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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:56 pm

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 11060_1134143008583_1677554578_254144_2976155_n
    JEDAR of the Eceti Ranch cheers

    more from James on his visions while in Mexico ...

    #7395 More on Dream Interpretation

    From a letter to James ...

    "Dear James. Horned bulls have a major significance in ancient texts. The horns
    represent the seat of spiritual wisdom and power. See <>

    Go to Manuscript, Chapter 3, Reading cave art ... and then go half way down page
    43 "According to the forgoing system ..." and read a few pages from there.

    The sacred bull was deeply revered in ancient Egypt, and this symbolism is the
    source of the "sacred cows" in India ... also reindeer in the north, and are the
    symbolism behind the horns on Michelangelo's statue of Moses (see page 53, same
    chapter as above).

    So, were the bulls in your vision horned? If so, an interpretation shouldn't be
    too difficult. The ocean waves coming onto the beach would symbolize incoming
    energy ... Nice!"

    V. M.

    By James Gilliland
    "My interpretation of the dream was a great power was coming to the beach. Those
    who were not paying attention or unawakened were getting run over and trampled.
    The bulls had massive horns. Basically it was wake up, get off the beach or you
    will be removed from it. I feel that is the message of Mother Earth, wake up,
    pay attention, go with the flow and get out of the way because a powerful clean
    up is around the corner."


    also this from the James newsletter ...

    #7396 Very Good Off World Cosmology

    "This is great I will add a few comments but overall it is very accurate.

    Galactic Family, An Overview of Genotypes

    Germane, a group consciousness energy, states that "his" orientation is from a
    realm of integration that does not have a clear-cut density/dimensional level.
    The term "germane" in the English language means "significant relevance" or
    "coming from the same source". Germane therefore chose this term to somewhat
    personify his energy. Neither male nor female, he views us as evolving to become
    him as we begin the process of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
    integration, which leads us back to the Source of All.
    Germane: Greetings to you. 'Tis a pleasure to be here once again. We would like
    to give you information about the physical genotypes of your galactic family.
    This is information you have been asking about for quite some time and we would
    like to provide you at least the foundation of this information so that you may
    build upon it in some of your future work.

    The Lyrans

    We are going to start with the group called the Lyrans. We are going to give you
    some basic information about the various subgroups that have existed within
    their races and allow you a more expanded point of view, perhaps, on the
    diversity of your forefathers - which, of course, is reflected in the diversity
    you have upon your world. We will then bring in the Vegan civilizations, because
    they are instrumental in forming some of the other galactic races as well.
    Starting, then, with the Lyrans (going back chronologically), the first
    expression of physicality that could be considered Lyran would be somewhat small
    - smaller, in fact, than your present average human. But as the culture grew, as
    their experiences and genetic structures began changing, their physical
    characteristics began expanding as well.

    Lyran Giants

    We're going to give you some of the primary groups that were very active in
    space exploration because those are the ones that matter the most to you, since
    they are the ones you had contact with. First is the genotype that we will call
    the Lyran Giants
    These entities (physical like yourself, of course) existing in third and fourth
    density, were Caucasian in type. They were primarily of light skin, light eyes
    and light hair; the darkest hair would be a medium brown, which was somewhat

    The physical body would be likened to the mesomorph, which is basically a
    well-balanced, muscular body. The height would be anywhere from six to nine feet
    tall, depending upon the group of entities we are speaking of, the smallest
    being at the six-foot range (female as well as a male). These entities developed
    this size from long periods of genetic development on a planet with higher
    gravitational fields and a denser electromagnetic envelope, also present in the
    solar system in general. This added to the creation of a more hearty, shall we
    say, entity. These entities are reflected in some of the Greek mythology and in
    some of the biblical stories of giants. This is one of the groups that your
    civilization still has a cellular memory about. This particular group was one of
    the primary groups that began forming a God/worshipper relationship with you. Do
    you follow so far?

    This is one of the reasons for some of the expressions in your religious art and
    architecture (which has very large doors and windows); this patterning with this
    particular racial structure was very deep within the human psyche. These were
    the original gods - or at least the ones that made the biggest impression on

    "ECETI Comment, Some of the ancient Lyrians were 24 to 30 feet tall and are the
    makers of the giant 4 to 5 foot footprints now being found."

    Lyran Redheads

    There is another race that has branched off from this giant race, the red-haired
    Lyrans. Their hair was red to strawberry blonde in color. The skin tone very,
    very fair; these entities had a difficulty exposing their skin to certain
    frequencies of natural light, due to the planet they sprang from. Some of these
    were also giant in stature, though there were some who were average human size.
    Eye color was generally light to what you would now consider green, though it is
    a different quality of green than you see upon your world. These entities were
    some of the first Lyran pioneers. (Pioneers is a very kind word, for there are
    many worlds that consider the red-haired ones to be the invaders, marauders and
    the basic havoc-wreakers of the Lyran genotype).
    Are we speaking of what their current state is also?
    Well, to some degree we are speaking about the distant past as they interacted
    with your earth plane. These entities still exist but are much fewer in number.
    We would say that your closest mythological remnants are in your Norse mythology
    - Vikings etc. Some of that mythology was about actual Earth beings who were
    either influenced by or interacted with this red-headed Lyran strain. This is
    not a very common interaction on your world, not as common as that of the
    giants, but common enough to have made it into your mythology.
    Did they have any spiritual or energetic relationship to the few red-haired
    Pleiadians? Apparently there's a remnant of a red-haired group in the Pleiades.
    Yes, there would be genetic connections, most certainly. And if there is a
    genetic connection there is always an energetic connection.
    It's hard to think of someone living in the Pleiades who would be violent. But
    if that aggressive tendency somehow channeled into other areas...
    It's channeled into excitement. The Pleiadian version is much more watered down.
    (We can get to that later on if you wish.) But the purebred red-head was very
    aggressive, violent, passionate and, to some degree, very rebellious. They saw
    the giant Lyran race as their parents, and they were rebelling against that
    idea. They were rebelling because they felt that the morality of the giant race
    was being impinged into their reality. We do not perceive this was the case, but
    this was another expression that needed to be experienced in your galactic
    Did these red-haired people naturally evolve as red-haired, or was there
    intentional manipulation somewhere along the line?
    There were those from the giant race who left and went exploring. The primary
    group colonized one specific planet and over generations adapted themselves to
    the planet. They adapted to the specific mineral content of the planet as well
    as the atmosphere; the specific wavelengths of the planet's atmosphere caused
    the mutation to lean toward the more red tinge. That, in combination with the
    more rebellious attitude, began to create a specific sub-genotype.
    So that particular race must have felt somehow slighted within the family.
    Colloquially speaking, did they carry a chip on their shoulder? Did they feel
    they had something to prove?
    We would say that's pretty accurate, yes. We say this a little lightly, but this
    is the story of your entire galactic history. Most groups splintered off because
    they did not agree with the mother group. In this way most of your experience as
    a galactic species is based on conflict/disagreement and the attempt at
    Redhead & Caucasian Subgroups

