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    Up At The Ranch


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    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Tue May 08, 2012 11:46 am

    Greetings ...

    From James ...

    "After 1:30 PM PST ECETI will have its second hearing in the county"s attempt to close our doors. We are going for the case to be dismissed or a change of venue. We have no doubt we will eventually win this case especially when it goes to the federal courts. Please send your prayers and intentions to Goldendale, WA Kilickitate County Courthouse tomorrow May 8th to help us continue to serve in the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. We also give our deepest gratitude to those who donated to the legal funds in this matter."
    James Gilliland


    Note ~ Will be leaving with James and Nate soon to travel to the county seat of Goldendale, Washington for the hearing in about 4 hours...
    Again please send your best intentions and prayers towards this courthouse location for James and the Eceti Ranch.


    'Up at the Ranch'

    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Tn?sid=1782757460&mid=AHHFtEQAAFOxT6cwigxDeXRgFmU&midoffset=2_0_0_94_2233&partid=2&f=452&fid=Bradley&w=642&h=480&httperr=1
    The Fire Circle ~ photo courtesy of Bradly

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Tue May 08, 2012 9:44 pm

    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 962334

    Greetings ...

    From 'Up at the Ranch'

    Thank you everyone for sending a huge golden energy blitz of love to the Goldendale today :whoo:

    Note ~ James will post an update shortly in regards to today's proceedings ...

    Till then here is James most recent interview...


    Graham Dewyea presents Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSi3zU1q8v8eXS6WuGPf9gAhETPm3MvIolKUO8XHTat2sr-5bpf

    Our Galactic Family with internationally-known contactee James Gilliland.

    My guest this week is James Gilliland, who discusses some of the many contacts he’s had with our star brothers and sisters since age 5. He talks about being aboard the ships, the ECETI Ranch, the different galactic civilizations he’s experienced, how they’re assisting with humanity’s healing and awakening, free energy and healing technology, aircraft-carrier-sized motherships, the importance of staying out of fear and in love, how he can feel different energy signatures of ships and galactic races, escalating earth changes in the month of May, and more.

    Our Galactic Family by InLight Radio in Spirituality
    Sun, May 6, 2012
    Listen here:

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Tue May 15, 2012 10:14 pm

    Will share this again...

    From last year's Eceti's 2011 Transformation Conference ...


    Something special from a truly beautiful fairy princess ~ Shelly :hug:

    Note ~ for those interested there is still spaces available for this event for this coming weekend ...

    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 303319_266658126758516_100002429939226_601359_54046979_n

    Also here's reminder for Eceti's June conference event ...

    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 522963_266450653445930_100002429939226_600590_1093303405_n

    For more information:


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    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Tue May 15, 2012 10:18 pm

    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 962334

    Note ~ this is from this past weekend ...

    From 'Up at the Ranch' Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Emoticon-0142-happy

    Well low and behold ... Guess who's coming for dinner tonight...Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTJ0wODs1hcMPmZKOejLibxZJJXF5e1fvauMdCU5qeH1KawJSNCpA

    That's right... Mr. Bill Ryan himself has just arrived at the Eceti Ranch !Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Emoticon-0137-clapping
    And note ~ Bill will be a special guest on James "As You Wish" BBS radio program this evening ...
    So go to the link below and tune in live at 8 PM PST in about two hours:
    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR_aqGOeuS4tG3_Pv7Tubm_A3JV30YCrc6lh11u3_3BZ9Uhi14w

    Here's a link to the recorded radio program ~ courtesy of Bill Ryan :thumb:

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  Sanicle Wed May 16, 2012 11:50 am

    Thanks for posting that link Gio. Flowers That was really good to listen to, the more so for me because I've found that their views on most things match my own almost exactly. When they (especially James) are in a position to be so much more 'in the know' than I am, hearing this was very comforting.

    Oh how I'd love to visit the Ranch. Crazy Happy cheers

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Wed May 23, 2012 10:43 pm

    Greetings ...

    From James newsletter...


