Carol Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:04 pm
Extra-dimensional Worlds -Multi-Dimensional Worlds- Intra-dimensional Travel -Time and Space Travel
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BUFO Paranormal and UFO Radio -Time and Space Travel
Orbs -Home Plasma- Orgone -Etheric Ships - Interdimensional doorways - UFOs
What are they?Mary Sutherland Photos Copyright @2005
This is a reprint from the site of Robert Neil Boyd.
There is a view that we live in a 3 dimensional infinite volume universe that is one of an infinite number of infinite volume universes that live in an infinite volume 4 dimensional hyperspace.
If these 3D universes are all in [random] motion, relative to one another, and in motion relative to the 4D hypervolume, we can have the situation where these 3D universes may interpenetrate or overlap on certain occasions for certain durations. Several 3D universes can occupy the same hypervolume without being unduly effected. But, topological forces can also arise due to this "hypermotion", which can have real and physical effects in observations of our world.
There are studies related to the above description which are given in terms of m-brane theory, non-compactified N-dimensional Kaluza-Klein spaces, and Quaternionic or Clifford spaces.
See: for example.)
In the situation where there are hyperdimensional overlappings of one or more 3D universes, these overlappings may be of finite area and last for some finite time. These overlappings could allow, on occasion, for materials and entities from the inter-involved 3D universes to "feed-through" into other 3D universes. It is quite possible that these various 3D universes may have variations from physical laws as we know them. Such variations might be small and unimportant, or these variations could be wild and extreme. (For more on how this is possible, see A.D. Linde's quantum cosmology "The Inflationary Universe," Reports on Progress in Physics 47 (1984): pp. 925-986. Note, however, that my view differs from Linde's descriptions, in that, in my cosmology, there was no "creation instant". All the universes and dimensions, in my view, have always existed, and are not created ab initio, thus such an inflationary scheme is not necessary in my view. However, internal to these various universes, creation is an observably continuous process.) Further, the Clifford Space model shows where such overlappings and interpenetrations must occur, on the mathematical basis.
Given these events of inter-universal interpenetrations of universes in relative random motion, these overlapping events may occupy certain areas or volumes, at indeterminate times, for indeterminate durations, due to the unpredictability of the relative hypermotions of the infinite number of 3D universes in the hypervolume. These might be discernible as 2D planes of intersection, which might take on the appearance of rectilinear formations, thus, the label "doors" or "windows" might be used to describe them. It is even conceivable that higher dimensional spaces than the 4D space might have interactions and overlappings, as well. We might then call such phenomena, if it became visible, "dimensional doorways", if it were also the case that substances and entities could actually pass through these overlappings into our world, or that entities here could pass to there (wherever "there" might be).
Now, the point of all this, is that there are such "dimension doors". The majority of these are ephemeral, lasting small fractions of a second. But there also exist more permanent overlappings, which appear to reside in one particular spot year after year. Such locations can be found globally.
It is conceivable, that a human being might be able to pass into these "doorways" and end up in quite a different universe. At issue, is the return path. Because of the ephemeral nature of such doorways, the trip might become a one-way affair, into who knows what?
There have been many unusual and unexplainable events over the world, throughout time, which can be accounted for by the acceptance of such a view as "dimension doors".
R. N. BoydIn the above photo, Mary Sutherland took one photo of researcher and photographer Jenny at the vortex at Eagle Lake. As you see TWO Jenny's showed up in the photo. One smiling and the other not. Camera used was digital.
Another evening, a bunch of us went back up to Eagle Lake to shoot photos of the vortex. Mary Sutherland took a photo of investigator and photographer Corral with a digital camera.
As you see again, instead of one Corral, three Corrals appear on the photo.- all standing at a different level of heighth.
This photo show not only a multiple dimension - but a shot in to the future.
Mary Sutherland photographs researcher and photographer Jolene and captures two of her in one shot..But the one of the Jolenes was actually a position she took for another shot minutes later...but it showed up on the photo at this present time.
Here is a great shot of multiplicity. Corral -Peggy- and Brad Sutherland in the car.
Mary Sutherland shooting with Digital Camera.
The Following Four Photos have taken me almost a month to put up on the site, being that the experience so greatly affected me - and I was at my wits ends trying to figure out how to explain how this happened. Thanks to studying Neils site and talking to a few others that research such phenomenon I think I can now explain it. If I am wrong and you have a better answer - contact me. I am open to suggestions. But until then - Here is my story. This is not the first time I have traveled outside my body . One time in Apache Junction, Arizona - another high vortex area - I actually traveled in my sleep and brought back a stone. See Apportation
But that is another story. Now on with this one:On Valentine's Day, I went upstairs to visit with Brad. (We live over the UFO and Paranormal Center). I felt cold so I put my jacket on, grabbed a few blankets and pulled a seat on the couch with Brad to watch some television. Just as I was getting comfortable I felt this pressure on the top of my head and over my forehead. It felt like some large hand had set itself down and was applying pressure.
I told Brad what I felt -asked him if he could see anything. He said 'No' after de-focusing his eye (as he does when he is looking for auras). The pressure would not go away and I took the chance and asked Brad to go back downstairs, grab the digital camera and take some photos of me to see if we could see any presense around me through the eye of the camera.
He went downstairs, grabbed the camera, came back up. The pressure was still there. I asked him to start shooting photos of me, which he did.
He kept the camera still, shooting in the EXACT same spot..EXACTLY on me. Never did he turn the camera away.
He only took a few shots - but as you will see below those few shots told it all.- unfortunately what they showed had no explainations to go with it.
I will do the explainations below each photo. Each photo is in sequence as to how it happened.
Another thing I want to that this could have happened anytime while Brad was down stairs...but it did not.
The 'experience' waited UNTIL he was back upstairs with the camera and ready to shot before it took place. Just as if it was a deliberate attempt to show us something -
First photo shows a plastic type sphere -maybe an orb- over my face. It takes up most of my face and you can see distortion around the top of my head.
Now - notice the coffee table is in front of me -level to the couch. and you can see the yellow flow of the lamp on the other side of the table.
Approximately 20 seconds later, Brad shoots another photo of me sitting on the couch.
I am disappearing right in front of the camera.
The coffee table and lamp have lifted to a higher elevation above me to the right and the entire area around me has become distorted. - Note however, the painting above my head has remained as it was in photo one - except for a reddish hue.
In approximately 20 - 30 seconds later, Brad shoots another photo of me. Again same position as the previous photos.
Now NOTHING can be seen except for the 'swirl' of bright light moving upwards. The white is the actually energy..the yellow tail is the result of the light in motion.
What is the light - That light my friends is ME! That is my spirit essense which has left this dimension into another ethereal world. How do I know it is me. Fortuanely I had a auraic photo taken of myself several weeks ago. Below is my aura which will show you my color vibrational light.
This last photo shows me back on the couch and everything settling down. if you look closely you can see my ethereal self sliding back into my physical, thus solidifying myself to the eyes of the camera.
As you see the coffee table and the lamp are back in their normal positions as well.
Now this is where it gets spooky. Brad never noticed a change in me and I didn't notice a change in myself.- except for the pressure. As far as Brad and I knew - nothing had occurred. After this photo was taken, I simply told Brad to stop shooting because the pressure had gone away and I could no longer feel its presense. I then immediately took the camera to the computer upstairs and downloaded it. You can not even imagine my surprise to see what was on these photos!
I am so happy to know that both Brad and I followed our 'instincts' or higher voices and photographed this event!