    So far you have the giants and the redheads. And within the redheads you have
    two subgroups - one giant-sized, one average-sized. Also within the Lyran you
    have a broad type we would call Caucasian who are light-skinned, light-eyed (the
    darkest eyes were perhaps a light brown, but that is uncommon), hair ranging
    from almost white to a light brown (but anything in the brown range was
    unusual). These entities' body types would be anything from ectomorphic, (thin)
    to the mesomorphic (muscular). This is the broadest category. Most of your
    genetic forefathers were from this Caucasian category. Your diversity began with
    some red-head influence as well as some giant influence, but those are secondary
    compared to the Caucasian influence, which is primary.
    In terms of actual internal structure, that information is unnecessary, for it
    is lengthy and not all that pertinent right now. The desire we have for
    communicating this information is not so much for the raw data, but for your
    understanding of how your planet has achieved such a group diversity. So we will
    stick to the external appearances rather than the internal makeup.

    Darker-Skinned Lyrans

    There was one other group, a humanoid type that is more rare, but it has had
    interactions with your world as well. This was Caucasian in features but the
    skin is more of a light chocolate, very uniform throughout the whole body. You
    would consider it a very pleasant, appealing shade. The eyes are brown, not
    black, although some were green; and the hair was not black but dark brown. This
    group had influence on your planet in the area of India, Pakistan, etc. That was
    their primary area of interest in their visits here. None of the races now on
    your world are pure extensions of any of these races; just about every race on
    your world has had some mixing. However, this last race, which we will call the
    darker-skinned Lyrans, were considered pacifists. Their psychological makeup was
    one of extreme passivity, peacefulness. One may even call them lackadaisical,
    because it was very difficult to get an emotional reaction out of them. You will
    find some of these individuals mentioned in some of your Sanskrit literature
    from ancient times.
    In a moment we will talk about the Vegan influence. However, we want to make it
    clear that this last group, the darker-skinned Lyrans, is not the same as some
    of the Vegan genotypes we will speak of, who have a different genetic structure.

    Would it be a completely different genetics from the Lyran? This group is
    Lyran-based and the group you'll talk about later would not be considered Lyran?
    Birdlike Lyran Subgroup

    Yes. They might look similar in appearance, but the base genetics is different.
    There is a need to express some of the other forms that have expressed their
    energy through the energy of Lyran that are humanoid, meaning mammalian, but
    whose appearance is different from what you know as humanoid. This has also
    accounted for some of your mythology. There is one group of entities who are
    mammals, yet are oriented toward Lyran principles (Lyra being the mother group),
    and whose features are very different from humanoid. One particular group
    resembles what you call alien. The body type of these entities would be what you
    call ectomorph, very thin, almost frail and birdlike. The facial structure is
    more angular, sharper, resembling a bird, though these are still mammals. The
    eyes are birdlike. The hair is not feathered, but is of a different quality that
    can resemble feathers, if you are not touching it or in close proximity to it.
    It was also ceremoniously adorned in a certain way that made it look like
    feathers. This was not intentional but simply their own expression. These
    entities are very cool and intellectual. They consider themselves primarily
    scientists, explorers and philosophers. They do not engage in galactic politics,
    but they do travel and visit. They have had interaction here on your Earth
    during some of the most influential civilizations - Sumerian, Egyptian. There
    was interaction in what you call the Indus Valley.
    These entities have entered, in a backhanded way, the mythology of your people.
    They are not bird creatures; they are mammals who are birdlike in appearance. We
    have not talked about these entities at all up until this point because we've
    limited our discussion to what matters to you now on the Earth plane. This is a
    curiosity, but at least for now they do not represent something significant you
    need to look at to continue your own unfoldment.

    Catlike Lyran Subgroup

    One other Lyran subgroup is also mammal and what you would consider to be
    humanoid - but whose physical appearance resembles what you call the feline
    kingdom on your world. They are not cat people, but humanoids who have catlike
    qualities. They are very agile and strong. The nose is not predominant but
    catlike, if you can imagine the nose of a cat. The ears are neither human nor
    catlike but somewhat of a cross, a little pointed, not very much, but a little.
    The mouths are very gentle and small. (Many times when extraterrestrials look at
    the human face, to them the human face is overwhelmed by the mouth.) These
    catlike entities have very small, delicate and what you would call dainty
    mouths. The eyes are very pronounced, large and catlike, with a second lid.
    Again, these qualities developed from the specific environment they have placed
    themselves within over generations. They do not have fur. However, there is a
    protective layer of what you could consider peach fuzz over the skin because of
    the harsh ultraviolet radiation on their indigenous planet - it simply protected
    the skin.
    Any primitive interaction with these entities on your world may report that they
    are cat people - they are not. They are humanoid.

    ECETI Comment, The cat and lion beings are multidimensional. The 5th dimensional
    ones look very humanoid with cat like features in the face. The 6th dimensional
    ones look more like an upright panther 12 to 14 feet tall. The lion beings can
    be up to 17 feet tall and have humanoid bodies with lion heads. They are the
    protectors of the Gods. In India Narshringa were the cat being protectors of
    humans Egypt has statues and depictions of the humanoid lion beings."