    "Healing Unseen Negative Influences"

    Many have asked for this healing technique during these amazing shifts of energy
    where the veils between worlds get thinner and thinner. Practice and do them
    until you feel clear. If you dont like what you are feeling, do a healing.

    Healing is a must for all those who desire to operate in other realms of
    consciousness. You must have self - authority and maintain control.If you are
    experiencing negative vibrations, they are either thought forms, limiting mental
    concepts,psychic bonds or discarnate entities(lost souls) in need of healing.
    They are bound to the earth vibration due to lower vibrational attitudes and
    emotions. Some are coercive and desire to manipulate or control.Love heals.
    Casting out only sends them to another place, another personal . IN all
    healings, remember that god is love. It is the power of love that heals and
    lifts., We will give you the following steps to clear the energy.

    1. Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.

    2. Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it
    Jesus,Buddha,Babaji,Mary,Mohammed, White Eagle or another one of the beautiful
    Many Christed Ones.

    3.Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened.(repeat
    is you feel it is needed)

    4.Tell them that they are filled and surrounded with the Christ light and the
    Christ love (or the highest consciousness and energy available)

    5.Ask that your chosen representative to take them to their perfect place and
    highest expression.

    6.Ask that all negative thought forms, and limiting mental concepts be
    dissolved, and lifted into the light of truth.

    7.Ask that all psychic bonds be severed, and close their auras to all but spirit
    of the highest vibration.

    Repeat this process until you feel clear. There may be more than one healing to
    do. Remember that your word is very powerful, and what is spoken on their level
    manifests instantly. Many enlightened ones use this process before opening. It
    creates a clear and safe environment and it also lifts the one who is doing the
    healing. Intent is nine-tenths of the law!

    Hope this helps, please share with your family and friends.
    If you are interested further, I encourage you to order James books through our

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Fri May 25, 2012 2:38 pm

    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 962334

    Greetings ...

    from 'Up at the Ranch'

    A heads-up from James...


    Buckle Up For June

    By James Gilliland

    It has been an interesting May with the Solar Eclipse and the alignment with the
    Pleiades, Alcyon. Several CMEs coronal mass ejections have also shifted the
    energies. We are seeing another major time compression where days seem like
    hours, weeks like days and months like weeks. Many are reporting contacts with
    Angelic realms, Ascended Masters, spiritually and technologically advanced off
    worlders, our ancient ancestors, as well as some of what was thought to be
    mythical Gods of old. In meditations people are seeing visions of Poseidon, now
    Prometheus, Egyptian Gods in what seems to be a great reunion. Prometheus the
    God of fire might just be warning us about the upcoming Solar Flares just as
    Poseidon warned us about the tsunamis in the past.

    On a more scientific note Solar Cycle 24 has fully kicked in and according to
    NASA it is expected to be 50% stronger than 23; which unleashed monumental
    flares. I would not have any expectations for the electrical and communication
    grid to go unaffected or even go down now and then possibly for months. The GPS
    equipment and cell phones are already having problems along the equator due to
    massive energy bands forming which seem to reverse direction wreaking havoc on
    airlines and other modalities of travel depending on GPS for navigation.
    Earthquakes in areas never before seen in are unfolding and with these flares
    will come and increase in erratic weather, tornadoes, hurricanes, quakes and
    volcanic activity.

    There will also be major social and economic changes as well as personal
    relationship changes all having to do with this process. The Earth is ascending,
    raising her frequencies, people and institutions that do not align with the
    Earth's evolution and are not frequency specific will not be able to maintain
    with these new energies. We are getting overwhelmed with emails from people
    going through their dark night of the soul, trying to hold on to the past and
    refusing to let go of their comfort zones and embrace the changes gracefully. We
    are doing our best to help those in transition yet we are also having our own
    challenges and will continue to send out personal healing practices empowering
    people to heal themselves as well as knowledge about these changes to help in
    the transition. It is good to know you are not alone in these challenges and the
    greatest healer you will ever encounter is within. We also acknowledge there is
    a time to assist as we are assisted thus we offer various modalities of healing
    at the Ranch.

