if they really have something significant to say.

    But the Sherwoods have concluded that even the simplest formations have multiple layers of meaning. The designs in certain crop circles even seem to be tied to sacred symbols from more than one culture.

    "When we first look at a pattern, we might not immediately recognize it," Ed explains, "or we might recognize some aspect of it, and go off to investigate it — which I think is what we are meant to do. You may explore connections and associated symbols, and you may discover that one crop circle actually has multiple layers of meaning, all cross-referencing each other."

    Meteorological and dragon symbology at East Field

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Dec2_sherwood_ledzep

    Ed has been researching crop circles since 1984, but it was not until 1990 that he decoded one of them: the East Field formation, found at Wiltshire, England. This experience completely changed his view of who and what creates crop circles (the famous Wiltshire formation of July 11, 1990, pictured at right, was made into an album cover — to see larger image, click on the photo).

    Ed believes that formations like the East Field pictogram were created from the psychokinetic energy of the collective mind in conjunction with natural forces and processes of the earth and cosmos.[1]

    Ed came to feel that this particular design referred to dragons, leylines, water, weather, and an intelligence known as "The Nine." The famous pictogram of East Field may be made up of international meteorological symbols, and Ed suggests that it symbolizes a forecast of the prevailing weather conditions over East Field, before and after the crop-circle event.

    This complex formation has claw-like and foot-like design features, and a double dumb-bell design. Ed claims that clues to understanding the crop-circle phenomenon can be found in exploring Eastern traditions in folklore and legends.

    Additional clues exist in the fields of physics and metaphysics. "When you explore Eastern traditions, you find that dragons rule the weather. So there, you have meteorological symbols and dragon symbology overlaid and interlaced, cross-referencing in a very intelligent way."

    Dragons were the weather lords, in that they were the masters of the wind and water. References to the Nine Dragons appear in many cultures — the Nine Dragons were revered in China. Also, the first religion of Egypt was based on nine Creation Gods. One of the dragons/gods was deified more than the others and represented the Messenger of Messengers. According to Ed Sherwood, the sphinx of Giza depicts this messenger god.

    Indigenous symbols in crop circles

    Although crop circles have appeared mainly in Wiltshire, England, they have also appeared in countries around the world. Many Native American tribes have seen crop circles that reflect their own symbols and the fulfillment of their prophecies.[2]

    Colin Andrews spoke of a Hopi elder who said that a crop circle in the early '90s was a symbol of Mother Earth crying because of the damage inflicted upon her.[3]

    In 1996, the Sherwoods were the only researchers to report on a crop circle that appeared in Laguna Canyon, California. This formation was remarkable in that although there were no telltale footprints or handprints of any kind near it, the soil was so soft that any human activity around the site would have left deep impressions. Ed photographed this formation, before he and Kris went into it, to document this absence of prints.

    The formation was created in a different medium than most others, occurring on a hillside covered by many species of plants rather than in a crop field. An analysis of the bent plants by W. C. Levengood, a noted biophysicist and expert in crop-circle plant analysis, confirmed the authenticity of the formation.[4]

    Most crop circles, as we have noted, originate in England. Here, only the plants originated in England! "Even though it formed in California, and even though there were numerous species of available plants, the pictogram was delineated by two English plant species," Ed says, "bent in the way characteristic of a genuine formation. But this formation looked more like a petroglyph than a typical English crop-circle design."

    And their investigation revealed compelling connections between the design and the once indigenous peoples of the area, the Tongva Indians, whose sacred land and gravesites were being bulldozed in March of 1996 to build a highway.

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Dec2_sherwood_laguna

    The formation was comprised of three glyphs, one of which resembled the sacred sun-staff of the Chumash Indians. Could it be that the three glyphs related to the "three warnings" of a local indigenous legend?

    A hero named Chingichnish, a Tongva spiritual leader, appeared hundreds of years ago to teach the people how to live in harmony with Nocuma, or the Great Spirit.

    Chingichnish said that Nocuma would give three warnings to people who failed to respect the land. Beyond that, nature would take its course.
    The Laguna Canyon pictogram, containing three glyphs, appeared at a site where there had been considerable local protest against a toll-road construction which was making a wide path through the last small piece of wilderness there.