    So early on, the development of these two groups took a different direction than
    ours did. If they're Lyran-based, then we're talking millions of years ago that
    these developments started separately from our branch, right?
    Oh, yes. They are not so much involved in your human drama. This has not been
    from a denial of the Lyran dysfunction and conflicts. It is simply that their
    excitement has gone in other directions, and they've evolved in those
    directions. They have had contact with you every once in awhile. They recognize
    that you are all part of a family, at least genetically. And there are
    individuals within their societies who often project to you on an astral level
    simply to keep the lines open for communication. But for now there has been no
    necessity for a lot of interaction between your cultures.

    There's a point we would like to make here about the Lyran, Vegan and other
    extraterrestrial civilizations as well who have communicated with you. It is
    about their eyes. Primarily the eyes are accentuated, whether it be through the
    tilt, the shape, the size, the color or their reflectivity. They are usually
    very pronounced. If you search through your mythologies, many civilizations have
    accented the eyes - most notably the Egyptian civilization. This did not start
    out as an adornment but as an imitation of the gods, as an attempt to make
    humans more godlike, as an attempt to revere the gods. Over time there has been
    a loss of the connection to why the eyes were accentuated; it was originally
    because of the gods.
    So why do our eyes appear to be so small in comparison to the rest of the
    If you remember the stories we've told about the genetic manipulation in the
    creation of Homo sapiens, the Lyrans did not want to create you as them. They
    had some definite issues about creating you equal with them. So one of the
    choices was in the creation of the eyes - to give you more a simian eye quality.
    You understand what we mean by simian?
    To retain the simian quality?
    To retain the simian eye quality, the ape, which to some degree is one of the
    most painful things they've done to you, because when you look in the mirror
    your cellular memory remembers simian. If you had the eyes of the gods when you
    look into your own eyes, you would see God.
    Interesting. When we look in the mirror we see to the past, whereas they see to
    the future, at least symbolically, the genetic response.
    Yes. That was the intent originally, so that you would always be looking behind
    you, never looking forward. When the Sirians took over the project from the
    Lyrans it was too late to change it. So to some degree the Sirians encouraged
    your practice of accentuating the eyes as a remembrance of God so you would not
    forget your forefathers. They have done a lot through the ages to stimulate
    memory in you so that you would never ever forget.
    Are there other lines of Lyran evolution that have nothing to do with us
    historically, that literally branched off into other parts of the galaxy?
    Oh, yes. But the majority of Lyran evolution is tied with you. For instance, the
    birdlike and catlike entities we have spoken of have their own affiliation with
    other groups. They are a part of the developmental evolution of other
    It is important that we stress here once again that the Lyran basic genetic
    structure is the mother of all in this case. However, we recognize Vega as being
    a significant enough emergence that it can take on its own genotype as well.
    Those entities who from the very, very early days of Lyra branched off in other
    directions, began through their own experiences, through their own evolution, to
    form their own unique genotypes.

    The Vegans

    There's less variation in the Vegan genotypes than in the Lyran. The primary
    subgroup of Vegan genetics is what we would call standard Vegan, averaging
    approximately six to seven feet tall (males and females), darker skin,
    non-Caucasian type. Generally speaking, the skin layers are thicker with fewer
    layers. The skin is not as soft as human skin, is much tougher, able to
    withstand high levels of ultraviolet radiation and heat as well as cold. A much
    sturdier and more durable humanoid being. Generally, the hair of any Vegans who
    have hair will be primarily black, and the range of shades will be standard
    black as a midpoint to a light to dark brown (which is unusual) and an even
    darker black with a greenish tinge. That range frequently varies. What is
    interesting to note is that, depending on the various Vegan race, some have no
    hair at all, some have very little hair and some have full heads of hair,
    depending on the individual race. The skin tone will be anywhere from light
    brown (almost beige) to very dark brown - what you would call on your planet
    (using your own terminology) either negroid or Indian (your native people) -
    anything in that shade range.
    So some of the Eastern Indians are extremely dark brown in contrast to the skin
    color of some of the African groups that are very black, almost coal black?
    Yes. Generally speaking, the coal black is a quality of your Earth that was bred
    here. It is very unusual out there. Also you will find that the skin will have
    more of a wrinkled quality - not always, but some will.
    Humanoid-Type Vegans

    We're basically going to break up the Vegan genotypes into only two categories.
    One is humanoid and one is nonhumanoid and these are appearances only, not
    genetic structures. What we have described to you previously as Vegan is of the
    humanoid type. Generally you're going to find in the humanoid group that the
    eyes are very striking. The average eye of the standard Vegan humanoid group has
    a very large, dark pupil and iris. The eyes are generally a little angled but
    still large, and they retain a lid. So it's not like the Zeta, who appear not to
    have a lid. If they walked down your street they would be very unusual looking,
    but you would not necessarily think they were alien. They would definitely
    attract your attention; you might think they had some type of birth defect.
    The eyes of these Vegans are very striking, and were even more instrumental in
    getting the attention of the humans than the Lyran's eyes. It was simply the
    contrast between the darkness of the skin and the whiteness of the eye outside
    the pupil and iris that made it more striking. Of course, those with darker hair
    and eyelashes seemed to have a black outline around their very large eyes.

    Many of the other groups we will talk about stem from this Vegan group, most
    notably the Orions. It is a very broad category we've been describing, the
    human-type group in the Vegan genetic structure.

    Nonhuman-Type Vegans

    The second group - nonhuman-type Vegan - is still humanoid, still mammal. When
    we say nonhuman we are talking about appearance. The appearance of these
    particular entities can either be insectlike or reptilian. (These are your
    labels that we apply to the physical appearance of these particular entities.)
    Generally speaking, you will find that the range of skin color will apply the
    same as the human type. However, there are some groups who not only have a
    greenish tinge to the hair but also to the skin. It's not very pronounced; we
    don't want you to think we're talking about some type of green monster. We're
    talking about a basic humanoid entity with a copper base in the skin and
    bloodstream that gives it a greenish tinge. The eyes are very large and may or
    may not have a second lid, depending on the planet of origin. They have a very
    small nose and a pronounced jaw in some cases. The jaw can either be thrust
    forward (which would give it a reptilian look) or downward (which would give it
    an insect look). We are talking about humanoid-type entities. We call this group
    nonhumanoid type only because of the appearance - they are still mammals. These
    entities have had communication on your Earth plane with you and have been
    responsible for some of the stories that circulate about reptilian monsters or
    cold-blooded aliens, etc. (When one is in fear, when one encounters the unknown,
    one often exaggerates the experience.) These entities are genetically connected
    to you. They still procreate as mammals. The base genetic structure is
    reflective of the template from which your galactic family expresses itself, so
    they are still part of your family.
    There is more to say at some point about these particular entities, but for now
    we simply want to present this idea for those of you who have had a curiosity
    about what this reptilian stuff is about. They are not insect; they are not
    reptilian; they are humanoid and mammalian. They simply do not look the same as
    you do.

