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    Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process


    Posts : 270
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    Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process Empty Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process

    Post  gscraig Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:56 am

    Hello All,

    With the rapid emergence of new information, discoveries, claims, prophecies, theories,etc that we are being bombarded with. I wanted to ask if "WE" can begin to establsih a standard vetting process/cross referencing thread for all to access to validate sources providing such information, discoveries, claims, prophecies, and theories, etc. I'm in the process of accessing and building a website that will serve this particular function. In the meantime, I would like your feedback and well get something started in the interim.

    For example, if we see somone being interviewed or releasing some form of video, channeling, whatever. We then vet them by determining what their background is, if they are registered (Doctor, Scientist, Archaeologists, etc), tenure, references, previous efforts, involvements, complaints, resume, etc. Once we have this information we can then add it to the thread (Stickied Topic, link, website) for other to use as a reference point in helping determine who is credible and who is another walk in the park, or speaking theorectically. Once these standards are established, we should then pass them on to every whistle blowing radio talk show, website, webshow, conferences, etc and establish the expectation of such standards before introducing us to any new informant, WB, etc.

    I feel there's enough of us in the aware community who have the ability, resources, time and know how to implement such a standard to hold these outlets accountable. Thus weeding out those whom are proven or leaning towards fraudulence.

    I've always looked for such information on whistle blowers, but recently decided to research Klaus Dona. Nice and genuine enough gentlemen, but what does that prove? Klaus is described as a Austrian Artifacts Researcher, but when you cross reference Artifacts Research, Researchers, Austrian Researchers, you get much of nothing archeaological or artifacts research, except Klaus Dona. I've also tried checking to see if he's registered with the Austrian Archaeology Assoc, Register of Professional Archaeologists, etc and found nothing. It's not an attempt to debunk, but to better know who it is that it talking to us or telling/showing us these profound things.

    For starters let's know what our criteria will be. Please review and add, subutract, edit the list below. Once this thread has enough input, I will create a separate thread and eventually a website to provide the information for all and any to access.

    Area of Focus/Expertise:
    Name of Colleges Attended
    Degree/Degress completed:
    Registered Associations:
    Known work:
    Tenure in field:
    Awards, recognition:
    Previous employment, employers:
    Peer Review Submissions:
    Authored books:
    Lawsuits/Pending Lawsuits:
    Dates of origin:

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    Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process Empty Re: Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process

    Post  mudra Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:53 am

    I support your project gscraig Thubs Up

    Love Always

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    Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process Empty Re: Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process

    Post  enemyofNWO Tue Jun 08, 2010 1:17 pm

    Nice idea .

    I don't mean to throw a spanner in the work but academic qualification , very often don't mean a thing unless a person claims to be a scientist working in some government department but this might be hard to prove . It is also made difficult by the fact that the real employer ( a government secret lab or section ) is very often hidden by a "shell company " that might appear on the surface to be providing " security services " or specializes in " Import and export services " or other common business . We are living in a time in which some people with PHD have had their papers suppressed ( National Security reasons ) or formal qualifications are obtained " In House " and no record could be found . Whistle blowers might have qualifications on a certain field , but the information they provide is through life experiences or work in a totally different field . Would a person abducted by MILABS be less credible if hasn't got any qualifications ? Or a clairvoyant or some people that have unusual abilities but no formal qualifications ? Take for example a noted recent whistle blower and his trips to Mars . A lawyer ? Is a lawyer as a profession a respected member of our society or considered on par to second hand car dealers ? I opt for lawyers next to second hand car dealers . However here we are not talking about the profession we are talking about the experiences of the person . And all the experiences should be evaluated with the time factor . If some details or all parts of the revelations are corroborated by independent people or other past revelations then all if fine . This is why the task of evaluating the veracity of whistle blowers is very hard .

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    Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process Empty Re: Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process

    Post  mudra Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:04 pm

    Experience is a very good point and probably the most important one .
    It should be added to the list .
    The data bank gscraig wants to set up I see as a good way to have a quick
    memo of who is who : profession /background/products are mainly what
    would interest me .