    The Sherwoods do not believe this was simply a coincidence. They suggest that perhaps it was a warning — that we need to change, or change will be brought upon us.[5]

    Origins of Crop Circles

    The messages challenge us

    The messages in crop circles seems to come, according to Ed and Kris, from a level of consciousness that requires us not only to observe them but to interact with them if we wish to decipher their meaning.

    "We're meant to think, we're meant to investigate," the Sherwoods say. "We think that the messages are coming from our collective consciousness. They appear to us like dream symbols for things that have been suppressed from our conscious minds, things we haven't been dealing with. They're symbolically trying to draw our attention to these issues, the way poltergeist activity will manifest.

    "It's like a dream, but one which has been conceived by the collective consciousness. The crop circle is made up of more information than our conscious mind. That's why we tend to feel that it's conceived by something greater than ourselves."

    Three possible origins

    The Sherwoods think that there are three sources for the crop circles.

    Some are manmade;
    Some — generally simple circles, or sets of circles, with perhaps one or two pictograms — are made by extraterrestrials; and
    The rest are made by Divine Intelligence.

    Other researchers in the crop-circle community do not necessarily embrace this perspective, and there even are times when it is not well tolerated. Here is what Ed Sherwood had to say about this:

    I've looked at hundreds of formations and I've also had multiple close encounters with the phenomenon that I feel is creating most of the genuine formations. We're not talking about extraterrestrial intelligence, we are referring to something beyond that, which is greater and more fundamental — the very source of where we come from and even where they come from.

    And I've noticed that in the last five or six years there has been a slight change in other researchers' views. Some are slowly coming around to the idea that maybe it's more than just the ET explanation.

    In 1990 I started to share my views with crop-circle researchers. For years, I encountered the opinion that the genuine formations were made by ET's. That's putting it pretty simply. They thought a formation had to be either manmade or extraterrestrial.

    Others said that it was made by Gaia.

    I felt very alone when I first started saying the creator was God or the Infinite Intelligence of Life. That is something I've been saying publicly for years now, and it may be the case now that more people are coming around to seeing it that way.

    Some known researchers are beginning to change their views. Those who were very pro-extraterrestrial are now beginning to think the creators are the collective consciousness — a global poltergeist, but from an Infinite Source, expressing Infinite Intelligence. It's not like an aggressive, angry poltergeist that's coming from the collective consciousness of a single individual going through an emotional crisis. It's a global, collective consciousness that is coming into awareness, and is triggering a response from the infinite collective consciousness of all life.

    Because some crop circles have been considered hoaxes, some researchers have jumped to the conclusion that they're all hoaxes. And this year, a number of hoaxers admitted that they had made certain crop circles that had previously been thought to be genuine.

    As a result, some researchers have become so disillusioned that they have swung like a pendulum to the opposite extreme and are now saying that all crop circles are manmade. In spite of this, we maintain that some are made by people, some are made by ETs, and some are made by this superconscious force of creation.

    The truth is often diverse and complex, and to find an answer to the origins you have to be like a true scientist — an inquirer, who doesn't believe in one thing or another. You have to see what picture the information paints. Over time it becomes clearer.
    The Sherwoods agree that Colin Andrews is probably fairly close in his estimate that perhaps 80 percent of the crop circles made in England during 1999 and 2000 were manmade.

    "There are very active groups that are vehemently trying to discredit and fool researchers," Kris says. "They want people to accept their formations as genuine. Perhaps some of them are sponsored by people who have big interests in making sure the genuine phenomenon isn't recognized."

    The Sherwoods feel that the hoaxers believe in a genuine phenomenon, but don't know what it is, and are not interested in finding out.

    Ed and Kris have also encountered a tremendous lack of discernment within the so-called "research community" to the point where they feel there are very few people who can actually tell the genuine from manmade.

    Determining authenticity

    "Some people are inclined to call a crop circle genuine because they like it — not because it is really genuine," the Sherwoods feel. "Most people who look at crop circles are moved at a deep emotional level, viewing them as an art form and reacting to them as they would to paintings in an art gallery that they find particularly moving."

