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    Lasers, UFOs, and SDI New Evidence of the War in Space, Space Warden and the Hidden Military Machine in Orbit


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    Lasers, UFOs, and SDI New Evidence of the War in Space, Space Warden and the Hidden Military Machine in Orbit Empty Lasers, UFOs, and SDI New Evidence of the War in Space, Space Warden and the Hidden Military Machine in Orbit

    Post  Carol Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:28 pm

    UNCUT STS-48 UFO "event"
    Lasers, UFOs, and SDI New Evidence of the War in Space, Space Warden
    and the Hidden Military Machine in Orbit
    Date: Tuesday, 22-Jan-2013 - It all started simply enough, these things usually do. I was a guest on Ground Zero Radio, hosted by the venerable Clyde Lewis along with Rob Daven of ConspiracyHQ, talking about the Secret Space Program, Solar Warden and the like when in the fourth hour we had a very interesting call. A gentleman called in from Washington state and wanted to discuss a secret program he had worked on back in the 1970’s. Being that he called in from Washington state I have some suspicions about his employer. So he called in and began to describe a project he had worked on called “Space Warden” which was part of the SDI program, but wait…. The SDI program was launched under president Ronald Regan in the early 1980’s right? Well here I have a guy on the phone saying he was working on a functional program in 1974!

    Well the discussion got even better.

    He reported to us that the program he had worked on, Space Warden, was well underway in 1974 and was field deployed around the time Regan announced SDI.
    Ok very interesting, but he continued. The facility he worked at in Southern California, probably “Plant 42,” was guarded by United States Marshalls not the usual Wackenhut guards but instead U.S. Marshalls.

    At which point he went into some detail about the program and stated that to his knowledge there were three components, two killer satellites with lasers in a equatorial orbit and a third hunter killer which was a rover and moved around and that got me to thinking.

    When you get a call like that you really have to pause for a minute and think about things.

    Read the rest here:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1978
    Join date : 2010-04-16
    Location : British Columbia Canada

    Lasers, UFOs, and SDI New Evidence of the War in Space, Space Warden and the Hidden Military Machine in Orbit Empty Lasers, UFO's & SDI New Evidence Of The War In Space

    Post  Jenetta Sat Jan 26, 2013 7:50 pm

    Russian language...English subtitles

    [youtube]<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/youtube]


    Lasers, UFOs, and SDI New Evidence of the War in Space, Space Warden and the Hidden Military Machine in Orbit 187111

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