    These two groups, then - the Lyran and the Vegan genotypes - are instrumental in
    how the rest of your galactic family expresses itself genetically. We will now
    mention the other primary groups of the galactic family and show you where their
    genetic heritage lies.

    The Pleiadian Civilization

    The most obvious is that of the Pleiadeans. The Pleiadians splintered off from
    the Lyran group, some going directly to the Pleiades from Lyra, others going to
    Earth and mixing their genetics with the Earth genetics for themselves, then
    going back to the Pleiades to join some of the other Lyran splinter groups
    there. The standard Pleiadian is a mixture of the different genotypes we've
    talked about. Generally, a Pleiadian will manifest anywhere from blonde to even
    some black-haired, or very dark-brown-haired strains. The eyes are generally
    light blue to a light brown - Caucasian. Generally, they are Caucasian. They can
    range from very petite (five feet tall) to very large (sometimes seven feet tall
    - rare, but possible). You can see how some of the recessive genes that they
    brought from their Lyran heritage (the giants, for instance) may manifest in a
    body. So the Pleiadian group, in terms of the Caucasian type, is very diverse.
    These light brown eyes you keep mentioning, would they appear at first to be
    So reports of golden eyes would actually be these light brown eyes, as opposed
    to our standard brown eyes?
    Yes, it is not like your standard brown eyes. When we are talking about eye
    color, in no way are we talking about what you know as eye color. What you see
    of your own eye color is only how your eyes reflect light in this reality. If
    you are vibrating at a different rate or if you are in another plane of reality,
    all color quality changes, because the laws governing light reflection change
    and the quality of reflected light changes. So we can describe this only
    broadly. There are other colors of eyes, but if we told you lavender eyes, you
    would picture what lavender looks like and then your perception of what we're
    saying would be very wrong. So we keep this information very standardized.
    There's really no need to go further into the Pleiadian genotypes because they
    reflect the Lyran groups very much. Some are combinations; some are redheads;
    some are very light-skinned. Pleiadian physical expression is basically dealing
    with Lyran genetics and, in some cases, Lyran and Terran genetics. Is that

    Can you talk about the emotional temperament of the Pleiadians, the similarities
    or dissimilarities within their own groups and in comparison to us? Is it
    similar to ours, and is there variance of emotional temperament within the
    Pleiadian groupings?
    Their emotional bodies are much more harmonious, though, understand that where
    they are today came from their denial of negativity. We've talked to you about
    that already, so that's nothing new. You, on the other hand, deny both
    negativity and positivity in an attempt to be neutral or nonfeeling. That is
    what a greater portion of your reality attempts to do. Now, to some degree this
    is an attempt at balancing what you see as your forefathers' energies, because
    obviously whatever they did didn't work for them, since they were still in
    conflict. So you are bound and determined not to do what your forefathers did in
    just about every way. The Pleiadian emotional structure is now not repressing
    negativity, for the most part. However, who they are today is because of their
    repression of negativity. So to some degree that's how something that is
    actually a negative thing (repression) can turn into a growth process that can
    eventually lead to the growth that is sought.
    Is the potential similar; is the basic emotional structure similar?
    Oh, yes. We would say, more than any of the other races we've talked about with
    you. The emotional similarity between the Pleiadians and yourselves is most
    pronounced. One of the biggest reasons for the difference is simply the
    differences in your reality. If, let's say, several thousands of years ago,
    Pleiadians from that era came and lived on your world today, they would have
    become you emotionally. But with their evolution, that would not occur.
    The Orion Civilization

    The Orion civilization is primarily 89% Vegan in nature. Of that 89% Vegan
    genetics, we would say that 75% is of the human-type, Vegan-based genetics. The
    remaining 14% would be considered nonhuman-type Vegan genetics. Therefore, your
    stories of reptiles from Orion, although they are embellished somewhat (usually
    by the emotional body), are accurate because there are those nonhuman-type
    entities with Vegan-based genetics living within the Orion system (or have in
    the past) that account for those stories. Primarily it is Vegan in nature.
    This would be the body types with the very high copper content that is due not
    only to the genetic line but the diet?
    Yes, most definitely. Your bodies here on Earth are based on water and though
    theirs have water as a primary substance to some degree, a certain oil or fatty
    content lubricates the body, the skin. Kind of like the idea of the engine in a
    car; the gears turn because of the oil. One thing we want to mention is a
    uniqueness in the eyes of Orions. Through very strict spiritual training, which
    includes diet, ceremony and certain psychic experiences, various priests in the
    Orion system can change their eye color to a very vivid blue. Some of your
    people have had encounters with these Orion-type entities with very sharp blue
    eyes. If anyone has, it is most likely that the entity they are contacting is a
    priest of some sort, for the eye color is not natural at birth but is attained
    through a type of spiritual path.
    We told you that 89% of the Orion entities are Vegan in nature. The remaining
    11% are of a Lyran stock. We would say that of that 11%, 90% are of the
    light-brown-skinned people we've talked about and the remaining 10% are of the
    Caucasian-type Lyran - light hair. They are rare, but of course if you're
    talking about several billions in population, then that could account for a
    goodly amount of people.

    And they do tend to be aggressive, to leave their mark?

    ECETI Comment, "Having received one of those marks from a female from the Orion
    Council of Light in an initiation I will have to agree. These beings are down to
    business yet it was the most transformational experience I had and was extremely
    enlightening but not for the faint of heart, better be ready to let go and let
    God with this group. They are the great initiators."