    But the Sherwoods consider many things when they try to determine the authenticity of a crop circle. In addition to looking at the geometry, the mathematics, and the symbolism in the design, they look at the physics and logistics of how the circle was created. They also look at the energy — both natural and/or supernatural — that might have had a physical effect on the plants or the soil.

    Here are their comments on methods of verification:

    The way the crop is bent One indicator of a genuine crop circle is plants that have been bent at ninety degrees and at the ground level, yet with no cracks or breaks in the bend of the plant — it almost looks like they've been steamed into position, there's no damage at all.

    Dowsing When people use dowsing rods to explore the energy that is present in crop circles, it only works if they ask the right questions. Proper dowsers, using a rod, rods, or a pendulum, ask questions where they get yes-or-no answers, then go through a series of cross-referencing questions to test their original results. Without correct questioning, dowsers could be picking up their own energy, their expectations, or the expectations of other people who are there or have been there. Since there are many things that can be detected through dowsing, it is important to ask the right questions.


    Ancient peoples were in touch with a kind of light phenomenon referred to as Earth Lights. This may be the reason that they built stone circles in particular places.

    The Sherwoods use the term "luminosities" to express a similar phenomenon. They say that there are basically two categories of luminosities, physical and non-physical. The physical category involves light that is visible or that would give you a reading on a magnetometer. The non-physical luminosities are only perceived in an altered state of consciousness or by using photographic equipment that picks up frequences outside of the visible range.

    During the year 2000, in order to gather information about the luminosities associated with Earth mysteries, Ed Sherwood organized more than 40 psychic-photography experiments in England. These were conducted at ancient Sacred Sites, authentic crop circle formations, and within natural spaces identified as vortexes — points in the landscape where energy lines cross.

    In these spaces, Ed and Kris Sherwood witnessed and recorded hundreds of luminosities, using 35mm, HI-8 video, and digital cameras. They were enormously successful in photographing luminosities that had been seen by everyone present inside crop circle formations.[6]

    Ed finds that people have to let go of mental distractions before they are able to see the balls of light.

    "We were in a crop circle at night, it was dark and we had just finished a short meditation," Ed reports. "I started to walk around, using a manual flash, flashing it towards what I sensed was the source of energy, which is what we commonly do. There was a retired physicist in the group who probably wasn't able to see the first few luminosities. When I suggested that he focus his attention on a particular point in space, he soon began to see them. It's like looking at a computerized picture where the designs are scrambled and pixilated. You have to look at them and stare at them in a certain way to see the three-dimensional image inside them."

    Ed explains that we also have to use similar techniques when looking at the physical world if we want to see it clearly. "You have to disassociate your mind. I don't mean go cross-eyed, or look at the world bleary-eyed, but you have to give complete attention to the subject matter.

    Co-Creative Nature of Crop Circles

    Ed feels that we psychokinetically co-create a positive or negative reality, and that this creative factor is very much reflected in crop-circles. "The genuine crop circle phenomenon is teaching us to awaken to the fact that we are very powerful co-creative beings. When one person, or a group of people, or sometimes millions of people become aware or are witnessing something, they experience an awakening in their consciousness."

    An interesting example is the coincidence of crop circles in England with a solar eclipse in Mexico City on July 11, 1991. As the eclipse was occurring, metallic objects of non-human origin appeared over Mexico City and other cities around Mexico. And because so many people were also watching the eclipse, these appearances were seen by hundreds of thousands of witnesses — it was later documented, Ed says, as the largest UFO sighting in recorded history. And these sightings were interpreted as the fulfillment of a Mayan prophecy saying that the sun god Quetzalcoatl would return "at the time of the sixth sun" — July 11, 1991!

    As these phenomena were occurring in Mexico — before anyone knew about them elsewhere — crop circle formations started to appear in England. "We started to get formations appearing in the wheat fields, clearly making a reference to extraterrestrial vehicles," Ed says, and Kris adds, "They even called them saucer-grams, because they looked like cross-sections of flying discs. But the connection wasn't made that this was going on in Mexico and that the collective conscious focus was being reflected in these saucer-grams in Wiltshire. There is a real energetic connection between the area of Mexico's pyramids and Wiltshire."