    Love Always

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    Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process Empty Re: Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process

    Post  SuiGeneris Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:28 pm

    gscraig wrote:Hello All,

    With the rapid emergence of new information, discoveries, claims, prophecies, theories,etc that we are being bombarded with. I wanted to ask if "WE" can begin to establsih a standard vetting process/cross referencing thread for all to access to validate sources providing such information, discoveries, claims, prophecies, and theories, etc. I'm in the process of accessing and building a website that will serve this particular function. In the meantime, I would like your feedback and well get something started in the interim.

    For example, if we see somone being interviewed or releasing some form of video, channeling, whatever. We then vet them by determining what their background is, if they are registered (Doctor, Scientist, Archaeologists, etc), tenure, references, previous efforts, involvements, complaints, resume, etc. Once we have this information we can then add it to the thread (Stickied Topic, link, website) for other to use as a reference point in helping determine who is credible and who is another walk in the park, or speaking theorectically. Once these standards are established, we should then pass them on to every whistle blowing radio talk show, website, webshow, conferences, etc and establish the expectation of such standards before introducing us to any new informant, WB, etc.

    I feel there's enough of us in the aware community who have the ability, resources, time and know how to implement such a standard to hold these outlets accountable. Thus weeding out those whom are proven or leaning towards fraudulence.

    I've always looked for such information on whistle blowers, but recently decided to research Klaus Dona. Nice and genuine enough gentlemen, but what does that prove? Klaus is described as a Austrian Artifacts Researcher, but when you cross reference Artifacts Research, Researchers, Austrian Researchers, you get much of nothing archeaological or artifacts research, except Klaus Dona. I've also tried checking to see if he's registered with the Austrian Archaeology Assoc, Register of Professional Archaeologists, etc and found nothing. It's not an attempt to debunk, but to better know who it is that it talking to us or telling/showing us these profound things.

    For starters let's know what our criteria will be. Please review and add, subutract, edit the list below. Once this thread has enough input, I will create a separate thread and eventually a website to provide the information for all and any to access.

    Area of Focus/Expertise:
    Name of Colleges Attended
    Degree/Degress completed:
    Registered Associations:
    Known work:
    Tenure in field:
    Awards, recognition:
    Previous employment, employers:
    Peer Review Submissions:
    Authored books:
    Lawsuits/Pending Lawsuits:
    Dates of origin:
    Hi everyone,

    I beg to differ. It is true that we are being bombarded with new data all the time and it will continue to increase as time goes by, however, there is no way of actually establishing a reliable ‘measurement stick’ used to measure and validate the “veracity” of ANY information coming forth.

    You can create a “standard process” to validate the “sources” or people providing such information as you say… of course, anyone can; as the PTB for example have the masses accustomed to their own measurements of evaluation; but this process in itself, whatever it is, will be limited to mere 3D criteria that is often subjective and has little if anything to do with honesty and integrity.

    Their background, the fact that they are registered or not anywhere, their profession or “label”, their tenure, references, previous efforts, involvements, complaints, resume, etc, etc, etc….. does NOT guarantee the “veracity” or truthfulness of the data sharing, not in the least! This only constitutes society’s biased view of “achievements” and measurements of labeling and categorizing people into 2 marked categories: “successful” and “unsuccessful”, “reliable” and “unreliable”…iow “good” or “bad”, and this is exactly the duality thinking the PTB wants you, me and everyone else to keep using…resorting to something external OUTSIDE of ourselves (in this case THEM) to “measure” who is lying and who’s not.

    The only true reference point we’ll ever need to determine who is credible and who is “another walk in the park” as you say, is already inside each one of us. OUR OWN HEART is the only reliable source for measuring anything.

    Moreover, if you create ANY type of outside standards by which to measure something so crucial as to the veracity of incoming data, you are opening a HUGE door for corruption and manipulation. According to your proposal, we will filter them according to “our” standards and then release them to the public and doing so will set an “expectation” for others to follow… I’m sorry but am I the only one here who sees this as PTB manipulation?? This is so wrong on so many levels...

    Who gives us the right to decide who is the 'real deal' and who is a quack? What… because we are “Misted Avalonians” all of a sudden that gives us the right to decide for others? I, like you, also feel there are many of us who are aware in the “aware” community, but I also feel there are many of us not aware in the “aware” community, not to mention the dis and mis-info agents.