    Yes, generally that is the common theme. These are the most common physical
    attributes of these Orion entities. Getting a little esoteric for a moment, as
    you get into the rarified vibrations, as you're getting into higher levels of
    fourth density, the physical appearances really become very malleable and not
    all that important. What we're talking about is the third-density and early
    fourth-density characteristics, because that's when the genetic differences are
    very marked, very apparent.
    Is there enough genetic similarity that natural cross-breeding is possible?
    Yes, absolutely.
    What about between the Lyran and the Vegan types?
    We would say that if you took a random Lyran and a random Vegan, there is a 60%
    chance that the birth would be successful without any alteration whatsoever.
    What would the result look like?
    In some ways like a typical ethnic person on your planet. Now we're getting into
    the idea of the breeding on your planet. There have been two lines active on
    your planet. The royal houses of Vega - which actually have changed hands and
    are now the royal houses of Sirius, but are the Vegan genetics - and the royal
    houses of Lyra. Your interbreeding with each other throughout history has been
    an attempt at unifying those houses. So it stands to reason, then, that any
    crosses between the two out there would primarily be successful with very little
    The Sirian Civilization

    This brings us to Sirius. Sirius, being a primary star, in some ways a
    dimensional doorway for a lot of consciousness, is very diverse. So we would
    like to make it known here that the Sirians of which we speak are the Sirians of
    your history, the Sirians who were part of your genetic project on Earth. There
    are so many Sirians on many different levels (mostly existing in the Light
    realms) that we don't want you to get confused with what we are talking about -
    those who were part of the genetic creation on Earth of Homo sapiens. This
    Sirian race we are talking about - we'll call them the Sirian gods - stemmed
    from Vega. So the primary genetics of Sirius is a Vegan stock - darker skin, but
    anywhere from very light brown to very dark brown. They have a lot of the Vegan
    qualities, including the very pro-nounced eyes, the large, slightly angled eyes.
    The particular Sirian gods who had interacted with your planet, having spent a
    lot of time with the Lyrans who were also part of the genetic project, had done
    some interbreeding themselves. So these Sirian gods began through time to take
    on a lot of qualities of the Lyrans. Some began to have lighter skin, some began
    to be more diverse in their genetic makeup. It got to the point where the
    interbreeding between the Lyrans and the Sirians was so mixed that the only way
    to denote a Sirian would be through their belief structure rather than their
    physical appearance. Since our focus right now is not the genetic project on
    Earth, we will be very brief with this. (There are tapes available that can give
    the fuller story.) The ultimate attempt was to join the royal houses of Sirius
    and Lyra. Throughout time on your planet, since the prototypes of Adam and Eve
    were created, this attempt has been made with the belief that a more advanced
    type of human being could be created. This is still going on; it's not so much
    now the physical attributes attempting an integration but rather the belief
    structures themselves.
    Because the Sirians gods were of Vegan heritage, it stands to reason that some
    of them may have had some of the genetics of the nonhuman-type Vegan entity,
    which would mean that some of the Sirian gods appeared to be nonhuman, whether
    that seemed insect or reptilian (though they were mammal, like you but with a
    different appearance). That accounts for some of the stories. Anything more
    about Sirius before we move on?

    Sirius, like Vega, has an extremely bright sun; so bright that if we were to
    look at it, even at the probable orbits of the planets, it could cause instant
    blindness, being thousands of times brighter than our sun. I can understand how
    their sun conditioned the Vegan body, and the Sirian sun may be even harsher. So
    I'm wondering if some of the aquatic references could not have been due to some
    elaborate genetic engineering done in the Sirian system just to survive - or is
    this a distortion of the mythology?
    The idea of the cetacean connection on your planet (meaning that cetaceans
    represent Sirius consciousness) is more a Terran than a Sirian representation.
    Though there are cetacean creatures in your galactic family, the creation of the
    cetaceans here was deliberate for Earth. It did not come from somewhere else.
    Thus the types of cetaceans you have on your planet evolved with some help; you
    can see that by examining the skeletons of dolphins and whales. They have finger
    and toe bones in their fins. They have a rudimentary humanoid skeleton that has
    been adapted for their environment.
    What you're saying is that cetaceans don't represent a genetic heritage in the
    human family through Sirius.
    Correct. But they do represent a genetic alternative. It was desired that
    genetic alternatives would be present for those who wished other experiences.
    There is a lot more we could talk about regarding this; however, we want to keep
    it focused in a certain direction. If you want questions on this at another
    time, please feel free to ask.
    The Zeta Reticuli Civilization

    We'd now like to talk about the entities that you know of as the Zeta Reticuli.
    The physical characteristics of the Zeta Reticuli that you are already aware of
    is 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 to, in some cases, 5 feet tall, generally bald, frail-looking,
    larger-headed in proportion to the body, large eyes that seem to have no lid,
    very small (if any) nose, mouth and ears. We have given you the story about the
    Zeta Reticuli. To encapsulate it here, they were a civilization very much like
    you who went on a path of (in some ways) self-destruction, a specie crisis. They
    caught it before they were annihilated. However, they found themselves sterile.
    They performed genetic engineering, cloning, etc. to change their species and so
    you have the Zeta Reticuli you see today.
    We will tell you that the base genetics of the Zeta Reticuli before they went
    through their species crisis and transformation was that of human-type Vegan
    heritage. Their civilization, when it went through the change, required them to
    alter their body structure into what they are now. This accounts for one of the
    reasons why they are here and interested in your genetics, because they are
    looking for an aspect of their original genetics to reinsert into themselves
    because of what they perceive they've done wrong during their transformation -
    namely, breeding out emotions. If they were to time-travel, which they can do,
    and go back to their past, they would only be gathering genetic data before
    their crisis. To them, that genetic data is inferior; they do not want that.
    They look to other races who have Vegan forefathers for some of the Vegan DNA
    that has been adapted through experience to a more expanded state of being. Your
    planet is one of the places. There are Vegan codes active here, and at this
    point just about everyone on your planet carries both the Lyran and Vegan codes.
    You've intermixed so well. When they are taking genetic samples from you, they
    are looking mostly for Vegan (but some Lyran) genetic codes that have been
    strengthened and adapted from their original state on Vega millennia ago. So
    this is why, to them, you are so important - because you carry locked in the
    cells of your body what they think is their only future. You on Earth, more than
    anything else, have served as a genetic repository, a genetic storehouse for the
    galactic universe, for your galactic family. In some ways you've been earning
    interest on this DNA you've been storing, because it's a lot more valuable now
    than it has been in the past. Individuals are now coming back to explore that
    greater value and that is what the Zeta Reticuli are doing.