    Ed remarks that a similar thing happened in 1994, when hundreds of thousands, maybe a few million people worldwide were paying attention to the Schumacher-Levy-9 comet that smashed into Jupiter. That was the first time, aided by our current technology, that we were able to look at a comet hitting one of our local planets.

    "Planet Earth would not have survived even one of those twenty-one fragments that hit Jupiter — and here we were, watching this and learning things from it. And as we were witnessing that — even before we had the images of the impacts in our conscious mind — designs were appearing in wheat fields in Wiltshire and Hampshire that clearly reflected what was happening on Jupiter.

    "I think," Ed says, "that this Intelligence, the consciousness of the source of the genuine formations, was greater than what we knew consciously at the time."

    The Gog Magog Incident

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Dec2_sherwood_angel

    For Ed and Kris, the most significant crop-circle formation of 2001 appeared below the Gog Magog Hills near Cambridge, England. This elegant crop circle, quickly named the Angel formation, was reported on July 25. And there is an amazing story behind it.

    Three days before the Angel appeared in the Gog Magog hills, Ed had conducted a long-planned, synchronized group meditation, specifically asking for a response from "the primary Source of non-manmade crop circle creation."

    In the opening part of this meditation, which was held at a major ancient Sacred Site in Wiltshire, Ed held up a spiritual offering to the Infinite Mind and Intelligence of God: it was a medicine bundle, and on it was a crop-circle symbol from 1994.

    Fortunately, this meditation was independently and privately witnessed and filmed by three US documentary filmmakers.

    And three days later, the Angel appeared.

    "It was a unique and amazing crop-circle formation in a wheat field near Cambridge. And it incorporated the same symbol that had been on the medicine bag offered in our group meditation three days earlier," Ed says.

    Ed and Kris Sherwood's website : CropCircleAnswers

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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  TRANCOSO Sat May 22, 2010 5:28 pm

    No. 4!

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Wilton-Windmill1f2

    This formation was reported to me soon after 12 noon today (May 22) and is in oil seed rape adjacent to the Wilton Windmill It is approx:200 ft in diameter.

    How I wish Paul Vigay were alive, as to me this definitely represents some sort of communication, whether it be in binary, maths or music. It certainly resemble a computer disc? Any explanation most welcome as I believe this is important.

    Lucy Pringle

    More (pix) at:

    Mudra, cool post! Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated 374937

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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  TRANCOSO Sat May 22, 2010 5:46 pm

    by Nancy Talbott
    BLT Research Team Inc.

    PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3

    - PART 1 -

    All seed-head & node photos are the property of the BLT Research Team Inc and may be used by others with written permission from Nancy Talbott. Please contact individual photographers of various crop formations if permission is desired to use their photos.
    During the 1990s multiple specific and distinctive plant abnormalities were repeatedly documented in several hundred different crop formations which had occurred in various European countries as well as in the States and Canada. Extensive laboratory examination of thousands of these crop circle plants and their controls by American biophysicist W. C. Levengood established the presence of consistent changes in the circle plants which were not present in the control plants (plants taken at varying distances outside the crop formations, but in the same fields) - changes which control studies revealed were not caused by simple mechanical flattening of the plants (with planks, boards, cement rollers or human feet).

    For detailed discussion of the plant (and subsequently soil) anomalies documented between 1990-2002, see and

    Because some crop formations are known to be mechanically flattened by people (see a vain attempt by some M.I.T. undergraduates in Ohio, in 2002: circle enthusiasts have long desired simple indicators of the 'real McCoy' - in particular, parameters they could easily recognize while out in the fields. And while we appreciate this desire, the BLT Team's plant and soil research indicates that any reliable determination requires the documentation of multiple plant and/or soil abnormalities -- some of which documentation does require microscopic or other laboratory analysis -- to ascertain with certainty the origin of any specific event.