    June we will have a full moon lunar eclipse on the 4th followed by a Venus
    transit. We do live in an electric universe, the Moon and Venus will bridge
    other cosmic and solar energies to Earth. It seems the whole timeless multiverse
    with all of its Gods and ultradimensional beings are coming to the party. The
    multidimensional light and energy ships are being seen around the world with
    major cities observing large motherships and in some cases fleets. Those who are
    spiritual advanced and sensitive are fully aware of this phenomena. Looks like
    SETI members, debunkers and disinformation folks are jumping ship and don't want
    to be caught with egg on there faces. Local news stations are covering these
    events yet national news is still following the corporate agenda holding tight
    to the powers that were agenda. This will not last much longer.

    As Baba ji said, " It is time to lovingly and joyously prepare, physically,
    mentally and emotionally." Do not forget all aspects in preparation because
    those who prepare physically and do not release the past preparing mentally,
    emotionally and spiritually will not endure or be frequency specific to the
    Earth's evolution. It is also good to remember Confucius, " Man with head in
    clouds, stumble in ditch." Get in touch with the Earth, put in your gardens,
    get access for fresh water, set aside some supplies for any disruptions and work
    together in the days to come. You cannot eat your paper money or your plastic
    especially if the gird goes down. Also remember gas and water pumps wont work
    not to mention sewage that needs to be pumped. Not a good note to end this

    It is imperative you do not get into fear, do not fall for the feel good
    prophets promoting a false sense of security that will tell you everything will
    continue uninterrupted due to saviors or those who tell you the Earth is
    finished along with all of its inhabitants. She will go on and on yet we have to
    be realistic. We all are involved in a major cycle, she is expanding, growing,
    shifting, shaking and cleansing. If you look at what has been done to the air,
    water, land, forests, oceans it is inevitable a major cleansing is necessary for
    her to continue to be the platform for life and support us in our own cleansing
    and healing process. What if on the other side of this process was a polluted,
    desolate planet? We all have to flow with these changes, release the past, let
    go of our comfort zones establishing and acting on our own inner guidance. Do
    not be a lemming of social consciousness or follow the herd of the cliff of
    social, economic and environmental collapse. Discontinue any action that is not
    in the highest and best good of Humanity and the Earth. Your TV is not going to
    tell you what you need to know in the days to come. Between now and November we
    are going to go through what would have taken a thousand years in months. Be
    well, be safe, tune in and act.

    Permission to pass this message far and wide, granted.

    James Gilliland

    Here's a recent pic from Joshua with Eugene communing with a friend...
    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Attachment

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  devakas Fri May 25, 2012 5:37 pm

    To James

    James, what are you talking about? What are you selling? Why do you need donate money to you? What emails you are distributing? From whom? What are you reading to get your information and where you are getting the stuff you are writing about? What is your message? Gas prices, sun flares, ships? I am so confused. Do you know what is materialist? It is 180 degree opposite of spirituality. It is actually not compatible stuff absolutely. Why you worry about material things? Can you explain? Are some earth changes happening in ranch? I actually think your spirituality very much based on emotions. It does not seem that those materialistic emotions are healthy for yourself and definitely toxic for others. What is your authority you refer to? Are you worshiping some entities? What is your authority? Teacher? Are you clear about it? Can you answer clearly, simply? Instead I hear a lot of contradicting predictions, gas mixed with spirituality? Maybe I do not understand spirituality and I would like to hear from you.

    Do you have good land to have cows? Do you eat cows? Can you plant grains? Hope my questions was clear like crystal. ;)Thank you in advance


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    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  Jenetta Sat May 26, 2012 2:40 am

    Regarding the solar flares my hope is that I get enough advance warning so I can place my laptop and flash drive into the oven and remember to keep the oven dial turned off.


    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 992990 sunny Up At The Ranch - Page 34 992990 sunny

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  lindabaker Sat May 26, 2012 6:55 am

    I will be going to the ranch in about three weeks, I'm very excited. See my post about it if you care to comment. Thanks! Linda

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Sun May 27, 2012 11:44 pm

    Greetings ...