    Do they themselves have a genetic future? And what is it?
    They are creating their genetic future as they go along. In some way (and we
    speak a little bit loosely here) they have no future other than what they
    deliberately manipulate. According to the laws of species evolution, they should
    have transformed out of physicality already. Since they are not running
    according to the standard laws of species evolution, their future is what they
    make it. They could annihilate themselves tomorrow by simply pulling up all of
    their laboratories and leaving, never enhancing their own genetics, and
    eventually dying off. They could do that, but they don't want to. They don't
    want to leave this reality without resolving the things they feel they need to
    resolve, and so they will keep themselves physical until they do so. And as
    we've stated before, they understand that you have invited them and that you are
    also getting something out of your interactions with them; it's not a one-way
    street. We would say at this point that what you are getting out of your
    interactions with them is much more valuable than you've ever realized, much
    more valuable than we've ever told you. It's essential.
    What do these various races think about us when they see us physically? How do
    they feel about us?
    There are different emotions. Imagine being an interracial couple; imagine being
    an Asian woman and a black man creating a child. As you watch the child grow,
    you can very clearly see, at least physically, the African attributes and the
    Asian attributes and you can watch them expand and grow and interweave with each
    other. They know themselves so well at this point that when they watch you, they
    can see not only the physical attributes you have, but the emotional and mental
    attributes, even the spiritual attributes, and they can pinpoint themselves
    within you very clearly. To some, it's a shock; it's painful to come here
    because you are very clear mirrors for them. To others, coming here is the only
    way they can see themselves.
    Do they like our physical appearance? Do they dislike it? Are they neutral or is
    it a curiosity?
    When you have traveled the universe as much as many of these races have, it's
    not a matter of liking or disliking appearances, because you've seen very
    strange things. It's like a sense of deja vu when they see you. There is
    something very familiar about you, and yet there's something very alien -
    something that frightens them very much. They are drawn to you and they are also
    frightened - and that is where growth lies.
    With that, we will thank you for your wonderful questions. There will be more
    information on this in the future. We're just laying the groundwork here. We'd
    like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for the gifts
    you have given. Not only to your reality, to your forefathers, but mostly to
    yourselves, because those gifts will bear much more valuable fruit than you can
    yet see. Much love to all of you."

    ©️ 1992 by Royal Priest Research, All Rights Reserved. This manuscript may be
    copied for private distribution, but may not be sold.
    For more information on available tapes, transcripts, books, and videos, contact
    Lyssa Royal.

    Love is the answer...


    Aliens Home Page



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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:46 pm

    Oh Yeah Big Storm ... Lots of snow here in the Seattle area Shocked

    Note this pic's from last year ~ there's way lots more currently !

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 181974_10150108557576761_693656760_6842049_517004_n

    From James newsletter...

    #7406 Major Winter Snow Storm

    "Presently we are buried in snow at ECETI, to much for my tractor. Hopefully we
    can get a bigger plow to dig us out. Good meditation time."

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:10 pm

    Just new ...
    From William Henry ~ 'The Light of Sion'

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:01 am

    while i sleep Sleep here's a good listen ...

    From Coast2Coast ~ Rupert Sheldrake

    The Extended Mind & The Rebirth of Nature


    " allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"Former director of studies in biochemistry and cell biology at Clare College, Cambridge University, discussed his work on the extended mind and human intuitive abilities including telephone telepathy, and how dogs know their owners are coming home. His telephone telepathy experiment involved having a subject give the experimenters four different friends phone numbers; then the experimenters randomly chose one odof the people to call the subject who tried to predict which one it would be. In repeated trials the correct hits averaged around 45% which was far higher than the 25% chance rate he detailed. For more on the experiment see this report on you tube
    Shedlrake suggested that such phenomena may arise out of morphic fields--intention thoughts and memories that extend out past the mind and can be picked up by others including animals. His study of dogs that know when their owner is coming home revealed that the pets wait by the 4% of the time when the owner is not home and 60% of the time when the owner is about to return. Further he spoke about an African gray parrot named N'Kisi who seems to demonstrate telepathy and has a 1500 word vocabulary. Sheldrake also touched on a disturbing 2008 incident when a Japanese man knifed him in the leg when he was speaking at a conference. It turned out that the man suffered from mental illness and thought Sheldrake was sending him telepathic messages to kill himself so he attacked him out of "self Defense."


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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:24 pm

    from James Gilliland ...



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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:42 pm

    Sending lots of blessing love to my Eceti Family I love you

    Note ~ All are well, but they are currently running on gas power right now...

    will post pics when available from them. Thubs Up



    do you think perhaps those dark grays...
    might be getting a bit edgy right about now...?

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 408194_281896711865137_113433922044751_674514_1295827083_n

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:37 pm

    First photos from Trout Lake, Washington - 1/23/2012

    Note ~ These photos (taken during the recent storm) are from some friends up at Trout Lake at the Trailhead Ranch Shocked

    i will post photos from the Eceti ranch when available Thubs Up

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:52 pm


    Greetings ...

    A message from my friend Pamela from 'Up at the Ranch'

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 388330_240268572701705_100001556913726_661620_714551260_n

    "still no power. still snowing. PUD just came to assess damage, we are several days from having power with all the downed lines and trees. Still snowing... :) Snowpocolypse 2012 in progress... LOL... :)



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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:05 pm

    You have Mail

    From The Eceti Ranch ...

    To all who are concerned ...

    ECETI OFF Line

    "If you sent any emails on the 25th they did not come. The power has been out
    throughout the area servers included. If it is important please resend. We are
    doing the best we can to catch up on book orders, inquiries and correspondence
    altogether. Thanks ECETI Team"


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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:13 pm

    From James newsletter...

