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    Are All Masons Evil?


    Do you believe that anyone associated with Freemasonry is satanic and evil?

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    Are All Masons Evil? Empty Are All Masons Evil?

    Post  Micjer Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:11 am

    I have recently researched some interesting information about Freemasonry and I am curious to what most people perceive the truth to be. Before I comment on my beliefs, I would like to poll the crowd!

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    Are All Masons Evil? Empty Re: Are All Masons Evil?

    Post  malletzky Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:29 am

    Voted for 4. Evil is maybe a hard word to use here, but if we need to judge humans of being evil or not by our own and by the pre-set perceptions and norms, we will definitelly find some Masons whom we could call evil.

    Not necesserily in the top 33 level, but also spread on many levels bellow / above.


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    Are All Masons Evil? Empty Re: Are All Masons Evil?

    Post  Floyd Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:34 am

    Its a bit like saying are all catholics evil or are all Manchester United fans idiots. Although the latter of course is true lol.

    Im sure there are some good people working within the masonic lodges. Other parts of it are more sinister. Im not obsessed with masonry though and dont waste my time thinking about them. Perhaps soon they will be obsolete.

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    Are All Masons Evil? Empty Re: Are All Masons Evil?

    Post  Micjer Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:44 am

    Thanks for your input folks.

    I agree it is way over blown.

    About a year ago there was an article and picture that indicated that David Icke was a mason. Well it turned out to be fraudulent.

    The point is what if he was? Big deal! Does that make him evil, a fraud himself?

    In my mind no.

    Just because someone is a 33 degree mason, does not make them a person who is trying to take over the world. i personally know some men that are, and it is a joke to assume that they are anything more than good people.

    Much is made of the creator of the cartoon series the Simpson s because Matt is a 33 degree mason. Big deal.

    Much is made of the symbology in Washington DC, and the mason link. Well the founding fathers were admittingly freemasons, so would not it make sense that they would incorporate masonry into designing their new city? Does it make the city a dark evil place?

    Anyways the link to masonry and the dark illuminati can be found when one researches Adam Weishaupt. He was a mason who formed his own lodge and was the founder of the illuminati and is very connected to the Rothchilds.

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    Are All Masons Evil? Empty Re: Are All Masons Evil?

    Post  Micjer Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:34 am

    George Carling had it figured out who the real enemy is.


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    Are All Masons Evil? Empty Re: Are All Masons Evil?

    Post  Micjer Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:44 am


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    Are All Masons Evil? Empty Re: Are All Masons Evil?

    Post  Mercuriel Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:09 pm

    Careful about throwing the Baby out with the Bathwater...

    Now while someone being a Mason is not in itself an Evil thing I wonder what You are on about in this Thread Floyd ?

    Some of Them are Evil and some of Them aren't Evil but what can be easily said is that the Masonic Structure has been used as a Compartmentalized Control Schema by the Elites and Illuminated for at least the last 300 Years and this is not a good thing by any stretch of the meaning.

    While We can easily say that not all Masons are Evil or even a known percentage ARE - This is because We DO NOT know the Percentage of Masons truly Involved on the inside of the Great Work - As opposed to those Working under less ominous Motivations. Why ? Its a secret thats why...


    Now while that can be said of Most Masons - It does not mean that all of a sudden because One can say that - That All Masons Carte Blanche are now to be forgiven the Secrecies They've kept. Those NOT working under the Motivations of the Great Work are excluded from this perception but not all by any stretch should be...

    Associations entered into - Motivations shown - Actions undertaken - Organizations joined and Loyal to - Statements made and Slanders uttered are what gives a Mason - Nay anyone in such a state - The Negative Twist...

    Which Architect is being Served must be understood in each case as a Mason moves upon the Path. Who truly molds the Ashler is what is important but to Carte Blanche the Masons as a benevolent Group of concerned Citizens because some of 'em have been shown to be good Men is IMO - Dangerous to say the least.

    There is Good and Bad in all...

    Which is which is for Us all to Discern - In every moment...


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Are All Masons Evil? Empty Re: Are All Masons Evil?

    Post  Micjer Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:13 pm

    This is an interesting documentary on Logos and their symbology.

    The point of the doc is that most corporate symbols are connected to Masonic and Egyptian artifacts. This in itself does not prove that they are evil, but if corporations are the downfall of humanity, the connection makes one wonder. confused


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    Are All Masons Evil? Empty Re: Are All Masons Evil?

    Post  Pris Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:50 am

    Micjer wrote:Much is made of the creator of the cartoon series the Simpson s because Matt is a 33 degree mason.  Big deal.

    I didn't know that... could definitely explain this:

    Are All Masons Evil? Polls_911_simpsons_5630_727607_answer_1_xlarge

    Are All Masons Evil? Simpsons911

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