    However, there are four scientifically-documented visible plant changes which are hallmarks of genuine crop circles - and all of these, if present, are (a) thought to be caused by the exposure of the plants to the heating component (most likely microwave radiation) of a plasma energy discharge which our work indicates is involved in the creation of many crop circles, and (b) except for the inhibited seed/seed-head development, the other three will be present immediately after a formation occurs:


    elongation or stretching of the apical nodes (the first node beneath the seed-head), as compared to the control nodes.


    expulsion cavities (holes blown out at the nodes, usually found in the 2nd and/or 3rd nodes beneath the seed-head), as compared to control plants at various distances away from the formation, (but not along the tramlines).


    distinct bending of the plant stems at the nodes, which can occur at any or all of the nodes -- this parameter is useful only if one knows both the growth-stage of the crop when the circle occurred and how much time has elapsed since then, because young and vigorously-growing plants will produce nodal bending within days of being flattened (so long as they are not crushed), as they begin to reorient themselves to the sun and to gravity (phototropism and gravitropism.)

    Mature crop which has begun to dry down does not have the energy required for these natural recovery processes and, so, marked node bending in circles which occur in this later growth-stage is much easier to recognize as significant.


    inhibited seed-head development, which is usually only apparent in crop formations which have occurred fairly early in the season but are being examined at least 3-4 weeks later. In early genuine formations the seed-heads in the flattened crop will usually be visibly smaller and less well-developed 3-4 weeks later, and in many cases the glumes have been found to contain no seeds at all.

    There is a fifth visible plant alteration - bending at the base of the plant - which can be also be highly significant but, as in the case of nodal bending, it's significance is dependent upon both the type of plant involved and the age of the crop at the time the formation has appeared. Young cereal plants are quite flexible and when flattened mechanically will often bend at the base rather than break; however, marked bending at the base in certain plants (such as canola, which has a thick stalk which breaks easily) or in older crop, particularly if it has reached the drying stage, is quite likely to be highly significant (since mechanical flattening at this stage will crush, not bend, the plant base).

    In addition to the visible changes discussed above the BLT Team has always (if attempting to determine 'authenticity' of a specific crop circle) taken into consideration additional parameters which require lab analysis to estabish. These are (a) marked germination abnormalities in the crop circle seeds; (b) the presence of node-length changes which correlate with the well-known law of physics (the Beer-Lambert principle) which predicts the effect of exposure to EM energies on matter; (c) the presence and distribution patterns of microscopic, magnetized iron spherules in the soils; and (d) after the completion of the x-ray diffraction study in 2002, the increased ordering of the crystalline structure of specific clay minerals in crop circle soils.

    We do not have the funding needed to repeatedly replicate the in-depth field and lab work carried out (and published in refereed journals) during the1990s. But since it has been many years since BLT examined UK crop circles we were curious to know if some of the recent British formations continued to exhibit these same visible plant changes documented so thoroughly during the 1990s and which we associate with authenticity.

    Because in-depth sampling and subsequent intensive laboratory work was not carried out in 2009 we cannot be 100% certain that the visible plant changes we found are absolute proof these formations were genuine. But an educated estimate can be offered in several instances.

    Read the rest of this article & enjoy the many photos at:

    Continue to Part 2 >>

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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  mudra Sun May 23, 2010 7:12 pm

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Star+Dreams+A+Crop+Circle+Documentary

    Star Dreams : A Crop Circle Documentary

    Star Dreams is an award winning feature documentary exploring the mystery of Crop Circles. Crop Circles are archetypical symbols based on sacred geometry, that link the inner world of the human psyche with the patterns inherent in the universe.

    A hit at film festivals in Sedona, Santa Fe, Ashland and Martha's Vineyard. Featured at many conferences: The UFO Congress, Exopolitics, The American Society of Dowser's, The E.T. Dolphin Conference, The Signs of Destiny conference, Conscious Life Expo, and the World Congress on Illumination.

    Star Dreams presents images of the major crop circles, along with interviews with top researchers and a narrative line dealing with the mystical aspects of the phenomenon. Also investigated is this remarkable system of communication, not only for earth to human contact, but also extra-terrestrial to human contact. The film additionally explores Crop Circles as the realization of a higher consciousness presented to humanity at this time to aid in a universal awakening to higher dimensions of being.