    Now, having the ability, time, MONEY and know-how in order to implement such a plan has nothing to do with being aware. That is not to say many aware people could fill these requirements yes, but also many who do…are NOT aware; and therefore NOT capable of weeding fraudulency out of anything or anyone not even for themselves…much less for others.

    This “cross referencing” or Google or Wikipedia “research” serves a purpose yes. But if what people are looking for is actual PROOF for claims there is nothing that can guarantee that this “proof” hasn’t been fabricated or twisted in some way or another.

    Think about it, the degrees, associations, awards and so on can be manufactured very easily in a snap, and then that whistleblower or channel or whoever can say absolutely anything….. Am I going to believe him or her just because of the 5 PhD’s or books authored? NO of course not!

    This is all about self responsibility and self mastering. If we want to better know who is it that is talking to us or telling/showing us “profound things”… go WITHIN.

    A poor indigenous person, elder, woman or even child can have great gnosis and share profound knowledge.

    Someone who never set foot in a University but is blessed with the experience of something can teach us something profound. Someone who is mute, or deaf, or blind or crippled can teach us something profound.

    Right now I have to say to all…. Beware of “externals”. Actually be aware of everything around you yes, listen to all, but true discernment only resides within, in the Heart of God.

    Much Love to you all,


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    Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process Empty Re: Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process

    Post  Anchor Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:34 pm

    SuiGeneris, you made the argument perfectly.

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    Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process Empty Re: Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process

    Post  Mercuriel Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:18 pm

    Y'know though - We need to do this but yet not do this...

    Huh ?

    If that isn't Cryptic then nothing is (LOL) but what I'm getting at is We must find a way to achieve the same Level of Satisfaction regarding any specific Testimony We may be asked to explore with some sort of a Vetting System as above - Applied - Or not - But It is a valid point that the We as a Community desire that Level of Satisfaction if at all possible no matter how We go about achieving a Vetting process of whatever criteria.

    While I absolutely agree that things can have a tendency to be misnomered, misconstrued or can be misleading by having a specific Degree or whatnot - It can also be hard to determine a Whistleblower's Testimony as being accurate if They have shadowy backrounds too (Which most do).

    That said - Lets put It this way. I will ask as no One has yet...

    "Prime Creator - Show Us as a Community how to Vett a Whistleblower without having to fall into the Dark Cabal's Old Tricks of Polarizing Dualities.

    Show Us a way to Discern - Yet do It in a way so as to be Honest not only with the Community about how We feel about any specific Testimony - But also with any Potential Whistleblowers and Testimony They may give in the process.

    Show Us how to value Credential Based Information but also Show Us how to value Testimony on the Intanglibles that only Life experience - Minus Credentials - Sometimes supplies.

    Prime Creator - In this - Show Us the Middle Path..."

    I will Post more on this as It is an Issue that I feel deeply about but It is one that I have been thinking about for awhile. You see, when I don't have an answer to something - As I'm in Limitation as a Human - I then ask for the answer to It from Awareness and I usually get an answer from outside of Limitation soon thereafter...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process Empty Re: Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process

    Post  Floyd Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:14 am

    My view on this now is that the less time we spend furnishing the attentions of whistle blowers the better. The downfall of Project Camelot was and is their inclination to interview and publish material from every Tom Dick and Harry claiming to be an expert or a whistle blower. Probably a very small percent of what is spewed out is worthwhile. Whilst I concur with gscraigs initial post, it would indeed be difficult to apply a quatnative and a qualatitive methodology to determine the cogency of any whistle blower.
    Camelot and Avalon's obsession with whistle blowers has made the site a bit of a turn off. Besides it is truly infiltrated from its Hollywood pretensions to its new forum
    How much more information dow we need to work with? How much more of the nonsense that is uploaded to youtube are people willing to waste their time with
    This forum (with the forthcoming portal added by Mercurial) works as it looks at these situations more objectivley. It is not a platform for disinformationists and charlatans and it does not waste time massaging the egos of those who have something useful to say.
    Whilst Camelot has been a great source of info for all of us, it has lost its way.
    Kulapops is the person people should perhaps listen to and not the people filling our minds. What are you going to do with the time you have left? Attend 6 conferences a year, a few Wilcock workshops or perhaps spend a grand or so lining the pockets of a dubious channeler?