    #7415 Mary Magdalene

    "Great video the divine feminie was hijacked. In the end they could not
    understand how Jesus could be God and man at the same time. To bad they missed
    his teachings. Should have asked the wife."

    Short film about the translation of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene.

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:34 pm

    From James newsletter...

    #7416 "Monsatan VS Small Farmers'

    "Next week on Tuesday Jan. 31st, family farmers will enter a courtroom in New
    York City in the first phase of their landmark case against Monsanto to seek
    legal protection from their abusive patent infringement lawsuits against
    America's farmers.

    Already more than 55,000 citizens have taken a stand with America's farmers to
    put an end to Monsanto's climate of fear and intimidation.

    Please join them to take a moment to say "I Stand with Family Farmers" as they
    prepare for their potentially historic lawsuit OSGATA et al vs. Monsanto.

    When these brave family farmers walk into the courtroom, we want them to know
    that you have their back. Please spread the word to your friends and family

    Thank you for participating in food democracy,

    Dave, Lisa and the Food Democracy Now! team."

    Also From James ...


    It is day seven and still no power. Our staff is on over whelm with the workload
    but everyone is doing their best. We have been digging snow, doing temporary
    roof repairs to keep the rain and snow out and have removed the tree missile
    from the meditation room. Never thought I would be cutting firewood on the
    inside of the house but stranger things have happened. Snow removal is daily
    and the little tractor is doing its best. Have the main road open but it will be
    a while before access to any other buildings. These solar events such as the
    flares and CMEs are going to make the weather even more unpredictable along with
    its affects on the mental and emotional body. It is time to slow down the mind,
    do your spiritual practices and make the challenges a practice as well. We knew
    2012 was going to be a challenge and it is here. Best to flow with it, remember
    unity consciousness, love, joy, bliss, and service are the attributes to nurture
    during these times. The most loved and listened to people in the days to come
    will be the linemen/women and the weathermen/women. Of course the seers are in
    there as well. Watch your dreams, follow your heart. Be well"

    James Gilliland

    Also from From James newsletter...
    #416 Monsatan VS Small Farmers

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:49 pm

    From 'Up at the Ranch' Shocked

    More SNOWpocolypse 2012 - ECETI Ranch

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    Thanks Pamela for the photos !

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:18 pm

    More SNOWpocolypse 2012 - from the ECETI Ranch Shocked

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Photo.php?fbid=10150517742546761&set=a.10150517573896761.364799

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:56 pm

    and more ...

    SNOWpocolypse 2012 - at the ECETI Ranch Candle in the Wind

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    If anyone would like to help out James Gilliland with a small donation in helping
    with the structural damage cost and repairs please send at:

    P.O. Box 652 Little Mountain Rd.
    Trout Lake, WA 98650

    or call +1 (509) 395-2092

    Thubs Up

    Blessings ~ Gio


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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:52 pm


    From James ...

    BBS Radio's ~ 'As You Wish' Talk Radio with host James Gilliland

    This Saturday Night show (Jan. 28th) with ECETI Ranch Updates ~
    Also ~ a special 2 hours of open lines, with a possible mystery guest... scratch

    Please note ~ program topics will include ~ 2012, Earth Changes, Looking Glass/Yellow Book prophesies,
    Cazekiel Prophesies, Scientific Evidence of major changes in the wind.


    Toll Free 888-627-6008 US/Canada
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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:17 pm

    More photos cheers

    Courtesy of Eceti friend Cpt Brent ~ photographed from his plane ~ cruising the Columbia River Gorge ~
    Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Hood & Mt Adams region with over flights of Trout Lake & the Eceti Ranch areas ...

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 205848_256544711036178_100000419524401_978213_6388151_n

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 425779_349801755043806_100000419524401_1294279_1984218588_n
    heading up the Columbia River Gorge from Portland ~ looking eastward Looking east at the Cascade Locks.

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 425548_349801771710471_100000419524401_1294280_1131146701_n
    Still heading east ~ now glancing left (due) north over at Mount St. Helens

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 393846_349801701710478_100000419524401_1294276_1317432617_n
    Still heading east uo the river ~next glancing right (due)south over at Mt. Hood

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 419983_349801815043800_100000419524401_1294282_3467023_n
    just turned northward heading towards Mt. Adams cheers

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:43 pm

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 396480_349801858377129_100000419524401_1294284_1451239194_n
    Still heading north closer (straight on) to Mt. Adams ~ with Mt. Rainier (now in sight) up in left distance.

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 404734_349802155043766_100000419524401_1294295_324211805_n
    North looking at Mt. Adams (at a 13 mile distance) with Trout Lake area just below...

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 419756_349801918377123_100000419524401_1294287_328533930_n
    Looking downward towards the community of Trout Lake, Washington at the lower portion of photo ~ Looking (due east) at the Eceti Ranch ~ toward the mid top portion of photo...

    Last edited by giovonni on Sun Jan 29, 2012 1:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:53 pm

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 399958_349801945043787_100000419524401_1294288_1833579709_n
    With Little Mountain Road on the left ~ now below looking down at the Eceti Ranch ~ Sky Watch Meadow...
    the 'Field of Dreams' (with the view of Mt. Adam's being from right looking towards the left...

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 397120_349802145043767_100000419524401_1294294_1545897813_n
    Looking down at the Eceti Ranch complex ~ you can see James Pink Tower with the main house and conference building behind it -
    partially covered by the trees...

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 404589_349802055043776_100000419524401_1294291_1759570643_n
    James Gilliland's Eceti Ranch ~ here's another view of the Pink Tower with Main house behind within the tree line cover.

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Sun Jan 29, 2012 1:26 pm

    Greetings ...

    'One has to be willing to explore their own existence in order to understand one's unique realty.'