    Watch full documentary here part 1 & 2:

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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon May 24, 2010 12:23 pm

    New Wilton, Wiltshire Crop Circle Signals a Major Communication Event is Coming.
    Marshall Masters

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Et-2010-05b

    First reported on May 22, 2010, a new formation at the Wilton Windmill, near Wilton, Wiltshire is a clear harbinger of what could be a major communication event this season. As always, Mark Fussell and Stuart Dike of the Crop Circle Connector web site are on the case and doing a brilliant job of it.

    Assuming the authenticity of the formation (approx. 200' diameter) is confirmed with verifiable field reports, 2010 could become a pivotal year in crop circle research. This is because the binary encoded structure of this formation clearly demonstrates that the message makers have clearly established a perceptual communication protocol for a series of future formations.

    'It Certainly Resembles a Computer Disc?'

    In the Crop Circle Connector report, Lucy Pringle states: “It certainly resembles a computer disc? Any explanation most welcome as I believe this is important.” Lucy is on the right track, because this is clearly a computer related glyph.

    However, not in the modern sense, as most would assume. Rather, the Wilton Windmill formation offers a perfect representation of a hard drive platter.

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Hard_disk
    Unlike a DVD or CD, a hard drive platter is housed inside the hermetically sealed housing of the hard drive installed in our laptops, computers and other such device. The reason hard disk drive have more storage capacity than a single DVD or Blu-ray disc, is that they can use a stack of platters to multiply the capacity. The next order of business is to organize the data stored on the hard drive platters so that it can be used reliably. This is done using tracks, cylinders and sectors.

    On the Crop Circle Connector site, Andreas Muller posted a preliminary diagram of the formation. Next to it, is a Wikipedia image of how the data on a hard drive platter is organized.

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Platterlayout

    If this doesn't send shiver down your back, you're going to love what comes next.

    Shades of V'ger Past

    In the first Star Trek film, a Voyager probe leaves the solar system and returns as a planet-eating behemoth named V'ger. The point here is that space junk can come back at you in the oddest ways. This in turn raises an interesting possibility. With all the junk in orbit over our heads, there's got to be a few old had drives here and there. (Kinda handy when you come to the think about it.) So what would it look like?

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Oldplatterformation

    The hard drive platter you're seeing in the illustration above, is decades old. A relic of the late 20th century. Just like a lot of the junk in orbit over our heads. The possibilities are endless, but more importantly, what should be looking for next?

    Keeping an Eye Out

    I'm am so looking forward to reading the Wilton Crop Circle field reports when they come out. Once the formation have vetted and is determined to be non-anthropomorphic (a fancy term for 2 drunk jerks with planks didn't make it), the game is afoot and something big is coming.

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Crabwood2002

    This formation takes me back to the famous Alien holding a disc formation that appeared in Crabwood England on August 15, 2002.

    Later when I founded the Sagan Continuation Project in 2003, I was haunted by the last two words from the translation of the Data-CD glyph in the formation, by Maurice Osborn.

    "Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. BELIEVE. There is GOOD out there. We oppose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING,"
    Those two words “COnduit CLOSING,” hung like a dark cloud. Now, could the conduit be opening again? If so, the comma does give one hope and so I wrote a reply some 7 years ago.

    We WELCOME all who RESPECT our FREE WILL. If you CHOOSE to HELP, then help us to help ourselves. There is GOOD HERE too. WE LOOK for a reply,

    Maurice event went to England and created his own crop circle using this message and since then, I've included it on every page and email sent from our site. This is not to suggest that the message makers are answering us, however if this formation is genuine, it will mean that the dialog is changing. Sacred geometry may no longer be the king of the hill as it looks like we're about to go digital in a much bigger way.

    If so, what am I on the lookout for? In a word, 'dimensions'. I'll be looking for any new binary encoded formation. Especially those that form with multiple glyphs all at once, or over a period of days. Also, any series of related formations with similar dimensions, such that you could literally assemble them like a stack of platters in a hard drive. Something like that could certainly take the conversation to a whole new level. It's kinda cool when you think about it. Needless to say, I am looking forward to an interesting season.


