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    How Did We Become The Evil Empire?


    Posts : 1978
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    How Did We Become The Evil Empire? Empty How Did We Become The Evil Empire?

    Post  Jenetta Sat May 18, 2013 11:37 pm

    This is a heart rending expose of a segment of American history by a disillusioned soldier who "spills the beans" to his son before his life's end to help prevent his son from following in his footsteps.


    by "A Light Warrior"

    How did we become the Evil Empire?

    How Did We Become The Evil Empire? Navy-Landing-Craft-iwo-jima_thumb
    I received this essay a few days ago. I have edited the text for readability, and corrected the English idioms and expression, English is not the author's first language, but it remains essentially as given in the narrative. I think you can feel the love of the writer for his flawed and well meaning father who thought he was doing his patriotic duty for his country but awakened too late to realize he was working for corrupt bankers and business interests. Particularly interesting is how his father's love for his son caused him to confess the true nature of his work and that kept his son from following in the same awful footsteps. I apologize for the quality of the black and white photos, if I get better versions I will update them. Perhaps its just as well we can't see all the carnage that is in the photos. The photos below have never been published before, the photo above is a stock photo of the invasion of Iwo Jima. -AK
    How did we become the Evil Empire? How did it come to this? The following story it is based in true facts, which I have decided to share with all of you because it is time to spread the truth to the four winds.

    Human liberation is at stake. Every single human being who has information needs expose the iron hands behind the curtains. This will help end the tyranny we all have been subject to for so long.

    You should feel obligated to do so NOW! The "real truth" if you do not know it by now, is that we have been lied to, duped, used, abused, mind controlled, poisoned and mass murdered for millenniums. Most of us now know our lives are illusion! It’s an illusion of the most nightmarish kind. So lets all start speaking hard and loud until the veil of ignorance completely falls.

    This story is based on my fathers life experiences, his entire life history, the challenges, accomplishments and discoveries throughout his entire life ... an entire lifetime window of wisdom is now opening with the writing of this letter.

    I choose to keep his name a mystery because I know he would have liked it that way. I will refer to him as "FATHER". I know he would have approve of me sharing of this information with you today because he could have not done it itself while alive. He had "fear" due to his secrecy vows and especially after all he had witnessed through out his military career years. He was constantly tortured by daunting weekly sweating nightmares, which I had to shake him real hard to wake him from. It seem he was having convulsions while he slept. He would just say "bad dreams"!

    Father never had the opportunity to see how far down the rabbit hole goes. My commitment to my father in his last days was to always tell the truth and be an honorable man! I think father would be proud of me today. I have seen how deep the rabbit hole goes thanks to him, so here is the "TRUTH" being presented to you today.

    Complete letter at link:

    Reality is merely an illusion; albeit a very persistent one...Albert Einstein

      Current date/time is Sat Oct 12, 2024 3:53 am