    Here is a fascinating and mind opening first presentational look and listen from Jason Verbelli ...
    who be a featured guest speaker at The Eceti Ranch's 2012 Global Transformation Conference...
    next month June 28th to July 2nd ... Thubs Up

    Info You've Probably Never Heard Of!
    by Jason Verbelli" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"s ~TheRealVerbz2 channel

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Empty Up At The Ranch

    Post  Jenetta Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:32 am

    [youtube]<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/youtube]

    Post by Scott C. Warning. author UFO Sightings Daily

    Date of discovery: Nov 2, 2012
    Location of discovery: Mount Adams, on the Oregon, Washington boarder, USA
    Scott C. Waring writes: “I had read about and researched the UFO Sightings at the ECETI ranch for many years and finally found a satellite map that would allow me to fully view the top of the ranch.”


    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 187111

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  giovonni Sun Nov 04, 2012 4:45 am

    Jenetta wrote:

    [youtube]<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/youtube]

    Post by Scott C. Warning. author UFO Sightings Daily

    Date of discovery: Nov 2, 2012
    Location of discovery: Mount Adams, on the Oregon, Washington boarder, USA
    Scott C. Waring writes: “I had read about and researched the UFO Sightings at the ECETI ranch for many years and finally found a satellite map that would allow me to fully view the top of the ranch.”


    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 187111

    Thanks for posting Jenetta ...

    i have been living 'Up at the Ranch' all season and we have been quite busy up here...

    And thank goodness this passing weekend will be the last one open to the public till next year ! Lmfao

    Blessings Love Gio

    Note ~ here are some pics captured by some ranch visitors from this past July 2012 ...

    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 308984_398433850218509_319260845_n

    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 557318_398434216885139_34092296_n

    Above the portal entrance captured on film and below some
    unique orbs also filmed as well...

    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 422341_399640730097821_1298443773_n

    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 431981_399640930097801_363880357_n

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  Carol Fri Apr 05, 2013 11:41 am

    The Ways Of The Archons
    Posted By: ecetiwebmaster
    Thu Apr 4, 2013 8:18 pm |

    We have spoken earlier about the archons, the regenerate ETs, astral beings, at
    the lowest level some real dark serpent beings. As I write this article they are
    really pissed off hitting me with some real sickening painful energies. They
    were working last night in my dream state creating extreme negative scenarios
    with old lovers, family and friends. As I speak I am laughing at them. Before I
    continue with this article I have to clear them to insure the information is
    correct. There, now that that is done we can continue. I hate to burst the
    bubble of many new agers yet there is a war going on. It is an interdimensional
    war, which is acted out as above so below. The below is the gross uneven
    dispersal of wealth, the planned obsolescence, the enslavement through
    dependency, the pollution and destruction of the environment as well as the
    manipulation and mind control through various mediums. The above is the archons
    who feed off of the negative emotions, the pain, suffering, sadness sorrow etc.
    They have manipulated humanity through the network, which is filled with false
    dreams, the American Dream, desires, wants and needs including the need for
    acceptance and approval by social consciousness through external means. These
    manufactured desires are all external designed to keep everything external,
    trapping souls in the physical 3d reality. They focus on the first three chakras
    survival, sex and power now even using those close to you to hit you in the 4th
    chakra to take you out of love and into confusion, pain and suffering.

