Buckle Up For June
By James Gilliland
It has been an interesting May with the Solar Eclipse and the alignment with the
Pleiades, Alcyon. Several CMEs coronal mass ejections have also shifted the
energies. We are seeing another major time compression where days seem like
hours, weeks like days and months like weeks. Many are reporting contacts with
Angelic realms, Ascended Masters, spiritually and technologically advanced off
worlders, our ancient ancestors, as well as some of what was thought to be
mythical Gods of old. In meditations people are seeing visions of Poseidon, now
Prometheus, Egyptian Gods in what seems to be a great reunion. Prometheus the
God of fire might just be warning us about the upcoming Solar Flares just as
Poseidon warned us about the tsunamis in the past.
On a more scientific note Solar Cycle 24 has fully kicked in and according to
NASA it is expected to be 50% stronger than 23; which unleashed monumental
flares. I would not have any expectations for the electrical and communication
grid to go unaffected or even go down now and then possibly for months. The GPS
equipment and cell phones are already having problems along the equator due to
massive energy bands forming which seem to reverse direction wreaking havoc on
airlines and other modalities of travel depending on GPS for navigation.
Earthquakes in areas never before seen in are unfolding and with these flares
will come and increase in erratic weather, tornadoes, hurricanes, quakes and
volcanic activity.
There will also be major social and economic changes as well as personal
relationship changes all having to do with this process. The Earth is ascending,
raising her frequencies, people and institutions that do not align with the
Earth's evolution and are not frequency specific will not be able to maintain
with these new energies. We are getting overwhelmed with emails from people
going through their dark night of the soul, trying to hold on to the past and
refusing to let go of their comfort zones and embrace the changes gracefully. We
are doing our best to help those in transition yet we are also having our own
challenges and will continue to send out personal healing practices empowering
people to heal themselves as well as knowledge about these changes to help in
the transition. It is good to know you are not alone in these challenges and the
greatest healer you will ever encounter is within. We also acknowledge there is
a time to assist as we are assisted thus we offer various modalities of healing
at the Ranch.
June we will have a full moon lunar eclipse on the 4th followed by a Venus
transit. We do live in an electric universe, the Moon and Venus will bridge
other cosmic and solar energies to Earth. It seems the whole timeless multiverse
with all of its Gods and ultradimensional beings are coming to the party. The
multidimensional light and energy ships are being seen around the world with
major cities observing large motherships and in some cases fleets. Those who are
spiritual advanced and sensitive are fully aware of this phenomena. Looks like
SETI members, debunkers and disinformation folks are jumping ship and don't want
to be caught with egg on there faces. Local news stations are covering these
events yet national news is still following the corporate agenda holding tight
to the powers that were agenda. This will not last much longer.
As Baba ji said, " It is time to lovingly and joyously prepare, physically,
mentally and emotionally." Do not forget all aspects in preparation because
those who prepare physically and do not release the past preparing mentally,
emotionally and spiritually will not endure or be frequency specific to the
Earth's evolution. It is also good to remember Confucius, " Man with head in
clouds, stumble in ditch." Get in touch with the Earth, put in your gardens,
get access for fresh water, set aside some supplies for any disruptions and work
together in the days to come. You cannot eat your paper money or your plastic
especially if the gird goes down. Also remember gas and water pumps wont work
not to mention sewage that needs to be pumped. Not a good note to end this
It is imperative you do not get into fear, do not fall for the feel good
prophets promoting a false sense of security that will tell you everything will
continue uninterrupted due to saviors or those who tell you the Earth is
finished along with all of its inhabitants. She will go on and on yet we have to
be realistic. We all are involved in a major cycle, she is expanding, growing,
shifting, shaking and cleansing. If you look at what has been done to the air,
water, land, forests, oceans it is inevitable a major cleansing is necessary for
her to continue to be the platform for life and support us in our own cleansing
and healing process. What if on the other side of this process was a polluted,
desolate planet? We all have to flow with these changes, release the past, let
go of our comfort zones establishing and acting on our own inner guidance. Do
not be a lemming of social consciousness or follow the herd of the cliff of
social, economic and environmental collapse. Discontinue any action that is not
in the highest and best good of Humanity and the Earth. Your TV is not going to
tell you what you need to know in the days to come. Between now and November we
are going to go through what would have taken a thousand years in months. Be
well, be safe, tune in and act.
Permission to pass this message far and wide, granted.
James Gilliland