    From Eceti Ranch Friends ~ Tom and Ramon's One Hundredth Monkey Radio cheers

    With guest William Buhlman ~ Author of Adventures Beyond the Body and The Secret of the Soul
    William is an expert in numerous but simple Astral Projection and Out of Body (OBE) techniques from the shamanistic to the modern. William Buhlman is America's leading expert on out-of-body experiences. The author's four decades of extensive personal out-of-body explorations give him a unique and thought provoking insight into this subject. His first book, Adventures beyond the Body chronicles his personal spiritual journey of self-discovery through out-of-body travel, and provides the reader with the preparation and techniques that can be used for their own adventure.

    William Buhlman

    note ~ To hear the second hour become a member at


    Here is William Buhlman on a past Coast2CoastAm appearance ...

    " allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"Speaker and author William Buhlman discussed the latest research on out-of-body experiences (OBEs). During these experiences a person moves into an astral realm-- a dimension of existence apart from the physical world. There are many benefits that can be gained during OBEs. You become an explorer who can ascertain direct knowledge about one's existence rather than just adhering to a belief system, he explained.
    During sleep, people actual separate from their bodies, if only a few inches, Buhlman pointed out, adding that one purpose of sleep may be to recharge the body by accessing the etheric plane. He shared a technique for inducing OBEs: Get up after about 4 hours of sleep, and lie down on a couch instead of your bed. Then, repeat the affirmation "now I'm out of my body" and hold onto that thought.
    People have reported having communications with deceased loved ones and family pets during astral travels. But, the natural evolution in an OBE is to slowly lose human form and become a globe of consciousness with 360 degree views, he revealed. A lot of concepts surrounding OBEs are false, such as you can lose connection to your physical body if you're out too long, or that negative entities can enter your body while you're astral traveling, he detailed."

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:27 pm

    Greetings ....

    Many listeners had problems trying to listen to James "As You Wish" bbs radio program on Saturday 1/28/2012 ~

    (including myself) scratch

    From James newsletter...

    "Malicious Cyber Attack on BBS Radio During As You Wish"

    "Was it the chemtrail coverage, the USDA info on the magnetic pole shift and
    changing the growing zones, the ongoing UFO activity at ECETI Ranch, Maybe it was the new fueless technologies or the end of the
    N.W.O. powers that were as seen in the Looking Glass or Yellow Cube that allows
    one to look into the future. Something triggered a sophisticated malicious cyber
    attack of the worst kind during As You Wish Talk Radio with host James
    Gilliland. As we all know censoring truth just empowers it and like a pressure
    cooker it eventually explodes globally. Many who were tuned into BBS Radio, station 1 at 8:00 PM PST Saturday night were kicked offline,
    locked out altogether, or had the show drop out. This is not uncommon, one radio
    interview in LA had 6 lines, all went dark during the interview. They told us we
    had the record for lines going down. Our equipment here at the ranch has been
    pulsed and destroyed on more than one occasion probably by one of the many black
    helicopters that bless us on a regular basis. Truth will go forward regardless,
    it is destiny if not through us through the millions of awakened beings on the
    planet. Trying to stop a truth tsunami will only bury you under tons of self
    generated karmic debris. So by the grace of these cyber attackers and censors we
    are making the broadcast COMPLIMENTARY TO EVERYONE. PASS IT ON. Also join us
    every Saturday Night Live 8pm, pst station 1 at . Enjoy the

    Go here to this free file share and click on the player-
    to listen:


    Posts : 485
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 66
    Location : Prime Creator's Garden

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  Lionhawk Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:05 pm

    What if these choppers were to start falling out of the sky? As if something interfered with their systems. But untraceable. Not from a UFO source either. Or from the mountain.

    Thanks Geo. I can relate to what has happened.

    Posts : 3066
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : The Great Northwest

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:43 pm

    Greetings ...

    Apparently other radio programs are also having broadcast problems ... scratch

    Note This is an excellent discussion on Chemtrails and the US Navy's use of sonar along the coastal regions in ocean waters.

    So... hang in there for a few minutes while the bugs are worked out...


    From James newsletter...

    #7443 Another Talk Radio Show Under Cyber Attack.

    "BBS Radio, Coast to Coast was under attack then truth denied.
    Looks like someone does not want the people to know the truth -

    Chemtrails the Last Card of the N.W.O."

    The Truth Denied:

    Rosalind Peterson Website

    Some of the discussion today was the Sonar used by the Navy, and the lawsuit happening in Washington State.
    In a Letter from several Senators including Senator Dianne Feinstein
    to NOAA-June 17, 2009 is the following statement:*/

    *" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"...In many regions, the Navy plans to increase the number of its
    exercises or expand the areas in which they may occur, and virtually
    every coastal state will be affected. Some exercises may occur in the
    nation's most biologically sensitive marine habitats, including
    National Marine Sanctuaries and breeding habitat for the endangered
    North Atlantic right whale. In all, the Navy anticipates more than
    2.3 million takes (significant disruptions in marine mammal foraging,
    breeding, and other essential behaviors) per year, or 11.7 million
    takes over the course of a five-year permit..."


    Posts : 3066
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : The Great Northwest

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:55 pm

    Via my friend ~ Darla ~
    If it resonates...then please pass it on Thubs Up

    Posts : 3066
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : The Great Northwest

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:17 pm


    From Eceti Ranch Friend ~ Jon Kelly

    New Canadian UFO Documentary Series now online

    "UFO Mountain, a weekly series exploring ET contact at the ECETI Ranch and the reported UFO base inside of Mt. Adams, is now available online. Episode one, entitled There's a Light in the Field, explores how witnesses respond in unconscious ways to encounters with luminous entities on the ground in the ECETI Ranch "Field of Dreams". SecretMessageTV producer Jon Kelly will be on James Gilliland's As You Wish talk radio on Saturday, January 28, 2012 at 8:30pm to discuss the new series."

    Posts : 3066
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : The Great Northwest

    Up At The Ranch - Page 26 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:42 pm

    More from James newsletter...

    #7445 2 UFOs Found

    Shipwreck Hunters Find Second 'UFO' on Ocean Floor, Divers to Visit Soon
    "A team of shipwreck hunters that found a strange circular object on the floor
    of the Baltic Sea in 2011 now says they have discovered visual evidence of a
    second "disc-like shape" some 200 meters from the original find, CNN reports."

    Story with video here:

    and here:

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 02, 2024 4:27 am