    Last edited by TRANCOSO on Mon May 24, 2010 12:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Empty Re: Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon May 24, 2010 12:26 pm


    From down here in Australia I have some comments about the Wilton Windmill Crop Circle, 22 May 2010.

    Like the other researchers, when analyzing the binary information in the image, I came up with the text e^(hi)pi)1=0. I, too, think this is a clear reference to Euler’s identity, but the question kept coming to me, “Why did they make mistakes?” The intent of the equation is there, but why did they not ‘get it right’, for example by encoding the equation as e^(i*pi)+1=0? I can imagine them having a bit of fun, by turning i-pi into hi-pi. But why replace the ‘+’ with a ‘)’? The Circlemakers don’t ‘get it wrong’! When you look at the perfection of some of their previous designs, it is breathtaking: something that clearly separates them from the inept fakes. But when we examine the Wilton Windmill design itself, the ‘error’ is not subtle; it is there, bold as brass, a 1 instead of a 0.

    OK, so let’s assume the Circlemakers don’t make mistakes - that implies there’s something else going on here. What could that be? Well, there’s something else odd about the encoding, about the construction of the entire design. The 7-bit binary coding is written along each of the ‘spokes’ of the design, but the information is duplicated. If you examine each spoke, a ‘bar’ on one side invariably has a ‘blank’, or ‘lack of bar’ on the other side. For example, take the character ‘e’ that has been identified in the design. This comes from the spoke highlighted below:

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Image001

    Let’s look at the clockwise side of the spoke. If we take flattened crop (dark line) as a ‘1’, and non-flattened crop as a ‘0’, and read from the inside to the outside, ignoring the innermost of the 8 ‘tracks’, we get the following 7-bit binary number: 1100101. In decimal this is 101, which on the ASCII chart is the character ‘e’. Continuing clockwise, doing the same with each spoke, we get the whole ‘message’, e^(hi)pi)1=0.

    OK, well and good. But why is the same information coded as its inverse on the anticlockwise side of each spoke? And why is the innermost track, track 8, there at all? This track contains no ASCII
    information: it is just alternating ‘1s’ and ‘0s’ as you go around the circle. For each spoke, on one side it is a ‘1’, and on the other side a ‘0’. Why is it there? We could easily find the message e^(hi)pi)1=0 without it. What, then, is it telling us?

    I think it is telling us that there are two messages on each spoke, one coded with a dark bar (flattened crop) being a ‘1’ and the other with a dark bar being a ‘0’. Let’s look at that. If we follow the above process, going clockwise around the spokes(the same way as the windmill in the background), ignoring the innermost track, decoding the clockwise side of the spokes, reading from inwards to outwards, with flattened crop as a ‘1’, we get:



    ASCII Character




































    This is our familiar reference to Euler’s identity. But now let’s use the other side of each spoke. This is the same information, of course, but it’s inverted. The above list of binary numbers becomes:



    ASCII Character




































    The column on the right shows the corresponding ASCII decoding. N/P means thatthe number decodes to a non-printing ASCII character, such as an escape key or a control code. As you can see, there is no meaningful information encoded there. But what say we read this side of the spoke from outward to inward, instead of inward to outward as we did with the other side of the spoke? Our decoding becomes:



    ASCII Character




































    Suddenly we seem to have a message!
    It reads: ,But45x459!y
    What does it mean? Is it there deliberately? I think it definitely is there deliberately, and here is why. Looking at the crop circle as a whole, there can be no doubt that it is meant as a message, and the Circlemakers have a history of using ASCII encoding to communicate. It is no surprise, then, to find the message e^(hi)pi)1=0 encoded there. They seem to have a penchant for mathematical encodings, including Pi encoded in a previous crop circle. So finding Euler’s identity in a crop circle is charming, but not unexpected. However, given that there is one twelve-character message encoded in the design, what is the probability of having another printable message encoded by the double-reverse means outlined above? Well, we can work it out. Conditional probability is given by the formula:

    Crop Circle Season 2011 «» Updated Image002

    This states that the probability of event A occurring, given that event B has already occurred is the probability of both A and B occurring, divided by the probability of event B occurring. If we think about two messages being encoded in the crop circle, then let’s call the first message ‘Sense 1’ and the second ‘Sense 2’. Sense 1 is decoded by the first method above, giving “e^(hi)pi)1=0”, and Sense 2 is decoded by the subsequent method above, giving “,But45x459!y”. Without even thinking about the meaning of the decoding, what is the probability of there being a printable ASCII character in Sense 2, given that there is one in Sense 1? For each spoke, the probability of both Sense 1 and Sense 2 decoding representing a printable ASCII character is 69/128, or 0.54. (You can figure this out by drawing up a table of all possible 7-bit ASCII characters, and checking the decoding of Sense 1 and Sense 2.) The probability of Sense 1 being a printable ASCII character is 95/128, or 0.74. So for each spoke the probability of Sense 2 decoding being a printable ASCII character, given that Sense 1 is already a printable ASCII character is 0.54/0.74, or 0.73. This is for each spoke. Now, we have 12 spokes. Since we are ignoring meaning for the moment, we can treat them all as independent. If the probability of Sense 2 being a printable ASCII character, given that Sense 1 is a printable ASCII character, is 0.73 for each spoke, what is the probability of this being true for all 12 spokes? It is 0.73^12, or 0.02 - i.e. a 2% chance.

    In other words, by mathematics, the chance of there being a second printable message encoded on top of the first, by pure chance, is only 2%. This level is generally regarded as statistically significant, but I think that the actual probability of this being a chance occurrence is even less than this. This is for two main reasons.

    Firstly, there are the clues in the circle design that there is a second message. There is the redundancy of presentation of the information, with the redundant information being inverted to give us a clue as to how to decode it. The inner track contains no information apart from alternating 1s and 0s - a pointer that we should use both black-as-1 and black-as-0 in our decoding.

    Secondly, in the Sense 1 decoding, it is quite clear that reference is being made to Euler’s identity, but there are mistakes. At first glance they seem unnecessary, but there is no escaping the fact that they seem to be there deliberately. And that brings us on to meaning. Imagine the difficulty of
    constructing two meaningful statements to be simultaneously present in the same 12*7 bit encryption, just needing two different methods of decoding. It boggles the mind! The above probability analysis simply finds the probability of any printable text being present in the Sense 2 decoding, and even that is only 2%. And yet here we have something that gives a good approximation of Euler’s identity in one decoding, and something else that seems meaningful in another decoding. I firmly feel it is not there by accident. Before moving on to what it might mean, I would just add that we can now see the reason why the ‘+’ cannot be present in the Sense 1 decoding of Euler’s identity. If this were present in Sense 1, then the character decoded in Sense 2 would have to be a non-printing character (ASCII 21, the control signal for ‘negative acknowlege’, clearly meaningless in a message).

    Our Sense 2 decoding is “,But45x459!y”. This is not only printable, but looks to have some sort of meaning. What is it? I would be very grateful for any opinions! Does 45x459 mean a grid of some sort? Or are we supposed to do the multiplication? 45*459=20655. Does this number mean anything to anyone? One thought of mine is that the circle appeared on 22 May 2010. 20655 hours after this date brings us to 28 September 2012. Why should we think of 20655 as hours? Well, the information is presented to us as a circle divided into twelve segments - the parallel with a clock face divided into twelve hours is evident.

    Is 28 September 2012 when the Earth changes are going to begin? Euler’s identity, the Sense 1 decoding, is widely regarded as the most perfect equation in mathematics, bringing together all the major foundations of mathematics in one formula. Perhaps the Sense 2 decoding is telling us, “Yes, this is perfect, but it doesn’t stop there! Wait until you see what begins 28 September 2012! Yes!” That’s just one thought.

    Anyway, these are my ideas on this remarkable crop circle. I would suggest that far from this being a flawed attempt to communicate Euler’s identity, it is in fact an astonishingly accomplished dual message - and, as always, a message of hope!

    Last edited by TRANCOSO on Mon May 24, 2010 3:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

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