    Last edited by Floyd on Wed Jun 09, 2010 4:11 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process Empty SyncethUnto WE

    Post  SiriArc Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:16 am

    You: “That's The Most Profound Thing I’ve Ever Seen !!!”

    some other unit: “that’s the biggest load of crap i’ve ever seen!”


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    Regardless of Source

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    Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process Empty Re: Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process

    Post  mudra Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:26 am

    Well Sui , Anchor, Mercuriel , SiriArc I agree along these lines too

    Listen with your Heart
    The ultimate truth is within
    That is the New Paradigm way of " knowing "

    Now a short profile describing who is who I find usefull too .
    As a quick finder that would act as a library to dig into further material one might be
    interested too .

    Love from me

    Posts : 4104
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    Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process Empty Re: Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process

    Post  Floyd Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:30 am

    mudra wrote:Well Sui , Anchor, Mercuriel , SiriArc I agree along these lines too

    Listen with your Heart
    The ultimate truth is within
    That is the New Paradigm way of " knowing "

    Now a short profile describing who is who I find usefull too .
    As a quick finder that would act as a library to dig into further material one might be
    interested too .

    Love from me
    Yep thats fine aslong as people dont put too much faith in various whistle blowers who serve only blow people off course. The more discerning should keep an eye for those who prey on the gullable. The only thing to learn from those people is how foolish one can be whilst others can be opportunistic. Better to give them no creedence.

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    Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process Empty Re: Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process

    Post  gscraig Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:52 am

    I'm not sure what happened, but I posted some thoughts to some of the feedback/opinions expressed last night. At any reate.....

    Let's first begin with underdtanding that this is simply a tool one may choose or not choose to utilize in assisting in filtering whistle blowers and others. It obviously does not guarantee anything just as many things in this world does not hold guarantees. This would be an option that would serve the purpose of adding to the means of helping sift through the pool of internet personalities invoking rhetoric, proclamations, opinions, donations, prophecies, and theories. THIS IS NOT a measurement of ones accomplishements or their value to society, but a record of their intent and focus. Utilizing this for measuring people is a misnomer and would serve such a purpose if one persoonally choose for it to do so. Now, if you have absolutely no background in anything from living in the woods, learning from a tribe or university, then that factors into the reason for such a tool. We live in a 3D environment, thus still are bound by some of the rules in a duality system.

    Now, I agree that the Heart is the best means of filtering, but let's be honest here. The heart grows and evolves for each at it's own pace, which places each of us on different levels for processing information. It is during this growth and evolvement that the heart remains vulnerable for such filtering as we go within ourselves for a resolve. A perfect example would be our current situation at hand that has deceived humans for Millenia including of course the indigenous people. Many of us are now in our mid-lives and being more aware mentally and emotiionally of what's been going on. This means that our hearts did not and does not filter as effectively and as quickly as we may wish at some point...Now and for the past Millenia.

    Thus we have to take responsibility for ourselves and filter falsehoods as best we can. Self Responsibility does not mean to stand still and be dictated to, follow questionable rules, viewpoints, information, but actually instill in each of us to establish as best we can the means to control our destiny and weed out that which does not belong on the path. Regardless of it's demands on your time, though time constraints are obvious. These are the deterrents TPTB would hope prevent us from empowering us.

    For example, similarly to an HR department that request information from other companies or univiersities to help them assess and evaluate an individual of interest for employment. The HR department is not going to get everything that they seek or need to know, but the process still allows for an additional means to determine potential inconsistencies, inaccuracies, past tendencies, and tenure. We may not be able to gain information for all the areas listed (which was not expected), but we still can get enough to better formulate an opinion or perception of an individuals body of work. If they have absolutely nothing for reference, then that can be telling in itself.

    This we have the right to do regardless of any affiliation to any person, place, thing, website or organization. We are not given this right, it is already ours for the taking and reserve to use at our disposal whenever we choose. Better than anything YOUTUBE can offer us.

    Actions speaks louder than the words of an interview. This process simply tracks ones actions to help us see and feel beyond the their words.

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    Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process Empty Re: Be sure to read please: Establishing a Vetting Process

    Post  Zedd Wed Jun 09, 2010 4:00 pm

    Not to be simplistic here but you get that info from wikipedia and google already so to my mind this would be duplication.

    I agree with Anchor's sentiment also, spot on.



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