    There is a story of Buddha's awakening where the dark lord uses fear, tsunamis,
    hordes or demons fires, his sexy daughters his own wrath all to pull Buddha from
    his center. To trap him back into the 3d reality he was transcending. This is
    happening on a grander scale because the archons are loosing their battle with
    the 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensional beings, the very Source itself. They are
    pulling out all stops, using everything at their disposal to keep the awakening
    Gods, "YOU" trapped in be lie ving your 3d reality is all there is to you and in
    this lies your security. Many are falling, going back to what they believe is
    security, trying to recreate the past completely sabotaging their awakening,
    agreements with their higher selves, their spiritual families and the very
    source itself. In some cases those observing on high are just shaking their
    heads almost in disbelief at the self-sabotaging choices and actions carried out
    by wounded egos. These higher beings know soul evolution will not be stopped,
    the reactions to actions against universal law cannot be avoided and try as it
    might the wounded egos will experience the lessons no matter how hard they may
    be to get back on track with soul evolution and spirit. These higher beings also
    know it is not the destiny of Earth to neither fall into the hands of the
    archons nor be under the control of their network. The saviors need to trust,
    allow those who have chosen the path of the ego, the false security of the
    external to have their lessons no matter how hard they may be. It is time to
    practice loving detachment, set some firm boundaries and be an example by
    refusing to participate in the dramas of those who have chosen to act in ways
    that are self serving, impacting those around them, humanity and the Earth in a
    negative manner. It is time to know who the dark forces are, their ways and buck
    up for battle. The ultimate power is love, many will fall even those closest to
    you yet now is the time to rise up to the new 5th dimensional energies rather
    than join those who have chosen the downward spiral. Know that this too shall
    pass, it is a process and hopefully when it all gets sorted out after some real
    hard lessons you just might see those who fell on the other side of this shift.
    It is up to those who are not seeking help, choosing not to participate in the
    awakening and healing process and continue with the ego driving their destiny to
    save themselves. We no longer have the luxury of dragging them along nor should
    we. It is time to step out of the archon network, know it for what it is,
    realize it is on the way out yet it will do everything in its power to create as
    much chaos, pain and suffering possible to maintain its sick little world. Hang
    out with and support the real wayshowers, the ones who are empowering you to
    make your own personal God/Spirit/Creator connection, break the bonds of
    enslavement due to external means the need for acceptance and approval outside
    of self, attachments to people places and things. The old external 3d ways are
    coming to a close. The balance between internal and external, Christ
    consciousness where God knows itself to be man/woman and man/woman know
    themselves to be Gods is coming. It is time to flow with it, become it. In the
    days to come trying to hang on to the past, the old ways, the old world will
    become the greatest insecurity and hold the hardest lessons. It is a time for
    right living, right choices, right actions. Be well.
    James Gilliland

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  Carol Sat Apr 06, 2013 4:38 pm
    Paradigm Shift with Dr. Mugzzi, Thursday, April 4th, 2013
    Published on Apr 5, 2013 - Dr. Mugzzi's guest James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience.

    About The ECETI Ranch

    An unprecedented event is unfolding in a small town known as Trout Lake, Washington. This event has the potential to change the course and destiny of Humanity and the Earth. The people of Earth are being offered a chance to join the rest of the universe in peace.

    The technologies to end disease, clean up and restore the environment, fuel-less energy technologies, and the virtual keys to Utopia have been disseminated and are waiting for distribution and production. A whole new world is unfolding for those with the courage to accept it.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : British Columbia Canada

    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  Jenetta Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:36 pm

    If John Hogue's research is correct humanity has three years & seven months "to get it right" or "turn things around" or a later estimate of thirteen years.  Two events will precipitate the beginning of the end.  The Ukraine crisis or runaway, out of control climate change.  The first could lead to a global nuclear conflict.  This would result in the complete destruction of the ozone layer resulting in the negative consequences to all life.
    The first few minutes of the video John Hogue speaks about Flight MH370 and what has likely happened.
    Hogue also speaks of the date April 20th/2014 which is the Grand Cardinal Cross bringing many things to the surface for all mankind.  Three blood red moons over the course of this year also affect the portents.  
    Thanks go to Giovonni for bringing this to my attention which is why I am posting it in his thread.

    26 March 2014 - Nostradamus And The Next Global War
    Light triumphs darkness by a factor of infinity.  The soul is immortal.  Steve Alten

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    Up At The Ranch - Page 34 Empty Re: Up At The Ranch

    Post  Mercuriel Sat May 24, 2014 12:19 pm

    Account Terminated - Video removed...



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